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MAY 23,1922. NOW THE GIRLS TAKE IT UP Egrfipy*t<■ -.-■ MB j aL \ & ELEANOR GOULD OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HER RADIO SET. Girls are laying aside their Jacks and Jumping ropes, for radio. They are vying with boys for honors as radio fans. They are making their own seta. And tl_ y’re learning all about the new science, too. School authorities In all parts of the TONIGHTS PROGRAM INDIANA P(f LI S STATION WLK (Ayres-llamiltoni— -3:00 p. m., baseball results. 5 :30 p m. musical program. 10:00 p. m., time and weather reports (455 meters). INDIANAPOLIS STATION WOH (Hat field)— 4:00-5:00 p. in., baseball results, mu sical program. CHICAGO STATION KYW (central day light saving time) — 6 :©0 to 9:00 p. m., musical program by the Edison Symphony Orchestra, with Morgan L. Eastman, conductor; Ma rie Giuliana and Esther Lang, so prano, and Arthur Kraft, tenor. 9:00 p. m., news and sports. SCHENECTADY (N. Y.) STATION WGY ieastern time) — 7:00 p. m., market quotations supplied by New York State and. ,~tment of farms and markets, and weather re ports. 7:45 p. m., musical program. PITTSBURGH STATION KDKA (eastern time) — 6:00 p. m., weekly dress talk. 7:0) p. m., "Starting to Work," John D. Sfark: ‘ Business Requirements,’’ William H. Walker . 7:43 p m.. returns of Harry Greb.Jlrn Tunney boxing bout. S-’OO p. m.. instrumental and vocal-se lections by Edward McFarland, bary tone, and Earl Truxell, accompan’-st: Arthur W. Becker and Fat (Joe Dremmett), guitarists. ; 9:00 p. m., news and sports. \ 9:6-3 p. m., Arlington time ilgnals. • NEWARK <N J.) STATION WJZ (east ern daylight saving time) 7:00 p. m., "Man in the Moon Stories!" 7:30 p. m., "Health Conservation," trv Dr. F. C. Wells. ; 7:45 p. m., “Women’s Clothes,” by Mr; Picken. 8:00 to 10:15 p. m , Literary Evening, conducted by the editorial staffs <ji the Outlook. Scientific American nn*i Harper & Bro. ; 10:52 p. m.. Arlington time signals. : DETROIT (MICH.) STATION WW3 (eastern time) — ; 7:30 p. m., musical program. ; ATLANTA (GA) ETATION WSH (east ern time) — j 8:00 p. m., musical prtgram. Five Good Books for Metallurgists Indianapolis Public Library, Technical Department, St. Clair Square. free book service. ‘'Metallography and Heat Treatment of Steel," by Sauveur. ‘‘Handbook of Metallurgy," by Schna bel. “Metallurgy of Iron and Steel," by Stoughton. “Metallurgy of Steel," by Harbord and HalL “Metallurgy of Lead,” by Hofman. PRINCE TO VISIT C. S. PORTSMOUTH, England. May 23. Aa midshipman assigned to 11. M. S. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George trill ac company the next British squadron that goes to America. His vessel Is flagship of the Atlantic fleet. DEALERS WANTED Hatfield Receiving Sets—five models from $92.50 to S4OO HATFIELD ELECTRIC COMPANY Indianapolis. Orange Label Tea Try a package of this really good tea! The choicest teas and the most skilful blending are the reasons why Ridgways Tea •o satisfies the palate—and makes you ask for more. /4lto kU In rs~7l SVkTWS 10c NjThe" First Thing You* Think Of* Qidff&qy# Tea DISTRIBUTOR, SCHNULL AND COMPANY DAILY RADIO FEATURES country report interest In wireless not only by the boy pupils but by the girls as well. V. M. C. A. radio schools also report several girl students In their classes. Eleanor Gould of Minneapolis, Minn., Is only one of the many girls of the country who have taken up radio. She’s 11, yet has just completed making her own crystal set. Now, she says, she’s going to make a vacuum tube set. Eleanor wound the colls, mounted the parts In an oak cabinet and even strung the aerial from the roof of her home. It’s one example of what girl fans have been doing throughout the country. CORNS " Lift Off with Fingers S r i y Doesn’t hurt a bit! Drop a little “Free zone” on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shoitly you lift it off with fingers. Truly! Y'our druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, with out soreness or Irritation.—Advertisement. SIOP ITCHING ECZEMA Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You Xever mind how often you have tried and failed, you can atop burning, ItchlDg Eczema quickly by applying Zemo fur nished by any druggist for 83c. Extra large Lottie, SI.OO. Healing begins the moment Zeino is applied. In a short time usually every trace of Eczema, Tetter, Pimples, Itash, Blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. When others fall it is the one dependable treat ment for skin troubles of all kluds.— Advertisement. Vacuum Tube Radio Set Ts for Sending and Receiving BTR.L DUNCAN, Director, Radio Ins tit uto of America. In erecting or assembling an amateur wirless transmitting station, it is sug gested that the vacuum tube be used for all-round efficiency. All the records made by amatenra in the recent trans-Atlantic test were from stations using the tube. A tube transmitter will cover three times the distance of the old type spark set of the same power. For sending out all length* of un damped waves the arc method, th eAlex arderson alternator and the oscillating vacuum tube are used. But the only practical form of undamped wave gener ator for the short amateur length is the oscillating vacuum tube. This method of translmsslon also per mits the use of a combined radio tele phone and telegraph set. By simply throwing a few switches, the operator may change from speech to telegraph code. WAVE TYPES. There are three general types of wave which may be seut out by the tube transmitter: continuous wave (C. W.), Interrupted continuous wave (I. C. W.) and telephonic. C. W. can only be received by stations using a vacuum tube receiving apparatus. Since there are a large number of amateurs using crystal receiving sets, the antenna oscillations of a tube trans mitter are modulated by a "grid chopper’* v-’iich is a rotary interrupter designed to interrupt the grid circuit of an oscil Men's Balbrig gan Shirts and Drawers All styles and sizes. Special <yq Wednesday lAj C § Sample Coat Sale Wednesday! $25 Women’s Sample Silk-Lined Wraps and Coats Embroidered, Braided and\ - Tailored Models. One and two / Qiw of a kind. Designed in all thef H ™ Mm newer styles; all wanted colors.) H A sale that you will regret' if 1 B M vou miss, so be here early j sls Women’s Sample Coats and Capes Strictly all wool models; there are polaire, j mmm tweeds and velours in the new spring shades, j w £ SSO, S4O and $35 Sample Wraps For Women and Misses \ and A wonderful collection of distinctive models, \ * I If purchased from a prominent and reliable l ~ - ■L'' 1 maker at a great sacrifice. Sizes 14 to 44. ) $25 Stout Women’s TWEED COATS New tailored styles with slen-i derizlng lines, especially de-f ip m R signed for the fashionable/ J stout woman. Sizes 42 to 50.1 $75.00, $65.00 and $50.00 Stout Women’s WRAPS and COATS Distinctive styles and re-. markable values are these! coats and wraps designed for( stout women; in sizes 42 to( 66. / $5.00 Girls’ Sample All-Wool Coats and Capes Tweeds, velours and polalresj d|| In the new sport styles; sizes t 1 Hv 2 to 8. Special Wednesday. JL*%FO $7.50 Girls’ sls Girls’ Cape and Sample Coats Kiltie Dress and Wraps Combination outfit All high grade mod* for girls. Sizes els; very fashlona l£ $3.98 ga* $5.00 Special Purchase and Sale Pf&bjr 75c Women’s Knit frjj UNION SUITS Hr In all the want- \ m G( * styles for f A w i iV-A'faw- 6 P r 111 £ and 18. MM* l ''’rag summer wear. 1 Jk H a Regular and Extra Sizes r /1 ll Women’s Jumbo Size \\\ / a Unions. Sizes 17^ AVWJ 52,54,56 /DC 25c Knit Vests Boys’ Unions Pink and white, all Fine ribbed, for sizes for women 1 £ summer, and misses IDC all sizes.... £/C jV/ifTlVIf Regular $2.00 • Auto Brand Overalls and Jackets Well made of heavy blue denim, m ml cut full to size; all regular sizes. 1L 1 1 L Special Wednesday. tP Jl • Jl v latlng tub* approximately 1,000 tlmea a second. This converts the output oscilla tions into a current with the same re ceptive efficiency as a quenched spark set, termed I. C. W., and may be received on either a vacuum tube or crystal re ceiver. Voice signals are received on either. CURRENT SUPPLY. In a vacunm tube transmitting set a low voltage source is used to heat the filament. When possible this voltage should be of alternating current, for that tends to prolong the life of the filament. A high voltatge Is used to energize the plate circuit. The current for the plate may be obtained In three ways: 1. From a high-voltage direct-current generator. ,2. From a rectified alternating current. 3. From an alternating current source applied directly to the plate and known as the eelf-rectlficatlon circuit. RADIO PRIMER GRID CONDENSER—-A condenser, usu ally of fixed capacity, placed In shunt with the grid leak, so as to help control the radio energy passing to the grid. Its capacity Is about .0001 to .00025 mi crofarads. Store Open Saturdays Till 9 P- M. j| INDIANA DAILY TIMES H. Nelson Jackson, Burlington, Vt., the first man to cross the United States In an automobile, sailed for London, May 20 to represent the American Legion at the annual meeting of the British Legion, made up of the World War service men of the British Isles. Mr. Jackson is one of the American Legion's national vice commanders. The greetings which Mr. Jackson will present the British Legion In behalf of National Commander MacNlder of the American Legion declare that: “No gen eration of our nations have been so close ly bound together. Through the coming years It must be our mutual duty to so strengthen and cement these ties that from this great understanding may come peace for all the world.” On Memorial day the old wooden war memorials that glittered with painted carving In 1919 are to be burned in ac cordance with military regulations by vairous posts of the American Legion, ac cording to reports received at legion na tional headquarters. These memorials wefre built In the early days of the armistios, and bore on wood en panels the names of the local dead of the service. Os late they have fallen into decay, having been erected merely as temporary memorials. The Legionnaires, remembering army regulations which provide that old American flags, too shab by for display, are burned, so the torn pieces may never be scattered oi soiled, Intend to apply the principle to the de struction of the old “honor rolls” to pre vent their abuse by souvenir hunters. AND THE OVERHEAD. "Are you sure you have shown me all the principal parts of this car?” asked the fair prospective purchaser. TAXI CABS Main 0805 INDIANA TAXI CO. Receipt Printing: Meters Extra Special! $25 Women’s Canton Crepe \ Dresses (mm noH Beaded, Embroid ered and Lace w i Trimmed, Dresses that are dls- j tlnctlve and original L. L , In their lovely styles; rC Lg i many colors and color jsjjjjjj combinations. W&rj Sizes 14 to 44 ! 1 Rare Values Ars These $lO Girls’ Silk Dresses Sizes Bto 14, ) smt On Sale > v Wednesday ) Beautifully made and fashionably designed are these dresses in -wanted colors, Including navy. See them Wednesday. Boys’ $5 and $7.50 Values 1 and 2 Trouser SUITS UHHBL. $3.95 pip Included In the lot are Norfolk, |, V|^njr'Jr belted and Russian styles; 1. 7Hr\ cashmeres and worsteds. Sizes Boys’ Genuine Palm Beach Knick- | q r era. On sale atDleOD fjT ’ Legion Notes SI.OO Men’s Dress Shirts Striped percales In new spring patterns U*/C "Yes. madam, all the main ones,” re turned the dealer. “Well, then, where Is the depreciation? Tom told me that was one of the big gest things about a car,”—American Legion Weekly. To bnlld their clubhouse over an oil well waa the unique and valuable ex perience of American Legion men in Waynesboro, Tenn. Oil was noticed In a mud puddle in the legion’s back yard. Drilling began at once and oil was struck at 200 feet. The legionnaires plan Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and } Spearmint are certainly three Mt delightful flavors to choose from. 4tt r\ And WRIGLEY’S P-K— the new J sugar-coated peppermint gum, is a if Jr great treat for your sweet tooth. |pr All from the Wrigley factories *T where perfection rules. Don’t Grow Old Before Your Husband Science Now Shows What Often Causes Premature Loss of Youth, Beauty and Attractiveness and Makes Women Fretful, Nervous and Run-Down If Your Face la Haggard, Thin, and Pale, Try This Simple Home Remedy 'Which Often Makes Women ILook and Feel Years Younger and Surprisingly Increases Thousands of women are like the woman In thl picture. They have grown M ila old much more rapidly than their husbands, Tho roses have faded from jrjv— bHBkHSR their checks, they are weak, pale and careworn at a time of life when they f | should still be filled with buoyant health and radiant with youthful beauty I —pale, thin watery blood has fastened Its grip upon them and is gradu- • I y ally sapping their health, vitality and beauty. In most cases men safo- Cjl j J J guard their health, better than women by eating coarser foods, being more ' ' Jnll If f l * out of doors and leading more active lives, therefore keeping their blood ’/11 /** nl V (Jg " stream strong and vigorous. For want of good blood a woman may look '| \i jff As. and feel old at thirty; pale, haggard and all run-down —while (w -At at fifty or sixty, with good health and plenty of rich, red , 201feai* blood, she may still be young in feeling and so full of life and attractiveness as to defy detection of her real age. oftaa ! For the purpose of enriching the blood and helping to create remarkabie I millions of new red blood cells, there is nothing like good old fiMa . - jfcdßMflßHL what an as- Nuxated Iron. Physicians usually prescribe two five-grain tab- tonishing lets after meals. Noxated Ison directly increases the activity J , of the blood making organs and supplies true red blood food, HBHF7 It j I g \3 makes in a i thus Increasing the power of the body to transform lifeless food f m J \f ▼ person's mp matter into living ceils, flash and tissue. /,( i9 / * pearancetoj CD V "C* 30 A Years S/J jfV jTj f\, pomds^r^od J equally surprising For those who are thin or emaciated in appearance WUfj JKfjYgk.l ' sf w^at a tremeodoos and wish something to help increase their weight, Hr flf FI 97 IJ / amount of pep, fores arrangements have been made with druggists to give 1 j flf/ / f 1 M and energy a littia a large SI.OO package of Nuxated Brand Genu- \ M%k f If V more oxygenated or ine Yeast Vitamines absolutely free with each bottle It \wgj# j v.* ganic iron will give of Nuxated Iron that you purchase. In taking Vita- I 1 VFrfi: A£ a person whose blood mines with Nuxated Iron always take Vitamine Tab- II X 4flYpflT< 18 deficient in this lets before meals and Nuxated Iron after ” V Ixol3 magic-like substance, meals. Weigh yourself before you start, weigh yourself again after ten days and If, after maklnr the above test with Nuxated note especially the color in your lips see how much you have increased in Iron or Nuxated Iron and Vitamine*, yu do l he Hne9 i ln feco ,f nd ™ ght and iDQ P roved ia the tired look around your eyes; then appearance. promptly refund your money. For Sale by Haag Drug Company, Henry J. Huder and All Other Druggists. to erect a fine community club from royalties. The National Welfare Council has no tified the American Legion It will make Memorial Day this year an occasion for helping ex-soldiers get their just claims from the Government. It Is planned to direct public attention to the needs of the veterans. TRAIL’S END. "At last I’ve located one of those old fashioned five-cent cigars.” “Where’d you find It?" "Hidden behind a two-bit label,"** American Legion Weekly. ’ WORK OR FIGHT, A prim proper young miss was much horrified on the street to find a small boy, apparently not over six years old, smoking a cigarette. “Little boy,” she commanded. "Throw down that horrid thing this minute.” "Go chase yourself lady,” answered th Infant disdainfully. “Hunt yer own. I found dis one ineself.”—American Legion Weekly. 3