OCR Interpretation

Evening times-Republican. [volume] (Marshalltown, Iowa) 1890-1923, March 02, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85049554/1908-03-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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Hungry As a Bear
*. »**wt
and Can't Eat
When Mealtime
Comes, Vou Suffer
FrOjn a Yes-Not Kind of Hunger,
You're a Dyspeptic.
How to Curo All Stomach Troubles.
A good many peoples get mad when
you tell them they've got dyspepsia,
but \ife.y down deep in their stomachs
they know they've got it.
"I'd love to eat it, but I can't," is
one kind of dyspepsia.
"I hate to think of it," is another
kind. There are thousands of people
today who hate their meals, and love
them at the same time. They haven't
that fine empty-hungry eat-every
thing-in-sight kind of feeling which
goes with every good strong healthy
stomach. That's because they have
dyspepsia. And then there are others
whose mouths don't water at meal
time or at any other time. They sit
at the table and go thru the motions,
only because its time to eat. These
people, too, are dyspeptics.
Every possible kind of stomach
trouble can be cured by taking some
thing which will just take right hold
'of all the food in your stomach and
'digest it alone without the help of
the stomach, and let the stomach take
a rest.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do this
|very thing. They are composed of the
!best digestive known to science, and
are absolutely safe. One ingredient
alone of one of these tablets will digest
3,000 grains of food! These tablets do
exactly the work that a good strong
healthy stomach does.
Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets cure all
cases of dyspepsia, indigestion, burn
ing or irritation, loss of appetite,
'bloat, brash, belching, aversion to food,
"fermentation and gas on the stomach.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
'you feel "good" before and after each
.meal, and make your stomach strong
'and healthy again. They will make
,you happy.
Send us your name and address to
"day and we
.' if
at onoe send you by
trial I a sample package, free. Address
A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg.,
"Marhall, Mich.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
Tat every drug store for 50c a box.
Laundry. The advancing of strong ar
guments concerning o\ir laundry ser
vice is an easy matter, because we
possess modern facilities to do quick
and satisfactory work. You'll un
doubtedly think so, after you have giv
en it a trial. We await an opportunity
to launder your linens. The Meeker
Laundry. The soft water laundry.
"If my foresight had been as
good as my hindsight is, I would
bo several thousand dollars bet
ter off today," said the man who
was burned out without any in
surance to cover his loss.
The old saying that "an ounce
of prevention is worth a pound
of cure" is particularly applicable
to fire insurance. By the invest
ment of a few dollars you might
save yourself the loss of thous
Now is a good time to take on
insurance. The fire risk is great
er in winter. A defective flue or
the careless dropping of a match
might leave you homeless.
We represent only A1 Com
Over 10 West Main Street.
Institutions I'lidor Hoard of
Control Not Required to
Seek Seed Elsewhere
Don't Think Much of New Fangled
Methods and Devices Box of Dirt
the Best Poor Seed Last Year
Cost Farmers of Iowa $45,000,000—
Points on Selection.
Special to Times-Republican.
Dos Moinos. March 2.—With the
samples of seed corn frojn the thir
teen state Institutions, Hon. John Cow
nie, of the state board of control this
ear tested samples of seed corn from
one of the progressive farmers of the
state. The lowest test for any of the
state Corn showed 48 grains out of 50
sprouted and healthy. That of the
farmer showed 37 grains of the 50
sprouted but many of the stacks weak
and small.
"There is the best object less .in to
the farmers of Iowa that it would bo
possible to secure," said Mr. Cownie.
who ill as raised more than fifty crops
of corn in Iowa. "Corn properly se
lected in the Held and properly cared
for during the winter should all grow.
It should be a 100 per cent stand. I
have made some failures of corn crops
during .the half century that 1 have
been raising corn in Iowa. 1 have
made some failures that have cost me
money, and I believe now that .i have
learned tihe business.
"In the first place right now is the
time to test seed corn. The farmer
should not wait till a few days before
time to plant. Furthermore 1 believe
in testing the corn in dirt and not be
tween some nice clean Wotting paper.
Out 'here in another city there is a
man who, makes a device for testing
seed corn. I wouldn't give two cents
for it. They lay the corn between
sheets of paper a.nd wet the paper and
if it sprouts then they const Jer it
"The .best sped corn tester in the
world is a cigar box with some dirt in
it. Look at,this box here of corn from
a farmer friend's supply. Oily 37
grains out of 50 sprouted, arid look
how weak some of the stalks are. They
sprouted hire under the most favor
able conditions. Out in the field much
of that would never have sprouted
at all.
"Poor seed corn last year cost the
farmers of Iowa $43,000,000. Iowa has
annually about 9.000.000 acres of corn.
There was only about a one-third stand
last year and it was due to poor seed
corn. I know most farmers blamed
the weather, but the real trouble was
their seed corn. The test for seed com
should be in dirt and after it isi sprout
ed it shoukl be- continued till the
stalks are three or four inches high to
determine whether or not it has vital
ity. Seed corn should be selected from
the field before October 1 and thru the
winter should be kept in a room where
the temperature never goes .below
freezing. The parlor is none to gooi
a room to keep seed corn in."
Agent Green of the Indian reserva
tion at Tama. Attorney General Byers
and Governor Cummins, in conference
Saturday, thrashed out the controversy
that has been pending since 896 as to
certain land in the reservation.
Under an act of congress certain
lands were deeded to Governor Grimes
as trustee for five named Indian chiefs.
When it came to a question of his
successors in office deeding t:ie land to
the interior department on behalf of
the tribe at Tama, question arose as to
the title and the power of the goveror
as trustee to deed land which was held
for named persons instead of the tribe.
The law was passed by congress in
1896, authorizing the transfer by the
governor on foehalf of the .tribe.
In 1898 the federal court sitting at
Cedar Rapids decided that the title to
the land was in the tribe instead of the
named chiefs in ithe deed, Jind so de
creed, directing the governor to make
the deed. Governor Shaw was in the
executive office when the title was
Quieted and did not make the deeds.
Recently the matter was called to the
attention of Governor Cummins.
Saturday the attorney general and
the agent for the Indians got together
with the governor and the attorney
general rendered an opinion to the ef
fect that the law and the federal court
decree authorized the governor to make
the deed for the land to the Interior
department at "Washington, and ithls
will be-done.
Secretary of State W, O. Hayward
this week will begin the distribution of
the book he has Just published con
taining the addresses delivered at the
dedication of the Iowa soldier monu
ments in 1906 at Vicksburg, Anderson*
ville, Chattanooga and Shiloh.
Perhaps no other1 book ever pub
lished by the state will receive the at
tention and be in the demand as will
this volume. The state of Iowa ex
pended about $250,000 in erecting the
soldiers' monuments and J10.000 in
suitably dedicating them. Then that
the citizens of the state might know of
this great work and of the spirit which
animated the legislature in making the
appropriations and of the work of the
commissions and of the addresses de
livered at the dedication ceremonies,
Secretary Haywood was instructed to
publish in suitable manner the report
of the dedication ceremonies. This he
has done and the people of Iowa will
be brought in personal touch with the
reverence and appreciation paid by a
grateful commonwealth to her soldiers
in the civil war thru the volume which
will appear this week.
Eldora Paper's Statemert Injustice to
Des Moines Shor': Line.
Special to Times-Republican.
Iowa Falls, March 9.—The statement
made by an Eldora paper, Saturday,
that mechanics' loins to the amount
of $27,000 had been filed against the
Des Moines Short Line, and that this
action indicated the road was "busted,"
as a result of the two-cent rate, does
S, ^-W* AJ-3^* J?'-SSiv-t
the road and its officials an injustice.
The true cmnlitlons are that the me
chanics' leius, il tiled, should be agonist
the lovva. Construction Ciunpanv. a dis
tinct organisation that is building timl
equipping the Si. Paul At Des Moines
road from this city to .Mason City, fur
this eonstruc.lion company is buyln-K
all tlio 'materials for the new piece of
roa.d, and it is not to become the prop
erly of the St. I'. & 1). M. road until
it is completed to Mason City. Inspected
and accepted by the road proper. The
Short Line officials when shown the
article stated that if the leins were
tiled in the name of the Short .bine, the
tiling was erroneous, as the Short T/ino
owed no one for construction .materials.
Sympathy of Entire Community With
rs. Wherry, Iowa Falls.
Special to Times-TtepuDlican.
Iowa Kails, March 2.—The past few
days have brought no new develop
ments in the Wherry case. Friends of
.Mrs. Wherry have been looking up
some matters regarding her husband's
unexpected departure, and llnd that
while ho staled to his wile, before leav
ing home, that lie was going to work
for the Emerson Implement Company,
at Minneapolis, Minn., this company
knows nothing of any such man. It
is stated that Mr. Wherry, who sought
a loan of a few hundred dollars be
fore lie left here, succeeded in negoti
ating one with a friend, who let him
have $^00. It is stated that some of
Mrs. Wherry's friends have inter
viewed Wherry's attorneys, who state
that Wherry had consulted them rela
tive to his recent actions, and had been
advised by them what to do in taking
the step he lias, thus indicating that
the action has been in his mind for
some time. It is also stated that he
told the manager of the Sattley-Ra
cine Company, in Des Moines, that ho
intended to leave his wife. The sym
pathy of the entire community is with
Mrs. Wherry. She is held in the high
est esteem by everybody.
Governor Cummins Pays Tribute to
the Work of the Guard.
Boone, March 2.—Lincoln armory.
Boone's new $18,000 home for Com
pany 1, was dedicated Saturday even
ing with fitting pomp and ceremony.
Visitors from Fort Dodge, Ames and
neighboring towns attended, and the
large building, which is 60x100 feet,
and contains a drill hall with unbrok
en floor of 60x85 feet, was crowded to
hear Governor Cummins' address,
which was an eloquent compliment to
the guard and the work which had
been accomplished in Boone.
The military ball following was a
brilliant success, the large hall accom
modating the intense crowd with ease,
and the floor, which was covered with
canvas during the exercises, being in
line condition.
Governor and .Mrs. Cummins arrived
at 5 o'clock from Des Moines and were
entertained at an informal dinner par
ty at 6 o'clock by Judge and Mrs. J. L.
Stevens at their home on East Eighth
The News of Dickens.
Special to T'!nfc-itepulilca'i
Dickens, March 2.—A great deal of
moving is being done at this time
here and several families go to differ
ent states. T. K. Kendedkine and fam
ily will leave the first of this week for
Carlysie, S. D.. where they will have
charge of a hotel and livery barn.
G. A. Flack and wife leave to take
charge of a creamery at Grand Mea
dow, Minn. Fred Christianson takes
Mr. Flack's place as helper in the
Dickens creamery.
William McCurdy and family are
loading a car to go to Two Harbors.
Wilbur Somers and family will go
with McCurdys.
These people will be greatly missed
from this community.
A Mr. Noble, from near Spencer, has
purchased the Cairns & Jones store
and stock of goods, and will take pos
session immediately.
Archie McCurdy lost a very valu
able horse Saturday. It was sick only
one day. Altho a veterinary was em
ployed, nothing could be done to save
the horse.
Cedar Falls Wins Debate,
special to Times-Republican.
•Cedar Falls, Maroh 2.—At the debate
under the Iowa State High School De
bating league Friday might, the Cedar
Falls team won the unanimous vote
of the Judges in its contest with the
team of Elkader, where the debate was
•held. The team is composed of Car
son Taylor, Glenn Davis and Max .Cun
ning, with John Leavjtt and Earl
Wilde as substitutes. Tihey had the
affirmative of the question, "Resolved,
that a limited disarmament of the
leading powers would promote civiliza
I jwrnn
Pries 23 cents
See that the next
cough remedy you
buy is wrapped
like this.
Many Republinin Conventions
Hold Saturday and Progress­
ives Control Share
Several Counties Line Up as Formerly
—Strong Cummins Resolutions for
Cummins in Boone, Cerro Gordo and
Special to Times-Republican.
Boone, March 2.—The republicans of
this county met in convention Satur
day afternoon and selected fifteen dele
gates to the state convention to be held
in Des Moines shortly. The conven
tion was a unit on the resolutions en
dorsing Tat't and the Roosevelt poli
cies, and also passed ringing resolu
tions for Governor A. B. Cummins, and
commending the splendid work which
lie has done for the republican party.
S. G. ColdthwaiL, of the -News-Ku
publicati, was recommended as district
delegate to the Chicago convention, and
the honor of selecting the delegation
to the state convention was conferred
on him. These delegates follow:
S. R. Dyer, M. C. Crelghton, J. B.
Freise, J. L. Stevens, John Keleher, J.
S. llalliday, J. N. Ross, J. R. Dorau, G.
O. Durrell, Sam llarker, T. S. Ross, E.
S. Thorngren, William ililand, W. T.
Gildea, Archie Patterson.
Alternates—George Frei, R. R. Linn,
Dean Schooler, A. E. Cheek. Frank
limine, Miles Beeket, .Tames Miller, G.
G. Clause, Levi Beckntan, M. W. Bur
ell, W. S. Criswell, O ..M. Thatcher, J.
H. Patterson, O. E. Gonoe, Emanuel
The resolutions committee reported
as follows, which was adopted by the
"We adhere with unabated firmness
to the national policies advocated by
President Roosevelt, ami demand that
no backward step shall be taken.
"Resolved, That the laws enacted
thru the initiative of Governor Cum
mins. meet with our inniualitied ap
proval, anil we congratulate the peo
ple of Iowa upon the fact that all his
promises have, been faithfully kept.
"Resolved, To the end that the poli
cies advocated by our distinguished
leaders, President Theodore Roosevelt
and Governor A. B. Cummins, may be
maintained and advanced, we instruct
the delegates of this convention to use
all honorable means to secure the
nomination of the Hon. Wm. H. Taft
for the office of president of the Unit
ed States.
"Resolved, That in recognition of the
peculiar fitness of our fellow republi
can, S. G. Goldt'nwaite, for delegate to
the national convention, wo hereby
tender him the compliment of allowing
him to select the delegation -to the
state convention."
Cerro Gordo Endorses Cummins.
Special to Times-Republican.
Mason City, March 2.—In the county
convention Saturday afternoon the
committee on resolutions reported ring
ing resolutions for Theodore Roosevelt
and William H. Taft, which received
the hearty indorsement of the conven
tion for president at the republican
convention in Chicago in June. Gov
ernor Cummins received the indorse
ment of the convention for United
States senator toy a rising vote. Pun
can Rule was indorsed for district dele
gate to the national convention. Mr.
Rule responded to the call for a speech
and was heartily cheered for his strong
indorsement of the president and Will
iam H. Taft.
Standpatters Lose Out.
Special to Times-Republican.
Al'gona, March 2.—Saturday night at
the several voting precincts were held
caucuses for the purpose of electing
delegates to the county convention,
which will be held on March 5th. Out
of the four wards there Is not a stand
patter on the delegation. They seem
to be few and far between, and did
want to get a few of their flock on tihe
delegation, but it was thought best
not to put them on and that if they
•had any strength they would rally
their forces together and elect their
ticket, but their courage failed them,
and they made no light for delegates
to the county convention. From the
VERY one desires to establish
for himself a good name, but
it takes time to win the confidence
of your fellow men. Truth and per
severance are the alternate rungs
on the ladder of success, and he
who reaches the top must make no
false step.
There are hundreds of cough
medicines with all sorts of names,
each claiming to be the best, but
the test of time will prove whether
or not they have established the
right to be called the best.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has had thirty-five
years of sale and use, and has cured coughs and
colds under all conditions, in all countries and clim
ates, and the verdict today is that it has no equal.
^o^'-iib!!'•••: lHralj£l$mm» 'yarn TOnah 2 190S
Elsewhere—Standpat Claims in Fay
ette Have No Foundation.
outside precincts all are of the true
Who, progressive, 'iiminins' tpe,
vthifth will express the true senllineiil
the people of Kossuth county.
Fayette is Progressive.
Fayette, March
—In spite of pub­
statements to the contrary.
Fayette, county's republican convention
recently held wis not controlled by the
standpatters, as eleven, if not
of the delegates to the si ale conven
tion are known to be progressives. The
committee on resolutions was con
trolled by Allison .men, and they were
able to smother the Larrabee resolu
tion. This resolution, in the Interest
of "harmony," was never brought to
the consideration of the convention.
Third District Fight.
Special to Times-Republican.
Iowa. Falls, Maroh 2. -Tile develop
ments of the -past few days Indicate
the Tight In the Third
delegates to 'ho national republican
convention, will bo "standpat" and
"progressive" with a vengeance. The
"standpat" ticket will be Dr. ,T. R.
Guthrie, of Dubuque, and Eugene
Scliafter, of Eagle Grove. The pro
gressive ticket will be Major Leroy
of Manchester, and- either Mr. Park
.hurst. of Eagle Grove, or Shenn Rath,
of Ackley. If Is stated that \V. R.
Williams, of Eldora, who was men
tioned as a. progressive candidate, has
withdrawn In favor of Mr. Rath, who
has been one of the .best republican
workers in the county for years,
Several County Conventions Endorse
Allison as Expected.
Wapello. .March 2.—The caucuses In
.the various precincts of Louisa county
were held Saturday. All of the cau
cuses have been heard from except two
and show a unanimous sentiment for
Senator Allison.
From Indications Allison will receive
an overwhelming vote at the June pri
Union County Also.
Creston, March. 2.—The Union coun
ty republican convention here was con
trolled by those favoring the re-elec
tion of Senator Allison. Resolutions en
dowing him Were adopted and the
delegates to the state convention all
favor him.
The resolitlons also strongly en
dorsed President Roosevelt declared
for Taft for the presidency: Hepburn
for congress and Carroll for governor.
Strong endorsement was also given
W. W. .Morrow of this county for a
second term as state treasurer.
Wayne for Allison.
Corvdon. March 2.—The republican
county convention to select delegates to
the state and district conventions, held
Saturday, adopted resolutions stronglj
la favor of Uoosevelt, Taft. AIHso'i and
Hepburn, and Instructed the delegilei
to tote for a Taft delegation from the
state and district. Speeches were made
by Justice Evans and Lewis Miles.
Tie ileVe 11 'ot. to the state con 'c.it'on
is solid standpat. as 1s also the district
delegation .v'th one exception.
Close in Adams County.
Special in I'lmes-Ri punllcnn
Corning, March 2—The Adams coun
ty republican convention instructed the
delegation to the district convention
for John Darrah for a delegate to the
national convention at Chicago. Oil a
test vote for delegates to the state con
vention the stjirfdpatters won by a. vote
of 40 to :!0. Speeches were made by
Senator Turner and Judge Towner, ad
vising harmony, which seemed to be
the sentiment of the convention, and a
hard fight will be made to return
Adams county to the republicans.
W. White, State Center, to Succeed
City Attorney Lamprecht, Iowa Falls.
Special to Times-Republican.
Iowa Falls, March 2.—Wilmer White
of State Center, has purchased the law
library and business of City Attorney
Joliji Lamprecht, and will take imme
diate possession. Mr. Lamprecht leaves
tomorrow for the Pacific coast, to ar
range to enter a law firm In Seattle.
He will return here in a few weeks and
assist Mr. White in familiarizing him
self with the new business.
Assistant: State Veterinarian Finds
Scabies Among Maxwell Sheep.
Special t:o Times-Republican.
Majowoll, March 2.—Assistant Sta.te
Veterinarian F. J. Neiman, of Mar
sihalltown, was called to Maxwell to
investigate an outbreak of disease
among 'the large sheep ilterd belonging
to N. N. Sherman. The veterinarian
pronounced the ailment scabies^ and
at once quarantined the entire herd of
238 head. No other tlierds in .this vi
cinity have so far been infected.
Careful selection of the drugs,
intelligent and skillful compound
ing, the entire absence of opium,
chloroform, or any other harmful
ingredient, and the absolute purity
of every article that goes into its
composition, has built up and sus
tained its good name.
These are the things you should
remember, and the next time you
want a cough medicine, it is worth
while to see that you get Chamber
lain's and secure the virtues which
a good name implies.
Every dealer who sells a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
guarantees it to give satisfaction
or he will refund the money.
,5„-v ri «j ,*•
Daniel Megan.rroniineiit Eldora
Citizen Dies in Chicago
Received Scratch While Assisting in
Care of Relative Who Was Fatally
III—Prominent Stockman of Central
Iowa Body to Bo Brought to El
dora for Burial.
Eldora, March 2.—Daniel Megan, a
lifelong resident of Eldora, and one ol
the most prominent stock raisers ot
central Jowa, died this morning at 1
o'clock, in Mercy hospital, Chicago.
Mr. Megan's death resulted from blood
poisoning caused by a slight scratch
on his hand, after a very brief ill
Mr. Megan a little more than a
week ago assisted in the care of his
brother-in-law, John Cangley, who was
fatally ill and receiveda slight scratch
on the hand. The wound was not con
sidered serious at the time, and a few
days later Mr. Megan left for Chicago
In charge of eight loads of cattle.
While enroute to the city the hand
and arm commenced to swell, and up
on Ills arrival he entered Mercy hos
pital for treatment. His condition
grew rapidly worse and his death fol
lowed this morning. His wife and
brother John were summoned to Chi
cago, and were with him when the end
Mr Megan was about 38 years of
age. He was the owner of 400 acres
of choice land located just south ol
Eldora, and was one of the largest
stock feeders ill this section of the
state. He was widely known and was
one of the prominent members of the
Catholic church.
The body Is expected here tomorrow
and the funeral will be held from the
Catholic church on Wednesday or
Thursday of this week.
Iowa City People Swindled in Sub
scription Deal.
Special to Times-Republican.
Iowa City, March 2.—It has just be
come -public that a large number of
Iowa City's citizens were relieved ot
their .money by one of the smoothest
games ever worked in this vicinity.
Some time In the early part ot Jan
uary, a stranger visited our citizens
claiming to represent a western mag
azine. He secured a largo number of
subscriptions at $1.50 per year, and
four handsomely bound books were
to be given with each and every
year's subscription.
Everything was supposed to be all
right until one of the subscribers won
dering why his magazines and books
did not come sent a letter to the head
office at Denver for information. A
reply soon cante to the effect that
they had no representative in this
vicinity and If any person was collect
ing money it was without their knowl
edge and permission.
The receipts given 'bear the name
of the publishing company and are
signed by the supposed agent. There
Is practically no clue to work on as
sufficient time has expired to insure
the grafter's safe get-away.
Verdict for $1.
Special to Times-Republican.
Mt. Pleasant, March 2.—The Jury
in the McCoid-Faulkner ca3e went out
at 9 o'clock Saturday morning and re
turned a verdict that evening about 4
o'clock in favor of the plaintiff, al
lowing him $1 and costs. McCoid was
suing for $1,990 damages for Injuries
received In a personal encounter. The
case has been on trial during the en
tire week, and has attracted consider
able attention not only near here, but
all over the state.
Hotel Changes Hands.
Fort Dodge, March 2.—Today the
Logan house changes hands, when Le
Roj' R. Chase, for years manager of
the house, turns over the keys to S. L.
Graham, late of Tacoma, "Washington.
Mr. Chase is a veteran hotel man of
Iowa, and has won many friends in
the city. He gives up his hold on the
house in order to devote more time to
his Benton Harbor, Mich., summer re
sort hotel.
ItctriMMT Convmrma
Price 25 cents
Price, 25c.
Large size, 50c.
If v-'- A Jr-Sfc
The Wily Burglar.
(London Teiogra.ph)
First Burglar—What's that?
Second Burglar—That's my sample
ea.se. Ve se*, T've just. beeom# a .house-
In the first place there are no ofT-sea
aons for oranges. From Nov. 1st to
June 1st Washington Navels are being
marketed. From June 1st to Nov. 1st is
the harvest time for Valenclas, and at
various seasons throughout the year tne
grower is busy picking and packing Medi
terranean Sweets. St. Michaels, Seedlings,
Bloods, Tangierines and Grape Fruit.
There Is no chance to plant and then rest
while you wait for the harvest. Orchards
usually contain a varied assortment or
trees which bear fruit with clock-work
regularity, and to accomplish this it de
mands of the grower the same unceasln
labor from year's end to years en
There are irrigating ditches to be dug,
the scale or some otner pest is In evidence
to be sprayed or fumigated, the soil is in
need of fertilisation or something else
equally important
The Irrigation of these vast orange
groves Is accomplished through Irrigation
plants which are usually under public
ownership and the growers elect officials
to see that they are properly managed.
The Irrigation tax for each grower
amounts to a small sum a year per sere.
He Is notified by the official when his
turn arrives to draw upon the supply ana
just how long he can use 't.
In the case of scale and pests, the Iumi
gating and spraying is done under con
tract by men who go about with apparatus
for the purpose. They make a nominal
charge per tree for a year.
Every morning during busy picking
times, the golden harvest is gathered.
Men of all sorts—Americans, Mexicans,
Japanese, Chinese—swarm over the or
chards, bearing boxes and bags, ladders
and clippers for their work. No women
are ever in the gangs—the work Is too
heavy for them. They are pressed Into
the service later when the oranges are
carefully wrapped In their little tfssoe
paper squares and packed for shipment.
Bottomless bags are furnished the pick
ers with the under ends just gathered up
on the sides by hooks so that they can be
dropped and emptied instantly. An expert
picker earns from two to two dollars ana
a half a day.
Should the morning chance to be
then no picking can be done until the to*
clears away and the sun dries the moisture
from the fruit. Moisture, it Is to be re
membered, collects dust, and our oranges
if you please, must not be soiled.
I This Is tally one of the many precau
tions required of the four er five thousand
Individual growers who make up the Cali
fornia Fruit GroWers' Exchange, to in
sure perfect fruit for every shipment
which carries the name of the Exchange
on its boxes.
The California Frnit Growers' Exchange
is an organisation of about fourteen years
growth, established by the growers for
their mutual protection as wwl as to In
sure a greater degree of satisfaction and
protection to the consumer, and is strictly
The transformation which the Exchange
has wrought in the orange Industry is al
most as apparent to the casual purchaser
of oranges by the dozen as It Is to- the
jobber who buys In car lots.
The first stage at which the authority of
the organisation asserts itself is after
the picking is done and the oranges are
carted to the packing houses. Here per
sonalities cease, the orange Is no longer
Identified with its grower, but Is classi
fied according to Its size and quality and
the district it calls home.
After this sorting is finished, the next
twenty-four hours are set aside for what
Is termed the "wilting" process, which
absorbs all moisture from the skin and
avoids the sweating which would inevit
ably follow if the oranges were packed
Immediately after picking.
The next step Is one which will cause
the careful housewife to offer a heartfelt
"thank you" to the Exchange and will
make her advocate oranpea for her table
'with renewed enthusiasm. As soon as
I the "wilting" has been accomplished, the
I oranges are given a careful brushtng by
a machine with a soft brlstle-tlred wheel,
and then cleansed and brightened with an
other set of brushes applied by a different
machine. Quite properly, a rest and sun
ning follow this vigorous scrub and then
once more the oranges are run between
revolving cylindrical brushes for the final
polishing of their glowing surfaces. A11
this excellent grooming Is performed en
tirely by mechanical apparatus, so that
nothing more daintily clean can be Imag-
to-house canvasser.
First Burglar—-What are ye sell1""'
Second Burglar—Oil to keep
from squeakln'. Great scheme, ain't
where the
is large
We've gone after the watch
trade in earnest since opening
this establishment, and continu
ally increasing business in that
line of course makes it necessary
that we show the largest and
completest array here.
With such an array we en
deavor to tempt you—you cannot
well afford to buy a watch before
first seeing what The Joseph
Jewelry Co. has to offer.
Favoritism is not asked—we
simply claim an ability to do bet
ter by you on time-pieces and
invite an inspection before you
finally buy.
•mere are still many' of the uninitiated
who. like the old-time owners of the
groves of the Azores. Imagine that noth
ing Is required of the orange grower ex
cept picking and packing his fruit, ro
believe that oranges "just grow is such
a pretty theory that it seems almost a
pity to destroy It. but the fact remains
that orange-culture is one of the aiutcult
industries of the day.
Bj G. A. CHARTERS, Special Correspondent*
proper channels "fancy." choice, stand
ard" and "culls," detecting In a flash the
smallest flaw on their surfaces when the
ordinary onlooker sees nothing but a
undefined yellow blur.
Next, the uizes must be graded, wnicn
is also dons mechanically. First, the
smallest ones—of which 324 are needed to
fill a box—drop through the grading ap
paratus and find their places, then the
next size and the next and so onuntil
the last, which are those mammoth Wash
ington Navels which we all like to get
hold of when we can and of which 64 only
fill a box to overflowing.
And pads are everywhere—on box, bin
and table, to make sure that there Is no
unsightly bruise or scratch on the tender
skins of this flawless fruit. To that end
all the packers—mostly women—are re
quired to keep their finger nails cut short
and filed smooth. After packing, covers
are nailed on the boxes and the oranges
are ready for shipment.
Much interest attaches to the system
by which oranges are shipped and mar
keted from California. The efficient
methods of the California Fruit Growers'
Exchange are traceable throughout tne
process and last year 65J# of tny entire
orange crop was handled from their pack
lng houses, totaling 16.217 cars. All work
is done under directions from Exchange
headquarters In Los Angeles, where ex
ecutive heads guide every car Into the
market where It can be disposed of to the
best advantage of all concerned.
The Exchange has dispatchers who keep
a finger unceasingly on the pulse of the
market. They must see to the prowwr dis
tribution of the fruit, that all districts
have enough and none have too many
oranges In order to keep the market even.
Markets are uncertain thtegs ana a seem
ingly unimportant slump might mean the
loss of thousands of dollars and weeks of
time to restore It to it* normal tone. All
this the Exchange accomplishes systemati
cally for all Its members.
Vo quote from a recent magazine ar
"The California Fruit Growers' Ex
change is the principal association for
marketing the orange crop, handling at
the present time about S5 per cent of the
total product. The Exchange is composed
of more than eighty local
covering every orange dlstrtf
fornla and packing over 300
In Call*
brands of
oranges. The several associations In a
locality unite to form the local Exchange,
which serves as a medium between the
associations, and the, genwral Exchange.
The lattw consists of thirteen stock
holders, all directors, and aU selected by
the local exchangee. The organisation Is
thus controlled by the fruit growers them
selves, for the common good of all the
members. Bach of the local associations
owns packing houses, and each Is allowed
Its proportion of the various markets of
the country. The expenses of marketing
are divided pro rata on a basis of actual
cost, and each member of the exchange
gets his share of the proceeds from sales.
"The exchange system Is quite demo
cratic. The members of the local asso
ciations establish their own brands, make
such rules as they may agree upon for
grading, packing and pooling their fruit.
All members are given a like privilege to
pick and deliver fruit to the packing
house, where It is weighed In and properly
receipted for. Every grower's fruit Is
separated into different grades accord
ing to quality. Any given brand 1s the
exclusive property of the association using
it, and the fruit under this brand Is al
ways packed in the same locality, and
therefore is of uniform quality."
The name of the California Fruit
Growers' Exchange on the box assures the
purchaser of oranges that he receives the
full benefit of all the expert service and
perfection of quality which the Exchange
makes incumbent upon the grower. This
Exchange is not only the most Important
In California but Is also the largest fruit
organization in the world. Seventy-five
offices of the Exchange have been estab
lished In the United States and Canada
and because of the demand for California
seedless oranges In the European markets,
a branch of the California Fruit Growers'
Exchange Is now in operation In London.
The total business of the organisation for
190S-7 amounted to over $16,000,000.
As one authority puts It, some subtle
chemistry of soli and climate seems to
prevail to the foothills of California which
renders the section peculiarly adapted ta
oranges. Scientists may theorize as they
will concerning the various requirements
for the proper development of the fruit,
still the orange seems to be a law unto
Itself. Without rhyme or reason it will,
grow and thrive in one section and not
In another, and certain. it is that this
in another, and certain it
nothing more daintily clean can be imag- little golden fruit has set the seal of its
ined than the oranges sent out from these unalterable approval upon the California
packing houses of the California Fruit foothills. For nowhere else in all tne
a a
perfection of the Valencia and Washing
1 Kt.
iun iiftvai v/iaufOB, uiainvicu w/
era of those sections through the Callta^
nia Fruit Growers' ISxgtHuig«h
&rowers' Exchange.
Then follows the work of the orange penecuon oi me vmeiicm
•orter who is nothing short of a marvel, ton Naval Oranges, marketed by the grow
aii Ka atatiifa nv«f th« mnvlnv sn
•unei WHO IB liwwimft
All day long he stands over the moving
ot fruit, diverting into their
thnM» S(K*tloni thrOUCm tn6 LIIIHp

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