JUNE 24,1922.
Will Remove
the Blue From
the Blue Laws
You busy old reformers,
Reforming all about.
The A. F. League will get you
If you don’t watch out.
• • •
NEW YORK, June 24.—Whoopee!
' The worm has turned.
Os course it is the female worm.
The male of the species, all bound
round with blue laws and repressions
"like a cocoon, has never budged. The
ladies, though, all have their dander
up. They are just naturally sick and
tired of being told they can’t do this
end they mustn’t do that.
It was had /enough when the cock
tail was pronounced forbidden fruit,
but since a poor flapper-grandmother
can no longer eYen take a wee puff
or two of a cigarette in public, except
behind a smoke screen, it’s time she
was getting all smoked up about it.
Then when employers put a ban on
bobbed hair it surely was cutting it
a bit too fine, and now that the
gan mayor has vetoed the female
knickerbockers —well, the women are
just panting for revenge.
This situation is the answer to the
Anti-Fanatic League of Women which
has just sprung into being and full
fledged activity in New York State.
The members are agin’ all proses
Eional uplifters. reformers, kill joys,
fanatics and censors in toto. ad fini
tum, and then some.
Nliss Belle Norton, honest to good
less, gun-toting deputy sheriff of New
York County, is the leader of this
6turdy female band.
” She hopes to lead them on till not
a single little reformer is left to men
ace the healthy personal freedom of
our American people.
The A. F. Leaguers are all pledged
to do their darndest to force repeal
of all the repressive laws already put
over and to defeat all the little indigo
hued joy-killers anyone may en
deavor to foist on us hereafter.
Just why is a reformer anyway?
We really have never been able to
find out, but what he is, in the last
analysis (and, of course, that's psy
choanalysis) is perfectly clear—and
also perfectly awfuL
According to the very best psycho
analysis authorities, a reformer is a
neurasthenic nuisance. He usually
has the weakness of indulging to ex
cess in something which to a regular
human being would be classed as a
Eimple and normal pleasure—if you
see what I mean.
Consequently it makes him per
fectly miserable to see other folks
enjoying in moderation what, as
practiced by him, would amount to
a vice.
In order to remove all temptation
from his own path, and at the same
time keep other people from being
happy when he can’t, he agitates for
laws forbidding said simple pleasure
as a pernicious vice. And there you
are. Rather neat, what?
Now that we have the low-down
on the reformer, and it Is certainly
low, the A. F. League is confident
the public no longer will sit back and
’ lei the censors tell them they can’t
design their own hair cuts, look on
wine or meat when it’s red, or play
ball or go'.f on Sunday.
The leaguers contend blue laws and
red blood just naturally won't mix
Music Notes
Miss Bertha Cyril Newman, teacher
of esthetic dancing in the Indiana
College of Alusic and Fine Arts, has
been granted leave of absence for two
months to continue her study in the
Pavely-Oukrainsky Ballet School of
Chicago and also the Shadruskaya
School of Dancing. Aliss Newman
will return in time to meet her classes
at the opening of the fall term, Sppt. 4.
The Indianapolis Municipal Sym
phony Orchestra under the. direction
of P Marinus Paulsen will give the
first of its free summer concerts in
Caleb ALUs Hall, on Wednesday eve
ning, June 28.
The orchestra will be assisted by
Eleanor Tracy, p-anist, Audrey Call,
viol.n.st, and Arthur Graham, pianist,
pupils of the teachers in piano and
violin, Willoughby Boughton and P.
Marinus Paulsen, who are members of
the faculty of the Indiana College of
Alusic and F.ne /Arts. The program
will be as follows:
Three Dances from Henry VIII.. —.
.. German
Alorris Dance.
Shepherd's Dance.
Torch Dance.
Concerto for Piano Op. 16, A minor
Allegro Moderato.
Eleanor Tracy.
Orchestra —
Scotch Poen MacDowell
Sleeping Beauty Ballet, Valse i
Concerto for Violin, Op. 64, E ma- I
jor Alendelssohn
Allegro Molto Vivace.
Audrey Call.
Beauchamp at the piano.)
Orchestra —
Ballet Russe (Suite in 5 parts
Valse Lente.
Marche Russe.
Concerto for Piano No. 1 Liszt
Allegro Maestoso.
Quasi Adagio.
Allegretto Vivace.
Allegro Animate.
Arthur Graham.
H Ida Kirkhman. concertmaster.
Admission w.U be by tickets which
may be secured without charge at tho
music stores or at the Indiana College
of Music and F.ne Arts.
The following pupils of Mrs. Harry
Edward Leive. assisted by Miss Fran
cis Louise Nicholson, violinist, will
give a recital Friday evening, Juno
30, in the green parlors of the Y. W.
C. A.: Frances Juanita Sharp. Les
lie Servoss, Eloise Weaver, Harriet
I.unt Preston. Helen Hawckotte,
Winefred Rupert, Irma 'VanCickle,
Della May M Ginety, William Wells,
Alyla Smith, Viola Hancock, Thelma
Hendrickson, John Ragsdale, Alildred
Hendrickson, Thelma Skinner, Fran
ces Servoss. Frances Louise Nichol
son. Lillian Harris, Catherine Dolby.
Virginia Holly, Dorothy Dolby, Ka
trina Ragsdale, Frances Louise Nich
olson. Lvivi.a Sa..Lli and Maxwell
i'eau. ,
x r r-- r c -
Miss Genevieve King, daughter of Mrs. Laura E. King. 2115
was married to Allen C. Greer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greer, Saturday
& Raggedy Raggedy
Ann and Andy
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy and
Mister Minky, the little old man who had
found the Wishing Pebble where Rag
gedy Ann had burled it lay sound
asleep at the side of the Apple Butter
bog. They had eaten so much bread and
butter with apple butter spread upon it
they had gone to sleep.
Presently Raggedy Ann awakened and
sat up very quietly so as not to disturb
Raggedy Andy and Mister Minky. “Well,
well, well,” Ann thought to
herself. “Herew we are all sleeping
soundly side by side. It doesn’t seem as
though Mister Minky was the mean lit
tle old stingy man who has been causing
Raggedy Andy and me so much trouble
lately. First when I found the wishing
pebble and wished for the nice things
for the Muskrats and the other little
creatures of the great yellow meadow, 1
did not really know that it was a
wishing pebble and I buried it in the
sand. Then Mister Minky, who was a
very selfish little old man then, saw
where I hid the wishing pebble and dug
•• ■ ■ .
it up. Then when he couldn’t jnake his
wishes come true with the wishing peb
ble, he thought that I had made my
wishes come true because I had a candy
heart, and ever since then he has been
trying to get my candy heart and eat it.
Now we are good friends and it seems
so nice not to have him chasing us all
over trying always to get my candy
heart. Not that I care for my candy
heart so much,” thought Raggedy Ann,
“but I know it would not make his
wishes come true even if he did eat it.”
“Eeeyaw,” yawned Mister Minky as he
sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Well I
must hurry and catch Raggedy Ann and
eat her candy heart so that I can make
my wishes come true." Then seeing Rad
gedy Ann sitting in front of him and
Raggedy Andy lying sound asleep be
side him, Mister Minky remembered that
he was now good friends with the two
Raggedys. “I wasn’t quite awake yet.
Raggedy Ann," he said. “Please excuse
me,” “Tes indeed. “Raggedy Ann
laughed," I'm very glad that we are good
friends now, Mister Minky, for if we
were not, Raggedy Andy and I would
have to get up and run.”
“I'm sorry that I chased yon so much
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy,” said
Minky as Raggedy Andy sat up and
rubbed the sand out of his shoe button
eyes. “Well," said Raggedy Andy,
“maybe we can make np for all the fun
you missed by having a lot more fun."
“Maybe we can," Mister Minky re
plied “I wonder where Missus Witchie
and the Policeman are by this time."
“Oh. I guess they reached home long
ago," said Raggedy Ann. "I wander if
Missus Witchie is worried because she
left her Magical Buttons laying upon
the ground? Yon know," Raggedy Ann
said to Mister Minky, “Raggedy Andy
and I jumped out of the balloon so that
we could run back and find the magical
buttons. We left Missus Witchie sit
ting in the bottom of the balloon basket
“Well, I have Missus Witchie’s Magical
Butttons safe In my pocket," said Minky,
“and I would like to go with you to
Missus Witchie's house and give them
back to her. Maybe when she knows
that I am not going to chase you to get
yonr candy heart ah* will be friends
with me, too.”
“I’m snrs she win be friends with you.
Mister Minky,” said Raggedy Ann. “for
Mlesua Witchie Is friendly to every one.
She couldn't be otherwise with such a
: wonderful kindly heart as she has,”
“Then,” said Mister Minky, “let’s hurry
j to her house and maybe she will change
1 things so that they will taste good to
me Instead of bitter.”
“Did the ice cream soda water taste
bitter to you, Mister Minky ?’” asked
Raggedy Andy. “Indeed it did," Mister
Minky replied as he puckered up his
mouth. “Why, 1 never tasted anything
io bitter Id all my life unlws it wasUie
magic Rookies in the cookie field. They
were very bitter, too.”
"And the bread and butter and apple
butler; did it taste bitter to you?" Rag
gedy Andy wishes to know.
"It was so good I could eat twenty
slices right now," Mister Minky replied.
“Do you know what I believe?" asked
Raggedy Ann.
“No. what?” Minky and Raggedy Andy
asked in reply.
“f believe that Mister Minky has
changed clear down to his shoe boots
and that from now on. unless he changes
back into a selfish person, he will enjoy
eating the cookies and ice cream sodas."
“Do you really think so, Raggedy
Ann?" Minky asked, his eyes filling with
tears and his mouth watering at the
thought. “Oh, I hope It Is true, for I
have wanted some ice cream soda watet
for almost two weeks."
“Then let's hurry over to the soda
water tree and have some,” said Raggedy
Ann as she jumped to her feet and
started running.
Raggedy Ann was the first to reach
the soda water tree and had a glass
of raspberry flavor all ready for Mlstet
Minky when he reached h'>r.
“How is that. Mister Minky?" Rag
gedy Ann wished to know. Mister Minky
didn't try to talk. The soda water tasted
so good he could only blink his eyes.
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy each
bad five glasses and Mister Minky fid
sixteen because he was a little larger
than the Raggedy's and then he had not
bad any soda water for two weeks and
he was very thirsty.
"Now," said Raggedy Ann when they
had all the sodas they could drink, "let's
hurry and find Missus Witchie and re
turn her magical button*, for she may
be worrying. But we will stop on the
wny and eat some of the lovely cookies
with all kinds of different flavored icing
on them.
Clubs and Meetings
The Alvin F. Hovey \V. R. C. No.
196 will go to Brownsburg Sunday
afternoon, where Mrs. Madgo Frady.
patriotic instructor, will present a
silk flag to the Girl Scouta at the
Christian Church.
A drill team will be formed by the
; Catherine Merrill Team No. 9,
Daughters of the Veterans, at 7
o’clock Tuesday evening in Saks Hall.
The regular meeting will take place
! at 8 o'clock.
What Great Event in History Does This Represent?
W Society si-
Mr. mid Mrs. Benamin A. Boil,
2220 North Capitol avnue, announce
the marriage of their daughter, Ruth
Marie, to Mr. Harley T. Doub of
Greenwood, which took place Tuesday
evening at 8:30, the Rev. Horace A.
Sprague of Hall Place M. E. Church
The home was decorated with ferns,
asparagus, pink roses and garden
flowers. Preceding the oeremeny Miss
Mildred Clark, accompanied by Miss
Freda Hart, sang “At Dawning” and
following the ceremony “Because.”
Miss Efile Bell, sister of the bride,
was bridesmaid, and was gowned in
rose pink organdy and carried pink
roses. Master William Heet of Rich
mond carried the ring in a white lily
and little Elinor Patterson, dressed
n s. palo green organdy frock, scat
tered rose petals. Mr. Perry Row of
Indianapolis was best man.
The bride, who was given away by
her father, wore a beautiful gown of
white Canton crepe and Spanish lace
and carried a shower bouquet of
white roses and lilies of the valley.
The out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Doub, Nlr. and Mrs.
Virgil Doub, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Sheek, Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher,
Mrs. Sarah Speas and Miss Flora
Speas of Greenwood, and Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Heet of Richmond. Mrs. Georgia
Bell of Muncle, Mrs. Ituth Koons of
Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
H ry of Mt. Summit.
T e bride is a member of the Delta
Zeta Sorority and both are graduates
of Franklin College.
Mr. and Mrs. Doub have gone on
a wedding trip to Colorado and will
be at home at 4043 Rookwood avenue
after July 15.
• • •
C. F. Thomas, M. J. Foxworth and
Paul F. Helm are guests at the
Breakers, Cedar Polnt-on-Lake Erie.
The wedding of Miss Genevieve
King, daughter of Mrs. Laura E.
King, 2115 Broadway, and Allen
C. Greer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Greer, took place at 3 o'clock Saturday
afternoon at the Central Avenue M. E.
Church with the Rev. O. W. Filer
off.ciat.ng. Mrs. W. E. Duthie will
play a group of bridal airs, preceeding
the ceremony. The bride will be given
in marriage by her grandfather J. B.
Edwards of California. She will wear
an ivory satin dress trimmed with
Spanish lace. Her veil will bear
range in cap fashion, and she will
carry an arm bouquet of Columbia
roses. Miss Elizabeth King, sister of
the bride will be the maid of honor.
She will wear a yellow and lavender
crepe dress, with a hat to match, and
will carry an arm bouquet of p.nk
roses. Little Max Burton King, w.ll
carry the veil of the bride. Ray Yan
Horn will be the best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Greer will go for a wedding trip,
returning after July 15.
• • •
The Harmony Circle will meet with
Mrs. R. C. Ruby. 154 East Twenty-
Second street, Monday evening.
The wedding of Miss Julietta Gaily,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gaily,
942 Ft Wayne avenue, and William
Ernsting, Jr., took place Friday eve
ning at the home of the bridegroom's
parents. 1126 Woodlawn avenue. The
ceremony was performed before an
altar of ferns and palms, with the
Rev. F. R. Darieus officiating. The
attendants for the wedding were Miss
Dorothea Gaily, sister of the bride,
and Irwin Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Ern
sting have gone for a wedding trip
through the East,
• • •
Miss Esther Jane Johnson, 1729
Park avenue, and Miss Madeline Hlx
on, Twenty-First and Meridian streets
left Saturday for Ithaca, N. Y„ where
they will attend the Delta Zeta na
tional convention.
• • •
Miss lona Curtis, 2335 North Dela
ware street, and Mrs. M. Kendall, 1833
West Washington street, Indianapolis,
visited friends at the Moody Bible In
stitute of Chicago this week.
• • •
The wedding of Miss Gertrude
Federle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Federle, 27 East lowa street,
and Joseph Rotheram, took place
Saturday morning in the Sacred
Heart Church. The bride wore a
white crepe dress embroidered in
white yarn. She wore her mother's
wedding veil, arranged in cap fashion
with a coronet of orange blossoms,
which her bridesmaid brought from
California. She carried a shower
bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of
the valley. Miss Lucy Smith, of Cali
fornia, was the bridesmaid. She wore
a peach crepe dress trimmed in
crystal beads, with a garden hat
trimmed in tulle. She carried a dresr
den bouquet. Following the wedding
a bridal breakfast was served at the
home of the brides’ parents. In the
afternoon a reception was held for
the couple. The home was decorated
with roses and ferns. Mr. and Mrs.
Rotheram have gone for a wedding
trip and will be at home in South
Bend after Sept. 3.
• •
Mrs. Herbert Grimes, 118 West
Thirty-S'Xth street, entertained with
a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday. The
tables were decorated with garden
flowers in Dresden shades.
• • •
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Marxer, and son
Robert and daughter, Helen Frances,
1335 South East street, l£ft Saturday
for an extended trip West. They
will go through Canada, Salt Lake
City, Yellow Stone National Park,
and i/os Angeles. They will return
homo in September.
• • •
Mrs. Theodore Reyer, and daughter
Julia, Twenty-First and Central
avenue, have been spending a few’
weeks in St. Louis. They will re
turn home the first of the week.
Mfs. Mary Glnter afffl sister, Anna
B. Ryan, of Congress avenue, will
spend the week-end in the country
near Connersville.
• • •
Mrs. M T. Patton and daughter
Julia, 2941 North Delaware street,
will leave the first of the week for a
trip to California where they will
si>end the summer.
• • •
Mrs. R. C. Ruby. 154 East Twenty-
Second street, and children wall leave
Thursday for Lake Michigan, to
spend the summer.
• •
The Delta Delta Delhi Sorority will
hold a national convention In Ithaca,
N. Y., this next week. Those who
will attend from Indianapolis are,
Miss Miriam Weir, Miss Elizabeth
Harris, Miss Dorothy White. Miss
Margaret AVeir. Miss Asthore Games,
and Ruth Schooler of Whltestown.
• • •
The students of the Prof. Francis H.
Topmiller Plano Studio, assisted by
Miss Myla Reeder, contralto, will give
their commencement program Tues
day, June 27. at 8 o'clock in the West
minster Presbyterian Church. The
following will be presented:
Pearl Barnes, William Topmlllej-,
Bessie Kraase, Marguerite Couison,
Mildred Retd, Lucile Wilson, Violet
Topmiller, Fern Douglas. Cloyce An
derson, Irene Inman, Florence Mit
chell, Norma Mitchell. Eloise Johnson,
Margaret Corcoran, Norma Mueller,
Grace Robinson, Mildred Spinning.
• • •
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Ogler and
daughter. Miss Mary Francis, and
son, Albert 111, of Woodruff Place
have returned from Chicago, where
Dr. Ogle attended a homeopathists’
; ' ' ■; :
f . ■
Miss Mabelle Ilendleman, 3638
Grnceland avenue, will go to Chicago
June 27, to study for the summer In
the classes of Pearcy Grainger and
Richard Ilageman. Miss Hendleman
has been an active worker in music
circles of Indianapolis, being a mem
ber of the Matinee Musicale and past
national secretary of the Sigma Alpha
lota Sorority. She studied in In
dianapolis with Oliver Willard Pearce
in tho College of Music and Art, and
for two years In Wilton, New York,
she studied with Pasquale Tallarico.
You should preserve your dignity
and maintain a certain reserve while
traveling alone.
If any ui.hu does a favor for you
should express your thanks cordially,
but do not be too ready to make ac
If the man whojias assisted you is
well bred he will not presume upon
this favor or expect any lurther rec
ognition than your thanks.
Cooking Authority for NEA Service tin cl Colombia University.
(This recipe has been tested and proved right in the laboratories of Co
lumbia University.)
2 bunches of asparagus 1 pint of milk
1 quart water 3 tablespoons butter
1 slice onion 3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt i/i cup cream or top milk
Wash, scrape and cut tips from the asparagus. Serve the tips as a
vegetable with melted butter, after they have been boiled or steamed.
Add to the stalks, cut in small pieces, the water, onion and salt. Boil
until stalks are tender, then rub through a sieve all that will pass easily.
Cream butter and flour together, add to the water and asparagus pulp
and cook five minutes. Then add milk and cream, more seasoning to taste,
aDd serve when boiling hot. v i
A few tips may be cgt Into small pieces and added, but one usually
wishes those for another ratal.
Miss Maud McGinety, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McGinety, 3270
North New Jersey street, and Max
well Fentz, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Fentz of Irv.ngton will give a recital
Monday evening June 26 in the green
parlors of the Y. W. C. A. This is
their third year of studying under
Mrs. Harry E. Leivc. Miss Dorothy
Fulkerson, a reader will assit in tho
recital. The following program will
be giyen:
Juno (Barcarolle) Tschaikowsky
Maxwell Fentz
Condoliera Moszkowskl
Maud McGinety
(a) Gavotte Sartorio, Op. 243
(b) Dull Dance Mercadanto
(c) Romance Sans Paroles.. .Stretezk!
Dr. Bishop’s Talk
HEN you consider
the great number
of diseases man
fifegr can h ave > ar >d the
jujr ._ countless millions
® H of germs watch-
Sj - S3 fully waiting to
fflAv spring upon un-
S suspecting vlc
time, you cannot
Bb JSJ but marvel that
we are living at
A sodden outbreak of a certain dis
ease aways attracts scientific atten
tion, as did a small epidemic of trichi
nosis, a rather rare disease in this
country, in New Jersey recently.
Trichinosis is caused by organisms
In the form of small round worms,
barely visible to the eye, which occur
In cysts, or membraneous pouches, in
the muscles of Infected meat-eating
animals, generally the hog. the rat
and man. They are known to remain
alive, thoi gh Inactive, in the hog for
at least 11 years. When the raw or
imperfectly-cooked meat from such
an animal is eaten, the worms are lib
erated during the process of digestion,
grow and multiply In the intestine and
the young worms or larvae then bore
the!.- way Into the blood stream and
flnaly into the muscles of the new
host. Here they gradually become
encysted and remain until they die or
are, in turn, liberated, as before.
The degree of illness is thought to
vary with the number of living tri
china eaten. The number of worm
larvae in a pound of infected pork has
been estimated as high as 500,000.
Thorough cooking of the infected
meat kills the larvae. The disease is,
therefore, confined. In most cases, to
those of nationalities which eat pork
raw or only slighty cooked.
The epidemic of this disease re
ferred, to numbered 34 cases. Inves
tigation proved conclusively that the
source of the epidemic was an infec
ted hog which had been slaughtered
recently, a part of the meat having
been eaten as sausage.
The Woman’s City Club of In
dianapolis will hold its last dinner of
the season Wednesday evening in the
Chamber of Commerce. Grier Moore
Shottvell, secretary of the depart
ment of civic affairs of the Chamber
of Commerce will speak on the
“Chamber of Commerce Educational
Activities;” Miss Merica Evans Hoag
land, chairman of the personnel and
research committee of the National
Federation of Business and Profes
sional Women will speaJc— on “Pos
sibilities of Vocational Guidance;”
Miss M. Elizabeth Mason, secretary
of the W. C. C.. wil speak on “Fa
cilities Offered by Indianapolis for a
Commercial Education; and Miss
Mamie Larsh, president of the busi
ness and professional women’s de
partment of the Department Club will
speak on "Big Sisters Opportunity In
Promoting Commercial Training.”
Club Index
Inter-Nos Club —Wednesday. Picnic
family supper, Ellenberger Park. Mrs.
Francis Hill will have charge of the
Independent Social Club—Tuesday.
Annual outing. Mrs. John O’Conner,
Friendswood, hostess.
Zetathea Club—Wednesday. Picnic.
Committee in charge of the arrange
ments: Mrs. B. C. Keithly, Mrs. C. C.
Pollock and Mrs. J. E. Martin.
A, —•
: " i.
Maxwell Fentz
l Selected
! (a) Russian Romance Friml
; (b) September Morn Steele
Maud McGinety
1 (a) Berceuse Delbruek
, (b) Rapsouie Migonne Koelling
Maxwell Fentz
Yalse Arabesque Theo. Lack
Maud McGinety
Dorothy Fulkerson
Tarantelle, Op. So Heller
Maxwell Fentz
Rakoczy—(March) Liszt
Maud McGinety
Want Her?
► 1
' |
Who will adopt this little girl? This
is "Shushan” of the Bible lands of the
Near East. Shushan is a favorite
name for little Armenian girls, be
cause It has a pretty meaning, “Eas
ter Lily.”
There are thousands of “Shushans”
who are longing for fairy god-parents
In America. Before Near East Relief
got hold of this little girl she was
thin and starving and nearly dead.
American dollars have brought hap
piness to her eyes and have made her
cheeks chubby. No red tape of courts
is required to adopt Shushan. It only
requires ?5 a month to keep the child
Ask the Woman’s Emergency Com
mittee of Near East Relief, 403 City
Trust Building. Mrs. R. E. Kenning
ton is chairman of the committee
Three hundred Armenian babied look
to Indianapolis women for life.
War Mothers ,
Will Entertain
The Marlon County Chapter of
American War Mothers will entertain
the War Dads Tuesday evening. June
27, at the home of Mrs. A. M. Fitchett,
561 Jefferson avenue, at 7 o’clock.
Sheldon M. Foote, supreme dad of
the Order of Loyal Dads, will be a
guest and will represent the Veterans
of Foreign Wars. There will be a
short business session to complete
plans for the celebration of Fourth of
The committee appointed for the
Fourth of July parade and celebation
consists of Mrs. J. C. Rybolt, chair
man, Mrs. Ella Aker, Mrs. A. M.
Fitchett. Mrs. T. P. Pumphrey, Mrs.
Hugh Middlesworth, Mrs. Frank Cal
lon and Mrs. Lawrence Elmore.
Affter the business session of the
meeting refreshments will be served
and a program of music and fun will
Our First Year
Mrs. Herrod’s Letters—The Secret Is Oat
So Bonny entered upon her first year
as my own was completed. Bonny was
going to find out at the start what pov
erty means. And Jack and I, who had
more than ordinary advantages, owing
to .Taek’s industry and thrift, had landed
in bankruptcy.
Bonny was going to be happy ever
afterward. But was I ever going to
be happy again?
I woud have starved for my husband
or with him. And yet I had been unable
to withstand the luxuries other girls bad.
I hadn't been able to practice ordinary
economies to help him.
In the short prosperity of our first year
I had shown the wisdom of a baby.
Bankrupt and jobless. Jack bad come
to his senses arid made me face a few
hard facts and the hardest was this:
No longer by a kiss and caress could
I turn him from setlous discusion of our
welfare or persuade him to let me have
my own way.
The shock of this discoTery was a tonic.
If Jack would no longer humor ipe as a
child wife, I would better behave like a
“And instead of childishly wondering
what is in Mrs. Herrod’s letters,” said
■ I to Me, “why not ask .Tack?"
And so I did, my tone a-qulver with
tears, with reproach:
"Here—see —I have a dozen of them—
only a small part!"
“Why—Peggins! Why—you’re not hu
man—l meant not feminine 1 Y'ou mean
to say you'Te kept ’em —and never
read 'em ?’’ .
The Indiana Club of Republican
Women will hold an all-day meeting
Thursday In the palmroom of the
Claypool Hotel. An honor guest at
this meeting will be Alias Abigail
Harding, sister of the president. Alias
Harding is extremely interested in
women in politics, and in her tele
gram to Airs. Martha Stubbs, first
vice president of the club, who will
preside in the absence of the presi
dent, Mrs. Ovid Butler Jameson, she
said: “It is with great pleasure that
I await the meeting with the largest
women’s club in Indiana.” Special
entertainments are being planned for
Alisa Harding, among which will be
a luncheon on Thursday.
The principal speaker of the meet
ing, which will be open to both men
and women, will be Airs. Elizabeth
Murray Shepherd, daughter of the
late Frank B. Alurray, who at the
time of his death was Senator-elect of
lowa. Airs. Shepherd is gathering
data for a history of women, having
invitations from all the countries of
the world, where she will be able to
get information. In 1920, just fchfore
the assassination of Carranza, Airs!
Shepherd visited In Alexico, gathering
some of the relics of that country.
While there she organized the Mexico
Council of Women, which has become
affiliated with the International Coun
cil of Women. At the time of grant
ing of suffrage to California, she was
chairman of the organization commit
tee. After her marriage she was liv
ing in Illinois, and was made first
vice president of the Illinois Wom
en's Republican Club.
Mrs. Shepherd will go from Indi
anapolis to cities farther West, where
she will speak before women’s or
ganizations, telling of her organiza
tion along the lines of the publication
of her history.
Y. W. C. A. Notes
The central field summer conference
tor High School Girl Reserves will
be held at Dewey Lake, Mich., June
28 to July 7. There will be about
300 girls at the conference, represent
ing high school clubs from Ohio, In
diana, Illinois, Michigan and Wiscon
sin. The girls have a chance to plan
for next year’s club work as well as
have a good time swimming,
and enjoying out-of-door life and!
sports. The delegates representing!
the high school clubs from Indian- ’
apolis are Estelle Clarke and Mar
tha Bebinger from Manual Training,
Pearl Strange and Sarah Julia Crooke
from Shoitridge, Charlotte De Ford
and Lillian Virt from Technical. The
girls will be accompanied by Alias
Urith Dailey, Girl Reserve director
| of the Y. W. C. A.
The summer reading class will hold
its last meeting until the first of
| August on Tuesday evening. The
meeting will be in Riverside Park
south of the pavilion at 6 o’clock
■‘Vandemark’s Folly,” by Herbert
Quick, will be discussed.
The Indianapolis Association of
Women Bible Teachers will close its
season's work with a luncheon at
the Third Christian Church on Fri
day. This group, which now has an
j enrollment of sixty-six, will resume its
; study the first of September. Air*.
T. W. Grafton is the instructor.
Delta Sigma to
Have Convention
The Delta Sigma Sorority will hold
its annual convention in Davenport,
I lowa, beginning Tuesday morning
and lasting through the week. Airs.
| Clarence Kot clowski of the Central
I apartments is grand president of the
organization, which has ten chapters
throughout the United States. The
purpose of the organization Is phil
anthropy. It is supporting a canteen
in France, keeping one of their girls
there to take charge. They also have
a school in the Pine mountains to
Kentucky, and each individual chap
ter is supporting a French orphan.
Accompanying Airs. Kcttlowskl to
the convention will be Miss Helen.
Guptill, as delegate. Airs. Thongs
' Hanson and Airs. Kenneth *
Special entertainments are Ajgg'.Sg!
planned for tho delegates
convention hours, such as
: ion Monday afternoon.
. . ! -e WodrfcJ&£CSw^J
Thursday. The
delegates will stop In Chic:.oSHß
way home, arriving homewg&JHßj
The Ladies of the Altar Society of
St. Anthony Church will entertain
with-cards and lotto Sunday evening
in the St. Anthony Hall on. Wa.rman
I avenue.
“Never! Os course not l"
Jack swept resistless arms about mt
and drew m.e to a ckatr by the table.
“Open them! All c£ them! Bead
But read them I could not. They
were nothing bnt chess problemst
“For my flies,” Jack qjplained with
characteristic brevity. (I suppose I ought
to add that my husband gave up playing
chess with Mrs. Herrod. He did not.
I wouldn't let him.)
1 sat np suddenly.
“Jack! You remember that sight tn
the pines. When you say my suit and
new hat ” •.
Jack stood up quickly. I had aVak
ened a memory which hurt him, Sprt
cruelly. But be was not going to Bt
it ruin our lives. He web far more geaefv
ous than I. I hastened to explain. w
“The girl who wore my clothes w*s
Bonny! I wouldn’t tell you. Not as
long as I had Mrs. Herrod’s letter* on
my mlud. I was going to swap fair "
Jack attempted to silence me with
Ijlsses, but his tenderness only made me
sob the harder.
“I've been horrid. Jack. But I’m going
to begin all over, Jack, with our second
“I've been a thriftless little wife. Buti
I’ve learned. You’ll see how I can save!
■—when we get anotber Job. M
“Meantime, dearest, we’ll manage tA
scrape along any old uay. Because !■
have decided thr.t I will not take Bar 1
nick’s moneyCnrvricht. Ip?2