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Evening times-Republican. [volume] (Marshalltown, Iowa) 1890-1923, January 07, 1908, Image 3

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ff»* T-vv'^ijfjJ.wvL if if
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'|j* Interesting Demonstrations in
f\% Slaughtering Mutton and
Betore Farmers
|Partial List of Winners Announced
By Judgn—'Premiums Widely^oat
*3 iirad Over tht Entire State—Judg
ing 8till in Progress—Features of
I, the 8hort Course.
Special to Times-Republican.
Ames, Jan. 7.—The attraction at the
L)wu State College for tho 650 farm
ers In attendance upon the Short
Court* today was the leoture of Mr.
John Gosling, of Kansas City, upo.i
the various outs of the animals which
had been slaughtered for the me&t
Cemonst ration. Mr. Gosling had be
fore him pet haps tho largest crowd
who over witnessed such a demonstra
tlcn. He was assisted by Mr. Young,
an expeit meat cutter from Chicago,
who out up the carcasses,
The uiost distinguished animal was
the sensational Shropshire wether which
had been brought to this country last
sprint by Professor W. J. Kennedy,
frOih the Sandringham estate of King
Edward VII, who had bred him. This
Is the wether which Judge David Mc
Kay, the sheep Judge at the Interna
tional Stpck Show, Bald was the finest
^animal he ever saw. Mr. Gosling was
j«Qually enthusiastic in praising the
king's pet on the block. He dressed
the phenomenal percentage of 64 per
In the beef classes, "Little Jack, tho
Winner of many International honors,
was compared with a medium good
i.steer and a canner. This was an im
vpresslve lesson of how different ani
(nail appear on foot ar*f f»n the block,
-. and showed what could w.li»one by Ju
/Vicious selection and careful feeding.
Another objective lesson was wit
the visiting farmers when
the loin -of Black Thorn, the champion
beef carcass at the last international
WAS displayed alongside of the three
I other lotas of beeves Just mentioned.
Tills eholce cut was saved by Profes
sor Curtlss when Black Thorn was
Jellied .at .Chicago.
&& Work is continuing in- the agronomy
'section In corn Judging. Today wit
nessed a change in this, however, as it
Is planned to substitute the smaller
grains for corn. ^Professor B. W.
Crossley gave lecture In the after
nooto on "The Prevalence of Weeds in
Iowa and Their Eradication"
,,J* Professor Margaret E. Blair, of the
^University of Michigan, lectured on
home decoration before the ladies of
»Ahe domestic soience course. Lectures
Avers alsb given in the department by
Mrs. Dynes Feullng, head of the
department at the college. Prof. L. H.
-P^ammel gave a lantern Bllde lecture on
i. s^The -Bacteriology of Foods."
'if'v Hon. J. C. Simpson, secretary, and
Hon. C.-B. Cameron, president of the
Iowa state fair, and Mr. James ,Atkin
,gon, editor of the low* Homestead, of
Des Moines, were on the program for
evening talks.
"\m The Iowa Corn Growers' association
-'made known yesterday the first
awards. A great array of premiums
"'are being scattered widely over' the
Btate by this organization in this dis
trlbutlon. The following is the list
jmade known to date:
Class A.
Best Hen ears of any variety—
District 1—George M. Alles, Newell
H. L. Felter, Washta J. W. Eral, Po
cahontas A. T. Zimmerman, Washta.
,*• District 2—M. S. Nelson, Goldfleld
A. Bates, Algona France Warner,
CtoldfEJU..Alfred Hansen, Goldfleld.
District' s—C. L. Sti*um, Janesvllle
Joe Kramer, Elkader C. L. Greer,
Sweepstakes, northern section—
v^Geo. M. Allee M. 8. Nelson, Goldfleld
*C. L. Strum, Janesville.
District 4—Paul C. Taff Panora
Geo. fUiwllngs, Castana John Sund
/_ berg,. Whiting J. F. Powers, Persia.
District 6—Edson Bennett, Ames
(ptiarles O. Garrett, Mltchellville Wil
llai^d Zeller, Cooper C. R. Bishop, Al
piitrlct 6—Fred McCulloch, Hart
wick Neal Bros., Mt. Vernon D. L.
Pascal, DeWitt J. W. Coverdale, El
v] Sweepstakes, central section—Paul
C. Taft, Panora Edson Bennett, Ames
Fred McCulloch, Hartwick.
District 7—Harry Hilton, Malverni
Lenus Haggland, Essex J. F. Sum
mers, Malvern.
District 8—F. S. Bone. Grand River
Fred Wooley, Garden Grove Joel
Barnatt A Son, Barlham F. F. Ever
ett, Lacey.
District 9—W. A. Hook, Packwood
J. F. Kopp, Mt Pleasant Arthur Wil
Hams, Ottumwa E. G. Holland, Mil
Sweepstakes, southern section—W.
A. Hook, Harry Hilton.
Class B.
(Best ear of corn, any variety)
District 1.—George M. Alle, Newell
W. tV. Bruner, Rolfe H. L. Felter,
Washta iNIok Worth, LeMars.
District 2.—M. S. Nelson, Goldfleld
H. ®. MaArthur, 'Mason City: E. R.
Mawdsley, Burt CarJ Paetz, Algona.
(District 8.—T. F. Cook, Durgan G.
Fankner, Waverly C. L. Strum,
Janesvllle C. Ii. Greer, Montlcello.
Sweepstakes, Northern Seotlon.
George M. Allee, Newell M. S. Nel
son, Goldfleld T. F. Cook, Durgan.
District 4.—Paul C. TafT, Panora
Grant Chapman, Bagley George Raw
lings, Castana John Sundberg, Whit
District 6.—A. D. Marts, Ankeney
C. R. Bishop, Altoona: A. L. Gar
rett, Altoona C. O. Garrett, Mitchell
District 6.—W. S. Kell, Marengo C.
R. 'Huteheson, West Branch D. L.
Pascal, DeWitt William A. Radeke,
•Sweepstakes, Central Section. W.
6. Kell, Marengo A. D. Marts, An
keney Paul C. Taflf, Panora.
District 7.—J. W. NIms, Emerson:
Harry Hilton, Malvern H. R. Parker,
Valvera J. H. Petty, Elliott, Iowa.
Dtetrlct 9.—J. A. Mason, Carlisle
Jool Barnett & Son, Earl ham Willis
Krlzcr, Hoso Hill W. IB. Shakespeare,
District 0. —K C. Holland, Milton:
J. F. Kopn, Mt. Pleasant W- A- Hoolt,
Packwood .T. C. VYnin'i'.' Saletn.
•Sweopstukes, SoiitheTn Section. J.
A. Mason, Carlisle 13iij C» Holland,
Milton J. W. NIms. BJnrp'rsoii.
(Iraud Clianiplon ywJi-pstakcs Sin
gle Eai*.—J. A. Mason, Carlisle.
Class C.
,Club exhibit, best llfty ears, any va
In the Northern Section, the Ever
green Corn olirfo. of (JoUMield, won
ilrst and sweepstakes*, there being nn
other entries from this section.
In the Central and Southern Sec
tions, the awards worn as follows:
District 4.—Guthrie County Corn
cluib, Bagley.
District 5.—Tama County Corn club,
District 6.—Luzerne Farmers' Corn
Sweepstoakes. Central Section.
Guthrie County Corn club: Luzerne
Farmers' Corn club.
District 7.—Emerson Corn club,
Emerson. Iowa.
•District 8.—No entries were received
for this class, from District 8.
District 9.—Packwood Corn clu i,
Packwood, Iowa,
Sweepstakes, Southern Section.
Paokwood Corn club.
Grand Champion. Swcopslakes.
Packwood Corn club.
Class E.
(Amateurs, best ton ears, any variety).
Northern Section.—E. R. Miuvdsley,
Burt Charles Johnson. Hawnrden:
Joe Kramer, Elkader C. L. Strum,
Janesvllle William J. Eral, Pocahon
While the enrollment at the short
course consists largely of farmers and
those interested In farm life, the state
college Is this year attracting: the n.tj
tentlon of more teachers than ever
before.' There seems to be a growing
sentiment among eduoators that more
of the practical and the sclentillc must
be taught. A professor from the nor
mal school at Klrksvllle. Mo., county
superintendents from Paste. Shelby,
And ot'her counties, and teachers from
Cedar Falls, Lincoln, Neb., St. P^ul,
and Kansas City are or have bee 1n
attendance. The enrollment la-'now
nearly 700. The work of the short
course closfes this week.
Examinations for regular college
woa-k will begin Jan. 15. The pros
pects are said to be excellent for a
large number of new stu^gnts.
Fine Program for Gathering of Farm
ers at Grundy Center.
special to Times-Republtoan.
Grundy Center, Jan. 7.—The follow
ing is the program of the Grundy
County Farmers' Institute:
Thursday, 1 O'clock,
'Music—Quartet. a, v"
Address—Capt E. Miller. ,(
Potato raising, as to soil, variety,
planting, cultivation and marketing—
H. N. Dllly.
Discussion toy George L. Frost, A1
Morrison, Eiber Stevens, Walter Mi'ler,
and others: How best may we utilize
our available fertilizers to Grundy
county soil?—F. C. Dickey,
E. S.
Friday, 1 O'clock.
Address—E. E. Favllle.'
Recitation—'Wahneta King.
"Past. Present and Future
culture"—John# Lister. 4p',
Discussed L. B. DeSeelJUt, Mor
ris Merritt. jpohn Rlchmo: M. E
Hunter, WljKam Morrow, Md E. F.
Business meeting.
Saturday, 1 O'clock.
Address, "Practical Horse Breeding"
-H. G. McMillan.
Special hour for women.
Paper, "The Ideal Country Home"—
Mrs. Olive St. John.
Recitation—'Florence Meyers.
Paper, "Let us Make Farm Life In
teresting for Our Twentieth Century
Young People"—'Mrs. Shermah Siinms.
Reading. "HoA- John Left the Farm"
—Miss Dorothy Cooledge.
"What a Fbw Chickens Will Do on
Farm"—'Mrs. Frank Erlcson.
Address—Charles J. Winter^*7!IIIam
Mooty, President L. W. Plajdir, secre
William Hagerty, a farme» .Ivlng
four and a half miles southwest of this
place,, committed suicide by hanging.
He was a man about 45 years of age,
and leaves a wife and two children.
The annual farmers' instltuto will
be held In this city January 15 and 16.
A number of prominent agricultural
authorities are on the program, includ
ing D. L. Pascal, the man who raised
the $150 ear of corn, and C. AVinter
of the Eastern Central Iowa armers'
Institute association.
John R. Ochllltree died Saturday
morning at 7 o'clock, aged 98 years.
The funeral was held Monday at the
Methodist Episcopal church of Bayard.
Mr. Ochllltree was one of the first
settlers of Guthrie county, having lived
on his present farm over forty years,
and the oldest man in Guthrie county.
While enjoying a holiday skate on
the Smoky Hollow Coal Company's
reservoir, the weight of the) children
broke the ice and all of them fell in.
Three were gotten out by men who
heard their calls for help, but Samuel
Lloyd, a boy 12 years of age, was lost.
The child wis f£und several hours
after the accident.
Word was received Saturday of the
death In Council Bluffs of Mrs. Wil
liam Wells, a pioneer resident of
Boone and wife of the formtr pro
prietor of the Wells house and pio
neer postmaster in the early instruc
tion of the Northwestern road. The re
mains were brought to Boone for bur
ial Monday.
An interesting tale come.« from
hunters out in Rock Creek township.
Between three and five years ago sev
eral farmers in that vicinity got the
prevalent Belgian hare cra:ie. and
several of them secured some line im
ported animals of this breed as well
as some English hares. Several of the
animals got away, and on Tuesday
the first cross between our ordinary
rabbits and
Belgian hare was shot
Open Winter a Uodsond to
Sections of State Wlicro
Crops Are Short
No Grain Except That Left in Corn­
The remarkable development in re
cent years of tho poultry Industry in
this country has been exploited so of
ten that comparisons with lumber
production, wheat crops, mine outputs
and other great sources of wealth, In
which the hen invariably emerges tri
umphant. no longer exclteB any, sur
prise. Something rather new In this
line, however, occurred the othei day,
when a firm dealing In poultry refused
to pay market price for a consignment
fit chlckeps because their breeding
was not up to the average, the man
ager of the concern declaring that the
locality from which they came was
notorious for
About twenty years ago a farmers'
co-operative association was organized
at this pjace. The venture was a suc
cess from the first, and- while other
similar organizations were effected in
various localities, flourishing for a
time and then disintegrating the in
stitution at Rockwell has steadily
grown In strength and favor until it
Is perhaps the most famous organiza
tion of Its kind in tho obuntry. Tho
effect of its existence on the commun
ity is a matter for controversyT Op
ponents of the idea complain that the
handling of certain lines of merchan­
•K av'
fields Fed as Yet—Good Breeding in
Poultry Coming to Be Recognized as
a Necessity to Secure Best Prices—
Wilson's Rural Observations.
Speclnl to Times-Republican.
Rockwell, .Ian. 7.—Whatever causc
for disappointment and regret the
northern Iowa farmer has had because
of reverses sustained during the past
season, he lias no words of complaint
to offer hccuuse of tho Quality of win
ter weather that has been furnished
him thus far. In some places not
enough grain was raised to winter the
horses, .cattle and hiigs nocessary to
keep .the farms stocked, leaving out ol'
the question any feeding of stock for
the market, yet in these same localities
ail classes of farm animals aro in un
usually line condition, the open win
ter having permitted them to get their
entire subsistence from cornfields and
meadows, eating what would usually in
large measure have been wasted. Sumo
farmers have not yet fed a particle of
hay or grain to their horses or milch
cows, tho both have remained In excel
lent condition, und the saving thus ef
fected is hard to overestimate. Those
living In the level portions of the state,
where for several years past there has
existed at nearly all times a surplus
of moisture, exult over the fact that
at the close of the tiling season ditches
were dug to a depth of three or four
feet in low places, and only dry dirt
was thrown out, a condition, they say,
thav has not before existed at any time
within the memory of the oldest' in
habitants. More fall plowing was done
last year than for a long time, and the
Reason was especially favorable for
those preparations for winter that are
often left unfinished because of an
early and unexpected period of stormy
chickens and
needed a good lesson in t}iat direction.
He Insisted that there Is as much dif
ference In high and low bred poultry
as there Is In cattle or hogs, and that
the time has arrived when prices paid
for chickens and other species of poul
try will be governed largely by the
quality of the offerings, as well as
age, size and other considerations.
by a hunter. It was about twice the
size of an ordinary bunny, with white
tail, and having the ears and hair of
a Belgian rabbit. Its flesh was white
like that of a Belgian hare, but in
many other respects it showed the
characteristics of the plain, ordinary,
home-grown, patriotic American rab
Some chunks of pretty good coal
have been found in the ditch that Is
now draining the Aunis slough In Un
ion township. Hug Herman exhibited
it in Algona last week. This is not
the first evidence of small coal forma
tions that have been found about here,
but it is not likely that coal was
formed here in sufficient quantity to
make profitable mining.
George W. Meader, a pioneer hard
ware merchant in Sibley, who has re
cently turned the business over to his
sons and retired, is in the Evanston
hospital, Chicago, where he underwent
an operation for the removal of the
vermiform appendix. The operation re
vealed a cancerous growth on the
lower bowel, from which there is no
The horse belonging to Lew Ander
son, of Willow township, stolen last
fall. Is now once more in possession of
its owner, and the youthful thief, Clyde
Bunnell, is languishing in jail at Woon
socket, S. D., awaiting sentence for a
still more serious crime. Thus the
mills of justice, while they sometimes
grind slowly, in the end grind ex
ceeding fine.
The Island Grove school house where
Miss Mamie DeGunther teaches,
caught tire and burned to the ground
Tuesday night. How it started is not
known, but the supposition is that
tramps either set fire to it accidentally
or purposely. Miss DeGunther took
great^ pride in her school and had
made several improvements. New
curtains had been placed at the win
dows, a new bookcase installed, and
the prospects bright for renewed work
after the holidays.
C.!l,ebrat,^.y?:tJer^iy W.ith,.a
union attended by nearly the entire
neighborhood. Four generations of
relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs.
Towne were married In 1858 on Jan
uary 5.
Daniel Wren, Webster City, Receives
News of Son's Fate.
Special to Times-Republican.
Webster City, Jan. 7.—Daniel Wren,
of this city, yesterday received a tele
gram from tho navy department an
nouncing the sudden death of his son,
George, who was in the navy. The
young man was killed in New York
City by a train.
Des Moines.
C. H. Crabtree has appealed his $1,
000,000 damage suit against A. L.
Steele, Jessie A. Miller, Mrs. Louise
McKay, R. J. Bannister and a number
of others to the supreme court Judge
McHenry threw the case out of court
on a demurrer and Crabtree thru
his attorneys, Warren Walker and C.
J. Gallagher, has taken an appeal. It
will be remembered that Crabtree In
his petition made charges of conspir
acy against a number of persons who
sued him In connection with mining
stock deals. Their attorneys were also
made defendants.
Columbus Junction.
W. F. Brown, a prominent business
man of this city, was held up by two
masked men. one long and one short,
while returning home from his store
about eleven o'clock Wednesday even
ing. The men dashed out of a dark al
ley between the M. E. church parson
age and church, and pointing revol
vers at Brown commanded him to
throw up his hands. He did so and the
robbers ransacked his clothing, taking
ten dollars In cash. They evidently
sought only money for they did not
molest ihis watch or diamond stud. The
men escaped, and there is now clue
to their identity.
A most shocking accident occurred
at Temple Hill near here while Will
iam Weilbacher and Louis Breitbach
were out cutting timber. Weilbacher
lately came here from Germany, and
not being familiar with the moda of
cutting trees, Breitbach gave him in
struction .to stay on the left side of
the tree. Weilbacher is near sighted
and while he had one foot near the
tree, Breitbach, who had his face
turned, swung his ax and thjt sharp
implement was buried into Wellbach
er's leg. I-lis companion's erv of pain
was the first intimation Breitbach had
of the accident. Weilbacher Is In a
precarious condition, and there is great
danger of blood poisoning setting In.
Itmes-ltepMieatt llfeaasharatman, ftrara, Imtuaxg 7 1908
dise by the association bus driven in
dividual dealers In those tines out of
business IIrid prevented the VOIIIIUK In
of others to lake their pliice.*. To this
the members of tin* !is tcl:itiiii answer
•that no local merchiint was e\er forced
out of business unless lie hud nt
tenvpted to take advantage of his trade
and cite numerous In-dunces of suc
cessful business enroe's In the town.
Tlicy declare that enough trade Is
brought to the place by those who
would naturally sell their produce at
other points to more than balance that
absorbed by the association.
To'the statement that the population
of the town has fallen .iff durliiK the
lust ten years It Is answered thai near
IIUMH to a growing city, the building
of rullrouds on both sides of contigu
ous territory and other local causes
lmvt produced tfte result sometimes
charged to the farmers' organization.
Real estate vaJues, both In town and
country, appear to 'be about on a level
with those of other localities In this
portion of tho state, and so far as the
population of the town Is concerned
it Is said there Is at present not a. sin
gle habitable house In Rockwell unoc
cupied. To the unprejudiced observer
the place presents an appearu.ncc any
thing but "dead,"
Davenport Woman Provides Generous
ly for State University in Will.
Davenport. Jan. 7.—Mrs. Helen J.
Clifford, an uged philanthropist of tills
city, In her will, which was opened
yesterday, leaves (5,000 for a free
room In the Iowa. State University
hospital as a memorial to her son,
aite bow rev Gilford.
In the gradual administration of her
estate she provides that about $20,000
more shall be added to this fund, and
flnullv. If her three grandchildren die
without issue, a trust of $75,000, In
which they have a life ustnte, Is to go
to the im.Vyr.slty hospital.
Physicians Extend Little Hope for Re
covery of George B. Rockwell.
Special to rim»s-RcPUbl!can
Rockwell, Jan. 7.—Stricken for the
third time with apoplexy, George U.
Rockwell, one of the pioneer repre
sentative men of Cerro CJordo county,
lies critically 111 at Ills home In this
city. Ills physicians do not give out I have been raised, or at least better
much encouragement for his recov
ery. He Is In Ills eightieth year and
It is feared that lie cannot withstand
the attack. His horde of friends thru
out this part of the state regret to
hear jf this Illness.
Miss Bertha Gardner, of Iowa
Summoned to Missouri.
Special to Times-Republican.
Iowa Kails, Jon. 7.—Mlss Bertha
Gardner was summoned to Missouri
the last of the week by a message
stating that her father, who was
formerly a resident of tills county, had
dropped dead. No further particulars
of the death have been learned. Mr.
Gardner leaves his wife and a large
family of children, several of whom
still reside in this county.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Towne, of Ply
mouth, Married Fifty Years.
Special to Times-Republican.
Plymouth, Jan. 7.—The fiftieth an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. C.
Towne, old residents of this town, was
"BROMO QUININE." that is
^axattve Bromo
Carets CeMla One Day, Ci
Seven of Eleven Prainajje Jis
tricts in erro (jonlo Comi­
ty, Completed
Much of the Farm Land in This Sec-
t'-'n of Iowa is Flat, and Proper
/rainage is Needed to Make It
^Profitable—Large 8ums Already Ex­
Special to Times-Republican
Mason City, Jan. 7.—That Cerro Gor
do county Is protecting herself against
future Hoods, which retard crops and
prevent the full returns from hlgh
prlced lands, is evident by the amount
of money spent tills past season In
drainugc In all parts of the county.
Eleven drainage districts have been
laid out, seven of them completed, with
four remaining uncompleted and prob
ably a halt dozen other districts In
the county asking for the same provis
ion to guard against the ravages of
protracted rains for another season.
According to tho figures furnished
by the board of-supervisors, there has
been spent over $:'5,000 for drainage.
Of the eleven districts, the average ex
pense will be from $3,000 to $10,000
each, and with the amount of drainage
yet Incomplete, the total expense will
probably be close to $100,000.
It Is evident that to make northern
Iowa land profitable during a wet sea
son. It must be properly drained. A
good deal of the farm land of this
county Is Hat, much of it has poor
natural drainage, and such land this
year produced little or nothing In re
turn from the crops planted, while on
similar lying land adjacent to It, that
has been drained properly, good crops
crops. The county work has been
largely that of ditching to afford prop
er outlets for a system of drainage In
tlint neighborhood. Next year the
land owners and tho county will spend
much more money than this year.
Fortune Left Namesake Nephew by
New York Bachelor.
Special to Times-Republican.
Des Moines, Jan. 7.—John Fullmer,
elevator boy in the north cage of the
Iowa Loan and TruBt building, who
has been struggling for ten years to
support himself and widowed mother.
Is heir to $35,000 left him by a bache
lor uncle for whom he was named, a
wealthy hat merchant, In New York
The lad received a letter from the
lawyers of his uncle that the latter
had died leaving a will In which he was
named sole heir of a fortune Invest
ed in Northern and Southern Pacific
bends and a brown stone house on
Two Hundred and Seventeenth street,
East New York.
The estate will not be fully settled
until May, when young Fullmer will
go and take command. Meantime he
f,amIly will stay~In ~hIs"cage" and 'draw'his $50
per month from the owners of the
Iowa Loan and Trust building.
"Go Into business? Not me!" the boy
said when questioned. "A good time
for mine the rest of my life, I will
have a steady income of $100 a month
as long as I live. What more does a
fellow want? I am going to travel first
Buckeye News.
Sr»Hal to Tinies-RerubUcan.
Buckeye, Jan. 7.—There Is a great
deal of sickness in this vicinity.
Frank and Mrs. E. Sweet and Glenn,
went to Owasa to spend Chrlstmas'and
Glenn was taken sick with pneumonia
and he and his grandmother aro still
there, and the last report was that
he was suffering with pleuro pneu
monia, and was no better.
Will Schmedika's youngest child, is
very ill with pneumonia, but the latest
report was that he was a little bet
Mrs. Mae Cornell has been on the
sick list this week with little im
provement so far.
Ralph Rogers was called to his fa
ther's bedside Wednesday on account
of serious Illness, caaised by pneu
monia. There has been doubt ex
pressed as to his recovery. He Is in
the hospital at Albert Lea, Minn.
James Seely has been confined to
his house since before New Year's.
Max Gherke has ordered a new gas
plant outfit for lighting the restau
rant, which will be an acceptable addi
tion to their apparatus.
School opened again Monday after
a two weeks' vacation with an in
crease In the attendance.
Mrs. Will Boeke and children, of
Ocheyedan returned to their home
Friday after a two weeks' visit with
relatives and friends In this vicinity.
How Is Your Blood
If you lack strength, are nervous, have
no appetite, don't sleep well, get tired
easily, your blood is in bad condition.
You cannot be strong without pure, rich
blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes good,
rich Mood and keeps it good.
Dyspepsia For six months my sys
tem was out of order with dyspepsia and
impure blood. Spent lots of money in vain,
but Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me. Jos. S,
ZAUBA. Genoa. Neb.
Had No Appetite-"! was troubled
with dyspepsia and had no appetite. I had
a faint feelmr after eating. My constitution
was all run down, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has
fullf relieved me." KLORKNCB STOWE,
Sniaerville. Wisconsin.
Weakness—"I bless the day I heard of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, as it curcd me of extreme
weakness after grip, built my husband up
after pneumonia, and cured eczema and
blood-poisoninsr In our children. Mas. M.
A. DELWOKTH. Box 4. Enibreeville. Pa.
Hood's Sursaparllla Is sold everywhere.
In the usual liquid, or in tablet form called
tarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre
pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Man
en every
-'I"",, Vi
The Meeker Laundry possesses modern
—this country from one end to the other, I
and then Europe. Then I'll go to New
York—but not to work. Whv should
n't I quit working when I don't have
to earn a living?"
facilities and we are enabled at at all
times to render rapid and. satisfactory
service. If you want to ste how rap-
we can turn out work entrusted
to us favor us with your next bundle.
The Meeket Laundry Co.
The New Year
The New Year comes with
real good cheer and bright
prospects to the man or
woman with at Bank Ac
If you are contemplating
opening an account or
making new banking con
nections, we cordially in
vite you to call and Inspect
the Safety, Equipment and
Conveniences of the City
National Bank.
Interest Paid
On Savings Accounts.
Capital $100,000.00.
Surplus and Undivided
Profits $60,000.00.
Prop, and Mgr.
Rates $2 to $3 Per Day
Mea!s 50 Cents
i. S.-'Vc-.j
THE V\lue,
Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of
this competitive age and when of ample character it places iti fortunate
possessor in the front ranks of
The Well Informed of the World.
A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Function® and Knowl
edge of Products
are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health
when a tru and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,» an
ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component
Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first
and best of family laxatives, for which np extravagant or unreasonable claims are made^
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of—Syrup of Figs—and has attained to world
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure
laxative piinciples, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians
and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of—Syrup of Figs and|
Fli«ir of Senna—as more fully descrjptive of the remedy,:'
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
of'—Syrup of Figs—and to get its beneficial
effects, always note, whep purchasing the full
name of the Company—California Fig Syrup
Co.—printed on the front of every package,
whether you call for—Syrup of Figs
or by the fill name Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna.
Have Exchange
Automobile Garage
A Practical Machinist with
year's experience is a guaran
tee of satisfaction and
prompt service.
160 acres of land In Stutsman couflty.
North Dakota, for town property
640 acres Mercer county, North Da
kota, for merchandise.
80 acres improved Iowa land for torn
property. i. *.
20-room hotel in good town, well
rented, for land.
4 city properties for land or
40 acres of Missouri land and cash
for town property. Si
3-chalr barber shop In good town,
doing good business, for sale or ex
2 good Marshalltown residence prop-'
ertios for" small improved Missouri
This Is only a. few of our bargains.
Remember that we make a specialty of
'•selling real estate and all kinds of
property at auction.
Over 14 East Main street, Marshall
town, Iowa. New 'phones, 162—780—
Wendell P. Maulsby, Auctioneer
Jan. 7.—Otto Radloff, 4 miles S., 1 mile E. of Mar
shalltown, 6 horses, 31 cattle, 10 shoats, chickens,
farm implements.
Jan. 9.—D. Estal, 8 miles east of Marshalltown, on
Lou Hall farm. Closing out sale, horses, cattle,
hogs, hay. Implements.
Jan. 10—Geo. Smith, 4 miles E. of Garwin. Cattle,
hogs, horses, farm Implements.
Jan. 14.—Wendell Stull, 3 miles N. E. Green Moun
tain. Closingout Sale. Cattle, horses, implement^
Jan. 15.—Allen Land Co., 3 miles N. W. of Mar
shalltown, 850 sheep, horses, cattle, hogs, Imple
Reading Lamps"
20 North Center Street
5 West State
New 'Phone 7Vf
t: .1

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