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LIOOXVILLE AIIEßlOAN. Book and Jcb PrLl r ' ! Wa mU eiü erj-rlal tut! 1 1 a'-f -for Iba aiana ci EjkX atl Jtb J.V ' " Rtock f Trr l-rZ tti 'f aa4 inott lau;.l i"jlct, cc... r " KU oaatoaaa aai --a avcrr w ' t. 'lllz HLzi Lzzt, CTCT tl3 1 Iii by v: ix. foster. i j i . . -AM- - Tt w A a aaicaa w Ul ka Uaaa4 aa friaay, af Mth . "tcX uii raaUaiteiakacrftars t CV F aaaiua, . ftj1 la tdrtas. . , , . A toyy will aa faraUaaJ tr ts say eeraoa or faraoai obUlnlnj taa takaenbara. - 77" Paraaog Ma ilc J si ttaraa of aaws fHra tka vt-ioat aortioaa f tka aoaaty will ba aUUad to Ca-Ai, td OrtnatcUl Vera, I ;I-'-;. '3, Laadt, i CsrtJicaUf. a . -:, V 1 '. V diBg ml tuic Carii, Lcl,l2, i- alojMi, Brief, Hu:; Üc'j, ata - Wa fcave s rrattar trr- tcf r:Mt"i:3 aaa b fuss! U ary e'r i u k ;. f araoBt ctrls t -'-r de: i r -7 I i. 1 karlrj U.a fcU tr :t 1 . 1 1. y AX AX Ay Ax VXX V i f vv'X!'v I Qy VV vyAX AX AyA XX VOL. 1 : BROOKVILLE. INDIAN aTFIUDAY. MARCH 2ß. 1858. ' ' . ' ' M 7 " , t Vk" iruplas tjTMBjr ofm4a, . ' Or Mfry bl(u frowas WW raten aWt for taUUfc m4, TTm tU'toMa forai aaaol; WpM V T4riaik vor4 la war, . . . Vkr Imth la Ucm latrljtaa Vr ribboaaar a Ur ; ' VaiaiiaaaraaadXaamy OaUaWAj . aJra Uu)a avoi, frak aaoW graa4, , Tim'i jaaablaa la tta ak, . . TSiaxia ayaotrlU waibtaa ; YaaarAftaMaa'ttkMca; ' At WU U nri awU.laa - That aoM taalraaaitac aaagat t Wkaa roaai tk am yala dj a!o4 ' ' a.a4aMrarsaa TVat a wttaoat ar rami af CU, " A4 Jartlfy tat ioaoi j Wa Uilak af M l aumd lor. Aa4 atraag la aeaa raply, Graa, UtUr auU. frua aaaVr paaad, ' . T&Ha'a aaufiia U tit ikj. Waas rw4jf aatam UM Iba a Ta alaaaf taa ulo ta . IValct paat tama.aa Iajan4 bm . Aa4 aarxaa C wain raa4ar ta rJUca ctoaa. Apologia for aim, Am4 ak taa rtcm ut taa a; Wlta f attar j Uka aUoMt t 1 ktltoa araftor laakataaara't toagi W aiaak tmt yt wtij; Craa, UtUa aieUa, graa aa4ar (raa4, Tkm'i natalaa la taa ikj. WW aua aeanpUis a matte ki4. i la aiUaatbroak mood, a4 thlaklag aU Utaca, graw aUa4 Ta ywwMi T taa go4 1 Wta,tL'4 la arrjttilieM itraai, Tky arg taat iwtaiw Taa wwM la avt4 ta ga im Tor oli reag bfort; traia taay tH( mI. Aa4 aiaite a va rHr. flm UtUamoUA frbaaritmi4, Taara'a aaaaalaa la taa aky. THIS YOUnO X7ID0T7. aa to BMdMt tat rpt VaakroU Tra aa4 aary, fcat aat buti, Xlka aa ayato, rtx a4 bmU, Vat tea ra( a4 sot t 14; Silf lavliiBfi aalf rfaubha, a4anUg, a4 mam ar Taara la atecatef U kar 4teK Taara la Jaagar 1 ktr aja. Ska kaa ata4te4 kaataa aatara, da la arkoa)4 la afl kar at ta, Ik H takaa ktr 41lu, Aa tka alatraa af aU kaart Ska raa tail tka vary aiaaal Waa ta rlgk aa4 aka ta ratt; Ok C bm14 la loatlmaa ckaraalag, Bat a UU.W kfl tka mkttm. Afa fo 4 f kaw my tartan Will kar kaa4aM me kaantaa l Ar yMi angry T tka la rib4, Lal, frtakdlara, laarfal, 4nbt Ara fmrn mlrtkrul t ka lar Uagkiar, - aaag. iH aV . Ska taa lura, aa4 aatak aa4 atey yat. At tka tartar 4h Iba traut, Ta 44 batfkatara af forty, Wka Sara V aa kaM aa4 tea, Tag Aamtraaa af twtaty, ITuk yaar te-te ki la fmmt yai Ta nay aracth all 0a laaaona ' Taagkl kyrl4 laaa tka btl. Bat I kaaw a U11U tte Wka aaul4 wta aa4 fool yaa aU, U A STOUT WITH A M01AL. TUi worlJ would hardly bo worth Wring In were it not for flirtstion x Ulmtd the gny and thoughtless (m bei Leo, as she laughingly entered her slant's room. I hopo you aro not ssnou, she satd. 'Thcro's nothing like flirUtiont' criod the mrrv Isabel. But you look re proachluf anffry Oh, I am rot anry replied Mrs. .Herford, with a meUncholly imilo. 'Hat yuvi are dispensed.1 Yoar words awaken recollection which cause me to fosl sad, Isabel; that's all. Sit down here by my sido, and you shall hear t story or one of my flirtations, which way change your Blind Isabel sat down, look Inj thoughtful And her atnt continued: . 'Wheiv J was younff, like, you' I was ?alte as gay and though tleaa as youaelf. was callod a coquetry and I shame to confess it, gloried in the namo, until the occurrence I am ahont to relate. 'JIulf a dozen times a year I used to .it C , and spend a wek or two in the pteaaant society in that place Thero I frequently met a pale, hand, some, sneitlve youn man", named Gil. borne, who paid me tery flattering at tenlions, making me the theme of po .io efTusiona, and wtU whose partiality J ws well pleased.-, Jwaa warned by many well meaning friends againat encouraging the ad. dretfes of so impulsive a person rs Gil. borne, who thoy said waa more serious than I, and might end by falling more deeply in Ioym with me than I expected or deaired. I laughed at the idea, and finding the attentions of theyoang poet till agreeable, I conlinuod to rcceito them until it was too late.' ' Too late! IIow so, aunt? - 'Why, to my astonishment, ho one dxy made a passionate declaration of love, and offered me hla hand.' And you did not love him! ' No chilJ, I waa only pleased with him. But eren then I did not supioe that bis lore was moro than a sudden impulse, which would pass away with my visit to C . So I respectfully declined hia office, laughed at the idea of marrying at the age, and begged Aim to dismiaa the subject from his nlnd. On the following day I left C and returned homo. 'Lttitrs a cd poetry followed rjae, breathing tba nc:i trZczt Lrrctlon, adbunaiej with the tlczizzct love. They bore no came, but I knew tly were from Henry Gilborne ginning tobs very much annoyed. took fnunaril with mv friends, and do termined to send all epistles back to him unopened. I returned two letters in this manner, and received no more, but two or three weeks I received a newspaper in which there was a sonnet aaarcaseo 10 me, unaer s ucuciuua name, and eintd with bis initials, lie had discovered a new mode of reaching me with hia passionate effu.ions and from that timeaaongor sonnet signed II G ,' came to me from C Gaset te. nearly everv week. 'At this time Mr. Berford waa paving me nis aaarcsaes. 110 was one or na ture's nobleiuen frank, generous, firm in what he considered right, and A gen tletnan in manners. Having J earn od a leir-sa fron the unhappy termination of mj laar. siriauon, x receivea ur. licr ford's attentiona in a di-erent manner from what I had been accustomed to do, and io A short time we were married. 'The ceremony took place in church. I loved II r. Berford. Gilborne waa at that moment entirely forgotten, and I waa perfectly happy. I had not a thought to disturb the peaco of my mind, the calm of my heart, which 1 had 10 willingly, gladly given away until, as wo were passing from the Church, my eyes fell upon a wild, hag gard figure standing near the door. 'It was Gilborne. Hi face waa fear fully pale, his lips asby, bis eyes gleam ed with an unnatural brighinc&a, and he trembled in every limb. I started, uttered i suppressed cry, and shutter ing. clung to my huabund'a arm. A pang went through my heart a pang of rcmorso and dread which I shall nev er forfrcL "'What' the matter?' Edward ask ed. I could not reply, but he saw my eyes fixed on the object in the doorway, and knew why I uuddered, for I had told him something of my un fortunate flirtation.' 'Is that Gilborne?' he asked.' Yes, I rau mured. 'By this time ail eves were fixed on the unhappy matt, it was nut hie pale face and wild cyo alone that attracted attention; his dress waa dUarrmvcd, his long dnrlc hair fell in disordered locks about hi checks, and hie rar ments wt;re covered with the tlunt of travel. But whilo nil cjci wero fixed on him his wuo fixed on mo alone; aud iu my alarm and confusion, I fvlt the blood fursuke my clivals, and then burn tli em ltkofiru.' Gilborue fell back a we approach the door, aud bowed aotcnnly with hia hand on his heart, as wo iHMcd out I waa ftud to loa, atght of nicn, and I ur dently hoped his pasnion would bv cured. pat .bls ln;are. asf h sioodherejn tho doorwaj', haunted my brau?, aud it was many hours Lcforo I could compose my nc If.' I was beginning, however, to fecial cano again, in the midat of my wedding gucata, when a domestic cttino to mo to aay that a person wiahed to ace mo In tho hall. Thinking it was some Invited Iricud, who had arrivvd at a lute hour, I hastened to the door alone. Imagine my con-tornation, when I saw the wild figure of Gilborne standing before me.' "'How do you do,' he asked, addrcn. tug mo by my maiden name.' 'Won't you shako hands with me?' 'I cavo him my hand.' "'You tremble,' said he, fixing hla wild eyes upon my fate. 'You aro not afraid of me, 1 hope?' "Oh, no 1 replied, in an agltatrd voice, fur his strange manner frightened roe, 'why should I bo afraid?' Come In. " No, thank von; yol hate company, I boo, and I mako one guost too many. And I am not drcsaod for a party,' said ho, glancing at his dltordored attire. 80 you will excuse me. Ha, ha! Wouldn't X cut a pretty figure?' "But I cannot talk with you here,' said I." " 'Oh, I will not dotain you a moment. I havo ha, ha, ha! I have a question to ask which Is really so absurb, when I think of ill cannot help lauchln,' "Ikew better,' he continued, 'but they say It is so, and to salif,' them, I was determined to come and ask you, for I suppose you ought to know, if anybody. You are married hat ha! huf I had such a qoccr dream; 1 thought I was standing in the church door, and saw yon coming out with your huaband, ana you would not apeak to me. Wasnt tt quern and j anew all tho time ynu would never marry any. body but mo. And we uro not married yet, are wer Uut who is hero to-night? I never saw you drcsaod ao beautiful be fore? Ah!' lie added, striking his foro head, 'I dreamed you wero dressed so at your wedding.' Thus the wretched rosn went on, sometimes laughing and sometimes shod ding tears. I knew ho was inrane: I tried to stop him, bnt I waa too much frightened to apeak. In my agitation, t tooic hold ot mo bell wiro and rang. A domeatio came, and 1 sent for Mr. Bedford. Bedford! who la he?' tried Gilborno. grasping my arm. 'They told me that was the name of your husband; Say yon are y on are not marriid, are you?' "Yes, Mr. Gilborne, I replied, 'I am married, and here la my husband.' 'To my groat relief, I saw Mr. Bed ford advance into the hall. Gilborne started back, fixed his eyes npon my husband, with a wild fierce expression, which caused me to fear lor biro. Brt Edward waa undaunted. Be turning Gilborno's gaze with a firm, steady, commanding look, he advanced towards Mm And demanded what he wasUd. 'The xJaneroo spirit of the iosano man was completely subdued. He hung his he Ad and burst into toars.' "Nothing, be murmured. 'I want nothing now 1 have boon dreaming; 1 win not troubio you again. JJay you bo happy.' 'He turned and staggered out of tho door, and 1 beard his unsteady footsteps die away in the distance.' 'Poor wretch, muttered Edward, aa ho kindly took my hand, 'be is tq be pitied! But you are agitatedl I hope,' be added, in an anxious tone, 'you have nothing to blamo yourself for in this matter; "I wish I had not,' I exclaimed, fer vently. 'But oh, Edward, I feel that I have acted wrong; although, heaven knows, I never intended he should lore me.' .'Well, do not reproach yourself too severely,' be rrtlied, ia a .TAS'Jrr.fJ voice. Let tif go balc to" the parlor and fbrget, what has taken place. We returned together, and Edward s presence alone sustained me for the rest of tho evening. Fear, pity and re morse made mv heart fnint. and mv . J cheek pale, ah, I was wretched. I think I understand your feeling;' said Isabel, who listened with deep in terest. 'I know bow I should Lave felt under a conviction that any thought leanness of mine had ruined a fallow be ing's happiness perhaps shattered hia intellect! But you heard from him again?' Listen! lie disappeared, ror more than a year he wai absent, and nobody knew what had become of him. At length there came reporti to C , of a thin haggard youth, who wandered about the country, begging lor his bread from door to door, civing in roturn tq a a charity the touching songs, which he sung in a soil, mclanchony voice, and, the musical tones of an accordeon be carried with him, which played with peculiar felling and skill. Everybody treated him kindly, for although he waa evidently of an innuae mind, there waa mildness, a melancholy cntbusiasm about him which won all hoarta. Search was mado fur him. His friends were not miaUken in their suspicions. Ho waa tho wandering Gilborne! Oh, aunt!' cxtuimcd I.sabcl, tears filling her eyes. They carried him back to tj . For several weeks ho scotued contented to remain at home, but at length his disposition to wander returned, and he disappeared again.' 'One chilly, rainy day, I was sitting alono in my room, amuaing myself with my first child then about six months old when thcro wua a ring at tho door. Our domestic had gono out, and there being nobodv in tho house but mo, I lull Klla on tho floor, and went to opcu the door' .1 atartH bck with.ftnxclitpfttion of alarm. Gilborne, urencod with tho coiti ruin, was stunding on the step." My first im preaaion wan of fear, and! ahould havo shut the door in his lace, had he not looked up to mo and said in a mvl ancholny loico ' "It ruins, mayicornoinr 'I waa touched. 1 held tho door open whilo he entered. There was a flru in tho sitting room, and I mnde him sit down beforo it to dry his clothes. For ten minutes not a word was spoken by either of us; but his wild oyes followed me about the room wherever I went. I trembled with an undetinablo drend, and oh! how ardently I longed to hear tho foot steps of Edward in tho hall. I tried to speak to the wretched man, but for some resaon I could not; and his eyes still followed mo In sllenco.' 'At length, to my dismay, I heard Ki ta crying iu tho next room. Gilborne started.' Vis thAt your child?' he asked.' I trembled as I replied that it was. Turning deadly palo, ho started from his scat and approached the room from whonco the crying proceeded. Much as I foarod him, I caught his arm. The thought that in a moment of frenny ho might do violence to my child, made me deape rate.' "!You muat not go thero!' I said.' I can hardly toil what followed. I remember that his eves glared upon ino with a momentary blaze of manlao pas. slon, that ho pushed me from him that a dizzy sickness came over me, and 1 foil apon tho floor.' When I recovered my senses, T saw him bending over my darling Ella, as ahe lay on tho rug, gazing up with ba by wonder in his laco. With a cry oi terror I sprang forward. Ho ruliuuf hi houd. There waa no trenzy: but tears gushed from them, and rolling down Ms allow checks, full like rain upon the fate of my child.' Hi kissed her, and rising from hia knees, and hcihrlnir my pardea in a soft and melancholy voice, aud wonU so del. Icato. that I burst into tears. Uolore J could spoak he was gone. "How singular! exclaimed Janabcl. From that day Gilborne' inaanity disappeared, Ho is nov a minibtcr in 'Is that the man, that pious, benevo. lent, mild preacher whom everybody lovca so well' Tho same. Ho turned to Heaven the affocticxs which wero thrown away upon my unworthyself. Ibeliovehe in happy, out even now, whon I hear of thoughtless flirtation. I am pained by the reflections which they call up.' They seldom have such auelancholy termination, lear aunt, timidly sug gested Issabel. True. Disappointment in lovo gen erally leaves sorrow in the heart, with out shattering the brain. But thero uro beings of auch fine and sensit ve na lures, that the health of both tboir body and mind depend upon the soundness of their affoctions. 'Isabel bowed bar bead to bide a blush and a tear; and irora that time she wa never known to indulge in tbo-aghtlcss flirtation.. Htfas C::i!3 cal On TbL sday ni- Choate delivered a; Mercantile' Library rtrillmUton. Lii,:Hon. Rufus ;ture betöre the '.-ciation in Bos 'vn. ThtHall : t capacity . Ircture, pub aakethefol- ton, on Bcrr, rsd II " was crowd S) 'to Its From an at, :t lished in the TraveUr lowing exüx:t ; - ' Mr. CboatVrct v; duction were ' TLj I' ton." Washin-:;n, L the fonnder, leader, t? . ty. From the hoar r nobly on the ban La r till he died so grand,' he waa eminently r peace, first in the ha.-. .1 -r-M I Hrrd r1--! r: 'ttrhis Intro cf Washing. , wts nevet cr cl opar. '.-3 itOOd tO !! hany, "i mi teil asleep before our s.i f IV auuiryf bi ogTapby, all the records of als day gave him to our memory only as our father. It was hia to do auch national things only, aa we ail understood,' appreciate, honor to the last. Thero might have been a few who were glad when he died, but bis lurvivora spoke for all men, when they thanked God that be laid hla pure and white frame where misfortune could not harm it, or calum ny tarnish it. On the &y thtt he died, our age of party began. And Among tho partisans whom we would consider was Aaron Burr. Burr in lour years, ending with 1779, rose to tho command of hia regiment in the revolutionary war, cvrey where equal to himself, everywhere unsleeping, skill, full and brav-. And this was all that remalnod to us of him. AU the reat of his lifo was as nothing to us In 1701, party through the unpopu larity ot ttchuykr, and partly Iroru other causes, he was elected to the Sen ato 'f th United Sutca, was chosen vice president la lbOU. and in an evil hour competed with Jefferson for tho Presidency, by which he was ruined in 1SU1. His duel with Hamilton in 1SU4 completed his ruin. After 1779, thero fore, as a public man iu the service ot America, he appeared' before us fao more. "v' Where was he in tho dark unrest of eight years, where was ho when tho peoplu were called on to vote on the grandest and hardest question that ever exercised the heart of roun ? Jefferson was in France, John Adanisin Hollui.d in the diplomatic service, and might bo hilent; but Burr was hre, and what aid he ordid he to hclplorra the gath crlng opinion of America in that day ? In him of the lover, the guido of Auu-r. ca, of tho people thero waa nothing. Hewus silent while the 'Constitution was being formed. XoloT"aud poliahed ho stood nlouf, adrn'red only himself, 1 i Lid frleiv I.Ti ImlM J him. elf. 'rocurlfcd 1 t ii 0" bla tfu iv a wf liTa f1 lifo. Ho inspired .tho discerning with distrust. He wun trou .the mass no love. . k Doubtless he loved his dsughtcrdcar ly, poasilly some warm friendships he acknowledirod. An extraordinary pow crof impressing others he had and he exercised it; veneration bo had not for his Creator, lor nuroanity, ior any o lemulty of life. Ho spared not man in his passion, woman iu his lust, norths Union in his ambltiou. But from him we would turn fondly to tho public lilVaud services of Humil ton. Hamilton's csrecr ended when Federalism went down for the lust timo. Ho did well for his country beforo the Involution, and during tho war, und uf ter it, he was tho first and foremost of great men. After tho Declaration of Indepcn donee, Hamilton and Jefferson walked in paths divergent, then finally iu hos tilo paths. Alto 1731 Jefferson became tho former, the champion, the child, o tho Democracy. Jetlerson had grown to to tho hater of lor 11. s und ceremonies, of soldiers and of kings, and a lowr ol man jmd ot America. Hamilton, on the contrary, hud, during the rovolu. tlonary war, in the family of Washing, ton, obtained a military education. All tho lessons of thut wur ho know by hcart. Men afiorwards called him uu aristocrat, a monarchist, and was there not enough in tho wur of independence lo mako him so? l'Vgm terriblo news alty ho haJ learned to look u)on diacip line, subordination, obedienco to law, as tho highest ol the duties oi ruan. In tho era between tho cloao of the Kovojutlon and the adoption of the ftnlerul Constitution, wo found lib grout eat services. Iu that day wua lutuiud lliv public opinion which gave us the Constitution under which wo now live, ilo first taught us thut our cwiisolida. lion into a single Stato would not con suiuie tue govern kcfvv ior( uu uuu fought aud which wo wanted, tiooner than any other bo discovered that a division between tho blute aud the na tion wua practicable, and to him it great deal moro than to any other man was it duo thut the Cotiveulion at Aniiupolis robe above tho mere office of amenumg an old lorm of government, und took tho I'cspous.bility of subiuiuiug u Con stitution entirely now. Liko our own W.cbatcr, ho wua unaccuatomod to flut ter tho people, and -tit 0 bitn ho was ac cuatomud Ui servo the in. In that ago wero sown tho seeds of our party live, but who dared uow to raiso u bund against the ytem of gov crnmciittheu originated? Who dured tu"aay that tho arch of empire raised by tho lathers should not continue to spau the continent? We might compare Hamilton with him whom be most resembled Thorn- us Jotfersoo. We did not kvek to dis tinguish them till 1733, for up to that ÜOUr, IQOUgU Ol UlUOiau ao um vow peramenu, they bad. without Jcoowicg it. worked terotber. IkCbre and duriug the Bevolution, w saw tn'wbero the ooe impulse pervading too boldest and tne fiigueet. Here sna ipere 0 raigot see prominent individuals displaying eminent traits, as Mason, Franklin, Randolph, Henry, Adams, and Jeffer son, but in point of fact, these wero no body and nothing but the old first Con gress. Et ery where in that day wo be held old age casting away his crutch, and sighing for the strength of youth, the middle aged leaving the plough in the furrow, and wives and daughters sending to the field their doarly lov:d ones all joining in thatwidecry, "Give me liberty, or gfo me death 1" Before such a cry as that, all individuality be camo dirsipnted. . . Many and renowned nsmes, doset I cv-ril' i splendidly to the great " ' ' ct eT.r-?rdinary stnta t;-i f 'Ind'tJetvJr ' -' limed, all thatrHaimltoc and Iii, cow perS 'had 'spoken or' d'ohe. It was through them the voice of a whole peo ple.' We could not criticize that compo aition as il deserved. Interpret and lovo It we could. We would not add to it or take frcrn it a single word. We would not make its tone higher or low er. In this connection Mr. Choate free ly eulogized tho Declaration of Inde pendence,, and said he had speculated a to bow much that rvm&rkable paper was moulded by tho mind of Rousseau, and argued that among his works were the spoken eloqucrce of Mirabcau, and the written eloquence of Thomas Jef ferson. , Row a Gaxae ef Chess Helped Colatabus toBUcvver Ar::rica. ' According to the old Spanish tradi tion, Columbus' discovery of America is mainly due to a hard fought game of cnesa. t erdinand or rpm passed too later hoars of tbe day over the chequer ed board; bis principal antagonist being an old grand eo, whose skill put the monnrch'a powers at a severe test. Co lumbus had long been dsncing attend anco at tho Court in pursuance of the one airr of his life the grant of an expedition in sesrch of a new world and although ho had hitherto failed In hie aim, yet he had enlisted tho sym pathies and support of the good Is abella. Ferdinund was one of thoso matter of fact men, who objects to fur theringthe schemos of enthusiasts, and withheld his consent to a Now World expedition being formed. Poor Columbus would long beforo have sought assistance elsewhere, but Isabella prevented him, and redoublod her efforts with her husband. The day arrived when tho great Navigator was to receive his final anawcr; he wenda his way towards tho paluccnt night-full, more with the intention of bidding udivu tc his Royal IVronh,than from any hoi Ä of succmsiwIUi Ferdinand. av!lv.d notntO?re.froi'tfuc"u fief If and Coluinbcs to del'out, und on se tho lalter'a arriving, sho Immediately Bought tho King, who, being ubaorbed in u hard-fought gamo with tho aforo mentioned old nolle, was not in a likely mood to bo bothered by the application of an importunato sailor. Tho Queen's interruption hud tho effect of merely distracting tho monarch's attention, causing him to loso his principal pieco, wni it loiiowcd by a voliy of Impreca tions on suitors in general and Colum bus in particular. The gamo grow worso and worso, and defeat ecomod evident. Now Isabella, without ever playing, had picked up considerable knowledge of tho gamo by Matching her husband und tho nobles, and whon Ferdinand told her that her protege should bo success ful or otherwise, according as the game rctullvd, sho immediately bent all her energies upon tho board. The content hud been unuxuslly long, and tho cour tiers clustered round the table, amuned tho excitement of tho King and the quiet satisfaction of his unlugonist. And so the game went on, which wns to decide the discovery of a now world, until Isabella, leaned toward her hus band's ear, and whisperod, "you can checkmute him in four moves. In tho utmost natonishmcnt tho King ro exam incd his gamo, found that his wife's us senior, was correct, and announced it few minutes subsequently that Colum bus should di-purt on his voysge of dis covery, with tho titlo of "Admiral of tho Fleets." Lola Mostiz on lit act v. To define what wns beauty wssn very greut dilti culty, lor if sho set upon a beauty in 1'urin, when sho reached Conatuntinoplo it would not do, Thut which wua bonu ty at New York, was deformity at Pekin. In China painted fuces and plucked eyebrows wero comidrred truitsof beau ty ; aud if the foot was largo enough to walk upon, it was looked ujuin as u grout deformity. Baid Voituiro, "ask a toad what was beauty, and ho will tell you It was his femalo with two largo eyes pro. jecting out of u small bead. - With the modern urceks oorpuicnoy was tuo perfection of lomulo boaut'. Hair is a beautiful ornament of wo man; but it is 11 disputed point what color it should bo. Most people look upon red hair at not to bo endured, but in tho lime of Queen Elizabeth, it was lashionablo, und many who had black liuir wero in the habit of wearing rod fronts, so aa to bo in tho fan h ion. Cleo patra, that great bounty, bad red hair, ar.d the Venetian ladies to tho present day counterfeit yellow hair; ao it would bo seen that beauty was u fickle (.abject to deal with, and sho was auro all the lovers of the prosent day would havo their own view concerning it, in spite of her. Io Cbins. to bo a beauty, a woman must have tbio lipo, ao thin that they were no lips at all. JaCixcmia straight noses were looktd upon with great favor while oa the other aide of the taoustaia fiat &os, tawoy skin, and eyes, three incbea apart .yero the very acme, ef beauty. ' A TOs Conpre::;! iz) A Ulr-. A certain Rusian noble, who lately visited Faris, was noticed to be con sUntly plunged in d::p tadnsss. He wore on his finger a very remarkable ring, large enough ftr a fcraclct, and extended over bis bmd like a buckler or the ring finger. , It was cf a fin ish color,1 and tr-j traversed by t:J veins. It attracted t',j t:t:ntion cf ev erybody, but as nocr. r-j t-IJ ci:;-h to interrogate tho mytUrious trtr-r, until one day a lady, ntstin him in a public parlor, venturtd to rv. ca wear a very haodsons rir. ' .1 . sian mado a morcrrrr-t j C. 'j would conceal his hand, but t . at. . . i .r iiiroii trn i ia'w in a rrninv jowci, usaauie, no to.uinued, "is my r a a. a- t w - wife. I had the mlsfcrtnne to lose her somo yean sine?, io Rosuia. Sho was an Italian, and dreaded the icy bed which awaited her after thi life. I carried her remains to Germany where I was acquainted with a celebrated chemist, whom I directed td mako of the body a solid subntacce, that I could al ways carry about rae. Eight days after ward he sent for mo and showed mo the empty coCn, a horrid collection of in strum ents and alembjc. . This jewel was lying oa a table. He had through means of some corrosive substances aud powerful pressure reduced and com pressed that which was ray wife into this Jewtd which ahull never more leave ma. This burial by chemistry is au im provemcnt upon the process of crema- thn lately proposed by the Frouch pa pera. Should it become popular a wid ow may hereafter bare her husband made into a bracelet with a chain at tached to romind her of the bymcnial bond. A husband will have his wife done into a pin, and certain academi cians old fogies -wo know would mako very good coat buttons. AVno nOiD. -X wlae man will never rust cut. As long as bo can move and breathe, ho will be doing something for himself, his neighbor, or for posterity. Almost to th last hour of his life, Washington was at work. Ho were Fianklin,aod Yonng, and Howard, and Newton. Tho vigor of their lives nev er decay. No rust marred their spirits. It is 0 foolish idea to supposo that we muatlio down and die, because we are old. Who is old ? Net the man of en ergy ; not the day laborer in science are our benevolence; but he only who sutlers his energies to wufe away, and the spring of life to become motionless; on wiKso hands the hours drag heavily, and to whom all things wear tho gurb r gloom... Is h4toliXshcul.4 npibo naked; but, Is lajnctive, can ho breathe freely, and movcv with agility? .There are scores of gray headed men whom wo should prefer, in any important on terprUo.Vi thoso young gentlemen, who four and tremble at approaching shad ows, and turn palo at a lion in their path, at a harsh word or frown. iQr We commend tho following to tho consideration of preachers. It is an extract of a Speech dcliverod by Rev. R. V. Clark, of Massachusetts ono of our moat oloquoi.t divines : "What is tho Govpcl of Christ? Is it merely to exhibit beforo a congrega tion the hypocrisy of the Scribes and rhuriseos ? showing why tho antodi luvlans aught lo hav boon drowned? or eloquent descriptions of tho down fallof Babylon? is that Gospel preach ingto shoot over the hinds of tho prcncnt generation, into thvo that havo boon dead und burled a thoaeund years? I don't beliovo it. I believe that Christ designed that his Gospel should bo the artillery brought to bear against sins which exist at the presont day. That is ttr. 0 truo idea of preaching tho Oos pel. fApplauxo.) What should we havo thought if the tho allied forces ot Europe, instoad of bringing their but lories to bear against Ovbuatopol, had gone to Nineveh, and oponod a tremen dous canonudo there ? Vory salo I W ry Judicious Indeed I Nobody disturb od! Etoquont discournes might have been preached upon the succchhos of the armies, that hud only stood at aoroo dUt'incoolf, raised u iiltlodust, retired without harm, und tulked about a glo rious victory. Laughter What we need is u gospel that ahull ussail citadel of iniquity, filled with living men; bringing its power lo bear thoru. Si.vovtAB ArrAia. Tho Tricate Ga. zetto relates tho following singuluratory : O110 of the nobiiBt families ol v eronu bus jut learned thut it bus been tho vie lim ot an audacious fraud. The young heir to tho property huving tnuny years ago been put out to nurse, full und broko nis ami. ooon auer, tuo roomer ar rived to visit her infant. Tho nurse, ufruld of revealing tho truth, presented her own child, instead ot tUo littlo suf ferer. The fraud succeeded, and tho nurao allowed it to continue. The young pcuunt accordingly received the educa tion of a nobio, and tho nobleman was brought up to follow tho plow. It wus but a few days ago thut tho nurse, on her death bed, coot ebbed her crime. Tho peunant, her aon, ia now married to a noblo lady, aud it is not known how the interests engaged iu tho matter can bo fairly conciliated. - ? a 1 tSr Jem "Now, spos'n 3ou was to bo turned into an animal, what would you liko to be, Bill ?" Bill '0, I'd liko to bo a lion, bocausa he's ao XittleTom (who..h bad aorstyte ojat n linfej - cxpacjancA at school, terra ntintouire lyV 'O.dc& tbo a lion, Bill) tie wup;a,ud,thon you can.stjol Was W Sa.'- ' ai j r " ' w a. ' Cocc(Ucf X'c7 tw To ascertain whether a nur-i is passionate cr roVU!-8 AtaudJyc'-j into the parlor.. rA wiso raan will -csü trtU c7 his neighbors, lovo his vrilj, I.: a fcempapcr and py f,r it i.i cir : ;.. CC'How drc-JfJ t'.crt t!-3 " are" as thawcan i ' t.! ü' the brc:-t ti'.'.i:'. . : read a c:r:L . 11 L" ... i. -1 t!.rr :i it, I .a r !" V.j rzl -: J L . 3 y; i 1 -1 -' ' i. V-ic. ;ht tola husband.' , '1 - . ty "Thoro is a Gmtly In LhiO :ri h ty that it takes two of them tosnei one to throw the head ticSs Asd'C.9 other to make the noise. s tw A schoolmaster down South has , been arrested and held' to bail fortcxh ing s young lady in-vulgar fractions ' rC Why is a shinplaster like an im penitent sinner? Because itdon't know that it's redeemer livetb. tO That was a wise nigger, who, ia speaking of the happiness of married Ecople, said, "Dat ar' ponds Altogether ow dey enjoy damsel ret." ' '' Good Riasun. "Why don't you weir yoar ring, my dusghter, when yodr;5 out walking?" "Becauf e, papa, ft harte me when any one squeezes my htnd." 5 A narrowness of walat betrays a narrowness of mind. When tho ribs" am contracted, it is a sure sign that the Intellect is also. ACT" An old batchelor left a boarding house, in which wero a number of old maids, on'accoa-t of tho "miserable fair" sot beforo him at table. " tO Tho most effectual1 rnAnrier' of making a Free State man, of either A Northern or Southern politician,' Is to send him as Gtvernorto Kansas.- It has never failed. - C3 An Irish studont was ones asked what was meant by posthumous works. "They are such works," says Paddy, "ab a man.writos arW he is dead." Jav Happy is the man who can meet his tailor without flinching, and can even be "at homo" whon the tax collsc tor visits him. CCS Titt Platt has been appointod' Postmaster ut Plattaburgh; This allit eration is equal to Peter Piper, who picked tho peck of picklsd peppers. , "Tho man who thought ht co-.ld i.rm-Krrnf9bec't byswaÜ.miiig t!iCt ry coblors, has just written A work ih which ho attempts to prove that by oat ing hoops you tvill acquire a knowledge of waltzing " CO A person asked Chapman, if the tolling of a bell did not put him in mind ol his latter end. Ho replied: "No, sir, but the ropo puts mo in mind of yours." 2r "Yoo aro writing my bill ou very rough paper," said a client to his attor ney. "Never mind," said the lawyer; "it has to bo filod before It comes ioto court." ttU"Is this your brother; Pat f "Yls, stir." "Is ho not older than you?" 'No, Indade, sur, bo's not." "Well, then, ho is younger?" "No, sor, he's not." "He must be one or tho other!" "And sure, aint wo twins!" . Hör A young lady at a fair in Louis, villo, a short time sin e.o, pinned to tho bosom of her ilrcAS nno of the placards which exhibitors havo fastened to their wares when thoy want to keep "hands off." Sho wore a lMt-necktt drear IQT A gentleman wns onro tnakfnr? fun of a sack which a young lady Wore. "You hsd better keoi oulct." was th reply, "or I will rive vou tho sack." "I would bo most happy," was tlie gal lant response, "if you will give it to me as it Is, with yourself inaido of it." tir Jones has dlicourcd' tho respec tive nature ot a distinction and a dif ference. He ruys that "a little Differ enco" frequently makes many enemies while "u Itttla Uiati&ctlon attracts hosts of friends to tho 040 on whom it is conferred. S?5 Thlluro, t?ear, said a loving bus bund to his loyal spoil e.o. who was seve ral years hi junior, what do you say to moving to the Wet ? Oh, I'ntdclighl od with the Idea. Yon recollect when Morgan wont out there, he wna aa poor as wo are, and bodied in three years worth one hundred thousand dollars. tO There was a snow storm In Now York on the lal Inst, Somo forlorn por-t, aft'eclod by the weather, gave the following gem to tho world : "Tks firtt bird of tpring attoapU4 U lag, But ar'a La La4 ouodod s sota, II fell from tho trta ao4 a dct Wr4 wai ht$ Tba had nil ia kl throat I" Kajr "Sam, why ass do hebt bed oh my heart, MinaDiwin, do sunflower oh do hill, liko a kind ol cloth dcy make io Lowo'l r "I don't know, nigger why?" " 'Ease sb o's an uAUcachcJ iU ting: ' ' 1ST Now, tell mo why yonr master wrote- as olghieon letters aliut this contomptiMe suia ? Sak an exaspera ted debtor. I'm euro sir, I can't Uli, wr; but if yoa'll excuno me, sir, I thick it was bcouuso aovent-xa. didn't fetch it I ' ty A thrifty wiCa woudert 'why tee a can't da aonethinr nsefal migbln thsy at well arr.n&a icaxaxIvas arnokirg batss aa cigars? Guoas. t'.ey might, Then, why dou't-they? Kaso it ain't, fachieaab.)