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12 MEMBEP. OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM A Broader Service This company is now prepared as a member of the Federal Reserve Sys- , tem to render a broader service than heretofore. It will serve the commun ity as a savings bank, as a trust com pany and as a commercial bank. On the checking accounts of individ uals and business concerns it pays in terest monthly at 2% on the minimum balance for the month, provided it is not less than SSOO. It welcomes check ing accounts for smaller amounts. On savings accounts it pays interest semi-annually at 3%. Branches sad affiliated banks: 1233 Oliver; 474 West Washington; 2512 East Washington; 2122 East Tenth; 1541 North Illinois; 2069 North Illinois. jfletclicr ant) Crugt Company Trusts * Commercial Banking • Savings 1 ' Erana Woollen. President Via Prtsidmß Hugh McK. Landon Hugh Dougherty Albert E Metzger Vinson Carter N. W. CORNER PENNSYLVANIA AND MARKET China Yawns as Civil War Rages INNOCENT BYSTANDER, Y'MIGHT SAY Scholar Is Pitted Against Bandit Editor’s Note—William Philip Simms returned a short time ago from China, where he made a thorough Investigation of conditions. In the following dispatch he gives a picture of the two leaders, now engaged In civil war for the Control ol China. BT WILLIAM PHILLIP SIMMS. Written for the United Press. WASHINGTON, May 3—The battle now Taging under the walls of Peking Is a battle between two men —the one a bandit, the other a scholar—to see which one shall be boss over Chinn. And China —like a painted lady looking on at a tluel between two lovers—is standing Uy rather unimpassioned wait ing for tdie fray to be over. When it is she wUI take the arm of the victor and go i/s way—at least until Interrupted r "affair.” The t*o mea Gen. Chang Tso Lin and G*-n.' Wu /iSfl'u. Chang is a no torious villain, an Oriental and magnified I’ancho Villa.* Wu is a potential Sir Gallthad and savior of China. If Chang wins. Japan will continue to pull the strings in Pekin and corruption, graft and anarchy will go on eating deep er and deeper Into China's vitals. If Wu wins, China will at least have a chance. In an interview he told me he would like to see a government in China similar to that In the United States, a nation of more or less self-governing provinces linked together by a federal government charged with national and international affairs. Chang Is a small wiry man. with beady, black eyes. He Is Just under 50. Having starred out a bandit in the Man churian mountains, he never forgot the Technique of that trade. What education he has came to him by absorption, but he is a natural horn leader of men. With his band of Manchurian mountaineers, a lot of hard-riding sharp shooters, he fought on the side of the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese war. In part payment, the Japanese secured his pardon and a commission from the Chinese Govern ment. He has been a Chinese army of ficer ever since and a friend of Japan. Wu Is a taller, heavier man than Chang and Is well educated fn civil and mili tary schools. He,, has an eye for dramatics, proof of the Imagination Chang lacks. His tendency Is liberal, but only time can tell whether he Is made of strong enough stuff to resist the terrific temptations which a victory over Chang and the mastery over Pekin would Striking Boatmen Battle With Police MONTREAL, Quebec, May 3 A battle it, wcich two policemen wore wounded and hundreds of shots were fired, raged between 500 striking longshoremen and a heavy force of constabulary on the har bor front early today. that ugly itching rash continue to torment you and disgust others. Resmol is almost sure to conquer it promptly and easily If vouYe in doubT. l fr'J H! At all druggists RESINOL .Sooth in q and Healinq THE WOMAN OF POISE, One* * rarity. Is now to ba observed and admired upon every band. Indeed, no other woman can flourish long in the midst of this modern, complicated life. In tbs home, In business. In social life, the woman who is seren* and confident wins, whils the nervous, flustered in dividual wastes her talents and get* no where. Os course, poise Is dependent mainly upon sound health and steady nerves. If you feel that you are being kept back In this way, why not turn to that great woman's remedy. Lydia E Plnkham s Vegetable Compound, which was msnufactursd from s thorough un derstanding of th* nervous system of w# ass I—-A&v artisan; sat. throw his way. Wu is master of mid-China and the Yangtse valley, while Chang is a little king in the north. Boss of Pekin for several years, Chang finds his corrupt rule disputed, at least. Many Chinese of the best element look to Wu to save China now and ultimately set her on the road to better times. Continuing the Big Sale of —Flapper Pumps —Sport Oyfords —Strap Pumps j $2.95 —Street floor // ! Hundreds of NEW 'i/adte C&Mefo |Wlj§l le •riday!Saturday! a Corset in the Lot '"'J' Regularly for LESS i $3! Most of Them u s the $5 to $8.50 M'Urt'V Models! i- H iterials: IIM'/A cades and coutils, in white and flesh “d* 1 and, and striped patterns in flesh istie girdles, ji nior corsets, P sand average type figure styles. U t 1 and back lace; all newest and ' / est of stock, beaut filly made. |Ksrs£s*a=j2rP, // le Designed / || |j ]L! ( Fashionably “boned with. 1 \ ! •'ll 1 A fl! jl j u TTligfitL|bone & u fi Pettis Dry Goods Cos. 11 "" 1 *>®**^ CHANG AND WU RENEW BATTLE FOR CONTROL 180-Ivlile Front Scene ot Con test in Chinese Fight ing. SUN JOINS CHANG PEKIN, May B—After a day of com parative quiet along the IfeO-mile battle line extending from Machang to the Hun River, hostilities were expected to be re sumed today between the forces of Wu Pei Fu and Chang Tso Lin, rival war lord contending for control of China's In ternal affairs. The alliance of Sun Yat Sen of South China with Chang Tso Lin evidently is giving concern to Wu Pel Fu. It is re ported that his ace divisions have not been thrown into the battle south of Pekin, being held in reserve for fear of attacks in Shantung and Hunan provines. Sun's forces, which started northward two months ago, already have penetrated Hunan province to such an extent that General Chao, military tuchun of that province, has been forced to declare him self neutral, despite his friendly attitude toward Wu Tel Fu. According to reports reaching here, the fighting so far has developed no decided advantage for either side. Plans for the defenst of the diplo matic quarter, should It become neces sary. have been completed. The lega tion guards are drilling dally and thei> presence has added a sense of security to the foreign colony, PAO TING FU, China, May 3.—The desperate struggle for mastery of the Pekin-Tien Tsin railroad continues De spite the fact that Chang Tso Lin's Feng tien soldiers, supported by a preponder ance of cannon mounted on strategic hills, occupy the more advantageous posi tion. Wu Pel Fu's headquarters here re port gains as a result of the first three days of conflict. Casualties have been heavy. This fact is attested by the arlval of carload after carload of wounded. They are being cared for In tbe Chinese Red Cross ami the Presbyterian mission hospitals here. An unauthenticated report Is In circu lation that poison gas is to be used Bhortly. Airplanes, machine guns and all other Implements of modern warfare al ready have been employed.—Copyright, 1922.’ Negro Assested for Assault and Robbery William Hill, negro. 1524 Yandes street, is under arrest today on chains of rob bery and assault and battery with Intent to kill. The polloe alleged he is the man who attacked William Beall, 1521 East Michigan street, last Friday night and beat and robbed him of ?40. PLUMES ON SHOES. PARTS, May 3 —Got any old ostrich plumes? Wear them to cover the lacing of your low shoe* The women are doing it her-* Quite chic ! “The New York Store-Established ISS3 1 C M&6 INDIANA DAILY TIMES DOG HILL PARAGRAfS The public road between here and Rye Straw is so crooked the Mall Carrier says he can not peer ten feet Into the future • • • The store in/the Calf Ribs neighbor hood was broken into Wednesday night. To prevent their being discovered while at work the robbers Bhoved the store back off the road before robbing It, # • • Dock Hocks gays he must be getting old, as while drying his face today he observed wrinkles in the towel. BANDITS WRECK BANK AND GET $30,000 HAUL Injure Store Manager in Running Fight With Guns. LAFAYETTE, Col., May 3.—A gang of bandits swept down on Lafajette early this morning and after cutting pH tele phone and telegraph wires, kidnaping night marshal George Stobbs, blew the vaults ,of the First National Bank and . nod with $30,090 in cash and liberty , bonds. ' j Jake Oldersen. manager of a local store. { was shot and seriously wounded In a running gun battle with the bandits. | The bank interior was wrecked by the I Iwolits who used ten charges <>f dyna mite before the safe was blown. Fire Threatens to Wipe Out Village KANE. Pa.. May 3.—Two large fac tories. sis dwellings, a newspaper plant, store and motion picture theater were 'destroyed by firo which early today jthreitened to wipe out the village of JMurlenvllle, near here. Estimate of the property loss is not available. PUBLIC LIGHTS DEMOLISHED AS PAIL GATHERS Reports of Violence Continue From All Sections of Ireland. DUBLIN, May 8. —Dali Eireann met U>- day to settle the date of the Irish elec tion and, as the members assembled, news was received here of further violence In the north. Dispatches from Belfast said that the county was completely isolated through out the night. At gome points every pub lic light was demolished. A policeman was killed and another wounded In one outbreak of disorder. Fighting between Free State troops and Irregulars spread over a good part of County Kilkenny during the past twenty four hours. More than one hundred rebels were captured, together with their a ms In the city of Kilkenny the rebels seized the cathedral, but later evac uated It. The Kildare Club In this city and other properties that were seized by the irregulars on Tuesday still were in their possession today. All have been forti fied. Fighting in Derry centered around the F.ellaghy barracks. Raiders rushed tbe barracks, kiUlng a constable and wound ing a sergeant. The occupants of the barracks opened fire, repulsing the in vaders. The home of Constable McClung at Coal Island, County Tyrone, was attacked and set on fire. McClung. single handed, stood off the raiders until policemen arrived. In the battle whtrh followed Constable Cardwell was killed. MORE CONSTABLES ARRIVE IN ULSTER BELFAST, May 3.—Reinforcement of special constables have arrived In Ulster from F.ngland. It was reported here this afternoon. They will be used ngalnst the republicans who are raiding the prop erty of Orangemen. MUTINEERS CLOSE PORT LONDON. May .3.—The Dublin authori ties have decided to close the port because Are you familiar with the modem methods of photography? There U W none of the old-time tedi j-in dfl oils' waiting. No bother. no fuss —Just a few m- Ynjr Ki ments and your portraits L ar * mttdo—-re*ealing your own character and per- Ninth Floor. Kahn Bntldlnr. | BI.,rKI. | n_ILC„ CascaßwalFiliL :C j | , | 15 DOSH . 15c Ail Oral Mans Make Pettis Your Radio Center! We Incorporate both service and convenience. Thursday’s special— Lightning Arrester, $2.10 / —Petti* basement ail the port properties are held by Irish Republican army mutineers, according to a Central News dispatch from Dublin this afternoon. Negro Is Arrested for Attempt to Kill Ernest Rice, negro, was under arrest today charged with assault and battery with Intent to kill. He Is alleged to have shot Foster Blade, 26, negro, 727 Hadley street. Blade is shot through the left lung and his condition, physicians at the city hospital said. Is critical. Beeman’s Baity Pep VOL. I No. 33 Pa’s Definition ” Willi* (bwritd I* /fi£\ grammar) "Pop, rchat it meant by tn* active and pattiv* I. /WvVrcjß "Tour mother’* mine, ton.’’ * I I Father and mother, Willie too, agree on one thing—Bee man’s ! Delicious flavor de lightful in taste everybody likes it. * * Good for digestion Beeman’s pepsin Ch&ring Gum jgglgßk. Harness Withdrawn From Sale Notice is hereby given that all harness, harness accessories and parts, previously advertised for sale at the f "i 1 Ire points, have been withdrawn from sale at the places and dates listed below. Atlanta, May 4th Jeffersonville, Ind., May 9th Chicago, May 11th New Cumberland, Pa., May 16th Philadelphia, May 18th Due hotice will be given when this material is re leased for future sale. S Chief, Surplus Property Division, Office, Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C. j TRUSSES 1 Real lasting comfort and | satisfaction follow the I purchase of a WHACO I truss or abdominal sup -1 porter. The reason ps Id found In Its scientific de -1 sign and expert fitting. y W" fi. Armstrong Cos G Jurgica/ JhstrumentJfouse Established 18*5. sSSPwP®“% a* West Ohio St. IYl2lndianapolis, Ind. Complete Line of Sickroom Supplies Ladies Keep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum Take the Keeley Treatment for Whisky, Morphine*, Neurasthenia or Tobacco using. Write the Keeley Institute DANVILLE. INDIANA. If Kidneys Ache or Bladder’s Weak Take Roots and Kerbs to Flush Kid neys and Wash Gut Irritating Acids j If your kidneys hurt or bladder botheri ! drink lots of water and remember these I weaknesses result from uric acid. It is I the duty of the kidneys to reruovo waste | material from the system; if they become j overworked and sluggish they fall In their | efforts to filter and strain all the waste | poisons from your blood. Parotically all i rheumatism, back ache, dizziness, consti pation, sleeplessness and bladder weak ness come from clogged kidneys. To have strong, healthy kidneys, capa ble of easily and normally filtering from your blood uOu grains of To tins (Poi sons), which they should -do every 24 hours, you simply must eep them clean and active and the acids neutralized so ttmt~yotir kidney and bladdei troubles will be ended. Then you can forget you have a st of kidneys or a bladder, .lust a natural stimulant is necessary. Simply | get a bottle of Dr. Carey's PRESCRIP ! I'ION NO. 77T (Tablets or Liquid) made from harmless roots, herbs aid leaves ! and take right after eating. You will be ! delighted with the results it will bring, j Hook’s Dependable Drug Stores, Pearson Drug Cos., and all good druggists can 1 supply you- —Advertisement GET THE HABIT WEAR NOE’S QUALITY j ' JEWELRY THE FLETCHER M. NOE JEWELRY STORE. 108 N. Illinois S|L Opp. Terminal Sta. GLAZEFTS New Location 211 E. Washington St Easy to Play S4QC Easy to Pay — -Ti/J (Pronounced Cul-BRAN+ctd OTr Oulbraatca Trade Mark The Edison Shop Pennsylvania Street SAVE and YOU WIN The person who spends too freely never has much. We are beginning anew month and this is a good time to open that Savings Ac count you have promised your self. Don t Forget — All deposits made on or before MAY 10TH will receive interest from May Ist. $1 WILL START AN ACCOUNT We Pay 4V2% On Savings MEYER-KISER BANK 136 East Washington Street Special Prices This Month Only a- NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR ff EXAMINATION I VI J Best quality deep-curved lenses \ j \ M In heavy shell frames. .$5.00 S Fine eye-glasses, rims or rim- IL " legs $3.00 Gold-Filled Spectacles SI.OO to $2.00 Nev*. Lenses put In your old frames SI.OO to $3.00 Heavy Shell Frames, your lenses fitted $2.00 CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANY KIND OF GLASSES DR. L. H. RATLIFF, 417 Occidental Bldg. esfca—Be Good to Yourself Get Your Teeth the Expert Dental L-L.J Attention Available Here. Doing this promptly mar be the means of prolonging your life, for you know much serious illness comes from bad teeth. Anyway, it will make you feel better and look better. It will help your thlnkery and increase your joys In life. DON’T HURT A BIT To have teeth extracted here, take nitrous oxide gas. Just a quiet gentle sleep; you feel nothing. Any other method where a needle is used is bound to hurt some. Why be hurt? EITELJORG & MOORE, Dentists Cerner East Market St. and Circle. around Floor. Ladj Attendant. ■■MWTTO—■—P——MB——LI PHIH—T NEXT SUNDAY 4*9~7C CINCINNATI, 0. to 7*% Masai'S a round trip a EVERY SUNDAY Ma T& lnd ' VISIT TURKEY BI N—lndiana State Fart Special Trains leave Unioh Station neat Sunday, 7:00 a. iru Ito turning Trains leave Cincinnati 7:00 p. m.: Decatur, 6:00 p. m. 23-123 ma ,n 0123 Electric Washing and Wringing Machine Guaranteed to wash 100% clean. Sold on easy payments. The Hatfield Electric Company Corner Maryland and Meridian Streets. BHUWHy ”jiflMmwnMiMWlllllMHlßaWßllWßMßlßlßlllMMll!KimSßßßWflßillTOlilfi3Wffi!i!H3il3!!l!l!in3Bt|i!ltiKllKnililSlßCßlilßnfl3Bß^i^lllirosSß ilr 3 lbs. Extracted Honey, 75c 1 POUND, 30<f “M< THE HONEY STORE 15? NORTH DELAWARE 9T. Honest Service. ' Reasonable Trices SHIRLEY BROS. CO., Inc. UNDERTAKERS OFFICES—-646 N. Illinois St., 5377 E. Washington St., 8010 N. Illinois SE. 2108 W. Michigan St., 2815 E. Washington St. Circle 1918. Auto. 31-188. Amb. Service. W* Manufacture Our Own Cement Caskets, WHAT IS THE SPEED LIMIT OF YOUR HEART? INDIANA HEALTH EXPOSITION State Fair Ground May 19-27 Tickets On Sale at Your Drug Store. MAY 3,1922. “Uncle Sam” Work Socks Extra Special ICo or 2 PAIRS J.DC for 25c @aiiiafci Cor. Washington and Delaware