Newspaper Page Text
MAY 13, 1922. OFFICIALS SEE BREAKDOWN OF SOVIET REGIME Washington Administration Watching Developments in Confidence. MASSES ENLIGHTENED Special to Indiana Dally Times and Philadelphia Public Ledger. WASHINGTON, May IS.—High admin istration officials watching the Russian situation from the side lines have be gun to see what Is regarded as nn mlstakeably signs of an eventual break down of the Communistic system that has hung like a milistone about the neck of the Russian masses since the rise to power of Lenin and Trotzky. While no sudden crash that will end overnight the bolshevik regime is ex pected, a high official said the progress made In the amelioration of harsh de crees was gratifying. The changes in economic and political policy In Russia, it was said, will be slow for a time, but this official was hopeful that shifts would come at an increasing rate. REHABILITATION NOW IMPOSSIBLE. Complete rehabilitation of Russia Is re garded by officials as Impossible until the yoke of Communism has been thrown off. The total collapse of Russia's industrial and economic fabric, under the crude de mocracy of Sovietism, which has actual ly resulted In a cruel autocracy, la grad ually convincing a growing number of Russian people of the futility of the struggle for the Communistic state, of ficials said. Whereas there was millions of Communist converts In Russia two years ago. officials said the number had been severely constricted. The growing demand of the peasants who have been enamored of Communism, officials said, was evidenced in the adop tion of the new civil code. While this does not go nearly far enough in their opinion to satsfy the desires of the masses, it Is regarded as a step In the right direction. TWO THINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. Two things are essential to Russia’s renunciation of Communism, offlcals said. The first Is the necessity of the Bol shevik leaders to see the need of a change and the second an opportunity for thm to make the change. The pressure of circumstances, which Is growing Increasingly stronger and the vanishing delusions of the people serve to bring about the light to the leaders, officials said. The millions that they ex pected to get, officials said, existed only In the minds of the leaders. The flat re fusal of ail other governments to ad vance the Communistic state a penny, has brought the Bolshevik chiefs to the reali zation that their only hope lies In loans from Individual capitalists, it is pointed out. Unless financiers can be assured that their loans and investments are safe, the Bolshevik leaders cannot hope for any aid from these quarters. SECOND OBSTACLE HAS SERIOUS ASPECT. The second obstacle presents some se rious aspects to officials here. They Summer Vacation Trips GREAT LAKES GULF AND LOWER ST. LAWRENCE OTHER TOURS Europe, West Indies, Bermuda, Alaska, Etc. Make Reservations Now. Itinerary on Request. Richard A. Kurtz, Mgr. Foreign Department. THE UNION TRUST CO. 120 East Market Street. MAin 1576. jpIS FREE 1 1 Sugar Tomorrow | FOREST MANOR |(=} EXTENSION fl \ “The Addition Supreme” |p| f See Page A comfy, clubby, 8 chummy drink! 3 You’ll say it’s so good that S it is like a festive drink. Yet W /- < &/ * even the best tea—Ridgways j \ Tea—is so economical that s\ ''•*'' 7 enjoy it at every auohUi* r- - ink.'/,a. ml >y g S ”S 4 Ik TINS TrtalTto ' •The Flrt Thing You Think Os" DISTRIBUTOR, SCHNULL AND COMPANY realize the difficulty created by the at titude of certain allied Governments which amounts to “stand and deliver.” This has created sympathy for the Mos cow regime among many Russians, who are not otherwise In accord with It, officials eatd. The loyalty of the lead ers to the Communistic principles, which now have small support, officials bellev, will be eventually overcome by the In sistent pressure from the peasants for greater freedom. One of the hopeful signs seen by the officials Is the gratifying effect of the peaceful penetration of America Into the Bolshevik wilderness. The attitude of the Russian people toward this coun try is one of deep gratitude. This Is heightened by the older peasants who remember tbe charity of America In past relief expeditions. This feeling, offiicals said, would last for generations and would Increase the pressure upon the little ruling group In Moscow for op portunities in the outside world. Music Memory Contest to Be on Wednesday The music memory contest for the elementary grades of the city schools will be held at Caleb Mills Hall on Wednesday, May 17, at 2:30 under the direction of Ernest G. Hesser, director of music In the public schools. Tbe Orloff Trio, assisted by prominent In dianapolis musicians, will play the sum bent for the contest. Immediately fol lowing the contest there will be a re cital arranged by Mrs. Henry Schur mann, president of the State Federation of Music Clubs, In which the following artists will present some of the s Sec tions on the music memory contest list. Miss Leone Wright, Mrs. Jean McCor mick, Miss Ruth Fillmore. Mrs. James Lowry and Mrs. Glen O. Friermood. Awards of merit will be presented to all contestants having perfect scores by the State Federation of Music Clubs. The team making the highest average will be awarded the contest banner, won last year by the team from school 27. Judges for the contest are Edward Nell, president of Metropolitan School of Music; Perclval Owen, director of the Mendelssohn Choir, and Miss Ida Belle Sweeney, treasurer of the Matinee Muslcale. Landis to Speak at Dedication LOGANSPORT, Ind., May 13.—The new home of the American Legion here will be dedicated Sunday. Kenesaw Moun tain Landis, formerly a United States Judge, now supreme arbiter of organized baseball, and for many years a resi dent of this place, will be the principal speaker. Dr. Rodney Troutman, com mander of the Cass County Legion, will have charg. of the ceremonies. PHIVELEY’S EXPENSES $840.13. MARION, Ind., May 13.—A report of campaign expenditures by B. B. Shively, who contested for the Democratic nomi nation for United States Senator, filed with the clerk of Grant County, shows a total of L 540.13 disbursed. More than S3OO of this went for sdvertlsiug, the re port shows. -NORTHCLIFFE- I* l the direct line of the city’s phenomenal growth northward, where values are increasing by leaps and u3vX\ k° un< k tke ideal place for a SScbs^] HOME COMPLETE 1557 In order to satisfy the growing demand for home sites in this high-class north side residential district, we have de cided to open up the balance of this wonderful addition Come Today or Tomorrow (Sunday) to Opening Sale of NORTHCLIFFE No. 2 Big Beautiful High Level Lots Almost 75 wooded lots covered with stately forest trees that have been growing a lifetime. It is hardly necessary to call attention to the fact that twenty-five years ago there was little north of 16th street except corn fields, while now many of the finest residences are between 40th and 60th streets, and several are out even to 75th street, and that many lots which ten or fifteen years ago could be bought for from SSOO to SI,OOO are now worth from $2,500 to $4,000. As to the large profits in store for purchasers of north side real estate nothing more need be said. Those who are wise buy a little in advance of tbe big improvements. Ten, fifteen and twenty-five years ago there were knockers, just as there are today, but the knockers have only regrets, while those who took advantage of their opportunities and bought made the big profits, just as you can do’today. $2 DOWN on Open Lots $25 On Wooded Lots THEN PAYMENTS OF Only $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and up to $3 a Week No Interest or Taxes for Two Years No Payments, While Sick or Out of Work. BARGAIN PRICES $495, $525, $575, $625 and up to $950 Wooded Lots, 750, SBSO and up to $1,150. A Few Lots Higher. These prices are good for opening dates. At these ex tremely low prices for these big, beautiful lots and the few remaining lots in our adjoining Norwaldo Addition, this sale may only last a few days. Get in now -while you may. You might just as well have the benefit of the rapid increase in values in thi3 north side district as someone else. The Attached Coupon Is Worth $25.00 To Each Buyer of the First 100 Lots Sold And in Addition a 100% Bonus will be given on the first advance payment of $lO made at time of getting pass book or within first 5 days, and a 50% Bonus upon the next S4O paid at time of getting pass book or within first 15 days, or upon so much of such S4O as shall be paid within such 15 daya in amounta of $lO or over. FOE EXAMPLE: $2 down on an open lot gives a credit of $27 sl2 paid as above and coupon gives a credit of $47 $22 paid as above and coupon gives a credit of $62 $32 paid as above and coupon gives a credit of $77 $42 paid as above and coupon gives a credit of $92 $52 paid as above and coupon gives a credit of $lO7 20% additional given on entire balance paid within 30 days. Read this over again and then ask yourself if you ever before had an opportunity to get such high-class property at the above ground floor prices and on such liberal terms. Here Is your chance. But you will have to act and act at once If you want to get the benefit of it If you don’t, someone else will. You can not afford to miss it. COME EARLY. Don’t Miss This Opportunity INDIANA DAIL* TIMES. A Safe Place for Children Grade School and $60,000 High School, With Manual Training and Domestic Science Departments, Gymnasium, Shower Baths, City Water, etc., at Northwest Corner of Addition. We Will Give in Prises for Best Kodak Pictures SIOO.OO Cash Absolutely Free For best picture taken in Northcliffe we will pay $25. For the 3 next best pictures, $lO each. For the 5 next best pictures, $5 each. For the 20 next best pictures, $1 each. THE CONTEST RULES We want some good pictures taken in Northcliffe for use in our advertising. We prefer pictures of children with a home site as a back-ground. Take a child to a place where- it is safe for him or her to play and take a picture. We want that picture to show how safe it is for a child in this beautiful north side home site. No cars, no noise, no bustle, all is serene there. Get that into your picture and you stand a good chance to win a prize. If you have not been able to go before, go out today or tomor row. All prints should be in our office, 904 Fletcher Trust Building, as soon thereafter as possible, and not later than May 24th, when this contest closes. - A committee of judges composed of three prominent Indianapolis citizens will select the winning pictures. * Take the kiddies and your kodak and make it an errand of fun and business—go today or tomorrow (Sunday). Do not delay. AKE a Broad Ripple car to Haverford avenue, which is the first stop after passing the Broad Ripple High School and the last m stop before reaching the Broad Ripple Park entrance, and you ■ ■ will be right in front of the north side of Northcliffe, or get w W off at 59th street and go four squares east to the southwest corner of Northcliffe. All day Sunday after 9 a. m. our automobiles -will be In waiting at 64th and College (the 5-cent fare limit) to take you to and from the property. Cars run every twenty minutes in the forenoon and every ten minutes In the afternoon. The fare to 69th street, Haverford avenue, or Broad Ripple Park at the present time, is 7% cents if you have tickets. Ten tickets cost 75 cents. Single fare, 10 cents. By Automobile —Drive north on Meridian street to Rivera boulevard, northeast on Rivera boulevard to 63rd stfeet, and east on 63rd street to Haverford avenue, which Is a little west of the Green City Boat House; then turn south on Haverford avenue into the addition. This Is an addition that all Indianapolis should see. Come and see these beautiful lots for yourselves. Salesmen on the grounds dally during sale. COME-RAIN OR SHINE LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY American Town Lot Cos. THE HOMESEEKERS’ FRIEND 904 Fletcher Trust Building, 9th Floor Northwest Comer Pennsylvania and Market Streets. Phone MA In 4295. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 8:30 O’CLOCK LOTS SOLD TO WHITE PEOPLE ONLY BEAUTIFUL NORTHCLIFFE On the North Side Just Across the Street from Broad Ripple Park. Fronts on 59th, 62nd and 63rd Streets and is Only 4 Squares East of College Avenue. 63rd street is paved and 62nd street is being paved along the entire north front of Northcliffe. 69th is paved within three squares. Gas runs along the entire north front of the addition. Electric lights and telephone service are avail able. City water is within one square. The town of Broad Ripple, with its 2,000 pop ulation, stores, churches, bank, garages, ice plant, eto., adjoins Northcliffe. Northcliffe is not anew ont-of-tbe-way sub division. It is an expansion of tbe north side, a stretching out of Indianapolis’ most beautiful and high-class residential district. High-class building restrictions for your protection, and legal proceedings will be brought, if necessary, against lot buyers who violate them. DON’T MISS THIS BIG OPPORTUNITY. Come Early and Get First Choice! FREE ICE CREAM SUNDAY And Band Concert by Indianapolis Military Band BIG TENT And Plenty of Chairs. Bring Your Lunch and Spend the Day. Bring the Children and Picnic with Us on Our Beautiful Wooded Lots. I l / BROAD U\ / / RIPPLC N&w // PARK A mere \ H,GM ifaHfJg glance u P at this diagram is 1 UWgr ' * ' enough | to show J that 3 ■ NORTH- 5! CLIFFE | § is one of | | the best 3 x located J j|3 additions J $ 5 ever 5$ 8 offered $ | in this 5 * city. 31 vi I S | STATE FAtR U | GROUNDS ( ; —j|_ —’" .vs w sr. hvpie-nsm bttd Bat In order to fully appreciate its beautiful high ground, Its stately forest trees, its proximity to school, and its many other advantages, it Is necessary to see it. We. therefore, take pleasure In Inviting you to come and see this magnificent property. Let Nothing Keep You Away THIS COUPON IS WORTH $25 It I* Good for $25 in Cash to You if You are a Buyer of One of First 100 Lots Sold. Present thia coupon to salesman when you select your lot and he will give you credit for S2O on your purchase. But only one coupon will be credited on one lot. This coupon will not be good after sale closes. (T) AMERICAN TOWN’ LOT COMPANY. 3