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•s„i. hr, "I, is? MM W. UMM Mt HwWiirt «f M*IWvnw Nii|hkw ImmI Dm4 In CaHferni*. gr*Hw. William a Oacor, Ion* a raat *Mtt df tha Melbourne neighborhood, iM Watfnaaday at tha hom« or bar *mg|it#r Mm. Jaaa« Tt Crandall, at •tola Alto, Oat. whare ahe had baen •tajinf afeout two yaara. D*ath waa tfua to tha Inflrmltlaa of old aie and heart trouble. Mra. flacor waa an old raaldent of 3^- er POSEY MEAT CO. |v 10 South 1st Avenue FRIDAY and SATUSDAY SPECIALS Chickens Youiig and Old 30c Beel Roasts 25c Neck Bones 3 lbs. 25c PURE LARD 30c 120 EAST MAIN ST. *iy.' Across from Iowa Railway & Light Company A better hat for less money .. $2.95 and $3.50 Other hats .. $2.45, $1.95 taw—»l» w4 is wait kaow%A» and MAT Maitwuma. aurvlvad by bar huaband, William & •aoar. who la Uvtat on tha old honva plaoa ate mllaa aouUr of Malbouraa four aona. Wilbur Sacor, who la In Franc* with tha American axpadltlonar} forcaa P«rry 0acor. who la farming the home place near Melbourne Harry Hecor, who realdaa In Illtnola, and Arthur J. Seoor. county u#»nt at Keo •auqua. and three daurhtera. The body will be brought to Melbourna for bur* lal. PorK Roasts 30c Spare Ribs 20c PURE PORK SAUSAGE, 25c SAUERKRAUT 10c PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE A NEW ARRIVAL OF FRESH MERCHANDISE Suits at cut prices Best Suit3 $18.30, $22.50 Pants, the largest assortment for the smallest prices. Best dress pants, all wool and mixtures, blue serges and stripes at $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 Other pants $3.95, $2.95, $1.95 qt. Other suits $12.75, $16.75 Shoes, solid leather. We guarantee to give you good service. Dress Shoes, English and high toes, coco brown, English last $4.95, $5.95 Ralston shoes for men $7.45, $7.95 Other shoes, button or lace $2.45, $3.45, $3.95 DRESS SHIRTS $1.00 values at 75c $1.50 values at 98c $2.00 values at $1.45 UNION MADE OVERALLS & JACKETS special at $1.69 Heavy union suits .. $1.48 H. L. DOROSIN, Prop. Jack Frost Still a Factor —The ideal weather conditions that have prevailed during the greater part of the winter, will not lull the better judgment of the foresighted householder into the belief that Jack Frost has signed an armistice for the same mild weather to continue until the treaty of spring is signed. Jackie Frost is much too wary for that. —Better investigate the coal bin, and if the supply is low, telephone us to make things snug against the certain visits of Jack Frost for some time to come. ALL GOOD ^GRADES OF COAL IN STOCK. Loads Weighed Over City Scales Nelson Coal Company PHONES 1000—68 4 rkdt\ "W RECORD PRICES WALTEMIYBR A 90N SILL SIV- ENTY-FIVt HIAO AT AUC TION FOR HM79. INDEPENDENCE BUYER PAYS »«». TOP PRICE Offerings Censiited of Both Aged antf Young Bred Female*—Average 8al« Price Wh |270—Waltemeyer 8a le Makaa $32,720 Worth of Hogs Sold at Melbourne in Weak. Seventy aged and young Duroc Jer sey brad females established what l» probably a price record at the annuul swine sale of J. D. Waltcmeyer A Son. Held Wednesday at the farm nenr Mel bourne. The sale totalled I1M75. an iverage of |29 a head. Roth as 'o total and average tho sale Is probably the largest swine auction ever held In tho county. drew an Immense crowd, but mo*t of the offerings wore I bought by buyers from outside the Mate. Purchasers were from South Dakota. Nebraska. Minnesota and II llrtois. Three animals were nold. to state Center buyers and two to Mel bourne purchasers. The top price of tho sale was $9:5, paid bv Thomas Robinaon. of Indepen dence. The next highest priced animal old for tS25 to Her Keuhl, cf Plain view. Neb. Se\ I others sold for about $60« each. This sale mafces a total of $3:,720 worth of pure bred hoffs that have been auctioned at Melbourne sales in the last week. A f*w days IKO offerings totalling $13,84.» were sold at the Conrad sale. PETER GANNON DEAD. Death Comes Suddenly to Prominent Resident of Qilman. Death came suddenly at 1:3fl o'clock Wednesday afternoon to Peter Gan non, an old and highly respected citi zen of Oilman, the end prolahly being 'lue to neuralKia of the heart. Mr. Gan non. who had ben in falling health for some lime, recently had been a sufferer with rheumatism. He was able to be itout, however, and visited the busi ness district of Gilman at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning. He complained of nor reelinK well and returned to bis :iome and wont to lied. ,\ physician \va« caller! but he died soon after. Peter Gannon was born jn McHenry .•ountv, Illinois. Nov. 19. 1W0. He to Iowa in February. 1«". settling on farm two miles northeast of Gi'man. where he made his home until March. :914. when he retired from active farm ing and moved to town. Purine his residence in Oilman he was active In civic affair* and ha« served as a director of the Citizen* I Bank. Tn 1SS5 Mr. Gannon married Miss fiffle Alexander, who died thirty-four years aso. He" married on Oct. 17. 188S, Miss Florence McCluer. who sur vives him. To this union three children were born, all of whom survive. They are Ray Gannon, who resides on the homestead: John Gannon, a t^achT in the schools of Kensett. and Miss Kan nie Gannon, a student at Iowa State "olIe*c, Ames. Two hivthers. James j'iannon, or near Crystal. "711.. and Thomas Gannon, of I'edora, S. D.( also survive. Funeral services will he held from the home Saturday afternoon at 2 r.'iloek. nnrl burial will be in the Oil I man cemetery. City Building Foot Bridge. I Carpenters this morninji began the onstruction of a II A hanging foot hridee I nn the south side of the East Main street bridge, across Linn reek. ordered constructed by the city. The foot bridge was found necessary be cause of the many workmen crossing $4.95 at tf & $1 ^*4 tha feHdfe 4w||| houra of Tha hMMom Furoaoa Omfur will construct a plank atdawalk tram tha lataraaetlon of Couth Twalfth avenue and Rut Main it root to tha new brtrtte. SUES ON INSURANCE POLICY. Caaa af Ida Bahen vs. North Ameri can Life In Court. The ault of Ida V. Ilohen va. the Nnr^h Amerlonn Ufa Insurance Com pany. by which tlir plaintiff seeks to' collect on an Insurance policy for $1,500 on the life of her sister. Marie P. Rohan, who died at Roch*stw. Minn.. July 3, 19U. was begun Wed nesday In district court. A motion t»y counael for defense for a directed ver dict waa denied by the court. The takln* of testimony wns con eluded Wednesday afternoon anil this morning's session of the court waa de voted to tho argument. The ca*e was expected to go to the Jury this af ternoon. The defendant company Is resisting paynent of the Inaurance on the ground that the policy holder wns not In good physical health when ex amined for Insurance. NO NEW "FLU" CASES. Thr«« Homes and Four Patienta Re laaaad From Quarantine. The Influenaa. epidemic situation continued ntore hopeful today, no new cases belnjf reported In the twenty fcur hours en:llng at noon, three an« four patients beln? released. The homes of Mrs. Tt II. Cook, 2»7 North Fourteenth street. J, podd, West Rallroid street, and William Barrie. 601 Jerome street were re-, leased. At noon today there were twenty-five homes under quarantine ith a total of "thirty-one cases, as against twenty-eight homes and thir ty-five cases it noon Wednesday. MACK TAKES OUT PAPERS. Plumbing Contractor Seeks Nomination as Couneilman. E. Z. Mack this morniug took tnit nomination blanks for the ofTicc of councilman before the March primar ies. Mr. Mack Is the fifth candidate for the council to take out papers. Barker Returned to Eldora. Claude U«rker, who escaped from the boys' training school at Kldora. shortly after bein« committed to thai institution for incorrigihlity and being without proper home restraint and who later was captured in this city, was returned Wednesday to Kldora. beinK taken by Monte Starn, son of Deputy Sheriff W. A. Starn. Licensed to Wed. Samuel I-. Stewart, asied ami Rhoda I. GilTord. aged 19, Vanclcvc. came both of this city. I.ewis V. Pothaat, aged !?. of Mel bourne. .ind Irsua I*. Idc. aped 19. of Would Cauae Colleagues to Smile. "That's a smart thing I've done," »aaid the doctor to his assistant -What's that doctor?-' "I have put my signature in the column which is bead ed cause of death' in this death cer tificate" last CaD On Winter Millinery! Not a Hat Will Be Carried Over. See the Wonderful Values Offered in the January Clean-Up Sale! HATS HATS HOODS HATS Trimmed winter Choice of any child's Ladies and Miss Pattern hats, val hats, values to hat in our stock 25t0 50c es hoods, regular 69c values 25c Watch for the Meaning of A. B. C. in Friday's Paper. WEISMANS 1 7/ -.'T •ijJ, 8EARCHCI6HT 0PENIN6 Harry 'Bvana, Raaantly R«turn«d From Y. M. C. A. Work In Franca and Italy, to Firat •paakar—Opanlnu Matting Monday, Fab. L- The flrat meeting of the SearrhiUht Club thla *eaaoa will be held M«.nday evenln*. Wb, J. at the Y. M. C. A. building. TJinner'wIII be nrive.1 at l"» o'clock and will be followed by an ad dr«M by Harry Evana, editor of Yeo man. of Dea Molnea, who ivcently turned fr%m the battle front Kurop-\ where he «pent a year In Y. M. C. A. canteen work. .Mr. Kvana apent a yenr In hV.inct* and Italy and his duties brought him under shell lire. Ho will fcpeak on the KiMieral subject of his *xpertencea wllh tho colors In France atiJ Italy. Ho is an Int'oreatln* speaker and i* mir'h in demand at this time. Mem bars of 'lie Searchlight clul are expected to tel ephone acceptances to the Y. A. aa early an convenient. Cow Followed Compaaa. A poor tiller of the soil bad owned for a number of years a valuable cow Of a home* sudden h® began To find that the beaat always atood in her atall with her tall toward the south where the manger was. her head toward the north. He tried various meana of maktng the cow stand the other way, her head to the south and her tail to the north, but no matter how many times he set her properly In her stall she always turned around. Finally there waa nothing to do but rebuild the stall to suit the cow Somewhat later war came and the poor tiller of the soil had to Join his regiment and go and fight for the fatherland. Hie wife and children, reduced to dire pov erty. were forced to sell the cow to the butcher, who slaughtered her and sold her meat at famine prices to his fellow townsmen. At the same time, however, the mystery of the animal's unaccountable behavior was cleared up. In the body of the cow was found a small compass which the poor man, her owner, bad lost some months be\ fore from his watch chain. Evidently It had fallen among the half and been eaten. The able chiropractor adds to our gladness, efficiency, and length of days by his knowledge of, and belief in, "right adjustmer^." See the Chiropractic Talks Every Wednesday. Schwietert & Ble^n CHIROPRACTORS Over 214 E. Main St. Marshalltown, Iowa Office Phene 670 Res. Green 1057 Scene from "Friendly Enemies" the greatest stage success of re cent years. Comes to the Odeon Theater Sunday evening. ues to $10.00 ues to $10.00 $2 $2 tot Ivwn WMH Mwkltr. At a namt alMtioft vu "ha«kl«4" rttkar Mr the local butehw. At last lia frow ratBat tirod of It and hlatad that tha maa wa» waatlng tlma by aaklac allly Quaa tlona. Tha butehor, anrafed, ratort od: "If 1 bad yoa la ar aauaafa ma ehtna I'd maka nlncaaaat of you.' The candidata turned to him am aaked gently: "la thy aarvant a dot tbat thou ahouldat do thla thlni?" London Ttt-Blta. RhaamHa Paia? Kick Hah to Sky! The Graataat Pals loothar 1b tha All World, "Ulypto OtetmBl" A loiifli or ivii of wonderful "L'lypto Ointment" and glory,—you feel aa tho you would go right "over the top." tt you ever felt heavenly relief, you'll feel it then. "L'lypto Ointment" Is a bless ing ,to all rheumatics, reducing Inflam mation. caning pain instantly. There's ,n« mustard odor or Ingredient. •Tlypto Ointment" la a scientific sur prise, containing the essence of the eucalyptus tree. Try It for sore mus cles. stiff Joints, back pains, neuralgia, ciirache, jjilc*, noae-stoppiiRc. sore •throat, pain In the chest.—in fact, for [any Inflammation or congestion. I "Ulypto Ointment" la aold at ajl drug stores at 25c and 60c a Jar. or sent on I receipt of price by the MacMillan Chemical Co.. Falls City, Neb. I A few- "l'lypto Cough T)rops" work magic on any cough or hoarseness. 5c everywhere. For sale and recommended In Mar iKhalltown by B. A. Morgan. H. C. Sieg, I A. T. Elder, Stepan Pharmacy. Reinert ItJruif Co., and New Pilgrim Pharmacy. :,.n& W Ward's New Hats— Have You Seen Them? -•In New Spring Modes™ New rough braid hats, new Lis erie hats, new Maline hats, and combinations of braids, silks* and georgette. Some of the newest "Rolled back" models are shown, also a good representation of the de lightful Turbans. PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $18.00 H. WILLARD SON & CO. MARSHALLTOWM, IOWA Old Trusty Incubator THE OLD TRUSTY incubator is fire proof, self regulating, heated by hot water system and is a sure hatcher of fertile eggs. Price 100-120 egg size ...... $lft.00 Price 15»0-175 egg size $18.50 Price 200-240 egg size $24.00 We stock Old Trusty brooders as well as supplies for Old Trusty incubators." Home & 114 East Main St* A. LARSON Jk SON ARMY., It's durability and comfort rendering factor® arc devel oped to the utmoat degree, it Is a regulation Munson army' last, made of selected leather, haa a heavy weight sole, to withstand hard usage an^ weather. It is adaptable to civilian wear for the man seeking combined comWrt and service. Very reasonably priced at from 96.50 to 18.50. Army officers shoes, plain toe, a dressy shoe at $9.00. VI '1 if I i. JTV I' -h i' .r