Newspaper Page Text
...V# t'! *. '•V. 'j •ft .«?.• "4 "v •'..'vV -1!. *1* 5 ,-iKy'v' SI? /1 £$1 •sSEStl ,«{s«aI ©I r- 1^1 N-ii if- 'if" 1:1 if: One lot broken lines women's and misses coats from our regular fines. Values up to $15. •f .75 Salts Peco Plush A very handsome garment highly tailored, beautifully lined. Very f| CA best grade, value to tP/1. •k)\J $67.50, sale price Esquinette Plush Very highest grade, fancy silk lining, a bfOTf'fnl model. Best of everything in this coat. Excellent 0 art A AA values at $75.00. Side |UU Price Yukon One of the highest class in coat products, handsome model and fully lined with best grade skinner's satin, a very choice garment, real val. $85. Sale price *6029 Yukon Seal Plush Highest class in cloak products, handsome awdd, folly lined with best skinner's satin A beautiful garment, vaka, $75.00, Sate Jprio? #*».••••••••••••• SEE PAGE 2—Fbr our long Bst ofhigh gride coats listed for this sale. It's Up toYoo to Act %i|1s ear regular mwi wnMldftawaOa fa guarantee eyerypriceand every sold during this sale to be juatM mreoented. Don't cotifuse this sde with m* hwm! unAoftthft-geaMP sals of odds i»d«kda and taft over. w..v.- Vii V|- ?V^vvvi.( "4* 1 w***,••'.'» 3"*' Women's costs made in cheviots, velours and ker sey, full lined. Very late models and well tailored. Genuine bargains and sold up to $20.00. Sale Price Sale Price P- MM! and the prices mentioned for the Instances less and thaw "TfJ Womens* Dresses $g.95 One lot women's dress es, new models, satin, serges, satin messalin, black and colors, an excellent value regular up to $18.50. SEE PAGE 2.—For our complete line of dresses of every wanted kind. Petticoats One lot high class figured Heather bloom, plain and colors, well made and good val ue at reg lar |3.00 and $2.50 LOT 2.—A high class Heathebloom, fancy and plain colors, large and roomy, Well made, value $3.25 to $3.50, sale price. $2 50 NO. 3.—'Handsome silk petticoats, high grade Hetherbloom, fancy ruf fles, excellently made, val ues $3.75, sale price $£t»uD NO. 4.—High grade silk taffeta petti K., coats, solid'and fancy colors, very high class models, and were excellent values at $4.50 and $5.00. CAVVIIUIk $3.25 NO. 5.—JERSEY SILK petticoats,, fancy ruffles, accordian pleated and tucking, a choice number and reason able at $6.00 and $7.00. $4.25 Kimonos jsm. $' LOT 1.—Flannelette kimonas, good patterns, good styles values to $2,50, sale price \. KiiHunno) gUUu $1.50 LOT 2.—Silk trimmed neck and pockets flannelette kimonas, plain arid #0 Off fancy colors, value $3.50.. v4w(l LOT 3.—Kimonas, all colors and fancy patterns, handsome flower* bound, regular value to $4.00* Sale #0 PA Price......... Silk and Satin Kimonos AH to in this great sale at the same propOTttonate discount PftltfJg* 'fpK^WS ^%rKl v4i^ MAR8HAIXTOWN, IOWA- SE.MI*ANNUAL CLEAN-U? SALE. OF Cldats Suits -Dresses Skirts Waists Hats furs Sale Starts Friday, Jan. 3d, 9 'a. mi. It has been and always will be the policy of this store never to carry goods from one season to the next. As a consequence we have our Semi-Annual Sale, and make such tremendous cuts in price that we clean our racks and shelves. The people Know when we have a sale we mean it-absolutely nothing reserved. We want YOU to investigate. We want to impress on you that we have no old goods, no junk, but the very latest models of the most wanted materials. Waists .75 One lot georgette waists, new mod els, colors white jid flesh, an ex ceptional value at $5.00 and $6.00. SEE PAGE 2 FOR OTHER WAISTS Women's .50 Skirts omen's su«. and poplin dress skirts, all colors, new models, regular $6.50. SEE PAGE 2" for other styles. Rain Coats RAIN COAT SPECIALS One lot child's and misses rain capes, with hood, plaid lined, a very practical garment, value to $2.00, Sale Price iy px au uvcu 95c LOT 2—Women's rain coats, specially priced, consisting of shepherd checks and plaids, tan and white checks, navy blue and grey, grey pop lin, values up to $7.00. Sale Price vIlvvliB^ IlwVj $3-75 NO. 3.—Women's water proof Raynster storm coats, pilule in very latest models, •of all well known materials, all wanted colors, a coat for rain 7g or cold, value $25.50 «p I i^9 3 Sale Price NO. 4—Women's storm rain coats, bur highest class coat, made on the very newest and approved models, all colors and plaids, a very handsome gar ment, value $30 Skating Sets NO. 1—AH wool skating sets, cap and scarf/ all colors, and now when you need them, regular value $1.75, Side Prtoe en you neea 95c NO. 2—All wool, all colors, a very good guality, rare value at $2.00, sale Price $1.25 NO. 3—All wool sets in all colors, cap ahd very long scarf, many styles for your selection/in I «OU value $2.50, sale price..... JL NO. 4—Our very best all wool set, hand some colors, heavy weight «f Ag and cheap at reg. $3.50 «p I Sale price ija lir.Vftju* Women's Suits handsome come in tweeds shepherd checks, etc. All lajte models and an excellently made and good values at regular price of $20.00. Suits $12.75 Serge, poplins, panamas. Some satin trimmed and with large boaver plush collar, were good values regular at $37.50. SEE PAGE 2—For balance of our suits and prices. House Aprons NO. 1.—Women's house aprons, made of choice patterns, percale and gingham, rick rack trim med and sailor collars, regular value $1.75. NO. 2.—House aprohs, high class ging ham and percale, nicely made, all colors, extra val. at $2.00, sale price.. NO. 3—Women's house aprons, fancy stripe percale, chambray and cambric. Fancy trimmed. Also made in solid colors of pink and blu value $2.50. Sale* Price •1 UKIB9 K"'B" $1^5 Klt3 1X1 9UUU *1.50 House Dresses ONE LOT good grade percale, light or dark colors, pearl buttocf trimmed, and good value a1 $2,50 sale price LOT 2.—Women's high grade percale, and well made, nicely trim-| med, all new models, valuer to $3.75, sale price... LOT 3.—Very best grade percale, full, high class workmanship gA nicely trimmed, well wortfc^yr.Ow VWiVf vf $1.50 jade percale, $9.00 $8.00, sale price •f WE HAVE many other stvles in ap rons and dresses we can not quote for lack of space. All will go at some re duction. Sale Start* Jan. 3, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $5.00 Regular values $3.00 to $8.00 Brassiers The well known Natuers Rival, one ef the best at 35c, 65c, "J Ends. Jan. 18 cooey m/rtbt, ular |6j00. $7 very nice stjrkt Sale Price $ 3 See page two for complete line of grade furs. .so A The wm knows *T an km aft lar vahM Frolaset Corset This celebrated higji class corset, fHmt 1hC6 flt 75c Regular values 60c, 85c, $1.00. One lot Hats, corduroy .and befari motor hats and caps, regular to ... .91.T8 NO. 4—A very choice lot of our entire ba) ance of hats, fine velvet, pan velvet, aQk velour and trimmed with fur. ribbon and flowers, all late models, some #0 A|T just received to $15. Sale Price vvivv See page 2 for lota two at 96c. and Lcit„,J.# at $1.95. v^ READ 'i':'' Vt''j Both pages of all goods to go in tW| great sale. Wo know and we want yen to know, when we say sale prices mean just what* we say. We vince you.,:^:^m To Merchants Kelly Co.'s lepreaefttaj will be glad to consult adviaabflity of sale in and see him.