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MAY 13, 1922. FrOm } Inort.-aj... .rcblt-ct, , it la nn aatnnt.hlniilr attract!*. Tilt. bMQttfßl 80-aar© tract., so tlTllbJj bTOad IT nature, la our 1922 tin beautiful in themselves, but blend harmoniously with and add to the utility of'the natural surro Small beginnings—big end- _ what we offer to you. Here you can find happiness, contentment and financial gain. Have you t , Ings Our plan assures success —LOLA 1 ICJIN a start? Do >' ou Ultnk u takes as much nerve to start paying on your lot for vour future home as \ —a home of your own. An a * one-fourth of your time for the landlord and bum up tne rent receipts which he gives vou? Wh IU owned home Is the only real riFQf'I?IPTIOM actually throwing a house away every ton years. Come out to Forest Manor Extension, look It over, 11 fc 111 ?' a ° E * continue to give A v our plan, talk to our satisfied customers now living in their own homes. We invite, yes, urge yc ip.l the landlord one-fourth of your Don't be too late, as many were when we opened Forest Manor in the Spring of 1921,’ income for 10, 16 or 26 years FOREST MANOR extension is located right on s ll more. Throw off the renter’s East Ma Ple Rt>“d Boulevard (38th street), the city's IS ehnckloq Par tin longest, moat beautiful and moat popular boulevard. II , A J V° £a ? ° r ® ° n It starts at School street and Is Immediately east of —s^* | ** , ** ,, *.l^* •R one or these splendid home-es* and an extension to Forest Manor, the Superb Addi- 1 W W W" 1 ! ill tates and reduce the balance tion sold by us In 1921. 1 _ riT _ I I ■ ■ 1 „ ■ ■ it *1 mntolv ’ &n ? U Immediately you step upon Forest Manor Extension, I 1 M g*M | I 1 TANARUS" I* I 1! Ilf matelj build the home of your vou will appreciate what a wonderful property we I X AvAAA V AaJ V 111 dreams. Have the thrill of I are offering you. You will feel the Inspiration of I jj*£3t£s U home ownership. Now Is the youth, happiness and Joy. You will feel like running, I opportune time Forest Manor shouting and embracing this great big outdoors. Why ? • rC, on . in . . ‘al Manor Because the air Is pure and free from the smoke and • g\ m M m gSKSIff 1 Extension is the place. dirt of the city. Because of the Invigorating ozone. f 1 * ■ II t 1 ■ 1 1 C @|l ——■. - (iigantic Upening—Saturday and S >| BUY NORTH Modern public school a few squares south. Many attractive homes already established In this vicinity. fj I reOrlFllffflul T* v •> Wooded estates as large as 100x200 feet. I’nwooded wksHrllt i'll Wfiere fortunes have estates average over 66 feet in width. Wide streets, _ r . , , _. , . , ‘raSliir till been made where values are two flDe sha<le tree * r ,lßnle, i °n each lot, many orna- Mark the dates. Let nothing interfere. Come Saturday if possible. If not, be sure ti 1 increasing.’ Let a Home- “m. The bargain prices and easy terms will attract hundreds, possibly thousands, seeking ||| Hijt Estate here make you quick, prou<l of our Map!e Koad ntrec,cs - tion*. The^ selling starts early Saturday, continuing daily until all lots are sold Salesi PPI Awake 1 Note These Attractive Prices and Easy Terms— ill Be Up and Doing PRICES TERM I a ?°°d place for your chil- Here is a truly wonderful opportunity for you. You l iMXA/nnncr. TO AC--TO *. . , sgsSMfik <lrcn ' m,Jrall - V ' P*Vi"r. Si TSitiaS'S “SiS*S UNWOODED ESTATE—S29S, $325, $445, $595 k2° tractß -*’° *° * < BMWgWW\ mentally. Buy for their sake. Sff i°J SIX* nt ect".?„ U ,X and up. For Estates <rf 12,000 or more B qnare feet wooded tracts-425 to SIOO or m 5 yourself. Yon know you have lost thousands of op- fronting On the Boulevard, Prices are $1 000 or t 0 0r more weekly. 1 portunltles to buy. on terms you could have met r T ’ .. , , i easily, what is today very valuable real estate. IHOi©. Wo Intereit until after one year, th I Rome people sleep 24 hours, others 8 hours. The twooncn cctatcc tu iftT** ji until 1924. . 0 % discount ' wide awake ones will be in line early with many other WOODED ESTATES—The Wooded Tracts are large, liberal discounts. No payments while | bomeseekers and lnvestora who will eagerly buy these mostly 58 foot frontages, some over 100 ft. frontages, ployment. splendid, large, unusually attractive home-estates. containing 30,000 square feet. Prices $695 up. Prices Proper and reasonable building restr _r-i_ B**y Cheap Now —Sell Later At a Profit White and Desirable Persons C WARNING! Tiwig Pep — Xk portunity of today. Let nothing stop, hinder or hold you 1 SIO.OO or 9 ” Pluck — \ obtained one of these beautiful home-estates. Wmi More | c W t Thousands of persons have passed and admired this W. Down I wvQJ SI.OO or X Mjhafl. division during its development. They have anxiously awi < ® Tore \ raent. Hundreds, possibly thousands, will attend this b: JfirisT ii|i,, / WMrd^r- Weekly T 1 hesitate, delay, or put it off or you will be too late. L prosper, not backward and regret. ACT! Trli t 1 i T , I /m A rmn friMMr xn nn i How to Get $25 FREE! GOOD FOR OPENING DATES ONLY Clip this out and hand to the salesman when you select your lot and he will tell you how we double your first payment up to $25. Thus: $lO Down Credits S2O on Lot. sls Down Credits S3O on Lot. $25 Down Credits S6O on Lot. Be Sure and Bring Your First Payment With You “ THE ADDITION SUPREME-A SAFE PLACE FOR KIDDIES’ ’ Follow the Tide-North-Up Where They All Want to Go Here is Our 1922 Offering Th! gorgouly beautiful B&*cre tract, bo lavishly favored by nature. Is our 1922 offering to the discriminating, home-loving men and women of Indianapolis. Natural beauty can not be duplicated by man. Forest Manor Exten sion represents hundreds of years of the work of nature. The beautiful, stately forest trees of great variety, the thou sands of wild roses, flowers and many blooming trees, skirted in some places by a rippling, babbling brooklet, are the work of the Creator. Forest Manor Extension is truly one of Nature’s beauty spots and to its many natnrai advantages the hands of & carefully trained landscape architect have made additions which are not only artistically beautiful in themselves, but blend harmoniously with and add to the utility of the natural surroundings. This is what we offer to you. Here you can find happiness, contentment and financial gain. Have you the nerve to make a start? Do you think It takes as much nerve to start paying on your lot for your future home as it does to work one-fourth of your time for the landlord and bum up tne rent receipts which he gives you? Why, man! You are actually throwing a house away every ton years. Come out to Forest Manor Extension, look it over, get familiar with our plan, talk to our satisfied customers now living in their own homes. We Invite, yes, urge you to come now. Don't be too late, as many were when we opened Forest Manor in the Spring of 1921. Gigantic Opening—Saturday and Sunday -COME- Mark the dates. Let nothing interfere. Come Saturday if possible. If not, be sure to come Sunday. The bargain prices and easy terms will attract hundreds, possibly thousands, seeking choicest loca tions. The selling starts early Saturday, continuing daily until all lots are sold Salesmen on addition daily, or phone our office for appointment. Note These Attractive Prices and Easy Terms— The GATES-KINNEAR CO. REALTORS SOLE AGENTS Office: 760-62 Bankers Trust Building, S. W. Corner Penn, and Ohio Sts. Phone, MA in 1409. THE SECURITY TRUST COMPANY, Trustees 111-113 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA STREET This Strong Financial Institution Signs All Contracts and Deeds and Protects Your Interest. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. Big Sale of Home Estates Buy Cheap Now—Sell Later At a Profit. We Sell to White and Desirable Persons Only WARNING! Don’t be sidetracked. Forest Manor Extension is the one big real estate op portunity of today. Let nothing stop, hinder or hold you back until you have obtained one of these beautiful home-estates. Thousands of persons have passed and admired this beautiful new sub division during its development. They have anxiously awaited this announce ment. Hundreds, possibly thousands, will attend this big opening. Don't hesitate, delay, or put it off or you will be too late. Look fbrward and prosper, not backward and regret. ACT! TERMS UNWOODED TRACTS—SIO to $25 Cash down, $1 to $2 weekly. WOODED TRACTS—S2S to SIOO or more cash down, $2 to $5 or more weekly. No Interest until after one year, then only 9%. No taxes to pay until 1924. 10% discount for cash. Other liberal discounts. No payments while sick or out of em ployment. Proper and reasonable building restrictions to protect your Interests. Free abstracts, showing good title. Free Refreshments Je invited you to come out to 4 ‘FOREST MANOR EXTEN SION to see for yourself its many advantages. "We know you will ap preciate this EXTENSION. To show you that we appreciate your being our guest for the day, we will serve free refreshments all day, Sunday, May 14, 1922. COME—BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU Notice! This Advsrtisement Is for You It contain* a message of vital Importance to every man and woman In Indianapolis. For true satisfaction, pride, pleasure, contentment, happiness and security, read It through oarefully, then take positive, Immediate action. lp==OWN YOUR HOME—, Yea ewe It to yoarself, to year wife—your children. Yon •re entitled to • hornet. So are they. Why not start the , foundation with a home-estate In Forest Manor Extension. Real Estate is safe. It can not burn up or blow away. Don’t buy worthless securities and lose as thousands of others have done. |f =OWN YOUR HOME You have always promised yourself to start toward a home of your own some day. Today Is some day. Start > with a home-estate here, end with a home, a haven of rest, a place of security, a barrier to the poor farm. Do not say tomorrow will do; It will not, tomorrow never cornea; today la the time. ' f =OWN YOUR HO ME=ji Be Independent, prepare for the future, foresight la bet ter than hindsight. Be your own landlord. Stop that everlasting and increasing rent. Put your savings Into a home site and ultimately a home, Instead of the land > lord's pocket. We want to help you get a start In life—a home. You can borrow money on real estate but you can not bor row money on rent receipts. Think It over. r =OWN YOUR HOME Forest Manor Extension Is beckoning yon. In these Urge home-estates we offer you ‘‘a little land and a living." A good home garden saves you money. Here ‘ you get the bracing air first before it Is contaminated by the dust and dirt of the city. You get close to nature, where yon see the sun rise and set. Here yon can add year# to your life and life to your years. Yes—life Is worth living here. Come. Why This Extension? Because we have been compelled to turn away hundreds of disappointed persons who continually and persistently sought home sites In the original and only Forest Manor Addition, we have brought forth this supreme ly attractive new Extension to our 1921 offer ing and heartily recommend the same to you. Many beautiful homes hare sprung up within the original Forest Manor Addition within the past few months. Prices of lots have greatly Increased and many handsome profits have been made. We can only ac commodate 30® purchasers in this Extension and wish to warn you that you must take prompt, positive, decisive action or you will be too late, and be compelled to tell your friends of another lost opportunity, To Reach Forest Manor Extension By Auto—Drive north on any street to Maple road tSßth street) boulevard. Thence east to Fair Grounds bridge. Cross bridge, Jog south (right) to first street, which is Ma ple road <3Bth street i thence east (left) to School street and Forest Manor Extension, which la on the crest of the hill. By City Car I.lne—Take Brlghtwood car to end of line, 80th street and Sherman drive, where our autos will meet you on the opening dates, or walk north to 38th street, thence east to Forest Manor Extension. By Ft. Harrison Line—Ft. Benjamin Harri son cars or local Anderson cars leaving ter minal station hourly, pass the entire north side of this addition. Get off at School street, the corner of Forest Manor Extension. Free Sugar TWO-POUND CARTONS DOMINO SUGAR We will give absolutely free, s two pound carton of pure cane Domino sugar to everv white adult who visits FORERT MANOR EXTENSION Sun day, May 14th, and registers his or her name and address. We expect each spoonful of this sugar to remind you of the sweet, pure air and the sweeter music of the birds In FOREST MANOR EXTEN SION. Tea, H makes one feel a little chesty to drive through an entrance like this to his own homo. We have numerous such entrances along our Maple Road Boulevard frontage. Has Forty Acres of Forest Grove. Good Oar Service. [ Paved Streets l on Two Sides* 5