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2 REPORT FAILS TO VINDICATE BUREAU GROUP *No Serious' Irregularities, but Probe Will Be Continued. Special to Indiana Dally Times and Philadelphia Public Ledger. WASHINGTON, Hay 12.—While the rlrtually completed report on the In ventory of the Doreau of Engraving and Printing discloses “no serious" irregulari ties, Treasury officials said today the sqnad of Department of Justice agents Investigating the big prlatery Is still probing the plant. The Inventory report which will be presented to Secretary Mellon tomorrow Is regarded by officials as a sweeping refutation of charges of widesprea 1 cir culation of fraudulent and duplicated Government war bonds. Treasury officials do not accept the report as a “vindication" of the dis charged bureau officials. It was ex plained that tVie report Is merely a check up on assets of the plan. The Inventory Is not considered to be a clean bill of health for the institution. It was learned a discrepancy of about fifty sheets of bond paper in all departments was dis covered. This shortage in paper may have happened during the past five years and Is etrnsidered a remarkable showing, la view of the enormous amount of pa per handled in turning out stamps, notes, bonds and certificates. Such mistakes might te charged, it was said, to errors of mechanical equipment, though no complete explanation on this was attempted. Building Permits S. H. Klotsche, repairs, 425 South Har ris, SSO. J. W. Gollmler, garage, 8S South Brad ley. 5125. M. E. Thompson, reroof, 2268 Union, 5100 ; Jacob Reuter, remodel, 20SS-40 East Washington, 51,500. Otto Klauss, dwelling, 8699 Ashland, |. R ,OttO. S. J. Ewald, dwelling, 5322 Elmira, 57.600 Harding Realty Company, pattern shop. 410 South Harding, 510,000. Harding Realty Company, tank pit, 410 South Harding, sß<iO. Sam Reed, addition. 164S Columbia, 5150. Don T. Euens, garage, 40 Woodland, drive, S4.BS. A. 11. Schmidt, garage, 4721 Central, 5200. Sarah A. Love, estate, reroof. 541 North Miley, S6O. Christian Neerman, reroof. 1027 North New Jersey, SBO. Anna M. and Clara L. Mtteller. reroof end repairs, IC2O 32 Woodlawn, SSOO L I*. Enfield, rebuild garage, 242 North Seville. $l5O. Oscar O, Gcndy, repair shed. 2348 Spann. SIOO. H. R. Kelly, garage, £ls Spruce, S2OO. V. T. Marloft Estate, reroof, 536 North Delaware. 5650. F. J. Crrn, cement ttoor, 2250 North Arsenal, $44. Martha Largent, garage, 815 Northern. $250. Carl nenschen. repairs. 3356 Cornelius. $75. 11. F. Ket.lheck. double dwelling. 630- 82 North Gladstone, 54.550. n. F Keh.lbeck, addition. 826-28 North Gladstone, .675. CROUP Spasmodic Crocp is frequently relieved by one applies don of— VIGKS w VARoR u a Over 17 Million Jan Uied Yearly ”G*r ” —-Painless Corn Remover This Corn Remedy Is Guaranteed No matter how tough or how stubborn It may hare been, the corn or callus that Is touched with a few drops of ‘'Gets-It'" Is doomed to a quick, easy, sure and palnleaa end. Never again can it pain you. Soon you are holding In your fin- Sers its entire remains—a single piece of ead, shriveled akin that you throw away—forever. Hard corns, soft corns, any corn. Costs but a trifle—and guaranteed. Try It. E. Lawrence 61 Cos., Mfg., Chicago.— Advertisement. if Back's Lams or Kidneys Bother Drink Plenty of Water and Milk— Start Flushing Them In the Morning. Nine people out of ten overlook the fact that the kldne. s like the bowels get Clogged and lazy and need a purifying flushing now and then to help these del icately constructed organs (liter all the was'e and Toxins (Poisons) out of the blood; otherwise there Is a retention in your system of Trie Acid and poisonous matter which when permitted t> remain causes pain and dull misery in kidney re gion, headaches, rheumatic pains, " dis turbed rest and aii sorts of annoying bladder troubles that excite and irritate the entire urinary system, creating dis tress. To hare strong, healthy kidneys nnd bladder, you simply mi ; keep your kid neys clean and active so that they are capable of easily and normally tilterhig and expelling the poisons, neutralizing the acids and freeing your system of urinous wastes. No artificial drugs are necessary. Merelv secure a package of Hr. Carey’s PRESCRIPTION NO. 777 (Tablets or Liquid). Hook’s Dependable Irug Store*. Pear aon Drug Cos., and all good druggists have it. Take a little right after eating for a few days and Tour sluggish, tired out kidneys will then work with ease. It never disappoints, is pure, taste,- good and so" your health’s sake its small cost la negligible. Ten days test will not dis appoint your or druggist will refund money. Insist on genuine.—Adver- i Capitol Radio Supply Company, electric sign, 146 North Pennsylvania, SSOO. Automotive Battery Company, electric sign, £33 North Meridian, SSOO. Hodges Chill Parlor, electric sign, 18 West Ohio, $250. Harvey E. Rogers, dwelling, 5124 Nor way, $5,000. Harvey E. Rogers, dwelling, 5120 Nor way, $5,000. A. E. Fisher, repairs, 1204 West Twen ty-Ninth, S3O. Henry R. Fischer, reroof, 701 Prospect, $l2O. Frank S. Clark, Agent, reroof, 2604-06 Ashland. $65. Charles H. Howe, reroof, 716 Weghorst, $240. Wiillam Toung, reroof, 2862 North Gale. SCO. Margaret E. Easton, repairs, 1114 Roache, S3O. Charles Knox, dwelling, 027 Barnhill, $l6O. B. A. Gaeta. garage, 2538-40 North Tal bott. $250. Postal Station Building Company. Postal building, 362-74 South Illinois, $577, OX). George Knox, dwelling, 4612 East Tenth. $3,500. Paul V. Matkln Realty Company, dwelling, 734 North Colorado. $4,300. John Leser, reroof, 1549-51 South East, SOO. E. E. Overton, garage, 2725 Jackson, $125. Ralph Norman, repairs and remodel, 1541 East Kelly, $75. O. T. Slusher, dwelling, 721 Bancroft, $4,300. Charles Oldham, addition, 1057 North Traub, $250. Margaret Yeager, move and foundation, 1228 Evison, $l5O. Margaret Yeager, double dwelling, 112 H 11-30 Evison. $4,000. Peter C. Moller, reroof, 1852 Koehne, $390. John TI. Larrlson, dwelling, 1544 Spruce, $3,80€. Catherine Schwab, repairs, 224 East Pearl, S3O. Patrick Mallon. foundation, 3421 West Washington. sllß. AH! EPSOM SALTS NOW LIKE LEMONADE Epsom Salts made Tasteless with Fruit Derivative Salts i ! :! % *Wsa§!m \ * i |L .—ll j Tasteless j % l i ° Enjoy all the splendid physic action on the bowels of a dose of epsi-m salts with out the awful taste and nausea. A few cents buys a nandy package of “Epsonade Salts." the wonderful discovery of the American Epsom Association. Even chil dren gladly take it. Drug stores.—Ad vertisement TAXI CABS Main 0805 INDIANA TAXI CO. Receipt Printing Meters M LISTEN ftflEN! Manufacturer’s Surplus Stock Sale High-Grade Men’s Clothing! \ \ A manufacturer of high grade clothing wanted to unload his surplus stock for cash and I bought it. lam offering it to the public at less than manufacturer’s cost. On account j the extremely low prices I am bound to limit alterations to the shortening or length ening of pants and coat sleeves. All sizes, 32 to 46. Specials! MEN’S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS. Regular CQ 75c values D$C LIMIT TWO. MEN’S SUMMER SHIRTS OR DRAWERS. rtrt Regular 50c values ~. J/C SILKFOUR-IN-H AND TIES. Regular rt£ 50c values ZiDC DRESS SOX. Black, brown, white, gray or 1 £ champagne; 25c values 1, jC ROCKFORD WORK SOX. Brown or blue mixed; 15c \ allies; 3 for 25c JJC RUBBER BELTS in brown or black; extra good rtr* quality; 50c value... BLUE 818 OVERALLS. Union made; limit two to a customer; Qfl $1.25 values 0%/C LIMIT TWO. MEN’S SEMI-DRESS PANTS, in fancy striped worsted; regular /rt $2.50 value*s <M*U7 J. 8. Cruse, trustee, reroof, 449 West Eleventh, S9B. J. 8. Cruse, trustee, reroof, 1102 Fay ette. sl2l, Frances Wands, reroof, 554-56 North Addison, $162. Francis M. Rowe, dwellllng, 932 North Pe QulDoy, $3,000. John W. Stokes, rebuild garage, 2623 Boulevard place, $230. R. T. Henderson, garage, 2181 Madison, $250. Mrs. John Noltlng, dwelling, 47 South Sherman drive, $3,200. Dameyer -Brothers, reroof, 212-14 North East, $l5O. Great Values in Men’s and Women’s Footwear if =-=fr EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN Shoes and Oxfords Black and tan calf, black kid, A C blucher or lace styles. Many with |jg rubber k^ ee^ 8 ' G° ocl }' ear welted w Men’s Sample and Discontinued $*1.95 Lines of Low Shoes $5.00 grades. Mostly small sizes. l ■ f Women’s Sport Oxfords Brown No villa kid with patent saddle, Icav heels, with WOMEN’S OXFORDS $^.95 In tan Russia lace anrl one and two strap models. Walking and Cuban heels Women’s Wliite Canvas Oxfords, Strap Patent Leathers Slippers and Pumps v ' r,m, ‘ ri ' s patent <oit one -1 x Stra|>e Grecian Straus and Walkirg heels, Cuban hceis. French heels i.aua Oxfords— sl.9s. $2.45 $3.95 'c- - - - J (YV\ jA-QjL tv\p trs<w FREIGHT J SHOES AT WOulCVt OV\©LOW£CI FLOOKS I * n Jw £ V Established <BO4- * | °f -J J HOP 'BULL!! ■ SHOES a 16 *-20 East Washiagtorv St. Men’s and Young Men’s Suits Up-to-date sport models, iff* yaffil ■Vy* l conservative or young am m men’s styles; good quality i BEI " and well made; up to $25.00 pS BeSaSal values..... WMM Q AII-WggS Suits for Wien Men’s and young men’s all- A pHjjßf ■yjj wool suits; blue or gray serge, E brown or blue herringbone wor- gel IS E steds, tweeds, brown or blue 't Km Jmf flannels and cassimeres; all the gjj| mmammm latest styles and colors; up to Fine Hand-Tailored Suits Mon or young men extra fine all- dfl ygSV ■■ wool suit*. French back worsted, ®wvi! MjjTgSj SB^ extra fine serge, silk mixed „[J SH HM M_3 worsted, cassimere, etc. Fine tai- Era ® loreil, perfect fitting, snappy up- Eft] to-date and conservative models. Ida M E® These suits must be seen to be IHfeiil xHM' appreciated. Up to $35 values.... Open Saturday Evening Until 10 O’Clock FRANKLIN’S “The House of Values” 251 West Washington St. Hotel Williams Building INDIANA DAILY TIMES. C. C. Cray, repairs, 628 North Oakland, $142. J. W. Pedigo, reroof, 546 Exeter, $250. Mary N. Ready, porch, 1140 Hoyt, SI,OOO. Ernest E. Bradfleld, remodel, 360 Con gress, SI,OOO. George W. KUman, addition, 4021 Bry an, $135. C. F. Tezzmnn, garage, 3314 Hovey, SIOO. ■William B. Hunter, gas tank, 812 Shel don, $l5O. Frank C. Smith, electric sign, 1106 North Illinois, S3OO. Capitol Radio Supply Company, electric sign. 130 Mounment place, SSOO. IC. C. Davies, reroof. 2105 North New Marott’s Economy Basement Jersey, $450. John C. Miller, heat boiler, 2626 North western, SI,OOO. R. L. Moorehead, reroof, 835-37 West Twenty-Seventh, $l5O. U. L. Moorehead, repairs, 2081 Central, $75. Newton Simonson, garage, 5024-20 Orion, SBOO. Edw. N. Ten Eyck, garage, 2146 North Gale, $250. Charles E. Jollff, enclose porch, 2021 South East, SSO. Oscar E. King, double dwelling, 227-29 South La Salle. $2,500. | Specials! MEN’S OR YOUNG MEN’S PANTS, fine eassimnro or worsted. $4.00 Art rti* value sz.yb MEN’S OR YOUNG MEN S ALL WOOL PANTS, in fancy or plain serge or cas simere; $5.00 Art value SHIRTS— Signal Brand and other high grade shirts; made with two separate col lars, in heavy indigo blue, polka dot or Blue Bell cham bray; $2.00 rfk | j-j- PURE SILK SOX, in black, brown, gray and champagne; regular 75c value; rt 2 for $1.35 ; pair UfC MEN S WORK SHIRTS— In heavy blue indigo. Extra quality ehambray and black with white stripe. *7t* Regular $1.25 value .. |DC LIMIT TWO. MEN’S & YOUNG MEN’S KHAKI PANTS— Good qual ity. Regular rtr* $1.75 value 51 JD TRACHOMA IS GREAT SCOURGE NEW YORK, May 12. —The great scourge among the children of the Near Citizens Special Prices The C. A. S. Cos. has the reputation of having the highest grade line of Tires, Tubes and Auto Supplies carried in the State. Our prices can not > be duplicated if same quality ia used. /jfL ~ II ~ GUARANTEED 6,000 MILE£ M De Luxe oar Laps Re o* Pr| * size. spec, price. The Most Popular Radiator Cap Made. $11.65, 30x3 . .$7.39 Stag I ' Cars the Other elite not listed sold in pro. jj j Leto Cord Tires Im I^k Long arms make unscrewing cap easy Guaranteed 10,000 miles. IS| J s \m when radiator is hot. No rubber to crack Made by Norwalk Tire and Rub- \jjk sSmAJL M or molL No aluminum to expand and cor- her Company. frßyjlsfgjy For all cars, price $1.75 For Ford cars, price $ 1 OO - ••••• .... I w ySgmSgifi Kw ... . Can be used opposite cord or \k&9F* Drilled for Motometer Free. fabric size w' SatUrd^H?P^f I P *„. ~~be Luxe Windshield Visors I 1- Pumps ... $1.50 $ .89 2- Pumps 3- Pumps .... 4.50 2.99 Made of heavy materlaL Green on under, black on Ford Jacks'. .. 1.50 ,79 top Bide. Neat and durable; fits any car made, "Quality Considered, We Sell It for Less* OPEN SATURDAY EVENING TILL • O’CLOCK. CITIZENS AUTO SUPPLY WHOLESALE RETAIL PEARL C. 3ARNES, Mgr. Homer E. Enlow, Asst Mgr. Mass. Ave. at Delaware and New York Sts. MAIN 4168 HAAG’S CUT-PRICE DRUGS 40c Quinine Capsules, 2 Grain, 2 Dozen, 25£ Everything Fresh. Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice $1.60 Abbott's B.’iline Laxative 840 sa* Abbott's Saline Laxative .... Sl*"* 7.V Abbott’s Rheumatic Remedy.. 79c 12.r0 Absorbing $1 25 At.v rhlne. Jr 9se 50c Abilina Water 3-5 c st.-X) Abilene Oil 71c 35c A'lfUi Cl'erine Salve 25e 75c Alophun Fills ilOOi 49c •Oc Aloin St rych. & Bel. Pills 34c 25c A lorn k's I’orous Plaster 15c $1.25 Alkallthla B+c 35c Analgesic Ba!m 290 73c Anaig.-Kbj ie Baaaa Bengue.. st>o 75c Antiphlogistice 54c 50c Aspirin Tabs. 5 gr. 3 i10j.... toe $1 25 A>ptrin Tablets, Bayer f>Bc $1 isj Aspirin Tablet*, 100 5-gr 43e SI.OO Armour's Grape Juice, qts 05c SI.OO Athlophoria 5c 50c Hay Rum. Gly. A Rose Watar 23c 25c Benson* <’ap’ln Plaster .... 19c T>oc Badex Salts 39c 25c Beecham Pills 19c 2.5 c Bella ns ibc 75c BeUans ftc 2.5 c Belladonna Plaster 15<t 30c Bell's I’lue Tar and Honey... 24c 25c Barkeeper s Friend ",... 19c‘ SIOO Bla 4 s Gout A Hheu. Pills... S4c 50c Bland's Iron Pills 34c 7.5 c Blaud's Liquid Iron, I.llly's.. 50c SI.OO Bltro Phosphate . S4c 30c Borden's Eagle Milk. 2 f0r.... 3c $1 (A) Bit's Native Herb Tabs 84c 25c Btirkhardt s Veg. Tabs 19c sue Bromo S.dtier 23c 60c Bromo Seltxer ... 46c $1 20 Bromo Selt/er 99c $1 SO Rrowustone sl.lO $1 25 (’adomene Tabs 9,50 25c Calomel Tabs , ICO any slxe.. 10- ISc Camphor Moth Halls 10c 00c California Syrup Figs 490 50c Camphor Spirits 23e 3'V Capsolln 24c 60c Cauthrox 49c 85c Capudlna 29c 70c Oapudlne 6o floe Cascara Arum., Sweet, 4 0x... 2.V 500 Cascarn Hitter. 3 nz 25c 50c Cascara Cathartic Hinkle.... 24c 15c Carbolic AcM 10c 25c Carter's I.lttlo Liver ri115.... 19c 85c Cast or OH, pure, half pint... 25c s"c Castor Oil, pure, one pint... B,v> 30c Castor Oil, Kellogg’s 10c . r H>o Castor Oil, Kellogg’s 20c $1 50 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts 98c 25c Celery Veace 19c 50c Celery Veace 39c $1 00 Celery Vesoe 74c 50c Clayton’s Mange Remedy .... 30c s<>c Clay! on’s Dog Remedies .... 39c 35c Capnlbn nnd Cubeb Capa 29c TV- Qbun Hair Color Hestorer... 50c 85c Corcgoa 29c 25c Colorlte. 12 colors, each 19c 15c Comp. Licorice I’ovrd 10c; 00c Calcium Wafers, Stunrt’a ... 80c 0(8- Chase’s Blood if Nerve Tab... 40c SIOO Creole Hair Cos or Kestoror... BSc 35c Panderine 20c 00c Dnndertne ... 40c SI,OO Panderine 74c 50c Dnmsrhlnskey's Hair Dye ... 80c! 25c Delost’s Headaohe Powd 19o| 50c Denatured Alcohol, quart .... 85c 75c Dean’s Liquid Smoke 00c 00c DeWltt’s Kidney Pills 89r 60c Penn's Kidney Pills 45c oOc Drake’s Croup Remedy 30c 25c Dioxogen 10c 150 Diamond Dye, 10c; 3 for .... I.V 50c Ea tonic 33c 00c End's Rheumatic Pills 45c $1 50 End’s Rheumatic Pills 08c 30c Edward’s Olive Tablets 24>| SI.OO Enos Fruit Salts 85ci $1 .50 Fellow’s Comp. Syr. Hypo.. . .$1.10; 50c Formaldehyde, pints 350 j 35c Formaldehyde, 4 ounces 25c' 50c Formaldehyde Fuinlgator ... 80c 50c Grape Juice, N. Y., pints S4c 35c Freezone for Corns 29c 75c Gentry’s Mange Remedy 49c 35c Gets-It for Corns 29c 75c Glycotanphene 39c 75c <1 lover's Mange Remedy 54c 50c Glycothymoline 24c 69c Glycothymoline 45c SI.OO Glycothymoline 84c $1.25 Glide's Peptomang 88c $1.25 Grey’s Glycerin Tonic 9So 30c Grove's liroiuo Quinine 23c 85c Jnd Halt's 69cj 50c Bicycle Cards 29c| 85c Hornet Cards 290 35c (’hamois Skin 25c: SI.OO Chamois Skin 75c $2 00 Chamois Skin $1.48 SI.OO Auto Sponge 75c $1 50 Auto Sponge $1.15 $2.00 Auto Wool Sponge $1.48 $2.50 Auto Sponge $1.93 25c Haag's PHI* for Biliousness. 25c 35c Hand's Baby Remedies 29c SI.OO Virginia Dare 48cl 25c Bottle Haag's Egg Preserver or Water Glass Keeps £gg Fresh 10 Months. Eggs are Fresh and Cheap ’ Now. Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices $2.00 Re Umberto Italian Olive Oil, Quarts, $1.34; Pints, Half Pints, 39^ Bed Bugs. Fleas, Ants, Roaches, Flies and Plant Lice Killed with Haag's Insect Powder Haag's Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness and Constipation Tht 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Stores are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis. The Haag Drug Store at 156 North Illinois Is Only Six Doors North of Interurban Station The Haag Drug Stores, 27 and 53 S. Illinois St., are in the Ist Sq. South of Washington Street. The Haag Drug Store, 101 W. Washington Street, is in the Point R6om of the Lincoln Hotel. The three other Haag Drug Stores are located at 114 North Pennsylvania Street, 55 Virginia Avenue and 802 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis. * East Is trachoma. This Is a malignant eye disease. It Is prevalent in Egypt, Palestine, all of Turkey and Russia. It condemns the victims to blindness. Dr. John McMullen, United States Pub 35c Harlem CHI Caps, Lilly's 29c, 83c Harlem Oil Caps, Gold Medal 29*• 25c Hill's Cascara Quinine Tabs., luo S"C IL.rllck's Malted Milk 39c SLOO Ilorlick s Malted Milk tc $3.75 liorllck's Malted Milk $2.cS $1.20 Uemo Malted Milk S9c $4310 llemo Malted Milk $2.96 $1.50 need's Sarsaparilla 89c 75c Imperial Uranurn 590 30c Lavorls 23c 60c Lavorls 39c SI.OO I.avoris 74c SI.OO I.isterine 74c 2.5 c Plrln Tablet* 19c 30c Lysol 19c COo Lysol 39c 60c Lime Stone Phosphate 3Wc $1 Maltine. all kinds $1.19 sl.lO Miles Nervine 84c Sik- Miles Anti l'alu Pill* 22c 25c Mentholatum 19c 50c Mentholatum 3iS' 9'v Melltu's Food 64.’ 75c Mead's Dextro Maltose 64c 6>c Milk's Emulsion 44c $1.20 Milk's Emulsion S4c 15c Moth Balls 10c 3<>c Mueol 24c floe Mulsified Cocoanut Shampoo. 39c 30c Mueterole 24c 60c Musterole 49c 20>: Naptholene Flakes l-5c 25c Nature's Remedy 19c 50c Nature's Remedy 30c SI CS') Nature's Remedy 74c $1.50 Neoferrum sl.lO sl.lO Nuxated Iron 69c 75c Ntijol 54c *1.50 Nujol 94c 50c Olive Oil, rotnpelan, half pint 39c SI.OO Olive Oil, Pompeian, pint.... 7o 35c Omega Oil 290 00c Omega Oil 49c $1.09 Ovoferrln 84c SI.OO Oil of Koreln Caps 84c 50c Pape’s Diapepsin 39c $1 00 JVpgen 69c 15c Peroxide Hydrogen 9c 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia... 39c! 25c Phenoiax Wafers 19c 1 50c Phosphate Soda, Merck's 29c, 75c Phosphate Soda. Wyeth's .... 49ci Ooe Pretzlnger’s Catarrh Remedy 45c: $1.25 Pierce's Favorite Pres 39c $1.25 Pierre's Golden Med. Dlscov.. 80c $1.23 Plnkham Veg. Compound 7e SI.OO Pineollum 84e 23' Quinine Caps., 2-gr., 2 doz... 25c oOe Sal HepatUa 39c $1.20 Snl Hepatlca 79e 30c Snl Hepatlca 23c SI.OO Salvltne 74c 75c Snphanol 44e sl.lO 8. S. S. Blood Remedy flic 60c Scott's Emulsion 39ci $1.20 Scott's Ewulslou 740 35c Sloan's Liniment 29c: 60c Sloan's Idnlment 49c 35c Solution Citrate Magnesia 24c 50c Stanolnx 30c 35c Stero Cubes ?Ro 3V St. Jacob's Oil 29c 60c St. Jacob's Oil 49c ■ 60c Swamp Root 45c $1.15 Swamp Root 84c , 75c Wnlnutta Hair Stain 49c ' 35c Wild Root llalr Tonic 21)c; 00c Wild Hoot Hair Tonic 49c SI.OO Vlnol 74c! $1.25 Veracolate Tablets 98cj 50c Veronal Tablets, 5-gr.. 1 do*.. 25c Quality nnd Strength Tested Rubber Goods Received Weekly Direct Froim the Manufacturer* and Sold at All; Times at Cut Price*. SI.OO Fountain Syringe 74ej $1.25 Fountain Syringe 89c $1.50 Fountain Syringe 98c, $2.00 Fountain Syringe $1.48 $2.50 Fountain Syringe $1.98| $3.00 Fountain Syringe $2.24 $4.09 Fountain Syringo $2.08 i $1.75 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t..51.24 $2.00 Comb. Syringe A Water Bot. .$1.48; $2.50 Comb. Syringe & Water Bot .$1.98, $3 00 Comb. Syringe A Water 80t..52.24 $5.00 Comb. Syringe & Water Bot. .$3.98 $2.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.48i $2.50 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.98 $3.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $2.24! SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 74c $1.25 Hot Water Bottle SOe! $1.50 Hot Water Bottle 9Se; $2.00 Hot Wnter Bottle $1.48; $2 50 Hot. Water Bottle $1,981 $3.00 Hot Water Bottle $2 24 SI.OO Ice Cap 74c' $1.50 Ice Cap 98c $2.09 Ice Bag, oblong $1.48 $2.00 Throat Ice Bag $1.48 $2.00 Spinal Ice Bag $1.48 Ayres’ Face Powder and Rouge. $2.00 Extra Strong Coarse C0mb...51.48 Armand's Cold Cream Powder. $1 50 Strong All Coarse Comb 98c 73c Extra Strong Fine Comb 49c 1 75c Bonellla Face Powder 59c MAY 12,1922. lie Health Service, says of trachoma! "When the disease attacks little chlldrei they pass dismal days endeavoring tl shield their eyes from the light. In one trachoma hospital at Alexandra pol It la estimated that there are 6,00( cases. Ayres Face Powder and Rouge. SI.OO Boncilla Toilet S*?t 45c 25c Babcock's Corylopsls Talc ... 15c 25c Babcock's Cut Rose Talc 150 75c Boncilla Cold Cream 590 25c DJer-Klss Talcum 22c 30c DJer Kiss Face Powder 39c Ss<: I'Jcr Face Powder 69c i 50c Dorlu's Brunette Rouge 890 s')c Dorin's Compact Powder 89c 50c Elcaya Face Powder 450 50c Freeman's Face Powder 39c t>ic Java Rice Face Powder 890 25c J. & J. Baby Talcum 19c 00c Levy's Laßlaeh Powder 39c Mary Garden Talcum Powder 24c 35c Mavis Talcum Powder 19c 50c Mavis Face Powder 39c 23e Mermen's Borated Talcum ... 19c 50 Pompeian Face Powder 39c 30c Pozzonl I-’ace Powder 39c 6oe Seiupre Giovine 39c 35c Radonna Face Powder 24c SI.OO Roger & G. Face Powder.... 79c Ayres’ Creams and Toilets. 65c Berry's Freckle Ointment ... 49c $1.25 Berry's Cremola 98c 75c Boncilla Cold Cream 59c SI.OO Boncilla Set, trial 6lre 45c 6<V Champlln's Liquid Pearl .... 49c 30c Daggett & Hums Cold Cream. 39c 60c Elcaya Cream 45c 35c Bepy's Frag. Cream 24c 50c Hind's Honey & Aim. Cream. 39c 25c Holmes’ Frostilla 29c 50e Honey Girl Almond Cream... 39c 50c Orchard White 39c $l5O Oriental Cream $1.19 60c Malvina Cream 45c 50c Milkweed Cream 3£)c 50e Nadinola Cream 800 60c Pompeian Day Cream 45c 35c Pompeian Night Cream *9o SI.OO Pompeian Night Cream 74c 00c Pompeian Massage Cream ... 45c 60c Satin Skin Cream 49c 30c Satin Skin Cream 24c 60c Sea Shell Cream Lie ! 25c Woodbury’s Facial Crram ... 19c 50c Theatrical Cold Cream 39c 25c Araolln Deodorant Powder... 190 25c Bandallne 19c 60c Bazin's Depilatory Powder.. 49c 50c Brilliaiitino S9c 00c Brilllantine 45 0 SI.OO Delatone 84c $1 00 Demirncle 89c 75c El Rado 890 25c Eversweet 24c 75c Evans' Depilatory 50c 30c Mum 24c 50c Non Spl 39c 35c Odorono 290 00c Odorono 49c 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover ...... 29c 60c Cutex Cuticle Remover 49c 35c Cutex Nall White 250 35c Cutex Cake, Nall White 29c 60c Cutex Manicure Set 49c 25c Porln's Lip Stick 19c 50c PJer-Klss Lip Stick 89c 50c Glaze Nail’ Polish 39c 35c Hyglo Cake Nall White 290 35c Hyglo Cake Nall Polish 29c 30c Lnsterlte Nall Enamel ...... 24c 35c Arnica Tooth Soap 29c 30c Renzolyptus Tooth Pasts .... 19c 50c Llaterino Tooth Paste S9c 60c Forlian's Pyorrhea Pni.te .... 38c 60c F. E. L. Tyorrhea Paste .... 33c 30c Lyons' Tooth Paste or Powder 24c SI.OO Pyorrhoclde 840 50c I’epsodent Tooth I’aste 83 Pebeco Tooth Paste 33c 35e Rublfoam 29c 35c Senreco Tooth Paste 23c 3'>c White's Tooth Paste 24c 20c Arm. Stork Castile. 13c. 2 for 25c 200 Roeobella Castile Soap 15c 25c Clayton's Dog Soap 100 85c Conti Castile Soap, Italian... 250 15c Cocoa Castile Soap, Kirk's, 3.25 c 25c Cutlcura Soap. l)c; 3 f0r.... 63e 30c Packer's Tar Soup s3o , 50c Paikev's Liquid Tar Soap.... 45c 15c Palm Olive Soap. 9c; 3 for... 25c 25c Gerniaeidal Soap 19c 25c Pear's Glycerir, 19c; 8 for... 55c 25c Pear's Unscented Soap ...... lo 15c Jergen's Violet 50ap....3 for 25e ; 30c Woodbury's Facial Soap .... 16c 3(>e Reslnol Soap I.Bc 75c Soclete Hygleneqne 48c 50c Rogers & <>. Violet Soap 83c 50c Rogers & G. Lilac Soap 83c 3-VB nrbasol 29c 50c Gillette Blades, 6 for 87c SI.OO Gillette Blades. 12 for 740 500 Gem Junior Blades 39c 50c Ever-Ready Blades 34c 35c Keen Kutter Blade* 290 35c Enders Blades ?(M $1.75 Ever-Ready Razor $1.49 sl.<X) Gem Junior Razor 35c $5.00 Gillette Razor $2.98 35e Shaving Brush s3e 75c Shaving Brush 50c