Newspaper Page Text
14 INDIANA DAILY TIMES. *9-1* E Meridian St. Main HOD. Classified Adr. Dept. MATES. One >*a .11 per Une consecutive tlmaa.. .1* per Use Hi consecutive times.... .01 per Une Lo4(e end clnb notlcee (1 Inch or leas)... .75 per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Contract rates on application. Cfcur-_ti notices (1 Inch or lean) SOc per Insertion o<t 1 inch ... .07 per line additional Death notices 50c per insertion Card or Thanks or In HtmirUn Notices 07 per line The Daily Ttmee chargee small Want Ada as an accommodation to lta readers. In return lor tola courtesy the advertiser la expected u remit promptly. Ads received until 11:40 a na far publication sum# day FLORISTS. INDIANAPOLIS FLOWER AND PLANT CO.. Central ave., at 14th. We grow cut flowers, plants. FUNERAL WORK. Wash. 23-12. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. W. T. Blasengvm CASKETS. *30.00 AND UP. *7.00 to Crown Hill. *6.50 to South Yards. Ambulance calls anywhere In the city. *3.00. Also ambulance calls are made without cl arge lor parties who are un able to pay. Ran. 6870 Drexel 2570. 1702 N. Illinois St. 1625 Shelby St. SSP“- Hkxlds, _ Parlors mi tlmaa W, i’LAiXNEK ■ ttoCUiLNAN funeral directors to the people a* Indlan _. spoils since 1(57. Pto I n '—Mein OS4I-OS4*. LI *541. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY “KEffiLEY BROS. ’ CO. Main olßce >46 N. Illinois Sc Ctrcie I>lß. Main 1841. George Grmstemer Funerai Director 522 £. Market. Old phone Main 080*. LI 7201. J. C. WLLfcUA 11*6 Prospect- BT, 1671. Drexel HII FINNBROTHERS Mln 7176. 125 W. Market. Circle 2215. KDWVL HOLMAN 1512 Central Are. Randolph 6903. CHAU A. HOC KENSMi I U. 724 K Illinois. Main 1166. LI 11*6. FUNERAL DIRECTORS—I4O2 IV. Illinois. WM. E. KRIEGER. Main 1164. Res. phone Ben Davis 252-L HAUL—BERT ts. DADD 2120 Prospect at. Phones. Drexel 0412. ST. 327*. UNDERTAKERS—HIhEV A TITUP. *sl North Del n 6644 Main 36. H. u. TUTEWILEK. *l4 N. Meridian. Main 01. FEENEY A FEENEY. Tn ~M~EMOR~ IA M. IN MEMORIAM—In loving remembrance of our dear mother. Alice F. Henderson, who passed away four years ago today. May 13. 1918. Vone, dear mamma, gone forever; How we miss your smiling face. Jesus called you just to show us No one on earth can take your place. Sadly missed by your SUN HARRY, DAUGHTER GERTIE AND HUSBAND. UEAIh oND funeral NO fICEs. ALLEN. BERT EWlNG—Beloved husband of Clara Allen, died May 11, age 38 years. Funeral Sunday. May 14. 9:30 a. m.. at *he horns of his sister, Mrs. War n!n Wilson. 733 E. Twenty-Second St. Friends Invited. EMM _>XS. CYNTHIA R.—Beloved mother o* Charles and Ttllle Emmons and Mrs RAlph Biackburn, died Thursday, May 11 fit residence. 331 N. Fulton street, age 71 years. Fune.ral Saturday. May 13 at 2 p. m.. from residence. Burial Crown Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. Please omit flowers. EARL. BRYAN—Of 517 Lockerbie street. Indianapolis, passed away Wednesday at 10 p. m. at Anderson. Funeral services Sunday 2 p. m. at Fainnount. Ind. KASSEBAUM. MRS. ~KATHERINE~iFLOR ENCE—Wife of William C. Kassebaum, died at the residence, 3381 College ave nue. Friday. May 12. Funeral at residence Sunday. May 14. at 2 p. m. Friends In vited. Burial at Hall. Ind. LECKNER. PROF. MAX—Husband of Carrie Colver Leokner. died May IS. age 79 years, at residence. 709 North Penn sylvania. Funeral notice later. LOUTT, NANCY JANE—Wife of Charles Franklin lutt. died at her home. 1240 Blaine avenue. Thursday. May 11. age 65 years. Funeral services at the Morris Street Christian Church. Sunday, May 14. 1:10 p. m. Burial at Anderson cemetery LOUTT. NANCY JANE—Wife of Charles Franklin Loutt. died at her home. 1240 Blair.e avenue. Thursday. May 11. age 65 years. Funeral services at the Morris Street Christian Church, Sunday. May 14. 1:30 p. m. Burial at Anderson cemetery. CARD OF THANKS^ CARD OF THANKS—We wish to extend our heartfelt tha: k? to friends, relatives and neighbors for kindness shown at the death of our dear husband and father. Delbert A. Howard; especially to Dr. Gohn for his consoling words; the singers. Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Cadle and Mr. Overmeyer; tha pallbearers. Mr. Carroll, Mr. Marshall. Mr. Cadle. Mr. Grelich. Mr. Boyer and Mr. Willy; the Bell Telephone Company and the telephone company employes: Finn Brothers and to ail for the beautiful flowers. Wife and Children. CARD OF THANKS—We wish to express our appreciation to our many friends, and relatives for their kindness and sympathy shown us In the sudden death of our beloved wife and mother. Essie I. Poiland. We especiaiiy thank the Bemis Bag Company. J. F. Darmody Com pany. Lecdy Manufacturing Company, the Rev. C. R. Stout for his consoling words the str.g-rs and for the many beautiful flora, offerings. WILLIAM A. PGLLAND AND CHILDREN. CART) OF THANKS—We v.dsh to thank cur friends and neighbors for their kirdness during the illness, and bereave ment of our baby. Claude Robert Kenr.v. especially Mrs. Mathews and Dr. R. J. Anderson. Also we want to thank Rev. E. P. Jewett for his kind words of con dolence. the little pallbearers and Phlrley Bros. for their servi es. MOTHER, FATHER. GRANDMOTHER AND ALL CHURCH NCTICES. AH Soia?s Unitarian Church Alabama st., near 15th Frank S. C. Wicks, D. D., Minister Address at 11 a. in. SUBJECT; “Thoughts of Eariy Men” Second tn a series based upon Wells’s "Outline of History.'* Church school at 9:45 a. m. MIST iSMJKK Rev. James D. Stanley Morning subject: “OMIT” Vesper and organ recital 4:00 p. m_ FTRST SPIRITUALIST CHtRCH. 60S North Liberty street, between Maas, avenue and North street. Sunday. 7:45 p. m. Le-. tur= by Rev. B. F. Hayden. Mes sages by the pastor. Rev. Ruth Van De Beuken. Message services every Wednes day at 2 and 7:45 p. m . conducted by the Ladies' Aid. Part of the time will be de voted to spiritual healing. You fire cor dially invited to attend these service* and will be made welcome. VHIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST —2350 Washington bivd. Sunday serv ices 11a. m. and 9 p. m. Sunday school, *ls a. m Wednesday evening, testimon ial meeting at S o'clock Reading room at *66 II 34th st.. open dally from 19 a. m. *b * p. m.. except Wednesday, when closed 7 I!> p. m. and Sunday, when open from I’to i p. D. M CHURCH NOTICES. Interdenominational Special Mothers’ Day Service Sunday, May 14th 2:30 P. M. E. HOWARD CADLE Will speak CADLE TABEIHAGLE Ohio at New Jersey Mother Cadle, in whose honor the tabernacle was built, will be present. 1,000 Reserved Seats for the Mothers, and a Flower for Every one. SPECIAL MUSIQ Gypsy Smith Choir 1,500 Joe Overmyer Director. MAJOR EARL F. HITES Will Speak in the Evening, 7:30 P. M. Cadle Tabernacle Evangelistic Association. UNION SPIRITUALIST LTCECM. Session every Sunday at 2:30 p. m. In the First Spiritualist Church. 603 North Liberty street, between Maas. ave. and North street. Come, bring or send your children to it. All are welcome. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Redmens hall, Capitol and North st Rev. H. W. B. Myrick will lecture. Sub ject: “The Other Side the Door.” Mrs. Audria Hudson will furnish music. Mes sages from your loved ones by Mrs. Bes sie Woodworth, message bearer. Serv ices begin at 7:45 p. m. Ladies* Aid meets Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Itev. Myrick will speak. Mrs. Wood worth and oth ira will be present as mes sage bearers. CASTLE HALL. 220 E. Ohio street. Second Spiritualist Church will hold regular Sunday services at 7:45 p. m. The entire evening will be given to messages by Mrs Throndsen and D. H. Smith. Mid-week meeting Wednes day evening at 1633 College avenue. Mes sages. healing and Questions answered. Everybody welcome. Bring your friends. FIRST CHUR :H OK CHRIST. SCIENtTsT —Meridian and Twentieth streets. Sun day services it 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Sun day school at 11 a m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading room at 813 Occidental building. open week days from 9 a. m to 9 p. m.. except Wedneid .y t when closed at 7. Open from 2 to 5 p. m. Sundays. ’ 6ECOND CHURCIH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Delaware and Twelfth streets. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, first session, 9:30 a. m.; second session, 11 a m. Wednesday eve ning testimonial meeting at S o’clock Reading room. 125S Lemcke Annex, open Sally from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., except Wednesday when closed at 7:15 p. m.. and, when open from 2 to 5 p. m. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Ring, large amethyst atone set tn green gold. In washroom on fifth floor of Ayres's; valued ax keepsake. Reward. B* Imont 0590. LOST—Brown leather billfold containing *6 .80, probably on Illinois street car. Thursday p. m. Randolph 1151. PAIR heavy shell rim glasses lost Tuesday noon on Washington, between Pennsyl vania and Illinois. Cali Randolph 0607. LOST—A bunch of keys, on or about 34th ai.d Pendleton pike. Finder please call Circle 0782. FOUND —Pair shell-rim spectacles. May 8. Randolph 7609. NOTICES. FAILURE OR SUCCESS—Use Astro-Psy chology, the new dual science, to find possibilities hidden tn your subconscious mind. The latent subconscious forces can be developed to realize your hopes. Astro osychology Is based on planetary Influ ences and study bt the mind, showing the bent way to use your talents and ability. My readings from birth charts in New York Sunday Herald three years ago at tracted world-wide attention. Trial charts. *2: full analysis, *lO. Send date. hour, place of birth. MARTIN RETRY, 1440 Broadway, Room 22. New York City. IMPORTANT NOTICE^ Spanish war veterans (1893-1902) may have title to pensions under Act of June 6. 1920. from *l2-30 per month. See or write LOWE AGENCY. 312 K. of P. bldg. Main 0707. BEDBUGS, roaches, moths, ants destroyed with one application of "Sudden Death " ALBERT MAAS. 31 Vlr. ave. Main 1225. personals! WE SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM FOR YOU By Offering You This Opportunity ©to become * Doctor of C H IROPRACTIC Cash or time payments accept ed on tuition. You can study New 'SaarS: ing. Suite 604 National City Wash. St. INCORPORATED IN THE STATE OF INDIANA. FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement, private; price* reason able; may work for board; babies adopted. Write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 4 911 E. Twenty-Seventh st.. Kansas City, Mo. INDIANA CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Teaching the rational avstam of pain less adjustment. Fourth floor When bldg. WANTED—SmaII child to~ board. Randolph 2968. FLATS. APARTMENTS—TO LEt! See ’Em All Thirty-three prominent rental agents co-operate, listing with uk, for your convenience, all the resi dence property for rent each day. Ayres ’ Rcwtftl Bureau Home-hunting \ thus becomes greatly simplified. .Big maps show locations, card tndkkea furnish de rcriptiona. \ Call in person, fourth floor. Please do not telephone. N. L. S. Ayres & C<\^ 416 E. Vermont V Four rooms and bath; Just newly flgno vated. Walking distance; *45 monih. \ State Savings and Trust Cos. \ Main 4515. SUTHERLAND. 2890; beautifully j—e-room modern; fllso summer Randolph 1266. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. 2509 College Ave. Five rooms and bath; newly redeco rated and reflnlshed; very desirable. Key at 2507 College ave. State Savings and Trust Cos. Main 4518. SUMMER COTTAGES—RESORTS. KEEP COOL this summer by calling W. B. HUDLK9ON. Washington 4256-1. In quire. ROOMS—TO LET. MICHIGAN. E.. 217, Apt. 5; furnished room; gentlemen preferred. Circle 8191. evenings. ONE large furnished room for light housekeeping; modern; one sleeping room downstairs; modern. Main 5971. PENNSYLVANIA, N., 907; modern fur nished light housekeeping room. Circle 755*. ONE LARGE. AIRY SLEEPING ROOM; MODERN; SUITABLE FOR TWO; NORTH. RANDOLPH 9365. TWELFTH, E., 610; two clean, furnished rooms and kitchenette; modern. Circle 647*. ILLINOIS, N.. 4317~F1at 6; beautifully fur nished room. Main 8092. NICE clean basement room; suitable for two men. Main 7738. FOUR ROOMS; business block; north side; *lB. Randolph 1736. CLEAN sleeping room, suitable for two old men $1.50 apiece.. Main 7735. ILLINOIS 2200 blcck; one large, pleasant room, couple only. Randolph 3046. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 76* Fletcher ave. Drexel 7323. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WASHINGTON ST.. E.. 1034; two modern front, furnished housekeeping rooms Drexel 8876. FLETCHER ave.. 704 : two rooms, modem housekeeping suite; children under 2 years welcome. Drexel 7538. ~6OARDAN3ROOMS-—ToTetT’ ALABAMA. N.. 1716; furnished front room; private family; meals Is desired; garage. Kenwood 3775. PARK. 1540; lovely location; home cook ing, with privileges. Circle 7764. ~BOARDAND ROOMS—WANTt£~dT~ BOARD and room wanted; north side; strictly private family where there are no other boarders. Main OS2I. HOUSES—TO LET. 4000 Block S. Meridian Eight rooms 10 acres strictly modern except gas; two baths 40-car garage. Has steam treating plant. Four-room cottage an.l two large lots; electric lights. Price JIG a month. These properties either for rent or for sale. I. N. Richie & Son, 110 Bankers Trust. Main 0570. Nice Cool Apartment on N. Capitol Ave. Two large room* either unfurnished or partly furnished: private hath, heat, gas* and water furnish -d. Largo yard and walking distance from town. I. X. Richie & Son. 710 Rankers Trus. Main 0520. Good Dentals 237 Highland, 5 r00m5...., S2O 00 1130 Finley 5 rooms 20.00 704 Beef her. 4 rooms 15.00 908 K. Walnut. 4 room* 13.00 Dunlop & Iloltcgel 3045 Station Street Six rooms, electric lights, gas. well, front and rear porches: 2 lots; large chicken house; white or high-grade colored. W. li. Cos iper TRANSFER AND STORAGE. EST. 1895. Otto J. Sucsz Packing, hauling, low rates on California shipments. Through cars to Los Angeles. Main 2-153-3628. Night, Webster 0699. ' FARTLOW FIREPROOF STORAGE - CO. Private locked rooms and open apses. *sc per month and up. Local and ov*r land transfer W* call and g|.-e y>u ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations 419-23 &. Market street. Maln_27s; Shank Superior Service BEST FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. TRANSFER. PACKING AND SHIPPING. 227 N. New Jersey at. Main 2028. U. 1128. B LUCE ~K ENNA RD, TRAN SFEIL STORF age. Main OSu3: Main 6955; evening Harrison 2238. GATEWOOD BROS.. transfering and hauling All kinds; reasonable. Bel mont 0113. WE haul you anywhere. $3 per load. KEN SARD VOGEL. Belmont 34 28. UNION STATION BAOGAGE iKANSI ER MAIN 711® M ALE H ELP—WANTEPT~ FIRST-CLASS FURNI TURE CABINET MAKERS. STEADY WORK. EXCELLENT WAGES GUARANTEED. NO LABOR TROUBLE NONE BUT FIRST CLASS MECHANICS NEED APPLY. SEE MR. C. A. BACKUS, AT THE SPENCER HOUSE, BETWEEN 2 P. M. AND 10 P. M., SATURDAY, MAY 13. LABORERS, SOc AN HOUR, 10 HOURS A DAY. REPORT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE REAR UNION STOCKYARDS. E. RAITII & SONS FERTILIZER CO. YOLNiJ TEACHER or one quail hod to teach, whose home is in or near Colum bus. Indiana, to prepare to assist with Eng lish and other subjects as part payment for full bookkeeping and shorthand course. Apply in own handwriting, stat ing qualifications; also give references. Address Fred W. 'Case, principal. CEN TRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pennsyl vania and Vermont. Indianapolis. Indiana. WANTED—BOYS to carry Time, routes In downtown dis trict between East and West. South and St. Cialr streets. Boys not over 14 yearn old. See Mr. Moorehead any afternoon after 2 o’clock. TEN go. and so)’-Ite rs at once; city and rural work. Sa ary anil commission. See Mr. 'tastings, circulation dept.. In diana D" .ly Times, after 9:30 a. m. WANTED Experienced grade foreman and teamsters. Inquire rear of 1128 W. New York. UPHOLSTERERS; two first-class. Call between 12 and 1. W. H. MESSENGER FURNITURE CO. See Mr. Jenkins. WANTED. 4241 Guilford avenue. BOYS WANTED. Apply delivery dept. Western Union. SALESMAN—-WANT ED. MAKE *25 to *75 weekly extra during spare lime selling greatest sensation of year. Every candy. cigar. delicatessen, drug and general store a prospect. Sell from photograph. UNION SPECIALTY' MFG. CO. Dept. A, Albion, Mich. GOOD salesman wanted for Indianapolis Ti rritory. If you are a live wire you can Bake *4Poa week or better. Ribbon and Carbon Cos S. Capitol Ave. INDIANA. TIMES. EVERETT TRUE. MR, T|9ie'<Se / I'M mSPo-SfivKS OM 30MS TICKCTS POR NJ Os DON'T Yov KNOW /H<S 5 I WAS i |lvTßo3>UCeT* TO You I~AT MQHT AT ■ I M.SM. to—, Out l -Trem : KN>OU> YOU it *TM© LONd^R 'YOU STICK AP-OUmTs WiSIKe, THfi- 'BeTT©^ 1 IT® 1 .. 'JT.S.T |J‘ REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Red meed Prices Lafayette Heights “INDIANAPOLIS SUPERIOR SUBURB” ?300 to $1,500 Reduction On Each House. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to get in on the ground floor of this won derful suburb. WE ARE MAKING THIS TEMPORARY REDUCTION IN PRICES at Lafayette Heights to give the horaeseekers of Indianapolis and vicinity a real opportunity tc own one of our modern homes and get established in “Indianapolis’ Superior Suburb" before warm weather sets in. Here is your chance for that garden you have wanted. THESE HOUSES ARE STRICTLY .MODERN up-to-the-minute stucco bungalows, of 4. 5 and 6 rooms There are a few two-story houses also. OUR OWN WATER SYSTEM IS FOR YOU TO ENJOY—Water be ing supplied from two deep driven artesian wells. You will be pleased to learn of the building restrictions which eliminate the disagreeable fea tures so common to the ordinary addition. LAFAYETTE BOULEVARD is paved and runs directly through Lafayette 1!< ights, connecting with paved roads to Indianapolis. LAFAYETTE HEIGHTS is situated 4Vt miles southwest of the Circle. Drive out Kentucky avenue to Lafayette Boulevard, 5c faro on city cars. Take Mars Hill car at Lincoln Hotel, 35-minute service, startiug at 1:50 p. in. Two bus lines give 30-mlnute service. FIVE POINTS TO REMEMBER. 1. That this Is a temporary reduction only. 2. That S4OO down will give you the privilege of saying “My Home.” 3. That these properties are highly restricted for the Caucasian race only. 4. That in 30 minutes you can travel between the Circle and Lafayette Heights. 5. That this “Superior Suburb" is SO feet higher than In dianapolis. Come out Sunday and see for yourself and you will readily agree that this is a wonderful opportunity to OWN YOUR OWN HOME. CITY TRUST CO. R. L. ARCHBOLD. Cl rcle 4022. Belmont 1026-R 4. IPIIII FREE ® Sugar Tomorrow H FOREST MANOR fVE 3 DBAft-ttVC 1 AG EN T S—W ANT ED. AMBITIOUS men, write today for attrac tive proposition, selling subscriptions to America's most popular automobile maga zine Every oar owner, mechanic. Ka ra gem an Interested. Quick and easy to sell- 100 U,. profit. Pleasant Work Devote all or spare time. AUTOMOBILE DI GEST. A-67, Butler bldg.. BBC-IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS whole saling chocolate bars, chewing gum. candy mints Attractive novel packages. Write todav. Exclusive proposition. HEL MET PRODUCTS CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio. ALL STORES buy Spearmint Gum and noveltv confections. Make $5 dally. Our agents undersell all competition, Build permanent business up quickly. HELMUT CO.. Cincinnati. TREMENDOUS profits giving premiums to others for selling new self-threading needles, hat kleen sachet. Free Instruc tions samples, factory prices. PATTbc COMPANY. 831 c "H." Wash 1 ngton. . WIDE-AWAKE MAN to take charge of our local trade; 36 to 38 dally steady; no experience required; P n - V ■'•’Uts at once. Write today. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO.. 5698 Amrelcan bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SMALL restaurant for sale cheap. Must sell on account of sickness. 23 N. East street. DETECT IV £5. Quigley-Ilyland Agency, Ine. Suite 404 National City Bank building. Phone Main 2902 Local ••fflee Interna tional Secret Service Assn. Seventy offices In America and fnr*l*n rnuntriM. DID YOU BELL ITT If not, try th* automobile columns at the Timea Want Ad. By CONDO, FEMALE HELP—WANTED. INTELLIGENT WOMEN BUSINESS EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. The employment director of an old established Chicago corporation doing nation-wide business will be at Hotel Lincoln, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday to hire several women for purpose of enlarging present organiza tion. Our regular organization is com posed of over 300 women who aro averaging $250 to *4OO per month. We want Intelligent women. Buslnees expe rience unnecessary. free Intensive training class will ri time the equivalent of elx months’ experience. Applicant must be between 3.. and 10, have equivalent of a high school education, good health, and be free to travel extensively. Railroad fare paid. Salary to start. Positions muse be filled at once. Apply In person. Don’t phone. Mrs. Kathryn D. Coffield, Hotel Lincoln, uut-of-town applicants write, . GIRLS over 18 years of age to learn tele phone operating. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO.. Room 322, corner New York and Meridian sts. Si I UmTION WANTED—FEMALE PRIVATE family washings. Will call for and deliver. Main 5971. CCKi'A INS to launder. MRS. LUTZ.' Drexel *896. L -It. caT A ‘_fc~~ F O R SAL e. ~ LEAVING city, must sell my modern home on Guilford, Just north of boule vard, and also three fine lots In Irving ton. Lott price for quick turn. Main 0142. \ REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. ALL THE REAL ESTATE OF THE HOME BREWING CO., OF INDIANAPOLIS will b aold oa June 7, 1922 at 10 A. M. on the terms and conditions noted below. Following are the propertlee offered: 1. (a) Brewery building and plant. In cluding engines, boilers, machinery, vats and other like equipment at southwest comer of Cruse and Daly streets.' In eludes also three small cottages on Daly street (b) Bottling shop and barns at north west corner Cruse and Daly streeta 2. Brick building and vacant ground at southwest corner Southeastern avenue and Cruse street I. Brick building and vacant ground, 902 East Washington street 4. Brick buildings, 25 to 41 South Dela ware street 6. Frame building and cottage, 1011 and 1015 East Maryland street 6. Five vacant lots In Mars Hall. 5. Frame building 1901 Columbia avenue and 1310 East Nineteenth street. 9. Two vacant lots corner Villa avenue and Prospect street 12. Brick buildings and cottage *Ol to *O9 Massachusetts avenue and 724 East St Clair street. 13. Frame building, 631 Beecher street 14. Brick building and cottage, 1318 North West street and 512 West Thirteenth street 15. Brick building and vacant lot 10* North Noble street and 642 and 644 East Market street 20. Frame bulling, 1429 North Sher man drive. 29. Frame building, I*7* South Esst street 30 Brick building. 3* North Noble street NOTE: A valuable malt extract rruuiu facturlng business will go with the brew ery plant for the Inventory price of the merchandise and containers on hand If purchaser desires. TERMS AND CONDITIONK Sealed bids to be delivered to the office of the company at Cruse and Daly streets prior to 10 a. m., June 7, 1922, with cer tified check for 5 per cent (minimum *200.00) to accompany each bid. No bid for less than the appraised value will be considered. Single bid for all of the prop erty will be considered. Terms are either cash on delivery of deed or one-fourth cash and one-four each In three, six and nirfe months, with 6 per cent Interest; sale Is subject to taxes for 1922, municipal as sessments and leases. List of properties, appraisements and other details upon ap plication at office. Inspection of properties may be arranged by phone. Call Drexel 1205. TH£ MIME BBEWIWC CO. Beautiful Bungalow, East New five-room modern bunga low. long living room, fireplace, col onnade. hardwood floors and built in features, breakfast room and dressing room. Tile bath, full basement and laundry. Walking distance of Bt. Phillip Nert. Just off of Tenth street car. block to public school. PriA right and terms on balance. Realty Finance Cos. Lincoln 4405. Evenings, Ran. 094*. - * Home Complete Seven rooms and bath, all mod ern conveniences; built less than and built for home: double garage; beautiful, large east front lot; near Joan of Arc parish. Can be bought at bargain. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 E. Market st. Trade for Vacant Lot Two dandy clear rental proper ties. Always rented. Want lot on north aide, suitable for modern double. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 E. Market at. SMALL" COTTAGE Semi-Modern, Southeast with electric light*, city water, gtuk, ce ment porch, close to echool. Margaret Berry, *O2 Public Savings bldg Main 514 T. Drexel 4254. 1109 Roadie St. Storeroom with 4 living rooms In the rear Price *3.200; terms. Call Mr. Halls, with J. G. McCullough 106 N. Delaware. Main 1710. Build A New Home If you have a good lot paid for we can build a house for you and furnish all the mom v and give you eaey term* on the houee. Fee us at once. Meredith & Johnson Main 2393. Webster 795*. 730 1 Vest 30th Four-room modern bungalow, south front, rant of Northwestern. Price, $4,000; *550 down and *37 monthly. See Mr. Halls, with J. G. McCullough 108 N. Delaware. Main 1710. Bargains Terms Four-room cottag*. large lot, Trow bridge st.. *1.650; *2OO cash. Good five-room house northeast; brick street. *2,100. r J. C. PRICE CO.. REALTORS. Main 1282. Ewing Street neiir Brooked© park. fl\*e rooms, electrlo lights, gas, well and cistern. Paved street. Price only $3,400; S4OO cash, balance like rent. George F. Coultis, 431 Lemcke Bldg. Main 3115. Ree. phone Wash. 1235. GRACFLAND ave., north of Thirtieth st. Five-room modern; a nice home In good location. Price. $3,800. Must have half cash. No phone information. Monen-Peelle Cos. 407 National City Bank Bld#r. Two Good Homes, East One seven rooms, modern, and one six rooms, modern; on paved streets. Cat. be had on terms. Call Mr. Andersen, with I. N. Richie & Son, Main 0520. 710 and 712 Bankers Trust. NEW modern bungalow, five rooms and bath, front and rear porches; beautiful decorations and electric fixtures. Lot 30x 160 feet. Price. *8.800; down payment. *SOO, balance *BO per month. Located at 5821 Rawles avenue. Phone Irvington 3849, 29th and McPherson Seven-room modern, 3 rooms and bath up; corner lot; good condition; $3,500; SSOO down. Call Trueblood, RELIABLE REAL TY CO., Main 0186. Evenings, Irvington 4213. Good Little 5-Room Home Southwest, for *1.800; about half cash. Call Mr. Anderson, with I. N. Richie & Son. Main 0520. 10 and 12 Bankers Trust. NORTH, 6-room cottage; cellar, floored attic, pantry finished floor, cistern and city water In kitchen; gas. electric lights, front and rear porches; property on as phalt street. Price *1.750 cash, balance *ls per month. Owner. Harrison 3469. 2302 Morgan Five-room bungalow; electric lights, wetl, garage, full lot. Price *1.800; *250 down. *lB per month. Call Trueblood. RELIABLE REALTY CO. Main 0186. Evenings, Irvington 4213. . w Nine-room house, 2 lots, (I tt fa II northeast. *2.750; *I.OOO \1 II H cash. GEO. A. LUCAS. 726 K. of P. Bldg. Circle 6600. Evenlngji, Belmont 4936. BEAUTIFUL suburban bungalow. three lots. West Sixty-First and Cooper ave.. *3,150. Terms, or will exchange for city property or good vacant lots. Owner. Main 0186. Evenings. Washington 8545. FIVE-ROOM thorougnty modern, large lot;; Improved street. Must sell. Have bought farm. Will oonslder auto In tra4e. Call EVERROAD. Drexel 8250. NAPOLEON. 2708; thoroughly modern bungalow. Immediate possession. Open for Inspection. EVERROAD Drexel 3250. FOUR-ROOM cottage, large lot, E. Minne sota; bargain. Easy terms. 1 Washington 1727. FOR SALE—House and three lots north. For Information call Washington 2724. LIST your real estate with ELMORE BROS. REALTY CO. Circle 7*62. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. 322 Lansing Street Six rooms, newly painted and decorated; electrlo lights, driven well and cistern; for sale. *1.606; small payment cash, balance easy terms. Hurry, as this won’t last at this price. Mr. Mclnteer. I. N. Richie & Son. TIP Bankers Trust. Main' 0520. South Side Double On payments Four rooms each side, newly painted and decorated. Rents **4 per month. Price only *2,600; S3OO cash, balance *25 per month. George F. Coultis 4*l Lemcke Bldg. Main 3115. Rea phone Wash. 1235, Vacant 5-Room Bungalow Electric lights, Inside toilet, 114 acres ground. For quick sale $3,250. Small cash payment down, balance easy terms. See Mr. Mclnteer. I. N. Ritchie & Son 710 Bankers Trust. Main 0520. BUNGALOW Beech Grove *SOO cash, *35 month, buys seven-room modern; garage; Seventh avenue; price, *4,000. Elmore Bros. 15* E. Market, Room 302. Circle 7962. South Side Home Attractive lot, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, mod. Sacrifice Price to meet financial emergency. Lewis Realty Cos. We Have a Party that wants a semi-modern house east that can be bought cheap for cash. Fowler & Eaton 301 City Trust Bldg. Main 6871. South Side Cottage Five rooms, electric lights, gas. good shape. Price *2,600; *260 cash, balance easy terms. George F. Coultis, 431 Lemcke Bldg. Main 3115. Res, phone Wash. 1235. WELL-LOCATED, strictly modern six room home; paved street; terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. Main 0107. STRICTLY modern, well-located six-room home; paved street; terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. Main 0107. STRICTLY modern 'Woodruff Place home: nine rooms, garage; lot 80x170; *2.000 cash, balance monthly. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. NEW two-room house with full basement, close to traction stop, with 3 large lots. Small down payment, balance easy pay ments. Ben Davis 101. Stewart 2522. FOUR MODERN BUNGALOWS EASD Can arrange liberal terms on all of them. Call us at once. Main 6771. BEST location north; eight rooms; strict ly modern; terms. Main 0107. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. New Four-Room Bungalow Electric lights, cement porch and walks, garage, forest trees; 120-foot front; *3OO cash, balance monthly. Wayne Park ad dition. Take Ben Davis Bus at Wash ington street and Capitol avenue, get oft at Cole street, or phone Main 0217 Satur day morning, and will call for you Sat urday afternoon or Sunday. Oscar Lee Suburban New B-room bungalow. 3 lot* and ga rage. *8.160. Easy terms or will trade for city property. Located between 61st and 67th north. 2ts squares west of Stop 5. Lafayette traction. Call Owner. Main 0166. Evening. D rexe 1 1193. IVa ACRES of ground, 3-room house. chicken park. well. 2 sheds. R. R. P-. Box 379 M. Irvington 2504. ring 3. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. Have Half Cash for modern five or six-room home north. What have you? Address A No. 2716, Times. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Equity In *BSO Wegman player piano. Would consider lot or second-handed auto. Call at 419 North Noble, or Circle 0646. THREE modern douhles. north of 16th. between Illinois and College. A. VAN TREESE. Main 9121. LOTS—FOR SALE. Irvington Lots Irvington Terrace addition Is In the east side of Irvington north side East Washington st. Begins next street east of Sheri dan ave , the end of the Irving ton car line. We are selling lots on Kenyon, the third street east. Come out Sunday afternoon. Price *750. Payments W. 11. Cooper & Cos. 838 Lemcke. College. 46x153. *l.lOO. College. 64x153. *1.200. Park, 61t,x162. *6OO. Easy terms. J. O. COTTINGHAM, 809 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Main 4378. Washington 1820. Beautiful Lot North Bargain. Would consider player piano as part payment. Address A No. 1939, Times. AT ONCE FOR CASH A good building lot. close to New Tork and DeQulncy ets., ROBERT REEVES, 223 Saks bldg. Lincoln 4231. Evenings. Webster 3212. LOTS on College, Gulltord and Park ave.. on easy payments and priced low. J. O. COTTINGHAM. 809 1. O. O. F. bldg. Main 4378. Washington 1820. LOT on Sutherland avenue two blocks southeast Fairgrounds. TOM OVER MAN. City Trust Company. Circle 4022 or Harlson 1506, LARGE lots on south side, *BOO and up. J. W. COBBS. Drexel 18S9. FINE 60-foot Meridian street lot at a bargain. Call Randolph 4903. REAL EST AT E—S ALE OR TR A Ufc, OPPORTUNITIES What Have You Got to Trade? We have Income property and farms In any part of the country, which we can match on any you may have from any amount. *1 000 to *1.000.000. For Information Inquire ZION REALTY CO., 26 W. Fifteenth. Phone* 4283. Gary, Indiana. FARMS—FOR SALE. FOR SALE —272 acres timber land. Brown County, Ind.: 9 miles oast of Bloom lngton; price, *lO per acre. MOLDIE D. CARY. Clinton. Mo. > ACRES. Improved, truck farm: dandy buy; cash or payments. ALBERT LOSCHE. Main 2009. Evenings, Drexel 2102. R| C. FO-LAND AUCTION CO., 615 Trac tion Terminal Bldg. Circle 0247. AUTOM OB IL ES—FO R SAL E. DODGE BROTHERS u<uor car*; a good assortment at all time*. £JI. Walleri cm Company Dm— I—wmm MoraVtownM^ <46 North Meridian. Circle 4*oo. s7~B. CHEVROLET. 1920; tlres. paint ami top In good condition. Snubbers and spotlight. Price *475. /Vieridiao Motor Cos. *24 N. Meridian. Circle_726l. USED care, always a bargain, sale or ex • change for any car. 516 N. East. Main 6735. FORD Roadster, 1920; starter, good shape; *2OO, terms. OAKLEY GARAGE, 1G63-65 S. Meridian. FORD, 1917 touring, A1 shape; *SO down, balance one year. WIDER & MILLER, 644 E. Washington. Main 3493. FORD, 1918 roadster, A1 shape; *55 down, balance one year. WIDER & MILLER. 644 E. Washington. Alain 3493. FORD Speedster; classteet thing In town; terms. OAKLEY GARAGE. 1663-65 S. Meridian. PAIGE, 4-cyllnder touring, the best car In Indiana for *295; be sure to see this bargain. 220 S. Pennsylvania. Main 1705. OAKLAND 191# touring, A-l mechanical shape. New paint, *420. FRED McGINNIS, rear 1649 N. Meridian at. Circle 7340. MAY 13,1922. AUTOMOBILES*-—FOR SALE. U&ED CAES 1 Used Car Purchasers Buy New Cara (We keep their 4l patronage b; r honest dealing— Ve y Low Prices and acc term a. 3x pays us to do so. Our jpresent stock is an* usually worthy. Must ba seen {to be appreciated. 3 pouring cars 1 Ooupe 1 S'ydan 3 Tun Trucks 1 “Port” Touring 1 “(Case” Turing some other models coming through shop (TflnutSy <TMovttr 259 South Meridian St. at Elevated Tracks Authorized Dealers. Phone MAin 6650-6651. Open evenings and Sunday. =9 Investigate Our Weekly Payment Plan Ford roadster $45 down $2.25 week Ford touring 45 down 2.25 week Ford touring 50 down 2.50 week Ford delivery car.. 50 down 2.50 week! Ford touring 60 down $3.00 week Chevrolet touring ... 60 down 300 week Ford speedster 75 down 3.00 week Interstate touring . 75 down $3.00 week Faxon touring 75 down 3.00 week Davis chummy 75 down 4.00 week Mercantile Garage 125 S. Penn. Main 6830. . 5 FORDS 1920 ii.dan, *350. 1920 coupe with Frontenao head; cord tires, *425. 1921 touring. *3OO. 1919 roadster, $125. 1917 touring, *l5O. Carr Auto Sales Dodges, Bulcks, Fords. Reos. Overlands, Oakland*, and Many Other Make.-. Late Models. SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS. YOUR OWN TERMS. NO RED TAPE. Some as Low as 575 Down. 518 N. Capitol Ave. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Roarmer i Good tires, running condition. mer top and Inclosed top; price *800; payments. | Pitot Motor Car Cos. 1110 N. Meridian. Circle 4081, Ford Bodies Three special speedsters. Very reason able. Exchange your used body for a new one. Swis&heim & Parker. 330 K. Market. Overland Touring Good tires, fine running condition; easy payments; *295. Pilot Motor Cos. 1110 N. Meridian. Circle 40S1. FORD bodies of all kinds. Sale or ex change. 5*19 Virginia avenue. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. Automobiles Wanted Can Use Packards, Cadillacs, Mar* mons, Pierces, Arrows, Stutzes, Buicks, Oldsmo- , biles, Mercers, Paiges. Will Pay High Price What Have You For SaleT Pioneer Motor Sales Company 610 N. Capitol Ave. Junk Cars Wanted Will pay best cash price for your Junk, wrecked or burned car. Call ua and leave your address. __ DREXEL 1233 Autos Wanted Cash for any car. See ua. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 618 North Capitol. Main 2633. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Main 157>. WILL exchange equity of *4OO suburban real estate for same amount In touring sedan or coupe. No Fords. Address A No. 2715 Times. AUTOS wanted. WEISSMAN’B, *l2-16 B. New York street. Main 4446. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. FORD panel truck and Ford with open express body. 725 Virginia avenue. _AUfO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. It it Is a good used TIRE you want, the chances are that we have them any size, $2. ROGERS 3115 W. Washington. Belmont 4300. AUTOMOBILE owners, garagemen. me chanics, repairmen, send today for free copy of this month's Issue. It contain* helpful, Instructive Information on over hauling, Ignition troubles, wiring, carbu retors, storage batteries, etc. Over 20 pages. Illustrated. Send for free copy to day. AUTOMOBILE DIGEST. 67 Butler bldg., Cincinnati. COLVIN BATTKKY COMPANY Recharge, 6-Volt, 60c; 12-Volt, New Battery, Guaranteed Two 611, $14.50; 613, $16.50; 127, $22.50. 121 E. MARYLAND ST. CIRCLE I*7o. "FITTED TO ANY CAR FREE." REDUCED PRICES Auto washing. Touring, *1.00; sedan *1.25. SHROYER. 322 W. Maryland. Circle BRING your battery trouble* to ua Wo are expert* in this work and our price* •re rlgnt: 6 volt recharge SOc; rebuild complete *6.60; 12 volt recharge 750; re build complete *IO.OO. 60UTH SIDE BATTERY EHOF. Continued on Next Page