Newspaper Page Text
BROOKVILLE AMERICAN. t .., RAILBOAO -.OIRECTCAY , Itil -polij tid Cinclnti lUllioati fir Train Imki Ctaciaaati l 15 A. M. ee- , , rtv MtMMi at......................... ,.,1 24 A X. Iwl Train tntvo Cincinnati at 9J, P. M. , arrlr. el Hple . I ............ first Train leaves I T 00, A. 5f. ' v arrW. I Spu.iM I J........10.I7. . .W. Second Trla kM ladlaaaalt. eie,uu, r. M. arrlra M MpadM I ...Ii, r. DAILY ITAOl LINES. IV Cincinnati and nrt!Io !' at 4, A. M. tUlurulnrrlr. I BnkHla r. M M lplr. ..(ton RweeM Tt A. M. Ketwralog er Htm at llrookvlil ............. J, P . ft. " CPHiMiPiTlllMltmhfM1fl.'M tt 7, A. M. i lUtaral.a. arrlvee at raoaelile 4. ........... P. 31. A trl-w aklf nrk IwfM Ual and Ro.hvllle on efcadsv, W.ln.dy 4 rrMay trlt 4 Oloei. Ib'tu.hiuc, rtiTM ku Biookvilleoo Tulsy, Thursday and BatuH.y .1 I P. M. m- Mr. lUgar Hayraond, eon of T)r. Havrjrioiid, why lift been absentia Cal ifornU for th last firo years, returned to Brookvillo last week. ' fcjrü.r. Henry Cain, of Hrookrille, 1 about to reraovo to Tcrra? Kaufe Indi ana. -We commend him to' the ciUreim of Terra llauto, as loins, in every way worthy of their conGdcneo and esteem. t ,1, . ..XdrMlcliael Batzncr Esq., was fp point! Coroner of .Fran kUn County, ufctho.Iiftl mcitiog of tho CLuuty Com missioners, ilr. Furguson A. Lino, who first received the appointment, do clinod serving. .to' Scarlet Fever. That tcrriblo neourgt, tho scar.cC fever, is prevailing to ab alarming extent in Switzerland county. Many deaths have- resulted from it in a lew weeks past. .. , IL H. Swift, Fiq. h our regular lynuthorized Agent for 3Ioomin Grove, ninl will recc'iTo subscriptions, and at tend to tho interests of tho American generally in that quarter. ' m ' uWo aro informed that in the Blooming Grore Court, Justice. Kilgoro presiding, Mr. IT. F. Strautmann's li- juor-selling cMtabliiiUincnt has been in dicted as a nuisance." Tho hearing is net for next Monday. J. II. Farquhar lor th'o'Htät, Jones k Berry fur tho de fendant. ' " . Tarif yoit want the best of family Groceries, do not fail to call on Joseph Reynolds next door to Slaughter &. AVilliams. JIo keep a good assortment, and you "cannot fail to get any thing wanted in tho lino of Groceries nt prices a littlo lower than usual market rates. . , , . . Boars Bank. One dollar notes, pur porting to bo hwicd by "tho Bank of JettorsonTillo," havo twjcn put In circu lation at Louisville. . Thcro is no such bank as the Bank of Jeirersonviile. Wo advise tho public not to take those issues. They are nothing moro or less than hin-pJatfrs. a Yo.i nil krow h. I. Chatte, tho great j'htcr 'man. He is on hand as usual to servo you as ho has done in time-' past. Ho has made nn important improvement in the art, and we Aaotrit is true, that ho can tf.ko pretty pictures from ugly faces, for wo've tried him. I)on't fjrgct to give him a call, and if vou want to subscribe for tho American you will find it convenient to step into oxxr sanctum across the wav. Its closo y: fr-jT Wo understand thnt a grand Pic Xio Party i. in contemplation, to conio off about the flrst of Mav, under tho auspices of tho "Brookvilio Brass Band," who proposo to give, a concert in the evening after tho pnrt. B' tho tvny, our Band in ono of tho Wut in the State, and wo bospeak fjr our citizens an excellent musical entertainment. CorNTKitraiTs. The Loulsvillo' pa jcr caution tho.public against "purious $10 notes of tho Iron Hank of Ironton, Ohio. The pinto Is t!1 pt up, and i calculated to deceive. It U numbered No. 3.1D7, letter II. Tho X In tho low er ri?ht hand corner is lmdiv PTcciitcd. The nam oi of the President and cashier nrecnraredjand the name of the cashier is given aaGeo. AVillard, whilo it should be John O. Willard. Neat Ooois.' !ory person wlo has goods to purchaso, (and who has not?) makes it a point to trade whero they can begentecly treated, and at tho same time where goods are sold cheapest, whenever they find out where these im portant disidcraturas aro attainable. Messrs Morrow Si Co, at 'the "old White Corner" have received a largo and splendid assortment of new good from Cincinnati, and vro would adviso tho pcoplo of Drookville Ad vicinity to call at their store and teat as to whether the above is applicable to them or not. Atlantio Monthly ' : "Vc arc in receipt of tho April num ber of this popular Mng.izine. CONTENTS. The Hundred Days. (Personal Ke rn in licences.).' . , , My Journal to my Cousin Mary. Amerous de Voynpe. r The Catacombs of t Homo. Happiness. 1 , ' The Puro Pearl of Divct's Cay. Tho Story of Karin. (A Daimh Lc i gnd.) i The Abbe do IKpeo. Who is the Thief? r Telling tho Beet?. e . . Persian Toetry. Tho Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. t Sandolphon. - ' - Mr. Buchanan's Administration. rSonator Hammond, of South Car olina, has, iti is said, one of the largoBt landed estates ( of the South', his farm comprising over eleven thousand acres. n - 1 r-rT ' The new Mayor of Chicago, Mr. Haines,' wan inaugorated on "Wednes day. In his Inaugural address ho ro commends tho purchaso of steam Arc engines for that city. tfi. D. V Joans' Ear , has. reiumed tho publication of the Marlou (Grant Co. Inj, ) Jociuul It was diioontiniirHi for about a year, but for hat reason wo never learned, ni wo believe it had a good patronage I3uThoNcw Albany lYitntne pays that on last Friday evening the froo township schools would bo closed. The City schools went down some timo ago. And now thcro is not - a frco school in tho city. A happy result on which our Supreme Judges may congratulate themselves. Pftoon. op tub 3Ud Fitticoat. At ono of Mrs. Kato LubyV dancing assemblies in BIocker-treet,Xew York, on Wednesday last, the distinguishing feature of the evening waa the Balmora Schottische, in which all tho ladies upon the floor appeared m the. carkt jupon, with the dress looped up over it, a la Queen Victoria. tQ A member of the Now York As sembly has introduced a bill, which looks very much liko a parody on tho Maine Law bat which is seriously urged, pro- ibiting the manufacture, sale, or use of camphene, spirit gas, phosphene, burn ing fluid, et id genus omnc, under penal ty of $100 for manufacturing or selling ench prohibited article, and of $10, each offence for its use. tQT" Tho people of Portland (Maine) aro making largo calculations on Iho curiosity of tho Americans to seo tho monster ship, tho Leviathan. Tho Ar gus estimates that .100,000 pcoplo will visit Portland to sco her. Of these, he aya Now Kngland ought to furnish 100,000; tho British dependencies 50,000; tho valley of the Mississippi, 30,000; tho middlo States, 100,000; and adds, that this vast army will probably leavo in the State, and most of it in the city, $:J:000,000, or $10 each. ForLkcomptox. Hon. J. 12. McDon ald, tho nomine of tho 8th of January Democratic Convention for Attorney General, made a speech atTerre Haute on tho 3d inst., in which he full sus tained tho vlows of Buchanan on tho Lecompton question. So says a Terro llauto correspondent of the State Sen tinel. McDonald is not the only Le comptonito on tho Democratic State Ticket. Cotnniuiiicati'd. ' Ben.Spooncr Esq . ' Tho lianiO Of JJen." Spuon?r, of Tw,-. renceburh U respec t fully iipested for tho consideration of tho lopuhlican Congrv?Hiotnvl Convention f thin Din. trict. Mr. Spoonor ha been loni; know by tho pcoplo of this District, an ar dent, enthusiastic friend and advocato of Republican principles a rueccsnful prosecutor of tho pleas of tho State, having been elected in a circuit with a large political majority against him. Mr. Spooncr is a successful und imprcs- bivo public "pcaker nnl if nominated will mnko a splendid RnrUHLICAN. Tub Titir. Plea.. "Wo know ilot when we havo seen po open n confess ion of iho true' reason why tho office hohlem, appointees and oltieo expect- ants, go (or the Lecompton Constitu tion, ns I? giren In ono single sentence of a resolution recently adopted by the Tiecompton Democrats of New York, nt their meeting nt Tnmmanv Hall re- ccntly. They in so many words say that they go for Lecompton Constitu tion, u!ccauso Jumes Iluchanan, Presi dent of the United State, recommends it." This is tho reason whv it has nnv showof support in the North, whatever. Tho President rooommonds, it, and ho has all tho fat oOlcors with which to re ward his supporters!. . aa. . . e ft'äy The following addressed to the Valparaiso Jfepuhtican, by tho Post Master at San Pierre, Indiana, equals tho missiro wo received and published somo weeks m nee: " ' Sax Pimirk Stark County Ind, March Ö, 1858 R. A. camcron, Fsq. Sir. I hereby no tify 'you as proprietor of tho Valparaiso r.. . - i! trmititui in niiij ntMMllUg J OHr pnj'vT to my otlice, unless you nay the postacro a tT r ti. . in jrasintm .u. jircn, or any ot w Birch family, tho holo tribo of Birches have loft this region of country and are at this time living at yellow springs ohio, have, taken charge e( the jwt office nt Sm J'icrrc, a Jew ttayatinrc and you will observo my orders, and retain Birches papers in your ofiicc as tho Post nfliee department require prompt busi ness, yours kc. S. (iLAzrnrtooK, P. M." MARRIED. Hv Kfiv. Jno. W. Keclr. M;in h lSih at ih. reMdoncc of th bri'W Kather, Clement l Curt Ksn. and Mary P. Johnston, onlr daugh ter of Atexsnder Johnson nrnr Kairiicld. I?j thn mo, oa SiiiiJhv, March 2Iit, Mr. John It. Cooly of Brookvillu, and Mia Sarah J, bbank. ... DIED. In Urookrillc, on Tuemlor mominj: tho 2"rd iont, Cahnrine L, infnnt hnghtcr of Mirhael and Marnret Putfnrr, npd 1 j-nr and l?d.iv.s. , On Thursday, the 19 inut, Jnrn" It. Tonry sn cf Albert It. and Ann Povv. ped " imintli. and f da. UÄOOIVIU.B MAP.IETS.' CORICCTCD WEEKLT BT JOB 1. fOOLIT. . Tlurdy, March 25. flour f bbl.........h ,. Ui.. IfHtt CO - 3 a 80 1AI IS OK OA 1 ) n n u in lin eo 3.1(. ftO Corn Oat " BurUy rim Si4 fT bualt, nuttar ' lb. KgKi pr dot. I-ard lb. Tallow " -Candlr " Cuffua IIIHII Sugiir " " Tobac,-" .. Applr pt buah H 1 2.1' IWam prr buah. ' t'otataM . ., ?Aal UO 80 a 3A Turk " us a Od Cincinnati Market. ' ' Wki.scdt, Mnrvli 51. Flour ft HI.. t3 70 3 M Cora bunh 33 Whrat" TO ft 10 r-vuturi" " 33 b r.i Appln pit bbl - I OO ft 3 fcO Irlt Afploa per bub I 40 a 1 90 rarh4 M 3 ( ft 3 23 t'offn pr lb.. , 11 It Sugar ' ... crija t ..... 93 t 33 14 I ... 5 60 ftC 00 ....I 10 ft 1 15 ' ... 00 79 ft 10 .... ' I ' Moluie r gai, Duttor " lb. Pork M l .. Iloau " tuli. LIq4 Oil prr gal. Lard Oil (winter ttralnaJ) yr Kl... jx.rbl.1 '. .'...'fi. Agricultural Notice rpHF. DIRnCTORSof tho IWtlin County Agrl JL cultural 8oeltv, ar rHuniUl to tnrtt at Hruuk llli on Halartla, thv third tlay of Alrll, 1.V.8, at ID o'clock, A. M. Tin iifttuoi of th )irftori rt J. P. lira. I, J no. M. Janurt, V. Ii. Moor, Juii Wright, F. It. A. Jvtwr, John 11. Lanulng, Jack. HobrrU, C. It. llfotlr, Ir. John l. Quick, Win. WcClurt, Thro.ioro.rurii.1, W. A. .1. Cliawll, M. M. Moure, lly order of the Prmlilfnt. . march 2. ; , , A. M. LINE, S.o'r. it. ii. sciiuicini: & z. u. hekd. 11 AVTXO KXTKIt- phip, In tlio nrookTlIle Marli Work, rpjxe fully tnfunn tha old pntroti of tho ilmp ii'l thft pulUo Kiiirr ally, that the bunlnrM will bo carried on by them east of th Conrt llfiop. TIipt inana i'l faoture to order and Ittnntkefp rcuotantlr on 1 t j i'M Imnrl ifi'tv il.Xi.ri i.lum of uionumenUl work. mi, oiiclinkj. Half Ol.rliiikf , Tomh itonp. tnimtplii. tnblo tori". v A...,Ht;n,. I., thm I.... Thpy tnont re-pptfulljr iuforio the rnhlle that thejr hat jnt rweivod ft larj tork or Amorimn and Ttallan Mrbla of the hFt fOa!ity. Thry aro prfprd to poute in nnpqunlll HtyU r-very dc. rrition of work connected Ith llicir biiKino. Thrir price aro at low aa any rt'puiblo nhnp in lh wat. In cne atifaction it not girvn, wo uxk no ono to receive tho work. ISrookriilc, march i.'i!,-tf. Spring Barley FOIt 8nrn,.r tho frt inalitr, cn l.oha.l at the rreldcnoo of tho ur;ilerl)heil, on Hille hilf NewTrtnlon. Jf.-'TI'S WOODRUFF. CO.MMISSIOXEK'S APPOINTMENT. OUDEUKU JlVTllKEuar.l that Muhnrl IlaUm-r. of llrtMikvillo ToMiliii; Aarun II. Liu, f Hullvr Towitkhlp ; Jonathan Oi.liln, of Mclaiuora Tuwnhipi Jama Wright, of FuirCrlJ Town.thip ; Andr-w J. Ro, of l'unrr Townnhip ; Elnuthnn Corey of liloomiii !rva Townhti; John V. Kirkpli", of Halt ('rcok Tuwnship ; John 11. Moor man of Kar Townhijn Thomm (iilTonl, of l.aun l Tawnhlf:AanaC. Mtltcr.toi' iriiißfl..U 1'ownnhi!, Kmnnticl W.thor. of Hijhlantl TownhIrj am'l Ivi, of Whit W.trr Township: nl John Ham ueU, of t'.ath Townnhlp, bo nl thoy are hr-rc-hy ap- fiolntol a Hoard of Vlitor to vinit tha loor Ajr inn of Frauklin County, that they l rriimte'l to meet at Haid Ayiimon tho 2U(h day of Mty, 168; that thoy examioe tho condition of aid A v linn, tho treatment, tuanit"mi'nt and condition of the in matu thereof. And that thiy rnuku report thereof, to tho next meeting or tni lioarJ. And it i further ordcrad that tho Auditor furnlih a epy of thl. order for puhlieatiou in th l'ranktitt Democrat, andi'.rooU ville American. Stute of Indiana, Franklin Connty. j ' ' I John It. Quick, Auditor of -aid County dn here by certify that the ahovo und foregoinn order of ap pointmoiit waa made by tha Hoard of CommUiiotiut of -aid County, at the March eion. ISjS, In witne-t whereof I Imve hereunto .ut my hand x"V and AUixrd tny Seal of tho Unnrd of Com ( KAI.nliioncr, of" County, at ttrookvlll wtaVh 1J JOHN II. QUICK, Auditor. A . J . F O LM8DEE", HOUSE JOINER AND Q a p g nr. t o ir 9 CVtlar (irovo, Franklin (Vmnty. ?.tv N. R. Heady-mado cdllu alway on hand", of ail fixe. inarch 12 If. S WKKT POTATilESir ITAKK TUTS method of Informing the puhlle that I hiivv on tin ml and for .nie on and ufter the 2.'th of Murch, '.'8, a Urge rjimntily of SWEET POTATOES, ('nnalritlng of th.o yartrtle bout adai-lod to thl liiinit. IVr.n. wlxhlitg Seed will Und It to their inter'-t to purcht-o of me, a. I will Hl them low er thiin they n n he Imnz'it rl-ewli. re, I will rl1d them din-rtly from my I'otal.H' JIhio to any part of the country. eon.juently theywill he lre Iroin hruUet and Injurie., rweived hy thou kept In a lore. Send vour order, in early, tha .ooncr the better, and itdd'r S. II. Ml, lilt I J I T 1 1 . m'ch 12-tf. tUford, Itutl. r Co., . MirHAr.t. B4T.k. rjsi'in ra.i.. UTXKJt & roc; EL, 'Iealcrs in FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOOT AXft .S;07', Hata c Caps, Hcady-Mado CLOTI-TINCS, (IrocerioM, (uoensware, Hardware, AVail Paper, Xolioti!, tic., A:e. ITfecond door North of Ür'.okville Hutik,!)!; jnarrh'ä-ly. FREE of charge:: T HAVKJIST Hi:cniVr.l another lot of fr. 1 W. Mn.Lt.a'a Khki ti" Fli it, fur the cure of Khruraatiam, I'alna, Swpllinpn, htaina, eontrurled or Painful Sinow., Mii'ilr. or Joint, Xfiirxlgiii, Nerrou. Mendrhe, or anything of thst nnture. Prr.otu fliMod, hy calling on me can hiiva ono ftp plication, free of eltarge, which will aaliofy them of lt. wonileriul irtue. 1 he 1'octor offer, to pay a reward of TEX DOLLARS For any failure in an attempt to cure, "fhii fluid in put up in Urge bottle, and in therheapv.t rocdiciue we know of In tIw of requiring 'o -mall a jxirlion to perform a certain euro. All order addreucd (n THO.. nAUTO.V. ntan'h 5-(f. Rronkvillc, Ind. ocoxnc rout no. ciias. r. aiNkt.cT. HOLLAND &. BINKLEY, Attorneys at Iaw. OlTi'-f in llail..'.. JU-K , ftf the Onrt ll-'U.-e. 'f. .a i m Sill I It I Ncv Casli and Prodiico Store. ; JNO. II. COOLEY, . I I KALT. It IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. Groceries, lüardwaro, Quocusware, NOTIONS, Ac., kc- i . ; lAtl irCLR'UTI t. 1 1 . M. rutxiiruRD, JUH a. kVaN. : APPLEQATE Ä. CO. BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, STATIONKItS AND miNTKUS, NO. 43 MA1.V 8Tatr.T. CINCINNATI. OHIO. , - ruauKta or . , Clftrko'i CominrnUr?, Dr. Dick's (Wlctft Woik, Hullin'i Anolent HUU'ry.rititaruU'aLlvefifl Utor, Muhcim' Cuurah History, Jo- - Chain of Pacrr.l Wondr, Dirk' TlifoUs, Klmata of tha tlarmaa l.ftnjilftK', Fftmlliar FoUinx-, Iloinauc of Wensi n II U lorr, L(mW of tha Vt, tto ft". W he full Movtiw-nt of ry th.nn ronuirra In th. Hook an4 ttaUoniry IliilnrM. frxry dKil.tlon of TrliiUng nJ IUndlo; -Jno Ith nratnf tut dpH). . Country merchant! ftiin.UJ at th lowmt frWu. W. .11 ... ..II an. I luin Ollf Itock. a frl eonft.lrnt t enn mftk It to dTantaRa to puryliM of ni. , CDniilERCIAL-xJXvIICY,, South west Cor. Third aiid'fruluut 8t. : : CINCINNATI, O. TAPPAX, IM'KILLOP L CO.. ' I-nOFRIETOIW. CtahUahed ia New Yoik, la 1143. HAVINVi TAKEN" BI'ACIOVS anl comraoJioui room, tu the new buildtag recently -reeled by H. IV. Derby. on th- uuth-woat corner of Third and Walnut trceU, ImmedlaM t our preient local ion, to which we .hall toon, remove, we purpo.c to conduct tho buitiucM of tho AGENCY' At heretofore I and from onr long experience and Increasing fm.-iltlio., Uut to merit a coutiuuution of the public piitronnge. Our office In thia city will .til! be under the itiper vl.ion of WM. 1L PIERCE, ESQ., A pioneer In the hu.ine.., and founder of tha flnt nicrc.ntlle agencie. lu the wettern couutiy. COLLECTIONS rrompfly attended to in all parti of tho United flute, and Canada. INTRODUCTORY I.KTTERS To prompt and reliable Attorney, gratuitously fur tii.hed to all who deire thorn. febl'o-tf. THE CASKET OF DIAMOMDS, AWKKKI.Y JOUItXAI. eorainiaj; 32 colnmni i.t i'ti. tine ri.adinir toatter of a chjr..'ter caleula- ( tr. In.irm.t. ainn.n. and Intere.t tiie irencral rea der, w 111 commenced on the dm (Saturday In March, ONLY $1 I'KR ANNUM IN ADVANCE Will 1 the rhoapo.t, W.l, ani mo.t eutorUlning Weekly Paper ever publWhod lit Üew-York. DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS!! Uft Tbounnd Hollars worth of wir California IHa rnnnd, et in every eoneeivabl tyle cf elegant Hold Jewelry, to be pre.euled to the iitb.crlber. of the Ca.ket of lUamnd. There are no gifu worth lv. than '.'iuciiU. aud from that j to foUO. a I FTS 1(11 FTH i : Ol FTS 1 1 EVERY SUBSCEIBEE Will rcielvo a beautiful gift in GM or "Diamond Jewvlut y immediately ou re leljit ' hir.nme accompanied by the amouut of iut'tiipt'n money. THK SUDSeniHERS NAMES A ft a received, will be plaeedjn regular rota tion on our llot.k: opposite iln-ignatlng No., and the gifl containing a corro.pondmg No. will he tent I UKtUTKLY, po.l pnid to the uli.ciibcr. LA DIES! J J DIES ! ! LADIES! ! ! Yon can pet a tarire number of mthacNhcr. f'r the Caikett of Diamond by a little tttra eiertioti, and for every H .ulmnrihcra name, you I'orward ii., ac companied by the money, we will .end you a beau tiful diamond gift. We make the .auia offer to Oentlomcn. rica.a War in mind that every .ubirriber to the Cakct of Diamond, will receire a beautiful gift im mvMntcljr on receipt of his or hrr name accomjm-' nia t by tho subscription money. '.'ersoli. wishing to commence with the ff,rt No. should ffnd in ImmrdinUly, ss tHtgifl they will ro- ceive will emourago them to speak toothers of their .ucee.., and thereby alt materially in inerwa.lng our subscription li.t to colnmcn with the first No. Among the Interesting fitturri of otti Paper will l.o a love eorre.pondennx of the mo.t t!irillin(f and exciting character, which took place is Pari, in IS .Vi, betwixt an English tlcntfrinan ind I'rcmh I,B,y tha tyranical opposition of the Lady's Fa ther tu Iba unlou of hi. daitfcttUir with the llngliih genUem.n !s described in tho most vlvlj and inter esting msniter, as well as I lit siitvessful iloli of tbr roung lady to elude the vlgilence and cruelty of her hearties father. These letters re deeply lntm tltü, am! of pure, high-toned wharacter. y.. Iaeh futiwrlher mo.t send 3 three cent pos stamps, for relitrn pn.lage on gift. Addiris NKLStlN, HICKS. & CO. Proprietors of the t'A.stT or li.uon. 75 Nassau street, N. V. Feb. 2(1 3 mo. JOHN WILLJÄMS, " ssaraöaÄCTW ta i:lo ii, febi9il.y. DR. Ä7J." 'biddIngerT" PIIVSICIAX AND SURGEON CKDAK OROVK, INDIANA. Six Miles below llrookville. OF ! KKS II U 11 -nrr-'M" ' T ssafj - 1 r J M theeitiren. nf Kritnklin cooT"tTv 11 1 ilice 1. located oppOxitr J. T. Coolcy's .tore, ip be v. ill lie t.iiinil. except when plolvMionally engugea. rl.ll)i7-1y. FOR SALE. 'mi: VirWT in-ü n.oovivr. T ti ? AT i X "American Office." AN, a bouse and two t iiiu ,r a a a ß tt i ' in the lloitom, thrco door. North of tho Metlmdl.l Chiireh ill lirookville, will bo f.d .eparately or together. Tenn one third cah, Iho b.llanco In one and two years the purehasrr giving nute with intereM, waiving Lencnl of valuation and apprals rnent lu.. and a MortL'are on the iTemi.e to se euro tho pnvment. If the hou,e la not sold by tho im ot .April it will be fc-r rent. Apply t febi'iS.Hm JXO. W. KKKLY. Ageot. " PATENT COXaiETE Fiv o .Ir roof & n f o , M AMT Af Tlltf. D BY Uli 13 AX, DOODS & CO - SALK IIOOM, Corner 'inc and Colunihia, 8(s., Trt MORK Fl RK PROOF. Purglnr Troof. pump rrooi, ana or hettcr workmanship ann materials ihn any other S.fe made in this or any country. Ilsving purchased ono half of the shore patent for the entire Urft, .Vorth and Southwest, and hev- jng just completed our factory, with all the latest improvements, and having the oldest fafu-uuker in the West for its mon.jfr, wc flatter onrvlvcs hat we eao produce a butter and cheaper artieb tbsne.n be fnimd eh ewhere. We. thTrfpf. eonfldsoMy in- it r-unhi-tr. .Aurume fir b-frr lMin i - her'. f. '; if. aStauBaaariri aMMtWaiiaMlSaaMiMaMnaMHa. DAY & iMATIjXOKe WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' Xo. 80 Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. RICKEY, MALLORY & CO. (Suoce.sors to II. W, Derby Jt Co.) 145 Main Hlrect, Invite the attention of Cook Hellers, Country mr chauls, Tvavhers, and olhii, to their . present stock of $oohs anb lationcrf. Their ansortincut of S HO 0 L . CLASSICAL, AND LIISCELLAUEOUS BOOKS, Including finely bound Editions of Hlaudard Kog ll.ti Authors, Is vary romjdete. Tho Stationery Department Contains every vsrlctv f Can, Letter, Note and Dtawlng Paper, l'lank'üooks, Luvtl opes, Ink, Pen cils, Pens, Ac. Having en hind the ruoit kimitment of Cr.AHRICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS To be found In tha West, tlmy are at all tiroes pre pared to Hupply I'ulllo l.lbr.ilfi .1 Jhe loae.t po. slhle rates. ' fcbVO tf. JOHN R." HOjOLtf, C5 AND 7 FAST TIIIKD ST., CINCINNATI. 0. IMFUKTER, t'KALCR AHO M AM t ACTITTB OP BOOKBINDERS' LEATHER. CLOTH A XD TOOLS, TAR AND STRAW BOARDS, MÄ1IBLK, AGATE AND MISITIN'G PAPER, Pocket Books, Bankers ami Mer chants' Cases, Music ami " Port Polios,. Pasl and memorandum books, Leather of all col or and qualities, Wholesale and Retail. Call and examine. febl'O-tf. Attention I TMIH UNDKRiaXED, AP.SICXKR OF B. F. V'rbb. is In pofSeslnr of the Notes and accounts of It. K. Webb i Co., B. K. A A. Webb, and B. V. Webb. All tiersons indebted to said firms are re quested to rail immediately and make settlement and pavraaut of the sum, lly so doing they may .are coits. K. H.tSWlFT. Hlooming Orov, Ind., Feb. Cth '.'8-tf. " 'eRkVILu"cÖLLEMr" BOARD or INSTRUCTION, Rrv. 0. A. Chase. A. M., President. Jon P. Koch, A. 11., I'rofes.or of H. J. M. Uoouwis, A. R., Professor of Mathe matics. Mlns Map.t Takkisoto!, M. K. I.., Teacher of Preparatory llepurtment. Sirs. Jons P. Hol, M. r.. I.., Toaclier or oesi and Instrumental Mti'ie. ornoEBS or boahd cr trustees. Jaukä H. c'rETa, K.q., Pro.ldent. Wilson Miiaaow, fc p, Secretary. Rev. Jons W . KrELY, Treasurer. The Cum.nt term eommencvd Feb. 1., lS-'P, and will close on the I5th of April. The next term will commence April 2 1 at, and will close on the lit of July, on which day the Auuual Commencement Kx- will take place. A vacation or right weeks follows. The Institution Is in a Honrl.Mnx condition and oflors good advantages to young ladies and gentle men de.iring a practical edncalion. young men, however, aro admitted who will not sign a pledge to abstain IxTlust.r from the use of intoxicating liquors, whllo a member of Iba Col lege. Two liteiury r'ocititiu txifl in the school, and ar iu successful ooratiou. Libraries aro consented with each or timm. Hoarding can be obtained in good families at t'2,'ib per week. Several Students hire rooms and hoard tltemieives, ami In this way render t'ieir ex penses much le.s. Students of this cla.s will al ways be welcomed oy the rresident, wuo win en deavor to aslit them in securing good rooms. Cat alogues will bo forwarded, and enquiries promptly an.wered by the President. febSr.H-tf. Jt.'. 11 uitNK'riiousi:. MMIE SrilPCIUHKIt takes this opportunity or JL greeting his old friend, patron., and the public generally, and beg. leave to .täte that tho above magnificent rsUblishmrnt, ar hutrcturallr and oth erwise tho finest In America, will henceforth be con ducted on a .cule of enlarged liberality and accouTo- d.itlon worthy its widely extended reputatioa. In sympathy with tha spirit of retrenchment and oeonomy, rendered Imperative by the strlngeuoy of tn time., anl pcrvuling all cla..., the price or daily board will, from this date, be reduced to Two 1oi."um. The advantage of the Hornet Hnu.e erer all oth er Hotel. In Cincinnati are manifold; aoiovg which arc, a morn liberal ami elegant archi tecture, numerous and ea.ily aecelble t,(Ticr. of put. lin convenience, the flne.t 1'lnlng Room, and Ladies' Irawin Room in America, the most liberal arrangement fr taking meals, embracing nearly erery hour In the twenty-fonr, great centratnes of situation, aal close proniiuiily to all prominent pla cas of business. Tru.ting to a recognition of these Important ad vantages, I remain, very truly, your, A. II. COI.KMAN. Clnninnali, Feb. 2, 'iS-tf. GREAT SACRIFICE! Honey We Need and Hust Havel! WJK HAVE THEREFORE TrETERMfNEt' TO m offer our large and well selected tock of fiy (ioods at less rates than ever oflcied before in this market for We then Invite (hi attention of the public. We are determined to reduce our stock before spring, and without limiting onr discount to three or five per cent. We offer grat inducements to cash buy ers. We wilfiuake it to tho Interest of oujfomers to buy of u. Call and examine for yoursolves. febOV-S tf. W. MORROW A CO'. ! DR. JOHN W. KEELY. S it r & o o n - X) c n t i s t , 4I.L WORK IN THE HKNTAL I.INF. WAR V rauted. Office und .tore one door fouth of Tyner A Kimble's store. IOIIN W. KEEI.V, NOTARY 1 TJTJ iVX Co lirRlTEfl AN D TAKW ACKNOWLEHC.K- mcnts of licvds, Mortgage, and Powers of At toruey, and docs all other busioe hich a Notary Is authorised to do. Af IfCElLANEOl'8 AND 8CH00L BOOKS, .'I Blank Cooks, and Stationery of all kinds, j Vamily ni Toil' t MMrj coij..tsntly on hand. 1 1 mrm, r- irnh'. , nr. . Kl LI V. ! 'i. ... ir. " Mercbauls and Htrn.rf visiting Clnsinnstl, on buslnesi of plf s.iir. should procure a copy of THE CII1CIIIIIATI GUIDE And Business Directory: TOR 1857.'6S: In neat pocket siie. Pnica TwrHTT-Ti! Csvia, IV,- r w 1fc-f i ei.iit.lnlnr a nrw OiJ I' J ....... vn..,- m oorreet map of the city, together With auoh rafor- matlon as win sava aaaing s unnwr ..iriu.nt, lor lule by Johu W. Ktly. frbfif. BROOKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL. REV. It. II. ARP.OTT, A. M., Tauicif At . Mlrt JIK-NUIKTTA K. MAY, ) An,t4gt. MR. J. J. AHKUN ATI! Y, AasistAara. Tha tear U divided Int four terms of eleven week each.- The third term of tha t-resont year will begin Tel. 22d. the fourth, May 1.. lemon nn term. Reading, penntuansMp, Trlmary (Irammar, Geography, Mental Atlthuiallc, f :,10 rraMloarArltaeUe,rater,tfeogsphy, History, ,;, 4,0 Algebra, Nalmal rhlloshy, Hoftür, (isotaetry, Trigohotoetry, ruryf.vlng, Msn- ui sad MorM I'btiosopiiy, s.aim, Jreek, took-koeplog c00 Ti.,.l.ilft and ermtioslnff are striotlf attended to. Tha WW Is- a a test book, and mad the Ul of moral and religious instruction. V. 11 V 1. UilkfiL FttS ART ClIABUID. No deduction is inadafiom tuition bills on aceount of absence, onfcse oeeaslonei by sK kness, or IS ss avoldsble rlrcsnaetuaees ( 11 O C E 11 1 K S , WHOLESALE ARB RETAIL, P. SHOEMAKER & CO., HAVK XOW orKSKD AX WIM, K-KRP constaatly on hand a geaeral assertrarat of oitocEin hl h they offer at prices as low as tbey can be turcba.ed in Cinoiunali in .mall tarcel. Mr. fhocin.ktr having bad murb experience in this branch of trade, flatters hiwscir that Urocuries can b furnished by wholesale in this market, but a shade above Cincinnati prices and at retail to in duce the purchase to pay down. Their stock consists la port of Coffee, ' Tea, N. O. Pugar, PowdereJ Eager, Cbrnskfd Sugar, MoUssses, Mackerel. White Fi.k, Cod Fl.b, salt by bbU Salt in sack. 11 Ice, Irhd Peachfl, Ialei, . Juried Apples, Prunes, Oysters, Raisins, tobacco, l.emoas, . Pickles, Almondl, Candles, Cheese, Woo Je Willow-ware, Nat, Vigl, Altnondl. LOUISVILLE LIME AND CEMENT, Trace, Halter and Hreast Chains, h'hovels, g pasle. Hoes, heavy straw and manure Folks, all of which will be sold for small advance above Cincinnati wholesale price for cosh or approved country pro duce. Call and exnmino our stock, one door Fouth of Llack L Farqjihar'i. feb55S-tf. Catawba Wine. Jr i.EM M's pcri: catawba Vise (roR k. medical purposes) for sale by Ifcbi'iH-tf. P. SHOEMAKER X C6. Freib Groceries, Ac. JCriT RECEIVED. 8i bll W hite Fish, I Mackerel, 0 " Ifouisville Cement, 4 " " Lime, 1 " riekled Herring. 60 " Cintlnnati enred Ifsm. febS iS-tf. P. BIIOEMAKKR 1 CO. T7XTRA ri-0VH and Meal for sale br Ii ffebÄ'SS tf. P.HUKMAKEH k C febÄ'SS tf. P. IIUF.MAKER k CO. . A NOTHF.R lot of forty knives Straw cutters fur sale by P. SHOEMAKER A CO. febJ'M If. SALT Kanawha and New Yrrk Fait constantly 011 hand at tho Upper Lnndiugon the canal, and for ..le Lv . V. rltOKMAKUl'. k CO. 13OWIIF.K JUST JU.c.i.1 V t.1), MA Kl.uS Rifle and cannon poiv.lor. tVbj S8-tf. P. t'HOEMAKER A CO. Fun! ran!! Furi:!l pASH PAID FOR COON, MINK, AND ALI. J .ther kinds of Furs, by feby:.8-tf. P. SHOEMAKER k CO. n RINI HT0NE.S 200 lbs. Rerla Grind Stones at VT fbJ'M-tf. P. SHOEMAKER A CO. HAM3 Susar cured Hams on bond and for sale at P. SHOEMAKER A CO. IfvbVSS-tf. HOW TO fSKT A WIFE! f ULI, AT CHAKEE S riCTl'Itn OaLLKRY IN J Haile'a Ituilding, third story and get a pic ture taken .how it to youc lady-friend. every body knows that Chafte takes the most perfect aud beautiful pieturci of course, one nf thorn will admire it, and by a certain hocu. pocu. you may hare on ea.lon to spend .""O cents or a dollar with tha "Rrnoktillo American," tha priea of a Msrriafct notloo. fcb'S-tf. NEW ARRANGEBIEHT2 ! rilEPARINU FOR EI A 13 ID) 'ffUMESn By adopting the oa'y Safa Systemf CASH AND COUNTKY PUODUCE! The undersigned will; fiom and after the first day of January, lft, sell ORtM'KUIi:. IRON, .V A 1 1 AND K A I.T, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE! AT CASK r iirc ES- And will LIMIT the amsunt of CREMT Hales on Whiolr wilt be confined tV SIX MONTHS. After wh?eh tlnse, tn-wit f Jnly 1st, niiit JantNAry 1st, r.very1.fy Is KXPKCTKD and RKQl'IRKI to come forward for Every person so eredited that svlll pay trp at toe eiHralion of TIME. Iili.ll hffve a drscOuat 6f 3 net cent.,' others not paying CASBC, rhall be required to givo Note Hue, bearing Interest from date, with approved security if ffjuired. And as an Inducement to CASH PURCHASERS, We will make a di.coo.nt of ( Per Cent. At the time of piirchafc, or Ö per cent, at the end of Thirty Days. The public mny relr on our sfrirtly ob.errlng the ab"ve rule., as we intend hereafter to gnide our own SHIP IN OUR OWN WAY! In order to do this we must refuse to recleve the old twelve months and tnen-nevvr-pay-Filet. Wo wlh it perfectly understood that we are not tingrat.ful for past favors aud patronage! and the way to make us under Utting obligations h Income right up to OLD ACCOUNTS. o4 Jet us yv'iar.' the Ji'lK?, and rung f"r the t '1 as a aiiaii S in ! HStit"j''' ' ' .a, r. T. Sc S; j ) DAY k t .UT iivtrrsaojis 10 j. v. roit shf MAxer AcTCurita ofj-rintiso tutui and Filntlng mrterials of all kinds, would la form their old cuitomcri md fiiendr, anJ tk trsde generally, that tky will be spnstswt.t stj.j Lsd aiUi a full a..vKKiat ot - . power, hand; job, card, copper plate and LITHOGRAPHIC PRESSES. Al.o! twos, M.ln 4 rsaef J,H Te. Land. Cose., tiapoitng Mien., Kink., Lm4m. Hi... Rule, Kenl.t, Itiriiitnre, ha.., News. g.k and Jfb Printing Inks, tad tinting Matatiala f very di scrit.tinn. Frof th. lr long estU-ace afc4 faa.lKfity wUse the waat of fruiters, they r.el cured of b.iag 111 I? ford (bei si.ilvr facinties ar purhaslg lay lid Oryihlnj tlrey m.. ,bt B the trvca-' tlon of the Kirta. al rt of th ir I t .inri.. Vour ia i.tteatiuji m directed to tbeir M To which was aardc4 a ... 4 SI TTVKR 'M KT)' Jits nt tUu Kit e si,:' n of Ohio Mechanics InntifaC- Held in this city. Tbpr.rl Sr'.ti fs tke renter of the PlaU n, e'Ceuueotly there I do futii' kllitt of its springing fi out any amouut of pscetaie. The motion Is so transmitted to it, ss to com 0 dwrll at the poUu of contact viih the foi w,i,Biw!sg It a 11 IU1I UATK of sn:hi. X RlXTynS IN WANT OF Tin; nicsT rTonni;n. Khf'itlJ not purchsso lf wb.r , viih'jut gitteg this an exbOiluatiun. X'.cy are strvt.g, durabU aa4 t.j Id and are TO GIVE TUE MOT ENT1 RE SAtW ACtlOX rJ. L.CCi ki..l..ii.' wrA-i li V.J., : This Freu o) erst with almo.t lusgfeal rapidtty, receiving the paper In long teils er sirlps, and t sldet printing the cards at the rate of l,fC0 to-80-000 per hour, freds itself with tho most noerriei eertalnty and precision, and proceeds to eat, eooat. ana u desired, to number tbrm eon. .entirely fretw bna up to millions, without a possibility cf mistake, walrh plaoet it above all rompetitioa for doing a great variety of work. It I. equally well adapted to be operated by hand, and alt to prior aiagle earus, thai embodying another intproviiueal fvuted ia no other rauld Cord Press. W003Ö X2?Zl They wiir eontinoe to mvd'nfsrture and kr.wav Land a good assortment af Üieie evlebrafed UOJ TYPE, which bas given sack gte.rat sslUfssUosr tbrougkout the We.t for the last twelv years. The tnannfacturing dej.ertnieat will fr ander tka Iromvdaie- srpervl.ion of Ma. Jt. h. ro.tsa, tke well know a ties Maaafacturer af VracisasU. W. T.&.S.D. DAY & CO., 173. 175 A 177 West Second sr.. bt. Kirn Flam, frbi ifl-tf. CINCINXATJ, 0. " BROOKVILLE LOOK HEUE I : WILLIAM FRANK'S iOO rcct IaOhj: IRK NOW IN FfLL PLAfT ANPOPRXT L tlto inspection of the ekijens af Rroakvilla and the eMrwty geoeially. An invitation is extended to my old friends and eaatosners to call and examine my furniture before purchasing elseahere, for I eanf etf at Cinetaneti prices, both wkeUiala as4 retadl. Myself being a practk-aJ warkaiaa and having good bands cxnnec'.ed with my establi.hmtnt, I aoa enabled to manufacture alt kinds of Furniture al hört tiotWr 4 UNDERTAI-ilNG'. I Hy partictrlar attention t tin. lind" of ba.i nS( ksi'Ling on hand at all times an atortmetf ready tnud Coffins, and al.o snake to any at lie aad finish. I also keep Metalic Coffins at ich IiellaC Cincinnati price. i ' ."-Call at Tie Hgi of t&e THREE CJIAIRfi a lew doors North of Llack A raroahar's store, east 1 side of the sireet. WM, FRANK. EDWARD riEYEH, : Saddle 6c Harness Maker, ONE POOH MiHTIl CP THE VaILFY IlOtSL HAVING REMOVE!) Hit WTAI'LIMIMENT to the atove location h would Invite his oi l pitroni and friridi to gire Ilm rill. II ii itock cou.ists la part of . KAIiPLF-", Rf.II'I.n. HARNESS, COLLAW, WUIPi, n.I.TLRj',c.,o. Which will b sold at Cincinnati prices. It Is el.4 prepared to do repairing on short notiew. His es pirienea in tha business warrsaU him ia thl balls of being abU to give cntiia satisfaction. fet5'tIyr. NOTICE, rHE r'VPfCRI'uEllS ARE bow msBafaettsrirf 1 ind keep cu Land a operier article cf family floffr; whi-k they o0'r 16 the customers at tha low. e.t rates; ther al.o, kp on hand to eiftd wbiu Indian ratal, Aluckwheat flour, Ac. W . MOR R0 V7 1 AlTOlWfF-Y AT LAW. Ffrst Door Jonth cf the Pcit-oQce. ; flU. rilACTICK IN Til K COMMON fir.Afi, IT Circuit and Supreme (Vurti of the fc'tat. febi'iH-tf.' t. o. t. skimc. . wirena. L. &. M. STONE. akd noi.iAt.c fKilasait FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, BARLEY. AlJ.KD HAT, OAT?, ami Drictl Ffftit .t- Com-lgnments sMb-ited.- "NM. 41 ei 49 Vine street, Cinclnnafl. fl?a-t I'AlOIKftS'üF; INDIANA i Have yon .ub.crihed fur the goo tl.t tt Is ifio "Farmers afid Gardefiers' Own Fa per. Published' twtee every rofSnfJi, in bok fw suita ble for bioding. Trans 41 a year, single wpy three copies for 2 tlx for II for H. and a copy extia to the gutter up of every ftt ot t. fyseimens sen free. AiMrecS fJ. 1. II ARRIS, f oHmbiy, C Kdüur and Proprietor. J. C. & H. L. TUMY, JiVUrUX JEJUNI IWJOIIX I Li AND f.. .. r 1 f. M i . i ' Oeer tr"e R'wiktoreof Ai'p'ep-at 4 C. - ;Xt. (.' Main .St., below Sewnd, C F HALL, SEAL ENÖRAVER, MNCIXNATI. OHIO. VOTARY ri ELIC. ronrlCorrrat.oo, ?iste.5o. i eiety, L'xlfc, cixl all other Official hLALc; en graved to ordsr end a ljusmd tv Uet Iwproeed prese. Alto. -t kind of KusiacM Keala esecw ted to rdrr, wjth Trefse for tnrebints, bsoker?. WMnfiet'ieerr .