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ft L^' I' IK _'Jb. toy, Ynr taM, Y«w Tvwa AM Ui *ht T.-lt tr "v*x?' -^T" rv*v '. ^.w» VOLUME FORTY-FIVE 4 NATIONS HENTIh DEFY LEAGUE Dcelul Territorial Claims Most Be Granted by Society of Nations. SUPREME COUNCIL WORKING PATIENTLY p£:' llstmi All Claims B«ln0 Rsforred Spatial Committees—Secret Treaties Mada .During Stress af War Must Qiva Way, Amariaan Delegstes Say—Half of Draft af League of Nationa Cam* leted. Tha alliad premiers, who will meet this aftarnaan aa tha su preme inter-allied war concil, pro* bably will fix naw terms to ba imposed on Germany, whose tsc tiea af obstruction and recrimina tian in said to hav« raaohad a climax In a throat mada at Wei mar by Chaneallar Ebert that Qarmany would braak off negotis tienswith tha alliaa. I/* J' SaaraUry af Stata Lanalng In a statement laauad today aaya that tha government of tha- Unitad Stataa walaamaa tha union of tha Serbian, Croatian and Slavahian William Allan Whita, of Empo ria, Kan, and Prof. George Davis Harron havo baan appaintad tha American delegates^ to tha Mar mara oanfaranaa with tha Rus sian faotiona, Tha faallng in paaoa aonfaranoa circles ia that tha Germane ara moro and mora fergatting thair paaitian and it ia expected tha suprama cauneil will take measures ta bring then* to a aanaa of tho realities. Marahal Faeh will go to Treves ta fix tha tarma af tha third ra nawal of tha armleti** It is undaratood that tha eouneil will fix a briaf tima within wtfi^ tha 0grmana must caary aut tha l-'^^ondltions they hava wly partially fwtfHIf#. lit th* i*f»« ia noted that *en»«f tlM OsH—n merchant IMH w»wehwierk.-*a h«*a, baan hava Tha,,oa«neil wOl fix tha size af ilia contingents af allied natiins in tha army af occupation both in Europe and Asia. Baala, Switzerland, Fab. 7.— Chaneallar Ebert in hia addross to tha Garma* national aeeembly at Weimar yaatarday aaid: "Tha aanditiona of the armiatie* hava baan af unheard aeverity and war* carried aut without ahama. Wa warn N»r adverssries not ta push too far. "Confident in tha promises of PrfaidMrt Wilaan, German* laid dawn her arme and now we await the peace of Preaidant Wilson to which we have a right." r, Paris, Feb. 7,—The number of terri torial conflicts now making their ap pearance In peace conference circles, .'it Is said insome quarters Is attrlbutal to the prospect* of an early realisation o£ a society of nations plan which will involve the examination of-^all such claims by a legal tribunal of the society for adjudication with due regard to Vthe wishes and welfare of the ^ig h&bitants of the district* in dispute. The community of Interest of aome nations in certain questions has led to hints' of co-ope ritlon among those to make up the majority In the con ference. Gossip in the corridors even mentions threats of resistance to any ^decisions adverse to those interests. Iv Th6 special commission working on the Jwrciety .of nations plan is not. moved •j* by theee rum4rs, however, and is going about its work quietly but nuidly. E& 'AtHJie same time the supreme coun (p. cfl In short daily session dfatinuos its f' policy at hearing patiently all claims and generally referring themTto special fur standing comfnittees for thorough examination, altho this procedure, it 'is undenatood, is not entirely agreeable to all the powers Interested. Treaties Must Give Way. Sccret treatiea made under the •jirtress of war and which may be con- vW'»tdered out of harmony with the prln- 4c |pl!Wi on whiph a society of nations is helhg organised have provoked a great j'-deal of comment. The American dele aatcs, at leaat, have eald that such HKrcements in so far as they conflict Twith the principles of a society of na tions, must give way. ii. The Russian problem again will ^loriie to the fore today in connection ^with the acceptance by the Moscow bolshevik government.of the invitation to the conference on the Princess islands, in some quarters the action of the Moscow government has been hailed with satisfaction and relief In view of the promise it gives, of an Im mediate termination of bolshevik at tacks on the. little'allied army, in the Archangel sector. Small crowds are beginning to as spfeemble around the foreign office where the supreme council meets, but they do not disturb the members. Experienced diplomats say that what surprise^ them is that the proceedings Wive been so remarkably harmonious in- view ,of the multiplicity and the cofnplfxl^y of questions. Half of Nit Ions Draft Covei^d: BubstaktlaUy/ oi^e-half of the draft of the constitution for the society of itatlons Hj^s !»en covere-J by the chei? 9onferenc^ ^ommission dealing wltb yr m-v & .: *.» ,-a. .-j, 4- j, :*pFA •, -*•«. /?'•«*, .jferv. •"¥. this question, It wail officially an* nounced today. In approving a number of additional articles of th) draft the commission reached an acoord, It Is said, on cer tain questions of the greatest Impor tance concernihg the positive func tions of the league. The acceptance of these additional articles was provi sional. Tlje commission has appointed A general aecret?rtet, consisting of M. Ousel, Ixird justice Prrcy of the British fot^Ign office arik Mrs. 8hep herdson. Prem,lef v4nl*»los, of Greece, Pre mier Kramars, of Jugo-8lavla, M. Dmowski. of Poland, and M. Dlsmon ily, of RoumatWa. sat us members of the league of nations commission re presenting th^lr rrspectlvo nations. Conscription Not Abandoned. Eleven articles of the project for the society of nations were discussed and approved ,with small modifications bj? the prace conference commission and thiit subject o( its meeting lost night. President WUson presided at the meet ing. The only article not appjpved was lhe_patagraph proposing abolition of military service unless required under extraordinary circuinstanccs. Premier Orlando, of Italy, opposed the paragraph, remarking that if con scription were abolished, an attempt to revive it might lead to serious trouble, even revolution. SUGGESTS MORATORIUM. Temporary Suapension of Payments of International Debts Advooated. [By the Associated Press.] Paris, Feb. B.—In advocating the temporary suspension of liquidation by the governments to one another, which would mean an international mora torium between the go%-ernments in order to give th* nations breathinff time, Alvln TV. Krpch. president of the Equitable Trust Company of New York, who h&s been studying the fin ancial situation in Europe, declared: "The inter-dependents of the na tions of the world after this un paralleled cataclysm must be obvious and therefore the situation in France, the center of the conflict, is of vital Interest to us. The enormous inflation here of the currency has created a temporary and purely fictitious plethora of monAy, and while the rates for money are quotably low, all f6od and commodity prices are well nigfi prohibitive. This is coincident with the severest restriction of commercial credit. 'The present relations between the dollar and the franc are obscured temporarily .by tlie general prohibition on the importation of all commodities and the artificial restrictions placed by the governments upon exchange. Platform of No Embargos. "Tfte official representatives of. the "United States stand squarely upon the platform of no embargos and no re stxtotlons respecting neutral Inter allied countries and. the rationing of raw materials In the central powers irftef tfie IndefrtnUy* terms have- Vtmt determined "The French and .: British govern .qieflttf h*fe accumulated considerable 'reserve of raw materials and manu factured goods for war purposes which will suffice 'their present needs and will suffice long enough to allow for a readjustment by conditions and new values. America must therefore look to and prepare for a readjustment of prices before her allies will discuss freedom of control and regulation In trade. 'That is. we maj^as well recognize the situation in which we are placed and take the bump. We can make a cushion to lessen the shock of the bump by America creating long tertn commercial Credits and in the creation thru the aid of American banks and in vestors of dollar credfts running over a term of years based on security of undoubted value." Program Ready Next Week. Capt. Andres Tardleu, one df the French representatives on the com mission of-^he society of natipns, an nounced,tonight that the program for the society will be ready some time next week. He also said: "France is opposed to the raising of the blockade on jaw materials against Germany until her damage to French Industries has been made good. Ger many was responsible for the. destruc, tion of one-third of the factories of France and, if allowed to resume pro duction with equal facilities, it will be a serious permanent handicap to us." Captain Tardleu expressed the be lief that the allies would not disagree with the contention of France. He added that the blockade committee advocates the raising of the raw ma terials embargo against neutrals at the earliest possible dote, with the under standing that ma^erlals^ are not to be reshipped to Germany. ^LOWING TRIBUTE s- TO ROOSEVELT .•'t will H. Hays in Mcmortsl 8ession of Hoosier Legislature Says Roosevelt Was Foremost American^ With No Peer-— Lescon of Patriotism His Monument. 'j Indianapolis, Fob.v7.—Tribute to the life and patriotism of Theodore Roose velt was paid by \ftll H. Hays, chair man of the republican national com mittee, at the Roosevelt memorial ses siop of the Indian* legislature here to day. "The lesson of patriotism of Theo dora Roo»evo!t," declared Chairman Hays, who delivered the' principal memorial address, "is his monument. "He was toe peace when peace, was right, but if to win right for right's A sake a fight was necessary, then ^resistance on the part of the Poleef was for war or whatever else gjwas needed and abovs al), he was f6r3uiar erica eternally, and there he was the severest partisan," the speaker con tinued. "To follbw this man's life is a succession of st«pa from peak to peak to describe his accomplishments is a review of superlatives. "We can not say that he was a typical American because he was too unlike to be typical he had no coun terpart the foreiyiost American, yes, the leader of leaders, yes but above all, he was' tha.' supreme talisman of that intangible thing we love to think of as the Amcrlcta Writ" V*CfJ 1 v, Representative of Brother hoods of Employes Has Utopian Scheme. URGES LABOR'S PLAN FOR RAIL CONTROL Would Have Government Own Lines and Delegate Their Operation to Private Corporation With All Em ployes 8haring Equally in Division of Earnings-^Brotherhoods Opposed to ScversI Idess Being Considered. Washington, Feb. 7.—Railroad labor interests today proposed government ownership and private operation by one large corporation, co-operatively organised and sharing profits with em ployes as their solution of the railway I problem, Testifying before the senate inter state commerce committee on behalf of tho four leading trainmen's brother hoods and other employes organizations Glenn E. Plumb, of Chicago, recom mended that the government acquire all railroad property at a price fairly representing the physical valuation, and to entrust the operation to a cor poration to be directed Jointly by em ployes, officers and the government. Earnings would be divided equally among the employes and the govern ment and rates would be automatically reduced when profits amounted to more than a fixed rate. Perfection Foreseen. This plan, it was argued, would pro vide cheaper financing, give stability of income to security owners, promote efficiency of. operation thru sharing profits, remove railroad operation from partisan politics, compose conflicts be tween federal and state authorities, keep rates at a minimum, eliminate complications in rate schedules and prove a means of making communities benefiting by extensions pay for them. The corporation would be subject To regrulationlbK the interstate ^onrtserce commission, which W5uldr relaiii Its present regulating power. The brotherhoods objected to the railway executives' proposal for estab lishing a secretary for transportation, saying this would constitute "regulat ing the people In the interest of capital." They also protested against tbe railroad administration's order for bldding" railway employes from taking part In politics, arguing that the solu tion of the railway problem is a' poli tical Issue and that employes are en-, titled to participate. Mr. Plumb suggested organization "of an operating corporation where operating ability constituted its sole capital." URGE WHEAT RETALIATION. Senators Would Place Embargo on British Grain. Washington, Feb. 7 —The placing of an embargo by the United States against any shipments of wheat from Canada, Australia or other parts of the British empire was proposed in senate as a retaliatory measure against the embargo by Great Britain against Ing. Is the Hrat suffrage bill to make American manufactured goods. Senator McCumber of North Dakota, who proposed this legislation in the midst of a debate on the Weeks resolu tion, said he believed action would be necessary to keep the word of the gov ernment to pay American farmers the guaranteed wheat price. Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, also said action of this kind might be needed. He did not understand why any one should oppose the Weeks reso lution, which asks the state depart ment for Information as to what is being done to combat the British re striction. Senator King, of Utah, said he be lieved the resolution was impertinent, and Senator Wolcott, of Delaware, ex pressed a similar opinion. Senator Weeks said he could not understand this attitude, and declared It was time this country was giving sonjc attention to its own industries. "The question of Idle labor in this country Is involved, for example," he said. "If we are to have an embargo •placed upon our manufacturing in dustries and the products of our in dustries it is going to lessen to that extent the amount of work our pptfple can do in this country." The resolution went to the calendar for further consideration. HEAVY FIGHTING IN GALICIA. Cxcohs Driving Poles'Back'Despite Re sistance—Arrest Civilian Poles. [By the Associated Pretp.] Warsaw, Feb. 3.—In heavy fighting in the last few days in nortwestern Gallcia, Csecho-Slovak forces have advanced to within nineteen miles from Cracow, notwithstanding strong The Czechs have the advantage of greater numbers and better training, and the poles have been obliged to withdraw troops from eastern Poland to Join the fighting in Gfcllcta, The Czechs are reported to he ar resting a great number of civilians. Manifestations occurred: In several towns and villages against the Pollslf committee in Paris, in the belief that If was responsible for the failure qf the allies to Intervene in the fighting between the Polea, and Csechs. [The foregoing dispatch was filed ffom Warsaw oh the same day the aianistice was signed between MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1919 American Ships Soon Will Steam Up River Rhine Paris, Feb. •.—AmerWan ships soon will steam up the Bhlnfi, using Rotter dam as a base, according to informa tion made public here Unlay. It is announced that transport of Americans to their homes is progress ing as rapidly ss possible, and that during February the number of men to be taken to America would become considerably augmented. The health of the American soldiers In France Is excellent and their morale Is of the highest. They ahew willing ness to re-enter the fray if occasion de mands. there being a feeling apparent ly that war ended too soon for some of the more adventurous one* altho all arc content to accept the situation. 1 The number of cases of Influenza among the troops Is negligible. The excellent physical standards set by the American army guaranteed the men against disagreeable effects of the climate and the hardships of the cam paign. Poles and.Czpcho-SIovak*. Under*tho terms of the armistice the opposing forces were to occupy positions they held Jan. 22.] PRODUCTION AT STANDSTILL. Manufacturers Marking Time—'Retail ers Await Drop in Prices. Washington. Feb. 7,—Business con ditions are characterized by slackening of production, r«iuctance of commer cial buyers to acquire stocks of good# in anticipation of reduction in prices and by only a small falling off In re tail business, sa/s the federal trade board's review. The hoard does not forecast future prices, but federal hoard nsrents thvu out the country predicted prices would hot fall much within the next few months. Members of the house agricultural committee today expressed the opin ion that price of flour would be low ered and that the cost of other prin cipal food prices be reduced should congress carry out the plan to cut the guaranteed wheat price proposed by the committee. The government would lose the dif ference between the purchase and sale price and the tttll proposes the appro priation of $t^(to),0M),000. for this pur pose. IOWA'S HONOR ROLL. Nine Iowans Listed Among the Casu* alties of Our Overseas Forces. Washington. Feb. 7.—The names of nine Iowa soldiers appear In the com bined casualty hsts Issued for publi cation today. Tliey are: Died of wounds—Privates Einar Joiu&n,„ ^fewstfWv^ajvey June Van meter, Clinton,1:. Died of disease—Sergeant. Frederick C. Nottger, Waverly Private Ed Bein- ... tema. Pella. Harris Waverly Wounded slightly, previously re-1 The measure which is in line with recommendations of Governor Hard- Its appearance in either House this session. The governor urged that pri mary suffrage be granted women. Holdoegel's bill, of couise, would not permit women to vote at elections. Reinstatement of returned soldiers to public positions held before they went to war is provided In a resolution adopted unanimously In the Iowi^en atc today and sent to the house. WILL NOT LOSE GODFATHERS. Red Cross to Care for French Children Yanks Adopted. Washington, Feb. —Nearly 33,00-0 French orphans adopted by American soldiers overseas will not be forgotten by their "godfathers" under a plan an nounced today by the American Red Cross.' While in France the American troops contributed nearly 2,000,000 francs for the care of the orphan* and the' Red Cross today gave notice It was prepared to receive contributions from the men after they return to this country and are discharged to handle correspondence between the men and their "adopted" children. WALL BECOMES VETERINARIAN. Succeeds Dr. J, I. Gibson, Who Re signed to Go With Serum Company. D^ Moines, Feb. 7.—Dr. J. I. Gib son, state veterinarian, has resigned, effective March 1, and Dr. Robert D. Wall, for several years his assistant, has been appointed to succeed him, it was announced today by Governor Harding. Dr. Gibson's term would not have expired until June 30, 1995. He will rerriove to Illinois, where he -will be come associated with' a serum com pany. Poles Retake Prisoners. [By the Associated Press.] Warsaw, Feb. 3.—The Poles and the Ukranlans continue fighting each other in the region of Lemberg and the Poles are keeping the enemy in check. In the last few d»ys the Poles have re taken some of their corarados who were made prisoners. Among the prisoners recaptured were sixty male nurses who, according to reports from Lemberg, were Im paled On pointed sticks by the Ukran lans. Four of the nurses are reported to be dying in Cracow hospital. 'in JAPAN SMS TROUBLE OVER CHINA UNO? Trying to Induce Peking Government to Repud iate Delegates. TOKIO CLAIMS TO BE EMBARRASSED Delegates 'at Pesos Ccnforsnee Sur prised at Devslopmento China. Short of Fun^s, Msy Be Compelled to 8ubmit to Jspsn's Dictation- Source of Trouble Is Ovor Territory Taken From Germany. fBy the Associated Press.] Th(l ported missing in action—Privates r.°5_an^ John Boud, Tlngley Ray M. West cott. Clear Lake. Erroneously reported died from aer oplane accident—Private Charles E. Anderson, Bagley. SUFFRAGE BI^L APPEARS. Would Permit Women to Vote in Pri mary Election in Iowa. Des Moines. Feb. 7.—Women wotild be permitted to vote In political pri maries, caucuses and conventions in Iowa under tarms of a bill introduced in the legislature by Senator Holdoe gel, of Calhoun county, and Repre sentative Weaver, of Polk. JhTl ,6 °v#'" J'ing-Tao. Wounded severely—Musician Bruce ®£lef 'Mue between China and A. Kresa, Hevburn: Private Charles S. arispn in connection wnr sp«'pment hn 8 P"S'V°nf11of Is over the "r*inK'~Tao an(* adJacent it" hnr- territory in Shan- tung province, the former German con cession In China. Japan, on entering the war. beiran an offensive against the Germans in the Tsing-Tao area and after a short campaign recaptur ed the territory, which she has since held. China's desire, as expressed fov her delegates at Paris, is to get this territory back. Reports from Paris have Indicated that. Japan desired to retain Tslng-Tao harbor hut had themselves, declared Fritderlch offered to restore Shantung province otherwise, In a recent statement in Paris, Dr. Wellington Koo. the Chinese minister to the United States and one of China's delegates at the peace confer ence. asserted that the Japanese claim was based upon an agreement enter«3 Into on May 25, 191a. which gave Ja pan the right to establish a conces sion exclusively under her Jurisdiction in Teing-Tao. He declared, however, that this agreement was entered into under duress. Japan having threat ened hostilities*, and he it was void. claimed that PITCHED BATTLE IMMINENT. wmmmm to Republicans Mobilising in Lisbon 8trike Monarchists in North. Lisbon. Feb. 4 —Two seaplanes of the Portuguese republican forces have dropped proclamations on Oporto, {he monarchist stronghold and returned safely to Avelro. They valso bom barded and damaged the railway from Esplnho to GranJa. A battalion of volunteers, composed mostly of students and employes of business houses, has left Lisbon to fight the royalists In the Xorth. Several wurships left the capital to day for northern waters. All wagons and horses In Lisbon are being mobil ized. READJUSTMENT~CONGRESS. Western Manufacturing Problems te Be Discussed. Omaha, Feb. 7.—Every western man ufacturer who atlende the. reconstruc tion fongress held at Atlantic City early in December is looking forward to the trans-iMlsslssippl leadjustment congress at Omaha, Feb. 18 to 20. The Omaha congress will be a dup licate, so far as possible, of the Atlan tic City meeting and will be the mo»t important business conference ever held in the west. Problems paculiar to western manu facturers will be dealt with In the most thorough manner tthd a program for the period of readjustment will be charted and recognised and successful leaders among American manufactur- Inhustry held the prominent place at the Atlantic City meeting, where business leaders-of the nation Joined together to map out a program for national manufacturers but the east^ especially, took advantage of this pro grain, and consequently manufacturing In the eastern states is thoroughfy or ganised for the work of reconstruction and readjustment as applied to manu facturing problems,of that part of the country. It has been said that agriculture will be prominently ia Che forefront at the Governor Intimates Raihburn Pardon is Hpbody's Business Moines. Feb. f.—With no aa anylng oxplanatlon of hla Tea* tjpr the pardon. Oovernnor W. 1* .rdlng today filed with both houses the Iowa ealslature transcript of all letters on which he had baaed the pardon of Ernest Rathbun, of Ida Grovs, convicted of criminal assault In a conversation with newspaper men the governor advised the assembly to proceed agatnat him If it suspeots him of being Illegally influenced. The transcript of the evidence was contained in the governors annual re port of pardons. The house referred It to t^ie Judlrisry committee whose chairman called a mee'lng for 3 p. m. today. The governor told ni*spaper msn the legislature "row has all the know ledge of the rase that was mine when 1 granted the pardon." "T have filed no explanation." he continued. "I take the position that having been placed in a position to' know as much as I do about the case the assembly may do a* It sees fit. "I have not offered an explanation of the case," the governor said, "'because! there has been and Is no occasion for the governor to explain hla action— an official act—and the governor of Iowa Is not going to be placed In the Peking, Feb. 3.—Attempts are being position of explaining things to Tom made by the Japanese to induce the I t'°k and Harry.' Chinese government to disavow the| action of Its delegates at the peace congress, as it rightly should be. In conference for the reason that they' are seriously embarrassing Japan, ac-' Delegates Surprised. Paris, Feb. 5.—The Chinese delega tion to the peace conference has been advised from Peking of the Japanese corriplaint regarding the activities of the Chinese delegates here. Dr. Wellington Koo and thes other delegates express surprise over these thl* cording to semi-official Chinese! dustry but western manufacturing, sources here. growing and developing as It is. at a This development has caused de- I rapid rate, will have a prominent place press ion over the situation in govern- ment circles, which had previously been Jubilant over the strong stand taken by the Chinese in relation to the Japanese claims. This depression is Intensified by the fact the government Is hard pressed for money and may, it is said, yield to the Japanese wishes In order to obtain the needed funds.1 western country where agrlcul- ,ur* hlu" ,n always been the leading In- ,hl* watern congress It Is quite possible, too. that mans- GERMAN EMPIRE OF JUSTICE AND TRUTH Ebert Addresses Assembly as "Lsdies! and Gentlemen"—Assorts Old Order Hss Gone—People will Rule Them selves—Plesds For Unity and Un tiring Labor. TBy the Associated Press. 1 Weimar. Feb. 7.—The old order In Germany has gone beyond the call aiul the people now are determined to rule M&'*aT v$-Vv'' Ebert. tho~chancellor, calling the national as sembly to order here this afternoon.' "We will call on the old German spirit of Weimar.'" he said. "We will be an empire of Justice and truth." The chancellor opened the proceed ings of the assembly at 3:15 o'clock I He was received with applause aa ho advanced for the ceremonies. In op ening he addressed the assemblage aa "ladles and gentlemen," a form of ad dress never before heard in a German legislative body. The chancellor'.* speech was an earnest appeal for unity and untiring tabor. llerr Ebert. said he hailed the de cision of German Austria to bring about "that national unity of the German race which nlone can afford a guarantee of a flourishing and eco nomic life." The asembly, 397 members of which were present, adopted the old stand ins orders of the relchstag as tem porary rules of procedure. General Strike in Dusseldorf. [By the Associated Press.] Berlin, Feb. 5.—The whole city of Dusseldorf has "walked out." Officials, clerks and other employes in tho service of railways, posts, tele graph. telephone and service lines: bankers, lawyers, physicians, school tcachcrs and other persons engaged In professions have quit work. The employes on all p\ibllc service lines arc striking In keeping with a threat to the executive council of the communistic government to call a gen eral strike of all bourgeois classes if their demands wrrc not granted. Theaters and restaurants are forced' to close ns they are without service. Large industrial plants haveTihtit down as office forces everywhere have Joined In the walkout. Wils unique protest Is the first of Its kind to be applied on a big scale as a retaliation against Kpnrtacan terrorism. FIVE BOATS UNDER WAV. Former National Guardsmen Will Reaoh Home Middle of February. Washington. Feb. 7.—Sailing of five transports from France wtth about 200 officers and Ii,500 men, coiuslstlng mainly of former national guard un'lts, was announced today by the war de partment. The transports will arrive at New York and Newport No wa. from Feb. 15 to 20. Johnson Resolution Squelched. Washington. Feb. 7.—Another effort today by Senator Johnson, of Califor nia, to secure senate consideration of his resolution favoring Immedlato withdrawal of American troops from Russia ended failure. ''V- W«KkirlifI NUMBER «3 SOLDIERS MID IISEMTLE •V- Thirty Thoaaftnd Men anA( Women Join 25,000 Ship* yards Striken. BUSINESS ALMOOT COMPLETELY TIED UP v? Sohoole and Theaters deeed, Car Lines Idle and Newspapers Cease Publica tion—Nearly 1,000 Seldisra Sent ta 1 City te Deal With Oiasrdsr* Should They Occur—Situation at Tasama Not So Serious. Seattle, Feb. 7.—With complete "in dustrial and commercial paralysis threatened by the general strike of craftsmen la support of wage demands by shipyard metal workers, Seattle municipal officials and business men cast about *oday for some means o( relieving an uirparsllele-l situation. Nearly 1,000 troops from Camp Lewis are In the city on orders of the w«r dipartment and ready to act in U»» event of disorders. 1 facturing may hold first place, as re-1 gards Its Importance, In the discus-, sions in the group meeting, and in the resolutions adopted at the last general session of the congress, and In the Seattle newspapers have suspended publication, school# and theaters have closed, street cars have ceased operat ing,, restaurants have shut down and shipping is being diverted to Oregon ports because there Is no one to un load the cargoWf 1 larting and beneficial results gained. !f western manufacturers are keen, not only to attend, but to talK and act at) the proposed Omaha meeting. ASK SCALE OF P08T-WAR PRICES' President Would Name Committee on Staples for Government Purehsse. WashlnBton, Feb. 7.—President Wil son has le^n asked to name a com- advices, as they'say that the Chinese 'nlttee of Industrial leaders and g«v case was fairly stated before the coun- ''mment regulations representatives ell of the Ave powers, the United States, Great Britain, France. Italy and Japan, upon notices of only one and one-half hours and that on tho suggestion of a member of that coun cil China offered to submit all the secret agreements between China and Japan. declared, stnnds reaoyro do this and to accept the ver |Uct.of the society of. nationa on tit* Is whlrli will have the power to Investl gate and suggest a scale of prices for basic commodities at which the gov ernment will buy during the post-war period. Secretary of Commerce Red field announced today. The step was taken after confer ences of producers and labor repre sentatives and government officials which were unanimous/ Secretary Qedfleld said. In recommending It. ... .:m-- Soup kitchens have been established by culinary workers for the beneflt largely of the strikers who are given special ratee. Non-unionists pay higher for the same "military mess" service. At Taeoma where a similar sympathetic strike is in progress the situation was reported today to have gi\ en Indications of Improvements. In Seattle it Is estimated that M,MM men and women left their employment yesterday in addition |o the striking shipyards workers.? One Street Car Muns. A municipal street car. the flint car to run In Seattle in twenty-four hours, left the train hall today and proceeded up Fourth and Third avenue* on Ita regular run to Ballard, a suburb. In .the business districts it met no trouble., General M*rrlsen*ln San Francisco. Ftffc John F. Morrison, commanding western department of the army, has gone to Seattle to take charge of the nrmy end of the strike situation ttaart. according to a statement on the strike Situation here today by a. high ofdoial Of the' department. Major General Morrison will direct the annys ac tivities in Tacoma, also, he sald.\_p» Copper Mines Cut Wages. Jerome, Aria., Feb. 7.—Copper min ing coinpanlce here today announced ,i waae cut effective tomorrow of "5 entsAi day. The order affects nearly 4,000 men and put the wage for miner.* back to $r.l5 a day. which was the scale before the federal mediation hoard ordered an increase last July. Butte Miners Striks. Butte. Mont.. Feb. 7—The entire day shift of the ETm Orlu mine, owned by former United States Senator Clnrk. numlierins about 2V) men. walked out this morning because of the reduction of $1 a day in wages that went int^.. ffcct in the Butte district today. Delay Ford-Tribune Trial Detroit. Feb. 7.—Selection of a trial court In the million dollar libel »ult ,A. brought against the Chicago Dally Tribune by Henry Ford. In which the defendant company was yesterday granted change of venue by circuit fudge'Mandell here, was today post poned until Feb. 17. by agreement of both parties and on application of the plaintiff. T.-R. BULLETIN •41! NEWS.OFTHE DAY The Weather. Iowa— t'nsettled weather, with light' snow Saturday and in west and central portions tonight somewhat warmer in west portion tonight. PAQC ONE. I Tefcgrsphic News: Japan Starts ^Trouble at peace Table Little Nationa Also Rebellious. Railroad Brotherhoods HaVe Etoplan Scheme. Soldiers and Soup Houses In Seattle PAGES TWO, THREE AND FOUR. Iowa Nswss Putting Teeth Into Workmen Law. Danger in Spring and Well Waters. Roada Program Almost Ready. Scene Thrills Homo Folks. Seventeen-Year Locusts Duo. PAOE Five. Story: The light In the Clearing. PAOE SIX. Editorial: Iowa War History. No Pact With Theft and MMift Tough on Thrifty Thursty Folks. PAGES SBVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN A WD E LEV E N, City Nswss Thornton Gets Verdict for tti.SSOv Fruits and Vegetables Still, High. Marshall County Cows Make Record. Want Local -Supply of Limestone. M. M. Belden, of Grlnnell, Dies Her*h,(5s PAGE TWELVE. Markets and General: Com In Upward Spurt. . Oats Also Higher. *4-4 Cattle Incline Lower, f* Hogs Steady to Lower. Sc