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MAY 8, 1922. PLUMBING INSTALLED ON “The Buschmann Payment Plan 9 * BY ANY RESPONSIBLE PLUMBER fOR INFORMATION SEE AUGUST BUSCHMANN & SONS, Inc. MA In 0973 11th and College Ave. ) ELECTRIC LIGHT V J AND POWER L I SERVICE i 0 I \ MERCHANTS \ ! Heat & Light Company ! j C. O’B. Murphy, General Manager 5 Hie Daylight Corner You’ll feel that isn t hard. To at home make it true three hun -o.t tllC dred and sixty-five days j . - in the year is quite a LvinCOln task. That it is true at the Lincoln, is best at tested by the constantly increased registration of RETURNING guests— and the greater number of local people who lunch and dine here. Hotel Lincoln , At LINCOLN SSI UA RE INDIANAPOLIS Wm. R. Seeker, Mgr. Quick Results—lnvestigate Sulphur Vapor Bath Institute It seems to us tnat if you knew about the wonderful benefits others are getting in cases of Nervousness, Rheumatism, Neuritis, High Blood Pressure, Colds, etc., you would soon become a desirable member of our growing family. Indorsed by Physicians. IS2V 2 West Washington St. Main 5361 We Invite Investigation. MADE TIIAW ArtAn! We coul<l charge more, but we MUKCi lir Ai* VIvIULL could not give more Quality and style to our pictures. "They’re More Than Good.” MA in 2983. HOLLAND STUDIO, 17 West Market Street Like Home Just Opened The Russet Cafeteria 37 S. Meridian St Highest possible quality of food, prepared by skilled white lady cooks and served to the public at moderate prices. Open 11 a. m. to 2:15 p. m. /V£S&\ F. E. TROSKY MERCHANT PLUMBER PLUMBING and HEATING \/ PROMPT JOS WORK. GET OUR ESTIMATE. RAndolph I*l7. 419 E. 30th SL Auto. KEnwood 2948 TELEPHONES- Randolph 3920 Srhurmann Are. UU . ' Circle 0306 127 Fulton Street. The E. & I. COAL CO. Successors to J. L. Hampson Coal Cos. Indianapolis Service Transfer & Storage Cos., Inc. LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BAGGAGE MAIn 4400. MAIn 4401. Bedford Stone and Construction Cos. Contractors—Engineers 810-15 Fletcher Savings and Trust Building Indianapolis, Indiana. MA In 0758. Residence, Irvington 3650 The Lightning Transfer & Storage Cos. WM. W. GRAVES, Mgr. OVERLAND AND HEAVY HAULING FURNITURE, PIANOS AND BAGGAGE 203 Pierce Bldg. EXPERT RIGGERS FOR MACHINERY Rent a New Ford Drive It Yourself Touring Cars SAUNDERS Coupes Roadsters Drive It Yourself Sedans Phone Circle 6826. SYSTEM S3S North Delaware Si FINE ARTS , FRAMING CO. 343 MASS.AVE.— INDIANAPOLIS We will regild or refinish your old frames at special low prices this wk. Lawn Mowers Called lor and Delivered HERBERT A. DAUM Grinders of Lawn Mowers, Tools, Knives and Scissors. 43 Virginia Ave. Main 7188 @3uSimslnaustrialS Imißl SANITARY SODA STANDS POPULAR Public Demands Latest and Best Fountain Equipment. Probably In no line of drug store and confectionery store equipment has there been greater improvement In the last few years than In soda fountains, according to J. R. Sentney, 222 South Meridian street, local' distriubtor for the Wal rus soda fountain. "Less than half a generation ago the soda fountain was a cumbersome affair," Mr. Sautney said. “It was awkward, cumberaome, Improperly designed, abso |. . Wfr" / J. R. SENTNEY. lntly Impossible to keep clean and sani tary, and many of the old-time affairs were actually a menace to publi't hcallh. “Then came the age of scientific im provements in fountains, and I think the climax has been reached in the Walrus, which 1 believe is the only absolutely leak-proof fountain on the market. It has many improvements over other makes, as. fur example, the plumbing Is all connected when (he fountain is delivered. On other makes it is neces sary to hire a plumber to make the con nections, which not only Is an added ex pense and Inconvenience hut in some instances it is impoisible to find a plumber to do the work properly. “tin the Walrus you vnill find the drain board In one piece, with no unsightly cracks in which dirt may collect. It Is so constructed, being built like a cord auto mobile lire, layer upon layer and ce mented together, as to make it absolutely waterproof. It has 50 per cent more re frigeration and requires a minimum quantity of ice. The sliding doors on tlie Walrus formation is far more con venient than the old style lid which has to be lifted off and put back on each time a dipper of Ice cream is taken out. This, by the way. is a patented feature. “The movement along snni ary lines In soda fountains and equipment has be come decidedly marked in the past few years. As agent for paper cups, paper towels, paper spoons and paper napkins, I have seen the sale of these articles grow from a very limited sale to a point where It is hard to supply the demand. When paper equipment first came out there was a tendency to laugh at It as a novelty that would soon die, but so sat Isfaetor.v were the results from the standpoint of sanitation that soda foun tain patrons now demand it." USE OF MARBLE KNOWN FOR AGES Ancients Used It for Their Masterpieces. From th*> Tory earliest Mines the human rare has turned to marble when it has desired to express Its highest and loftiest Meals and sentiments In architecture. The recnrdr of ancient civilizations, dat ing back to the early dawn of the human race, show that thousands of years before LUMBER SUPERIOR Q^MILLWORK BURNET-BINFORD LUMBER CO. Thirtieth St. and the Canal. I'hom-s It.lntf. njyiO.i'-. LUMBER -MILLWORK [ “The Yellow Wagon” and 100 Teams ONE BOARD OR ONE MILLION FEET. _ ... ___ _ QUALITY SERVICE fa |f O. D. HASKET LUMBER CO. Phone*—WEbster 0114, Auto. BR ookside 1415. - ■ ■... J POLAR ICE AND FUEL CO.-8 PHONES v "None Better Mill Work.” SPEEDWAY LUMBER CO. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Our Truck Service Covers Marion County. Herbert E. Hill, President. Belmont 2000. THE WHITAKER PRESS Incorporated Printing :: Publishing Liberty Building, 107 South Capitol Ave., Cor. Maryland Indianapolis Booms 10-12-14. Main *057. The monotype Della Robbia series is the most beautiful and distinguished type face yet east and it may be had, brand new, for card or book, at MELLETT PRINTING COMPANY Particular ( Monotype) Printer • Century Bldg. Indianapolis. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. the Christian era quarrying and working of marble was known, according to F. E. Gates, of the Gates Tile and Marble Company. “No really atlsfactory substitute ever has been found for this wonderful ma terial," Mr. Gates said, “and today mar ble stands Just as supreme In the ranks of high class decorative building ma terial as It did In those long gone ages when the Parthenon at Athens was con structed. “The finest examples of ancient archi tecture are preserved to us in marble. The Parthenon. Erethetum, Proplaca, Theslum and Olympleum at Athens, aro still marvels of ancient art, although they are in ruins as the result of inroads and devasations Incited by barbarian hordes during the decline of the ancient civilization. “It is no exaggeration to say that but for the lasting nature of the building me dium, marble, employed the most mag nificent conceptions, both in architecture and sculpture, would have been lost to the world. It Is to incised marble slabs that we are indebted for most of the early records of civilization and many of these, by far the greater part in all piob ability, would have been lost to history had the ancients not realized the lasting quality of marble and made use of a less durable material. “Marble and tile nre no longer luxuries, they have reached the point where they are necessities. Their first cost is ttieir only cost, and this is realized throughout the building industry with that It is be ing used more than ever. This is the reason the yards of the F. E. Gates Mar ble and Tile Company have been ex panded until they now cover 56,000 square feet of space, every bit of which Is de voted to the fabrial ocnditlons existing throughout the country we have found that that in our business the demand has continued suprisingly strong. During the past year we completed Jobs of large size for banks, public buildings, hotels, etc., in cities from Indiana to New Orleans, and right now we are busy at work fabricating marble for a variety of work now under construction. “The present building boom. In my estimation, is no mushroom affair. I ! think we are in for a long period of ex pansion and it is going to take a large amount of construction work to catch up with the demand. This is only natural lu a growing and expanding country under present conditions.” BUSINESS GROWS AT RAPID RATE Denison Cafeteria Profits by Satisfied Customers. The growth a business may enjoy through the enthusiastic "boosting" of satisfied customers is apparent in the success of the Denison Cafeteria, accord ing to Mr Ward, proprietor. Mr W.ird says that since he opened the cafeteria the business has grown steadily at a rate even exceeding his most optimistic expectations, and he gives the credit of the growth to the number of satisfied customers/that have gone out and re turned with their friends "Few customers nre coining every day." he said. “They tell us somebody told them to come, on account of our special idcud of coffee, or on account or our wonderful pies or our salads or the flavor of our cooking. It i- a groat pleasure for us to know our customers arc pleas and and they tell others. We believe they are pleased, or they would not continue to cqmo regularly for three meals every day. Os course, we have a few kickers We would have them if everything were satisfactory. But you ne\-r can got something for nothing; good qualify in anything has its value. And in the ques tion of food, people make a mistake in trying to got cheap food It is danger mis to cat cheap meat. You cannot yiHke your system's requirements meet jour desire to save money. Your dtetor knows. If people would eat only good, wholesome food, even at a high rate, it would be cheaper in the end. when health is considered But at our rare teria the food is not high priced, but within the reach of every one. You undertsand, we do n< r handle cheap qua! ity at all; we serve the best we can get ns reasonably ns possible. “The success we have made in so short Eat Breakfast where the Food is good. Toast made as you like it, from Fresh Bread. Best Coffee and Fresh Eggs. Ward’s Denison Cafeteria 141-3 North Pennsylvania Street 29 th YEAR Stafford Engraving Cq ‘xlhe Tiouse of ideas'" Century Bldg.. Indianapolis Commercial Art Halftones-Zinc Etghinos-Color Plates Engraved and Embossed Stationery a time shows people In general are rea sonable? They appreciate our efforts to please them. We certainly have no kick coming. We, on the other hand, are very proud, not only because of finan cial success, but because of the success we have had in gaining friends among our many pleased customers. “We could not make a financial suc cess if we could not please customers, especially In this location, and we are pleased with the success we have made In both in less than four years in busi ness. “We make a specialty for breakfast of toast made of fresh bread, while you wait. Eggs, the freshest we can get, are cooked to order, just as you want them. “Our aim Is to please our customers, always.” NOVEL MARKET PLAN SUCCEEDS New Merchandising Idea Meets Popular Favors. Fur years of continued and uninter rupted success should provo the correct ness of a business idea, according to Phil Kerz, proprietor of the I.itierty Market, and he says that In the case of his busi ness t lie idea worked out even far more successfully than had been hoped for by I him in the beginning. “In four short years the Liberty Mar ket lias outgrown its quarters twice," Mr Kerz €aid. “Less than a year after the first store was opened the accomuioda | tious had become entirely too small to i meet the demands. We then moved into I more rammodlous quarters aud even jthe-,0 are rapidly becoming too small. In fact, at the present time we are crowded ; for space and find it necessary to make j use of every bit of Ingenuity to find room for our goods. Aisles Lave been ... Jwliigy^3fi3i IHyJflpl PHIL KERZ. mad" narrower, shelves have been made higher tallies have been crowded into odd corners and yet we need more room.” “Whenever a person gets a hunch on a novel idea for merchandising, always plenty of skeptb s coine to him and point out Just how utterly Impossible the Idea is from, a practical' standpoint. The argu ments all run along the me linos, 'it never has been due before,’ 'it la too Roy A. Pearson HIGH grade HARDWOOD FLOORS LAJD AND FINISHED COMI’JLETE Uoluiinbiii, a Sipeclulty Muin <1716 603 I’rople. Bank bldg. Kami. 7”3Z v A FLOCK OF .FORDS ■and " ■ -mtSaaMk* A GANG OF MFN - A V w 6 Yb ON Am,. JOB. wkxmmW; Hayes Bros. " ■ # PLUMBING : HEATIN& AND f ,Vt.N T| LAT^&-:. - Lk , • - I- TV MAIN 2495 . AUT,0.77-495 ■■■IPBPPHHI Yhp HILLER f s%'gfv Cos. RIMS w^e and WHEELS WIRE WHEELS REPAIRED—RIMS FOR ALL MODELS AND ALL MAKES OF MACHINES Indiana Wheel and Rim Company 40 West North Street. Cl rcle 7345 INTERSTATE Public Service Cos. 49 yQ LIMITED 8 TRAINS JL TT DAILY Between INDIANAPOLIS and LOUISVILLE A V Sanitary Laundry Company pSSnWJ 2441 to 2443 Central Ave. Harrison 2915. —Phones— Harrison 2916. revolutionary,’ ‘as soon as the novelty wears away It will go to the wall,’ etc. Ifi the final analysis the objections all amount to one and the same thing, the reluctance of the ultra-conservative mind to admit the possibility of success of any plan which is not sanctioned by genera tions of usuage. “My own idea was nothing more than the very simple one of ellwiniulng the costly delivery system from the retail grocery business, and Us attendant high overhead costs. In addition to this my plan was to devote the entire attention of the business to obtaining a quick turn over, and I felt that a store run along these lines would meet with a hearty re ception from the people of Indianapolis. “This idea, simple In itself, and to my mind at least perfectly logical, met with the strongest opposition from some of my best friends. They besought and Im plored mo not to waste my money and time on any such foolhardy scheme. They told me the public would rather pay high prices, run charge accounts and have the goods delivered than to trade with us on a lower price basis. “But we went ahead with our plan and In less than a year were forced to look about for new quarters. From that small beginning we have grown to a point where I feel sure the Liberty Market is the largest retail grocery store in In diana.’’ Peace Anniversary Will Be Celebrated LONDON, May B.—Tho third an niversary of the signing of peace will be celebrated la England this year by an enormous League of Nations gathering la Hyde Park, daring which many well known public men and members of Par liament, including Lady Astor, will make speeches emphasizing the need of world peace. Numerous peace parades In all part.c of London and the holding of balls and dances at the leading hotels will bring the festivities to an end. We specialize in designing and building modern homes of Real Quality We stand pat on our repeated ly announced policy of building ONLY GOOD houses, so that no person will have cause to regret having either employed us or said a good word for us. Insley-Built Means Well-Built \\q will organize and manage yo’.r home building project in eve.-./ detail —from start to fin ish-working strictly for your best interests at all times. 705 National City Bank Building. Circle 5407. IRvington 4113. Braun Tile Cos. Estimates Furnished Free On Bathroom, Mantel, Floor, Wall Work Special Attention Paid to Repair Work. Our Motto First-Class Work manship Phone—Randolph 8799 2306 N. Delaware St. THIS IS A REAL SERVICE Damaged Automobile Sheet Metal Parts Made Good as New 36-HOUR SERVICE. See Us Before Throwing. Them Away. BAKED ENAMELING Guarantee Metal Enameling Cos. 325 E. St. Joseph St. —lndianapolis— Main 3126. 315 North Lincoln PENN. 4371 STUDEBAKER CARS The World’s Greatest Builders of Six-Cylinder Cars. BUILDING MATERIALS tement Blocks, Wall Plaster, Lath, Cement, Sewer Pipe. Lime, Partition Tile, Exterior Stucco. Licensed Manufacturers of Gran-A-Tex Magnesite Exterior stftcco. A year-round building material, beautiful, permanent, fireproof, weatherproof. This material is now being applied on many residences in our city and can be applied successfully during all the winter months in safety. It is not mixed with water, but magnesium chloride, which will not freeze. Con sult our Stucco Department for detailed information. Indianapolis Mortar & Fuel Cos. <O7 ODD FELLOW BCILDINO Plm-LIM.!. 7L OGLE COAL CO. PRODUCERS OF 25,000 TONS PER DAY EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTS FOR VANDALI A COAL CO. MONON COAL CO. VIGO MINING CO. BY-PRODUCTS POCAHONTAS CD. Also selling agent for other large producers of high-grads Indiana and Eastern Coals. Jsj-351 Eiil tVasbiaglja itre:t POTATOES F “ s " Peck 33c • : a* New Texas Onions. Shredded Cocoanut. Pound— Shredded Wheat— Bulk, poUnd— -7c 10c 25c Sliced Yellow Peachesl2c Chiropractic Adjustments Restore Health Quickly and Permanently M. L. GALERMAN, CHIROPRACTOR 426 State Life Building. , Phone MA in 2409. Wm. H. Richardson Funeral Director Thoughtful, Careful Atten tion to Every detail. Lady Attendant. Reasonable prices. 923 N. Pennsylvania. Li. 1493. Main 1493 ■■■■ J. R. Soda Fountain SENTNEY jgßMfc *** MA in 0780 Paper Cups and 222 South Meridian St. * Soda Straws The HOOSIER RADIO CO. Headquarters For Amateurs Tell Us Your Troubles TWO STORES No. 9 Pembroke Arcade and Daylight Corner Cl rcle 7406 Merchants Heat and Light Ca. KATZ Transfer&StorageCo. MAX KATZ, Proprietor. ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL TRANSFERRING AND STORAGE 1253 West Washington St. KI 0351 Indianapolis is a Great City For her continued growth and prosperity sho must have a good transit system. She can only have this by a thoughtful, sympa- / thetic support of the only company prepared to give such service. Indianapolis Street Railway Cos. WASTE PAPER We all Kind> Main 6CK9 American Paper Stock Company '* Incorporated. F. £. Gates Marble & Tile Cos. Manufacturers and Erectors Twenty-First and Adams, Webster 4330. Lincoln 3333 Yellow Cab Go, YOU PAY ONLY FOR THE DISTANCE YOU RIDE. Mills Novelty Sale3 Company Distributors of the Violano Virtuoso "SELF-PLAYING” VIOLIN AND PIANO 30 S. Penn. St. Circle 6006. W. W. WISE All Kinds of Brick Work 206 Indiana Trust Building, Circle 4164. 9