Newspaper Page Text
«v fkt S 1 B'V 0, :':T tv"'5 flSe Light in the "i~ a hs •4 £T»l«of tk« Country In UMTim*North Of 8ilu Wright •y BA IKVIK0 junun ul AMkirrf"Um KsMaa.""W si if .• & #3 Wj» *v PenrrtgM.»HftIrrtag»stoeU«r) "lifi.T'iilArf WuUnvfon Very ebre, bat otherwlaa la food form, mm after daybreak. I VM trembling with excitement when put my bom In the stable and rang tfea bell it our door. It itemed to mo that 1 vu wmmIih thi divide between blgaad little thlpg* few step* more atM^I Ihonld he loak lng down into the gnat valley of tho future. Yet bow that I wu there, I began to low eoofldanc* The batter opened the door. Tea, the senator waa tip and bad Jsat returned from a walk and waa In hla study. I found him there. "Well, Jtart. how doaa tbla happen?" he aaked. "It's important bualness," said, aa I presented the letter, -Something In bla look and manner as be calmly adjusted bla glaaeee and read the letMTDf Judge Fine brought the blood to my face, It eeemed to puncture my balloon, eo to apaah, and I was falling toward the earth and ao swiftly my head swam. Be laid the letter on hla deak and, without looking upland aa coolly aa If he were aaking for the change of a dollarv queried: "Well. Bart, what do you think we had better do about Itr* "W waa hoping—yon—you would take It," stammered. "Thafs becaoae the excitement of the convention la on you," he "an swered. "Let us look at the eompaaa. They have refnaed to nominate lfr. Tan Buren becaoae he la opposed to the annexation o£ Texaa. Oa tbat •ab ject the will of the cpnventlon la aew clear. It Is possible tbat they would nominate me.- We dont know abont that, we never shall know. If they .did, and 1 accepted, what would be ex pected of me la also clear. They would expect me to abandon my prin ciples ..and that course of *mdact which I conceive be best for the country. Therefore ahould have to accept it under false pretenaea and take their yoke upon neb Would yov think the needle pointed that way.T* ""No," I answered. Immediately be turned to his desk and wrote the telegram,which fixed his place in history. said no. Into the Uvea of few men baa atith a moment fallen. I looked at him with a feeling of awe. What sublime calnt* resB and serenity was la hla face I Aa if It were a mer»4etall~tn the work of the day, and without a moment's fal-i tering, he bad declined a crown, for he would surely have been nominated and elected. He rgae pnd stood/ looking out of the open window. Always I think of him standing there with the morning sunlight telling upon his face «nd shoulder*. He had .observed *iny •motion and I think It had touched Wm a little. There was a moment of silence. curious illusion came to me 'ben, for it seemed a*. If I heard the lound of dlatant music. Looking thoughtfully out of the window he, asked: "Bpft, do you know when oar first fathers turned oat of the trail of the neast and found the longs-road of hu manity} I think It waa when they dis covered the compass In their hearts." So now at list we have come to that high and lonely place, where we may took back upon the toilsome, adven turous way we have traveled with the aid of'-the candle and the compass. -Now let aa etop a moment to rest and to think. How aweet the air is here! 1 ,1 1 The night la falling. I aee the stara in the sky. Jast .below me la the valley of Eter nal silence. You will understand my haste now. I have aought only to do justice to my friend and to give my country a name, long neglected, but equal 4p glory to those of Washington ji and Lincoln. Coipe, let us take one last look to? gether down the road we have trav eled, now dim la the evening* shad ows. Scattered along It are the" little houses of -the poor of which I have ritten.' See the lights In lie win dows—the lights that are shining into the douls of the young—the eager, open, expectant, welcoming aouls of the young—and the light carries many things, but best of all a respect for the old, unchanging way of the compass. After all that is the end and aim of tiie whole*1 matter—believe me. My life has lengthened Into these days'1when most of oar tasks are ac- & Ai compllshed by machinery. We try to make men by the thousand, In vast educational machines, and no longer bv the one as of old. It was the' lov lng forelving. forbearing, pctlent, ceaseless toll of mother and father on Ojj the tender soul of childhood which fquickened that Inextinguishable sense r* of responsibility to God and man in these people whom I now leave to the judgment of my countrymen. I have lived to see the ancient plan of kingcraft, for aelf-protecttsn, com ing back into the world. It demands that the will and conscience of ivery individual shall be regulated and con 7i| trolled by some conceited prince, r" backed b? an army. It cannot fail, I foresee, to' accomplish such devasta tion is the human spirit as shall Jar peril the dearest possession of man. If one is to follow the compass he can bare but one king—his Odd. •. *i'i I am near the end. I rode.bacl^to Baltimore that forenoon. They had nominated Mr. Polk pf Tennesse for president and Silas Wright for vice president, the latter by acclamation. I knew that Wright 'would decline the hOB9fj frrs BRMQfNQ UP A ftHAHt TO waki OHAHC TO WAKI ME* OP -BOT HOOM LOCK AN' MOVT HOW TO ANSWER Advertising Where No Address Is Given, bat Key Num ber Used. Wfcen an Mdvertlser doee not nee ate name It la because be does net want the publio to know It ao 70a must addreaa letter to Ttiuee-RepubHeaf, ualng the let^m he usee We deliver the mto the 1 dvertlser prcmptty.. We *n not aive you hie aara* or eddvesa All Advertisements for t^iU eoloma rnuft be In this office lr aoon for publication tbat da*. WANTED. Wanted—Aahes, rubbish, any kind of teaminK, or bauling. Phone for garden manure. J. Tomllnson, phone 17S4. Wanted—Clean rags, free from but tons and scraps. 6c-a pound. Mar shall Printing Co. Wanted—All kinds roofwork, re pairing, painting and repltching grav el. Call Teeple. Wanted—Lace curtains to launder. 518 North Second street. Phone 1043. Wanaed—Two modern furnished light housekeeping rooms. White 1258. Wanted—Setting hens. Arney, Albion, Iowa. Wanted—Junk red 944. Clall J. V. of all kinds. Phone Wanted—To rent or lease modern six or seven room house within nest four weeks. Dr. Otis Wolfe, phone 63 Wanted—To clean your yards of aahes and rubbish. Phone green 1134. |r Phone white 644 Wanted—General house cleaning t& do. Phone red 718. E. S. McKnight. Wanted—W, M. Gaddis, professional piano tuner. Address Marshalltown, phone 1239. Wanted—Liberty Bonds, yellow 1654. Telephone Wanted—Draylng, moving, baggage and^ express by Ford truck dray. Jess Edgington, phone 1565, .Jt4 -North Third avenue. Wanted—All makes of auto radiators to repair. New radiators ^for ysale. prices right good work.' 18' West State street, phone 806. H. A. Teager. Wsntsd—Rags and ingrain rug weaving, Yuga dusted, sebvred or sized. Marshall Rug Works, 111 East State Street. Phone red 400. Wanted—For cash, cheap residence property. Box 261 city. Wanted —Ashes and rubbish to Jiaul and general team work. Phone i984. Wanted—Second hand stoves also furniture. Phone white 1162 or green 1467. I harried northward to keep my ap pointment with Salliy. Tbe boats were •lowed by fof. At Albany I was a day tehlnd my schedule. I should have only an hour's leeway if the boats oa the upper lakes and the stage from Plattsburg were oo time. I feared to trast titan. So I caught the west* .bound train aad reached Utica three hours late. There bought a ftood horse and his saddle and bridle and harried up the north .road. When he was near spent I traded him for a well knit Iforgan mare up In the little vil lage of. .Sandy Creek. Oh, I knew a good horse as well as the next man and a better one than ehe I never bwned—never. I was back in my sad^ die at six 1q the afternoon and stopped for feed and an hour's rest at nine and rode on through the night. I reached the hamlet of Rlchvllle soon after day break and put out for a rest of'two hours. I could take if easy then. At seven o'clock the msr^ and I started again,'well fed an4 eager to go on. ii fj. (To be Concluded.) 1 1 Learning Through Suffering. The world is filled with men who are trying to reform gome one else, with those who have some panacea or an tidote for all ills aqd who think tbat by legislation or fttber outward press ure men and women may be made ideal. There is nothing to such no tions, Life a struggle, and gen •r«iiy a bard one. Good character is b^llt lipon overcoming oneself, and unless reforms fron^ the inside they do not last long. Boyf are pun* ished not to give ttyem piin, but to give certain definite reactions between the physical and moral parts of tneir composition. The rod has been abused, but it is now more^neglected than overworked. It through sad experi ence-that we achieve moral worth.— Exohange. ^v .( "—5 S N E a W a a •''fir7'' 11 Hi I WANTED— FOUND LOST— Wanted—Transfer and express. Qeorse Lucius. Phone green 587. 415 Wnshlngty. Wanted—"fo buy, rags, magazines and all kinds of Junk. Phone white 1£0, our wagon will call. Wantefl—T»^uy body not older Niun 13 Model yellow 765. Wanted—Cash (broken or not). Ford touring car. Phone for old false teeth, I pay $2.00 to J35!00 by tbe Visiting Nurses* Association are to he had at what patients are able and willing to pay, or without pay by those In straitened circumstances. Wanted—Experienced alnge man for general farm work. State wages in first ^letter. Cecil eV. Hlx, bearing, Iowa. Wanted—Man to drive delivery wagon. Parlor Groce'ry. Wanted—Man or woman, salary Jl*4. full time, 50 cents an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Address A 29, care T.-R. Wanted—Largest company In its line can use two reliable solicitors for rural work in MarsBaU county. Must^, be able to travel. Big pay. Permanent.' •Call or phone for appointment after 6 p. m. Gfeorge Wetzel, county man ager, 11 North Third avenue. Phone white 12-32, 'Marshalltown, Iowa. Wanted—Men, 18 and over, desiring government clerkships, railway mail, postoffice, customs, internal revenue, census war risk $100 month. Write for free particulars of examinations. J. C. Leonard, .(former Civil Service Kxnm iner.) Equitable Building, Washington. HELP WANTEtfr-FEMALE. Wanted—Dishwasher, Stoddart Cafe. Wanted Three sales ladles for ready-to-wear and millinery also maker for mllllnefy department. Burch Bros. Wanted Hotel. -Two malde at Pilgrim Wanted—Woman for kitchen Stone's restaurant. work. white 506 or call 805 Woodbury street. Wanted—Middle aged woman with- pure bred, out children as housekeeper. Call after 32 B. 4 p. m. Phonq green 1947. general housework. Phone red 1664. Wanted Lunch. Dishwasher. Pure Food SITUATION WANTED. Wanted—Discharged soldier, experi enced as bookkeeper wishes a position. Write X-ll care this pp.per. Wanted—Work by automobile me chfcnlc or driver 8 years experience,! bulls, married man. Address K-8, care this olr«ce. motv, passenger N At the first interview between Napo leon.^rid the veteran genwitl* wuoni he to command Rampon under took. to give the yflung commander some advice. Napoleon, who' was im patient of advlee, exclaimed:, "Gentle men, the art,'of war*ls in its infancy. The time has papked lb' which ene mies are rautiiall^ to.apppiiit the place of combat, advance hat. in hand and say: 'Gentlemen, w|U you have the goodness to Are?'''-j-'Table Talk and Opluions of Napoleon Buonaparte." ^, 'JV. '.V ^ua M^»r: HAi6IC For Sale—Good second hand wagon. See ^fnrire, blacksmith, back of Times Republican. ~WanteeT—EveryonB to know that tha For Sale-Hand power wnahlng ma servlces of the visiting nurse employed! ehine best of its kind price reason- able. 404% North Fourth street. For Sals—Singer sewing machine In good condition: also a good violin with an(J mU8ic rack Fhonc 82i. Telephone Clara Brltt, 101 Wcst^Maln street: Phofie Yellow 1115. Por Sale—Bargain one 9x12 rug. one library table, one combination book case and writinng desk, two rockers one lawn mower. 407 North First HELP WANTED—MALE. Wanted—Experienced single man of „treet, clean habits tc work on farm by thee month. Phone or address A. J. Blnford. Beaman, Iowa. up stairs. For Sale.—Successful hot air brood er. 300 chick size. 810. I. E. Tlubler. For Sale—Southport Red C»lobe On ion seed, postpaid $2 per pound. B. M. East, Albion, Iowa. n' For Sale—Medium red clover. |2": Alisyke .clover, $23: timothy bushel. Our supply limited on this seed. Get busy* Bowles, Billings, Kcsslcr Grain Company. For Sale—Stove wood. Call 162 on 33. For Sale—Extra, good hard wood posts.and stove wood. Recleaned seed oats, -Iow^ 103. Phone 7S2. F.or Sale—Timothy seed, home grown, new crop, recleaned sample «t county agent's office. A. ,S. Beary, Albion, Iowa, For Sale*— At a bargain, one square o.4k dining room table and chairs, on' side board. 406 North First street, phorie yellow 1363. LIVE STOCK, HORSES, ETC. For-Sale—Ail Jlnds of cattle. If wo have not' what you want, let us know and we .will £.'t them for you. And you need time on them we can arrange tbat. Tf you need any kind of live stock or have any for sale, sec Plumb & Munro. Marshalltown. For Sale-^Durham bulls, red and roan, serviceable age. F. G. Paul, Marshalltown, Iowa. For Sale—Two Duroc sows, bred for April farrow. J. P. Yet ley, Garwin. Iowa. For Sale- Wanted—Girl for house workTPhoi^ ninety pounds each. Phone green 1S81. comforters, vacuum cleaner, ten yards Fgr Sa(e catalog. Iowa. _____ For Sale or Exohange—Missouri Jack, stands fifteen-hands, with plenty of bone, and size, good black wltli white points and a real Jack six years old. Also a few registered Hereford cows and heifers and a few Polled TOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. "For Sale—1917 Ford sedan. |650,1 of any kind. Wyatt Carr & Son, CoN 1917 Ford five passenger, 1323, 1917 lins, Iowa, Ford five passenger, 1275, 1918 pew Ford five passenger, 1450, 1917 Ford coupe 1600, 1916 Oldsmobile eight cyl- 1650, Paige 26, five passenger, new fteiael. Lisccmb, Iowa. I tires, 1350. Oakland six roadster 1650, —. 7 Maytae sneedster 18-50. Oakland six passenger with •vjrlnter and summer top lo50. Cans bought, sold and ex changed. Auto Salvage and Exohange .Company,^H$-15-17 North Second ave nu^ phone 1665. Foiy 8ale—Or might exchange on houst and lot, ^«fndy five passenger car. .full equipment. starter. Address K-10 care tt\is paper. -FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. For Ssle—Chunk^ wood. M. ifhson. Phone yellow lWlT For 8ale—Or trade, stock and fix tures of,the Sinclair Tele. & Coffee Co., invoicing about 19,000.—**". n. E. "Mat thews, trustee, y, For Sale—Gas stove, two burner gas plate. Plione 104. 'Fir Bale—Plsuio hov, Phone 1336. For Sale—Galvknized tanks for gaso lene or kerosene, thirty, forty, sixty and JLS0..gallon "aites. Phone white 1872 or call at 701 West Church street, 1 S -^7"' nfc I '\(L/ J. S. Stewart, Qrinnell. Iowa. Sale-Pive jacks from fifteen to sixteen hand« high, three to seven years old. I I have one I will trade for a stallion EGGS FOR HATCHING. 0| —Eggs for hatching big inder roadster 1850, 1916 Oldsmobile type and heavy laying pure bred For Sale—Si* room house in Second eight, five passenger 1850, two 19161 -vvhlte Rocks, 15 per 100 at farm.! ward, partly modern, phone yellow four cylinder Oldsmoblles 1800 and ph0lre Aib|0n, Fo1, 1917 five "passenger 1840, early 1917 Bred prize winning oitioiv ..a.,#,.,an3. fir-..-? r.r. £»odge roadster, wire wheels 1»00, 1917 *reu io iay, wsign Bush, five passenger $500, Jackson five Safe-Egga for hatching purpose. r~ •iw« JTAsi "v ».is "J 1 I 111 M^{2CIC! Wanted—To rent, reliable partyl For Sale—Small writing desk. Tn-1 As follows: On* velvet nig Per Sale My house would like to rent all or part of tfur- quire, evenings suite 11 over Strand tapestry rug. small rugs, five rocker*. 1-OS 1 el. J. Klrth. Traer. Iowa. __ per set. also iilghest prices for bridge.^ fuu |c(. house. Charles F. Long, Whit crowns, watches, dlamords, old gold, ten. Iowa. silver and platinum. Send now and re ceive cash by return mall, your goods returned If price Is unsatisfactory. L» Mazer, 2007 S. 3th Street, Philadelphia. nlshed house on or after April 1 close 1 Theater. In n^Children. Phone white 1868. For Sale—One Davis sewing machRTe. iwo ,»il cotton felt mattresses like new.! balance monthly. Ivan F. Hurto, Vhone rod 1685 or call 608 South Sev- roo1 eo)| ... good Axmlnlster _._n For ftale—'Two ru*s 11-3x12 and 9x12. good condition. :C)o„0t Two pigs weigh about curtains, featlter bed. pillows, blankets. —Three year old stallion. A. F. West. Phone 71 on Wanted—Middle aged woman for head of immune P6land China spring clothes basket wringer porch swing. address Liscomb. A. J. 1460. (J VQ FI tee 75 per cent fertility. C. E. Wlck lund, 510 North I^lrst street. For Sale— Eggs for hatching, White Wyandottes good winter layers, fif teen eggs to p. setting, price 11. 15 per 100. G. S. Rlddlebarger, 608 Woodbury street. For Ssle—White Wyandotte eggs for electric lights, hatching, f5 per 100, Mrs.-Cajl 6at- scl\eiet, ClemoKS, Iowa. POULTRY. For ssle—Pure bred barred Ply*# mouth Rocks, White Wyandotts anda Lign rah in&s CuCnCrdSf $2 &nd $3 each. Single-combed Whites Leghorns 11.50 each. Choice, farm-raised cock erels. Mns. H. L. Briggs, /Jyard, la. PUBLIC AUCTION. As 1 have broken up housekeeping, wHl sell all my household furnishings at my home 408 North Third street, Marshalltown, Iowa, Thursday, March 13, 1919, beginning at 2 o'clock shitrp. ikt 'if"1 I 'S oh: enth street eight day clock, good Hldeboard, din-j Far Sale ModerrT house. lot (0x110. For Sale—Se^d potatoes about 100 lng table, six chairs, good new Ya Call after ra.. white W84: bushels: the Carman, as good a potato Dougal kitchen cabinet, kitchen tatle. —_ to yield aa there Is on the market gas stove, gas plate, electric toaster, For Sale—Must flr«t liere first ferved- price 12 a bush- electric. Iron, Ironing board, clothes' property at 810 sr Iowa. rack, refrigerator, thirty volumns Brit-' known as the Hun^Iong residence, lot rnn(f nrlnc^n good at 7'i South Ninth street. sideboard with large bevel plate mlr-I plione 815. terms to suit. I For Sale—Butcher shop, fixtures, ror cost $1!5. Here Is a go«d bunch or Don't miss this saliv Term*, cash. Mrs. I. T. Forbes, owner. Phone white 464. Col Kendall, Auctioneer. Phone 1572. For 8ale—At public auction, forty head of Immune Poland China spring gilts at West End Feed Bam. Mar shalltown, Iowa,,March 21. Write for catalog. F. G. Paul, Marshalltown. Iowa. As I am leaving the city I will sell my household goods on premises lit 1211 W^st Main street, .Saturday. March 15 at 2 p. m.: Dining table, si* chnirs, sideboard, combination book case and writing desk, sowing ma chine, three rockers, mahogany stand. beds, springs, mat tresses, dressers, commodcs. 9x12 Bondhar Wilton vel vet riK,', Jewel gas range, work table, high choir, fern stand, cane rocker, washing machine. wringer, carpet sweeper, tubs, ironing board, flfty foot garden hose, acythe, hoe. rake, lawn blower, wash bowl, pitcher, slop Jar. 'dishes?-1"fruit Jans. Robert Millln, owner: Col. .Manship. auctioneer Geo. Pitcher, clerk. Public Auction—As we are leaving the city we will sell all our household furnishfngs on premises N'o. 6 N'ortli Fourth, nvenue. Marshalltown, Friday, March 14th. beginning at 2 o'clock.! is good lot of goods, don't miss it. K. O. Sherman, owner. Col. Ken- I For Sale or Trade—I dull, auctioneer. Phone 1372. will sell, come and see me Public Auction As I have sold my home, I will sell on premises. 1041i West. Webster street, all my household furnishings, Tugsday, March 18. begin ning at p. m„ as follows: Good 8x12 rug. 3x10 rug, ten small rugs, three, rockers, mahogany settee and chairs. two oak bedroom suits, pictures,! stands. White sewing machhie, la«'e of good inlaid linoleum, portiers. wash I bowl and pitched, two ladies slr.e 44 wool suits, gas range, chairs, rockers. good Herrlck refrigerator. Ironing ... j., ..., a forty a good eighty acre farm For Sale—At public audtion. forty i(goodHerrick refrigerator. Ironing board gilts at West End Feed Barn. Mar- step-ladder, stone Jans, fruit-Jars, gas shaUtown, Rwa, March 22. Write for plate, kitchen tabty, snow shovel, garden For Sale—Forty acre farm on-*-half K. G. Paul, Marshalltown. tools, tubs, a lot of dishes and kitchen mile from city limits. Oood Itnprove »'-i South utensils. Ice cream freezer, porch shades, wash boiler, some potatoes. Terms cash. Miss Mary Callahan, own er, Col. Kendall, auctioneer, phone 1571. FOR SALE—CITY PROPERTY. For Sale—Full lot, house and barn: house newly painted and papered, big registered mam- rmo^e'rn" furaace," gas'for cook'ing.'hot and cold water up nnd down stairs: toilet and bath, electric lights *lo*« to high school. Address Lock Box 177, or call at 12 South Finst avenue. For Sale—New amall modern good location, 1248. For Sale—Pertly modern five room cottage with garage on paved street. tut uuu, immiivc I rut. AUUI For ®sle—'Several well located lot* in Second and Third wards,1 from eight to twelve hundred. There Is a build ing boom, state-wide and Marshall town is never behind. S. C. Bell, phone 335. For Sfle—Six room house on lot 60x90 at 611 North First Avenue. Verv small payment down and easy term! on balance. Bert E.verfst owner. hr Io-JN it io you ahe HOME AT LAVT ^OU QUOTE Classified Advertisements One Cent Per Word For Each Insertion --No Ad Received For Less Than 15 Cents South stands, book case and writing desk, em house, lot »0xS0. on pa\emenlL couch, two solid oak tied room suites., sell with reasonable payment down. library table, fine Isrgej paved street. Ree A. atreet.^ six room springs, medicine cabinet, dar Rapids. Iowa, 80« Second avenue, anion encyclopedin. window shades,: 68^x180. Ideal location In high class be sold at once. North Fourth atreet ......— ., .. required. Maps will be on exhibition also good princes dresser, new chtna, dlstrlcl, one block from csr line For a April 1, a five room house in good re pair in fine residence district, close In. one block to Arnold school, ons block to street csr. lot le 60x1(0 with some good fruit on It. Easy terms. Phone 175S. For Sale—Four room house. Summit Park, nice corner lot, good basement cistern, small payment, balance like rent. Twenty lots In west part 110 to Ji5 down, balance $5 to 110 per month. T. C. Blue. S4 East Main, phone »74 or white 15T7. shed, only 13.000. Pay down 11.000 1n part liberty .bond* and part cash your own terms on balance, nose to car ,tnP as follows: ernis Martin bed. wrings. hou—» table, six good oak diners, high chair. stands, kitchen table, chairs, bowls. pitchers, good high oven. Reliable gas range. lawn mower, ironing board, Itcyo lamp, good oven, electric globes, canned fruits, pears, peache*. forty glasses of jell, twenty foot extension bidder, good pointer's two wheel cart, dishes, rooking utensils. Terms cash, Hmc For Sale—My modern home. 10J West Webster street, six rooms and bath, full lot, good garden, garage on paved street. Call white Sfi4, forenoons and make date and I will be there. 108 mattress all cotton. thret\fourths bed. gilt liaby bed, ingrain carpet. 8x10 rug.! IOWA LArlPa. 7x9 rng. small, rugs, oak pedestal, good Imperial leather couch, good dresser, commode, good rockers, round dining I eftrlit room modern house, everything Fred W. CarK^ I HAVfHT %LW9T A WINK I VA% Auvers Qulde prices of well Aarteberg. Kenyoa, it1 ill trade. I List your farm or property with me. If you can't come writi or phone at once. I can match you. Phone 604. O. I* Moss man. For Sale—Marahall county farms, thirty-six acres, good Improvements, close to good town .eighty acres good improvements close to a good town: 320 acres fair improvements close to a good town. 160 acres fair improvements three miles from good town, also city property. Glmre tc Rlnden. Foro Sale—Or would like to hear from some on^ that would Ilka to trade u„on comb Iowa write owner. box Useomb Iow(L ments. H. C. Qtldwell, Third street. house, partly Phone white I For Sale—Several good farms in M.itshall county, easy terms eighty. 160, 240 acres. I also have some farms In southern Minnesota that are actual bargains, prices moving upward, act aid'ck. Jl. L. Dobson, Msrshalltown. Iowa. For 8ale—170 to 11(0 per ficra for best Iowa farms. Large list sent on reqnest. Spauldlng A O'Donpeli, HJlma. Iowa. WISCONSIN LAND. 1 For S*le— Forty acrrn, good sell, new house, 1600: 1100 cash. Tom O. Mason. Shell Lake. AVIs. Lsndology—A ms«aslno giving the facts In regard to the lend situation. Three months' subscription, free. If for a home or as in Investment you r« fhlntrlng nt t,ou„r8i For Sale—Twelve room, house, modern, near court house. New-! write or phone 4S4, room 2, Woodbury ton, Iowa. Write Mrs. Caroline EWers. Building, W. E. Nicholson, Marshall Soldiers' Home, Marshalltown, Iowi For* 8ale—"Cheap, good new six room modern house, two blocks north of Main street,! close in, fine location. Nugent A Lynn. For Ssle— 'New seven room house. Sleeping porch, large garage, good lot, yum of,location, blocK-front itrcct car. Five room modern cottage, garage, full lot and paved street, Second ward. Possession April 1. Address pwner, care Tlm«s-Hepublican. town. Iowa. buying nnd farm lands, slmplv write me a letter and say. "Mall, pie Landology and all par- tree" Address Kdltor, Land- ology, Skldmore Land Co* 110 Skid more Building, Marlnett* Wisconsin. TEXAS LAND./ 1 Thirty dollars for the t/ W trip to the Rio Grande Valley, and ^urn, this including all meals and bSrth and any side trips that the Company may setf _____! (It to give. We leave Marshalltowji rooming! March 14. For further information MINNESOTA LAND. For Sale—Improved farms tn west central Minnesota, on reasonable terms plowed rmidy for prop. For partlculuars write to p. E, O'Connor, 769 Holly avenue, St. Paul. Minn, u_ For Sale^lomeseekers and In vestors buy a farm in Opodhue county which Is famous for Its big clover and corn crops. Write me for the Land terms. J. W. MoCMIvrsy will the office of Finney, the T. over 11 Rest Main street 17, 1». 1». i*'Y 'i Fer Sale—lIomeete*4e homeateada In northwest Mlnaeaota can still be secured bjr every male or female cltl senof the tTnlted State* who is over J1 years of age or who la the head Of a 1 fsmlly. providing thejr do not own over :«o srrrs of land and who have not used their homestead rights, ftealjl ence on land and Improrementa not Mapch l7 K,lw* ,, lt TO HINT. No better snap In Msrshalltown. ,Mndry room., dsters.] Address Paul Kohler. Mllbank. S. D. 1 Fer Sale—Seven room brick houset lot 60x180. barn and chicken house 107 North First avenue. Charles F. Dietrich, administrator. 7 r°°m North Ninth street. For Sale—Twenty acre* of land, two large orchards, all fenced hog tight. up to date. Moving to Marshalltown. F. G. Houghton, 10 Jprth 9lh street. Marshalltown. For Sato or Kxohango—W« have a good forty acre farm for sale, price Jl.'iO.OO per acre, might consider good auto, good terms on balance 160 acres close to Marshalltown. Well Improv- To Rent—Five room house at Til rome strW large garden spot streets. See O. 8. Nugent Te vS,, FOR SALS— TO RENT TO EXCHANGE— «v#r Xhuit Mala. where further Information can be ee oured concerning these lands. Small vUfvU t. UllV VI 11 "US ®*SW bargain If sold before payment down and balance verjr I Te He«t—Two modern furpMied rooms for light housekeeping laundry accomodations, ill Kaet tiss atreet, Phoae 66. TST Te Rent—1»11 West Ave rooms, small bam. about one acre of For 8«le-A real snap In residence garden, balance fruit Irna C. property. Modern home, eight roopis Hollingsworth. a*ent. Phone red »lf. and basement: large lot. with auto street, eMritatt house, ground ena tot for T# R#nt_April l. modem fcowM. |)Mrly nfw 0#k f(n|-h^ ttnt p,ne nr„pUo# .|^trto tights «aa «at|^) ba^n.nt. cemented fwr&eew' close In about a block from street oaiSb' Address B-ll cars this office. To Ren*—Furnished light hotter keeping apartment, l' South 'TblrAi ir«t. no children. Phone red S9T. To Rent—Partly furnished rooms flaf] light honeekeemat:1 modern conwsn tences no children. 206 iNorth First avenue. To Rent—MdaWB fdTntehed. sleeps lng room. 101 N«fiWflmter Street. Te Rent—Sleeping Phone green 1111. room}: modea^"**'] To R«nt— Fine location,' dentist as osteopath or M. V. Address K-lff can thla office. To Rent—Modern furnished' ltghA housekeeping rooms. Phone white Nl or call 111 South First gtreet. To Rent—Bnlldlna, April 1, Ceatea^j floor. 20,00* feet floor space. Th tracks at both ends. The Bailey and Their pop. Thro* rBoyai rTluj pave# To Rant—Furnished houackeepiMf roome. 104 South Second evenua. To Rent—Store room it I State, also four room house dt til North Tenth avenue. Chas. F. Diet* erlch. To ReAt—Front office room with re ceptlon room. Over lit Best. Mala street. Finney, the Land Man. RenV-yive-rbom bonse, I. S. Flnkle. Phone 10t«. Te Rent—Oood rboms at the T. M. C. A.: prices right Why set rtoss aa town? side. STRAYED. T" Strayed—Red yearling steer between Feb. 17 and March 4. Finder pleaSs notify Fred Brenneeke. city. rVi'teNe. NOTICE. Shoemaker. liejj. Notloe—Owing to the F. G. Paul sale in Marshalltown. March 11, we not. sell on Saturday. March 23 aa wa hail planned, but will have a two dayr sale on March 24 and 2S. which will be Monday and Tuesday. I/Jok for large ad In this paper. Plumb. Munro. Masoe KODAK FINI8HINOS. We devolop and print your kodak pictures and msll them to you prompt* ly. Send for prices and how to get free enlargement from one of. fnvif best Alms. Bowens |Eodakery, Mar shalltown, fowa. MONKY TO LOAN. Money to Lean upon farm and property. r,, a. W. years and reaches subscription. Farm 4k Journal. Traer. lews. •f thla section, town thn. em Lawrence A Compa* v«MAwai ieai» kwimny fn I SGI LLAN EOUS. Wanted—Totoacoo or snaff habit oured or n»| pay. 11.00 If cured. Re« medy sent on trial. Bnptfte Co W« 119, Bait more, Maryland. Are Yeu going to buy landf first get a copy ef our Journal, ft hfc* lands, city property and stoeks ef goedg advertised In It from asariy ererjr state, so you can find Just what pes want In its column*. Bstabliehed IB TMM readers eesll Issue. Send seats for one yapm Southweet fewa le a fertde ieM fer the man with anything to sell that has •terlt Seventy-Bve thousand people to southwest Iowa read the dally Mp* aarell. It Is the great want ad nseitliMt it la ksew% tkt and aa a producer of rosulta. If fA dave land or anything else te sell t^de, get la toneh with eoetkwept Ml# Weaparell. Blutts. lows, 4 'f f4 4 'h