Newspaper Page Text
X, ^Trnv TXT DflTW CITY IN BRIEF A. Brim your B. McCartney cl«*n« iy»H I*** Phone 1877.^ Drink ColfM Water and Keep weft. Pk«M 47, The Ballay Boya. If room* I Meeker. For returnYnir Hart Botoaff ^*r* sPr'h* Ifcomfcany. Committee. IP-l,eln« Buy your whraf bran, ahorta, '"beat .iVreenlnss and flour at the •j*'11* EV, An all-day sew for an Ba«t«i\ba*aar |cas held Friday by the members of |he Pfeebyterlaa clruroh In the church barlom. At noon a covered dish lunch #as enjoyed, with Mrs. Jesae (Painter and Mra. Mary Ayres-as the hostesaaea. Routine business was transacted In thtf afternoon. Mrs. Matt Peterson. 209 North Third avenue, entertained FrfiSay In honor of the 80th birthday anniversary of her sister, lira. CJ. ^Johnson. Dinner was served at noon to twelve relatives and I ?loee friends by Misses Bessie and I *nna Peterson. Bouquets of tulips I decorated the table and were used thru ttio rooms. 'Bso comprotrfSae Sunday—Come and 10&st your vote we want to know I where we stand. An Intensive study ,|f the present in the light of the past lis our program. We want your ideas. I Perhaps ju want ours. Come and 1 confer. The day March 23. The hour 10 a. m.. the^)lace. main auditorium. Central church, corner Main and Third street. Loyal Men's Bible Class. 'Bring yoor horses and mules for the market sale Monday, March 24 and $ur other live atock and miseellau-. eous articles /or Tuesday. M&fch 56. Two days' sale. Over 600 head of Hve stock now listed for these twp sales. Bring what you want to «ell and come hero to buy your live stock. Three auctioneers will do the selling. Plumb, Munro, Mason & Shoemaker. "Ijet the lower Lights Be Burning is a great hymn, but do you know its story? You have sung It and heard It sung many times but you do not kn^.w how it came to be written. Rov. ?l. 13. Davidson will tell you all about it on Sunday night at 7.: 30 in the Baptist Temple. Come and hear the musio and sing yourself. Make tfre temple^ your church Home. Try our* welcome. Com mittee. Sixty. members' of the State Street Ijtaited Evangelical church and friends of the pastor. Rev'. S. N. Ramlge, wft Mrs. Ramlge, gathered at ,tbe parsonage, 7 North Fifth avenue. Friday Evening, to celebrate the twenty-eighth wedding anniversary of Hev. and Mrs. Ramlge. The1 gathering was In the nature of a surprise. The evening was pleasantly spent with music and a program of readings. Re freshments were served. Commencing Sunday and for eight day's W. J. and Richard Henderson, will offer at the Odeon theater the Henderson Stock Company. Presenting' a line of plays of the better class. The opening play for Sunday evening will lie a drarria In four acts with plenty of good comedy "On Trial." Specialties will be offered between the acts. One lady will be admitted free' Monday evening wltji each paid 80 cent ticket if bought before 6 p. m. Monday. Prices 110-20 and 30 cents. Seats now selling. •Odeon. MSg The Baptist Temple offers an un fr.sual opportunity for worBhlp tomor row in all Its regular services, and j\fery6ne who Is serlouriy interested in personal religion will And whftt lie needs: at the temple. "A Divine Rolig I ion" Is the subject for the morning ser I vice at ll o'clock at^d "The Tragedy of kNeglect" will be discussed at the even llug service at 7:80. There is a "class If or everyone" in our Sunday school, (which meets at $:45 a. m., and Star ..M4U0IW1 W 'ft-'1 T: S **& '*.» ^rttreet, Rent— Modern office and llvlntf tlon. Qlldnar'a. over Strand theater. IF. '•"yeara of aae for delivery. ,4r white 10M. WfdneMlay, March 2(lth, Boston Opera Mualo and dance at #trub'a Can Comninv. CammittM. Saturday March 22'from o'clock to I? K.~Advertlitnenlf. Next 'number* lecture i^Vedneaday, couwe ft)era March 2«, Boaton o, w. danee Monday nlghj March 24 at I. O. O. F. hall. Burke orchestra. Everybody come. .Committee. I Scuth First avenue. Marshalltown MHl las Company. Fine mqaloftl program Wedneaday. nUtht, M. 13. church 8 p. m.. Boston Opera Company. Some line seats left. Ix^cture course. _____ Moke your arrangements for build in* loans now before! others beat .you to It. Savings and t/jan Association in Gregory's coal office. It. The funeral of John' Shearer will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Mary's church. The 'body will be taken to Colo for burial. Cleaning up sale on *.ne and w*P'* ^ugar syrup all next week: big can for '11.55, next *i»e for 7® cents. You will like 1t. Reynolds &• Sheldon, phone So. 27. A cordial Invitation la extended to every aoldler to Inspect our new aprtng Hart Schaftner Marx aulta they are all wool, which spells economy. Olld: «i«r Bros. All Modern Woodmen aire requested to meet In. camp hall Sunday at 2 p. m. to attend the funeral of Neighbor Mc pool. C. F. Crone, Consul Alfred P. ?Lee. clerk. One lady free with each paid 30 cent ticket at the Odeon Theater Monday night If bought before 6 p. fn. Monday. /»rtces 10-» and 30 cents. Seats now selling. Odeon. Our large stock of wall paper! paints and -varnishes have been prWsed to make them sell, workman to n»»s your paper on short notice. ®ve'Ja Wall Paper House, opposite Methoolat Church. Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. J P. Atkinson and daughters. A^elma and Vaughn, of I»a An«el«J. **r- and Mrs. IBmmet Voters, 401 Bast Ctate etreet. entertained a few friends at dinner Friday noon or fflui^-Ukrgt ftr«i*ruur Modern offoc ItV^at rooms ivtr «r*n« fkMtlt. r. t%r Mult »*«ttr *rMwHt.,Carnpany. yirj W. T. Soott ,»«na ifuttial Lift In aufftnea. lay# SavlWM ftank bulldln* GMt t* know Olldnat^ 0roa. Iowa'a laitfrat dhaln atot* I'lothlora.—Adver tlaamant. Modern «1ora-nom. North First Mt. opposite Standard Oil atatlon. r. Meeker. A MW pair of Oahkofth overall*, for ever* pair that doean't five satlafac- Mu(|g ^danc7Vt "sirub'a Cafe Saturday March II from I o'clock tr 1:10.—Advertleemant. waltt line •ulta. Rent—Modern atore room North F. h, Glldriera. EHrat atreat, oppoalta Standard Oil JSt. Wluit*d-^CloOtJ AtMdy ftoy IB of 1# atatlon. •J Phone 449 Meeker. Next number lecture course. Company. Committee. Statiatlca siww that attain store mer greateat aav- chandlalng means the ... lng to the eenaumer. OUdner Bros. Fine musical program, W«dneaday night, M. tC. church I p. m., Boaton bpem Company. Some fine seats left. Lecture course. Kvery member oTths Central Church of Christ Is requested to attend the bible scho(4 on rally day, Sunday, 10 a. m. Committee. Ixote over the Ever 1st stock of wall paper before buying. This atock must be sold. We have plenty paperhangers to do your work.—Advertisement. Cleaning up sale on cane and maple sugar syrup all next week big can for 1.25, next siae for 76 cents. You -#?ill like It. Reynolds A Sheldon, phone No. 21. .All Modern Woodmen are requested to meet in oamp hall Sunday at 2 p. m. to attend the funeral of Neighbor Mo Cool. C. F. Crone, Consul Alfred P. Lee, clerk. The Marehalltown T. M. C. A. Is giving a three months membership free to every soldier and sailor returning to Marshall county. Get your card now. —Advertisement All peraonia Who are not enrolled in any Sunday school are Invited to visit thte Central -Church of Chrlat bible school on rally day, Sunday at 10 a. m. Committee* As a result ef a collision with an other motorcycle rider, Ed Murray, 705 East State street, was thrown from his wheel Thursday and suffered a fracture of the middle lower third of the right leg. "The Tragedy of Neglect" is a seri ous object for the serious consideration of serious minded men and,' women. Hear Rev. R. B. Davidson discuss it on Friday night at 7:30 in the Baptist Temple. Make the temple your church home. Try our welcome. Committee. Subjects of the special sermons for Sunday at the Central Church of Christ: 11 a. m., "Whit la In a Name?" and at 7:40 p. m., "The Christian's Guide the Bible." The lftvnber* of the congregation and friends are Invited to these services. CommHtee. The monthly meeting of the Loyal Women' Btble.Claaa of Central Church Of Qhrlst was held Friday afternoon In the church parlors, when the mem bers pieced guilts and enjoyed a short program. Mesdames F. W. Galloway, W. M. Baker, J. B. Kenyon and Martha Parrteh were the hostesses and served refreshments. WILLIAMS, BUYS STOCK. ftirehasea Sinolsir Compsny- Buainsaa From Trustee. J. L. Williama Friday bought of A. H. E. Matthews, trustee for the credit ors of the Sinclair Tea and Coffee Company, the busineaa of the company situated at 24-26 West Main street. Mr. Williams expects to conduct the can't i. 2F U„ which meetk'at 6:80 p. m., (Ivies alk young pfcople a heaVty wel loo^i*. M»ke the temple your ohuiidh |HQma. Come atld shftre all its advant nges wUlt UH. Try our welcome. Com 1 mietMsa la tbs Mwker mat Edwin half at f»' sat storeroom and ts Mk ilW tt# business personally as MM be sav ers his prsssnt oonsestlons wltk tlM Standard Vulcanlalng Company. He flrat enllated In company B, l«ld Illinois Infantry, at Frespon, III, May 10, 1M4. and was discharged at Chica go. Oct. 20, 1M4. He re-en)lated in Company B, Twenty-third Illinois In fantry. at Amhoy, III., March. 1M6. and waa discharged at Richmond, Va., July 24, IMS. His third enlistment was In Company C, Sixteenth regulars* at Richmond, Va., July I, IM». He was discharged at Jackson, Mlaa.. July I, 1872. Three sons and one daughter sur vive him. They are Edwin IS- and Ar thur Towne, Waterloo Loren Tosvne, Kanaas City, Mo., and Miss Bcrolce Towne. Cedar Rapids. At the Hospitals. Mlas Nellie McNalr, a nurse em ployed at the soldiers' home hospital, underwent an operation for appendi citis at St. Thomas hospital this fore noon, Her condition is good. Mlas MoNalr formerly lived at Montour. J. L. Hansen, of Union, underwent nn operation on ths noas at the Dea coness this forenoon. G. W. Westfall. of, Tama, entered the Deaconess hospital this forenoon to be prepared for an operation for prostatic trouble. Mrs. Joseph Getty, of near thla city, submitted to an operation for the re moval of tonsila and adenoids at the Deaconess this morning. Mra. K. C. Roberts, 206 North" -Seventh street, who submitted to sn operation for raneer of the breast at St. Thomas Thursday, la getting along nicely. Arthur Wagner, of Conrad, under went an operation this morning st the Deaconess. His condition Is good, Wilson'a Plstform. I believe the city should own and operate its street lighting plant and should extend same for street lighting. As to selling electricity to private con sumers I am in favor of whatever plan will save the most money for our peo ple and relieve them from any heavy burden of taxation. J. J. Wilson. fAn omission in the $bove advertise ment as it appears on page 7 is hereby corrected in accordance with Mr. Wil son's statement an he prepared it.—Ed.] Suffered For Eight Years. Rheumatic pains, latne back, muscles ai^ stiff Joints most frequent ly can be traced to overworked, weak or disordered kidneys. Daisy Bell, R. F. D. S, Box 214, Savannah, Oau, writes: "I was suffering for eight years from pain In the pack and could not do any of my work, but since have taken Foley Kidney Pills. I can do all my work." Foley Kidney Pills have given relief to thousands who suffered from ktdnsy or bladder trouble. Try them. Sold everywhere.—Advertise ment. For Guaranteed Fit and Comfort Wear. Spirella CORSETS Phone Green 1224 or Write Spirella Corsettiere. 404 West Main Street. Have Lins of Surgical Bslts Also 3EE£ CORING IRfcfleRSMSy TUUB no HOME SflOUlD BE W1TH9UT THEM THEY DESERVE yQUR. CARDIAL RECEPTION Aaast- trivial Ordef. SlzemSbaatf JAMES L. DENMEAD FLOWER SHOP 109 East Main St. ft U-TTTTT tTf Deformed Men arid Cripples We are real tailors who know how to make clothes to fit any man. If your build is such that common tailors fit you then come to us. We can fit anybody. Why? Because we don't know anything elpe. We have been tail1 ors all our lives. And our father was a tailor. .Give us your Easter suit order and be convinced. '^ftMany beautiful patterns to select from, and we carry in stock a|l goods shown. All $36.00 suits are reduced to $26.00 utytil April first. Out,of town parties write for samples. E. FULTON JfStl L. I FULTON. GEO FULTON TAILORING COMPANY!• Over W East Mtht V* 4 A! WAT BR LOO VITER AN DBAD. A, FULTON S, A H. Green Trading Stamp* Save You Additional I S. Tewne. sftJMIdiere Msm Dies ef Pneumonls. Kdwln 8. Towns, a Waterloo veteran, and one of the youngest members of the soldiers' home, died at the hespi* tal at 2:30 thla afternoon of pneumof nla. Mr. Towns came to the home Jan. SI. 1912. He waa born at Applr River, III., Sept. S, 184*. and served three eitllaUnenta. sore Ii hr*i IN THE HEART Silk Hosiery Are Necessary With Your New Oxfords. Ladies thread silk hose in black, brown and gray, good values at 4*1 AA per pair ^1 "U Ladies fashioned thread nose, in. black, brown gray, $1.75 values special at New arrivals in .... 'JA km ITHB WKF!T I O S S O IN on*** RSHALLTOWlf litem Court House New Inspiration Is Continually Added in Modish Apparel For Easter Wear New Arrivals in Spring Coats DEMAND ATTENTION MOTOR COATS Of all wool tweed, including the well known Fisher & Kennedy tweed. Box back and pleated coat models, very aei- d»1 7 PA viewable and becoming, $32.50 to NEW. COATS in conservative styles,' ail wool serge and poplin in black and colors, belted back, button trimmed, with* collars of self or con- O |*A trastingmaterials, $18.75 to vv CAPES AND DOLMANS—The most charming Spring wraps. Fashioned from materials such as serge, velour, silvertone, crystal cloth, and satin—many of them not content with a charming exterior, introduce beautiful linings. $10, $12.75, $17.50, $19, $22.50, $25 up to $75. and $1.25 Kayser Silk Gloves Gloves, that fit perfectly, insure a correct appear ance. Kayser Bilk gloves in all wanted colors, blue, tan, gray, black and white 75c to $2 per pair. Kayser-Knit & Silk Underwear r^-pf )/. ... (joets no more and gives more style and service. Kayser lisle vests, 50c to $1.00. Kayserk nit lisle union suits $1.00 to $2.98.^ Kayser silk vests $2.75 to $3.50. t, Kayser silk union suits $4.50 to $5.00. Italian silk camisoles, $1.75 to $3.50. mm****** ALL the requirements for a complete Easter wardrobe have b£en anticipated as our fine displays will attest. You will want to step out Easter morning in garment* that are becoming and stylish—wear one of our smart suits Eastern Sunday—you caiv't help becoming enthusiastic over such charming coat modes as are featured for Spring wear. You will be pleasantly surprised l\v the unusual charm of the season's favored modes displayed here. ,, The Boys' Clothing Store 1 I GrtMi Trndiac Stomp* Save You Additional Second Floor Annex Juvenile overcoats, sizes 2 to 7 years—made of Shepherd checks, cashmere, serges and novelty do&. new spring $3.9g Boys' Suits in Spring Models—(6 to 17 years.) Coats, in new skirted models, waist line effects, also the ever popular Norfolk styles. If your boy needs a new Easter Suit, you cannot do better than come here. d*A AA t1 CA Special at «P7«Uv TO vJLtJevU Sailor Suits for Boys (3 to 8 years) Made of all wool serge, in regulation style, long trousers, three rows of white braid trimming and insigna, special Spring Coats and Capes for the Young ^Miss 6 to 14 years. One model of fine quality serge, full lined, very good style, only $7.50. Cotton Taffeta Petticoats COat3, S,zeS 8 t0 16 yearS $12.00 tO $1 viOO* A« AA Capes for girls in becoming girlish styles, $15 00. perns, special at $l.uu. icy This store is headquarters in Central Iowa for Kayser Products* Kayser Silk Gloves Kayser Silk Hot* Jj Kayser Knit Underwear Kayser Silk Unden^Mr KayMr products are sold ex clusively in this store in Mar shal ItOWB. New Arrivals In Bilks, summer wash fabrics, ribbons. veiK tags, silk georgettes in all new shades, drap eries, etc & New Arrivals in Suits of Un usual Smartness at $22.50 Best grade of American Woolen Mills ail wool popttn Jtu-ket in «ktrt modftl, ti&Mt c.l with nllk bmldlnf. color* of navy nad blftOk. New Arrivals in Distinctive Suits at $29 Included are the new box ooat effects, also semi-fitted styles. Made of flat mfcBMUfi nrfi, lined throughout with atlk pMu de offM. blftek «jid nary. New Arrivals in Handsome Suits at $35 to $50 Smart effects of all wool mannish serge nnd fine poplin—many box cont* *r« ahtown with •ilk rratrM, arid also th« chic nmi-fl1t*d a ltd tail ored style*. Cleverly trimmed with allk brmMlat. buttons nnd many unique and raahlonable toilchM. New Arrivals in Finer Suits at $60 to $85 Exclusive styles in the very best suits of niannlah snrgc. polrct twill and trtrotln*. Box coat pfftats. handnornely Tnhroldered or finished with gorfreouR silk vt»t. A Inn more atrlctl.v tailored modrg, beautifully madr, all lined with lovely silks. To Accompany and Complete Your Spring $10.00 t0 Outfit A AA Pantalettes of Silk Jersey can be worn either below or above the knee, Cut in good sizes, in all popular col I ors. $5.75 to $7.50. Silk Petticoats of changeable silk taffeta, very good quality, $6.00 val ue, very special a£ $3.75. RICH, NEW SILKS From which to fashion an Eastern Frock. Colorings and fabrics were never more beauti ful, soft clinging crepe de chines to the heavy rich satin broadcloths. $1.50 TO $5.00 PER YARD- Fancy »tlk In novelty plaid* and Cr*p« «U CHIm itripoi Ct»p» Baronatta Satin Tub Silka Satin Duchaaa Pu»»y Willow TaVfat* EXTRA SPECIAL for Monday and Tuesday Only Double Fold Light Color ed Percales on sale Mon day and ueBday A^ yard (Limit 10 yaxda.) I'M 3 1 **i 1 i_ Mi in uuifU design, deep flounce, very good pat- Bleached Muslin, fall standard, equal to Hope, Jgc value on aale Monday atid Tu«a- I H4|« r*rd I "I *"«V (l^lmH 10yard».) JV«A*»