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'roohuiüc Jmtricnn. BROOKVILLE APRIL, 2, 1SK. w. 1 1. i'osTi;i:, j imTcjTu. The Democratic Caucus. The Democratic members of the House, who met iii caucus tu fix upon tt plan fur tlic ndtot-sioii of Kansas, atifactory to loth wings of the parly, havo utterly failed to airreo and have hcpuratcd iu Lad liumtr. The breach uontinuca to widen, and it is now regar ded as tcrU'in, that the bill will bo do " feutcd, unless some unforöcon change, takes place. Yesterday, (Thursday) was the day fixed fur a final trial in the House. It is believed that tho Eepub cans, Anti-Lccompton democrats und leading Americans will ull unito upon the Crittenden amendment, which will givo the opposition uno liuudred and twehty-ono votes. If tho Crittenden uLstitutu should pas.- tlio House, the Senato will never concur in it, and the vLolu matter will bo gono over again. When bliall wc havo un end to this vex atious question ? Th Tariff of 1813. It will lc remembered that Mr. J. I). Williamson, whowasbrought befowthe Congressional investigating Cominitto - u fliort time since, testified that the Tai ill of 18 IC, was carried through Coli grew by tho bribing ot certain mem- Urs. That seven millions of dollars of Dritish money, and eighty thousand francs from France, were used for that purpose. This may, or may not bo true, but when wo look about and sco tho pros trate condition of the country, -the ro- Iticed xvnei, the want of employment of our laboring men, tho furnace, for gc and factorieH that aro stunding Idle, and tho general ruin that stalls abroad over tho country, and to think that my ct of men, profiling to havo Intelligence, would bo guilty of such wuntou legislation, of which all this i.s tho known result, we are inclined to believe the truth of tho sworn testimo ny of Williamson in regard to tho mat ter. Just to think of two hundred and filly neven millions of dollar: balance of trado against us iu seven year, under what may bo property styled tho lrit tiidi Tariff tho Tariff ol IS IG. Is this not nufticient to bring financial trouble upon tho country, to spread ruin and desolation in every household in the lar.d? However, true, or untruo the fttatementof Willie mson may bo, wheth cr tho parage of the act was, or was not effected by bribery, its result is w ell know and felt by thousands upon thou and of its poor laboring victims. The whojo country feels it to their sorrow, und will feel it until a change of policy is produced. Wo believe in protection to American labor, protect:on to Amer ican mechanics and protection toAmcr IntcrcbtH, in every possible way. Wc owo lho duty to ourselves to take care of American interests in preference to cjuouragi'ig foreign monopoly the fame as it become tho duty of every ouui . to protect his own household hi iprcferviico to that of another. Twice an tho last thirty year, havo wc witncs- cd tho effect of n reduction of a Tariff enacted for tho purposo of a (lord in protection to American labor, and at the Famo timo affording abundant rev aiujo to tlio country, and regulating our commerce in euch a way us to kecj itUo Lai a iK o of trado in our favor. The financial trouble of 1SIJ7, was lho result ofn reduction of tho Tariff of IMS, luring tho existence of which tho foun dry had never been in fo prosperous a condition. Tho namo Is true in rela tion to tho financial troublo of 1S57, which should bo uttributed to tho re peal of tho Tariff of 1812, and tho en uctmcnt iu Ituteaijof tho Tariff of 1810. . In IS 10 tho pcoplo place! their seal of condemnation upoi f'.o party whlcl lia boon tho meant ofuch disaster to tho cour.try.nnd, but fur tho traitorous . conduet 01 Jonn lyiortiiatpariy would nowhavo bcenjenjnying ft quiet reposo - In tho tomb offoblirion, but no John Tyler will ever bo nblo resurrect it from the defeat which awaits is in If CO. Tut üb fat Ktviv.u.. Wo scarcely open a Rcculur paper from any section of the country but revival notice meet th eye. Tho awakening extends from tho Last to tho West, and prevails amongst most of lho Christian denomi nation. The religious interest in eit le, towns, and villages, us well usiu the country, appears to bo. constantly c.x tending and becoming moro engrossing. Churches uro crowded, union and other prayer meetings aro largely attended, nd daily accessions are made to the llaptlsts, Methodist, Congregationalism And other Kvangolical sects. The pres ent revival Is said to be more wide spread and general among all i1.ih.hus than any known for many years. liaTlior. Wright writes that ho is liv ing in tt largo building, with eleven rooms, rent l'JüO thaler (?SM) ft year, for icrvanU costing 1,000 thalers (?i',g) a year. Tho cxpenso of furnishing his bouso vm 3,000 thalers )8l!,000). Ho thinkihe will wartcly bo able to pave enough of his sallary to come home up-0Q. Assignment. , We are sorry toannounco the failure and assignment of ono of our princi pal mercantile firms, Messrs Tyncr & Kimble, who have assigned all their ef fects to John Koberls, for the ber.ciil ol their creditors. We regret this very much, for a more clever or better pair of business men, wo havo not in our community. They havo been active, industrious and economical in their bu sincs , andmcritnnd will have the sym pathy of tic entire community. Their assets aro abundantly ample to meet all their liabilities, and they have been driven to thU unpleasant situation solely by their inability to make col lections. How men who owo merchat ts for tho supplier of necessaries, which they havo got from them on credit, and who havo barns and cribs full of farm pro ducts which they refuse to sell and thus realize money to liquidate their debts, simply because prices are not up to the mark set by their inflated iinngfbations, can rest well, o. havo tho audacity to look their creditors in the face, is more than wo have yet been. able to learn. Vet it is so, and these men will stand by and behold with Impunity, merchants thrust to the wall, struggling to save their credit and writhing with the fear that they will bo driven to that extrem ity, tho thought of which, causes every honest business man to shudder, and tho full forco of which nono save busi new men have a just and proper concep tion. Iov much better would it bo if those why are in debt to tho merchants and others would sell off their surplus stock, even though they had to do it ut u sacrifice, and pity their debts. The loss would thus, instead of falling upon and sacrificing tho few, bo distributed among the many, nnd under this kind of inlluenco lho country would soon "right up" from tho pressure that ha (alien upon us and matters would again move on smoothly. Wo know it is hard for men who have been getting $l,öü und S2,h) per bush el for wheat, and paying corresponding high prices for labor, to consent to sell their wheat for 70 cents; but in tho end it Would bo much better. I'l esent pros peels indicate that U mut bo done at somo tune, and lho sooner the better. Let every man who is in debt resolve to sell off all ho can spare and thus extri cate himself, and our financial Storni will soon blow over. It is hardly worth while to caution agahi-t going in debt, fn we be'.ieve tlio entire country has checked up on that score and uro living as economically as possible. This i- right. Wo havo all been living too last been to anxious to make a fortune in a day a leaction has taken place and wo must lor :t while content ourselves with slow traveling. The adoption of thccWi system would work a remedy for all theso evils and we hope tho country will soon be in a eon dition and have tho disposition to up ply it. For Congress. We notice that lb Hums, Ksq., offers himself as a sacrifice upon the altar ol .1 Jcmociatic Congressional nomina tion, and is posted to canvass the county previous to tho lasting of tho Demo cratic Convention in Julie. Un will speak in Uroukvillo or. sho 7th, proxi mo "tho weather permitting." We know nothing of this gentleman, but if ho is to go to Congress, wo hope ho is "light on tho goose," that is, the Kansas question ; not as being applica ble to Kansas particularly, for wo ex pect, and hope that part of it will soon bo settled in somo shape, but as appli cable to other Territories applying fur admission hc-reallcr; without which rcquxito Mr. Hums, nor any other J 'em- ocrat will stand n ghost of a chanco ot being elected. Such being the case, wo do not know that it matters much from which party we elect, so that he comes up to tho', JclVeisonian standard of hon esty and capability. Wo aro in favor of both parties nominating good men tx'lti.tlc belter than wo havo had, and n little better than to continue feuino who uro now in office, and who w ould like to to tlettcd again, Tho Sumner Court Martial, Cid. Sumner, w ho was recently court martialed at Carlisle barracks for chal lenging (ten. Harney to fight u duel, has been in quiled. Tho New York Times says that this result "will bo eminently gratifying to tho it certainly is to tho army. (ten. Harney's conduct throughout tho whole affair has been utcrly unbecoiulngan olllcer and a gen llemau. His remarks at the Tort Leav ctiworth court martial were gratuitous ly personal and offensive, ami this viola. tion of courtesy was greatly tig.'; cava ted by his obstinate relusal to afford Col. Sumner any explanation. Trctty Oood. Tho Lafayette Joitniitl says : "A fellow by the name of Morcau writes to a Cincinnati paper (hat he was "gagged down" by the presiding ö Ulcer of tho recent Kepublican Slate Convention. Tho presiding officer seem.4 to havo i Imsen between evils the "ggj:l"g" of Morcau by refusing to let him speak, or the "gngglng" of tho Convention by permitting li tin to go Oil. lie certainly choo-io tho least." Tnrnpikc U the Railroad. It is a. "fixed fact" that wo shall havo u bridge across tho west lorlc of the river at this place. With tho subscrip tion already obtained, mado reliable by tho decision of tlio Supremo Court in tho caso of the Company vs. McCarty vt Adair, it will only bo necessary for our County Commissioners to add from two to th reo thousand dollars to secure lho much desired improvement. Will they do it? We hesitato not, to say yes. Their proverbial liberality whero tho whole interest of tho Count so muclu demands it, ani tho present inaccessi ble iositicii of the poor house, forbids any other answer. With a bridgo com plete, wo havo almost half tho work of a Turnpike road done to tho Cincinnati ,t Indianapolis llailroad. It is but fourteen miles, through x. densely popu lated, for so broken a country, furnish ing a largo amount of trado and busi ness to our town and canal, which must greatly increase, as its resources aro ful ly developed. With n good (jrauld road up tho val ley of Wolf, across the waters of l'ipc creek, and thenco by Oldcnburgh tollun- tersville, or a point between liatcsvillo and Spade's Station, wo can make Cin cinnati inoirand Indianapolis in fine hours, tho only sure and certain meth od by which Urookvillo can cheapo tho fatal designation of "a finished (own." Wo havo ft beautiful nnd romantio sit uation, with unsurpassed water privi liges; tho county seat of u largo, popu- lousand wealthy county, w ith ft healthy, industrious ami moral population. As men luiving duties to perforin, let II finish our bridge, build this road, and thereby avail ourselves of the only im mediate improvement possible for a de velopment of tho result rccsof our town and (surrounding country. For Ilia np-okOll AwiVflU. Horticultural Societies. Mr. Editoii: -Tho importance of Horticultural Societies, in all jnrt of tho country should bo manifest to tho farming communitya al.-voitstwin asso ciate Agriculture. The former moro es pecially should be fostered, promoted and properly appreciated by all persons of whatsoever capacity or calling. A residence of forty years in this western country has satisfied mo of its impor tance and influence in a conspicuous point of view. We will instance Cin cinnati in lSlft, what wero the chief fruits that filled the market at that pe riod, generallyl why native, but few graded, as the communication with the Mastern states being long nnd difficult therefore scarcely nircein.m orthntMr could be considered good, but now through tho inlluenco of lho Cincinna ti Horticultural Society it is rare to see bad fruit in the market. To that soci ety tho public owes, particularly to a few enterprising individual.s.mueh mer it, yet, that society has not met the sup port from our citizens commensurate to their laborious industry. There is no person that visits tho mar ket to purchase fruit, vegetable, 01 (lowers, but derives a benefit font tho im provement in those luxuries so essential to our comfort. Tho causo of those improvements aro not for ono moment attributed to tho society by those bene fited, or the society would bo better sus tained. The premiums paid by tho so- cn v amount to largo sums yearly; this alone i i!:o main spring and incentive to instill iu tho liorticulturalist a desiic to improve and cultivate nono but tho best of everything in this lino. Tho farmers and ail other, in your community ought injustice to tho pres ent ami rising, generation, subscribe, und join a nocioty in your town, for the" (lifi'usion of knowledgo on that topic unless your citizens manifest a lively interest on tho subject it cannot bo ex pected that farmers will go out of tho rctiuuo of tho "even tenor of their way," to meet thier family expenses no sir! they maxt havo somo Incentive to promoto on interest for a publio ben cllt, it few exception only. A well or ganized society offering liberal preml urns for all new and choi'.u fruit, would bo a great wtiiuulcnt to (ho improve incuts of what the community aro daily consuming, not only as n luxury, but one of tho necessaries of life. If re ports aro (rue, lho Cincinnati Jlorticul tural Society at all times aro willing to iiHsUt their co laborers In diffusing thero experience to others, and enterchang- lug grails of choice fruit trees, also, Im porting thero knowledgo of all tho best fruits to others as well as tho best nnd different modes of pruning, a great do sideratum,so that a farmer desirous of planting out ft young orchard by nppli cation can learn the names of all fruit trees worthy of culture. Tin's bavin1; fruits maturing from early harvest un til lato in spring, information that could not lave been obtained before the for mation of our western Horticultural Societies, for it will be found many fruit trees that will succeed well in tho Jiast, will not westol tho mountains. noimcmruiiALisT. Cincinnati March UH, 1853. Lrxt'itiKrf ov tii k Skaso.v. -Last mouth the renidents cf San Augustine Florida, hud strawberries grown in tho open air. Tho next week they had ice in tho streams. The latter luxury was thought io bo A little unseasonable and rare. KniNjiiaoii, Ind, March 21 7S. Mr. Kditou: Js your river on a ''high" ? It must bo, for your valuable paper has not yet made its appearance, though it v, :is duo last Saturday. When will you llrookvilJains bridge that IroublcKomo stream ? It should have been done long ago, and Urookvillc will never rival Cincinnati until it is done. Men can waste hundreds and thousands of dollars on elections, yet they will not spend a few dollars on a public im provement of great importance. I hope the Jlip Van Winkles of Urookvillo will soon awake, and not only sco tho neces sity .of bridirinir both tho forks of White Water, but also put their hands in their pockets, and forthwith put two bridges there, which shall bo a credit and a means of revenue to your town. I don't wish to find fault, but will just say, by way of remark, that if the abutments of tho laet bridgo over the cast fork had been put m oven half honestly, the bridge would liaro remain ed until this day. Hut its of no so to cry for. ppllt milk, and tho only way now, is to do tho work better. Don't jjQir wish you had a mitroad through your town ? I know you do, but I guess you will tct a long time beforo von have one. Tho air line rail road wVd tarrfy fcour eitizonsfor a time, at Iear, until some ol them pay tlio per cent, on UieLr investments in said niv lino road. 1 know somo men, not n hundred miles from Edinburgh, who can sympathir.o with somo of your rail road speculators. Thcso men helped build tho different roads running thro' this place, and us yet, they havo hud no dividcnilor even a free pass for a pleasure ride. Thoso railroads pay agents wcll,but well, tho less said the hotter until thi year, minister living alonr tho railroads, had half fare tick ets given theni, but now they have the privilege ot paying n well as any other hom-Ht person. Ono very attentive, faithful nr.d gentlemanly conductor, on tho Shclbyvillo k Hushvillo 11. II. WftS summarily dismissed lor tho heinous crimo of passing Father Havens over tho road without pay. Such at Last, is tho general impression, v cry well that road needs all tho money It can get to support it. I lidioveit is generally con Ceded that railroad towns mv more im moral than any other, inasmuch as the residents are generally transient, and of a class not the n0!t educated and relig ious. I think IMiiiburgh can show pa many wicked boy as any town of its size, iu the west, save Han mm, ., for that place must always ho excepted, being proba bly the most wicked place in fourstates. Hut we hope that our town will soon redocm its character, and bo a more moral place. 1 havo but little gossip for this letter, as ours is a ipiiet tow n. I learn, however, that there is a young preuihrr in the parsonage, but I think the former pastor will lo the preaching until tho younger one is able to walk alone. 1 am glad to learn so many of your younter are marrying off. ir. Keclv seems to be kej-t tolerably la-y tyingeoiiples. May they all be happy ami nav tho .Urookvilo Ai,i ri'tn havo IV U ''.h-i'MV'Cr.-t, 1:1 tl'.O WISil Of W .Yours, K.1 fit tU.OTINISO OF JHlMOt UATS, Tfcliry M. Fitch, Esij., son of Sonator Fitch of this Stato.'ha.s been appointed U. S. District Attorney for the Northern Dis trict of IlPnois, iu place of A. M. Her ri ngton, Douglas Democrat, removed. I'hillip Conlcy has bee A appointed port collector of Chicago, in tho plaeo of (jSoncral Fry, Douglas Democrat, re moved. Mr. Cook, the postmaster at Chicago, is turning out all tho Douglas Democrats in his office. These events aro creating a very profound s-ensation among tho Illinois Democracy. tCySemo of tho Ieeumpton parcrs claim that Leeomplon will pass the Mouse, even ii tho United vote f the South Americans bhould bo thrown against it. Tho Indiana State Sentinel says : Tho opposition of tho South Ameri can members, if that should bo deter mined upon them, will not prevent the final passago of tho mcosurc, although it will make it a closo vote." Tho N. Y. Journal of commcrco says: "It i ot clear that tho complete un ion of tho AluCrittin i Congress with tho Kcpiü-uns anu Douglas men, will form ft p) sufficiently .roiig to de feat tho tuliwiwsion of Kutisas Vindvr the Leeomplon Constitution. J t would rcn der tho vote a very closo one, but prob ably would ittll Ieavo ft majority iu la vor of admmlssion." Gen. Lane and Gov. Denver Card of Gen. Lafn, blander Refuted. &c. (JoTcrnor Denver, In Imitation of his i'lHu'tlriotn j'i'cdeccssors in oflK-c." i be coming famous lor proclamations, He takes advantage of every opportunity to impose upon the people a gubernatorial pronuiiciamcnto, The last document of this kind ernannt in:,- iVom tho chief ex ecutive ol-lliis territory was in refer eueo la tho official action of (Jen. Lano nnd tho Military Hoard, containing the most lalso and luminous charges. To which ('eii. Lano responds iu the fol low Inj; curd : A Card. Jmwii:no:, March lf,lfi.H. Sinc my return Iroin u northern lour, my attention has been called loagtiber nalorial pronuuciamenlo, (huld by the boys tobe No. Hull),) dated "Lccolilp- loll. lYh, h'th," ami signed by one "J. YV. enver, acting governor. My President Pierce and bis myr- inid'iiri I was denounced a- a traitor and Indicted for hi;h treason. They did h"t dare to test iho truth of the ( barge by an or a trial, ami final. ly ii'limltc'l my inuoccuce ami tlieir id- locv iV nttusniiii nie iiHiK uncut. Jlv Mr. Inu lianan I have Keen ciiarg' eu ns a icon, hum --iiiuuiiw-y jeuoer oi I .. .i ... -. H : i i .... l .... i ft most turbulent and dangerous charac- tor." That chargo has been answered. One J. W. Denver now Men forward and charges me with making "insidious attempts to renew tho difficulties und troubles," and with an intention or de sign of establishing a military dictator ship. Ity reference to the regulations and commissions of which ho speaks, it will bo found that "one J, 11, Unu signed them by order of tho military Hoard, and as president thereof. A full vindication of tho action of that board will bo found in its report of this date, to which I respectfully refer tho people of .Kansas. As to the charge of "turbulence," I re fer to the pcoplo of Doniphan, (leary City, Talermo, Wathcna, Elmwood, Whito Cloud, and St. Joseph, and Oro gon, Mo., who havo listened to my speeches delivered within tho past three weeks, to all of which I urged tho cul tivation of fraternal relations and broth erly intercourse. It is deemed a suffi cient answer to the chargo that 1 desire to establish ft military dictatorship, that upon four different occasions I have been invested with tho chief command of tho military forces of the people of Kansas, and that immediately alter the emergency ceased which called them into tho lield,that command was voluu- tarilj- surrendered into their hands. Tho command I now hold was con ferred on me by the territorial legisla ture, without solicitation on my part, oy a unanimous voto ot both branches. That legislature has reserved tho power to remove meat nnv time. Tho mo. nient that tho dark clouds which now obscuro our horrizon disappear, that moment will my command besuirender ed to tho pcopjo. The acts complained ol in this insolent pronuiiciamcnto vrei'0 ot an omeial character, bo wigned nnd published. Its author has chosen to m.iko a personal matter out oi incso olucial acts. With him rosts tho ro sponsibility thereof. I am wdling to submit my actiens, past und future, to tho judgment of tho people, confident as I am, thatthev will never aecuso mo, as they do justly chargo QUO J. W. Denver, with having, in vio lation of an official oath and public du ty, endeavored to throw obstacles in tho way of laws deemed necessary for tho protection of tho right? of tho cit i.ens of Kuusas, and that they will never say of me, as they do truthfully ay of ono J. W. Denver, that by ft mis erable pretext, discreditable to any man the excuse of ft sluggard, und tho crime of a soldier, to wit : that he slept when on dutv. ho is cndeavorm to prevent the settlement of tho Kansas imbroglio by dotoating the constitution al convent iun movement. They will never accuse mo, I fee sure, of harboring the rediculous opin ions, advanced by ono J. W. Denver that a co-ordinalo branch of a legisla tive assembly can sleep, whilo tho oth er is in Session, but will testify Hint 1 havo frequently stated 1 havo known the Dresident of tho United States, the lili'hoyt executive, otlbi-r in the, retttiblic lo sleeplessly occupy for several sue ce-H-dvc nights the speaker' 8 room in tin' capitol, in order that no lawotcongres: might he loxt to the people for the wan of his prompt action. One J. W. Denver, a mere executive officer, charged with the execution o A I.I. the laws of the this territory, has ariM:':iiitl' usurped and rutliK sl v tram pled under foot tho legislative depart ment of the government of u free peo ple, and in violation of his official oath and duty ;--cc!;s to unite in his own pr soii, ai.l thus C)iitil the povcr of tho vord and purse of the people to Crush out their libertic;. Truth, ifist'uo and manhood reojiiro that the villain should bo unnia.skod. I pronounce the char ges he has preferred against me utterly untruo and calumnious, and his acts to ward tho peoplo of Kansas jK-rfidiom and tyranieal, and 1 do arraign ono "J. W. Denver" before the couutry, and do denounce and brand him a a calumnia tor, perjurer and tyrant. To the people of Kursus I havo this to say : one J. W. Denver came to Kan sas a professed duelist his hands reek ing with the untimely shed blood of his fellow man having won from his friends the subrhptet of '-btitehcr" a tit appointee of thooligarchical admin istration which disgraces tho nation by its criminal clTorts to vnslavea free peo ple ! For base political purposes ho has sought an for a diliculty with me and out of a public act, done in per formance of my imperitivo duty, lias fastened a personal quarrel upon me. As a personal quarrel, it is private prop erty. You rofiu iro rest and peace, und I respectfully demand that thero may bo no interference on tho part of my friends. Ho has assaulted me, not for individ ual accusation, for Ihacc wt'erseen hiin but for official action, arid as a repre sentativo elect of that great and noblo party whom Lo and bis masters havo sought to enslave; ami in tho spirit of that party, as an humb'.o member of it, I hurl back his accusations, nnd bid him nnd his master defiance. J. II. Kansas. 1 io Kansas bill, in t lOiorm m which i it passed tho Senate, is as follows : A llil.h for tho admission of tho State of Kansas in lho Union. Whereas, Tho peoplo of the Terr! ritory of Kaunas did, by a convention ol delegates called ami usscmbled at Lo common on tho 1th day of December, lbo7, ior that purpose formed to them selves a constitution und State govern ment, which said constitution is Keiuio beau, and the auid convention having asked tho admission of said lerritory into tho Union us u Stato on an crpial footing with tho original Stüdes Ho tt enacted by the Senate ond House of Kcprcscntiitivcs of the United States ol America liit-ongrcsK ucmMcd, 'I hat the State ol Kansas shall he, and is hereby declared to bo one of the United State of America, and admitted into tho Union on an equal lootiu: with the (figiiiai States, in all respect whatercr. And the said State shall Consist of all the territory included within tho follow- ing boiui'laiio, lo wit: JJcgiiining at a point on the western boundary of the Slate of Missouri, where tho thirty-sev-enth parallel of latitude crosses lho name j thence west, on said parallel to the eastern boundary of .Now .Mexico; thence north on said boundary to lath tudo thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to fho eastern boundary ol tho lerritory ot Utah, on tho summit of tho llochy Mountains; thenco northward on naid summit to the foi 'tieth parallel of latitude: thenco east on said parallel to tho western bounda ry ol tho Stato ol Missouri; thenco Hoiith with tho wcbtern boundary of yaid Stato to tho place of beginning, Provided, That nothimr herein eon- taincd respecting tho boundary of said Stato shall bo construed to impair the ngnts oi person or property now per taining to thö Indians in said Territory so long as such rights shall remain un extinguished by treaty between the United State nnd auch Indians, or to includo anj Territory which, by treaty with such Indian tribe, is not, without ono consent of said tribe, to bo inclu ded with tho -territorial limits or juris diction of any State or Territory; but all euch Territory shall bo excepted out of tho boundaries, and constitute no part of the fctato of Kansas, until said tribe shall signify their assent to the 1 resident of tho United States to bo in cluded within said Stato, or to affect the authority ot tho government ot tho United States to mako any regulation respecting such Indiana, their land3, froperty, or otber rights, by treaty, aw, or otherwise, which it would have peen competent to mako if this act had never passed. Sec 2. And bo it further enacted, That tho Stato of Kansas is admitted into the Union upon tho express condi tion that said Stato shall never, inter fere with tho primary disposal of the public lands, or with any regulations which Congress may find necessary for scourfng tho title in said lands to the bonajhlc purchaser and grantees there of or impose or levy a tax, assess meut, or imposition ot any description whatever, upon them or other Property of tho United States within the limits Of 6ftid State; and that nothing in this act shall bo construed to abridco or m fringe any right of tho people, asserted ill tho Constitution of Kansas at all times to alter, reform, or abolish their form of government in such manner as they may think proper Congress licro by disclaiming any authority to inter vene or declare, tho construction of the Constitution of any State except to sco that it bo republican in form, and not in contlict with the Constitution of tho United States; and nothing in this act shall bo construed as an assent b' Congress to all or to any of tho propo sitions or claims coiitainud in tho ordi nanco annexed to the said Constitution of the neniiloof Kansas, uor to deprive the Miid State of Kansas ot tho same irrants. it hereafter made, which were contained in tho act of Congrcs-s enti tied "An Act to Huthorie the people o the Territory ot Minnesota to form a Constitution and Stato covcrument pre purutory to admission into tho Union on an equal tooting with tuo origna States," approved February l5, 18.7. See. 3. And bo it further enacted That until tho next general censusuhal be taken, as an apportionment of rep rccntativc made, tlio Stato of Kansas hall be entitled to one representative in tho House of llcprc&entalivcs of the United htntes. See. 1. And bo it further enacted That front and after tho admission o the Slate of Kuusut, us hereinbefore provided; all tlio laws of the Lnitet Stales which are not locally inapplica bio :-!iall have lho .same force and ctVcct within that State as in other States o the Union; ami tho .-.aid Suite is oilier Stales of J. he Union; and the huid State is hereby constituted a judicial district of the United States, within which a district court, with the li Lo powers and jurisdiction us the district court of the United States for tho district of Iowa, shall bo established; tho iudge, attor ney, and marshal of tho United States lor tho said district ot Kansas shall re sido within tho saino, and shall be enti tied to tho samo compensation ns the judge, attorney, and marshal of the uustrictot Iowa. Congretiional.' Washington, March i'J Horsr Mr. .Sherman U.) made an ineffectual of fort to introduce a resolution, jrovidiiu for tho appointment of a select Com luittee, to report the best mode for tak ing the census ol IbW. The House then went into a Commit- teo of tho Whole, on the lMicicnc,' Dill. lv. Hill (da.) commenced a speech on the Kauzas Jiill. Uo was satisfied with tho legality of tho Lccomplou Constitution, its frumcra I - If I - I ll .!.. .1 ... ... !. I. Having uiscnargeu tucir uuiy nun ennal ability. As n Southern man ho never expect ed that Kansas would be a Slave State, and therefore- ho thought that tho repeal of tho Missouri Coinnromiso was an wiso, and calculated to produce nerious results. Mr. Keady, (Tenn.) argued in favor of tho Constitution, ond justified the repeal ol thu Missouri Compromise Mr. (Joodwin (N. Y. oniosed tho Lo comptou Constitution. It was not tho will of tho peoplo, but wai polluted by fraud and violence, and could not bo umended beforo eight years without a revolution. Mr. V.'de (Ohio) said that tho pres ent excitement grew out of the con Uict between the l-'i ?o and Slave Slate. When the two are reconciled there will be a political milleniu'1'' Mr. Taylor, (Da.) argued iO ediowfbc nuperiority of capital over labor, con tending that tho South is tho only por tion of the country in w hich whito la bor receives duo honor. Mr. Olin (N.y.)nahl that tho Kansas IS' ob ras It a Dill was nover designed to ro cogni.o popular overcignty. It was tho machinery in tho hand of corrupt men, to control the all'alr of the Terri tory, irrespective of the w ill ol the poo- ph). J I o maintained tho right of Congress lo govern the Territorien. Sknatk Mr. L'iUpatr h lc informed lho Senate Ihat tho ico President has been compelled to leave the city for the South, ami moved lhat the Senate pro ceed to select a President pro. telii. A ballot WH taken, forty-one votes being polled, only L'j wire iiccc.ary for a choice. Mr. l'iizpatri k received .S Mr. JYsscndcii 1- Mr. Hamlin 1. . Me-rs. Slidell and Dixon conducted Mr, 1'iuputrick to the chair, aller tak ing the oath of ollice. Tho Senate then proceeded to busi ness. Numerous memorial and private bills of an unimportant character were presented. .... l . . j I .. f !......... i .. ilio consideration ui tue iuiuucsoui Hill waM then rcHitmod. Mr. Hunter advocated the amend ment for giving only ouo representa tive. '- i Messrs. Pugh and Fitch wero in fa vor of three, or at least two..' Tho lat ter gentleman complimented tho law- abiding and industrious character of tho peoplo. - - - . , Mr. Collamcr was in favor, of but one representative. ' ' ' Mr. Simmons thought that sho should iavo two, provided the fraction "per mitted a second. Mr. Trumbull would ba so the popul ation on tho census of Iowa, witli six.' " or eigh t hundred thousand inhabitant and ninety thousand voters, have only r - i.A' ' ' tu icureseniauves. Mr. IV. k argued etrontrlv for Ihre. . Her census is impefect If Iowa is im- pefectly represented, thero is no reason why Minnesota should be also. Ho wonld movo an amendment that Minnesota bo allowed three representa tives; that a new census bo taken and tho proper pay bo given to the cenu ' takers to havo it correct. ' Mr. Brown. (Miss.A said that he- ' would support Mr. Willson's amend ment, but not on party grounds. Ho repudiated tho action of MinocsotA , while yet a Territory, in usurping lho ' tunctionsot a Stato and electing Con- esstnen. . Finally Mr. Mason's amendment of Douglas' amendment, that Minnesota . shall havo but ono representative in Congress, was negatived yeaa 6, nays- -41. . Mr. Wilson's amendment Waa then put, which gives one representative now, a census to bo forthwith taken, addition-. al representatives to bo allowed on th basis Of tho census returns, and carried. yeas 22, nays 21. Democratic Taticui Coaaittee- , Washington, .March 29. The Dem ocratic Caucus Committee met this even ing at tho Capital. All th member wero present except Mr. Craig, ot Mis- louri. Thero was a fall and frco com parison of views and interchange of opinions, and all conducted with the utmost harmony Several nmendmcnta to tho Sen&to's Kansas bill wero Hug gested and explaining, but tho Lccomp tonitcs thought that their eubstaneo waft already embraced in the measure. Ono oint discussed . was the rower of th people of Kansas to amend their Consti tution lx;for lSti t. On this thero waa a diversity of opinion, but thero was a general agrecmcut tliat it would bo amended prior to tliat time, notwith standing, tho word tl Cbiistittl , lion. Tho totumtttoo Ailxirnctl without taking any iUctiou on tho propoftU tion presented. It is cotAempiuteU that an effort wilt be made to-morrow night in caucus to reconcile tho conflicting views. A caucus was also held to-night irk one of the cotniiuttco rooms of tlu) Cap ital. Its exact character could not bo ascertained, but one of tho anti Le coinplon Democrats; who liadjust at tended the conference of tlte committee of twenty was present. It is believed that tho caucus wa comioed of auti-Lceotnptoti .Demo crats, generally. AV.vsiriNOTON-, March SfltTlio Anti Decompton Democrats met lst night to hear tho report of tho caucus commit tee of ten, on their part, who had ju&t been in consultation with tno ten Jio comptonitcK They reported that noth ing could bo done; no pot-positions wen made of any Lind which could bo ac cepted. Tho Antl-Lccomrton men were authorized to present tlio Critten den amendment, modified a little, as a proposition; but it was- not aecvptcd. Other propositions sdiaml a liko fate. It is rcprcsvutcd that there was a good feeling and perfect unity among tho Anti-Decomptonites. They think Kng liidi has been wronged by tho imputa tions of newspapers on his good faith in tendering the olivo branch to otheir Democrats, and that ho will btand by the Crittenden amendment. Knv YottK, March. r.'X Tlio TTtuc Wahingtou corresjndent says every member of the caucus committco wa present. Mr. Kivglis let oiT on th anil hccoinpton side, but would not maLo & formal proposition until certain conces sions wero mado. Tho Lccomptooltc would coiacedo nothing, and tho com mittco adiourncd after a conferenco of over two Lour without an agrccmcaL lJurlingamo aud Winter Davis wiü speak on Wednesday. Thero wa n caucus of anti-Txcomrv-ton Democrats to-day. They resolved to stand firm by Mr. Crittenden.' amcudmcnt to tho ond. All tho lto publicans havo accepted Crittcmlcu'a amendment. The Opposition still counts ono hundred and twenty vote. Official Adricci fron Caisp Scott. WaKiUXUTOV, March 20. Col, John son, in his latest oflkiul despatches, uayiiy that the Moiiucu troops aro crgnrrUo- torevi-jt tho otablii-hment of a.TerriUV rial (JyvirniiHiit by the United States, ami in furtherance i f tho object, haio creeled works of defeoco in tb inoua lain passes, and near Sail Laki city. lie docs not bclicvo that ft Kpiritof conciliation towords them would irr bo properly appreciated, or rather that It would be wroncly interpreted in trf of tho treasonable temper and feeling; pervading tho leadcrti, IUd ft gOOU por tion of tho Mormons. Ho thlnls that neither tho honor nor dignity of the government will allow of the -.lightest concession, They rdiouhl Im made to submit lo the constitutional demand of the government uncondi tionally. An adjustment of tho exit ing diilleulties upon any other basin would be ini'-utory. Their threats to opposo the march of tho troops in lho rpring, will not havo tno Minutest ei fert Iu delaying, and if thoy desiro to join the iMio, he believes that it I for the interest ol tho government lhat they should have tho opportunity. later from Mexico. S'r tt Orleans, March 20. Metamoras has been declared a frco port. On tho J.nd Inst. idanrri Issued a proclamation, demanding tho payment of twenty-flvo per cent, of all money duo lor church property Tampico has not yet been attacked. A baltlo wuh expected to talo plaeo near San Luis l'otosi between tho adhc rut u of (laiia aud Zuloaa.