Newspaper Page Text
MAY 8, 1922. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. IS-tS 8. Meridian 8C Main 1600. Classified Adr. Dept. RATES. One time 11 Pr line Three consecutive times.. .10 per line Six consecutive times 09 per line Lodge and club notices (1 Inch or less)... .75 per insertion Over 1 Inch, .0" per line additional Contract rates on application. Church notices (1 Inch or less) 60c per ineertlon Over 1 inch ... .07 per line additional Death notices 50c per insertion Card of Thanks or in Memorials k Notices 07 per line t The Dali/ Times charges small Want Ads as an accommodation to Its readers. In return for this courtesy the advertiser la expected to remit promptly. Ads received until 11:45 A m. for publication same day. FLORISTS. INDIANAPOLIS FLOWER AND PLANT CO.. Central ave., at 34th. We grow cut flowers, plants. FUNERAL WORK. Wash. 2342. FUNERAL DIRECTORS! 2K” 1 - TL/Ol£cJ„ Parlors ill! Union It * LAN NEK fir BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois St vuneral directors to the people ot Indian* ... apolls since 1357. * hones—llcra 0641-0542. LI 3S4L INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY SHIRLEY BROS.’ CO. Main office 946 N. Illinois St. Circle 1916, Mala 1641. George (irumemer Funeral Director. 523 E. Market. Old phone Main 0906. LI TIOIL W. T. Biasengym I2 Shelby st. Drexel 2670. Stewart 1114. 1703 X, Illinois. Randolph 6878. J. C. WJLLkUN 1130 Prospect. BT. 1471. Drexel 0321. FINN BROTHERS EDW. L. HOLMAN z 512 Central Are. Randolph 6903. ~ CHAS. A-~ HOC K ENSiiIT IL 724 N. DUnola. Afafn 11*8. LI 1161 FUNERAL dTrECTOHS—I4O3 NTUunoU WM. E. KRIEGER. Main 1154. R*a. phone. Ben Davla 812-L LADD—BERT S. UADD. 2180 Prospect st. Phoney: Drexel 0422. ST. 2278. CNDERTAKEKS—HISEY ATITUb. isF North Dal. LI <564. Mala 86 K. lj. iL’TEWiLLK. 884 N. Myrldlan. Main 0218. FEE.NET & FEENEY. ji©32 N. Illinois. Main 054 t. O f:ATp AND FUNERAL NOTICES. FOSTER ROBERT M.—Age 75. passed at*.av May 6. at his residence. 1656 North Delaware at. Euner:-.l s-r vices at resi dence Tuesday, 2 p. m. Burial Crown Hill, private. HOWAPwD. DinTBERT TT—Beloved hus band of Mattie Howard, died Sunday. May 7. GS years. Friends may call at Finn Bros., 13j \V. Market. Funeral no tice later. JOHXSOnTMT r NNIE MAY—Age 31. wife of Benjamin F. Johnson died Monday a. m.. at the residence. Stop 1. Danville line. Funeral at Shirley Bros . 946 North Illinois street, Wednesday. May 10 at 2 p. rru Friends invited. Burial Salem cemetery. Poland! EFFIE IS A BELLE—Beloved wife of Willi tm A. Poland, passed away May 6. 192 G. at o a. m., ige 4 9 years, at her residence, 1306 Wade st. Funeral Tuesday. May 9 ;-*t 2 p. m. Friends in vited. Friends may call Monday afternoon and evening. Columbus (Xnd.) papers copy. WEISHAAR. ANNA MARIE—Widow of the late Jo-eph and mother of Miss Dora. Ge>rge aid Anthony Weishear. died Sunday. May 7. at the residence. 333 Lin coln st., age 62 years. Funeral Wednes •/. May !•> at 5:30 a. in., from residence, lowed by services at Sacred Heart un h at 9 a. la Burial at St. Joseph's cemetery, private. LOSTAND FO U _ND. LOST —In Garfield j-ark, somewhere be tween the rustic bridge and the sunken gardens a lady's silver mesh purse with small pocketb >ok and otii-r articles in side. Finder p ■ use call Webster 6142. LOST—Fratercity pin' ‘with stall -i h mund in ■ r, in <’;rrie rh -ater Sunday night. Cal’. Indiana Daily Times classified dept. Reward. LOST, strayed or r:o>a. female hound. black and tan: answers to name of Queen. Drexel Si''j7. Rev. urd. LOST—-A bui.-'h of key s. bet ■ -ft Villa and Laurel and Prospect and Fletcher. 1501 Prospect. Drexel 2020. LOST —-Scotch collie pup; yellow body. white underr.-ath and on snoot. Re ward. Circle 4190. FOUND —Bulldog, city log pound Haiti 0572 PERSONALS. FATRMOU2 T MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, pnvat- prices reason able; may w rk f- r h--.rd, babi s adopted Write for bo-k -t. MRS T. B. LONG. 4011 E Twenty-S'-v-nth st.. Kansas City. Mo. INDIANA "CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Teaching the rational system of pain less adjustment. Fourth floor When tndg. WALTER E. JOHNSTON Dentist; pyor rhea treatments Tel.. Main 4078. 613 Terminal b:dg. magnetic" massage. Margaret SELLERS. D P.. D. C.. D. O. 1223 E. Washington. Apt. No 6 WANTED —Little -!ri to board and room; close in. 1241 Roosevelt avenue. MASSAGE— 217 H N. Illinois st.. Apt. 3. Select patronage. Circle 11S9B. NOTICES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. war veterans (1503-1002} may Ptv title to pensions under Act of June 5. 1020. from sl2-12 per month. See or write LOWE AGENCY. 312 K. of P. bldg Main 0707. BUSINESS SEKVIUtS. ELECTRICAL WIRING Light and power. Houses a specialty. Repair work given prompt attention; rea sonable. DILTS ELECTRIC. *4B FT WAYNE, MAIN 3035. HOWARD ELECTRIC CO. Electric wiring ,-rcom rottage. com plete. sl7. Drexel 9518. 744 Virginia ave. FEATHERS bougnt. sold and renovated; feather mattresses and pillows made. K F BUKKI.K 41 4 Mass Main 1428. EX-SERVICE BROS., vault, sink or dry veil cieani: g. PAUL WEISS. 626 Caldwell, or Circle 7618. ELECTRICIAN: ex-service; 6 years' expe rience; estimates free. FOULK. Web ste ■ 0816 evenings. HEATH'S Union Barber Shop. Warm. comfortable bath rooms. 133 W. Mar ket street. PAPERHANGING, painting and interior decorating work guaranteed. Belmont ts 42. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Sharpened TUTTLEDGE. 201 Indiana ava. RED and green design fireproof roofing; satisfaction guaranteed. Cal! Slain 3572. SHOE repairing while you wait. R. E. KENNEDY, 218 N. Illinois. Main 2199. • 'EMENT end brick work; furnace repair ing Call Main 37-72. CEMENT finishing to do for contractor. Cali 1010 N. Senate. ~ oetecx ,ves. Quisrley-Hyland Agency, Ine. Suite 404 Natlon&l City Bank bu'ldlnff. Phone Main 2802 Local w*fllce Incerna- Secret Service Amd. SYentjr oScei and fi.r*lrn countries. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED—BOYS to carry Times routes in downtown dis trict between East and West. South and St. Clair Rtre ta. Boys not over 14 years old. See Mr. Moorehead any afternoon after 2 o'clock. AUTOMOBILE body builders on truck bodies; good pay and good working con ditions. CHAMPION AUTO EQUIP MENT CO.. Hammond. Ind. SOLICITORS for city and rural canvass , lr.g. Good pay to live wires. See MR. circulation dept., Indiana •Daily Time* after 9:30 a. ra. UETiMOUCM mm m and mm mmm A Daily Times Want Ad makes a highly efficient and desirable salesman. It tells your story, simply and convincingly, and it reaches the greatest number of people in the quickest time. It conveys your message quickly and briefly and approaches your prospect when in the most re ceptive mood. Sell your goods or services through the Daily Times Want Ads. You’ll find the results highly satisfactory. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED EXPERIENCED TOP BUILD ERA NONE OTHER NEED APPLY. STATE FULL PAR TICULARS IN FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS A NO. 2713, TIMES. WANTED Upholsterer*; steady work good pay. Apply at once. Address OHIO UPHOLSTERING CO.. Antwerp, O. CARPENTERS and strip shlngiemen; two j non-union men. Irvington 018S. PLASTERERS, two: non-union; must bo good. Irvington 0486. SALESMAN—WANTED. SALESMEN- —Catholic; nea* appearing; young men for city and road work. Good opportunity for advancement; salary guaranteed. Apply 7 to 8 a. m. or 5:80 to 5:30 p. m. MR. NOLAN, manager. 80S North EaFt. Circle 5068. SSO TO *IOO A WEEK Positions open to salesmen, experienced or inexperienced. We train you in a sh irt time and help you with a position. Write or call 403 Occidental bldg. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. JANITOR and wife, white, wants charge j of small apt. house for living apt. and r salary, Cali Circle 2784. Temale help—wanted. GIRLS over 18 regrs of age to learn teia . phone operating. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO.. Room 822, corner New York and Meridian ata. WANTED —Six experienced long distance operators for temporary clerical position ' m "iNDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. Room 31*2, corner New York and Meridian. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED— Clerical and stenographic work by good reliable young girl with expe rien-*. Call Irvington 3757. ; cL'RTaTxS to launder. MRS. LUTZ. Drexel 0895. DSV work; washing or cleaning. Webster j 5961. INSTRUCTIONS. ~ PIANO —SAXOPHONE in 20 lessons, the Christensen way. Be ginner and advanced. CHRISTENSEN SCHOOL. io Pembroko Cm 8084 PRIVATE lessons In suorthand. typewrit ing bookkeeping, etc. JACKSON BUS INESS COLLEGE. 157 K. Illinois stresU Circle 1214. MEN to learn barber trad*. TRI-CITY BARBER'S COLLEGE. 809 E. Washli* ton Rt.. Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 8757, Flats, ApA RT. MENTB — TO t - ET * FOR RENT —Upstairs apartment, 6 rooms | and bath, modem, heat and water tur . niched. Randolph 7769, FIRST-CLASS strictly modern. * room* l and bath hardwood floori and front j porch. I u^N!3i ': ED HOUS^ 3 ANP FLATS HOYT. 1'30; 2 rooms, modern, 100% clean; her t light and gas furnlahsd; $26; adult*. Drexel 1407. ; ROOMS—TO LtT. MODERN, clean, comfortable room; gen tleman preferred;* private family. Call: 1 Randolph 3492. I I PLEASANT ROOM, modern, in private Jewish family, for gentleman; north, i Harrison 2178. j ' EAST Michigan and Woodruff, newly fur- j ntshed room; ladles or man and wife. i Webster 9348. _________________ I BEDROOM and sleeping porch, suitable for two gentlemen; references required. I Randolph 6628. TWENTIETH f>T.. 409 E.; furnished rooms In private family; gentlemen preferred. i Randolph 9395, I I THREE modern furnished room* with range and sink; adults; references. Circle j j 9428. ROOM In modern house; married couple preferred, or two gentlemen. Drexel | 5641. , TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; 1 WALKING DISTANCE. LINCOLN 5241. j (xUXEDO. 1408 N ; modern-sleeping 'oom, gentlemen preferred. Webster 1376. i PENNSYLVANIA 907 N.; modern light housekeeping rooms. Circle 7558. BROADWAY; large, airy front room, prt- I vate family. Call Harrison 8190. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 7** j Fletcher ave. Drexel 7323. ; two large unfurnished rooms close in. 1241 Roosevelt svenua NICE LARGE - ROOM IN APARTMENT. WEBSTER 2299. ; L \ RGE dais. modern front room*, cloee j In. Main 7480. 1 L!GHT HQUSEKEEPINO ROOM*. MADISON ave. 1025; lovely housekeeping room; kitchenette; modern. $3; private entrance. Drexel 5375. UPP E R light housekeeping room*, two -1 room suite, also large single room newly | papered. Drexel 9103. TWO modern light housekeeping rooms Reasonable. Drexel 6816, BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. WASHINGTON. 8524 E.: board and room for couple, or rooms with home prtvl ■ leges; fine location. Brookslde 7467. BOARD AND ROOMS—WANTED. ! WANTED —A nice room in strictly pri vate family; close in. References. Main OS2I. DID TOD SELL ITT If not. try the automobile columns at I the Times Want Ada. BUSINESS PLACES—TO LET. PARK, 1118: building equipped for ga rage. Could be used for light manufac turing. Main 9256. A ROOM for grocery at Speedway. Good location. Call Belmont 0776. TR *N jf ER AND STORAPE. EST. 1895. Otto J. Suesz Packing, hauling, low rates on California shipments. Through cars to Los Angeles. Main 2353-3628. Night, Webster 0699. PARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Private lacked rooms and open space! 18c per month and up. Local and over: land transfer. Wa call and give y>u ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations 418-28 K. Market street Main 2730. 4 ,Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey st. Mali 2818. LI. 112*. BRUCE KENNARD, TRANSFER, STORa age. Main 0303; Main 6988 , evening Harrison 2258. WE haul you anywhere, *3 per load. KENNARD VOGEL. Belmont 3428. UNION STATION BAGGAGE TRANS! ER M j^ T L l# - ~ REA LEST A T E—F 0 R SALE. Some Class to This Bungalow Modern new and never occupied home of five rooms. Located near Burdsa.l Parkway bivd., and near good car line; long living room, man tel and grate Well arranged dining room, hardwood floor* Kltch-n. two bed rooms and bath Laundry (complete with tube), furnace Terraced lot of good sDo. North front. Price to sell quickly. $5 50b $750 cash balance $47 50 per month THE GATES-KINNEAR COMPANY Mr. Strong. Main 1409. or Main 6527 evenings. Colored Buyers Special Bargain ONLY Sr,CO DOWN. Three triple houses—lßll-13-15. 1617-19- 21, 1623-25-27 Columbia ave. Four rooms to each apt., with -.'is for lighting and cooking. Newly painted. Price $4,000. Will rent for s'.* per month. INDIANA TRUST CO. Main 6232. A NICE home. 7 room* ami hath, three bedrooms. built-in features electric lights, nice basement, very easy terms on Fletcher; three rooms, fine lot on Madison ave.. $1.800; 7 rooms, bungalow design. 2 high lot*. H. Union. SI,OOO cash. a,v terms. Dandy semi modern double. Bevilie. $4,600; easy terms. Everything nice and good. Payment property west, nics Improved rural homes, l'j acres, near New Bethel. $3,800, and many others. C. J. OSBORN. Drexel 6184. Double, East Fiva rooms a side; elsotrio lights, gas. city water, inside toilets; newly painted and decorated; full else lota and good sheds; cement porch; 100 block Tuxedo at.. $4,760; SSOO cash. Sea Mr. Ryan. Security Trust Cos. Main 1804. Evenings, Harrison 3582. Six-Room Semi-Modern $l6O DOWN. $25 PER MONTH. Located Just outside tha city limits. Two sque-es to intorurban. one square to paved road; water in kitchen; east front, lot 40x138. Price $2,500. Meredith & Johnson Main 2398. Webster 7483. 322 Lansing Street Six rooms, newly painted and decorated; electric Ughta, driven well and cistern; for sals, $1,800; small payment cash, balance easy terms. Hurry, as this won't last at this price. Mr. Mclnteer. I. N. Richie & Son. 710 Bankers Trust. Main 0520. Colored Double West Twenty-Fifth st.; dandy 4-room double; gaa. city water, elsctrlo lights; in good repair; always rented. Price. $3,000. Dunlop & Holtegol, Realtors. A Bargain Double southeast, near Southeastern ave.; 6 room# to side; gas, electric lights and city water. Call Mr. Dooley with I. N. Richie & Son. 718-18 Bankers Trust. Evenings, Randolph Home Sacrifice Thoroughly modern, 8-room houso; dandy garagej near Johnson Woods; own er moving out of city. £?e us for particu lars. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors. For Colored Jest being completed, a five-room bun galow with bath, electric lights, gas and city water. Price 83,300; S3OO cash, S3O a month. Mr. Shelburn. RUSSE H. HARTMAN. 324 N. Delaware. Main 8228. - 1535 Garfield Place Five-room cottage; walking distance of College avenne car line. Look at it and make ua offer on easy payments. Monen-Peelle Cos. 407 National City Bank Bldg. W est Six-Room Modern Home Plenty of fruit; not far from oar line. Margaret Berry, SO2 Public Sav. Bldg. Main 5147. NEW modern bungalow, five rooms and bath, front and rear porches; beautiful decorations and electric fixtures. Lot 30x 180 feet. Price $3,800; down payment S6OO. balance S3O per month. Located at 5821 Rawlea avenue. Phone Irvington 3849. $2,000 —$250 Cash Buys Five-room home; electric lights water gas and furnace; one block north Eng lish car ilnß. 1900 east. CANADAY REALTY CO.. *OB-7 City Trust Cos. Main $340. Randolph 6362. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. wssssasssasseejleeewoeseesesesww Double, North Central ava. double, near Thirty-Second Rt. Renting for $1,200 annually. for SII,OOO. Marion County State Bank Close In Fletcher Avenue Home of eight rooms; modern. Margaret Berry, 802 Public. Sav. Bldg. Main 6147. 1793 Roosevelt Ave. • Good home, two-story, seven rooms, big lot, garage. Small cash payment. E. J. Sexton Main 0161. Drexel 2281. TWO HOUSES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Five-room, etrl-tly modern house on corner paved street; dandy little semi modern rear of lot faclrg other street; double garage, $4,750. lie quick. WM. JACKSON. Webster 4283. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, long liv ing room, hardwood floors, bullt-ln fea tures; S7OO cash, balance monthly. FRANK WRIGHT. Irvington 0292. FOR COLORED —4123 Cornelius avsTi strictly moderh 5-room bungalow; ga rage; fruit trees; chicken park; lot 40x310. Terms. Main 0142. MUST sell $l,lOO equity in five-room thor oughly modern new bungalow; a real bargain. Owner 122 S. Gladstone. Irv ington 192 SEVERAL choice bungalows at prices that are regular. L. G. MILLER & CO. Main 1002 or Webster 4835. 313-14 Lemcke bldg. 613 AND 515 W M’CARTY HT.; 8-room double and single; 15 per cent on money invested; $2,100, S2OO cash. Main 0107. 1638 GEMMER ST.; semi-modern 6-room bungalow; $3,000, on terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. Main 0142. TWO modern 6-room bungalows 2*oo block Indiana avenue. Bought on pay ments. Main 2874. 2204 BELLEFONTAINfTsT.; strictly m(Yl ern 8-room home; garage; $5,500; terms Main 0107. LIST your real estate with ELMORE BROS. REALTY CO. Circle 7962. ESTATE—SUBURB AN. Suburban For Sale IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; one and three-quarter acres, two-room house, ga rage, chicken house, hog house, two large Bhado trees, rich soli. Price. $1,350. MR. BARRETT—Main 1115. Howard C. Venn, 108 East Market Street. Five-Room Bunga low 1!4 Acres Practically new. good location, south east, 1 squnr# from car lino and paved road. Mr Mclnteer. I. X. Richie & Son. 710 Bankers Trust. Main 0520. Suburban N>w 6-room bungalow, 3 lot* and gnraga. north, $2 650. Small payment down, bal ance liko rent. Call Main 01SS. Suburban New five-room buncr&low; 3 lota: Raragre; ! north; 13,150. Terms. Call Main 01S6. REAL EST AT E—S AL E OR TRADE# OPPORTUNITIES What Have You Got to Trade? We have Income property and farms In any part of the country, which we can match on h,-.v you muy have from any amount. $1 000 to SIOOO.OOO. For information inquire ZION REALTY CO., 26 W. Fifteenth. Phone* 4:133 Gary. Indiana. TWO doubles renting for SBS to trade for" ' modern residence south of Fall Creek. | Main 1212. j LOTS—rOR SALE. 2 Vo Acr^s 1H MILES ea*t of Irvington and ’6 mile south of National rond $1250; sl6 monthly. Call Webster 6774 evenings or Cooper & Hadley *** Lemcke Bldg Main 2776. LOTB SALE OR TRADE TWO lots for sale or trade In north* _part_town. Size 50x200. Call Circle 4909. RE A L EST A T E —W ANTE D.~~ WE sre in need and can sell property north or east, single* or doubles. What have you? For qui k sale call Mr. Strong with the GATES-KINNEAR CO. "The Firm That Hu.sGes" Main 1409 days, or Main 6527 evening*. We Pay Cash tor your run-down property; must be a bargain. Fowler & Eaton *Ol city Trust Cos. Main 6J7i $2v,000 STUCK of general merchandise. I clear. Will trade aa port payment and j assume mortgage on Indtanapolln apart ment. double or residence property. will I divide stock to mat- h deal. ;*e,> LEAVITT LAND COMPANY. 150 44 S. Illlnom street. WOULD LIKE TO LOCATE A MODERN HOME EAST. ADDRESS A NO. 2709. TIMES. WANT to buy 6 or 6-room house near Brook able park. Address A No 2708, Time; . FARMS—FOR SALE. Dandy Six Ac res Good Seven-Room House Barn, chicken houas 14x40; fruit; on Shelbyvtlls traction, southeast; 9 miles from Circle. ELMORE BROS. Circle BUSINESS Q pp ORTUNmES- J CAPABLE MAN wanted to operate WORLD TIRE STORE In this vicinity; $4,000 to SIB,OOO yearly Income assured Experience unnecessary, but must show successful record. Moderate Investment required fully secured. Writs qualifica tions to WORLD TIRE CORPORATION, Chicago. AUTOMOB I LES—FO R SALE. SPORT model roadster; special built. twelve-cylinder high speed motor; 140- In. wheel base; 6 new heavy white disc wheels, equipped with Parker aupersl/.e cords, 32x4 >, a ; gray leather upholstery, sport model fenders, aluminum steps; new black paint Job and other refinements. For cash sale or trade for coupe. PAUL P. PARKER. Drexel *BOO. DODGE BROTHERS tre.eor cars; a good assortment at all times. OLWalleri OlCOH^y 848 North Meridian. Circle 4300. FORDS! FORDS” FORDS! " Touring, roadsters, as low as SSO down, balance one year. WIDES & MILLER 644 E. Wash. Main 3493. OAKLA N b 1919 touring; A-l mechanical shape. New paint. $l2O. FRED MeGINN 13. rear 1549 N. Meridian st. Circle 7340. ALL kinds of cars. SSO, $76. $104) down, balance small weekly payments. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE Cft blk N. Capitol. STEPIi ENB 1922 demonstrator. Just Ilk* new. Carry ing new car guarantee. An exoepthxia.l bar gain. Call MR. McGINNISB. Circle 7810. FORD OOUPE. Used ehort time as road car. Bargain. Call early. FORD MOTOR CO.. 1316 E. Washington. MONROE touring; good mechanical con dition; new paint and top; 5 wire wheels and new cord tires. 220 S. Pennsylvania st. Main 1705. FORD, 1919; 1-ton truck chassis; good tires; perfect; bargain; terms or trade. WIDES & MILLER. 644 E. Washington. Main 3498. FORD speedster; S6O down; $3.75 weekly. MERCANTILE GARAGE. 125 S. Pennsylvania. Main 8830. OAKLAND 6 touring. 1920; new top arid paint: good mechanical condition, $486. 2*o S. Pennsylvania. Main 1705. SIX-CYLINDEH Saxon ehummmy road ster; 4-cyllnder Studebaker touring, $225 each. 922 South New Jeraey. 1918 OVERT,AND roadster, model 90; new paint and top. Price $265. 220 S. Penn sylvania st. Main 1705. WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-passenger; will sao rifice. 510 N. Capitol ave., Indianapolis. MARMON chummy roadster; like new. 610 N. Capitol, Indianapolis. PACKARD coupe, twin 6. A real bargain $950, 510 N. Capitol, STUTZ roadster, S6OO. 510 N. Capitol ave. Indianapolis. FORD coupe, 1921. Sale or exchange. 725 Virginia avenue. EVERETT TRUE. I'D IK(S TO —‘BORROW Your G<us. j TW'S ev^v/MG.^ e i 1 - ■ ■ ii ii •-e-ay.Viv . AUTOMOBILES—FOR SALE. Koaumer Good tires, flue running condition, sum mer top and inclosed top; price $200; e.tsy payments. Pilot Motor Car Cos. 1110 N. Meridian. Circle 4081 Overland Tosmring Good tires, fine running condition; easy payments, $295. Pilot Motor Cos. 1110 N. Meridian, Circle 4081. I SEVERAL !••••!•! muring -..ra and road sters; ail m-d ch. Sale or exchange. 725 Vrtr.giida avenue. _ _ _ USED cars, always a bargain, sals or ex change f->r any car. 516 East. Main 6 7::. AUTOMOdIt-Eb—WANTED. AUTOSWANTED I. Wolf 2\uto Cos. 819 N. Illinois st. Main 1579. _ AUTOS won't so. VVKISSMAN 8. 212-14 EL Yc.rli Main 444 H. j I COLVIN BATTERY COMPANY ! Recharge, 6-Volt. 60c; 12-Volt, 75c. Sew Battery, Guaranteed Two Years, 611, 114.60: 612. sl6 60; 127, $22.50. 121 e Maryland st. circle i?7o. "FITTED TO ANY UK Fit EE." If it J- .. g 1 used TIRE I you wnnt, tho chances are that we have ; them any hU* t ROGERS Sit' W. Wfthtr.fT*i-$n He! ;nont 4 200. |“ REDEOEI) BRICES I Auto U a.'ditr.g. Touting. SI.OO, s-il'-.n j $1.25. PHROYKR. 322 W. Maryland. Cirri* 0633 BRING your battery troubles to u*. W* are experts in 'hi* work and our price* are right: 6 volt recharge 50c; rebuild complete $6 60; U volt recharge 760; re build complete SIO.OO SOUTH BIDE BATTERY SHOP. 418 S MERIDIAN ST. FORD BODIES SwSssheSmrn £t Parker 830 East Market. i AUTO vY AMI UNO j Our specialty. 834 North Illinois. j fe & 8 Auto Laundry I TIRES, alfTlz-e $4 and up. Rebuilt cas -1 lugs with NEW TREADS. Wo also re falr or retread your tires. ANDERSON TEAM VULVANIZER CO. 611 North Capitol. Id door. Auto Tops and Painting 85 Kentucky Ave. MURAT TIRE AND RUBBER CO. InteD llgent service. Tlrn and batteries. Main 6555. 20 9 E. New York etreet. _____ O. BELT for first-class Job of repairing anything from A to Z. 220 R. Pennsyl vania st. Main 1705. OARAGE and storage space for rent. 510 | E. Tenth. Rear. Circle 4732. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. Now la th* time to have yout motorcycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 634-86 Mase. Ave. 6404. CASH paid lyr all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD pUtEKMAN. 609 Maas. *vk Main 7029. _ ~ MISCELLANEO US— FOR SALE.^ We Have Some Exceptionally Good Bargains in the Following Material: 32x4 1 /6 —33x5, casings and Tubes, j Single and double cushions. Cushion springs. Oil Pressure gauges. Stromberg-Schebler carburetor. i One now 4-gallon coffee urn. One used 3-ga.llon coffee urn. And other small items. Nordyke & Marmon Cos. See Mr. Weber, Gate 6, Kentucky ave. TROUSERS m : The latest spring styles f j now in. Match Your I I Coat and Vest. 11 The Pants Store 1 /V 48 West Ohio St. 114 East Ohio St. FUR SALE —Beautiful crocheted luncheon set, large centerpiece and doilleu; will sell separate or sacrifice on whole set. Webster 6894. INVALID CHAIRS—Good, strong rubber- ! tired chairs for rent, $3.69 per month. ! Crutches. 26c. Delivery free. BAKER BROS. MAKE your old coat look like new suit by matching a pair trousers with tha CORRECT PANTS MAKERS COt BEDBUGS, roaches, moths, ants, destroyed with one application of "Sudden Death." ALBERT MAAS. 31 Vlr. ave. Main 1225. ANDERSON steam vulcnntzer; good ns new. Call evenings and Saturdays. 1234 N. Warman avenue. A BARGAIN In 2 Easy yacuum and 1 Gain-a-Day electric washlrs, soiled. 34 1 South Meridian street. V I By CONDO. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. nuecl.) ANDEKSON steam vulc&nlzer; good as L"vV. Gall evenings and Saturdays. 1224 N'. Warman avenue. ONE double an<i 2 afngle Iron beds; de _ f-r summer IJ. 2416. A M'.Mi'LK of u -d electric washers, S2O and u;. 84 South Meridian street. K V KItG R K b:NS." * Fine shrubs. Call Washington 5129. TO LETT CONFRETB MIXERS FOR RENT. Circle 3665. j.-j’Y'-SC ELLA IV EQ U S—W ANTED. GOOD. SOUND YELLOW EAR CORN WANTED AT THE STOCK YARDS Da BY < -tfrl.ig-' Htroller ori He, regard of condition. Circle 7Gl>O. QS—FO RSAL E Rugs—Linoleum 20 yards lmoU-utn, 55.95. 9x12 seamless H ■:•**:* : m ktr--, blue, tan, taupe and old rose, J 2 5". Imported Japanese grass ro;* f'x 12, $".50, 9x12 genuine gold seal <'• - A'l.-oim rugs. $1 4 50 , Wiltons, velvets od Uruesels rugs at wholesale prices. New goo 1:4. all perfect. Dorfman Rug Cos. 2'7 W Washington. 'Lincoln 5750. < It A X , ES, remade In perfect condl- Mon; box petterr.e $ 10.00 and up. Cahl r,--* $16.00 and tip. Delivered and ccTinu- 1,1 cash or payment*. CHILES K i-.H Ul.Vii, BS2 Virginia avenue. Drexel GAS DANCES, remade In perfect c<ndl t! 'u. box jif tern. SIO.OO up Cabl not f'y sl*..oi) and up. Delivered and ‘ and ‘ ueh or payments. MERIDIAN STt>VE O'MDANY. 927 S. Meridian st. Stewart 17 J. F' 'R SAfJ' Fine walnut Antique furni ture. t>, kcaae, library tables. Dutch ■ •nbA."t (hand carved), parlor .suite, rugs* el• <rr 1• * lamps, mirrors, bric-a-brac and ! other artioies; private homo. 162- Shelby j FURNTTUHE of H -room house. Leaving city, will Bacriflce. 549 E. 22d. Wash. 835*. OAK dining room Buite, davenport. Morris chair. 37. S. IhMtrborn. Webster 384. IKON bed end springs, good, clean, cheap. We hater 93 4S. KIT' ‘HKN ■•ablnet, McDougall; reaaonable. Main 8258. MUStCA L—S AL E OR WANTE O. PIANOS TUNED and repaired; all work guaranteed. RuBERTSON MUSIC HOUSE, 123 Massachusetts ave. Main 4531. PARLOR Grand, ebony ca.o, $250 cash CHAS. C. MORGAN. Randolph 4221. CUGS, POULTRY, PIGEONS. ETC. HOMES wanted for healthy homsless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. City <log pound. 924 K N, Y. Main 0872. PERSIAN - kTtENS. ’ss AND $7. FOR SAT,K Full-blooded Persian kittens. Phono Randolph 6311. COAL AND WOOD—FOR SALE. ATTENTION! Users of Steam Coal Wo lm\ • a large nupply of Indiana tgtf nut. Phone us for prices. M. A. Silver Coal Cos. j Seventeenth an.l 1.. E. & W. Railroad. W Ebster 0618. Best Ind. or Linton. No. 4 clean fk..56.00 | Best Ind. mine run. 50% lump $5.00 Bent Brasil block, large clean fk....57.00 Kindling with each ton. UNION ICE AND COAL CO. Drexel 3280. St. 2225. ! I.INTON No , forkc.l. . 77. ..... "77. .$6.00 j Forahonlas lump, forked 8,00 J i Pocahontas lump, genuine red ash... 7.50 i | El. 6227. MERIDIAN CO At. CO. | COAL E. H. BAIN OOAE CO. ; Main 8531. 313 N. Pine. Main 3151. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. j ATTENTION RADIO DEALERS—We will ; manufacture nulla parts. If in need of anv and want prompt delivery, see us. MEIER ELECTRIC AND MACHINE COMPANY. 136 S. Meridian street. LEGAL NOTICE. 1 NOTICE TO HEIRS, CREDITORS. ETC. 60—13021. In the Probate Court of Marlon County. April term. 1322. In the matter of the estate of Alfred R. j Mosey, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Christian ID. Mosey, as administrator of the above named estate has presented and filed his account and vouchers in final settlement l of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action i of said Probate Court on the 27th day of Ma- 1922, at which time all heirs credi tors or legatees of said estate are re quired to appear In said court and show cause if any there be why said account and vouchors should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required , to appear and make proof of their heir i ship. GEORGE V. COFFIN, Clerk. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. ~ Notice is hereby given, that the under signed lias duly qualified as administrator of estate of Harry D. Brock, deceased, late of Marion County, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. No. 20083. WALTER C. CLARKE. CLARKE & CLARKE. Attorneys. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. " 'Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as administrator of estate of Charles E. Smith, deceased, late of Marion County, Indiana. Said es tate la supposed to be soiven. No. 20036. ALBERT C. SMITH. CLARKE Si CLARKE, Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICES. (Continued.) NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Department of Finance, Office of the City Controller, City Hall, Indianapolis, In diana, May 29, 1922. Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of General Ordinance No. 65, 1921, of the Common Council of the City of Indianapolis, State of Indiana, I passed on the sth day of September. 1921, 1 and approved by the Mayor September 14, j 1921, and General Ordinance No. 34, 1922, ! amendatory thereto, passed on the 17th j day of April, 1922, and approved by the Mayor on the 20th day of April. 1922, the j undersigned City Controller of the City of j Indianapolis will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Controller at the City Hall up to twolve o'clock noon on Monday, May 29, 1922. tor Thirty-six Thousand Five Hundred ($36,500.00) Dollars of the City Streets and Public Highway bonds of 1922. of the City of Indianapolis, payable from the general fund of said city, said bonds being Seventy-three (73) In number and in denomination of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each, bearing date of May 20, 1922, and to ba Issued in Ten (10) Series, and the first series shall mature on tha Ist day of January, 1924. and one (1) series shall mature on the Ist day of Jan uary of each year thereafter to and in cluding the Ist day of January, 1933, as follows, to-Wjf : The first series shall be for nine (9) , bonds of Five Hundred ($300.00) Dollars ' "each. The second series shall be for eight (8) bonds of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each. The remaining bonds shall be issued in eight (8) equal series of seven (7) bonds of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each, all bearing interest at the rate of five (6%) per cent per annum, payable semi annually on the Ist day of July and Jan uary, respectively, of each year, evidenced by Interest coupons attached to said bonds, and the first eoupoxi attached to each of said bonds for the interest on said bonds ♦Torn date of issue until the Ist day of July, 1922, will be due and payable at that time and said bonds with coupons attached are to be delivered and paid for at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Indianapolis. The proposals will be opened by the City Controller at his office on the 29th day of May. 1922, between the hours of twelve o'clock noon and two o’clock p. m., and said City Controller shall thereupon award said bonds, or If he shall see fit. a part or any number thereof to the highest and best bidder therefor, but said City Controller shall have the right to post ' pone said award until a later date not ! beyond the 3rd day of June, 1922, and , also the right to reject any and all bids j ; and proposals, or any part thereof nd ] , also the right to accept a part of any i bid and to award upon any bid the whole | or less number of bonds covered by such bid, except only the.t no bond shall be sold at less than par and any accrued Interest and said City Controller shall fur ther have the right In hts Judgment and discretion to award said bonds, a part to one lildder and a part to another. Each and every bid and proposal shall i be presented to the City Controller sealed. ! and ehall be accompanied by a duly certi fied check upon some responsible bank In the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, payable to the order of the City Treasurer, for a sum of money which shall equal two and one-half (214 fit) per cent of the face or par value of bonds bid for or proposed to be purchased, and In case any bid or pro posal shall not be accepted and there shall be no award of bonds thereon, the certi fied che> k accompanying the same shall thereupon be returned to sue), unsuccess ful bidder or bidders. If there shall be awarded the whole or any part of the bonds upon any bid or proposal the certi fied olmck accompanying the same shall thereupon be delivered to the City Treas urer, who shall thereupon present the same for payment, and shall be entitled to collect the s.-iire and hold the proceeds j colle-Tff, thereon* until the completion of the purchase and payment for the bonds j so awarded, and If for any renson oald j check shall r.ot bo paid upon presentation, ; the city shall retain said check and shall | have the right to collect thG same for its own use and said check and proceeds thereof when collected shall he taken and deemed as agreed and liquidated damage* for such breach of contract, and as a payment thereof to the city. In case any successful bidder shall fall to complete the purchase of bonds co awarded and to pay for the same within the time and manner herein required or whbh may be prescribed by the i'lty Con troller, the proceeds of such certified check deposited by such bidder shall he taken, j considered and deemed as agreed and Uqui ! dated damages for the breach of such bld : dor's contract of purchase and shall be 1 taken and deemed as a payment to the | city fir such damages, and shall be re ; taim and ami hold by said city for its use. : However, If such successful bidder shall I complete the purchase of said bonds 1 award’d to him. said proceeds of said : c.-rUfied Chock shall thereupon he returned i l to auch bidder, or at the option of the I i City Controller, at the time of the com- I ; pietlon of the sale and payment tor the 1 bonds, said proceeds of said certified check may be applied and deemed a payment on acoouivt of the purchase of said bonds. j Delivery of any bonds sold Ehall be j made at the office of the City Treasurer j of the City of Indianapolis. Indiana, njt‘ later than the 3rd day of June 1922, or at : such time or times as may be agreed upon by the Controller and the purchaser or ! purchasers. Provided, however, that the ; City Controller may extend the time for such delivery not more than ten (10) days I after the day or days specified or agreed i upon rs above provided, and the success- | ful bidder or bidders shall take the bonds awarded to him or them ar.d pay for the i same at such place and time, and any ! neglect or omission to do so. ehall be a breach of the bidder's contract of bid or j proposal on account of which damages : shall he retained or recovered by the city j as liquidated, as hereinbefore set out. Said bonds and the Interest coupons l shall be negotiable and payable at the In- \ | dlana Trust Company, Indianapolis. In diana. and shall be signed by she Mayor. City Controller and attested by the Citj Clerk. JOSEPH L. HOGUE. City Controller of the City of Indianapolis. Indiana. NOT IC B FOR BIDS ON SUPPLIES FOR THE USE OF THE PUBLIC INSTITU TIONS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA Notice is hereby given that the Joint Purchasing Committee, for tha correctional and benevolent Institutions of the State of Indiana, will receive at the office of its Secretary. In ths State Capitol Building, Room 326, until 8 o'clock a, m. on the 17th day of May. 1922, sealed bids on dry goods and notions, paints, oils and var nishes, according to a complete list speci fying kind, grade and quantity now on file In the office of the said Secretary of the Committee. The Joint Purchasing Committee re serves the right to reject any and all bids submitted and to waive technical de fects. Bv order of JOINT PURCHASING COMMITTEE. Fred B. Robinson, Secy. NOTICE TO HEIRS. CREDITORS. ETC 59—1*509. In the Probate Court of Marion County. April term. 1922. In the matter of the estate of William F. Hants, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Iva Hants as administratrix of the above named es tate has presented and filed her account and' vouchers In final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for th* examination and action of satd Probate Court on the 27th day of May. 1922, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to ap pear In said court and show cause. If any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship. GEORGE V. COFFIN, Clerk. CLARKE C.V CLARKE. Attorneys. FINANCIAL. ~~ CONFIDENTIAL Quick Loans UP TO S3OO On pianos, vlctrolas, household fur niture and guaranteed notes. Loans payable In °. to 20 monthly instal ments. Legal changes based on un- Eaid 1 alance for actual time used. cans with other companies paid off and' more money advanced. Hours t t-> 6:30. Saturdays to 1 p. m. Call, write or phone Circle 1-6-6-9. Beneficial Loan Society 601 National City Bank bldg. " LOANS On furniture, pianos, autos, lies stock, farm Implements and other collateral. CAPITOL LOAN CO. 141 H E. Washington St. Main 0885. Auto Lincoln TH4. WE MAKE first and second mortgages on improved farms and Indianapolis real estate. AETNA MORTGAGE AND INVEST*!. CO. 608 Fidelity Trust bldg. FIRST and seoond mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 1101 National City Bank bldg. Lin coln 6104. MONEY furnished on realty mortgagee and contracts. FRANK K. SAWYER. Meridian Life Bldg. 3G7 North Pennryl vanla street. Circle 1061, > MONEY to loan on second mortgages. l~a MILLER. 117 N. Delaware sL Main 57(1. * FINANCIAL. (Continued.) TO. CaN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP and on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a a. censed and bonded firm, for us* In paying overdue bfUs or to buy the things you need for CABH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service. LOANS ON FURNITURE 120.00 to 2300.00 at legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all th* time you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual time you have th* money. Fair. Isn't It? * You Can Aflfyrd to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and Interest On |IOO pay $5 a month and interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE THE COST IN TOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day, and through personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal interest, we can serve you and your friends as you wish to be served. In these unusual times, ouslness friendships, close relations, mu. tual understandings and co-operation are real assets to all of us. We are ready to go three-fourths of the way. Now It ig “"fidelity loan CO. 106 E. Market St. Room 632 Lemcke Bldg. Main J 278. Lincoln 77*$. BIG YEAR AHEAD FOR STUDEBAKER Banner Motor Season in Pros pect, Dealer Says. Long experience In business counts sos more In the automobile trade than la many others, and for that reason motor* ists are coming to examine more and more closely into the personnel of com panies selling motor cars, is the opinion expressed by A. W. Buck, president of the Buck Company, distributors in this territory for tne Studebaker. “In the past many car owner* hav* found themselves up against the propo sltiou of having on their hands a car fop which there is no service because of a change in agency or soma other reason.” Mr. Buck said. “These costly and bit ter experiences have led motorist* to adopt the plan of buying only from old, well established concerns that are in terested not only in the sale of new ma chines, but in the maintenance of th* cars sold in past years. “I think that is one reason why w have on our li6ts customers that for year* past have owned nothing but Studebaker cars. Not onlv nave they found th* product more than satisfactory, but they also know that the Buck Company can be depended upon to give service through years to come. This Is a big item to the motorist and he realizes ana appreciate* It fully. “There is every indication that 1922 1* to to a big Studebaker year. During th* first four months our production from the factory at South Bend was far in excess of any previous year. This is a wonder ful record In view of the depressed busi ness conditions of last year, and i* du* to the foresight of the Studebake man agement. “At a time when other concerns and companies were making plans for limited outputs and restricted production, th* Studebaker went boldly ahead and laid out a program of astounding propoitions. This was made possible by the fact th* company not only is not a borrewr of money, but has accumulated a surplu* of such Bize it actually Is a lender of money today. “The far-sightedness of the manage ment has been more than Justified by th* results. Everywhere the Studebaker 1* in demand. In Indianapolis wa cer tainly have nothing of which to com plain. and the demand for the cars Is In creasing steadily as the real motoring season draws nearer every day. “From all Indication* 1922 Is to b known as a Studebaker year in the motor world, and I certainly feel more than satisfied with th* progress already mad* this season.” COAL CUSTOMERS DEMAND SERVICE Satisfied Customers Necessary to Dealer’s Success. In no other line of busines* le the talus of service more appreciated and more i -pessary than In the coal business le the opinion expressed by Paul J. Hen derson, manager of the C. E. & I Coal Company, which maintains two coal yards one at r2o2ft Schurmann avenuo and the other at 127 Fulton street. "Customers get so they depend mor. and more upon their coal dealers,” ho said. "If a man wants a ton ol coal todav he usually wants It so badly that In his mind It Is worth several morn tuns three days later. And it takes’ • well equipped, well handled company it* be able to supply Its customers promptly and meet their demands satisfactorily. "In our company we make every pos sible effort to give service as well as high quality coal and I believe that a large part of our success has been due to the fact that our clientele has found that it can depend 'upon us in emergencies as well as In the ordinary course of business. "Although we do a general retail business and a large one too, we special ize particularly in supplying fuel to steam plants, large buildings and apart ment houses. These places of course re quire at all times fuel of even grade and aunlity. It Is necessary for a dealer to re up to the requirements of each cus tomer In this respect. The yard which makes the first few loads of coal ex cellent ones only to permit the quality of the protuct to deteriorate In later de liveries is sure to lose the trade of these big consumers, for uniformity of fuel Is a prime necessity In the operation of heating plants. “From a purchaser's standpoint I be. lieve now is about as favorable a time as could be for coal buying. The market is down, the supply is fairly satisfactory, due to a warm winter, and It Is almost a certainty that as time goes by and the coal strike drags along that prices will begin to rise again. There is almost no coal production going on in the soft co(l fields at present and in the long Pun this certainly will make for increased prices in the coal market. It looks very much to me as if the time to buy is before the present coal stocks have been depleted.'* Manual Alumni Select Officers Seven members of the Alumni A**ocf ation of the Emmerich Manual Training High School have been selected aa a committee to nominate candidates for officers of the association, to be elected at the annual meeting, June 16. Mem bers of the committee are Charles HajjA dorn, 4156 Broadway; Mrs. Emma W. Flieklnger, 4211 Broadway; Miss Hattie Thudium, 1647 Park avenue; Miss Elsa Huebner, 2406 North Pennsylvania street; Frank Garten, 3524 North Meridian street: Arthur R. Madison, 1812 Prospect street, and Dr. Kenneth Craft, 4£3 East Tbirty-Thtrd street. Appears in Defense °f Nat Goldstein WASHINGTON, May B.—Senator Spen cer, Republican of Missouri, appeared today before the Senate Finance Commit tee in defense of Nat Goldstein, whose nomination as Internal revenue collector of tho First (St. Louis) district of Mis souri, has been the subject of senatorial criticism because of his admitted ac eepance of money from the campaign fund of former Geornor Bowden of Illinois, la the presidential primaries two years ago. 1 Man Killed in Oklahoma Tornado OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., May man was killed and considerable prepent/ damage was done when a small tornado and heavy rainstorm swept the Btftto td* day. John Tobias. 23. was killed at Cure, < 11