Newspaper Page Text
ne. '.a Kl 3S i»i 93Kr Light -.J in the Clearing A T|l« of the North Country In th« Time If Silos Wright »y BACBBLLSII imviMa Arikfril "Bbrni H«M«k* V'THrrol of the "KMVtacUpWNk •Mm" "»rt tM 'JWifcW (OffytlfM, ItlT, IrrtBf IMMM) CHAPTER VII. My Third Parti, "Mr, Furvis" took tils pay In ults ind stayed with u« until my first great adventure cut him off. It came on# July day when I was in my sixteenth rear. He behaved badly, and I. aa any normal boy would have done who had had my schooling In the candle light. We had kept Grimshaw from our door by paying Interest and the turn of 980 on the principal. It had been hard work to live comfortably and carry the burden of debt Again Grlmahaw had began to press us. My uncle wanted to get hla paper and learn, If possible, when the aenator was expected In Canton. So he gave me permission to ride with Purvis to the post ofllce—a dis tance of three miles—to get the mall. Purvia rode in our only saddle and I bareback, on a handsome white fllly which my uncle had given me aooa after abe was foaled. 1 had fed and petted and broken and groomed her and she had grown so fond of me that my whistled call would bring her gal loping from the remotest reaches of the pasture. I had named her Sally because that was the only name which leemed to express my fondness. "Mr. Purvis" was not an experienced rider. My Ally led him at a swift gal lop over the hills, and I heard many I muttered complaint behind me, but fb« liked a free head when we took Uts road together, and I let her have her way. /iwjRr Coming back we fell In with another rider who had been resting at Beaver's little tavern through the heat of the A Gun Went Off In the Edge of the Buehae Close ly. day. He was a traveler on hla way ,to Canton and had/missed the right 'trail and wandered far afield. He had big military saddle with baga and shiny brass trimmings and a pistol la a bolster, a!! of which appealed to my eye and Interest. The fllly wa» a little tired and the stranger and I were rid ing abreast at walk while Purvis trailed behind as. We heard a quick stir la the bushes by the tbadsld* "What's thatf" Purvis demanded la a half-whisper of excitement. Wo stopped. Then promptly a Toko—a voice which I did not recognise—broke the silence with these menacing words, sharply spoken: Tow money or your life!" "Mr. Purvis" whirled his horse and slashed him up the hill. Glancing backward, I saw him los$ a stirrup and fall and pick hlmseif up and run as if his life depended .on It I saw the stranger draw his pistol. A gun went off in the edge of the boshes close by. The flash of Are from its muscle leaped at the stranger. The horses reared and planged and mine threw me la a clump of small popples by the roadalde and dashed down the hill. My fall on the stony siding had stunned me and I layfor three or four seconds, as nearly as I can estimate it, in a strange and peaceful dream. Why did I dream of Amos Grlmahaw com ing to visit me again, ind why, above all. should It have seemed to me that enough things were said and done ia that little bash Of a dream to All a whole day—enough of talk and play and going and craning, the whole end ing with a talk on the haymow? Again and again I have wondered about that dream. I came to and lifted my head and my consciousness swung back upoa the track of memory and took up the thread of the day, the briefest remove from where It had brbken. I peered through the bushes. The light waa unchanged. I could see qnlte clearly. The horses were gone. It waa very still. The op-anger helpless In the road and a figure was bending over him. It was a man with a handkerchief hanging over his fnce with boles cot opposite his eyeo. Ho had aot aeon my fall and thought, ao I learned later, that I had ridden a#ay. pis gun lay beside him, Its stock ihw«rd me. observed that a piece of woof had been spilt off the lower aide of )ho stock. I jumped to my fee* and selied a atone to Jiur! atfcb*- 4* did jg^Uaupbbfi fisd vUfe W to In yt% the VI OU*T-r4A«4IE *3*10 *HS NNE* WMNTTtD TO WE A4A1N -ftOT I'VE rf*tTTtN HER A LtTTE*. *AK»N IU LET ME COME W nand. If the gun had been loaded 1 suppose that this little history would never hav# been written. Quickly I hurled the stone at the robber. I re member it was a smallish stone about the slse of a hen's egg. I saw it graso the side of his head. I saw his hand touch the place whl the atone had graced. He reeled and nearly fell and recovered himself and ran on, but the little stone had put the mark of Cain upon him. The stranger lay still In the road. I lifted his hesd and dropped It quick ly with a strange sickness. The feel of it and the way it fell back upon the ground when I let go scared me, for I knew that he was desd. The dust around him was wet. I ran down the hllK a few steps and stopped and whistled to my filly. I could hear her answering whinny far down the dusty road and then her hoofs as she gal loped toward me. She came within a few feet of me and stood snorting. I caught and mounted her and rode to the nearest bouie for help. On the way I saw why she had stopped. A number of horses were feeding on the roadside near the log house where An drew Crampton lived. Andrew had Just unloaded some hay and was back ing out of his barn. I hitched my filly and jumped on the rack ssying: "Drive np the road as quick as you can. A man has been murdered." What a fearful word It was that I had spoken! What a panic It made In the little dooryard 1 The man gasped and jorked the reina and shouted to his horses' and began swearing. The woman uttered a little scream and the children ran crying to her side. The phyalcal facts which are further related to this tragedy are of little moment to me now. The stranger was dead and we took hla body to our home and By uncle oat out for the constable. Over aad over again that night I told the atory of the- shooting. We went to the scene of the tragedy with lanterns and jfc*cal4t^off *od. put some men on gnardthere. asornlng tfcey found the rob ber's footprtatn In the damp dirt of the road and measured them. The whole countryside was afire with ex citement and aearchlng the woods and fields for the highwayman. The stranger was burled. There was nothing upon bim to indicate hla name or roaldence. Weeks passed iwlth no news of the man who had slain him. I had told of the gun with a piece of wood broken ont of its stock, but no one knew of any such weapon in or near Llckltyspllt One day Uncte Pea body and I drove np to Grimshaw's to make a payment of money. I remember It was gold and silver which we carried In a little sack. I asked where Amos was and Mrs. Grimshaw—a timid, tired-looking, bony little woman who was never seen outside of herj own house—said that he was working out on the farm of a Mr. Beekman near rlattsburg. He had gone over oa the stage late In June to hla out for the haying. I observed that niy uncle looked very thoughtful as we rode back homo and had little to aay. "You never had any idee who that robber was, did yet" be asked by and by. "No—I could not see plain—It waa so dosk," I said. The swift words, "Your money or yonr lift," came oat of my memory and rang In It. I felt its likeness to the scolding demands of Mr. Grim shaw, who was forever saying la ef toct* IC Tear money or your home!" That was like demanding our lives, because we couldn't live without our home. Our all was In It. Mr. Grim shaw's gna was the power he had over as, and what a terrible weapon It was! I credit him with never realis ing bow terrible, (To be Continued.) Snake Story. A species of viper (Vfper macropa) from Bosnia, about 18 Inches In length, seems to. feed exclusively on grasshop pers. an. interesting point about this little snake is that, although poison ous, it m^j be bandied with Impunity. If teased, It may hiss and snap, Jrot never bites unless seriously hart CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Um ForOv«r30Y«ara Mways beam the nature of mm fv'vssayfc TnlltgJtWiMdfcAN, RINGING UP FATHER AH: AH AHtiWI* AT LAW-.tft «OU.Y »OON'T EVEN HAVE, TO OPEN IT T-»—y 'i" WANTED FOUND— LOST— HOW TO ANSWER Advertising Where No Address la Given, but Key Nam* ber Used. Wben an advertiser doea not uee W name It la because he doea not want the public to know It eo you most address a letter te Tlmes-RepuWIean.|dress using the letters he use* Wd deliver the mto the advertiser promptly. We can not give you hla nam* or addrw* All advertisements for Oils aolama must be In this office Vy aOoa for publication that da- WANTED. Wsnted—Good clean rags, 6 cents a pound. Marshall Printing Company. Wsnted—For cash, chfeap residence property. Box 262, city. Wanted—Some one who wants a good llp farm loan on long time at reasonable rate. I have some good bargains in farms near Conrad. See me for an exchange. I can match your deal. O. L. Mossman, pVone 604. Wanted Fashionable dressmaking and designing. Prices reasonable. 206 West South street. Phone yellow 856. Wanted—R-ug weaving, satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 27 on 22B. Wanted—Japanese hulless pop corn that will pop. Geo. Manful!, Marshall town. I Wanted—To rent small farm. Please state price per acure. Write T-29. Experiments have shown that the average speed of an ordinary snail ia at the rate ot one mile in fourteen days. DIG OUT THOSE OLD SHOES They will give you more wear than new ones,, at less than half the cost, When repaired by up-to-date methods they will look good to you. Shoe re pairing helps the government because It conserves leather. VansModernShoeRepaffShop 11 North Firet StreeL ^LEAKYAUT^^^ Radiators Repaired AT 1S WEST STATE STREET Phone 806 Satisfaction Ota ran teed H. A. TEAQER, Manager Gjrk Wanted At Once MEEKER LAUNDRY IHE1TAKING 3£oufh Center Street Phone 458 V^, I KHEW IT &ACK* Om Cent Per Word For Each Wanted—A competent physician,, either catholic or protestant to loca.i« In central Iowa. Opposition nominal. Fine office equipment of a doctor late ly deceased for sale. Building for sale lor rent, easy terms. Investigate. Ad- E-29, care this paper. Wanted—Second hand stoves also furniture. Phone white 11J2 or rreen 1497. Wsnted—Have buyer for HO acre farm not more than six mllee from Marshalltown. C. S. Johnston, Wood bury building. Wanted—Rug weaving and cleaning Marshall Rug Works. Ill East State street. Wsnted—To buy rags, magazines and all kinds of Junk. Phone white 1620 our wagon will call. Wanted—Everyone to know that the services of the visiting nurse employed I by the Visiting Nurses' Association are 'to be had at what patients are able and willing to pay, or without pay by those In straitened circumstances. Telephone Clara Brltt, 11 South Fourth street. Phone IH. HELP WANTE-—MALE. Wanted—Cylinder feeder and assist- ant pressman, high class work. Steady situation. Marshall Printing Company. Wanted—Metal polishers on die cast Ing and steel work. Good wages. Steady work. Apply The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co., Dubuque, Iowa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. Wanted—tHeh washer. Strub's Cafe. Wanted—Girl for general housework 206 North First street. Wanted—Four nurses, three room maids, and two cleaners, at hospitsJ, towa Soldiers' Home Wanter—Dish washer at once. Cray Cafe. Wanted—Housekeeper on farm by wldo#er by March 1. Woman without children. References exchanged. W. H. Anderson, Eagle Grove, Iowa. Wanted—Experienced girl for gen- Iowa. *ral house work. Mrs. E. X. Farber. work, best wages, this office. 9hA«e. WCL|_ a* For 8ale Write J-24 care of Wanted—Girl or middle aged lady for Beary, Albion, Towa. general house work. Phone red 1564 or call at 1102 West Main street. POULTRY. SITUATION WANTED. Wanted—Job on farm by experienced married man. Three in family. Chas. Higbee, R. 8. Wanted Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer would like steady position. Write X-29, care T.-R. Wanted—Work by the day call 1108 Weef* State street, or phone red 1472. Wanted—'Position In city by a young man. Address F-28 care this office. Wanted—Position by experienced meat cutter in or out of town, good references. Phone green 917 or address 210 South Fourth avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. -R. 5 Licensed Lady Embatmer Prompt Ambulince Servics FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. For Sale—Eight For Sale—1917 Dodge touring car in! H. R. Sturm, Albion. excellent condition, also other used car bargains. J. M. Daggett Company, 1921 South Second avenue. Fer Sale—Ford sedan, cheap. If you aro looking for a used touring or Ford roadster call and see us. Ufed Car Ex change. For Sale—Model 32, four passenger Hupmobile, good tires and In good .condition also nearly new seven pas senger Jeffreys. Hewitt's garage. For Sale One 40-60. Hart-Parr tractor, used only ten months, price gineer. For Sale—Automobiles, Exchange corner First avenue and Church street, now open for business. For Sale—Piano. Phone 714. For Sale—Sampson windmill and wa ter tank, capacity 26 barrels. 1206 W. Linn. Far Sale—Two red fox skins. Bliss Anderson. For ^pla^pn4 iMIaute ilt with tripod. S03 West Call fjj£Va-:$ut evada. v«=-•$• OAAUN Insertion —No Wanted—Experienced stenographer, Per Sale—Good steel sanitary couch Rood pay. steady position. Hawkeye Cheap. Phone yellow 1914. Commercial Men's Association. Wood bury building, Marshalltown, Iowa. For Sale—Organ Phone 921. WHAT ooe* "THIS MEAN QtO TOU «ET THE WETTER Classified Advertisements Ad Received For In cheap. For Sale—Small slse gas raT**- -Hay. timothy or clovt-r. B. H. Hradout, phone 715 3 miles out, ion 15. For Sale—Everett upright piano and acctvlene j?as senerator and full Would lrade for llght car For Sale—Ames College says rice dining flour as a feed is on a par with com Apply meal. We have 17." sacks to sell. J4 a 100, In lots of 100 pounds or more. Very fine for feed. Come and get It. Letts Fletcher Company. For Sale Timothy seed. Home grown, guaranteed. Write for ger mination and purity test, samples and prices. Reference Exchanne Statu I Bank, Collins, la. Vasey Bros., Collins. For Kssex Wanted—Competent housekeeper for new crop. $12.73 per cwt.,/ delivered, small family, must know how to coolt less than 200 pounds sack not included, and not object to children, no laundry A. J. Banks, Montour. Iowa. rape seed. For Sale—Home ^.grown timothy .seed new crop recleaned. A. S. For Sale—Single Comb Buff Orph ington cockerels, $2.|25 and $3. Mrs. •Henry L. Smith, Alden, Iowa. Route No. B. For Sale—Three choice single comb brown leghorn cockerels, tree, Route 2. For 8ale—Rose comb red cockereis with quality at fair prices. J. M. Sto well, Marshalltown, Route 1, Phone 64 on I. LIVE 8TOCK, HOR8ES. ETC. For Sale—Four heifer calves. 66 on 29B. For Sale—Two horses, Alslke clov- Wanted—Man or woman, salary $24, er seed. John Deere gang plow nearly full time, 50 cents an hour spare time, new. H. D. Bottntn, R. D. 2. selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Address A 29, care T, For Sale—Cow, will be fresh In few days, right every way. S. C. Kellog. Montour. black faced ewes. Board of Supervisors or County En-1 stock, two Percheon stallions cheap, |jn Ua Than IS accessor}' and automobile business, do- located In a new house. Don't miss also city property. See ua If you waal- Ing fine business, good reason for sell- this sale If you want some good furnl Ing. FVr further particulars see or tnre. Everybody come. Terms. ca*h write C. C. Scharfenberg, West Con- W. A. Smith. PhS*ie white 141«: Col. cord. Minn. (Kendall, auctioneer, phone 1572: How ard Cope, clerk. FOR SALE—CITY PROPERTY, ~~For Sal Modern seven room house, Fine '.ocatloa. Phone green RaraRf stool, $25 largo hard coal burner and jgs(! some hard coal. 130 kitchen cabinct. 202 South Third avenue. Phone For Sale—Pull lot. house, barn, house green 366. close 1 cold water, electric lights, gas for. cook For Sale—My fifty pound Davis equipment of oxidized copper fixtures jowa for lighting seven-rooms and hall all 1 in good condition write for price or For Sale—Five-room, modern cot come and see it. I'll surprise you. I lage with jfnracc. Full lot. Good lo am connecting to electric wire. F. D. cation. Phone i97 Dennis, Albion. Iowa. leys good as new, also two pool tables! care this office In good condition, cheap for ciwh. j. TO EXCHANGE. To Exchange—80 acres and 320 acres Ozark county, Missouri, for Marshall town residence. C. S. Johnston, Wood bury building. IOWA LANDS. For Sale—Stock and grain farm, consisting of 137 acres, with Improve ments and good well, all fenced hog tight and some croes fence, good flow In? spring In pasture, eight miles east of Marshalltown on Scenic highway, one mile from cjiurch and school. SI35 per acre If sold soon. Write or phone .Mrs. Katherlne Haynes at J. W. Tur ner's, Garwln, Iowa. For Sale—Twenty acre tract near Marshalltown, well Improved, will con sider good city property in exchange. See E. R. Kuhl at the billiard hall, 24 East Main street. For Sale—140 acres. 7 miles south of Union, fair Improvements, good well, running water. 37 acres timber pasture. all fenced and cross fenced, price $150 iacre 120 acres five miles north Mar- For Sale—Barred Plymouth Rock I shalltown .well Improved $260 per acre cockerels. Phone 61 on 19. H. Ix»n. 280 acres five miles north M&rshall town, well Improved with two sets R. N. Crab- buildings, all fenced, cross fenced $280 per acre. Possession given March 1 on any* of the three farms. For particulars iind terms address H. A. i-'ole. owner, Marshalltown, route No. 1. For Sale—At a bargain 90 acres, five miles northwest of Grlnnell. (rood soil, fair improvements. Must be sold by March first. William Mowry. Phones residence white 1083 or 737. For Sale—120 acres located near Garwin, Iowa. This is a rolling farm, out in a good state of cultivation, extra good buildings, farm all fenced hog tight. $2,000 will handle this place, will take in live stock or a email house In Marshalltown, can deliver this farm March 1: 13' acres within the city limits of 'Marshaltown. ha« new $7,100 house on one corner. I believe this Is For Sale—Scotch Shorthorn bulls the best small tract ever offered in for farmer and breeder. Poland Chin* Marshalltown. See Walter B. Bohen bred gilts bred for February. March r,and Company over 24 Bast Main and April farrow. A. J. Banks, CMon- street. tour. Iowa. For 8sle—Pure bred stock dale Feb. 10, 1919, will sell fifty Chester white sows, eight registered Shorthorn bulls, three Percheron stallions. A postcard "will get catalog. Sale at farm near Aredale. George Bobst, Hampton, Towa. have owned them six years and must Used- Car: sell. Nelson. Flscus. Llscomb, Iowa. For 8als—Twenty head, of big typo f®uroc ilf you are in the market for used Ford most popular breeding in Iowa, priced sedans, touring or roadster, we can to move quick. Phone or write W. A. save you n}9gey. Used.par Exchange. McNeil us, Bristow. Iowa. FOR BALK—MISCELLANEOUS. For Sals—Few more 24 pound sacks fresh ground (buckwheat flour, $2 sack. Raymond Petersen, Route No. S. Jersey bred gilts, some of thu Far Bala—Slant invincible. Great Wonder and Gano,'Duroo Jersey hogs, yearlings and springers, males and gilts. August F. Hersog. Marshall town, Iowa. •^j'V PUBLIC AUCTION. The undersigned will sell new house hold furniture on premise^ 1112 East Main street, Marshalltown, Friday, Jan. 81, beginning at 8 o'clock sharp, as follows: Bed duofold, large leather rocker, sewing rocker, arm chairs, three good rockers, all leather seats, For Sale—120 acres 4 mi lee from Marshalltown. Prlcc $200. -80 acres located 1 mile from Laurel, price $230 per acre. $7,000 will handle thlH deal. 140 acres close to Marshalltown. Land lays perfect, good terms. SPECIAL. For Sale—Black mare coming seven Marshall county towns, land lays SfOOd "ears, perfectly sound, city broke 1 harness, nets. Phone 1101. Buildings good farm nil fenced hog engine. Also one 12-lnch Adams, 1 ticht. Price $200 per acre. $4,000 will blade grader, price 1400. Inquire ot For Sale or Exohange—For young 120 acres loeated 2V4 miles from two and in a good staie of cultivation. hand,0 thl8 Rood Iltt)o farm. Ul(, next 10 day„ BY qgmpr NcMAJfUt MVAMO when READ ON TMt eNVCU0»K Cent* two good library tables, dressing table, two new dressers, st*nds. ver nis martin bed, eprings, mattreaa. oak finish metal bed. springs, mattres* pillows, new comforters, four good aa For Sale—Timothy hay In barn. In quire of G. Nelson, Llaoomb, Iowa. line condition,! new large rugs, large mirror, good r»* frlgerator, vlctrola. flfty reoords. wln —. I dow shades, electric globes. almo»t new domestic gas range, dishes, cook- box mattross. Phoae green J91. 12 I ^VniiVs" tubs."~W quart. r.nn»rt jtoffn South Third avenue. goods, one young bull pup. This i* a For Sal#—We have aome very good For Sale—Garage and machine shop, dandy good almost new lot of furniture paved street, furnace, hot and ing. hath and toilet 0an 12 aVenue For Sals—Modern For Sale—Two 42-foot box bail al-' dence district, close In. A, Blow, Beaman, Iowa. estate of E}llen E. Powell. ..For Sale—An jp-to-date restaurant Haradon executor. In a good live town of five or eix hun- For Sale—Residence, S10 North First died, must sell at once, will give reas- ons for selling. Address F-29, caie Times-Republican. For Sale—1918 model Excelsior mo torcycle. first class condition, at a bar gain. Phone red 81J or K. C. Cycle Shop. aVpnnPi one home, good resi-1 block north of high echool. Lot 73x180. Sarah E. Price. For Sale—Several good building lots, paved street. Easy terms. Price right. Address S-20 this office. if taken deliver-farm Mjir(,h Spft w^Her Bi Bohon ll4ind Company. 1 For Ssle—A tfw fArms for March 1 delivery, 240-acre farm three miles from Green Mountain, modern build ings, a dandy, priced to sell! 110-kcre farm just out of Marshalltown on Lin coln highway, fair buildings, see this 195, acre farm seven miles north east of this city, fair buildings, a snap 200 acre farm four miles south of State Center, a good one. 320 acre farm near State Center 60 acre farm close to Albion 20-acre farm close to Mar shalltown. new buildings, would take small house as part pay. Albert Odstt. For Sale—A forty-acre farm close to town, land laps level, modern improve ments, possession March 1, see me for price and terms, ^hope ISM. C. B, Pearson Land Company. ty1 y«wyt FOR SALS— TO BENT- »l Fee Sale—(My SO-acre improved farm seven miles south of Mamhalltown. See me for price and terms. Possession March 1. 1919. J. E. Ourtts, city. Fer Sale—TWenty-flve acres et lS*d, two large orchards, all fenced hog tight, eight room modem bouse, every thing up to date. Mortng to Marshall- r• a 1 propositions on Marshall county farms, to buy or sell. Gimre Masonic temple. gouth First or write box 1T7. Marshalltown, 1 lanll. a)nvBi, Address J-- For Sale-^411 East Main street and 106 South Fifth avenue, to settle Frank M. To Rent—Furnished sleeping roout 211 South First street or phone White 961. __,§F To Rent—Modern seven-room flat, close In. inquire 6 North Third Street, To Rent—Furnished room for lady. 107 South Fourth street. To Rsnt—Five-room house. South side. S. Pinkie. Phono 10t«. West To Rent—Store room at II Main street. W. P. Bstel. To Rent—Oood rooms at tha T._ M. C. A. prices right. Whir not room town? LOST. Lost—Ulttle finger ring with three diamonds, finder phone 391 or call Mrs. Herman Gableman, 306 East State street. Reward. Lost—Small log chain, between IS. F. Graham farm and Western Ororer Mills, 'PhonA 3 on 6B. Reward. Lost—Bunch of keys on chain ring. Return to this office or phone 924. »r Lost—Child rabbit fur glove, phone green 1203. STRAYED. Strayed—One Hejnpshire mate hog. Fnder return to W. H. C. Woodward, Marietta. Iowa. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan upon farm and rr* property. Liberty bonds bought and sold. O. W. Lawrence A Oompan*, First National Bank building. Money of client* to loan on tr property. Frank M. Haradon. Money to Loan—See us befora .von place or renew your farm loan. V.« have the best plan, long time loam. Optional payments after first year, low rates of Interest, and no commis sion. Will loan up to tl00 per acre, no other restrictions. Central Abstract and Loan Company, over 113 East Main street, Marshalltown. Iowa. MISCELLANEOUS. Always st Your Servioe—West Rapid Motorcycle Delivery, phone white 1150, We deliver everything any time, any where In the city. It will be your loss If you do not write me for prices on South Dakota farms, also good land to exchange tor city property. »Clyde Brewster. Aber deen, S. D. Notice—Call yellow 1118 If you want weather strips. Sweeney Weatherstrip Company. 201 West Main. Are You going to buy land? If to. first get a copy of our Journal. It has lands, city property and atocks Of goods advertised In it from nearly jvery 'state, so you can find lust what yon want In its column*. Established St years and reaohss 78,000 readers eaeh issue. Send 8* cents for on* year's subscription. Farm A Real Batata Journal, Trier, Iowa. Southwset lewa Is a fertile SaM fer tha man with anything to a«ll that has merit Seventy-five thongand pmh In southweat low* read the dally Nan* parell. It la treat want ad isedlnsa at thia saetloa. It la kaoara ar aa« wide as a producer of reattH* iT jioa have land or aaytMa* elaa la ga* at trade, get *l» tml wttfc l»wa thm tki BtttC*. ,y:- fi '-V.' TO EXCHANGE^ -i .'*• and Rlsden, NEW YORK LANDS. For Sale—tl 4.000 buy» MO acres, 5Vi miles from town 3.500 population, JOO '-yZ acres tiled. 1&5 acres splsndld pasture. twenty-Ave acres valuable timber, good,*, eight room house, concrete Sassmsnt, barn, springs, creek, abmtdanoO fruit. Including forty-nine head cattle, hay. 'K| straw, grain and aptendid equipment.^ Easy terms. Free llot. Ellis BTOs^ Sprlngvllle, N. T. WISCONSIN LAN* Landoiogy—A magasino gtvtng tie fact* In regard to the land sttuatlOfe. Three months' subscription, free. If for a home or as an Invastmont ydn are thinking of buying good tana lands, simply write me a letter M4 aaJr 'Mall me Landoiogy and alt par tlculare, free" Address Editor, Land ology. Skldmore Land Co., 110 Skid more Building. Marinette, Wisconsin. TO RENT. To Rent—Part of 'barber shop Main street, suitable for shoe shining parlor and cigars. Phone white 1U* To Rent—House- at 711 .leron'* street not modern but good. Georgs .j F. Thayer. To Rent—^Six room house. modern. 307 North Twntth street. Jit quire 6 North Third avenue. .1