Newspaper Page Text
yi Try it, aawvbaliev* nothing rou h*re «v«r uaad ia tflae tlve ud Mtitfrinf. Tha E. W. lB»Cd..CWMl—dt O. Big. Values Every Day '7 Here are «om* of the value* you will find at thl" "tore every day. Our method of caah over the counter aavea you dollar*. N. J. C. tomato soup 11c Pare sorghum, half pall .... M« Pure sugar can and maple syrup, 10 lb. can f1.95 Palmero olive.toilet soap.... if. J. C. mince meat 13c Raspberry preserves apple 14 o*. jar 2Sc H^rsche cocoa, half pound... 20c Red cherries, good syrup, can 35c 4p«eial for Wednesday—Fresh crisp ginger snaps, the lb.. 15c BEST BLEND SAVE 4C. Here is rich, swell old crop coffee In bulk, packed In cans would have to sell for 45c. 1 Pound *1c 5 Pound® |1.99 10 Paunda 13.88 WE SELL FOR CASH THE FREELAND Coffee & Grocery Co. Phone 84 12 South First Ave. Bruatar 6 Round*'* Old Stand Gossard Corsets are t) Comfort Corsets SEEING Is believing in some Instances—In this case, how ever. the wearing alone gives proof. OUR CORSETIERRE IS A O S E I E AND A GOSSARD FIT-TO-YOUR-FIGURE Will give the real ease you are seeking. Why wait longer to realize thla comfort? ynr Hfear Ggmi ThgyLaceln Front) Brintnaix&Brintnul HEADQUARTERS' FOR SATISFACTION LISTIH TO THE EYERWELLS VtView. tatty H*s *tvwcttsf .acVve ^VicV Vie Hnovc \vut viYvafc wAdl sn ouAdt&vce. C&. MYmake wife says/ I would never. a red cross nurse because I'm not red' enough or cross enough, but Tm surely a first aid to the injured when it comes tq fixing up baby's tum my ache. Here's the rug store we've recommended. OLD RELIABLE DRUG CO. I Thara ia not 4 atata in tha un ion but ia honored by the praa anca of chiropractic practition ers who are auccaaafully cor recting conditiona pronounced by madioal men as incurable. Baa tha Chiropractic Talks Every Wadnaaday. Schwietert & Blean CHIROPRACTORS Iv Over 214 E. Main St •5 JkX Marahalltown, Iowa Phono 870 Raa. Green 1067 1 .f.: ,• 1 1 CITY IN BRIEF O. B. Tuttle, Jeweler and optician. Dr. Graham, osteopath- Masonic tempi* Chamberlain, glasses. Masonic temple. Veda Davis, of Unioa7~sp«nt Satur day In th* city. Searchlight eluh. 1:15 tonight. Don't forget. L'onitnlttee. Always ask your grocer for Sweat Homo bread. Central Bakery. Mra. H. B.~Trefi." ioo» Houth Second street, visited over Hunday with friends at I,lacomb. Signet Chapter No. SS will convene at I o'clock this evening. George Gregory, H. _P, The Visiting Nuree Association will meet Tuesday evening at 7 p. m. in the Y. M. A. parlors. Tlie Shakespeace Club, will meet Tueaday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. C. Mollaon. 304 Park street. Airs. Grove W. Harris and Ml^s WUma Hanger returned Sundtfy from Des Moines where they spent the week end. Mrs. Dora Avey, of Albion, who has been visiting with her mother. iMrs. E. Rolston. 408 Bromley street, returned home Saturday. The Young Indies Sodality of St. Mary'* church will meet Tuesday eve ning with Misses Katherlne and Mary Kenehan. 104 West Nevada street. Mrs. W. O. Ruthford and children, of Cedar Falls, returned home 'Saturday after a week's visit at the home of A. N. Smith, 706 East State street. Mrs. W. Woodward and son Rus sell, of Marietta, arrived home Sat urday evening from Wlnfleld where they have been visiting for two weeks. Mrs. E. J.~Chrlstlenson returned to her home at Manley Saturday night after an extended visit with har mother Mrs. Edward Coffey, 8 West High street. We want 500 roosters and 2000 chickens for the big chicken, sale Fri day, February 7. Stock sale Saturday. February «. Plumb, Munro, Mason & Shoemaker. Hewitt's garage charges and stores batteries, talk to us about storing your car, we can charge your battery with out removing from your car if neces cary. Two service cars. Call 393 Hewitt's garage. If you have chickens for sale any where in the state ship them to Mar shalltown'* market sale for Friday, February 7th. And if you "want to buy chickens be here. Special poultry sale. Plumb, Munro, Mason & Shoe maker. _____ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lay left Saturday night for Chicago and from there go to points In Florida for a stay of several days before sailing for Cuba. They will make their headquarters in Ha vana while visiting different points of interest thruout the island. Mrs. H. S.: Lawrence left Saturday evening for Excelsior Springs. Mo., to spend a, week with Mr. Lawrence, who has been talcing treatment at the spiring*. Mr." Lawrence is mueh eiw couraged by his improvement but ft will be necessary for him to remain longer than he -had at first expected. He will not return for two or three weeks. Mrs. E. J. Paul received a' letter Saturday from her brother, Alfred Nelson, of Company C, 121st machines gun battalion, who Is with the army of occupation, telling that he Is now located at Sessenhausen, Germany, and expected to remain there for some time. He wrote that he and a few other soldiers are billeted in a Ger man home. Mrs. Bert Price received a telephone message Saturday from her son, Sergt. Marion L. Price saying that, he had ar rived at Camp Dodge Friday evening from Camp Devens, Mass.. and ex pected to be mustered out this week. Sergeant Price has been In France since Jan. l, 1918, with the headquar ters artillery section, army antl-air craft school. Mrs. C. Ga'llandt, 404 North Fourth avenue, entertained the nurses of St. ThomaisHospltal Saturday eve ning In honor 0^ Mr. Gal land sister, Miss Irene Gallandt, of Chicago, who entered the hospital training school to day. A color scheme of pink and' green, the school colors, decorated the rooms and the same colors were used In the three-cource hinch which the hostess served. The evening was en joyed with games. The funeral of H. B. Miller was held at the Methodist church Sunday after non at 2:30. Rev. W. G. Crowder con ducted the service, which was In charge of Marshall Lodge No. 108 of iMasons. The pallbearers were F. G. Pierce, I. S. Millard, P. L. Mack, John Prazak, L. E. Matson and Charles Amblad. The flowers were in charge of Mesdames Howard Cobb and John 'Mochrl and Miss Harriet Brlcker. Burial was in Riverside. A1 Gorrell and his company will, be the attraction at the Odeon Theater for one week commencing tonight. The opening play for this evening -will be a three act comedy drama "The Man Who Looke Like. Me." Special ties will be offered between the acts. An entire change of program will be offered each evening. One lady will be admitted free tonight on each paid 30 cent ticket If bought before 6 p. m. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Seats now selling. Phone 1006. Odeon. Mrs. F. J. Soukup is in receipt of a letter from her son, Sergt. Mathias Soukup, now with the American ex peditionary forces in France, written Jan. 11, in which he states that he ex pects soon to arrive' home. It was probable that lie would sail Jan. 17, hq stated, 'but was not certain of the date of departure. Sergeant Soukup has been transferred to the teaching staff of the army and now is employed in teaching soldiers reading, writing and arithmetic. W. .G. ^trickier and sister Mrs. Henry Farrand will leave this evening for Los Angeles, Cal., where Mrs. Far rand will spend the rest of the winter with her. aunt, Mrs. Cynthia .Whlneiy. She expects to remain until May or June and hopes to bring Mrs. Wlhin 'tery home with her for a visit. Mr. •Strlokler will, stay in "California until Feb. 20 when he wiiMeave for a trip to New Orleans and will later go to Hot Springs. Ark., for a month's stay. He will he'Joined there iby G. H. Ruth, F. M. Wilbur and H. A. Welsman. ifa. ia MM mr »talwa Dr. Sana*, ebteopatfe. 11 DrUk Colfax Water and kaap wall Phone 4T, Tha Bailey Boya. Ml as Beaala Steinberg, of BMora, apant Saturday In the city. Ml as Anna Lawler, of Kldora, waa In the city Saturday on her way to Sterl ing, Colo. Signet Chapter No. will convene at o'clock thla evening. George Greg ory, H. P. ______ Mlsa MHrleUiese,"90» South Flrat avenue, visited over Sunday at her home at Nevada,^ Miss Winnie Rich, who Is attending Cornell college, spent the week-end with her aunt. Mrs. Fred 8. Howe. Mrs. Frank Stevens, of Albion, was a week-end visitor at the Leonard Ar new home, 1911 West State street The Royal ~NeTghhors*"~Ald 8oclety will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. I. L. Negley, 514 North Second avenue. Miss Gertrude Shahan and Miss Bes sie Stanford speht Sunday at the home of Miss Stanford' parents at Monte suma. We repair all makes of radiators at IS West State street, Just across from the Central Fire station.—Advertise ment. Mrs. E. P. Brown? of Union, returned home Saturday night after a few days' visit with Mrs. L. S. Brown, 307 South Fifth street. Mrs. George Shearer and daughter. Vera, of Zearlng, spent Saturday at the J. I* Shearer home, 202 West l/hurch street. Mrs. F. M7 Mesdames Theodore Latch and Clarence Xolta, and Miss Mabel Latch, returned to their homes at State Cen ter Saturday night after a short visit at the Henry Weuve home, 1215 West Main street. They attended a party given Friday afternoon by MTS. Weuve for the melhbers of the Country So cial club. O. H. Allbee. an attorney from Iowa Falls, and recently discharged from service, comes here highly recom mended- as a young man of fine legal ability and energy and has opened an office at 16 West Main street with J. M. Holt, where he will be glad to make the acquaintaince of the "boys" as well as others.—Advertisement. Seventy-five friends and neighbors met at the H. L. Hileabeck home, three miles north of Green Mountain, Saturday at a farewell gathering for the Hilsabeck family before they move to their new home, three miles southeast of Morshailtown. March 1. Dinner was served at noon and the afternoon was spent socially. Two soldiers of this city were in a contingent of the Forty-fifth coast artillery that landed at Newport News. Saturday, after service in Prance. The local soldiers, members of Battery A, are Burdette Tapps, 12 North Third street, and William Psenlcka. 205 South Second street. The entire Forty-fifth division, of which this artillery regi ment is a part, has been ordered home. At the Hospitals. Mrs. R. W. Plummer, of -Green Mountain, submitted to an operation this morning at the Deaconess. Her condition is good. W. E. Earhart, six miles nortliefi^t of the city, had an operation performed upon his nose at the Deaconess this morning. Mrs. Mary C. McMeredith, of Detroit, Mich., was removed from a Northwest ern train to St. Thomas hospital this forenoon to be prepared for an opera- CASTOR IA For Infante and Children In Use For Ov«r 30 Years Alwaya bears the Signature of Public Salel I will sell at public sale Thursday, Feb. 20 at my residence three miles northeast of Marshalltown the following property to-wit: 424 Head of Livestock 23 Head of Horses and Mules. 84 Head of Dairy Cattle. 115 Head of Steers. 59 Head of Heifers. 83 Head of Sheep.' 60 Head of Hogs. Full equipment of farm ma chinery and other articles too numerous to mention. Watch for big display ad. -t Mo Wast Darner, To? West Web ster street, went to Ames Saturday night to visit over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Likely. Mrs. R. C. Mckee, of Des Moines, re turned home this morning after a week-end visit with Mr. McKee, who Is employed by the Old Reliable Drug Co. Frank Sheffield," "who three weeks ago underwent an operation for gall stones at St. Thomas hospital. Is in a very critical condition, and his death is expected before many hours. Funeral services of George Livings ton Were held at 3 o'clock this after noon In the Assembly hall at the sol diers' home in charge of Chaplain H. O. Pratt. Burial was in the home cem etery. Ford Dann, son of 'Mrs. Ellis Bally, 409 East State street, left Saturday evening for HeaJdiiburg, Cal., where he will enter the employ of W. S. Walters, who operates a large Hereford cattle ranch. Mrs. Walters is a niece of Mrs. Bally. Two days, double header iv. -ket sale in Marehalltown February and 8. On Friday we will sell only chick ens and other poultry. Bring your chickens and buy what you want. On Saturday, we will sell other live stock. Plumb. Munro, Mason & Shoemaker. Miss Fanny Vosburg. deputy county recorder, who was called to Gilman a week ago by the serious illness of her mqiher. Mrs. W. H. Vosburg, returned to her duties this morning. Mrs. Vos burg, who has been suffering from stomach trouble, is considerably im proved and able to be about again. H. HICKS. Owner. a—i—l toit Mm* of tba toft U», Tte M«nr mumA by a fall fraar MMt atraat oar. Vtr«tl Otmmm, Searing, vMwwant on emerseaoy operation for gaagranous •ppeadioltt* tbia moraine at tha Dea conaaa. Ha la doing nicely. Mra. Jaoob Banabaf, 401 May atreet. aubmltted to an operation for abeoea* of the breaat thla morning at lh^ Dea. ooneaa. Har condition la good. LOCAL MARKBTt. Prleea Paid ta Farmers by Marahall town Merchant*. Tha following prices are quoted by Marshalltown deolera for the different varletlea of fartnera' provisions, grain and produoa The Bargain Stor« Grocery yuotea the following prlrM: Butter—IS. Rgga-Sfl. Benedict Flour and Feed Company •rill pay the following prices at Ita place of bualneaa In this city, subject, however, to market changes. Oata—53. Corn—1.11. The following market quotations art furnished by H. Wlltard Son Co.: No. 1 hldea—16. No. 2 hides—14. Hbrae hides, large-17. Horse hides, small—)(. Beeawax—3 0 IB. TWO WOMEN GRANTED DIVORCE. Decrees Secured by Mrs. Josephine Hehner and Mrs. Flossie Sisen. In district court Saturday decrees od divorce were granted to two wives. Mrs. Josephine Hehner and Mrs. Flos sie Si2en. Mrs. Hehner'e petition was filed last week and (he case was al most immediately brought to trial. She asked possession of the house hold goods and right to re-marry within one year If she so desired. Her prayer was granted. Mrs. Heh ner's petition showed her to have been married to Mr. IQehner in this city July 2. 1917. Mrs. Slzen was granted a divorce from her husband, Edwin Si sen. To the Dyspeptic. Would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles are over, that you can eat any kind of food that you crave? Consider then the fact that Chamber lain's Tablets have cured others—why not you. There are many who have been restored to health by taking these tablets and can now eat any kind of food that they crave.' Delegate to River Congrsss. Waterloo, Feb. 3.—W. D. Burdick, traffic manager for the Iowa Dairy Manufacturing Company, received an appointment from Governor Harding designating him as a state representa tive to the national river and harbor congress which will convene at Wash A—As meaT*he Advertised B-»Best Bargains C—Cash and Carry PV tact on. O. C.. Fab. i, and ?. Thare wtU »J*ba*l7 *e Mvoral other repre Mntativea from tha atata. One of tho alaaloM of tha Iowa man will ba to iNun co-oparaUon of tha national powers for tha perfection of rtvar fronts In thla section of the countr. Mr. Burdtok waa one of two Water loo men to attend the New Orleans convention of the Mllslaalppl Valley Association recently held. 3. & John son waa the other delegate. Awarded tLMO Oamaaee. Waterloo, Feb. I.—Bdward Arnett was awarded I1.9M) damages against the Illinois Central, for personal In juries. at 1 p. ni. Saturday by a Jury In Judge H. B. Boles" dlvtaon of dint riot court. He sued for $6,000. Arnett was a paaaenger an a train east bound, en route from Iowa KfeUs to Waterloo, Dfc. 7. ltll. when there waa a headon colllalon at Boyd, eight Miller's Antiseptic Oil. Known aa SnaKe Oil Poaitively Relieve* Pain in Few Minutes Try It right now for Rheumatism. Neuralgia. L.umbago, aore. stiff and swollen Joints, pain in the head, bark and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application pain usually disappears as If by magic. A new remedy used Internally and ex ternally for Coughs. Colds. Croup, Hore Throat. Diphtheria and TonHllltis. Thla Oil Is conceded to be the mosl penetrating remedy known. Its prompt and Immediate effect In relieving pain Is due to the fact that it penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an Il lustration. pour ten drops on the thick est piece of aole leather and It will penetrate this substance through and through In three minutes. Accept no substitute. This great oil is Miller's only. Kvery bottle guaran teed—SOo. 60c and 11.00 a bottle at Old Reliable Drug Co., and leading druggists. Probate Notioe. Office of the clerk of the district court, state of Iowa, Marshall county, ss, district court January term, A. D.. 1919. To whom it may concern: Vou and each of you are hereby noti fied to appear at the court house in Marshalltown, Iowa. In said county. LEAGUE Shel^is7y^'1profits!in-lSaTinES OATS Large package Mono- OP. gram brand, per pkg BROOMS r- First class 4 £iO CRACKERS 61/2 lb. box tf»| OP Krispy, per box «P 1 NOODLES Fine or broad 1 28c MO 1 ORANGES—Fine LARD Pure rend- PE ered, 2 lbs for.. HAMS Picnic, whole, pel pounds,^ 30c AND The Bargain Store is a Cash and Carry Store at 9 o'clock a. m.. on the 2Sth day of February, 191P, to attend the proof of and probating an Instrument in writ ing purporting to be the la«t will and testament of James B. Crawford late of Marshall county, Iowa, deceased, at which time and place you will appear and show cause. If any, why said will should not be admitted to probate. In testimony whereof. I have hereto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the district court, this first day of February, A. D.. 1919. [Seal-l G. \V. GILBERT. Clerk of the district court. mi lea waat *f bound to bound train, bur duo the engineer xm)4 not atop humping into the niter tmln. irkMi wns waiting. Arnett «M lithe aaoker and waa thrown ncolnat tha aide of A-B-C Saturday, February 1, was the first day of our new Cash and Carry system of merchandising and it was one of the largest days, have ever had. It was also the first day of our eighth year in business. Every Day is Bargain Day at the Bargain Store. America Must Feed the World—Save Food Save 20%—Join the of The only way to brine down the High Cost of Food is to join the fight—everyone of Vou- You can get the f«Uleiiefit of the League of Rations, already in operation and settled—THE BARGAIN STORE, the Lowest Cost of Food^Distnlwi tion in /Marshalltown the happy combination of Lowest Prices and Highest Qaulity Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and frills are all cut out—the unnecessary costs. Deliveries, Credits and Waste, are all done away with. Over 1, 500 items of your favorite, nationally known, advertised brands, marked by a swinging price tag, waiting on the and rienty-of-Good-ThinKS-to-Ebt-in-the-Home save an average of 20% on everything you buy—so it will pay you to go along way to shop at THL oARt.AIN MUKr,. Are You Paying More Than These Prices? CHEESE Full cream, ylO BEANS Fancy hand picked 1 A SOAP Crystal White, CQ^% SARDINES y* lb. in oil OC PORK SAUSAGE Coun try style, OC 2 lbs .......... PORK SAUSAGE Coun try style, OC 2 lbs .......... OO OO BEEF BOIL—Bris- 7^ ket of beef 11 BEEF BOIL—Bris- 7^ ket of beef 11 Heating Qualities In our Franklin County Coil you will find all the elements neces sary for high heat producing qualities in the long flame with which it burns, the high carbon content, and low sulphur and ash properties, making it an ideal coal for either, stove or furnace. To apppreciate the economy in burning our Franklin county coal, as well as the satisfaction in get ting a quick lasting fire, it is only necessary to give it a trial. Loads Weighed Over City Scales. Nelson Coal Company PHONES 1000—68 A-"As C==-Cash Juicy, Medium Size, per dozen BEEF ROAST OO per pound HAMBURGER OA Our own make. NOT ONLY CAN YOU SAVE MONEY ON WHAT YOU EAT BUT ON EVERYTHING YOU WEAR IF YOU BUY" AT BARGAIN STDRL W E I S A N S illiilii .1 'I U» «v, tomtom.** JM* rl«M hi. la entimntod iMt tmmjk of oadnr tree* are ont Hw ntMRNHT, to provide the Material for MM pw ella. •i!3 Advertised B="-Best Bargains and Carry Rations cash, we HI SODA Gillett's brand, 1 lb pkg. first class quality, each.. I PANCAKE FLOUR Farm or house brand, 31/2 lb pkg.. JDC POTATOES Fancy white cook stock, per peck FLOUR Cream Brand, #0 PO guaranteed, 49 lb sack.. »VV uL\* Kl 29c BEEF STEAK OA BEEF STEAK OA FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS received daily. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS received daily. 10c Charge Made For All 4 Deliveries