Newspaper Page Text
2 NEGRO FREED ON CHARGE OF BOOZE-DRIVING Thomas Hanley, Whose Wife Was Killed in Accident, Re leased by Wilmeth. Thomas lIP. >7, negro, 135 South Ar lington avenue, who was charged with operating a in t. r vehicle white under the influence of Intoxicating liquors and operating a blind tiger, was discharged on both charges in city court by Judge Delbert O. Wilmoth, who has had the case under advisement. Ilanley was driving an automobile out Massachusetts avenue when it struck a hole in the street and turned over, injuring his wife, who died later. A small bottle of liquor was found near the machine, but testimony as to Hanley’s habits substantiated his state ment that he used the beverage for medicinal purp'S.s only and the acci dent was unavoidable. t Washington Briefs WASHINGTON, June 2.—George Barr Baker of the American Relief Adminis tration, who recently returned from Russia, was in Washington. He reels off facts and figures that tell in eloquent story of the amazing magnitude of America's pMlanfhophy In famine stricken Russia, Seven million five hun dred persons are being fed daily, in cluding SJtXyiOl children. The area of American bounty embraces a territory as wide as the IT itc-l States itself— from Petrograd to Odessa. Bunds ap proaching the mark have been spent. An organization directed by 140 Americans controls the activities of 84,000 Russian relief Workers. Fur the most part food is dispensed day in aal day out from 11,000 kitchens. Every ounce is carefully checked as It ad vances from the ports of entry to the distributing depots and chocked again ; before it emerges in the form of indi vidual rations. The American Relief Administration** chief concern is for the children. By scientific systematization a well-balanced and variegated diet is serv.ed from such : staples as condense,! milk, whit flour, coco, beaus, pens and rice. The relief s<hoine inolnd.-s ways and ' m.-ans for regular weighing and measuring of under-nourished children, in order cor rectives may be appl: si whi r- necessary. Granted a good harvest his summer. America’s relief activities in Russia can be abandoned by the close of the year. Certain political wiseacres fond of taking long range views of things, are talking about “MeAiloo and Murdock” as the Democratic slogan :n 1121. It Is to be the tick-f. they will t* il you. to be nominated by anew combination of Democrats and Progressives. A Roose velt inn of liooseveltians and chairman of the Progressive national committee from 1914 t . laid. Mr Murdock is en visaged as the man who would rai.y around the Democratic banner, millions of Republicans satin ■ 1 with “old-g iaru*‘ leadership, yet traditionally hostile to j third-party movements. Observed at the Lincoln Memorial dedi cation : A *'Jini Crow" section of seats, di rectly opposite the center of the me morial, reserved exclusively f r dis tinguished colored ti.-ket holders. Thousands of sm-■ iiarars converting the stout Manila envelop, s e-.ntaining The dedication program in." serviea: le hel mets for warding nth- Id. /b.g -.n British off Mal party. I..eluding Am bassador Gcddes and Admiral P.t.p-ith :u. of H. M. 8. Rab igh, la pi o-e of honor near tho Presidential gr . ip, while other foreign representatives w. re sited in general section for -[oru.l guests. Memorial stands In bee-line with Wash ington monument and dome of capltoh New idiom add i *- Harding Admin istration lexicon; "Morimeuu-d." Presi dent -said: "No great <:.tru ter in all history has be* a more eulogized, no rugged figure more in on in • ; i, no like ness mure portrayed.' Hugo Stinnes. uner ■: • ! king of Ger- NEW JUNE And Special 1 Brunswick | I Records | I The Baldwin Piano Cos. 1 -of Indiana Downtown Retail Headquarters for Brunswick Phonographs g 18 N. Perm. St. |j 1 You’ll know just how attractive your home can be made. You’ll like the long service that Anchor Paint gives. Let us show you. DOSER-ALLEftT PAINT and GLASS CO. l yi 132-134 W. WASHINGTON ST. Jim* Wot of Claypooi—* Lincoln Hotel many. has bowled over his enemies In the radical labor ranks by a clever ruse. Not long ago the anti capitalist fanatics among German Socialists assailed Stinnes lor reviving militarist glories by giving his ships the name of Hindenburg, Lu dendorl? and other deposed and dis nedited war gods. Last week Stinnes launched his newest steamer at Wil hclmshaven and christened It the Karl I-cgion, after the late president of the German Federation of Trade I'nlons. The saddler-president of the German realm. Fritz Ebert, attended the launching of the sh‘p. Ignaee Jan Paderewski, pianist and Polish patriot, will address the annum | i-nvontion of the International Lecturers’ Association In Chicago in September, un der the presidency of Ir. Paul M. Pear sun of Swarthmore. >J. Paderewski, who has l een living in California for the last year. Is expected to deliver a keynote address on European problems. par ticularly Poland's attitude toward them, lb; tackles international politics with the same fervor ho applied to a Brahms con certo. WOMEN “DBI'M.MKHS O' T." NKW YORK. June 2. Most of the women who became traveling salesmen 1 during the war have given up this line of work. IS. WILSON IS HIGHLY ELATEO OVER RESULTS South Bend Woman De clares Tanlac Restored Her To Splendid Health After Everything Else Had Failed To Help Her. “Tanlac restored my health when noth ing el.-o seemed to help me," said Mrs. Suslo Wilson, 1026 W. Oak St., South Bend. Ind. "For three years I suffered from stem ai h trouble so bad that everything I ate would sour and ferment in my stomach. I was bilious most of the time, had aw ful hoadacht-s, and my kidneys were lad ly disordered. I hal rheumatism all through my body and for about five months was unable to work. 1 was s :i. rveus that at night 1 would lie awake for hours. ‘Six bottles of Tanlac gave me a fine appetite and my stomach never troubles me a i article. The rheumatism is gone, my kiuneys nev-r trouble me and 1 have gaim and se\ ••ml pounds. Tanlac certainly is wonderful.” Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Adv. Says Every Railroad Man Should Read i his Peterson's Ointment Cos., Inc. Buffalo, N. V. Sirs: I w.:s afflicted with what the doctors raid w*r- \ :'.r!c.,se I'l "•■rs, and up until about five w.-ks ago I have e.-ii treating them for a. u; i -a: and five months. With all the treatments that wt-ra pre - •or. ~! to me by several and .••:.. 1 re • ;•■■•■•; little benefit, and th- v kept sprea 1 :ng and gave me uni eh distress and caused no- to quit my work. 1 was Induced bv a brother brakeman to try Pete, sou's Ointment, and after I bad used two boxes I saw wonderful re-nits You ran tell s.ffering ones troubled with ugly, painful and horrid ulcers that your Ointment is a cure for tl.-rn when everything else fails, a- 1 have tried about everything. Thanking y . i many times over I am, y c:r happy friend. Claries .T. Hey* r. Battle Creek. Mich.. 42 Glenwood Avenue, Ja:i 12, 1916. "i k: .■ and dozens of people write me.*' says Peterson of Buffalo, "that Peterson's Ointment also cure* ** *e:na, old force, salt rli um, piles Tid all skin diseases, and all dr iggi.-' sell a big bx for 35 cents. ' Mail order* Idled bv Peterson Ointment Cos., Inc., Buffalo, N*. Y - -Advertisement. Nature Is Busy with her spring painting Follow Her Splendid Example Give ycur house a coat of Anchor Paint It’s time and weather tested Men's Two-Trouser SUIT SALE S|S.JX) Men’s Fine Tweed Suits. Sizes 32 to 44. Extra pair of trousers in cluded at $15.00 Priestley's Genuine English Mohair SUITS $ 10.95 Out Falley of Satisfaction Guaranteed os 4 Money Refunded Protects You • . “WHERE PRICE APifJ QUALITY MEET” A Smashing Sale Saturday Women’s and Men’s Footwear vll Women’s Sport Oxfords Women's White Canvas Patent lather. Strap Slippers Av White Kid Tops, '^B Brown Sport Oxfords. | | - \ White Canvas Top. Rubber B I f Soles ami Heels. I I E * / Sfi a Shoes —m \ * jf [ \ m Hard Wearing Shoes _ for the Boy R/sGH S OxfOToS Square Deal for a Round Doliar” AT THE GLOBE STORE Open Until IO O’Cicck Saturday Night :: Look for the Blue Front (®LJ safe V 70X reliable skin treatment RESiOI Soofhinq And Healinq Resinol Soap gently cleanses the clogged pores. Resinol Ointment neals the inflamed spots and blotches Try them. a. weeL f vs \ oovd wevtch I jj 1 ’ \ J your skirv \ m V improve H TAXI CARS Main 0805 INDIANA TAXI CO. Receipt Printing Meters INDIANA DAILY TIMES Neuritis—Fee3s 20 Years Ycunger W. F. Whlao 250 Fort St Went, Detroit, Mich., write*: hv* taken Ouifriiwu* taulet* and am oil my fourth tub**. Have t>on troubled with KcorltU tor five year*. I feel about a.% young: now a* I did 20 years ago; cm 47 now. I will probably take them for about five month* more, if tbu testimonial b ol *ny benefit to humanity, you may spread it on pai>er and eerut it everywhere.” Cftdjxnene tablets, th* favorite prescription of a great physician, are recommended to nervous, worn-out. tired people with nervous-indigestion, sleeplessness, irritability, sod impoveri -hol blood. These tablets are tonic to the various vital orn*n and *oon restore health and ctrenirth, by •upplying: phosphorous and iron, enriching the blood, and Increasing the Nerve- Fore--*. Sold hy good druggists everywhere in staled tubes. Ai: k to r Cad-<> MkmoM tablets. Goodbye Boils! /mSMyir An yn “up tc the meek** 1b blood Im port Mm? S. S. S. U on# of the greoteet S. S. S.WIII Rid You of Boils, Pimples, Blackheads and Skin Eruptions. A boil is a volcano, —your blood Is bo chuck full of poisons that these “boil” out into a boil. They'll keep "boiling' up" until you destroy them completely by the use of S. S. S., one of the most powerful blood-cleansers known to science. S. S. S. has stood the test of time. The power of Its ingredients is acknowledged by auth orities. Us medicinal ingredients aro guaranteed to be purely vegetable. kKight off, it clears the skin of pim- Iples, boils, blotches, blackheads, acne, ■eczema, rash and other skin eruptions, land does it thoroughly. It drives out mot the blood Impurities which cause Ibheumatlsrn, makes the blood rich and pure builds up lost flesh. It helps to manufacture new blood ceils, —that’s one of Its secrets. 8. S. S. Is sold at all drug stores, In two sizes. ps lw- Furniture For Every Room Don’t Pay More on New and Slightly Used Furniture. Our Prices are Rockbottom This Golden Oak Dining Room Suite 50 Buffet, Table and Four Chairs, similar to cut, can also be had in a Fumed Oak. Special Sale prioe y M TERMS—SI.SO PER WEEK. fj Solid Oak Dining T&bUs as low aa $0.75 Rhodes-Burford Furniture Cos. New and Used Furniture for Less. phone wain 5363. 511-513 E. Washington St. BETWEEN EAST AND LIBERTY STREETS. HAAG’S CUT-PRICE DRUGS 40c Quinine Capsules, 2 Grain, 2 Dozen, 25£ Everything Fresh, Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice $1 uo Abbott's Saline Laxative 84c 35c Harlem Oil Caps, Lilly's 20c' Ayres Face Powder and Rouge. A butt’s saline Laxative 39c 3.1 c Harlem Oil Cap*. Gold Medal 29c SI.OO Bout-ilia Toilet Set 45c ••' Abbott’s Rheumatic Remedy.. 59c 2.5 c Hill's Ca-cara <Jui:iinc lab.*.. 19c *■- Rahcock'a Curvlor.ols Talc 15e $2 -0 Ab* .rhi:: sl.** ,Vt. ; Horiick's Molted Milk 39c l V 7 11.25 Abc'-rbii.e. Jr S8 SI.OO Horlick s Malted Milk 09c -*■' Babcock s Cut Rose Talc 15c .5“,. Abilina Water 35c $1175 Horlick'a Malted Milk $2.9* 75c* Boncilia Cold Cream Site sl."i> At -lenc >; Tic $1.20 Ilemo Malted Milk ... *9c 25c Djer-Kiss Talcum tio ■V- Aden * Lie* rln* Salve 25c $4.00 Ileum Malt- 1 Ml.k $2.9* f*>.tc DJcr- Kiss Face Powder 390 T.v A*> phen Pills (100) 49c $l5O Hood's Sarsaparilla 89e Ssc 1 Her-Kiss Pace Powder fi&c • '■"c A... i a Strycb. A Bel. Pills ... 34c TV Imperial Granurn 59c 50c lu.rin's Brunette Rouge 890 2.5 c A'. <k' I'urous Plaster t.V 30c Lavoris 23c 50c Dunn's Compact Powder 39c $1.25 Alkailrhifi 84c 6<)e Lavoris 39c 50e Klcaya Face Powder 45* 35c Analgesic Balm 29c SI.OO Lavoris 54c soc Freeman’s Face Powder S9o 75c a ualgeshj ue Baame Bengue.. 59c $1.90 I.Uterine 54c tioc Java Rice Face Powder 39c 75.' A'.uiplilogtstioe 54c 25c Laxa- i'irln Tablets 19c 25c J. A J. Baby Talcum 19c 50" Aspirin Tabs. 5 gr. 3 doz... 23* SOc Lysol 19*- 50c levy's Laßlach Powder 30c $1.2.5 Aspirin Tablets, Bayer 88c floe Lvsol 39<- Mary Garden Talcum Powder.... :t4c $ 1 .'si Aspirin Tablets, 10d sgr 43c 6dc Lime Stone Phosphate 39c 35e Mavis Talcum Powder 19c SI.OO Armour's Grape Juice, qts... fc 5c $l5O Maltlne, all kinds . $1.19 soc Mavis Face Powder 39c $1 no Atblophorls ®sc sl.lO Miles Nervine S4c 25c Menneu's Unrated Talcum ... 19c 50c Bay Rum, Gly. & Hose Wa'er 25c 30c Miles Anti-Pain Plll9 22e 50 Pompeian Face Powder 39c 25c B-uson's Gnptine l’laster .... 19c 2.5 c Mentholatum 19v 3oc Pozxonl Face Powder 39c si).■ Badex Sails 30c 50c Mentholatum 3>- tits Sempra Gloviue 39c 2 > Be. cham Pills 19c Poo Mellln's Fo • 1 64c 35. c Radunna Face Powder 24c 25. Be I Inns 19c 75c Mead's Dextro Maltose C4c SI.OO Roger & G. Pa. e Powder 79c 75c Beltane 590 60c Milk's Emulsion 44c Ayres' t*reams and Toilets. 2V Belladonna Plaster ... 15c $1.20 Milk’s Emulsion Me 65c Berry's Freckle Ointment ... 49c doc Bell's Pine Tar and Honey... 24c 15c Moth Balls 10c $1.25 Berry's Cremola 9Sc 2-5 c Barkeeper's Friend 19c 3bo Mueo! C4c 75c Boncilia Cold Cream 59c SI.K Blair's Gout A Itheu. Pills... Me tide Mulslflcd Cocoanut Shampoo. 59c $1.60 Boncilia Set, trial size 45c s*o. Bl..'ld's Iron Pills 34c 30c Musterole 24< t'ss Champlin’s Liquid Pearl .... 49c 75c Bland's Liquid Iron. Lilly’s.. 59c Ooc Musterole 49c 3‘c I'aggett A- Rams Cold Cream. 39c $1 od Phosphate Me 20c Naptholcne Flakes 15c 69c Elcaya Cream 45c ;;•>>• Ibrdeu's Eagle Milk. 2 f0r.... 39c 25c Nature's Remedy IBs .'2sc Bepy's Frag. Cream 24c $1 •>) Bli-s Native Herb Tub# 84,- .vio Natures Rcujcily suc Hind's Honey A Aim. Cream. 39c 25c Burkhardt's Veg. Tabs *9c SI,OO Nature's Rcnicdv 7b- 25c Holmes’ Frostilla 29c .’toe Hromo Seltzer 23c $1.50 Ncofermm . SI 10 srtc Honey Girl Almond Cream... 39c HOe Promo ScUz-r 46e $] B) N'uxated Iron tide 56c Orchard White 39c t 1.20 Bromo Seltzer 89c 7.V Nujcl 54c $1 50 Oriental Cream $1.19 $l5O Itrownstone $1.19 Nujcl 94c oOc Maivina Cream 45c $; 25 Cadomene Tabs 9*w ,-gv- olive Oil. Pompeian, half pmf 39' ssa- Milkweed Cream 39c 25c Calomel Tabs.. 100 any size.. 10c J1.i.0 uHve Oil. Pompeian, pint. .. 79c 50c Nadinola Cream 39c IN' Camphor Moth Balls Ido ;vsc Omega <ll ?9c tide Pompeian Day Cream ~.. 45c One California Syrup Figs 49c 60c Omega Oil 49- 35c Pompeian Night Cream ?c 50. Camphor Spirits 2.V $i i>n tiv .ferrln SI ■ SI.OO Pompeian Night Cream 74c >e Oitp.solln 24c SU'O (>ll if Korein Caps M ■ )kh- Pompeian Massage Cream ... 45c t'.oc <'anthrax 49c 50,- Pape’s binpepsln 39 1 Wk* Satin Skin Cream 49c 35c t'apiidlDA 29c st.oO Pe; gen 69c 30c Satin Skin Cream 24c ,'uo Ciipndlne so* isc Peroxide Hydrogen 9c| 60c Sea Shell Cream 45c 50c earn Arum.. Sweet, 4 nz.. . 2.5 c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia... 59 25c Woodbury’s Facial Cream ... 19c soc )'ascara Biitor. 3oz 2-5 c 25c Phenolax Wafers 19. 50c Theatrical Cold Cream 39c 50e I’ascara- Cathartic Hinkle .. 24c Nc phosphate Smia. Merck's 25* ■ 25c Amo lin Deodorant Powder... 19c 15c Carbolic A.-Id 10c 7:.- phosphate Soda. Wyeth's .... 49.• 25c Bandallne 19c L-c i .irt.r's Utile Liver Pills. .. 19c i ic pr Ginger's Catarrh Remedy 45c OV Burin's Depilatory Powder.. 49c ,• Ci sfor oil, pur*', half pint . 2-5 c $1.25 Pierce's Favorite Pres 39c 50c Brllliautlne 39c 50c Castor oil. pure, ons pin!... 3.5 c $i..:5 T 1 T-e's <ioMen Mod Discov. . sik- 6'kt Brilllantine 45c .".oc Cantor t*ll. Kelloggs Bio si 2.5 Plnkfaiii Veg. Compound..,.. 79 s'.o6 Delatone Me 50 Castor (ill. Kellogg's ~*c SI.OO Pineolium S4c $1 00 Demiracle S9c $l5O Carlsbad Sprud"! Salts 9'v -.'.v Quinine Caps., 2-gr., 2 doz... 25.: 75c El Railo 590 25 <• C. 1 ■■■ ;■ Ves. • p.) ■ isic Sal Ueputicii 39c 25c Eversweet 24c 5c C rv Ycscc 39c $1 .29 Sul IT. pattca 79c 75c Evans' Depilatory 59c X! IN) Celery Ves a 74c ’(i v Sul Hepatica 23.': '*C Mum 24c -5i * Clayton's Mange Remedy .... 3ito sl.iX> Sal vitae 74c; 50c Non Spl 39c 50■ C’.ny-on’H Dig Remedies 89e 7.V Saphanol 44c 35c Odorono 29c 35c Capatbn ntid Cub.d* I’ans 29c suo S. S. S. Blood Remedy file iVic Odorono 49c 7.4a Qbun Hair Color Restorer. . 50c ' t to,* Scot fa Emulsion ,39c. 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover 29c 5.4 c C Teg a 29c sl.2<) Scott's Emulsion 7c tkV Cutex Cuticle Remover 49c 25c Cup rite 12 colors, each l'.V :-.5c Sloan's Liniment 29c 35 ' Ctirex Nall White 25<, 1.4 c Comp. Licorice Powil 10c i;tv Sloan's Liniment 49c ,T4c Cutex Cake, Nail White 29c fil'd Calcium Wafers, Stuart's ... 3'ic Solution Citrate Magnesia 24 •' 60c < ::tcx Manicure Set 49c 60c Chase's Blood ,V Nerve Tab... 49'- rOe Stanolax -. Sc 24c D.'rin's Lip Stick 19c s>.oo Creole Fair Color Restorer... R- ;^, c Stero Cubes ?s<* 50c Di r Kiss Lip Stick 39c 34c Danderiue 29. :tv St. Jacob's Oil 29c s,'c Glaze Nall Polish 39c 65" Danderiue 49c (:i)c S: Jacob's Oil 49c 35c Hyglo Cake Nail White 29c SI.OO Danderiue 74c 6,>c Swamp Root 45c 35c Hyglo Cake Nail Polish 29c be Damschin key’s Ilatr Dye ... 39c5!.i4 Snwinp Root Sic 30c Lnstcrlte Nail Enamel 24c 2.5 c Delost’s Headache Powd lilo 75c Walnutta Hair Stain 49e 35c Arnica Tooth Soap 29c 50c Denatured Alcohol, quart .... 3.5 c :g.e Wild Root Hair Tunic 290 3(k- B.nzolyptus Tooth Paste .... 19c 75c Dean's Liquid Smoke 69c iki,* Wild Root Hair Tonic 49c 50c Llsterlne Tooth Paste 39c fide DolVltt’s Kidney Pills 39c!51.00 Vino! 74c due Forhan's Pyorrhea I’aste .... ASc 60c Dunn's Kidney Pills 45c $1.25 Vera olatc Tablets 9*c 50c F. E. L. Pyorrhea Paste 33c Coc Drake's Croup Remedy X9<- ; 50c Veronal Tablets. 5 gr., 1 doz.. 23c 30c Lyons' Tooth Paste or Powder 24c 2~c Dtoxogen 19c Quality ond Tested Rubber sl2*o Pyorrhocide 8-1* 15c Diamond Dye. 10c; 3 for .... 25c Good* Received Weekly Direct From 74V Pepsodent Tooth Paste 330 40c Eiitonic 33c the Manofacturers and Sold at All 5W I'cbeco Tooth Paste 83c 60c Eail's Rheumatic Pills 47m* Times at Tut Prices. 35c Uubifoain 29c $l5O End's Rheumatic Pills os*'sl.oo Fountain Syringe 74c 35c Senreeo Tooth Paste 2.3 c 30c Edward's Olive Tablets 21c $1.25 Fountain Syringe 89c 30c White's Tooth Paste 24c SI.OO Enos Fruit Salts 85c $l5O Fountain Syringe 98c 29c Arm. Stork Castile, 13c. 2 for 23c $1.50 Fellow's Comp. Syr. Hypo.. . .*l.lO *2.00 Fountain Syringe SI.4K, 20c Bocobclla Castile Soap 15c 50c Formaldehyde, pints 35c $2.50 Fountain Svrtnge 51.99 25c Clayton's Dog Soap 19 0 35c Formaldehyde, t ounces 25c.jt3.n0 Fountain Syringe $2.24 35c Conti Castile Soap, Italian... 25c 7.0 c Formaldehyde Fuinigator ... 39c St.'*n Fountain Syringe $2.99 1.5 c Cocoa Castile Soap, Kirk’s, 3.25 g ■soc Grape Juice, N. Y., pints 3b-5i.75 Comb. Syringe &- Water 80t..5121 25c Outicnra Soap. 19c; 3 f0r.... 55e 35c Freezone for Corns 2lc-*2.00 Comb. Syringe A- Water B*> IS 30c Packer's Tar Soap 2s 75c Gentry's Mange Remedy 49c $2.7*0 Comb. Syringe A- Water Pot..sl9*, r,(>c Packer's Liquid Tar Soap.... 45c 35c Gets It for Horns 20c $;! 00 Comb. Syringe A Water Bet $2.24 15c Palm Olive Soap, 9c; 3 for... 2-5 c 75c Giycotnnphcne 39c $.5.00 Comb. Syringe A Wafer Bot. 53.98; 2-5 c Gcrmacidal Soap 19c 75c Glover's Mange Remedy 54c $2.00 Vagina! Syringe Spray $1.48 25c Dear's Glycerin, 19c; 3 for... 55c 50c Glyeothymollne 24c!52.50 Vaginal Syringe Spray -...51.98; 25c Pear's Unscented Soap 150 69c Glyeothymollne 45c $3.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $2.24 15c Jurgen's Violet 50ap...,3 for 25c SIOO Glycothymelino 84c SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 74ci 30c Woodbury’s Facial Soap .... ific $1.25 Glide's Peptomnng 88c|$t.25 Hot Water Bottle 89c S‘>c Resinol Scan 18c $1.25 Grey’s Glycerin Tonic 9S<' $1.7*0 Hot Water Bottle 08c 1 75c Sodete Hygieneque 49e 30c Grove's Bromo Quinine 23c;52.00 Ilot Water Bottle $1 48 51V Rogers A C*. Violet Soap 83c 87.0 .Tad Salt's f'9e;s2,so Hot Water Bottle *1.98 50c Rogers A G. Lilae Soap 3Se r.oc Bicycle Cards 29c $3.00 Hot Water Bottle $2.24 35c8 arbasol <6 29c 35c Hornet Cards 2!h'!sl.oo Ice Cap 74c 50c (illlette Blades, 6 for 87c 37>c Chnmots Skin 25c|$i.50 Ice Cap 98c *l.(*o Gilletto Blades, 32 for 74c 81.00 Chamois Skin 7,5ei52.09 Ice Bag. oblong $1.4.8 50c Gem Junior Blades R9c $2.00 Chamois Skin sL4Bi*2.oo Throat lee Bag $1.48' 50c Ever-Ready Blades 34c $1 00 Auto Sponge 75<T52.00 Spinal Tee Bug $1.48 35c Keen Kutter Blades 29c St 50 Auto Sponge $1.15j Ayres’ Face Powder and Rouge. 35c Enders Blades 290 $2.00 Auto Wool Sponge $1.48;52.00 Extra Strong Coarse Comb . .$1.48 $1.7.5 Ever-Ready Razor $149 $2.40 Auto Sponge sl.9Sj Armand's Cold Cream Powder. ,81.00 Gem Junior Razor 85c 2*sc Hang's Pills for Biliousness. 25c $l5O Strong All Coarse Comb p.8e:f.5.00 Gillette Razor $2.98 35c Hand's Baby Remedies 29ej 75c Extra Strong Fine Comb ,49c 35c Shaving Brush 250 $ .00 Virginia Dare 48c| 75c Boncilia Face Powder ',59c! 75c Shaving Brush 50c 25c Bottle Haag’s Egg Preserver or Water Glass Keeps fgg* Fresh 10 Months, Eggs are Fresh and Cheap Now. Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices $2.00 Re Umberto Italian Olive Oil, Quarts, $1.34; Pints, 74<*; Half Pints, 39£ Bed Ruga, Fleas, Ants, Roaches, Flies and Plant Lice Killed with Haag's Insect Powder. Haag's Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness and Constipation The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Stores are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis. The Haag Drug Store at 156 North Illinois is Only Six Doors North of Interurban Station The Haag Drug Stores, 27 and 63 S. Uli- ffis S:., are in the Ist Sq. South of Washington Street. The Haag Drug Store, 101 W. Wash 4 ' a Street, is in the Point Room of the Lincoln Hotel, The three other Haag Drug AwTm and 800 'f" Twill*w*twlV _ RUGS Specially Priced for This Sale 9x12 Brussels Bug sl2-so JUNE 2,1922. Bed Davenports as low as sl9-85