Newspaper Page Text
JUNE 24,1922. STREETS MUST BE KEPT CLEAN, SAYS WALKER Head of Department Gives Warning Against Throw ing Out Trash, Etc. Ordinances prohibiting injuries to pavements or scattering of filth and rubbish in streets and alleys will be strictly enforced hereafter. John F. Walker, superintendent of street clean, ng, said today. Considerable trouble has been had with people who thryw grass, paper, tin cans and other Ur sightly objects and materials into gutters. Walker said. All violators Will be reported to the police depart ment. The ordinances provide fines as high as SIOO. Walker thanked citizens north of Fall Creek and on the south side for cooperation in keeping the streets clean. He said less trouble .s encoun tered in these sections than elsewhere. "The street cleaning department is not able to clean every street daily and if a number of residents in a block throw grass and rubbish In the gutter the street does not appear to have been cleaned at all. If they will put this refuse in receptacles the sani tary department will carry It away. Work Will Proceed Over Remonstrance Objections of a majority of the prop erty owners in Delaware street from Fall Creek boulevard to Twenty- Fourth street to resurfacing with as phalt has had no effect on the board cf public works. The board on recom mendation of City Engineer John L. Eliott said it would proceed with the Improvement. Resolutions were adopted for per manent Improvement of Forty-Second Street from Capitol avenue to Boule vard Place and McCarty street from West street to Kentucky avenue. A contract was awarded for resur facing Senate avenue from Kentucky avenue to fifty feet north of Mobile street. 4 Irish Republicans Killed by Constables BEDFAST. June 24. —Four Irish Republicans were killed today in a battle with constables, near Cushen dal, County Antrim. Several others were wounded. The constables were ambushed, but fought so desperately that the attackers were put to flight. RAYMOND Hljl-CHCOCK 7 Tit Scintillating Muticnl Ccntcdv Sncccn Hall Room Boj, Farce—“Belter Late 1 NEXT WEEK Will Inscribe Names of Memorial Donors Names of persons or organizations in Indianapolis and the State who contributed SI,OOO or more to the $2,- 000,000 building fund for the erection of the James Whitcomb Riley Hos pital for Children, will he permanently inscribed on a bronze tablet to be placed in the hospital following its completion, it waa announced today by John B. Reynolds, State director, and James W. Carr, executive secre tary of the hospital campaign com mittee. DEALERS WILL CLOSE SUNDAYS City Automobile Association to Give Employes Day Off. Sunday closing of automobile estab lishments, a movement which has been under way for some time" will get into the limelight July 1 when “Closed on Sunday,” signs provided by the Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association will appear In the door ways of many of the prominent sales rooms in the city. John B. Orman, manager of the association, said that for some time several of the dealers have been working to provide a day of rest for their employes, many of whom are prominently identified with churches of the city. “It is recognized that the mcti who work all week selling automo biles and automotive necessities are justly entitled to a rest on the Sab bath, for humanitarian reasons as well as for devotional purposes,” he said. “While the industry was in the throes of readjustment there seemed little chance of bringing about the needed reform. Now, however, with more sales and custom ers than some establishments can comfortably take care of, the auto mobile business of the city needs no Sunday forcing to assure ita success." Will Sell Assets of Midwest Company Sale of assets of the Midwest En gine Company will be held July 11, it has been ordered by Judge Solon J. Carter in Superior Court, room 3. He requested Fred Van Nuys and Oscar E. Stevens, receivers for the company, to submit a report on the assets prior to the sale. The cash proceeds are to be paid Into the court to be disbursed to the receivers for their administra tion. Irvington Legion to Hold French Festival The second annual French fete of Irvington Post No. 38 of the Ameri can Legion, will be held July 13, 14 and 15, In Ellenberger park. Bastille day, July 14, will be celebrated by special exercises at which Judge Arthur R. Roblnsen, of Superior Court, will make a short speech. One representative of the various French societies of Indianapolis will also talk. Every such society will be In vited to attend the fete in a body. TELLS STUDENTS ABOUT SELVES Head of University of Minne sota Gives Address. “The high school student of today possesses two areas of mental activ ity. The first is the power to do, the second, appreciation of what has been done,” said President Lotus D. Coff man of the University of Minnesota, In his address to the 508 graduates of the Arsenal Technical High Schools at" the Cadle Tabernacle last night. “The first includes an area of ap plication and fundamentalism, in which the students confront the ap parently trivial, but in reality the first vital, problems of their lives. This area Is constituted by vocational training and is preliminary to the realization of life, the profound and the beautiful of true life,” President Coffman went on to say. "The second embodies the appreciation of the arts, literature, science and the languages. The beautiful and noble la unclothed; the students are placed in a position to cope with the problems of Lfe.” Charles L. Barry, president of the board of school commissioners, pre sented the diplomas. Churchill P. llarbott!e, IT. 2529 Ashland avenue, a member of the class, died yesterday afternoon of ap pendicitis. Doctor to Address Rotarians Tuesday Dr. Reginald C. Augustine of De catur, IIL, wll address members of the Rotary Club at the luncheon in the Riley room of the Claypool Hotel Tuesday. Dr. Augustine, who is a delegate to the convention of the American Optometric Association, will explain many things not known generaly the profession. MOTION PICTURES. INDIANA DAILY TIMES JUDGE GIVES SENTENCES TO U. S. PRISONERS More Than 45 Defendants Face Federal Court in Calendar Clearing. Moro than forty-five defendants who entered pleas of guilty, or were found guilty by a Jury, were sen tenced by Judge Albert B. Anderson in Federal Court Friday. All but a few of the cases on the criminal i calendar were disposed of definitely. George N. Cass, Indianapolis, for merly foreman of special delivery boys received a sentence of one year and one day at the Federal Prison at At lanta, Ga., for embezzling special de livery fees. Wilharn J. Finan, Muncie, received four months In Jail for violation of the prohibition law's. His son Francis waa released. The following sentences were Im posed in the Clinton liquor conspir acy cases: James ("Big Jim”) Car rero, one year and one day; William D. Smith, Indianapolis, one day; Pat rick Butler, Indianapolis, four months; Morris Cochrane, Indianapo lis, sixty days; Anton Pianasso, Clin ton, four months; Bill Davie, Indian apolis, four months; Peter Savlo, Clinton, three months, John Boetto, Clinton, one day. The case of Paulo Saulndo, sister of Carrero, was taken under advisement until the November term of court. Others sentenced are: Dennis Shea, formerly sheriff of Vigo County, SSOO and six months for violation of the prohibition laws. Elmer Niecs, his bartender, four months for violating the prohibition law. Nick Burson, Terre Haute, one year and one day for violation of the Vol stead act. Bam Baltesu, connected with the same conspiracy, six months In Jail Corbett Graves and William Fix, Ambia, one year and one day each for using the mails In an attempt to extort $1,500 from an uncle of Fix. LIVESTOCK PROBLEM. NEW YORK. June 24.—The pres ence of a real live alligator on a farm on Long Island has Increased the farmer's livestock problems in this sect.on. Milt t >R BASEBALL. PUEBLO, Cos!., June 24.—Running after a baseball in the street, 8-year old Clar ence Rowe waa struck by ail bile and killed. For the HOMEBUILDER and BUYER This House Will Last Long | “~”*j Boom __ .. _ The cost estimate of $8,848 waa given by the Curtis Service Ilnreau, Clinton, lowa, dealgnere of this house. This flgur., tt raoit be un derstood, wu not based on local conditions. Recently we have been hearing a good deal about permanent building materials It la fitting that a good deal of attention should be given to the kind of materials from which our homea are to be built, both from the construction standpoint and the standpoint of their appear ance. This fire room English hon Is well suited for permanent construc tion. Stucco may be used, iu auy one of the variety of tints and tex tures, to harmonize with the sur roundings a-id oont'aat pleasantly with the white exterior woodwork. Brick, limestone, and other flre resisllve materials are also suit able. This house is adaptable to a great many lots; first, because it Is only 28x20 feet. It can be used on a small city lot: second, because ot the en ticing little latticed porch around on* corner, either the wider or the narrower side presents an attractive frontage, and third. beecuse of these two frontages, it will do fnll Justice to a corner lot. The treat ment of the roof ta especially good, as It gives the house a much broader appearance, which is desirable In small houses. The dormer and the bav are carefully studied details. The front entrance leads to a hall so small as to be practically Building Permits Poster Advertising Co_ board. 1000 East New York, $175. Poster Advertising Ccl. board, 1900 Montcalm. $125. Poster Advertising Ox. board, 2033 South Meridian, SSO. Poster Advertising Cos., board. Roosevelt and Rural. SSO. Poster Advertising Col, board, Roosevelt and Floyd. SSO. Poster Advertising Cos., board, 1700 West Eleventh, $125. Otis Kirkpatrick, double, 4910-12 Broadway, sß,oo^. W. Herbert Bretzloff. garage, 410 East Forty-Sixth, $1,500. Indianapolis Talking Machine Com pany, sign. 134 North Pennsylvan.a, S3OO. Macklln Martin, reroof, 2256 Shel don, $lO7. Frances McCord, repairs, 311 Fall Crec-k boulevard, $286. J. IL Kroetz, addition, 1247 West Th rt.v Second, S4O. W. A. White, garage, 1230 North La Salle, S3OO. O. P. Slack, reroof, 82-34 West SL Clair, SSO. Frank Tairaan, storeroom, 2802-4 Brookslde, $3,500. Roy Tucker, garage, 2857 Caroline, SSO. John Kennington, reroof, 1903 Broadway, $75. Ida Pike, dwelling, 4621 WTnthrop. $3,000. O. X. Buchler, garage, 4350 Central SBOO. Ellen O'Conner, reroof, 839 Church, $l2O. 11. H. Wyant, furnace, 2110 Madi son, $l5O. J. A. Ryan, repairs, 828 Warren. $75. John B. Casey, reroof, 2224 Broad way, S2BO. C. L. Marshall, reroof, 4209 Boule vard Place, $2lO. B W. Hibb, dwelling, 4836 Park. $2,750. Edw. R. Green, porch. 4352 Broad way. S9OO. Kipp Bros., repairs, 39 South Me ridian, SSOO. William Sprout Realty Company, repairs. 943 Muskingum, $450. Vonnegut Hardware Company, re pair elevator, 120 East Washington $l5O. Charles Mayor Ar Cos., repair eleva tor, 29 West Washington, $l5O, A. B. Alexander, reroof, 2044 Bejle fontaine, $222. Mary Pitzpatrlck, reroof, 943 West Vermont, $l5O. William Holland, reroof, 5208 Rook wood, SIBO. John 11. Dudley, reroof, 1910 Cor nell, $55. Frank Perkins, dwelling, 1320 North Beville, $3,500. Grace F sher, double, 5146 East Michigan, $5,500. M. Maynard, reroof, 206 Geisendorf, $125. Thomas Elmore, reroof, 106 South Elder, SSO. Indiana. Bell Telephone Company, repairs, 256 North Meridian, $75. Pettis Dry Goods Company, repairs, 25 Eant Washington, SIOO. Poster Advertising Company, board, Twenty-First and Gent, $125. Andy Gramling, repairs, 2223 North New Jersey, $25. H. W. Frank®, garage and shop, 6422 East Washington, S6OO. Oscar King, double, 410 South Key stone, $6,500. Charles A, Menefee, reroof, 2420 West Walnut, SSO. a vestibule. It contains tha boxed stair, and opens into both dining room and living room The living room Is the one with the bay shown In the exterior view. The wide shelf Is an admirable place for a homey row of potted plants where they will get the sun all day long; and of course there will be a bowl of goldfish, or perhaps a caged song bird. A bnilt-in bookcase is an other homelike feature of the liv ing room. A rear door permits direct entrance to the kttcheD or to the basement, a convenience for the tnan of the house when he tends furnace. Two pairs of casements on ad joining sides, and a pair of corner china closets are the most Interest ing features of the dining room. There is a double acting door be tween the dining room Bnd kitchen. The kichep also has light from two sides, so that it la bound to be well lighted all day. The rear entry offers a convenient storage place for many unsightly, but neces sary, housekeeping adjuncts, and ia n des cable place for the refrigera tor There are both Inside and out side basement steps. Upstairs there are two nnumallr largo light bedrooms. One of theta has casements on three sides, so Is almost a sleeping porch The dor mer Is in an alcove. The compact, convenient bathroom occnples on* corner of the second fl"or, directly over the kitchen. In this way, an economy of plumbing is effected. It would be hard to find a more thoroughly desirable five-room house than this one Frank Perkina, dwelling, 1324 Norm Beville, $3,500. Joseph Chartramd, remodel, 2167 Avondale, $1,200. Ida P, Karch, porch. 1235 North La Salle, SSO. A. W. Cox. dwelling, 1440 Bcllevlerw Place, $2,800. John Hale, dwelling, 628 Langs dale, $1,600. VU. T. Wilson, dwelling, 609 Drexel. $3,300. Thomas I. a very, remodel, 2416 East Michigan, SIOO. Anthony Karachi, remodel, 307 East lowa, SSO. S A Morrow, dwelling, 413-15 North Colorado, $5,000. 8 A. Morrow, dwelling, 413-15 North Colorado. $3,000. C. \V. Burres, addition., 1446 North Holmes, S3OO. B. W. Cole, remodel, 6604 East Washington, SI,BOO. Emil Fertig, reroof, 1939 North Il linois, S2OO. Jerry O'Grady, reroof, 735 Cottage, $193, Elizabeth Weinland, furnace, 3816 Rookwood, $290. ” ■'lie Kiser, reroof, 2305 Sheldon, $l6O. e-.i Mehr Realty Company, dwelling, 1810 North Rural, $4,000. Cli Mehr Realty Company, dwelling, 1818 North Rural, $4,000. Albert Hunker, reroof, 337 South East, sllß. J. Kemich, reroof, 2S2S Station, $132. F. B. Richards, garage, 2207 Mor gan, SIOO. L. J- Keach, repairs, 1101 Virginia, SIOO. L. J. Keach, repairs, 18-24 South East, SIOO, Charles A. Hockensrolth, reroof, 20- 22 West Twenty-First, SSOO. Mary Eich, reroof, 106 North State, $63. Mary Eich, reroof, 1674 East Mar ket, $49. Mary Eich, reroof, 1622 East Mar ket, $49. Alfred C. Winter, reroof, 645 East Twenty-Third, SBB. Charles W. Roller, dwelling, 719 North Wallace, $3,500. A. R. Smith, reroof, 406 South Dear born, S3OO. Otto Lakin, remodel, S3 South Web ster, $1,600. I. J. Earrlsh, dwelling, 1230 Union, $5,000. Walter N. Sharp, reroof, S3 West Twenty-Sixth, $250. Anna E, Kealing, porch, 212 North LaSalle, $75. Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany, openings, 147 East Market, S9B. E. L>. Slough, addition, 2120 West Michigan, SSOO. Lucy Hollowell, garage, 4510 East Washington, $242. J. P. Edwards, garage, 409 Euclid, S2OO. W. C. Palmer, foundation, 3020 Mc- Pherson, $l6O. Albert E. Lamb, dwelling, 4349 Col lege, $5,000. Walter Freeman, reroof, 1215 West Twenty-Sixth, $63.30. Otto Brochot, reroof, 2105 Pleasant, $52. Mary Norman, reroof, 1440 Pleas ant, $127. Gertrude Money, reroof, 526 North Blake, slls. Wiliam R. Klstner, reroof, 3109 East New York, $159. H. F. Pottschmldt, reroof, 1005 West Twenty-Sixth, $123. Samuel Worthy, reroof, 624 North Blake. S9O. C. S. Wright, reroof. 1904 South eastern. $295. f ROOFING We have in stock a full line of high-grade Roll Roofing and Asphalt Slate Surface Shingles. Red or green slate, extra heavy, at $2.35 per roll Smooth surface, heavy, at $2.35 per roll Shingles, red or green, at $5.60 per square GRANITE ROOFING CO., 2813 Clifton St. Phone Harrison 0251. Indianapolis, Ind. Is Yonr House Wired for Electricity? Why Not Wire It on the Payment Plan? Estimates cheerfully given. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hatfield Electric Company MAIn 0123, 102 South Meridian Street. D A ¥NjHP 100% Pire, $2.90 Per Gallon, In Five-Gallon Can*. * a Formula On Each Can. INDIANAPOLIS PAINT, ROOF’NG AND SUPPLY CO. I&XFSfc T\ /* Call u* for Mtlmate* on your roofing Job*. W* lay end IfAfthnn guarantee ASPHALT SHINGLES *nd ROLL ROOKING HallllllllD P'*lo aud designed patterns over old shingle roofs* as well as over solid sheathing. GREER - HANKINS LUMBER CO. Lain 0747. 624 Massachusetts avenue. Plumbing and Heating H. F. KESTER Contractor. I 32 N. Delaware St. Circle 8288 AAI 726 K. of P. BldQ.fl 111 UnL Cl rcle 6600 UrtL High Class Modern Doubles, East, On Splendid Terms Properties in all parts of the city. Reasonable down payment, balance by the month. GEO. A. LUCAS $4,750 A real bargain bungaiow; E rooms and bath, thoroughly modem; garage; lot 521,4x246. Don’t mlsa this snap. Located north near Brood Ripple car line. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 K. Market St. Legion Notes President Harding together with Senators and Representatives in Con | gress from lowa have received copies j of a resolution unanimously adopted at Davenport, lowa, t>y the lowa j Bankers’ Association, representing I more than 1,800 lowa bankers, favor | ing immed.ate enactment of the Amer- I ican Legion’s adjusted compensation ; bill now before the Senate. President ; AlacAdams of the American Bankers’ j Assoclat.on was present at the Daven port meeting. Especially equipped box cars, at tached to passenger trains, will carry hundreds of members of the 40 Imm ; raes and 8 C-hevaux, the American Le i g.on's playground society, to the an nual ‘promenade nat.onale’ of the or gan.zat.on to be held in conjunction ; with the national legion convention in j New Orleans, Oct. 16-2 Q. I Going on record as opposed to vio j lations of the eighteenth amendment, the Omaha, Nebraska. American Le gion at a special meeting voted to rep r.mand member's who violate the amendment. Senators E. S. F.roussard and Joseph E. RansdeU of Louisiana, who have been named in press d.spatches among opponents of the sold er bonus bill, have informed an American Le gion post commander in New Orleans. that they favor the measure. A “Knockers’ Night” meeting held by the Douglas County post of the ! American Legion at Omaha. Neb., proved a howling success. Every S member was invited to air his griev jances and, make suggestions. The; | post chaplain recommended the for mation of a Saturday night “Amer- | i icanism Army" that with fife, efrum and orator would preach the gospel of Americanism on the street corners, especially in the foreign quarters of the city. Following the example of New York State, Rhode Island has set aside a fund for the relief of unemployed j World War veterans. The admira tion of the fund has been placed with the American Legion which will in- j vestigate all cases of distress and ! need among former service men. j A bill to appropriate $25,000 to help j defray the expenses of the American i Legion national convention in New Orleans next October has passed the J Houso of Representatives of Louis- ' iana. The city council of New Or leans expects to give SIO,OOO toward the entertainment of the legion visi tors. Murray Watkins, 54 years old. claiming to be a former valet of i President Theodore Roosevelt, was apprehended in New York recently j wearing the uniform of an Arniv major. His bogus regalia attracted the attention of American Legion men who reported the facts to the authori ties. Watkins has already begun his three-year jail sentence. For several months the Government has been chasing George T. Johnson, an ex-Marine, around the country, trying to present him with a roll of citations and other official papers due him for his war services. The former 1 See Us Before You Furnish Yonr Homs 3 ROOM OUTFIT SOO,-75 TERMS Famous For Oar Outfits. 925-927 Virginia Are. DRexel 0647 LIGHTING FIXTURE BALE liSi2 i Lincoln 5242. U Virrtnl* At*.^ “leatherneck” has at last been found by the Los Angeles, CaL, post of the American Legion. Each Sunday one of the churches in Arco, Idaho, extends an invitation to the local Dost of the American Legion to use its sermon hour for a lecture on “Americanism.” The $3,463 left from a fund raised by the old Manhattan Club of New York for the purpose of defense dur ing the war has been turned over to the New York American Legion to be used in building a veterans’ tu berculosis camp in the Adirondack Mountains. More than 250 American Legion naires in Rhode Island are already malting plans to attend the national legion convention in New Orleans in October. Rhode Island legion men will poin with those of other New Englard States in chartering a steam ship to lako them to the southern city. Asa monument to Michigan's war dead, the Michigan American Legion w;sj build and equip a home for or phans of World War veterans. The legion will raise the necessary funds without drawing from the public cof fers. Washington Briefs WASHINGTON, June 23.—None’FSTth? I most politically biased of Washington hosts and hostesses failed today to feel sincere sympathy for Colonel and Mrs. George Harvey in their predicament over ; their dinner tomorrow night in honor of Chief Justice Taft. Reports from Lon ; don that the colonel was deluged with : applications so Invitations from Amer -1 bans of prominence and near prominence ; anxious to break bread with the King snd Queen of Eugland and tell of It for evermore. and as the late Bert Williams might add, “then soem more,” occasioned a genuine spirit of consoling fellowship. Liquor-selling liners—American and foreign—have carried more than 100,000 Americans to Europe this season. It is certain many of them are la London. It jls not less certain all would wish to be : present at the Harvey dinner for Mr. Taft and the royal rulers of the British empire. It was felt, however, that Colonel Harvey would avoid some of his troubles !by insisting his guest list had to be , vised at Buckingham palace, since he lsJ | technically, at least but a part of thal [Court of SL James. ' “I know what they would do In Wash ington,” said one prominent official hostess, a little resentful, perhaps, after a strenuous season. ‘‘They would man age somehow to Just drop In, whether Invited or not” The White House tennis courts—made famous by the Roosevelt “tennis Cabinet” —are in service once more. Senator Pep per of Pennsylvania Is the favored player. It happens the Keystone State! Senator, unbeknown to Pennsylvania! newspaper men, was a dinner guest at” the White House several night ago. Dur ing the course of the after-dinner chat ter, the President Inquired whether the Senator played golf. The response waa in the negative. "My chief form of exercise is tennis,* Senator Pepper said. “Well, why don't you come up and on the White House courts?” the dent suggested. Senator Pepper accepted, and day morning at 7 o'clock he snd bis lu-law, F. E. Newbold, crossed racquetS and are planning to de wo again tonuu-l row morning. 7