Newspaper Page Text
I At 41m HMfrilal*. JwnUa \ud LouIm. itau*ht»r« or Mr. and Mrs. R. H. PUbrow. 301 North Hovonth •trtet. And MIm Bather Noid, «tl Wot NoviuU atrMt, had thokr ton »U» Mid adanolda roniovod thia inorn a In At the Dnoomm. The condition of Mr*. H. Q. Brlnt n*ll. who aubmlttod to an operutlon for ramovMl of the vail bladdar and appon dlx Friday at St. Thomaa. la Improved today. Tha attending phyalolan ttallavaa the dansar point haa now baen paaaod In tha oaae of H. 8. Lawrence, who la at 5 "the Deaooneaa where he waa operated upon for gall bladder trouble. Mr. be propped up a little In bed and hla ten- M^fral condition ia very encourarln*. -"cm**. Tuttle, Jeweler and optlotaa. *1^4 6- 'Good to the Laat Drop' 'Contains the abundant nou^ liahmtoit that will give* I you efe&s winter and 1 summer without either forcing or fattening your^ birds. It ia always reliable' \and economical to use. It does not force —it helps IJ Write for particulars and prices. BENEDICT FLOUR A PEED CO. More 5$' Eggs IF YOU WISH HENS ha\'e to be fed as well as hu mans. and the better food you give them the more vitality they will show and the better their egg production. .FEED YOUR HEN3 DON SUNG and watch reanlta. If a a teat worth trylnr PRICE 50c AND $1.00. pj^m—i9W.i*iiiist. FOR GUARANTEED FIT AND COMFORT- WEAR. SpireJia Corsets Have Line of Surqicafl Belta Also. £fiena .Green 1224 or Write Spi rella Coraettiere. 'WEST MAIN STREET WOULD- PEOPLE TESTIFY tliat Chiropractic adjustments benefita them if they were not ftfnef iiad Ask those who have taken adjustments. the Chiropractic talks in I'r'T.-Rr-Svery Wednesday. Schwietert & Blean CHIROPRACTORS Over 214 E. Main St. Marehalltown, Iowa Office Phone 670 Rea. Green 1057 $ r,. We %ep All Makes ft of Radiators. Weat State street, juet ^ijfcaa from the Central Fire .fttptioi^ W'h Phone 806 tin H. A. TEAGER £, PURSEL UNDERTAKING 1' £outh Center Street yiPhiaw 458 .. Licensed Lady Embatmer ^Prompt AmbulanceService Tl CITY IN BRIEF Brlni your^ilrhM Is Hodges. Drink Colfax Water and keep well. Phone 47, The Bailey Boys. JeHy gumdropa, fancy bon 'ions. centa per pound. Baxter's Variety Store. •Mrs. Lena Wills*of Perry. Is In the city to spend the week end with her alster, Mrs. Henry Thede. St Marcaret'a Mission dance Mon day evening at Redons hall. Tickets II for aale by the .members. Burke Loins orchoatra. Committee. Special—Just received shipment of fresh Arabia chocolates. Peppermint patties, 60 cent per pound while they laat. McBride 4 Will Drug Company. Those who have seen the high clasn chlldren'a photograph* at Apgar's this week, know where to have their child photographed next tlm^. Apgar studio. The Very latest, "The V'an Flare," what Is It? Congregational church Mon day evening 'Feb. 17 from 6: SO p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Admission 10 cents. Com mittee. A covered dish suppper was enjoyed by the members of Kt. Margaret's Mis sion Friday evening in the parlors of St. Paul'a church. Routine biislness waa transacted and the time enjoyed socially. St. Margaret's Mission will also have a card party in connection with the dance to be held Monday evening at Redtpens hall. Tlrkets $1 a couple or SO cents for ladles. Come and enjoy yourselves. Committee. Visit our candy department this week. Salted pen nuts, 19 cents per pound. Tierahey bars 6 cents, chocolate peanutA, 39 cents per pound, chocolate bon toons and chocolate fudge, 29 cents per pound. Baxter's Variety Store. Lutherans in the county are invited •o hear Rev. George W. Keiser. of Dee Moines, state chairman of the National Lutheran counsel of the reconstruction campaign, at the Elim Lutheran church, Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Committee. We have just what you need for rough work. Horse hide mittens with the hair turned in will outlast several pairs of cotton flannel gloves or mit tens. and are reasonably priced at 35 cents per pair. See them at H. Wil lard. Son & Company.—Advertisement. The Busy Few Circle met Friday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. F. W. Eker, 122 Anson street, and the mem bers enjoyed two guessing contests in which the prizes were won by Mrs. F. H. Lewis and, Mrs. Frank Hollcroft. The hostess served refreshments as sisted by Mrs. C. C. WoodriJansee. You will enjoy the services at the Congregational church tomorrow. Church school at 10. At 11 excellent music and sermon. "The Difference Be tween a Christian and a Non-Chris tian." At 5 special music and read ings on Lincoln by members of the public speaking department of the high school. Committee. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission ary Society of the Methodist church was held Friday afternoon at the church when each society continued the study of its lesson, 'the foreign so ciety studying from 'Women of the Orient." and the home society from the home missionary society paper. Mrs. F. J. Whitaker and Mrs. Walter Leech entertained Mrs. R. N. Selby's Sunday school class of the Presbyter ian church, Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Whitaker, 412 West Church street. The- afternoon was spent with music, games and a guess ing contest which was won by Mrs. Selby. Refreshments were served by the hostesa, assisted by Mrs. J. F. Echternacht. The Quiet Hour Circle of Central Church of Christ held a valentine par ty Friday evening in the church par lors for Miss Myrtle Furman, mission ary from Bilaspur, India. At 6:30 din ner was served. In the evening iMlss Juanlta Ferneau gave a piano num ber which waa^ollowed by a vocal duct given by Miss Marie Graham and Miss Marian Reese. Miss Furman also gave a talk. Corp. Hubert Perry- arrived home Friday evening from Camp Sheridan. Ala.,* where he was discharged. He will visit for two weeks with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Perry be fore going to Minneapolis to resume his work in the office of the Twin City Street Railway Company. Cor poral Perry was sent to Camp For rest, Ga. ,with the contingent of July 29 and was later transferred to Camp 'Sheridan. The regular monthly meeting of the Past Noble Grands' association of Marshall county was held Friday af ternoon in Odd Fellows' hall when ar rangements for the district convention of Rebekahs of Marshall county to be held here in May were made. The rest of the time was spent with routine business after which refreshments were served by Mrs. Ed Barlow and Mrs. O. J. Saline. Delegates from Lls comb, Melbourne and Gilman' were in attendance. At the all-day sew held Friday by the Baptist Aid and Mission Circle in the church parlors sewing carpet rags and tying comforters occupied the time. At 1 o'clock luncheon was served •by a committee composed of Mesdames J. B. McEndree, Frank Keefer, George W. Gilbert. S. H. Rellly and Earl Batesole. In the afternoon each soci ety held its business meeting after which the missionary society took up its study from "Aijclent Peoples at New Tasks" with Mrs. Aaron Palmer as leader. -Mrs. Lee Kellogg was In charge of. the devotional hour and Mrs. W. E. Sanders read a paper on "Re construction pfReltglonJn Russia." Sixty-live members of the Young Married People's Sunday school class of the Methodist church enjoyed a val entine party Friday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Frasey, 107 North Third street. Game* were played and entertainment provided by the social committee,' was enjoyed: One of the most Interesting features of the evening was a book guessing con test, In which each of the members represented a bfjok either by costume, act(or otherwise. Many amusing and difficult combinations were produced. After edltinjg the1 class newspaper and an auction of valentines, refreshments were served. The regular monthly business meeting of the class will be held. Monday in the church parlors. j2&' 1»tM & Dr. fcuUard. oataopath. 1! Wart Mala W. T. Hcott, Penn Mutual Ufa In surance. Iowa Oavlnfa Bank'tutiding- Mualc at m7uVa"«far ««tur4ay 5 to 7 p. in. Uurke and Leln's owljtstru. —Advertisement. The home of O. R. Darnell, 107 South Third street. Friday waa released from uuurantlne for diphtheria. Market sale In Marahalltown. Bat urday. February ii. Phone us at once what you have for thla aale. Plumb, Munro, Mason Hhoemaker. Special—Just received a shipment of fresh Arabia chocolates, peppermint patties, 50 cent per pound while they laat. McHride Will Drug Company. Mrs. J. Miner of Carroll who has been vlaltlng here for a week with her sisters. Mrs. I.. Uoodwln and Mrs. K. Cole, returned home Friday eve ning. You iniss ^he treat of your life If 011 fall to attend the "Fsn Fare," ut t'ongreimtlonal church, Monday eve ning from 6:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Feb. 17, admission 10 cents. Commlttu?. Hewitt's garage charges and stores batteries, talk to us about storing your car, wo can chargo your battery with out removing from your car if neces cary. Two service cars. Call 393 Hewitt's garage. Members of the Souvenir Club held their last meeting of the year Friday evening when they enjoyed dinner uX the home of Misses Amanda and The resa Baasch, 705 West Boone street. Five hundred occupied the evening. The Red Cross hospital committee is closing Its business and wants to pay its bills at once. All those having ac counts against the Ketl Cross hospital should send their bill to the socretary without delay. 11. J. Rodgers, com mitter Hecretary. A box supper and entertainment was given by the pupils of thy Bangor pub lic school Friday evening. The sum of $150 was realized and the money is to be used for the purchase of a piano for the school. M. E. Sparks of this city is the teacher. For Sale—Good unimproved 160 acre farm near Zearlng, Iowa. Good terms. Also, I can »get you a large loan on your farm. See me at once If you need money. If you have anything to trade, see me at my offfflce, 20. East Main street, phone 604. O. L. Mossman. Davida Wilbur, 705 West Church street, entertained the members of the G. H. H. Club at a valentine party Fri day afternoon after school at her home. Music and games were enjoyed, the prize in the contest being won by Mary Lampman. Refreshments were serve'd by the hostess' mother. Mrs. Ida Wil bur and sister. June Wilbur. Mrs. \\". A. George, 105 Marion street, was hostess Friday afternoon at the meeting of the Lilac Crochet Club whose members enjoyed the hours with fancy work and a guessing contest in which the prizes were won by Mrs. W. L. Shearer and Mrs. Wll muth George. In serving refreshments the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Wil muth Gard. The members of the aid society of Central Church of Christ met Friday afternoon in the church parlors and enjoyed a talk by Miss Myrtle Furman, returned missionary from Bilaspur. India. A social hour followed during which refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mesdames W. E. Leech, Mary Wilson, E. A. Thurber and Martha Pryor.a Complimentary to Mrs. H. W. Dollar hide, of Lincoln, Neb., Mrs. C. C. Dol larhlde, 204 South Third avenue, en tertained at a velentine party Friday afternoon. Guessing contests formed the afternoon's diversion, the prizes being won by Mrs. W. Morgan and Mrs. W. F. Block. At 5 o'clock the hostess served lunch assisted by Miss Marie Dollarhide of Lincoln. Miss Alma Gaistafson, two miles south of Minerva, entertained at a valentine party Friday evening in honor of her cousin, Corp. Fred John son, of Lamoille, who was recently mustered out of the service. Fifteen guests enjoyed the hours with irames and music after which the hostess served refreshments assisted by her mother, Mrs. Emma Gustafson. Decorations of valentines were used in the rooms. former resident dead. Daniel Kurz Dies at Ida Grove—Burial at State Center. Daniel Kurz, a resident of for a number of years prior to nearly twenty years ago, died suddenly at Ida Grove Tuesday of heart disease. 'He dropped dead In a physician's office where he had gone for treat ment. The body was brought to State Center Friday night and the funeral was held at 2 this afternoon from the home of Mrs. Kurz'© parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dupre. The service was conducted by Rev. J. G. Oltman and interment was In Hillside where Odd Fellows had charge of the tVrial. Mrs. Kurz was born in Betzingen, Wurttemburp. Germany, Nov. 5, 1867. While .a resident of this city he was a shoemaker and clerk in the employ of P. E. Wan'berg when the latter was in the retail 'business. After leaving here he went to Ida Grove. In adidtion to hie wife, three brothers and a sister survive him. The latter are Eugene, of McKee's Rocks, Pa, Gottlieb, Ben icia, C'al., and Martin, who is in Ger many, and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Pittsburgh, Pa. TRINE NOT SO WELL. Inflamed Vein in Leg Seta in 'as Com plication to Retard Recovery. C. C. Trine, cashier of the Marshall town -State Bank, who has been a patient in the Deaconess hospital a little more than a week, recovering from aii operation for appendicitis, en countered a complication Friday, in the shape of phlebitis dn the left leg, an inflammation of one of the veins. While not considered serious, the In flammation causes much pain, and will retard the progress, of the patient's recovery unless It subsides very soon. This morning: 'Mr. Trine was in lei* pain, following a fairly good night, and the /telllng in the calf of the leg had subsided somewhat. It is 'believed that the inflamed condition of the vein will not foe of long duration, altho Commonly it continues for a period of two weeks. COUPLE SURPRISE FRIENDS. Green Mountain Young People's Mar riage Announced at Shower. Friends. of Miss Mildred Bovee and Raymond Stubbs, of Green Mountain, were Invited to a prenuptial'miscel laneous shower for them Friday cve n!'.tff at the home of Mrs. E. A. Hill and found when they arrived that the TIMW-KEMnuCAA, MA«8H AU-TOWN, KWA. affair was a poat auptlal ahewar a* Mtaa lam and Mr. Htubts had bean married at I o'elook Friday afternoon by Rev. B. J. Rhodes at hta home, 4*1 Weat State street. The evenlnc waa apent with game* and mualc, aftar which the hoateaa aarved refreahmenta asalated by Mra. Verne fttubba and Mra. Htanley Cameron. The bride la a daughter of Mra. Ixhi Bovee and the groom a aon of Mra. Ruth tttubba. Mr. and Mra. Htubb* ISxurit I Skirting. Silks in Fancy Plaids and Stripes. —Ginghams in soft Zephyrs. —Gaberdine Skirting, fancy. —Novelty, sheer Flaxons. —New Weaves in Voiles. —Spring Neckwear in Vogu ish Styles. —The Modish New Dolman Cape Coats. —Entrancing Millinery Modes. —And Spring Suits Unspeak ably Charming. Monday and Tuesday Only THESE EXTRA SPECIALS 36 inch bleached muslin (slight ly dressed) 20c grade, 10 yards for $1.00 27 in. Duckling fleece, heavy quality, fine assortment of pat terns and colors, 35c grade, spe cial, yard 17c 70 in. mercerized table damask, I linen finish, regular 79c grade, yard for 62c The New Candy Shop 1at Floor KELLEY'S OLQ FASHION ED CHOCOLATE CREAM8. "ox 60c will Make their home on a farm a mile and Juilf aoulhe*at of «•»*& Meyn tain. ,.itp .. r- Leeal Weatfcer Seeerd. The range of temperature Krlday Waa 83 and IS compared with 41 and Thurq0ay and it and It a year ag" Friday. At 7 thl# morning the tem perature waa )!, compared with 34 at the correapondlna hour Friday morn ing. FOR THE SICK ROOM Send flowers. They are just the thing to brighten the sick room and cheer the sick. JAMES L. DENMEAD FLOWER SHOP 10U East Main St. Springtime Brightness •f Begins to make it appearance In noteworthy displays of the new things for spring. Soon every vestige of winter merchandise will disappear and this store will burst forth in spring time glory. —White Baronette Satin BOYS' OVERCOATS Reduced For Fiaal Selling (Sizes 2 to 16) Made of heavy wool coatings, belt ed back and convenient pockets. If your boy is in need of an overcoat— bring him here. Entire lot at one-third off ',.6.76 overcoats $4.50 $7.75 overcoats $5.17 $8. 75 overcoats $5.83 $10.00 overcoats $7.27 $12.00 overcoats $8.00 $16.50 overcoats $11.00 $17.50 overcoats $11.67 $18.00 overcoats $12.00 t, Mm. *MUK* SOTHwang an** ANOMVVMt*' miicmiimV UllNACII'OH iuwww.fT* tie* ITHE PROFIT-SHARING STORE! E E O Coats Coats Coats Of Finest Materials—Exclusive Styles—In fact the Best we have to offer— Now in final selling Our racks and cases must be free of winter merchandise—it is the Levin policy NEVER to carry a garment over from one season to an other. for $21.50 —You can buy a coat which sold at $50 or $60. —Select from materials, such as Bolivia. Silver-' tone, Wool Velour and Broadcloth. —Silk lined throughout—all distinctive models. for $25 —You may choose from our best—coats which' sold at $70. —Lined throughout with lovely silks. —Soft warm materials, among the finest in stock this season—collars of self material or 111!'. 2ml floor Cloak Dept.—levin's SKIRTS—New arrivals Striking new skirt modes for spring. Fashioned from distinctive fabrics, these smart skirts taper toward the hem and are longer then heretofore. SKIRTS—of fancy wool plaids, light and dark effects, $25, $19.50 and $10.75. SKIRTS—of silk poplin, fancy satin striped $15.00 and $10.00. SKIRTS—of black silk poplin, also silk faille $21.50 and $5.75. SKIRTS—of fancy satin striped $8.00. SKIRTS—of wool serge, panama and poj lin, $15 to $7.75. 2nd Floor Annex. fc^s Ora««'a ••Heinle. Monday. Tuesday aad Wednesday neit week Mtw. drew, noma d«M« atratlon agent, will ba at La(k»n4 nl- -W Coats for "Miss 4 to 14" reduced for final selling Snug warm coats of wool velour, velour plush and novety cloths. Heavy materials, in excellent styles for a growing girl. The entire re maining stock to clear at the follow ing prices: $9.50 coats $8.50 coats .,. $10.00 coats ,. $13.75 coats .. $19.00 coats .. Frlday aad Saturday ak» wfl tha state oonferaace al kWM' atratlon a«ents to be it* it -LET v. f-.v' HAUSE SOOT REMOVER Clean Your Boilers or Furnace p---* Its occasional use will keep the Furnace free, from loot. jrive you more heat and cut down the fuel bill. IP YOU DO keep Hause Soot Remover handy and use it directfd^ ypu will have No More Smoky Furnace, No More Soot, .. No Tearing Down Pipe, v-?ps No More Muss to Clean Up, HAUSE SOOT REMOVER Will destroy soot or soot scale, Vw*' Will make your old boiler steam like new. Will make vour furnace give more heat. WILL SAVE FUEL. ",f Works the same on Oil Burners. McCarten Plumbing Co. Elks Building., Marshalltown, Iowa S O INTHE HEART.O^^RSHMirgjiQf OPPOSITE vOURT HOUSE Monday and Tuesday Only THESE EXTRA SPECIALS 44 in. half wool serge, good line of colors, regular $1.50 grade, exta'a special at $1.00 3 Sold by f%j I iHt f|o,,r Salem fine quality sheets, 81x90, seamless and regular $2.00 grade, special each $169 1st floor Ladies fleeced flannelette ki monas—Made in empire and waistline- stylo. Trimmed with Rood grrult' sateen hiuiUng. KxcoHent ap Horhnent of patterns. »alue. special ut •?ud flovr $L98 The New Candy sji^p 1st Floor KELLEY'S OLD FA^-'ON ED CHOCOLATE CREAMS. B0X 60c $7.20 $7.00 $7.50 $9.."C -I- $12.75 2nd Floor Annex. eet: WWII 1 a I Mra