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MAY 3,1922. RADIO MAKING CAUSES BOOST FOR ELECTRICS Popular Craze Adds to Wealth of Stockholders in Two Companies. HUMAN INTEREST SHOW N Special to Indiana Dally Time* and Philadelphia Public Ledger. By C. B. EVANS. CHICAGO, May 3.—That ancient ticker, the human heart, la getting In step more and more closely with the machine which reels off on the tape the prices of se curities, this phenomenon being Quite as much In evidence In this city, as in New York. When prices go off a quarter or a full point there is a syncopated action which comes from the habit of mind ex isting during the agonies cf 1921. The men who "knew all about’ what was going to happen and loaded up with stocks are extremely grateful and de clare that more of the same sort is com ing. In their views of affairs about them they make a human remnant cf 1021 look like a hen. Possibly this at titude moans that the market has gone far enough but those who have sold are now repenting. There are some special reason for this state of mind In Chicago, not different perhaps in essence from what Is hap pening everywhere else, but appealing because of nearness. Many corporations hereabouts are picking up rapidly In pro duction and sales. Perhaps most con spicuous at the moment are the electrical companies. The output of head pieces for radio service Is something enormous, having increased many fold since the popular fancy for hearing things that ordinarily can't be heard first made its appearance, and the much more impor tant work of turning out equipment for staple telephone service stretches out In an extraordinary vista. This makes for prosperity of the two leading manufactur ers In this city, the Western Electric Company and the Kellogg Switchboard aid Supply Company. The latter, which recently Jumped from 41 to 64, and has now sagged back to bid. Is thought by speculators to he due for another lift. The old holders of this stock sit by and The Service Rendered hy Specialized Knowledge 2719 Renominated f _ m Mgr*w *si MERRILL. MOORES. On the face or early returns Merrill Moores has been renominated as the Re publican candidate for Congress from Marlon county. John W. Becker, soldier candidate, however, Is running a close second. care not for any market price, appar ently. The Western Electric is a part of the American Telephone and Telegraph group, and makes little appeal to the stock market. —Copyright, 1922, by Public Ledger Company. LIGHTNING ARTIST. FLORENCE, May 3.—Professor Wan nuccl, the famous Florentine painter, has been known to paint a thoroughly fin ished portrait in three quarters of an hour. HARDING URGES PREFERENTIAL FREIGHT RATES Bland’s Visit to White House Reveals Plan to End Coal Strikes. Sr -dal to Indiana Daily Times a .and Philadelphia Public Ledger WASHINGTON, May 3.—Preferential freight rates on coal shipped to Industries In certain summer periods was revealed following a visit to the White House by Representative Bland of Indiana, as a cardinal feature in the Harding plan for permanent stabilisation of the coal In dustry. yet in its tentative stages. The administration plan, said to em body many Ideas of Secretary Hooker, is designed to halt the walkout and perma nently prevent recurrence of the inter mittent strikes. While details have been kept secret, it was said, the preferential freight rate feature would be relied on as one of the most effective points tn a Government policy which contemplates stabilization by keeping the mines work ing evenly and preventing transportation congestion In the periods when demand is greatest and the mines producing feverishly. 160 Applicants for Every 100 Jobs Now WASHINGTON, May 3.—A decided and continued upward trend In employment throughout the country during tho last thirty days was reported today by the President's conference on unemployment. For every 100 Jobs available there are now I*3o applicants, as compared with 22C applicants In January, the statement said. "In other words." the conference's statement said, "where there was work for only 44 per cent of the seekers three months ago, there are now Jobs for 02 per cent." RECEPTION FOR L. G. NEWBY. KNIGHTSTOWN, Ind.. May 3.—L. G. Newby, newly elected grandmaster of the Grand Encampment of the United States, at New Orleans, will be the guest of honor at the Masonic reception by Knlghtstown Coiumnndery No. 9, Knights Templar, Thursday night, May 4th. CRUDE petroleum, the raw material employed by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana), is so varied a material, that to manufacture products of standard ouality, requires a profound knowledge of petroleum chemistry and the utmost skill in refining. Long ex perience has proved that the greater the scientific knowledge employed the more perfect will be the products manufactured. The responsibility for the manufactur ing of Standard Oil products is placed upon the shoulders of men trained to recognize the delicate variance of each complicated operation. This work also is checked carefully by highly trained sci entists employed in the laboratories. The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) bases its standards of manufacture upon the sendee which its products shall ren der the consumer. The maintenance of such standards is dependent upon the technical knowledge of the experts who formulate them. There is no factor in the activities of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) which yields greater benefit to the consumer, and which is followed more insistently, than that the men who have charge of each process must have highly spe cialized knowledge of every step in the process under their jurisdiction. This fact is so well established that each division of the manufacturing depart ment has come to be a separate enter prise, and because of this extreme spe cialization every product coming from the refinery is in effect a primary product. For instance, the department which is responsible for manufacturing Polarine and other greases is in charge of men who have made a profound study of lubricants of this class: men who know intimately every step and every reaction which is necessary if these lubricants are to meet the high standards of quality which the laboratories have set. And so it is in every department of the organization. The men in charge of the several departments are recognized by the industry generally as masters of the intricate problems of manufacturing and marketing. It is this fact wh’ch has made this Com pany a leader in its field. Standard Oil Company ( Indiana ) 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago. XU. INDIANA DAILY TIMES R. N. Elliott i 1 ■i ■■ mmmmmm—mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmm—mmmr Republican ( ongreubniaii renominated in Sixth district. Floods May Ruin ‘Gamblers” Crop VISALIA, Cal, May 3—According to United States Weather Bureau officials the famous grain belt on tho bed of the Tulare I.ake, now practically dry, are threatened with inundation this season from the snow waters of the Kern River, In which event fortunes made last sea son by those "gTain gambler*" who plant on the very bed of the dry like and trust to weather conditions 100 per cent perfect for their own noeds will be wiped out. The grain men have been warned that the K"rn River watershed may be ex pected to furnish more water this sea son than can be used for irrigation pur poses and, therefore, the surplus will find Its way Into Tulare I.ake for the first time in a number of years. BETRAYER AIDS IN QUEST FOR GIRL’SSLAYER John Wyman, Former Fiance of Gertrude Hanna, Joins Father in Search. HOOPESTON, 111., May 3.—W. T. Hanna formed a vigilance committee to day to ferret out the slayer of his daugh ter Gertrude, church worker and teacher. The father of the girl whose body was j found in the basement of the United Presbyterian parsonage four weeks after she disappeared, appealed for his friends to aid him in looking for the slayer. "The crime must not go unpunished,” he said, "Justice must be done.” One of the first of Hanna's friends to Join in the private Investigation was John Wyman, confessed betrayer of the girl. Urges Whipping Post to Order SAVANNAH, On.. May 3.—EBtabliah | ment of a whipping post for the punish ' ment of criminal offenders was advo ! rated here by Judge E. T Surley of Warreuton, temporarily presiding in the Chatham County Superior Court. The remarks of the Judge came during the course of a lecture he was delivering to a negro woman who hod entered a plea of guilty. He said it is a great problem with the Judges to determine what *o do I with some prisoners, especially women. He expressed his belief tfcßt 250 lashes with a buggy trace In Installments of fifty would be beneficial to the prisoner ! and could be .well applied in many other cases. Statement of Condition OF THE Employers Indemnity Corporation KANSAS CITY, MO. Insurance bldg. ON THE Ist Day of December, 1921 E. G. TRIMBLE, President. JOHN WOODHEAD, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up....f 700,000.00 I NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. ; Cash in banks (on Interest and not qn Interest) ) 312.553.30 I(eal estate unincumbered.... 7<5 Bonds and stocks owned (market value i 1,276,260215 Mortgage loans on real es tate ifree from any prior lncuuibranco) 911,174 41 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 31,372.11 Premiums sod accounts dus and In process of collection 475,0K1.4ft Total net aaeets $3,08*v553 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount neces sary to reinsure outstand ing risks I 507,447.83 Contingent reserve 152,91*9.14 Lot,*** unadjusted and In suspense 1,183,676.83 Bills and accounts unpaid... 60,679.27 ■Other liabilities of the com pany 40,074.3 ft Total liabilities *2,024,877.27 Capital 700 000.00 Surplus . 313,176.41 Total *3,038,053.08 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I. the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above ia a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of tho above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the sail original otatement Is now on file lu this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) official seal, this Ist day of April, 1822 T. S. MoMURRAY, JR., Commissioner. Statement of Condition OF Tine Paciilc Fire Insurance Company NEW YORIJ, N. r. 09 John st, ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 C. V. MESEROLB, Fresident. H. B. LAiIY, JR., Secretary. Amount of capital paid up....$ 400,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest and not on Intere-rt) $ 257.287.33 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 2,100,718.53 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior lncumnrancs) 94,500.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 18,205.07 Premiums and account', due and In process of collection 430,893.63 Accounts otherwise secured.. 24,945.81 •t, Total net assets $2,941,552.26 LIABTIITIES. Reserve or amount neces sary to reinsure outstand ing risks $1,331,033 82 Losies adjusted and not due. 282,006.40 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 95,049.77 Other liabilities of the com pany 30.000.00 Total liabilities $1,738,790.99 Capital 400,000.00 Surplus 802,752.37 Total $1,941,552.38 Greatest amount In any one risk $ 100,000.00 Itats of Indiana, OBce of Commisaloner of Insurance. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that ■ the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1921, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL.) efflsisl seal, this Ist day of April. 1828 T o • v v* HE WTO BLOCK C? Hart Schaffner & Marx Guaranteed Clothes for Men, Young Men and Boys (8 to 18). In Our Model Grocery Quality, Service, Moderate Prices Exclusive Distributors for Indianapolis and Vicinity of Park and Tllford’s World's Best Food Products. Bread on Sale Only From 8:30 A. M. to 12 M. Sun-lit Bread, hot from our ovens. All pan breads, including rye, graham and whole wheat. One-pound j“ loaves, while supply lasts, loaf... DC Choice Cuts of Fresh Meats Meats of selected quality—fresh and tasteful. Qualities such as these can only bo oltained in the better markets. These prices aro to your advantage. BOILING BEEF. 1 9lm pound * “ ' BEEF RIBS, fine for roasting, 4*7 pound fork boast, ?2c pound v No Phone Order*. P RUNES, Cali fornia, large stiver prune*, oq pound OjC EYAPOK A T E I> A P RICOTS, extra fancy OQ pound J v. PURE EGG NOODLES, Lud wig's (dozen pack ages, $1.30), 1 | each 1 iL PEELED APRI COTS, in heavy syrup, Park Jt Tli ford. No. 2Vi • can (dozen cans, A P *5.30), can *xJC BREAKF AST BACON, ma chine 8 lice and and derlned. ‘JC,. pound JJv. ROYAL luncheon COFFEE, onr own o 1 e n and of the finest cof fees. perfect aroma and fla vor (3 pounda, 95c), on pound OuV. $lO COAT aid DRESS Sale Latest Spring Models—Up to $22.50 Qualities For Women and Misses j! |j j A sale such as this can only come \ \ I through a stroke of unusual iner- In chandising. An inspection of the n styles, the fabrics, the qualities will reveal to you the true worth of Begins the garments and the large saving Thursday that is possible. at 8:30 The Coats- Sports and street models of velours, polaires, jerseys, burel las, herringbones and silver tones. Full, roomy styles with raglan sleeves. Mannish pockets, belts and buttons. Tan, gray, sand, brown, Pekin, tangerine, SIO.OO. Domestics and Bedding DRESS GINGHAM—27-inch width; fast colors, beautiful plaids, checks, also full range of solid colors; up to 39c or qualities; special, yard... .muv BED PILLOWS —Size 18x25; Blled with chicken feathers; filling sterilized, curled, dust free; beau tiful art tick coverings; a QP good $1.25 quality, each UNBLEACHED SHEETING —4O inches wide; heavy, firmly woven cotton, for sheets, bolsters, bed spreads, aprons, etc.; reg- | o ular 25c quality, yard lOC UNBLEACHED MUSLI N—36 inches wide; good heavy quality, for sheets, bolsters, aprons, bed spreads, etc.; extra • *J\/ , special, yard Vu/2\- UNBLEACHED SHEETING— -2*4 yards wide; close, even weave; easy to bleach; QC _ extra special, yard JDC CURTAIN SCRIM—Yard wide, plain center, with hemstitched bor der; white, cream and Arabian col or; extra special, 1 A. yard IUC P I N E A PP L E, sliced, in rich sy rup, Park & Tiiford, No. 2V4 can (dozen cans, *4.60), o/i can J 9 C COUNTRY GEN TLEMAN CORN, Park & Tiiford brand (dozen cans, $265), can ZJC TOMATOES, extra fancy Jersey, Park & Tiiford, No. 2 can (dozen cans, can° 3) :.. 18C SUCCOTASH, ex tra fancy, Park & Tiiford, No. 2 can (dozen cans, QC *4.2O), can, >OC PEAS, Early June's, Park A Tii ford brand (dozen cans, $2.65), O'J ean hJ C CHEESE, Wiscon sin full cream brick, or pound oDC SARD INES. in pure olive oil, Norse brand, Z\ oz. *)*} can L JC C R A B M E A TANARUS, packed In Japan, Namco brand— -14-oz. can.. 6 - oz. can... . 400 CRYS T A L WHITE SOAP CHIPS, large OO package t. OC KIRK’S FLAKE WHITE SOAP, 10 bars,.. JxOC —Fifth Floor. THE BASEMENT STORE The Dresses— Silk dresses of Canton crepe, eharmeuse, satin, crepe de - chine, taffeta, trinkletone, crepe knit and silky weave. For afternoon, business or street wear. All the latest style features; effective trim mings ; light and dark colors; SIO.OO. All-Wool Suits for Men and Young Men, sm jpi Qt Two Pairs I jL Trousers Included at Qjp $18.95 Coat, vest and two pairs long trousers, all for $18.95. Remember, every suit is all wooL Regulars and stouts. All-Wool Men’s Trousers CATE An Extra Pal* IrtcPf /= With Your rKlLhj coat and Vest Good, serviceable, all-wool fabrics. In cluding all wool blue serges, excellently tai lored to stand hard wear. Patterns to match suits as well as good, durable all-wool work trousers. Sale price, $2.98. Golf Knickers, $3.95 For Men and Young Men All-wool fabrics. Left from golf suits by cus tomers who preferred only long trousers. This is about wholesale cost. Men’s Khaki Trousers, Sale Price— 1 Aluminum Utensils Up to $2.40 Qualities SI.OO Best quality, 999* pure seam less ware; with just ordinary care they will last a lifetime. The values offered In this sale are remarkable. DISHPAXS, 12-quart size. DOUBLE BOILERS OR CEREAL COOKERS, 2-quart size. TEA KETTLES, 5-quart size. WINDSOR KETTLES. ROASTERS, 11 inches In diameter, with air valve. SAUCEPAN SETS, 1,1%, 2 and 2V£- quart sizes. PERCOLATORS, teapot spout, 6- cup size. CONVEY KETTLES, 8-quart size. PRESERVING KETTLES, 5 and 6* quart sizes. DAIRY BUCKETS 8 quart fiize. ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS SALE— WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM PIECES IN PRESERVING KETTLES, 6-quart size. SAUCEPANS. 2%-quart size. STEWPAX SETS, 1 and 1%-quart PUDDING PAN SETS, 1 and IV6-* quart sizes. FRYING PANS, 7-inch. SINK STRAINERS, triangle shape. WALDORF TOILET PAPER— Fine grade tissue; 050 sheets to roll. fIL. 39c 3£“7Bc —Fifth Floor. 11