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MAT 3,1922. Motor Notes for THE Ow a ner-Driver FIND ENGINE TROUBLE BY SOUND Even experienced motorists find It hard sometimes to loacte various engine troubles. This chart will help you do it. It Is a compilation of ail kinds of sounds emanating from beneath the hood an dthe cause of each. Keep this list handy. It will shorten many a search for the source of some dargerous knock or pounding. SOUND TROUBLE. Hissing. Cylinder release cock open; walls scored; head gasket loose; spark plug loose or broken. Hissing or whistling Air leak in manifold joints. Hissing, back firing. Valve stems bent. Knocking Spark too far advanced; lower crankcase bolts loose. Knock at high speed Worn piston. Knocking when spark is advanced. Carbon In combustion chamber. Short, metallic knock. Cylinder block loose. Knock from overheating Water Jackets clogged. Dull, metallic knock. Worn or loose piston pins. Shaip knock. Loose connectnlg rod: lappet out of adjustment'. Heavy, metallic knock. Looseness or end play In main bearings. Dull knock. Loose camshaft bearings. Clicking. Fan blades striking obstacle; broken fan hub bearings; valves loose or cracked; valve stems worn; timing gears loose or teeth worn. Dull pound. Loose flywheel; loose crankcase; over-heated cool ing system due to radiator leak, etc. Grinding, squeaking. Oil level too low; pump obstructed. Squeaking. Magneto or distributer bearings dry. Blowing sound. Oil leaking through crankcase gaskets. Back firing. Broken or weak valve springs. Misfiring. Spark plug gap too small. AUTO CIGAR LIGHTER ytSzqP Another product for the comfort of the passenger is the cigar and cigarette holder and lighter. Besides being a container for cigarettes. It holds matches and also has a receptacle for ashes. Some of these accessories have a battery and spark attachment in place of the match holder. RADIATOR FINS A small door hinge and a pair of pincers are all that is necessary to straighten bent radiator fins. Place the bent fin between the sides of the hinge and clamp down with the pincers, as Shown. STANDARDIZED SEDAN—A phaeton, completely and permanently enclosed. That Is the TIIE A R OF VICTORY Service Is Part of Every Monroe Purchase. It Is Efficiently Directed Factory Service, Too— and Paid for By the Factory. Monroe Cars are now sold directly from the factory to the user. This eliminate? a large part of the selling cost. That's why the phenomenally low price. It Is also the reason for the Increased amount of free service which goes with every MoDroe car The important item of service is liberally provided by the Monroe fac tory. and the owner gets ALT. of it. There is no shrinkage through the dealer—because there Is no dealer. You are accustomed to pay at least five hundred dollars more for a car like the Monroe.- There is economy in tha purchase price, and continued economy in the mainte nance. A request for descriptive literature Incurs no obligation on your part. Price Now SB/5 Factory | /There is a prof liable place in the Monroe\ | program for reliable service garages every- I \where. Write for details. / Monroe Automobile Cos. Capitol Avenue at North Street. Indianapolis, Indiana. Phone—MA in 3871. Studebaker Special 6 Touring $1575 Indianapolis # standard decided upon by the standards committee of the American Society of Automotive Engineers, and adopted by American automobile manufacturers. More than S3 per cent of the motor ve hicles in the world are in the United States. Mrs. Hawkins Reports a Gain of 22 Pounds Health Is So Perfect Since Tak ing Tanlac It Is Hard To Realize She Is Same Person, Declares Little Indianapolis Woman. “It is nard for me to realize that I am the same person I was a short time ago. My health is perfect now and I have gained twenty-two pounds in weight in a remarkably short tim“," said Mrs. H. F. Hawkins. *521 East Twenty-Fifth street, Indianapolis, Ind. “I had been In ill health for years and was growing worse all the time. It Is just beyond my power to describe the tortures I used to suffer Irom Indigestion. To make bad matters worse, last winter I had an attack of the Hu which left me with so little vitality and so weak I never expected to know a well lay again “Tanlac has made me feel better than I ever expected to feel again. My digestion seems to be perfect now. and I never felt better or stronger in my life. My hus baud says I am the picture of health and he is Jus as enthusiastic about Tanlac as I am.” Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists.— Adv. NEWS OF INTEREST TO AUTOMOBILE TOURISTS APPEARS IN THE TIMES EVERY WEDNESDAY AUTO NOTES Never race the engine. Keep battery terminals clean. Tighten all bolts and nuts. Use of chains when streets are dry causes less life of the tires. Oil the springs before going on a tour. ' Tighten battery terminal nuts often so as to maintain contact. If carburetor catches fire from back fire, turn oft the fuel supply and race the engine. , Squeaking r!ra lugs means they need tightening. U. S. Bureau of Mines reports a gaso line reserve of 818,500,000 gallons, the highest on record. About ten times the number of motor Why a One-Year Guarantee? We are giving a written One -Year Guarantee on the Gardner Car because its record through the actual driving experience of many thousands of owners warrants this unusual confidence on the part of the makers. THE GARDNER MOTOR CO„ INC. ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. GARDNER j ■ ■ **to Gardner Division LEXINGTON MOTOR SALES Distributors 1142 MERIDIAN ST., NORTH Indianapolis, Ind. Statement of Condition OF THB Great Union Fire & Marine Insurance Company NEW ORLEANS, LA. B*o Untea st ON THH slst Day of December, 1921 W. IRVING MOSS, President ARTHUR S. SUET, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up 9 *80,000,00 NET ASSETS OF COMP ANT. Catrti in banks (an lateral* and not on Interest) .1 Bonds and stock* owned imarkat valne) 213,007Jti hisrtgag* lean* an real ra tata (fra# from any prior lncumbranea) taa.TSQ.OO Accrued securUla* (lntarast and rants, etc.) 7.097.70 '’reralums and accounts du* and In process of collection 2,996417 Cash la office 822.86 Bill* receivable 887.07 Reinsurance recoverable 626.82 Total net asset* 9 068,880.06 LIABILITIES. Reserve er amount necessary te reinsure eutatandlng riaks 20,670.80 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense . A024 00 Bills and accaunts unpaid.... 13.U0 Other liabilities of the cent* pany 1,056 AD Total HabOJtlea t 02.gte.T0 Capital 280,000.80 Surplus 285,349.87 Total 9 667,890.66 State of Indlaao, Office of Commissioner i of Insurance. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In mrsnce of Indiana hereby certify thft tiio above Is a correct copy of the stat* nsnt of the condition of the above men tioned company on the Slat day of De rember, 1821, as sbowu by the original itateintat, and that the said original Cat omen t la new on Ola In tala office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub. crtlbe my norne and affix my auuui INDIANA DAILY TIMES trucks In nse In 1914 ara being used to day. Improper mounting of rim and tire causes unnecessary wear on the tire. If you have to cross a bump in the road, coast over It. Take obstructions at an angle, so one wheel will strike It at a time. Wash the car frequently during warm weather. Final revised registration figures show one motor car to every 10.2 persons In the United States. There are 881 motor vehicles In the Canary Islnnds. Nearly half the motor cars In Buenos Aires are taxicabs. France hag one automobile to every 152 persons. Belgium has doubled Its motor csr supply since the war. Nearly all automobiles In Arabia are In the city of Aden. Poor roads have restricted the sale of automobiles in Japan. Nine States In the Union have more than 400,000 motor cars each. U. S. Department of Agriculture has organized sheep and poultry school on motor trucks. Mexico was the only country that im ported more automobiles in 1921 than in 1920. Florida showed the largest percentage gain In motor car registration last year. Statement of Condition OF THE , United States Fidelity and Gnaranty Company ’ BALTIMORE, MU. Chlrert and Redwood at* OR TEE 31st Day of December, 1921 JOHN K.. BLAND, President R. HOWARD BLAND, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up. ...94.900.000 06 NET ASSETS OF COMP A NT. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) 9 2447,832.26 Real estate unincumbered., 2,274,128 00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 20,756470 *6 Mortgage loans ou real es tate (free from any prior lnoumbn. ce) 47460.00 Accrued securities (interest and rants, etc.) 27t.6D8.44 Other securities, Ist ns on eolia tarsi 6BJWL4O Deposit with workman's comp, rates, bureau 41A&83.24 Department guaranteed at torneys * IOLISLU Other assets 41i,36.*9 Premiums and seeonnta dne and In process sf eellse tlan 6.401,081.73 Total net assets $88,572,460.22 LIABILITIES. Reserve #r amount nseeo sary te reinsure autstand -8 reel • reserve fer unpaid llabUlty and cemp. loasen 6,608.841 •! Losses adjusted and not dus 2,301,04068 Losses unadjusted sn4 In suspense 6it0.944.83 Other llabUlues of the esm pany 2.764,446.40 fatal UsbGlttea 923,838.805. 68 Capital 4.006,000.00 Surplus 8,234,141.64 ToUl 983.672,450.22 State of Indiana, Odlce of Cemmlaeloner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, commissioner es In- { snrtnce of Indiana, hereby certify that the above la a correct copy es the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the Slat day of Da cetnber, 1821, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is sow on file la this allies In testimony whereof, I hereunto aeV scrib* my name end affix toy USAIa) official seal, this Ist day ad G. 0. P. PLANS FOR CAMPAIGNS IN 28 STATES Senator McCormick Says Party Will Urge Tariff and League Issues. WASHINGTON. May 3—The Repub lican party henceforth will carry on an active campaign against Democrats in twenty-eight States for the election or re-election of Senators this fall. Senator McCormick, chairman of the Republican senatorial campaign committee, an nounced today. The Republican tariff bill and the League of Nations, he said, ap peared the outstanding issues to be con tested. Decision to confine the campaign to twenty-eight States wag reached after a conference of party leaders. They con cluded that any efforts to elect Repub For Men and Young Men All Models c C * f -Includes 2 Pairs Trousers I All-Wool Fabrics l sports l-.VCiy fcjllll_l, Strictly All-Wool blue serges * ONE-BUTTON TWEEDS t™e E ™on Over 3,000 Suits in This Sale . FOUR-BUTTON REGULARS STOUTS JUNIORS 5 K CHECKS DOUBLE-BREASTED LONG STOUTS SHORT STOUTS LONGS 1 Ep PLAIDS CONSERVATIVE SHORTS Floor. I WORSTEDS THE Wm. H. BLOCK CO. Statement of Condition OF THB General Accident Fire and Liie Assurance Corporation of PERTH. SCOTLAND. 4th and Walnut its., Philadelphia. Pa. < ON THE Slst Day of December, 1921 FREDERICK RICHARDSON. U. 8. Mgr. Amoust es capital paid np....9 450,000 00 NET ASSETS OF CO MPANT. Cash In hanks (on Interest and not on 1ntere5t)........9 852,456.06 Real estate unlacumbered..., 842,306.63 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 6,685,341.64 Accrued securities (Interest am' rents, etc.) 80,432.65 I Premiums and accounts due and In process of collection 1.U&4,011.51 Amounts recoverable for re insurance 8,682.05 Total net assets *...88,458,130 73 LIABILITIES. Lessen adjusted and not due. 53,065,305.18 Bills sod nocounts unpaid.. 251,97472 Other liabilities of th com pany 8,686,671.61 Total liabilities 86,974,251.41 \ Capital 450,000.(10 I Surplus 1,028,879.22 Total 13,453,180 73 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. 1, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above 1* a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1821, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is bow on 61* In this office In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SffiAX*) official gam, this Ist day f dffi^ OUCH! WU PEI FTJ'S HEADQUARTERS, PAO TING FU, China, May 3. Cowardice will not be tolerated In the armies of Wu Pel Fu. A local general, after a ten-mile re treat, was beheaded and his head mounted on the city wall ns an ex ample to all of Wu’s armies.—Copy right, 192 Z licans In Virginia, Florida, Mississippi and Texas would be wasted. They will double their efforts in several border States, however. There are thirty-three Senators up for re-election this fall. Os the thirty-three places available, the Re publicans will actively seek twenty-nine. “JEWEL GIRL'S” TRAGEDY. PARIS, May 3.—Mile. Ulvette Pergeres, known as the “Jewel Girl,” because she always wore In public gems worth a i fortune, was mysteriously murdered In ' her vilia near Nancy. Statement of Condition OF THB Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Cos. RICHMOND. VA. 1015 E. Main st ON THE 31st Day of December, 1921 WM. H. PALMER, President; B. C. LEWIS, JR., Secretary. Amount of oapltal paid up.... 9 600,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPART. Cash In banks (on Interest and not on Interest) 9 126,629-83 Real estate unincumbered.... 120,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 2,275,036.00 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 70,600.00 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 26,747.16 Other securities, collateral loans 26,640.58 Premiums and aooonnta due gnd In proosM of eeUaotlaa 326,921.60 Bsteanranc* das for paid lass as 1M91.3T Total not assets. $2,896,278.64 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount neces sary to reinsure outstand ing risks 9L140,207.48 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 132.293.41 Bills and accounts unpaid.... 25,000.00 Other liabilities of tho oom- Pny 100,000.00 Total liabilities .f1,406,590.88 Capital 500,000.00 Surplus 968,687.70 Total 82,803,276.04 Orem tost amount la any one risk 8 50,00000 Gres test smonnt allowed by rules of the company to ba Insured In any one city, town or village 9 100,000.00 Greatest amount allowed to be Insured In any one b10ck...9 60,000.00 ■ltate of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned, cemmlsoloner of In surance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the eocdltlsn of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of be cember, 1021, as shown by tho original statement, and that tbs sold original statement is now In file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix a> (BEALf official U. S. WILL NOT ADVISE CUBA •*•- - President Says No Interven tion Is Attitude Regard ing Island. WASHINGTON. May 3.—The Cuban : government has received no suggestion from the Harding Administration, either directly or through the Cuban minister In Washington that Intervention, financial or otherwise, is contemplated by the United States. The United States, It was said official ly at the White House, has merely dis cussed "in the most friendly way” with tho Cuban government the effects being made by President Zayas to adjust the Cuban budget. What suggestions have been made by President Harding and Secretary Hughes here or Major General Crowder in Havana have been advanced Statement of Condition OP THE Autoist Mutual Insurance Company CHICAGO, ILL. 1837, 208 LaSalle st. ON THE Slst Day of Deoember, 1921 GEORGE r. BALLON. President. WALTER C. STONE, Secretary. 4mprint es oapltal paid up...... Mutual NET ASSETS OF COMP ANT. Cash in banka (on Interest) .9 18,710.08 Bonds and stocks owned (value) . 144.15L53 Accrued securities (Interest and rents, ate.) 1JM6.53 War savings damps 27.83 Premiums and accounts due and in proceos of collection 7.958 S2 Total sot assets $ 172.869.34 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount nsceo sary to reinsure outstand ing risks $ 76.644.1 g Losses duo and tmpaid 5,736.00 Losses unadjusted and In sna pense 96J.d8.85 Other llablUtlea of the com pany 602.00 Total lie bill tie* 8 U 5.890.60 Surplus 59,068.84 Total 9 172.380.34 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, the undersigned. Commissioner of In surance of Indians, hereby certify that the, above ts s correct copy of the state ment of tho condition of the above men tioned company on the Slat day of De cember, 1921. as shown by the original statement, and that tbs said original statement U pew on file In this office. In tostlmoay whereof, I hereunto mV scribe my name and affix my o**sM *clat £*!, this Ist day <4 t! fe. MekußßAt, J*., UufealMlnnan without placing nndue emphasis on America's sponsorship for Cuba. President Harding regards the question of adjustment of the Cuban budget as wholly a matter for the Cubans to ar range and It Is understood he is favor, ably impressed with recent reports that progress is being made in reducing the heavy governmental expenditures which grew up on the island as the result of the war. “Nobody here has talked of Interven tion,” Is the manner in which the sit uation was described at the White House., Identified as One of Three Bandits Charles Higgins, 2933 Moore avenue, Identified Joe Connor, 1829 North Capitol avenue, as being one of the three men who held him up on the night of April 24. Higgins was robbed of $47. Connor was arrested by detectives several days ago on a vagrancy charge, but he is now i charged with robbery. Statement of Condition The Potomac Insurance Company WASHINGTON, . CV IjHy 900 ff it. North weld i&afjy ON THE —T—d Slst Day of December, 192} GEORGE W. WHITE, President, ALEX K. PHILLIPS, Secretac* Amount of capital paid ip,, .4 a^/ra^ NET ASSETS OF COMPARE* Ckah In banka (on Interest and not on 1ntere5t)........! 4&6MUS9 Baal astato nateo-om bored,... Bonds and stocks owned (maykst vote#) 586,4aM9 Mortgage loan* on real e*> tots (tese from any prior Incumbrance) 3&LB2&fi3 Accrued aacaktioa (inters** and rente, oto.) S9,feai Premiums and accounts da* and In process of csdloctloa BT.SJKH Total net strata NVCU| LIABILITIES. Reserve or (meant nests. sary to reinsure outstand ing risk# $ 537,69649 Losses adjusted and not dna. 16,7*643 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense MfiauM Bills and accounts unpaid... 995.46 Other liabdittos of tho com puny 1048119 Total HabtUUs# 9 Cipltll •••saoa*o9fWM9MMt Wooo^>oo I Surplus 8W,786,79 Total 9 94*t*4| Greatest amount in any one j risk 9 88,60691 | state of Indiana, Office of Commlostonai of Insursace. I, the undersigned, Commissions^.fjw, snrance of Indiana, hereby cjrtlr (hat the above Is a correct copy of th* of S*. ment of the condition of the above men. tlotied company on the Slat dty of De cember. 1921. as shewn by the odgflSal statement, and that tho said oytglnal statement la now on file In this each. 1 la testimony whereof, I hereunto fete) scribe o.y name and affix (BEAL.) official Seal, teb Ist Out AijrU, *m *■ MehOTEffi*. J*, Commissioner, 5