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ABimi Boy, Wbu B—t Paris Exhibition lltSrt W. Martin. former Albion ,rffciy, and son of Mr. and Mr*. Old Mar ti*. who are living at Union now. won tha main bout of Franco-American boxing contest staged at the Cliwran, toa Arta. Paris. Jan. 1. Martin put KuCMo Stuber. a French hMvyweicht. oi)t in a mill that was described by the .Ptiia papers as being a thrlUer The exhibition constated of seven which th* Americana won TheOdeon SUMY MOI. Manager* COMMENCING Monday, F" And For All Week MARaHALLTOWN'S POPULAR FAVORITES AL GORRELL and his company Opening Play The Man Who Looks Like Me A POUR ACT COMEDY DRAMA A complete change of plays and apecialtiee will be offered each evening. Everything new but the NAME Prices 10c, 20c. and 30c SEATS NOW SELLING One lady free on the opening night with each paid 30 ticket if bought before 6 p. m. Monday. CASINO Tonite Tom Mix LOWER Jbi&L four. (He nwwk two a4M VM draw. Martin welflwd la at 1m pqunda. He fouffht an agfraaalve fl*ht and drove the Frenchman around the ring, Anally knocking Mm out with a terrific wailop to the Jaw. Martin la In the Slxty-aevanth coaat artillery. He enliated In thla city May .in. litis uml haa been overseas since lute last Mummer. The Martin family moved from Albion to I'nlon two years ae». A Woman's Recommendation. Mr*. D. T. Tryur, Franklin Ave., Ot sego, O.. writes: "Nine years Hgu I was very much afflicted with kidney trouble. I bought different klnda of medicine, but all to no effect, until one Jay 1 bought a box of Foley's Kidney Pills. I realised ao great a benefit from the use of that box that I con cluded myself cured of kidney trouble. I fe. safe In recommending Foley Kid ney fills to any kidney sufferers." They relieve baehache. sore muscles, stiff joints, rheumatic paius and blad der uilmenta. Sold everywhere. Ad vertisement. Attention Masons. All Musontt meet at lodge rooms Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 shapt to at tend funeral »f Brother M. B. Miller, A. L. l-'raser. W. M. COLONIAL TODAY "THE FIFTH WHEEL" An O. Henry Story. COMEDY HIS COLLEGE PROXY" Joseph MenaHan in his great imitation of CHARLIE CHAPLIN Burlesque on "CARMEN" SUNDAY Monroe Salisbury IN THE WINNER TAKE ALL VAUDEVILLE Saturday and Sunday Rainstorm—Spooks—Burglars—Smallpox—B-r-r-r. See CONSTANCE TALMADGE •nd Norman Kerry and a superb east in an exquisite Comedy Drama. "Up the Road With Sallie" ADDED ATTTRACTION Two Reel Sunshine Comedy. O! Boy It's a Scream "SUN OF A HUN." ALSO PATHE NEWS And the Casino Concert Orchestra Directed by MORGAN C. AMES. SUNDAY SHOW CONTINOUS 2:15 TO 11 P. M. The Man Who Never Fakes. is seen in the greatest dare-devil stunts Ever enacted for the screen— Also Two Reel Comedy and Pathe News. AnirOKI ONE performance if Theater SUNDAY MONDAY NIGHT -SUNDAY MRftSHSPfQIMVTTEK IVtO 31 WEEKS WOODS THEATER JP CO. A of Hhosfht toughs IS NOW IN ITS 7TH MONTH I HUDSON THEATER CHICAGO NEW YORK FLOOR 130 and $2.00 BALCONY, 75* *1.00 and 1.50 SEATS NOW SELLING. mL j' if "i CUNOIFF TO SERVE TERM IT mum GIVEN INDETERMINATE SEN TENCE OP PIPTEKN YEARS FOR RAISING CHECK. JESSE ARENABIS. MEXICAN MUST PAY $200 FINC Mexican Convicted sf Selling Liquor Centrsry to Law to Pay Pins or Ssrvs Two Months in County Jail— Cundiff Taksn to Anamoea Reform atory to Begin Sentenos. Harvey Cundiff. Indicted on chargea of uttering a false instrument and lar ceny. who pleaded guilty to the first charge, thia morning In district court was sentenced to an Indeterminate term of fifteen years In the Anamosa reformatory by Judge B. F. Camming*. Jesse Arenabls, Indicted on a charge of aelling intoxicating liquors contrary to law, and convicted by a trial jury, was fined $200. with the alternative of serving- two months In the county jaii. by Judge Cummlngs. Arenabls was returned to jail, but his attorney wts authority for the statement that ar rangements probably would be made for payment of the fine. Cundiff Raised Check. The raising of a check for $1.10 to $11, given him by the Marshall Vinegar Company, was the crime for which Cundiff was committed to the reform atory. He also was indicted on :i charge of stealing automobile tires but this case was dropped when he enter ed a pica of guilty to the charge of raising a check. In pronouncing sentence Judge Cum mings made plain to the young man that good conduct at the reformatory might result in his securing a paroio and eventually a pardon. The good advice' of the court brought tears *o the eves of the young man. .vho ap parently had not expected so severe a sentence. He was taken to Anamosa this afternoon bv Deputy Sheriff Rtarn. Arenabi* Draws $200 Fine. Arenihas. Mexican employed at the gas plant cf the Iowa Railway & Light Co.. was indicted h.v the grand Jury on a charge of selling Intoxicating liquors. He entered a plea of not guilty, and stood trial. For his offense, the first, he was sentenced to pay a fine of $200 or be committed to the county jail 'or a period of two months. PLAY ROUGH HOUSE GAME. Boone Five, Using Football Tactics. Defeats Locals 21 to 10. Adopting rough houa° tacticx vand playing under rules best adapted for the football gridiron, the Boone high school basketball five Friday evening defeated the Marshalltown high five by a score of 21 to 10. on the floor of the Boone high school gymnasium. The first ten minutes of play gave promise of a close, hard fought and clean basketball game, but after Mar shalltown had attained a lead. 7 to (. the Boone aggregation forgot many rules of the game and proceeded to rough-house the visitors. Violations of rules were permitted to go unchal lenged by the referee until near the close of the second half, when McCart ney, the Boone center, was disquali fied for rou^h work. The Boone flayers showed good form in shooting baskets rrom the field, but made little effort to play down to the baskets and seemed to lack team work. Marshalltown, on the other hand, displayed good team work, working the ^all down to the basket for points. After the flrst half the players became discouraged, however, owing to Referee Rogers' failure to call fouls or to stop the rough -work of the Boone team. Coach Hurd and his men are greatly disappointed In not toeing permittM to play the game on its merits and under the rules. Boone plays a return game Here later in the season. The teams lined up as follows: Boone Marshalltown Patterson forward Whit eh ill Moran forward Darner McCartney center Gossard AKborg guard Bowman Lamb guard Crinklaw Summary: Baskets—Patterson 3, Moran 4,'McCartney 3,Alborg 2, White hill 2, Darner 2. Goals from fouls— Patterson and Whitehlll, 2 each. Sub stitutions—Thompson for McCartney, Soiling for Alborg, Menzes for Lamb, McCreery for Bowman. STORES SHOULD BE NUMBERED. Many Business Blocks of City Now Without Numbers. Owners of business blocks thruout the city will be asked to number all buildings, Commissioner of Public Safety Crellln said thte morning, after Fire Chief C. C. Pigman had made a request that owners be asked to num ber the buildings. Few buildings now are numbered and the city council has the authority under a state law to compel numbering. Chief Pigman finds that fire calls, complaints of various kinds, and calls for inspection often come to the sta tion without other mean* of identifi cation of the building than the street number. As many of the business houses bear no numbers it has been found that members of the department sent out for Inspection or on other duties lose considerable time in find ing the location of the building. Com missioner Crellin will request prop erty owners to number their buildings at once. ONLY ONE HOME PLACARDED. Third S«ri»us influenza Epidemic Vir tually Undsr Control. With but one toome In the city under quarantine and but six cases of In fluenza reported to the board of health, the third wave of influenza is believed to have passed. Five homes in whloh there were eight cases of the disease have been released from quarantine in the twenty-four hours ending at noon today. __ The health board late Friday re ohecked the list of homes and patients and many of the slips filed by physi cians in the month of December were discarded. It was found that the patients had recovered and the houses had been released from quarantine re strictions. but no report had been made by attending physicians. A careful investigation was made to determine if ths homes quarantined weeks ago*. tot— wart Us BUM wsra dreppod from ths record. Two patients wars dtamlased from the Red Cross tooapital Friday after noon and knot hot was discharged this morning, leaving ttvo still undergoing treatment. These, with the one ease in a private home of the city, makea total of only aht cases now under treatment The homes released In the post twenty-four hours were: George Al len. 207 North #lxth street, where Mr. Allen and Boy and Lester Allen were III E Butters, 1104 Huramlt street: W. P. Moulsby, 308 North Second street, 13d Sefceiw, MT West Boone street, where two members of the family were 111. and K. K. Trblne, 104 South Fourth at reet. AMUSEMENTS. At tbs Casino. Those who like a clean, lively west ern picture will not regret seeing Tom Mix In "Treat 'Em Rough" ndw show ing at the Casino. Mix Is a typical westerner and described as "the man who never fakes." Mix is gaining quite a following as a western Impersona tor on account of his good looks, "pep" and ability to depic^ the real western spirit In a picture. His skill and dare devil stunts are real thrillers, and yet he does not overdo his part but keeps I up the interest to the end. The story centers about a love plot between Ned Ferguson and Mary Rail ford, with the stunts of Ferguson to I round out the action. Of roursp thes is a villlun In the picture, who is cattle thief, and Ferguson brings hini to juftice after many thrilling scene Mrs. Gregg's Schedule. Next week Mrs. Mary (fregg. home demonstration agmt. will be at the I following meetings: Mondi.v, the at' nual meeting of the woman'n division of the farm bureau will be held: Tuts lay at o'clock a study of foods will be taken up at the Eli Packer homv W. dnesday at I o'clock at the home of Miss Clara Quick In Van Cleve study of foods: Thursday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Will Mayo In Lamoille a study of foods. Friday at 2 o'clock meeting for the women of Melbourne nt the Melbourne consolidated school a study of foods, and Saturday In the office. "FRIENDLY ENEMIES1' At the Odeon Sunday Evening is With out Doubt the Most Astounding Play of the Times—la Endorsed by Presi dent Wilaon. War plays arc seldom timely in time of war. Satiated with solidifying oc curences on fields of battle, the world searcely craves for worse and more of it in mimic action. But "Friendly Ene mies" which comes to the Odeon The ater Sunday evening, after achieving enormous success in Chicago and New York. Is something in the way.of a revelation in this respect, being richly emphatic, without at all cringing ubouf in that opulent abandon to the obli vious. The story runs along prettily, with occasional sensational rises in sentiment of a highly and friendly sort, the humor is up to the minute, the ar guments concise and smarting with facts. So "Friendly Enemies" be longs. and aside from that. Is intensely diverting, charming in atmosphere anl written with youthful freedom of speech and a whole lot of Star Span gled Banner. In fact, so much so that President \VUson took occasion to pub licly endorse it when it was pronounced at the National Theater, Waafilngto!', D. C. Odeon. Amend Articles of Incorporstion. New articles of incorporation of the Hawkeye Commercial Men's Associa tion have been filed with 'the county recorder. The filing of revised art icles by the association is to change certain phrases of the original articles, filed in 1906, to conform to the state insurance laws The changes are pure ly technical, and were made necessary because of the revision of insurance laws since the local association was formed, placing the entire "insur ance business of the State under the insurance department. The art icles are signed by the new officers of the association, W. H. Arney. presi dent W. T. Smith, vice pr«sident H. B. Armstrong, secretary-treasurer W. H. Darner, C. H. Bingham, L. J. Jar rett, H. S. Lawrence and M. L. 'Mundy members of the board oI directors. Union Christian Endeavor Meeting. At the Presbyterian church at 6:30 Sunday evening a union meeting of all the Christian Endeavor societies of the city will be held when C. H. Van Law will give an address on "The Call of Tomorrow." Following this meeting a Christian Endeavor program will be given at the regular evening service hour by the pastors present. Rev. E. H. Stranshan. of Oskaloosa, will talk on "The Christian Endeavorer and His Job." Kicked by Hone Injured. Floyd Mooney, living ten miles north of the city, was painfully in jured when he was kicked by a horse Thursday. He sustained a fracture of the left hand and was badly bruised on the left hip. A Pointed Question for Insurance Men: How would like to work direct ly with the home office of one of the most rapidly growing young life insurance companies In the United States, with a valuable general agency In sight the mo ment you qualify for it We offer splendid opportuni ties. Write our Iowa supervisor, (strictly confidential) today. C. J. OTOOLE Iowa Supervisor. Box 634 Des Moines We also have good openings for returned soldiers who wish to learn the business. m./ Ths following aarvlcss and ssrmon subjects have been announced for tbs city churches: Dt. Paul's Episcopal, Rev. O. C. Fox —Morning, communion sermon sub ject, "A ttatl*lle1 Human Hplrlt." Congregational, Re. Li. F. Martin Morning, "The Challuitie to' the Young People of Tqday for World Recon struction" v*Mjer, Miss Pavlova will sptak on "My Experiences In Three Balkan Wars.' Baptist, Rsv, R. B. Davidson—Morn ing, "Ths First Commandment, or the Living God" evening, "The Sower, or How the Word of the1 Kingdom Will Be Received." Trinity Lutheran—Rev, O. A. Han sen, of Des Mjlnes, will preach morn ing and evening. First United Evangelical, Rev. G. J, Roths—'Morning, "The Thorn that Rs malned" vesper, "What the Whole World Wants.'' Ellm Lutheran, Rev. A J. Anders— Morning, "Embark for the Other Side" evening. "The Building of God's House." Presbyterian—Rev. Thomas Bance.j of Ames, will preach in the morning, I and Boys' Secretary H. A. Whaley, of the Y. M. C. A. will speaK in tne even ing. Central Church of Christ, Rev. W. M. Baker—Mornlug, "Going Forward! With Christ" evening, "Obedience tne Test of Loyalty." Methodist, Rev. W. G. Crowder— Morning. "What We ^jrc Expecting" evening, "Caesar's teaints.'- Church of Christ, Rev. Thomas Ketcherside—'Evening. "How do You Value Your Soul?" Spiritualist, Rev. Bva McCoy Evening. "How Man Conquered Na ture." Friends. Rev. H. W. Cope R^v. E. H. Stranahan. of Oskaloosa, will preach In the morning. No evening service. First Church of Christ, Scientist Morning:. "Love." W. S. S. NOT TRANSFERABLE. Postmsster General Orders Postmasters to Rsfusa to Redeem Whan Traded. People who are trying to trade off their war «a.vings stamps will be con fronted with a recent order of the third assistant postmaster general to all postmasters to refuse to cash war stamps whenever the postmaster has reason to believe that the stamps have been traded for merchandise or when ever the card shows evidence that the name of the original purchaser haa been changed or altered in any way. War savings stajnps are made non transferable by act of congress but arc redeemable at the postofflce by the original purchaser or the executor of his estate. People who try to redeem without sufficient necessity will be re ported to the council of defense for investigation as to why they are un willing to help their government finance its war debt. War stamps are a war loan Just as much as liberty bonds. At the Hospitals. f'orlnnc. the X-year-old daughter of W. Bowen, of Garwln. submitted to an operation at the Deaconess this morning to raise a depression of the skull caused by falling on the Ice and striking her head, producing a frac ture. She is" doing as well as could be expected. Arthur, son of A. H. Barnes, of Con rad F. I- Stence. 704 East Bopne street, and Mrs. Thomas Fuller, south of the city, had their tonsils and ade noids removed this morning at the Deaconess. H. C. Classen, of Bldora, submitted to an abdominal operation this morn ing at the Deaconess. He is doing nice ly. Mrs. W. Trupp. of Union, had an ab scess of the neck opened this morn ins at the Deaconess to relieve infec- to ONyou tloa fro «6o£ Mrs. W. a want a ssrioua 5TRdNb Sunday the fingers of one hand can count all the mo tion pictures produced by that splendid screen genius, D. W. Griffith, in the last five years. Here is the list check them for yourself: Personally Ithiraorrr Vs Pececco Tooth Paste, 50c tube, special at Presents At 8MI fttlon to *0*4. Oo to Lyon Mr nil *Utt. sharing stork! CAN Wl MAIL YOU A DIVIDEND CHECK NEXT JULY? Extra Specials For Tonight's Selling The After Siqiper Sale 6£0 to*9KM These Saturday night specials are money saving events for yon.. We quote values for tonight, which are not duplicated any other day of the week. Visit Our Candy Dept.—Tonite Special Fresh Salted Peanuts, pound for Delicious Chocolate Covered Peanut Clusters pound for Try the hand dipped Chocolate Creams, Toilet Articles Special—Tonite Rubber Syringes, manufacturers second, but in good condition for use, 2 and 3 quart sizes, tonight, Ol* (limit 2) Notion Department Coats mercerized crochet cot ton, white or ecru, Nos. 1 to 40 our price tonight and kit A the time «FC Nos. 50 to 100, our price all the time *... 10c Annex Children's outing flannel night gows, extra quality out ing. Sizes 2 to 14, values to $1.50, for tonight, each (limit 4) Grocery Specials Fancy creamery butter, tonight, lb for (limit 1 lb.) California Naval Oranges, fine quality, med ium size, dozen for and Great Story of 'The Birth of a Nation" "Intolerance" "Hearts of the World* "The Great Love" "The Greatest Thing in Life" D.W GRIFFITH directed D. IV. Sunday shows 2:15 to 11 p* n. Monday shows 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 0# TICKETS ON SALE DURING AFTERNOON FOR NIGHT SHOWS Matinee and Night—Adults 25c, Children 10c Tax extra 1 Tonight-Wm. S. Hart, a Sennett comedy, and Mutt and 4P» itf• v. fry 'A •0 v"t' JS* .#*/ 20c 18c 50c «XlC 39c 3 if 17x36 inch bleachc Turkish towels, night, 2 for 25c (Limit 4.) ity out- 59 Monday D.W. GRIFFITH'S •I 50c 30c ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE Griffith 1 "fife' to