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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Iowa
Newspaper Page Text
•ft-'irf S' iff It I •r "I'-v •.pr* Tomorrow Saturday 5 your choice Scarf Sets $1.00 ChiUrens Hate $1 Tomorrow Saturday VT ,, -«, .« /r I 45c Outing Flannel In dark colors extra heavy fleecy flannel. The best you can buy. Thursday and Fri day 4 yds. $1 Ignite Outing SPECIAL ety outing i'jr children'.- wear 5 yds. $1 24c Unbleached Muslin Good firm quality 6 yds. $1 Men's Flannel Shirts Blue and gray, your choice $1.00 ONE LOT MEN'S Silk 4-in-Hand Ties Men's & Boy's Caps Regular 50c values, your choice Golf shapes, mixed patterns, your choice 3 ties $1 3 caps $1 Men's Indigo Blue Denim Overalls UNION MADE, sizes 31 to 42 inclusive, excepting 36 waist, your d* *1 flf\ choice Limit 1 pair A Stocking Caps and Toques JERSEY MITTS 2 for $1 all colors and sizes, values to 89c each Knit wrist, good heavy fleece lined, 20c Crib Blankets Blue and pink, size 29x39. 2 for $1.00 Ladies Corset Covers Embroidery and lace trimming, all sizes. 2 for $1.00 Middies In white and with color trimming all sizes. 2 for $1.00 values I Quids Red Hoods 5"*.!?.5,$2:« $1.00 Knit Caps 3 FOR AA TOMATOES, No. 3 cans 5 cans for PUMPKIN, No 3 cans 8 cans for COFFEE, 8 pounds for rtJWWt.f TJWW "£.k A 29c Fine Long Cloth Yard wide soft finished long cloth* 4 yds. $1 Bed Ticking In fancy stripes. 69c value 2 yds. $1 Even woven quality 75c grade, sale price for Thursday and Friday 2 yds. $1 ONE LOT 8 pair $1 TIMES-REPUBLICAN, Men's Dress Shirts Siightly soiled, your choice 2 for $1 Ladies Muslin Drawers Embroidery and lace trimming. 2 for $1.00 Ladies Percale Aprons, dark and light, all sizes, 1 to a customer. $1.00 CHILDREN'S Flannelette Rompers Pink and blue, sizes 2 to 6 2 for $1.00 TRIMMED Winter Hats }1.UU $1.00 2..:^.r.. $1.00 61 FARM HOUSE PANCAKE $1.00 I A A Flour, 3 packages for.. $1 -UU $1.00 $1.00 ^V.,1 -.VYi '5 -|./ r-,..^ 1. 1 :•.•••*. i.-r J»n J..-* Jast Thursday and Friday were the biggest days in the history of the BARGAIN STORE. By request of several of our customers who did not get the opportunity to attend our $1.00 days last week on account of bad roads We Will Continue Our Great $1 Sale Over Saturday with even greater Bargains than we gave you last week. Everything in odds and ends must go regardless of wholesale coat, dont fail to take advantage of this greater $1 sale. Below we quote a few of the many Bargains thruout the store. Men's SUITS FORMERLY SOLD IP TO $15^00 NOW $5 $1 Floral patterns suitable for kimonas. Men's SUITS FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $20.00 NOW $10 Men's SUITS 7 MAR&HALLTOWN, IOWA, JANUARY 24 !M* Our Dollar Days S FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $30.00 NOW $15 W El SM AIM'S wjipi,* .!• Curtain Scrims Curtain Scrims Curtain Scrims Yard wide with ribbon edge, white and ecru, 20c value, sale price Yard wide with ribbon edge, white and ecru, 20c value, sale price Yard wide with ribbon edge, white and ecru, 20c value, sale price 7 yds. $1 7 yds. $1 7 yds. $1 35c Yd. Wide Percales 35c Yd. Wide Percales 35c Yd. Wide Percales Fine qaulity fast colors in light colors. Fine qaulity fast colors in light colors. Fine qaulity fast colors in light colors. 5 yds. $1 5 yds. $1 Good Dress Ginghams Good Dress Ginghams 29c value, special for Thursday and Friday. 29c value, special for Thursday and Friday. 5 yds. $1 5 yds. $1 One Lot Men's Caps Values up to $2.00, golf and judge shapes, your choice $1 Cotton Flannel Mitts Open wrist, good heavy nap and extra heavy flannel. 12 pairs to box $1 box Men's Cotton SOX black, white and colors, 23c values 7 pairs $1 MEN'S RED "OR BLUE Bandana Handkerchiefs 8 for $1 tph" sa'or Fur Scarfs In grey coney, your choice $1.00 Ladies Knit Petticoats Knee lengths in brown and grey 2 for $1.00 -j- Ladies Bib Aprons In light percale 2 for $1.00 CHOICE ANY Infants' Shoe in the store, size 2 to 8, all styles $1.00 Men's I 5 yds. $1 30c Flannelette Ladies Shoes £2S£2H?....$1.00 MISSES & CHILDRENS Shoes broken lots $1.00 first quality RICE, fancy head, 8 pound SEEDED RAISINS, APRICOTS, fancy PORK AND BEANS, Heinz, No. 5 cans..., 39c Light Colored Outing Best grade in pink, blue stripes, also plain blue and pink. 5 yds. $1 98c Yarns Large skeins 2 for $1 30c Flannelette In all dark colors In all dark colors 6 yds. $1 6 yds. $1 39cFancy Dress Ginghams In assorted plaids and stripes 4 yds. for $1 Cashmerette Sox Natural grey only, 29c values 5 pairs $1 Men's Dress Hats Several styles and colors, your choice $i Suit Cases Matting or fibre, 26 in. size, your choice $1.00 Boys9 Outing Night Shirts $1.50 values. Your choice $1 LADIES Flannelette Gowns Pink and blue and blue stripe, all sizes, your choice $1.00 Infants Sweaters In red and blue 3 for $1.00 Childfens Sweaters In red and blue, small sizes, your choice. $1.00 MEN'S, BOYS' Mid $ YOUTHS' Overshoes $1.00 Rubbers $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 til ... ,-t Tomorrow Saturday Tomorrow Saturday I A •~w1 -V? 5! S