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2 BANKERS OF WORLD MAY BECALLED ON Suggestion Is Made for Untangling Maze. IS UP TO HARDING President Is Giving Idea Careful Thought WASHINGTON. May 23.—Suggestion that au international conference of bank era be culled/ in Washington to devise means of untangling the economic maze in Europe has l>een made to President Harding by certain of his advisers, It became known today. Whi,e the President's attitude on such e conference has not been divulged, it is thought by those in close touch with the Administration, that he will give the subject careful consideration. The meeting would be another Wash ington conference with the subject shifted from excessive armaments to the economic ills, which are burdening the world, according to the plan of those who ere pushing the movement. BIG 3 SPEAK FIRST DAY OF CONVENTION (Continued From Page One.) As far as Is known .Albert J. Beveridge, who is in favor of the primary, has not interfered with the program, except to let his attitude be known. The tax law plank, which may pro vide one of the important issues for the fall campaign, was drafted today by State officials for the consideration of the committee on resolutions. The Re publican State administration plans will constitute an Indorsement of the work of the State board of tax commissioners’ work and also amendments of the last session of the Legislature, If the plank prepuared which is said to have the ap proval of high State officials Is accepted. TONER 11W.ES PRIMARY SUPPORT. Edward C. Toner of Anderson, former Progressive, is tho author of a letter to delegates to the convention, urging them to take a stand against the repeal of the primary law. Dele rates arriving today appeared to be divided on the sub ject, and some indicated their belief that the committee on resolutions would not prepare a plank asking the abolition of the law. 1 MOSES WIL I, TAKE PART. Mrs. Martha Gonld, formerly of Knox. Ind., who- is a member of the United States senatorial committee interested in the election of Republican Senators, and who is secretary to Senator Moses of New Hampshire, said Senator Moses will tak epart in the campaign for the election of Beveridge. She is here to make ar rangements for Senator Moses’ partici pation in the early months of the cam psWn. If possible. She said that Sen aflff Moses would also take a large part in the senatorial campaigns In New Eng land Friends of Henry Roberts, who is a candidate for clerk of the Supreme and Appellate Courts, were claiming they bad the support of Governor McCray and Senator Watson. Supporters of Patrick J. Lynch, who is a candidate for re nomination were confident that he would win. Although there is only one contest for the offices on the ticket, much interest Is being shown in the convention. AU of the candidates have established head quarters and were giving the "glad hand'* to the enrly arrivals among the delegates. The delegates will meet at 7 o’clock Wednesday evening by districts In rooms that have been assigned at the state house. Each district gathering will name one Tice president, one assistant secre tary. one member of th committee on rules, one member of the committee on resolutions, one member of the commit tee on credentials. Following the district meetings, a meeting of the newly elected committee will be held at the Severin Hotel at 9 a. m. GATHERING AT MAYOR’S OFFICE. gathering of city hall political chief tains was called at 11 o'clock today. State Chairman Lawrence Lyons, accom panied by William E. Keiley, chairman of the Seventh district, came to Mayor Shank's office. The meeting was hur riedly called, some of the department heads and others asserting they did not know what it was for. William H. Arml tage, .Tesse E. Miller, Taylor E. Gronl ger, William H. Freeman, county chair man, and the mayor were in the confer ence. After Mr. Lyons left the mayor said he had called merely to n a V his respects end to thank the city administration for what it had done for him in his fight to obtain the State chairmanship. The vote of Seventh District Chairman lieiley, pledged to Lyons, was one of the impor tant factors in his success. Reiley was a part of the original Shank machine. It la understood the State chairman discussed with the mayor what stand the mayor will take upon various issues in the convention. City hall leaders dnied this, bnt it is known State leaden are nervous whenever Mayor Shank appears. The mayor himself said “you never can tll when 1 get started talking." He la to speak at the Thursday morning ses sion of the convention. He is known to favor abolition of the public service com mission and retention of the direct pri mary. both of which opinion do not jibe with those of the standpatters. Hence it is understood Mr. Lyons went into one conference with the mayor and his aides to get some line upon what his honor is thinking about. WILL HAVE "ADVANCE" COTY OF SPEECH. An indication that the mayor haa dis cussed his speech with someone was contained in his announcement, after the conference with Lyons, that he will have an advance copy for part of bia speech. This is not characteristic of the mayor. In only one occasion in his campaigns for the nomination and election in 1921 did he speak from manuscript. This was on the night of the keynote meeting of the primary fight. Then he followed the manuscript only in part, digressing when ever anew thought struck him. In announcing he would have a man uscript for part of bis talk, the mayor said: “I want io be pretty careful about what I say.” Meanwhile the city hall crowd is lend ing all its Influence to get Corporation Counsel Groninger named as the Marion Count ymember of the resolution/ com mittee. Mr. Groninger will fight to the last ditch to prevent adoptio nos a plat form plank calling for a change in the primary law. He said so himself, to day. ACCIDENTAL ADVERTISING. CHICAGO, May 23.—After a motor car smashed his store window, a south side druggist hung out this sign: "Even au tomobiles know this in the place to mrme.” mIM MhliK WBB iappsf~ fjMflgfßg'sF SSf MfPHn BBagßy fIH ffijg wmawmm W&& \ / 9s B|frf JPSI|B jjpflV R Mg* Sm IbH *|Pi. 'JgSfr v>‘ v - r - --Jr* SAYS CANCER CAN BE CURED BY NEWSPAPERS Doctor Believes Gospel of Early Examination Should Be Taught by Press. ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 23.—" The news papers can cure more cases of cancer by preaching the gospel of immediate ex amination and treatment than the doctors can by improving their present methods of treatment." This was the startling assertion of Dr. Joseph C. Bloodgood, professor of clinical surgery at Johns Hopkins University, and one of America's authorities on castor today. Dr. Bloodgood is here •o attend the annual convention of the American Medical Association. CHEMISTS WILL TESTIFY AS TO ARSENIC POISON (Continued From Page One.) a few months following the death of Robert Gibson, the first husband of Mrs. CarL •That two months after her marriage to Carl, Mrs. Carl filed a divorce proceed ing in the Hancock County Circuit Court on the grounds that Cart had misrepre sented his wealth to her prior to their marriage and that as a matter of fact ills property did not exceed $1,300. : That Carl had a life insurance policy for $2,000 with the Modern Woodmen bf America and Mrs. Carl was named pencficlary and collected the money. : That in the latter part of July. 1921, J?arl became ill with a strange sickness !ind the symptoms were similar to those -*f arsenic poisonin' although the doc tor treated hint for flux. • That Carl was a “hardy, rigorous gen tleman’’ about 45 years of age. j That Mrs. Carl purchased arsenic at a store in Greenfield a short time before th death of Carl on Aug. 6, 1921. : That an autopsy and chemical investi gation showed the organs of Carl con tained eight grains of arsenic poison. S-TATE RELIES (in CIRCUMSTANCES. ■ It is evident that the State will rely Upon a conviction upon clrcurastanstial evidence and upon the two main allega tions that arsenic was found in the or gans of the dead man, and also that Mrs. is alleged to nave purchased arsenic rhortly before the death of Carl. J The State as its first witness Intro duced John C. I’asco, undertaker at greenfield. whl> embalmed the body. The State attempted to show by l*asco that tjie embalming fluids used by the under taker did not contain arsenic. The State examined Pasco at length relative to the exhuming of Carl’s body in Junuary and February of this year b fore the im.lct tyent was returned. sDuring cross examination Pasco main tained that a chemical examination of tju embalming fluids used by him failed ti> show any trace of arsenic. J Pasco said Hancock County commls s*oners allowed him S2OO for aiding in efbumlng the body of Carl. lie testified that an Indianapolis chemist examined tJo contents of the orgaus of the dead njan. jThe petition of the defense will not-be presented to the Jury until the State has complete*, its case, counsel having re served that right. •Indications are that the State will not a‘k the Jury to Inflict the death penalty, a|though attorneys excused three tales n*en who said they did not believe in capital punishment. jTbe jury is composed of John Babh, farmer; George B. Stafford, former, Zeno I\*-pley, farmer; Frank Gillespey, farmer; Fjvd J. Deitier, coal merchant; Russel C-chran, farmer; William F. Robinson, fajnner and former county commissioner; J(.hn R. Means, fnrmrr; Thomas J. Mar shall, saw mill operator and former farm er!; George Schrader, merchant; W. J. Morris, farmer, and Garrett Hart, mer chant. jThe court i permitting the Jurors to g<* to their hon*e9 in the evenings, but h£f warned them not to discuss the case wjh any one nor to read newspaper ac counts of the trial. Indications are that the case will go to th*s Jury late Saturday. Operators Shown \to Have Financed Treason Hearing i CHARLES TOWN, W. Va, May 23 Ttj Logan County coal operators have ccSntributed at least .5,000 for the prosecution of the treason cases against Uujted Mine Workers' chiefs in West Virginia, now being tried here. W. K. Tlijiruiond, president of the Logan Coun ty jCoai Operators’ Association, testified in I the trial of BUI Blizzard here to da* Thurmond's admission follows his fraik statement that the Logan County opijrators paid out SOI,OOO in deputy shijriffa’ salaries during the first nine months of 1921. Baltimore Firm Buys Acres of Coal * - EJLUEFIELD. W. Va., May 2S— Tracts aggregating 8.000 acres of coal across the riv|r from Hinton, in the angle formed by rfhe junction of Glade Creek with the Ned- River, have been purchased from dif ferent owners by the Eastern Coal and Milling Company, a Baltimore corpora tion, which plans development on a large scale. The purchase price aggregating According to surveys the prop erty contains 90,000,000 tons of coal. A railroad la now being built up Glade Creek to serve the mines to be opened on tho -Ipropcrry. CARL MURDER JURY MOSTLY COMPOSED OF PARMERS SHELBYYILLE, Ind., May 23. —The Jury in the case of Mrs. Clara Carl of Hancock County, on trial here for the murder of her husband, Frank Carl, is composed largely of farmers. In the front row of the picture, left to right, are John Babb, George B. Stafford, Zeno Kepley, Frank Gillespy, Fred J. Deltzer and Russell Cochran. Back row, left to right—Bailiff Val Schoelich, William F. Robinson, John R. Thomas J. Marshall, George Schrader, William J. Morris and Garrett Hart. Rubber Tongue Restores Speech PARIS, May 23.—Mediant science haa found something new under the •nn. Sergeant Vlalla, whooe lower Jaw, blown* away by explosives during the World Mar, was reconstructed with a complete set. of false teeth, now Is able to talk and sing. Surgeons at the Vei deGrace Hospital experimented for many months in an effort to build back Vlalia’s tongue, the base of which remained after the reconstruction of his Jaw. The efforts of Dr. Eugene Quenelle were crowned with success and now Sergeant Ylulla haa a rubber tongue.whlch enables him to sing and lead conversation. Self-Made Savages Come Out to Tell Experiences Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sutter Wear Birchbark Suits, Held Together With Vines. lIOWEBROOK, Maine, May 23,-Cnrl A. Sutter and his wife, the modern Adam and Eve, who entered tho Maine wilderness on Saturday to live for one month as close to nature as a human can get, emerged for a few minutes to Marriage Licenses Joseph M. Hill, 483 N. BevfUe ave 24 Gertrude C. Bauer, 21 N. Jefferson ave. 21 Klin<*r it. Williams. 418 N. New Jersey 2b Bertha J. Hendrickson, 418 N New Jersey 23 Robert W. K oss, 1904 Ashland 3ti Mildred U. Briggs, M)i>l Ashland 28 Forest G. HarkridcL Danville, 111 20 Cecil Knud, 1801 Ashland 39 Everett W. Buchanan, 413 N. New Jersey 21 Laum L. Kb-bols, 418 N. New Jersey. 18 Charles F. Keller. 1440 Prospect. .W. 22 'Freda It. Chambers, 138 N. Blackford, lfl McClain Willititns, 355 Hansen 20 Katherine McLeaster, 340 Minerva 19 Georg© W. Ward, 2538 English 25 Florence K. Pruitt, 1008 W. Eighteenth 23 Patrick V. Moran, 441 N. LaSalle 28 Kosenell ilasterson, 2010 W. New York 20 Births Joseph and Elsie Simms, Clark Blakes lee Hospital, girl. Clarence ai;J Julia Birk, 814 South State street, boy. Thomas and Mabel Shull, 130 C Lexing ton avenue, girl. Jesse and Goldie Medburn, 261 Eastern avenue, girl. Harold and Olga Lanham, 1409 North Jefferson avonue, boy. Hoy and Glendora Hicks, R. W. Long Hospital, girl. John and Shirley Higdon, 1040 North Pershing, girl. Howard and Norine Curfman, 114 Koehne street, boy. James and Ethel Brum met, 1264 West Twenty-Fifth street, boy. William and Francis Dwyer, 1238 Shepard, boy. • Lee und Mabel Jaynes, 2301 Morgan, boy. Lando and Mildred Ilolny, 12C0 Roose velt avenue, girl. Albert and Bertha Crittenden, Protest ant Deaconess Hospital, boy. Robert and Uildie Terhune, 2730 Sher man drive, boy. Clifford and Francis Bonters, 410 North Biackord, boy. Samuel and Ethel Hoerger, 820 Csn feuial, girl. George and Jeannette Kolb, 914 East Fifteenth street, boy. John and Stella Baker, 1528 Itoselln street, girl. Theodore and Amy Smith, 325 Healing street, boy. Deaths Emma Jane Colemun, 63. 237 Blast Wyo ming, acute cardiac dilatation. Helen Louise Johnston, 4 months. 17 days, 1510 Lawton avenue, laryngal diph theria. Carl Bernhardt, 30 minutes, 200 North Ail lison, cerebral hemorrhage. Bridget Naugaioa 99, 3350 North Penn sylvania, senile debility. Howard Fletcher, 17, Eagle Croek and Uowurd street, drowning (accidental). Betty Royston, 47, 1803 Draper, hypo static pneumonia. William Matthews, 60, city hospital, nephritis. William E. Soule, 59, 317 North Arling ton, uremia. Mary E. SUtloff, 84, 1031 Bellefontalne, arterio sclerosis. Dorothy Bats, 1 year. R. W. Long Hos pital, acute osteomyelitis. Hurry Pediow, 46, 510 West Thirty- First. hcmlplagia. Eliza Neal, 27, Fayette, pulmonary tuberculosis. Mary Day Bartlett, 6 months, 25 days, 3309 Nowiand, spinal bifida. Margaret Kelleher, 87. 121 North Ar senal, chronic myocarditis. Helen Louise Green, 10 months, 0 days, 2129 South East, broncho pneumonia. Minnie Latchford, 43, 1222 Deloss, dia betes. Emma Brown, 36, 530 West Henry, hy postatic pneumonia. 100 Extra Cops to Tend Speedway Road Oue hundred extra policemen will be stationed on the streets an droads lead ing to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Chief of Police Herman Rlkhoff an nounced toda. He and Traffic Captain Michael Glenn made an Inspection of highways leading to the track. RESINOL sootMnq &nd Nt&linq Forskin Disorders INDIANA DAILY TIMES day to tell their adventures. Both wore birch bark suits, lashed to gether with vines, but they had failed to protect the flesh and their bodies were lacerated by thorns. They were pale, haggard and somewhat exhausted, but said they were “gnuie” and would con tinue their adventure. “When we entered the woods it began to rain, and my wife was chilleit through,” said Sutter. “I know shelter was the firNt requisite, so I built a lean to with branches and spruce boughs. When it was done it was uot exactly the kind of love nest one reads about in novels,'but It was comfortable.” Sutter said the ground was covered with deer trnrks. Both Sutter and his wife wore nothing when they entered the wilderness, nor did they carry weapons or utensils of any kind Th y wanted a taste of real primitive life and aro getting It. Sutter started a flro by rubbing a dry stick rapidly against a set one. Finally a spark flew Into a handful of birch shreds and a blaze sprang up. It re quired only half an hour s time to start it. "I made snares with tough libers from the inside bark and waited patiently for some wild animal to come along and stick his head into one of them, but none - was caught," continued “Adam." "Night fell rapidly and wo had nothing to eat but roots and bits of green stuff and our stomachs wero pretty empty. "I could hear wild animals prowling around and was afraid to go to sleep, but finally I dozed off and was awak ened by an unearthly scream. It was my wife, who had awakened out of a nightmare, during which she thought, she was being eaten by a wild animal.” On Sunday the Sutters took an early morning plunge In a stream nud then made n hearty breakfast of lily roots.— Copyright, 1922. A Ginger Al© that is Ginger Ale. Full of p and ginger jc* yet fully aged Anheuser-Busch mSBm ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC., ST. LOUIS Anheuser-Busch Branch Wholesale Distributors MAin 0211 Riley 1148 _ ■ iaoianapolig, Inci^na MORGAN SAYS NOTHING ON GERMAN LOAN Big International Bankers Open Conference in Paris Wednesday. PARIS, May 23—J. P. Morgan of Morgan and Company, New York bank ers, arrived hero today. Mr. Morgan refused to talk regarding the conference of international bankers which is to convene here tomorrow at 11 a. in. to discuss an international loan to Germany. Finance Minister Htwmes of Germany, who has been in Paris for several days will go to Berlin to consult the members of the German cabinet. He is expected to return before June 1 with satisfactory proposals for the German government. EXCURSION TO SEE LAKE, PLAN Mayor Shank today s >t out to organize an excursion to Decatur, 111., Sunday. June J 2. in order (hut interested cities of Indianapolis may view anew municipal lake, established at a cost if $3,000,099. Ttie mayor hopes citizens who see the I>e catur lake wiil he won to liis proposal to dam White River at Northwestern avenue and make a lake in the bottoms to the northwest and north of the city. The excursion will be over tha C. I & W. railroad. Tho railroad has promised to supply first class accommodations, Y>'. T. Bailey, named head of the committee on arrangements bv the mayor, said. The mayor and Chamber of Commerce of Decatur are making plans to enter tain the visitors. Mayor Shank said. On tiie committee of arrangements with Mr. Bailey are Frank C. Jordan, E. O. Suet hen, J. L. EH’.ott, L. V. Sheri dan, William H. Armitage, tho city coun cil parks committee, J. L, Hogue, K. Walter Jaifls, J. F. Rainier, Jesse E. Miller und George O. Ilutsell. Gunboat Squadron on Way to Nicaragua WASHINGTON, May 23—Reur A.l mlrul Cole, commanding the Atnreican special service squadron, will arrive at Corinta, the I'aclfic seaport of Nicara gua, on Thursday with a squadron of gunboat.*, the Shite Department wa.s nd vised today. Official- hero f.--l tho sit uation in Nicaragua is now well in hand, despite the agitation among natives as a result of tho revolution ou Sunday. Two Chicago Men Held as Grafters CHICAGO, May 23—Imlietments were returned In Criminal Court today against William A Hither, attorney for the Chi eoga board of education, and Ilenry \V. Kaup. a real estate man. The two nten were charged with conspiracy to operate a confidence game to obtain money under false pretenses In connection with trans acllons involving the Forestvllla. Wendell Phillips and Irving Park schools. WHITE SCHOOL MAY RE GIVEN TO NEGRORACE Shifting Population Prompts Suggestion to Transfer Pupils. NEW BUILDING READY Pupils of public school No. 4, Black ford and West Michigan streets, proba bly will be transferred in a body to the new building at No. 5, California and West Washington streets, and No. 4 converted iuto a negro school as the re sult of suggestions made by E. \f. Graff, superintendent of schools, at a special meeting of the board today. The change should be made, Mr. Graff said, because of the fact that the white , population in the neighborhood of No. i 4 is decreasing rapidly and the negro ■ population increasing at a corresponding rate. If the change Is made as suggested, it ' will be the first time pupils have been ! moved in a body from one school to an other. Changes of this character have been made in the past, but they always have been made by moving a class or , two at a time. The ne wbuilding at No. 5 is now ' ready for occupancy, and if Mr. Graff’s 1 plan is adopted by the board it will be come effective in September. CONTRACT GHOST WON’T STAY PL'T. As at almost every board meeting for the last year, the ghost of the old con tracts between tho board and L. A. Snider, former building advisor of the board, and the Ann of Snider & Rotz, engineers, stalks through the proceed ings for a half hour or so, and today it made it* regular appearance once more. This time it arrived through the me dium of a letter from Albert A. Baker, ftttorney from the board. Mr. Baker gave it as hi* opinion that the courts will hold the board liable for all that has been done by SnUler & Rotz by way of designing and supervision in pursuance of the contract of August, 1921. This contract provided for the tempo rary employment of Snider A Rotz after they had resigned as engineers and can celed their old contracts. Determination or tho validity of those older contracts is now pending in the State courts. ‘.Mr. Baker apparently does not regard highly the opinion of the State board of a counts that the board cannot legally employ engineers, but shouid have its supervisory work done by its own super intendent of buildings and grounds, for speaking of this he suys: DOESN’T THINK RULING WELL-FOUNDED. "The claim that the statutory defini tion o fthe duties of the superintendent of buildings and grounds with respect to engineering work withdraws from your board the power to employ engineers to I supervise the erection of work they have 1 designed is not, I think, sufficiently well . grounded to warrant the board at this i time in acting on tha correctness of that j position. "It I were a member of the board, and if I thought th condition of friction existing between the board and Snider A Rotz interferes with tho board's work and the performance of its public duties. I would vote to terminate all relations with that firm and leave to the courts tho decision what damages, if any. are collectible from the board for so doing.’’ The old coalyard of the board, with a , frontage of 158 feet on Iloy street and 78 feet on Wilkins street, ha* been ap- at $11,553 16 by James E. Berry i and Frank T. Brown, appraisers, accord ing to a report submitted to the board. Bids were ordered advertised for JuufT 19. anil (he will be opened at the board ' meeting June 20. I Auction of Bullet i That Killed Hero 1 WASHINGTON. May 23—The bullet ‘hat killed him 1* included In the per sonal effects of Private Harry Fisher, t Marine killed in the Chinese Boxei n-ar of iota), which wore sold at auction recently after failure to find any heirs to i the dead soldier. How the fatal bull 4 happened to be included in the possessions of the sol dier is not known. It was so listed, however. Stranger items than this oc | cur In the lists of personal belongings jof dead fighters, which effects are kept , at headquarter* in Washington for a specified time, then sold, i Prayer Books are conspicuous in their -number; In the case of Marine* many queer foreign relics also abound. These range from Chinese rings to foreign coin ; collections from every corner of the globe. A pair of Romeo slippers formed a part of tho collection kept for the possible relatives of one dead Marine. A collection of ladies’ bar pins was an other feature of a recent batch of be : longings. Court Says Forgery Game Is Unbeatable “W r hen you get out of thia you bad bet ter quit the game. It is an unbeatable game," said Judge Delbert O. Wilmeth today in city court as he bound Richard A. Hutchinson, 23, of Columbus, Ohio, to the grand Jury on the charge of forgery. Hutchinson's bond was fixed at $2,000. Admitting he had passed eleven worth less checks receiving a total of $167 for them, Hutchinson Insisted he was not guilty of forgery as he signed his own name to the checks. The checks were on a Columbus, Ohio, bank and Hutchinson, Detectives Peats and Fleetwood pointed i out, had signed his name as manager of a Columbus paint company, which posi i tion he admitted be did not bold. PLANS INQUIRY ! ON FERTILIZER Senate Committee on Agri culture Will Call Secretary Wallace to Testify. WASHINGTON, May 23—An lnvestiga ■ tion of the alleged "fertilizer trust” was j ordered today by the Senate agriculture | committee in connection with the leasing 1 of tho Government nitrate plant at Muscle : Shoals, Ala. Secretary of Agriculture Wallace will be among the witnesses called to testify regarding activities of the alleged trust. Chairman Norris, Republican of Ne braska, announced. Tho probe was ordered as a result, of the testimony that seven great fertilizer concerns controlled 50 per cent of the fertilizer output. -*. ■ . I. U. EXTENSION OFFERS AWARDS Will Give Scholarship to Six Graduates. Indiana 1 University extension division announced today it will give scholarships next year to one boy and one girl In the graduating class of each of the three city high schools. Each of the six scholar ships will consist of one year’s free tui tion in the late afternoon and evening classes of the Indianapolis center. Tho scholarships will be awarded on the basis of high scholarship and the recommendation of the principal. They are Intended for students who are unable ‘ for the present to go to college and who ! will undertake to carry at least three j subjects. They will enable their posses- j sers to work in the day and attend the | university classes at night. Students will have an opportunity to choose from over fifty different courses under university instructors. They may take the regular freshman courses in Liberal Arts subjeets such as English, French, Spanish, history, and hygiene; or special courses in such com mercial subjects as accounting, adver tising. and secretarial work. The scholarships will be awarded about May 25. Policewoman Shows She Can Handle Gun When Mamie Shelton, policewoman, saw that a suspect was about to escape, she did not hesitate to draw her gun, and brought Nathaniel Freeman, 1201 Hiawatha street, to a sudden stop. Free man was convicted In city court today of stealing a watch belonging to Pat Grif fin, 429 Indiana avenue, and was fined SSO and costs by Judge Delbert O. Wil meth. WOMAN "MESSIAH" MOSCOW, May 23—Algo Faodnroblteh ha* proclaimed herself a “Messiah come to drive out Lenlne and his creatures,” and has alreany gained a large following in South Russia. u j^ ave a an <n>air ihat is Jfz' r shimmering,use * Herpfcide tiny & Pepi Stores HELPED HER LITTLE GIRL Children need all their strength tor growing. A lingering cold weakens them so that the system is open to attack by more serious sickness. Mrs. Amanda Flint, Route 4, New Philadelphia, Ohio, writes; “Foley’s Honey and Tar cured my little girl of the worst tickling cough. I had tried many things and found noth ing to help until I got Foley's Honey and Tar." Gives immediate relief from dis tressing, racking, tearing coughs.—Ad vertisement. CUT CUI HEALS ITCHYRMPLES On Forehead and Scalp. Hair Fell Out. Lost Rest. “ My trouble began by a breaking out of small pimples on my forehead end scalp. The pimplea festered and itched and burned causing me to scratch and irritate the affected parte. My hair fell out and my face was disfigured for the time being. I lost my rest on account of the irri tation. “The trouble lasted for years. I sent fat a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment which helped me so I bought more and now I am heated." (Signed) Miss Ethel Ad kins, Orbiston, Ohio, Aug. 19,1921. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and akin health often when all else foils. Mail. "OiHm.ta er.tort.., Dept. H, lCslMatl, Mm..” Sold ty*rj whw. SiapSa. Otatm.itt£l and 80. Talcumfta. gSp Caticurs<wp shave withwit mi. MAY 23,1922. /fLUCKy\ I\STRIKE/l Cigarette It’s toasted. This one extra process gives a rare and delightful quality —impossible to duplicate. Guaranteed by HOW “TIZ” HELPS SORE, TjHED FEE! Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye, corns, call on sea, bunion* Jam! raw spots. No more shoe tightness, n o more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. “TlZ’' is magical, acts right off. ‘TIZ” draws ont all the poisonous e xudatlons which puff up the feet. Use “TIZ” and for get your foot misery. Ah! how comfort able your feet feel. Get a box of “TIZ” now at any druggist or department store. Don’t suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year’s foot comfort guaran teed for a few cents—Advertisement. FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOOD Woman Relied Upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Emporia, Kansas.—"l beganusing Lydia E. Pinkham’a medicines years ! iiiim|||iuiiiiiiiiiT a £ 0 w^en I was a £ lr l- Eor several UlMHij y ears I had Be vere pains at men- BP V strual periods, jptfcv%aa HP making me very ffWW**- *jPf weak and inter v ■ W sering with my I / j regular duties. I I gRTC ; 1 I tried several rem- I [Py* II edies.without ob -111 l taining relief. I I I was induced to try .JLydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound by friends and it restored me to normal health. I often have occasion and do recommend your Vegetable Com pound to my friends who have trou bles similar to my own. You may use these facts as a testimonial.”— Eva Aldrich, £lB Union St., Em poria, Kansas. There are many women who first used our Vegetable Compound during their girlhood days. They found it a valuable help during trying periods. In later years they use it whenever they feel those annoying symptoms which women often have. It is prepared carefully from medi cinal plants, whose properties are es pecially adapted to correct the trou bles women have. How He Cured His Rupture Old Sea Captain Cured His Own Rupture After Doctors Said “Operate or Death." His Remedy and Book Sent Tree. Captain Colling* sailed the seas for many years; then he sustained a bad double rupture thnt soon forced him to not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for years. He tried doctor after doctor and truss tlwr truss. No results! Finally, he wae assured (hat he must either sabmlt to a dangerous and abhorrent operation or die. He did neither 1 He cured him self instead. Captain Coiling* made a study of himself, of his condition—and at last he was rewarded by the finding of the method that so quickly made him a well, strong, vigorous and happy man. Anyone can use the same method; It's simple, easy, safe and inexpensive. Every ruptured person in the world should have the Captain Colling* book, telling all about how he cured him self, and bow anyone may follow the same treatment In their own home without any trouble. The book and medicine are FREE. They will be sent prepaid to any rupture sufferer who will fill out the below coupon. But send it right away—now—before you put down this paper. FREE RUPTURE BOOK AND REMtDY COUPON Capt. W. A. Ceilings (luc.^ Box 246F. Watertown, N. Y. Please send me your FREE Rup ture Remedy and Book without any obligation on my part what ever. Name Ad-dress —Advertisement. TAXI CABS MAin 0805 INDIANA TAXI CO. 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