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14 MEMBER OP THE r.HKRAL RESERVE SYS TE M A Broader Service This company is now prepared as a member of the Federal Reserve Sys tem to render a broader service than heretofore. It will serve the commun ity as a savings bank, as a trust com pany and as a commercial bank. On the cheeking accounts of individ uals and business concerns it pays in terest monthly at 2% on the minimum balance for the month, provided it is not less than SSOO. It welcomes check ing accounts for smaller amounts. On savings accounts it pays interest semi-annually at 3%. Branches and affiliated banks: 1233 Oliver; 474 West Washington; 2812 East Washington; 2122 East Tenth; 1541 North Illinois; 2969 North T llinois. jflctrfirr ssawngg ana Crust Couq-u... Trusts • Commercial Banking • Savings Evans 'Woollen, PnsiJeit Via PnsiJeaa Hugh McK. T.radon Hugh Dougherty Albert E. Metzger Vinson Carter N. W. CORNER PENNSYLVANIA AND- MARKET POLICE SEEK CLEW IN PARK DUAL MURDER Find No Evidence of Struggle, and Also Doubt Suicide Pact Was Cause. MAMARONEI'K. X. Y.. May * The bodies of John C. Kane, Jr.. 34. ami Miss Elizabeth Dunn. 32, were found in Alton Wood I’ark early today. Miss Dunn had twen shot through the left breast. Kane died from a bullet tired through his mouth. Beside his right baml lay a Colt automatic. Police found no evidence of a struggle ltd there was no indication of a double suicide pact. So far as early investigations showed, (he couple, who bad been constantly to gether lately, are not known to have ifuarreled. The fact that a bullet had found the .irl’s heart killing her Instantly, that wild flowers she had picked were still in her hand, and that there was no sign ■f a struggle, caused doubt in the minds • f the police regarding what appeared on the face of things to be a case of murder and suicide Kane was a postal clerk. He served as a sergeant and instructor at the Paris Island Marine Corps training camp in South Carolina during the war. Miss Dunn had just renewed her con tract ns a teacher in {he public schools. Did Richard Steele Stevenson’s Auto? Richard Steel. 'Jot". Bluff road, was ar rested late last night on the charge of vehicle taking. He was found, it is said, in an automobile near Raymond str.-et and White river. Steele is alleged to have -tolen an automobile owned by George Stevenson. I niversity Heights. Yellow Taxi Rates Are Slashed Again Rates have again been reduced by the Yellow Cab Company, the company an nottneed today. The former rate of S3 an hour was reduced to $2.50. The mile age rates are 25 cents for the first third •if a mile and 10 rents for each additional 'hird of a mile, with a charge of JO cents for each additional passenger. 1* jour child** dcvelop ment recorded In photo / A graph* ? Imperishable, permanent, drlifrht fnl. J 2 they he*t remintl you in . gr after years of aJ! the hap ;jf pine** of chlldho* and. We like to make children’** portrait*. Ninth Floor, Kahn nalldlnr. Opening RIVERSIDE PHARMACY i! Ist and Sehurmann ave. Monday Evening From 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. Souvenirs to he {riven away. Cuticura Soap Will Help You Clear Your Skin Soap. OtaaiMat.Tsli-an. Be. awrwbere. Simple* -re* of CsUnnUlanlMlH. S<ptX,lbUu,kiu. Satin Flapper Pumps—All the Rage! evert pair fitted unnecessary to attend shoe sales when you by expert salesmen Kl* /jßnfc can get such values as these here every day. rTnW Our assortment of satin flapper pumps is com- Pl©te, but because of their popularity we urge '\HB| that you shop tomorrow. All the other season's /JMB novelties in footwear for women and girls and l k nieD boys. Also conservative models for every age. You save money EVERY TIME vou buy here! 2nd FLOOR STATE LIFE BUILDING Henry P. Davison Estate $10,000,000 NEW YORK, May $. Henry P. Pavi son, noted financier of J. P. Morgan & 0., who died Saturday during an operation for a tumor on the brain, left an es tate valued at $10,000,000. Ho carried life insurance amounting to 52.000.000 In twenty companies. The funeral will be simply conducted tomorrow from the little Episcopal Church in Locust Valley, where he wor shipped. Blind Tiger Charge Follows Car Fight A fight with a street car conductor last night resulted in R. A. Scott. 1704 Ashland avenue, being charged with op erating a blind Mger and assault and battery. The trouble occurred a! Col lege avenue and Pratt street. Everett Phillips. 523 Highland avenue, conduc tor, tore a SI bill Scott handed him A quarrel followed. Phillips Is said to have put Seott off the ear. The police searched Scott and say tli<> found a bottle of whisky in his coat pocket. New In Indianapolis Semi-Finished #> Family I J M Laundress Service A Lb. NO MARKS li fIP Wearing Apparel 80' 7 Ready to I I QUICK SERVICE rc^rMoclel 3 n Washing Headquarters Satisfying Senior Nathan T. Washburn, Geo. W. Pein. Isaac B. Taylor. jROOFING Jj® I Wp an rptsllprs of Rod and Krepn Slate roatPil AS ! PHAI.T SHINGLES and ROLL ROOFING. In plain and d-'Mgued psttprus; plain talc and ssnd roated -Jf&idSvfkiG ASPHALT ROOFING; GALVANIZED ROOFIN'O, iSSßaßrJffl NAILS. ROOK CEMENT and ROOF PAINT. /Saj&jEmJ || We are also appllers of ASPHALT SHINGLES and JBwbVMF-JF A ROLL ROOFINGS, employing only skilled workmen flsWijaSpw'jr- ' In our applleatinn department. Telephone us for an NStojaM W ~ estimator to measure your roofs, submit samples aid quote prices for Jobs complete. All contracts embody a guaranty to keep roofs In repairs, nil workmen and J (®U the public are covered with full Insurance under the MkfiMrjSf |p Greer-Hankins Lumber Cos. MAIn #747. #M UMscehaaetta Amts —j WHAT IS YOUR MENTAL AGE? INDIANA HEALTH EXPOSITION State Fair Ground May 19-27 Tickets On Sale at Your Drug Store. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS LJ 1 " jlj ■;;! .It T-~Jrr ■ -Wggfc Sidney Hocks had a narrow escape front serious injury one day this week. He was on Musket Ridge, and was walk ing across a deep gully on a plank. W hen he had reached the middle he took a large chew of tobacco and became overbalanced. • • • The Dog Hill preacher Is doing a lot better In his sermons now than he did, and ought to be encouraged. Quite a number of the congregation now sit clear through the sermon without thinking about anything else. • • • Clab Hancock says In his Judgment the only thing that can thrive without a foundation is a false rumor. NIGHT SESSIONS TO FORCE ACTION ON TARIFF BILL Republican Leaders Say Demo crats Are Resorting to Filibuster. WASHINGTON. May s.—By adopting a policy of attrition. Senator Lodge, Ue publicain leader, and his Administration associates, planned today to wear out the Democratic opposition to the M. i umber tariff bill in the hope ■ f forcing its pas sage "not later than Aug. 1. President Harding was reported t > share the concern of the Administration spokesmen over the little progress that has been made with the measure with the two weeks it has been tin- Senate Senator Lodge sail in- was going ahead with his plan to hold t. e Semite in cortiuuous night sessions beginning tomorrow, unless the Demo ratio tilibus ter he charged was Icing conducted against the bill, was abandoned. Senator Met.'ll in her. Republican, of North Dakota, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was understood, how ever, to regard night sessions wish dis favor and others on the Uepuidi'-an side were said to share liis opposition to Stumors being compelled to main on the job at night. Senator Watson, Republican, of Indi ana charged that ‘'the sole, object of all "tlie talk the Democrats have enrag ing in sin e the tariff bill was made tic unfinished business, is to filibuster, to postpone, to procrastinate, to delay, to put off Its passage until just as near the November election* as possible.” Senators 1 nderwood of Alabama. Sim mons of North Carolina. King of Italy and others who are leading the Demo cratic opposition. Oetii.-il emphatically that a filibuster is being waged to hold up the bill. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. | |'r rtf j maneunee r j jif) V | ißpeeialhj f)praj)Ged Bxpssitoh I / 11 |lkVfrl\W9R& | [ \ 1-ROM THE BEST KNOWN '! * i American Silversmiths ! i&y jj HAS BEEN CHOSEN AN I EXHIBIT UNEQUALLED FOR ITS \ i CHARACTER. EXTENT,VARIETY AND I \ ABSORBING INTEREST j % \ Qnij £iece in the Cissem&tage j ( \ at qrealfayouKred \ yN V I ajear j I 29-31'vVcAnWhiw^ton Street j PEasy to Play syl AC Easy to Pay — TJv Oultuansea Trad* Mark The Edison Shop Pennsylvania Street What Would Happen to the Farmer if ho disposed of every grain at the reaping and forgot the needs of flic season to coine? •II ST EXACTLY WHAT WOULD UAITKX TO ANY man who spent every eent as it was earned, and saved nothing for growth and devel opment . Open a Savings Account and store more seed each month fop the planting. Make your deposits on or before May 10th and they will draw interest from May Ist. We Pay 4V2% On Savings MEYER-KISER BANK 136 East Washington Street. ibll Bxifg H KljQ^^gg£ggHggk*2lHSaßfldHßßHi^B&BßHSmHHttflll A comfy, clubby, /^f*i\ chummy drink! [fifrd I V.' \ You’ll say it’s so good that LvWf it is like a festive drink. Yet W, /--> h) even the best tea—Ridgways 'A j Tea—is economical that >{''•*'''/ B can enjoy it at every ■ ft It.. % lb. anj Special H Ik TINS Trial Tin jf “The First Thing You Think Os” DISTRIBUTOR, SCHNULL & COMPANY RUGS and CARPETS Cleaned and Dyed / UKE \ V ZU r L Z s7. Call DRexel 7600 Tnenty-three yearn Over 150,004 patient*. In natnc you are n henutlful them a*k year nelgh ln IndiannpoU*. 1 l/r bor about u. Don't worry about the money. Just a smi.ll payment down and balance as your work is being done. There la a homey feeling about this offico which you will enjoy and our low prices and good work will make you happy. DON’T HURT A BIT • For painles'i extraction, take gas, just a. quiet, gentle steep; you feel nothing. Any method where a needle Is use-d Is bound to hurt some. Why be hurt? EITELJORG & MOORE, Dentists Corner East Market St. and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant. 23-123 "’Adsn MA In 0123 Electric Washing and Wringing Machine Guaranteed to/wash 100% clean. Sold on easy payment!. The Hatfield Electric Company Corner Maryland and Mnrldlan Streets. MAY 8, 1922. " 1 -I-....--., I Men's Caps ■ ALL WOOL Unlirted, Non- m n _ 0 Breakable H See Display in Cases Ifiiiltls ||l Cor. Washington and Delaware I A SAFE EYE | I SERVICE | I We understand all the var- || I ious phases of eye trouble, || | yet we never attempt to do y| | that which is not within II the scope of our service p If you need glasses we can \f fit them properly If your $ eyes need medical treat- | ment we are competent to | judge and will advise you j accordingly. It costs less to consult us | first Chances are that p glasses are all you need and || ’ we will supply your needs P perfectly j& ! | Hoosier Optical Cos. | 148 North Illinois St. jj| AWNINGS Protect and Beautify wMBk ADVANCE TENT AND AWNING CO. 315.-319 ADELAIDE STREET. MA in 3082. Family Washing 16% Pounds for SI.OO 6c Each Additional Pound Put in Rag Rugs and Bed Clothes Joft Water Quick Delivery Call Drexel 6776 6777 One of our trucks will call FAMILY WASH LAUNDRY 831-837 E. Wash. St. I I TRUSSES J A Doctors recommend WHACO n ■ Trusses and Supporters, be- I |] cause they know that our sys- fj Item of expert study of each H Q Individual ease, backed by sci- fj ■ entifle designing and careful I y fitting, will insure satisfaction fj I to their patients. 1 i Armstrong Cos. I 0 Sf/rgical instrumentJfouse u Established IRSS- fj hMWJPI S4 West Ohio St. ■ Indianapolis, lnd. R Complete Line of y Sickroom Supplies | ; " ' GET THE HABIT WEAR \ NOE’S QUALITY | JEWELRY | THE FLETCHER M. NOE z JEWELRY STORE. 1 103 N. Illinois St. Opp. Terminal Sta. 1 *L_ ~^ . . , . - —■ff GLAZER’S New Location 211 E. Washington St