Newspaper Page Text
2 BLOOD FEUD CLAIMS LAST OF SHEFPERS Death of Wife Ends Family of Four Victims. AUBURN, Ind., June 24.—A blood feud of unparalleled vindictiveness against the old and young generations of the family of James W. Sheffer found its culmination early today when Mrs. Cora Sheffer. the mother and last survivor of a once happy family, succumbed to the bullets of the assassin who waylaid her and her husft.>nd as they drove into the dark garage late Thursday evening. Police ire still questioning Nie Sheffer ai intervals, but have been unable to break down his reticence. TWO REVOLVERS BURIED 'N SHIRT. Two revolvers said to have been owned by Nie, a brother of the dead man, were found wrapped in an old shirt bur ed in a creek near the tent where Nt 3 lived. One of them was shown him and he denied ever having owned it. Au thorities declare it was in his posses sion at the time the home of James Sheffer was dynamited In January, 1921, and two children were killed and the parents injured. The ether gun was an automatic pistol of .26 caliore said to be the one with which Mr. and Mrs. Sheffer were killed. It was not Bhown to the prisoner. PRISONER SAID TO BE WEAKENING. County officers continued grilling hitn and they said Nie was weaken ing in his stanch denial of the crime. They wRI show him the other gun ?vhen they consider the psychological effect it produces will bring a con fession. They said he weakened perceptibly when they told him James Sheffer, the dead man, was recovering strength and whispered that he had something to tell. It was discovered that Nie's trous ers and shoes and sox were wet when he was arrested shortly after the shooting. One of the sox was in Che tent and the other was found neat by today. The theory is that his clothing be came wet when he waded into the creek near his tent to bury the guns. With the guns were twenty-six cart ridges of .32 calibre, two magazines of cartridges for the small pistol, one of which was full and the other con taining five cartridges. Nie is said to have had an argument with his brother over money matters. STATE BOARD STARTS PROBE OF MASSACRE (Continued From Page One.) suits of efforts of the operators to work the mines in violation of an agreement- not to ship coal for com mercial purposes. Trivial clashes between the guards and miners along a disputed country road served to arouse the miners' animosity. Ordering of Willis off the mine prop erty by the slain J. B. McDowell, superintendent of the mine, aroused deep resentment. THREAT OF SllT STIRS NEW HATRED. Announcement that the Southern Illinois Coal Company, vyhioh owned the mine where strikebreakers were employed, would bring suits aggregat ing $1,000.000. for damages against the county and the miners union, stirred the union miners to new hatred. Trouble is feared when funerals of the victims are held.. Most of the bodies will not be claimed. Many of the slain were transient laborers who long ago gave up family connections and their final resting place will be the potter's field. Coroner McCowan announced that the Inquest over all the men will be conducted as one case. According to present plants, mine union officials, if called to testify, will declare that the workers employed by the company were Chicago gunmen: that they had blockaded a public highway and refused to allow citizens to pass on it; that they were working In violation of a legal contract and that they fired first. Sentiment here is strongly against any deep investigation of the mas sacre aad the inquest la expected to i>e entirely perfunctory. DENOUNCES ATROCITIES WASHINGTON. June 24.—Labor unions were bitterly denounced for their part In the Herrin, 111., mine war In a fiery speech, in the Senate today by Senator Myers, Montana. “The atrocities at Herrin, when union laborers attacked men who had been brought to work in the mines, were more horrible, more shocking than any committed by Germany in the world war,'* Senator Myers charged. "A free American country does not exist any more. Today an honest workman who does not belong to the labor unions Is not able to earn an honest living, without first getting consent of an organized minority, which has decreed that no man in America shall work without its per mlssion.'' LESTER FEARS MORE RIOTING CHICAGO, June 24.—Danger of fur ther rioting in the southern Illinois mine fields Is feared. It developed to day in a telegram sent to Governor Small by Arthur S. Lytton, represent ing William J. Lester, owner .of the mining properties where the killings took place. The telegram urged the Immediate dispatch of troops to the trouble zono tCf-forestall further outbreaks. Youthful Bandit Kills Man; Makes Escape | KANSAS CITY. Mo., June 24.—A [ youthful bandit shot and killed Ed- Lurasd Meyers, 60, In the office of the Company here to j-y“AI and fled to Camera Picks Her tor Free Theater Tickets ' - - These are warm days, but shopping must be done. She wa3 so Intent on thoughts of her next purchases she didn’t see the camera man when he snapped her. The camera man doesn’t know who she Is, but it she will come to The Times office she will be given two tickets to a Stusrt Walker play at the Murat Theater. Two persons who had been snapped on the street came in together yesterday and were given tickets. Maybe your picture will appear Monday. SEIDENSTICKER BRANDS STORY AS STRETCHED (Continued From Page One.) was acting In the capacity of an at torney and not a.s secretary of the board of pardons, and why the fee charged for the services was so large. Mr. Seidensticker said Governor Goodrich was informed he was acting as an attorney, and that the fee was 6500, and not SBOO, as stated by Smith, and that the amount of the fee was not asked but offered. Seidensticker said a payment of SIOO first was made and that two other payments were maße, the last amounting to either S2OO or $250 be ing paid after Smith had been re leased from the penal farm. GOVERNOR HAS NOTHING TO SAY. - Governor McCray declined to com ment on the case except to say that he did not believe acounts of the case had clearly stated that Seiden sticker's action had been purely as a private attorney and not as secretary of the pardon board. “I acted as an attorney in pardon cases but twice during the Goodrich administration.” Mr. Seidensticker said today “and those were in penal farm cases.” Official records show that Smith was paroled by Former Governor James Goodrich, Oct. 16, 1920, on recom mendation of Charles J. Orbison, at that time Federal prohibition director for Indiana. The files contain a letter from Or bison to the Governor saying Smith had served ninety days of the 180 given him in city court July 12. 1920, for violation of liquor laws, that Smith had an excellent record and an in valid wife was dependent upon him. It would be an act of humanity to parole him, the letter stated. “If anybody criticizes you for this,” the letter continues, “you can use this letter for justifleatoin.” The parole shows Governor • Good rich took action on recommendation of Orbison. The records do not show the case ever was before the pardon board. Smith’s fine was paid and, accord ing to the story Smith told Judge An derson. after serving 78 days he was released after his wife had paid SBOO to Seidensticker, secretary of the par don board for his release. Check Forger Gets Injdefinite Term Clyde B. Wvnegar, 64, charged with a fraudulent check and forg ery, was found guilty and sentenced to serve one to five years in the Indiana Gtate Prison Judge James A. Col lins in Criminal Court today. Wynegar forged the name of George Angel epoias, 166 GeisendoriT street, to a check for S4O. He also was fined SI,OOO and costs. MARY AND JOHN. John Washington, negro, charged with grand larceny, was sentenced to the Indiana State Farm for six months by Judge James A. Collins In Criminal Court today. His wife, Mary Washington, charged with re ceiving stolen goods, was fined $1 and costs and sentenced to serve one day in jail. The negro stole a dress valued at $45 from the Askin and Marine credit clothing store, 127 West Washington street, and gave It to his wife. L BOOKWALTER TALKS ABOUT PLAYGROUNDS (Continued From Pag* One.) country, that “you don’t have to teach a boy to play baseball." He ridiculed conduct of the department last year, asserting he meant no offense to Mr. Jarvis, because, in his opinion there were too many instructors. Ho in sinuated the Jewett administration took care of pol.tical debts by appoint ing recreation instructors. SIX GIRLS PROMISED JOBS. Six young woman who have at tended the city recreation workers training school at the Lauter Memorial for two years, who said the mayor him self promised them Jobs on the play grounds this year were at the meet ing. One of them said they were told they would have to have a political pull to get on the playground. She said she has been Informed not more than two or three of the sixty or more girls in the school, which the city maintains through the winter months, have been appointed. Mr. Mcßride said he did not know how many have been named from the school. He in sisted qualified directors have been chosen. Mr. Jarvis defended the number of instructors on the playgrounds last year and asserted he never made an appointment on political or religious grounds. At one time in 3321 thero were 210 playground instructors. Thio does not include matrons, custodians and attendants. Mr. Mcßride said sixty-eight Instructors went to work today. Elizabeth Hester, chairman of the child psychology division of the 3tat > Parent Teacher Association pleaded vehemently for retention of sufficient trained workers on the grounds to guide children's activities In proper directions. Eddie Cantor II AL LEASE. One of the brightest bits In the Sa hara Vestpocket Follies tonight at English's opera house will be an im pression of Eddie Cantor, the nervous warbler, by A1 Leane. an Indianapolis boy, whose clever -work is well known to Indiafiapolls theater patrons. INDIANA DAILY TIMES BISHOPS ARE ASSIGNED FOR j FALL SESSIONS The Rev. F. D. Leete of Indian apolis to Preside at In diana Conferences. The assignments of Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the fall conferences of the church in this were announced at noon to day by the Board of Bishops who have been In Important sessions here since Wednesday. Bit op F. D. Iyiote of Indianapolis will preside at both of the Indiana conferences. Bishop E. O. Richardson, secretary of the executive sessions, made the following announcement of the assign ments: Atlanta Area —Savannah district, Waycroas, Ga., Nov. 2, Bishop Jfl. O. Richardson; Georgia district, Talla poosa, Ga., Nov. 8. Bishop U. \V. Burns; Alabama district, Boaz, Ala., Nov. 8, Bishop Richardson; South | Carolina. Sumter. S. 0.. Deo. 6, Dtshop Richardson; Atlanta district. Griffin, Ga.. Dec. 13, Bishop M. W. Clair. Buffalo Area —Central New York district. Syracuse, N. Y.. Sept. 27, Bishop E. L. Waldorf; Gonosee dis trict. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 4, Bishop J. F. Berry. Chattanooga Area—Holston district, Rockwood, Tenn., Oct. 11, Bishop J. •M. Bristol; Control Tennessee, Mu- Lewisville, Oct. 18. Bishop Bristol; Tennessee district, Lebanon, Oct. 11, Bishop M. W. Clair: East Tennessee, ! Biuefleld, W. Va., Oct. 27, Bishop Bris tol; Blue R.dge Atlantic, BakersvlUe, N. C., Nov. 2, Bishop L. B. Wilson’, North Carolina, Nov. 8, Bishop Wil son. Chicago Area —Central Swedish, Jamestown. N. Y., Aug. 30, Bishop J. F. McConnell; Chicago German, Al mond. Wis., Aug. 30, Bishop T. B. Nicholson; Illinois, Decatur, 111.. Sept : 25, Bishop Nicholson; .Central Illinois. Hock Island, 111., Sept. 13, Bishop i Nicholson: Rock River, Princeton 111., i Oct. 4. Bishop Nicholson. Cincinnati Area —West Ohio, Day ton, Aug. 30, Bishop W. F. Ander son; Ohio, Logan, Ohio. Sept. 13. Blah .op Anderson: Northeast Ohio. Mans field. Sept. 19, Bishop McConnell; Ken tucky. Barboursvllle. Ky.. Sept. 27, j Bishop Anderson. Detroit Area—-Central German, In | di&napoUs, Sept. 6, Bishop W. F. Mc- Dowell; Mich Kiin, Albion. Mich . Sept. 12, Bishop T. S Henderson; Detroit. Pontiac, Mich.. Sept. 12, Blahop Mc- Dowell, Norwegian Danish, Milwau kee, Wis., Sept. 20, Bishop F. D. Leete. I>enver Area—Utah mission, Salt ■ Lake City, Sept. 14, Bishop C. L. Meade; West German. Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 30, Bishop Wqjldorf; Colorado, j Denver, Sept. 6, Bishop Waldorf; Wy oming State, Powell. Wyo., Sept. 13, j Bishop Waldorf; Western Swedish, Stratford, lowa. Aug. 23. Bishop Wal i dorf; New Mexico, Raton, N. M., Sept , 20, Blahop Waldorf, j Indianapolis Area—lndiana. Greens burg, Sept. 13. Bishop Leete; North west Indiana, Brazil. Sept. 27, Bishop Leete. New Orleans Area—Central Ala bama, Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 2.7, Blahop : R. Jk Jones; Texas, Paris, Texas, Nov. 1, Bishop M. W. Clair; West Texas. San Antonio, Nov. 29, Bishop Jones. Helena Area —North Montana, Havre. Mont , Aug. 23, Bishop Meade; Montana. Missoula, Mont., Aug. 30. Bishop Meade; Idaho, CauldwoQ, Idaho, Sept. 6, Bishop Meade: North WOMAN TOO WEAK TO WALK Now Works Nine Hours a Day. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength Union Village, Vt. —“I was weak and nervous and all run-down. I TiiTlTl'l ll1 j> ii■ tn —Ifould not walk li llllllJlj ill II across the tloor j Mj without resting, an d I had been HfT that way for ■Bps weeks. I saw your fife" - advertisement in ear the paper and uf ' ?||l I ter taking one bot *ll} tie of Lydia E. |j||N£ Pinkham's Vege |jU|p table Compound ? j* *’*' I felt the good it was doing me and 1 took seven more in all. Before I fin ished I was able to work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. I cannot say too much in favor of your med icine. I trust all sick and suffering women will take it. It has been two years since I took it and I am strong and well.” Mrs. L. A. GUIMANN, Union Village, Vermont. This is only one of such letters we are continually publishing showing what Lydia E. Pmkhara has done for women.'Mrs. Guimann’s letter should interest you. Many women get into a weak, ner vous, run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such wo men should take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound at the first sign of trouble. EXCURSION SUNDAY, inly 2nd —VIA— Lake Erie & Western Railroad —TO— SANDUSKY.. $3.30 AND CEDAR POINT, $3.55 OHIO and Return Spcvlnl trnin will leave Inrilniuip. oil. Union station ut 10:00 P. in., SATURDAY, JULY Ist. I'or further Information rail City Ticket Office, 112 Monument Place. PJione, Circle it;iOO; Union station, phone Main 4607; Mas.. Ave.. or K. C. I'ifM'iie, Asst. (ienl. Puss. Agent, Indianapolis, Inti, Phone Circle 0800. VISIT THE ATLANTIC CITY OP THE WEST. SIDE RIPS FROM SANDUSKY TO PUT-IN-BAY, LA RESIDE. ETC. Juvenile Court Judge Is Against Playgrounds Cut Lack of play facilities for children means Increased Juvenile delinquency, declared Judge Frank J. Lahr of Ju venile Court today. The Judge is un alterably opposed f.o the discontinu ance of thirteen playgrounds by the city recreation department. “Children who are not under su pervision almost always get into trou ble,” said the Judge. ’’The play ground Is the best means wo have found yet of directing youthful ener gies in proper instead of Improper channels during the months when school la out. Since school closed two weeks ago, during which period the playgrounds have not boon open, we have noticed an increase In the number of cases coming before the court. “On the other hand, there has been a perceptible decrease in Juvenile de linquency wherever playgrounds have been established. We noticed a (hange three years ago when the recreation department was reorgan Dakota, Mandan, N. D., Oct. 11, Bishop Burns. Omaha Area—Northwest Nebraska, Alliance, Neb., Aug. 30, Bishop H. C. Stuntz; Nebraska, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 5, Bishop Stuntz: lowa, Keokuk, lowa, J Sept. 23, Bishop McConnell; Des Moinos, Chan ton, lowa, Sept. 20, Bishop Stuntz; Upper lowa. Mason City, Sept. 27, Bishop Stuntz; North west lowa, Ft. Dodge, Oct. 3, Bishop Stuntz; Northwest German, Colesburg, lowa, Sept. 7, Bishop McConnelL Pittsburgh Area —Erie, Dubois, Pa., Sept. 13, Bishop Stuntz; West Vir ginia, Furnmount, W. Va., Sept. 27, Bishop Richardson; Pittsburgh, I>or tnont, Fa., Oct. 4, Bishop Anderson. Portland Area-—Pacific German, Kosalla, Wash., Aug. 81. Bishop Burns; Columbia River, Ellenaburg, Wash.. Aug. 30, Bishop W. O. Shep herd; Puget Sound, Vancouver. Wash., ' Sept. 13, Bishop Burns; Oregon, Sept. 6, Bishop Shepherd, Western Danish, Portland, Oregon, Sept. 20, Bishop Burns; Pacifto Swed ish. Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 27, Bishop Burns. San Francisco Area Pacific Chinese Mission, San Francisco. Sept. 14, Bishop W. A. Quayle; Pacific Japanese Mission, Santa Cruz, Sept. 21, Bishop Quayle; California, Santa Cruz, Sept. 27, Bishop Q -ayie; Cali fornia German, Pasadena, Oct. 5, Bishop Quayle; Southern California, Fresno, Oct. 11. Bishop Quayle. Wichita Area —Oklahoma, Punrjs City. Oct 4, Bishop A. W. Leonard; Southern German, Sequin, Texas, Nov. 1. Bishop Waldorf; Gulf, 3an Antonio, Dec. 13, Bishop Waldorf;! Southern Swedish, Dec. 7. Bishop : Waldorf. St. Paul Area —North Swedish, Kscanaba, Mich. Aug. 24, Bishop C, B. Mitchell; West Wisconsin, Marsh field. Wis., Aug. 30, Bishop Mitchell; Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 8, Bishop Mitchell; Northern German, i Morgan, Minn. Sept. 14, Bishop Mit chell; Minnesota, Winona, Minn.. Sept. 20, Bishop Shepherd; North Minnesota, Chisolm. Minn., Sept 37. Bishop Shepherd; Dakota, Rapid City, S. D„ Oct. 4, Bishop Shepherd. St. Louis Area—St. Louis German, YOUR VACATION will be free f.*om financial worry if you carry American Bankers* Association or American Express Company trav elers’ cheques. They can be used by original purchaser only and are readily accepted bv banks, hotels and railroad companies. Issued in SIO.OO, $20.00, $50.00 and SIOO.OO de nominations. The Indiana Trust Company FOR SAVINGS SURPLUS $1,750,000 Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8 O’Clock. Orangie Label Tea Ridgways CHOICE Ek Tea ~ Hot or Iced liiiPHß Relieves fatigue PK|§w i£| and induces J> m yMlißl ffia good cheer 10* j cr' Ru/guays Tea DISTRIBUTOR, SCHNULL AND COMPANY COOL COMFORTABLE CLEAN EXCURSION LOUISVILLE Suaiday, June 25 $2.75 Round Trip Train leaves Traction Station, 7 a. m. Details, see T. J. GORE, Joint Ticket Agent. Main 4500 INTERSTATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY NO DUST NO SMOKE NO DIRT C., I. & W. EXCURSIONS EVERY SUNDAY Rushvjlle, $1.19 Round Trip -Connersvllle, $1.72. Good on All Trains Date of Sale. Leave Indianapolis 6:10 a. m., 10:40 a. m„ 2:35 p. m., 5:10 p. m. ized and its upbuilding started. As the number of playgrounds was In creased the problem of the court de creased. There Is no doubt play grounds axe one of the finest things we have for the welfare of children. “Most of the children who come Into my court are from homes which have no yards. There Is a front door step and a hot, dusty stretch of side walk and street instead. Aside from the danger of accidents nobody will argue a street Is an uplifting at mosphere in which to permit children to develop. I notice there Is a cam paign on to keep children out of the streets. "Where are they going if the city does not provide places? Owners of private property drive the boys out for fear of broken window lights. “I am of the belief that we do not provide enough play facilities even while school is In session. We have the child problem with us twelve months a year and proper play is one of the most Important factors of It." Muscatine, lowa, Sept. 6, Bishop Leonard; Missouri, Braymer, Mo., Sept. 13. Bishop Leonard; St. Louis, Eldorado Springs, Mo., Sept. 20, Bishop Leonard; Southern Illinois, Alton, Sept 27, Bishop Leonard; Little Rock, Dec. 13, Bishop Quayle. THREE BISHOPS TO SEEK FUNDS Fifty-Five Million Dollars Yet to Be Raised. Three Methodist bishops have been selected to continue the $100,000,000 centenary campaign, according to a decision of the board of Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in session here. According to present plans, Bishops Edwin Holt Hughes of Boston, Theo dore S. Henderson of Detroit and Fred B. Fisher of Calcutta, India, will devote their full time In the next two years to the interests of the centenary movement. In a report to the bishops, Dr. R. J. Wade, executive secretary of the centenary movement, reported a total of $45,000,000 has been raised during the first three years of a five-year campaign. ALLEGED BOND THIEF NABBED COLUMBIA CITY, Ind., June 24 Fred Brown, alleged to have stolen bonds amounting to $22,500 from an aged resident of Hastings, Mich., has : been arrested at Tri-Lake by Sheriff ! Leon Ruploy of this county and 1 Sheriff 11. S Richey of Hastings, on a charge of grand larceny. NAMED LIBRARIAN. Miss Frieda Newman, assistant li brarian at the Prospect branch li brary. will become branch librarian in the place of Mrs. Millie Drana, who Is resigning. Mrs. Drane will still be connected with the public li brary In other work. DEPUTY IS SHOT FROM AMBUSH; SUSPECT HELD Burwell Has 14 Gunshot Wounds, Believed Inflicted by Earl Denny. WARSAW, Ind., June 24.—Deputy Sheriff Burwell of this city Is In a critical condition at the clinic here suffering from fourteen gunshot wounds, and Earl Denny of Claypool, thought to have fired the shots from funbush, is being held in jail here, pending charges of assault ar.d bat tery with Intent to kill, which will be filed against him today. Victim-to-Be Puts It Over on Hold-Ups A “victim” robbed three hold-up men of their “bait” last night on the Madi son avenue road near Southport, and today the police have an automobile tire captured by C. F. Warweg, 858 North LaSalle street. Warweg was driving his automobile on the Madison road when he saw a tire lying in the road near a culvert. He had heard of tires being used as “bait" by hold-up men, therefore when he got out of his car to get the tire he took with him a heavy automobile crank. Warweg stepped into the middle of the tire. A man hidden at the road side pulled a rope, one end of which waa tied to the tire. The rope broke. Three men appeared but Warweg threatened to “crown” them with the automobile crank. Picking up the tire he got Into the automobile and drove away, while the three would-be hold-up men showered rocks at his automobile. CHILDREN SHOW GAINS. Reports just received at the offices of the Marion County Tuberculosis Association show children in the u rious fresh air schools gained In weight and general health m l.'Tge numbers last year and their gains physically were reflected at once In Improved scholarship. Change in Time Commencing Sunday, June 25 “Motion Flyer” Leaves Indianapolis , 4:30 P. M. Arrives Chicago, - - 9:10 P. M. The Hoosier—From Chicago Leaves Chicago, - - 5:00 P. Af. Arrives Indianapolis, 9:45 P. Af. These famous trains permit you to finish a day’s business in Indianapolis or Chicago—enjoy a splendid meal enroute —and reach your destination m time for a good night’s sleep [f MONUN ROUTE ] CHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS & LOUISVILLE RY- Three other fast trains to Chicago daily, each one as good as the best. The Hoosier Leaves Indianapolis 7:45 A. M. Arrives’Chicago - 12:45 P.M. Daylight Limited Leaves Indianapolis 12:00 Noon Arrives Chicago - 4:55 P. M. Night Express Leaves Indianapolis 1:00 A. M. Arrives Chicago - 7:10 A. M. ' ( Sleeper ready in Union Station at 9 P. M>) AH Monon trains use Dearborn Station* Chicago, only two blocks from the loop. Automatic Block Signals all the way. Ticket Office:*ll4 Monument Place, English Hotel Blk. Telephone Circle 4600 F. B. Hoatton, Dir. Freight A Past. Agt. J. W. Armstrong, City Pass. Agt. F. V. Martin, General Agent, Pass. Dept. H. E. Walls, City Ticket Agent $2.75 DAYTON, OHIO ?,”£* $2.75 Via TERRE HAUTE, INDIANAP- OLIS * EASTERN’ TRACTION CO. Sunday, June 25th Leave Indlairapolls 7:30 A. M. K<*- turning, leave Dayton at T.OO P. M. Round Trip. same date. , Round Trip. $6.00 TOLEDO, OHIO $6.00 Saturday, June 24th Leave Indianapolis 8:00 A. M., or 11:30 P. M. Return limit, leaving Toledo at 5:20 P. AL, June 23th. BPECLVL LOW ROUND TRIP TOURIST RATES—IS Days’ Return Limit —EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. T. H., I. & E. Traction (o.—T„ St. L. & W. (Cloverleaf) R. R—-C. A B. Transit Uo. —11. <fc (!, Narisatlon Co.—Canada Steamship Lines to the following points: Uuftitlo .815.23 Toronto ..$19.37 Niagara Falls $16.31 Detroit $ll.OO Cedar Point or ClevcfcMid $12.33 Toledo *9.00 Put-ln-Bay $10.30 Call Traffic Department, MAlu 2737, for full Information regarding the above and other summer tours. Office, 208 Terminal Building. JUNE 24,1922. FATE OF SMALL NOW RESTS IN HANDSOFJURY Illinois Governor, Charged With Conspiracy, Awaits Verdict. WAUKEGAN, 111., June 24.—The fate of Governor Len Small, on tidal on charges of conspiracy to defraud the State, will be decided before night fall, according to the general opinion in the court room as the jury prepared to retire. Arguments were completed prompt ly at noon and Judge Claire Edwards instructed the jury at the opening of the afternoon session. WU TING FANG LAID TO REST Grand Old Man of China Vic tim of Military Coup- Looting Goes On. CANTON, China, June 24—The fu neral of Wu Ting-Fang, China’s “grand old man,” was held today. v He passed away at ehe Christian College Hos pital after a brief illness which was directly attributable to the military coup that destroyed the Southern China republic In which he had been a moving spirit. One of Wu Ting-Fang’s last acts b*. fore death was to resign the governor ship of Kwantung province, which he held in addition to being premier In Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government. The provincial assemblA requested Chen Chiung Ming to fill the vacancy caused by his resignation but no ac tion has been taken as yet. There are Indications that the Sun faction will not quit and are planning a “comeback.” They are dependent on the loyalty of the navy. The situa tion in the city remains tense and loot ing and robbery continues. GAS AND OIL STOLEN. The Milage Oil Refining Company, Twenty-First street and Sherman drive, reported today gasoline and oil worth S4O was stolen from the filling station in the last three or four nights.