Newspaper Page Text
WO CHIC B0NNET8 FOB THE YOUTHFUt How «nr it Is forth* woman with I the youthful face to choose the proper bonnet! Almost any of the the shopa jaunty little shapes in will give a pleasing line two smart little hats for Here are for the coming [Easter time which are distinctly lyouthfol models. The black hat & I made of spangled tissno trimmed I with fancy plumea, while the hat oa [top is a cunning little Jockey shapt CMfgitta Atlo, toe sailed beauty a tfhoeMlfid ri Platov prtrlje®e of naive a sOent chaati Theo a doUgbtM pntfuileaf Car aeadea, a solitary kingdom! DuuilUaa that nothing was mom grateful _totie affirmed that beauty waa bsfr all the tatters ot recommend* in the ^aU| Hon**, that twas a llorioos gift at aatasat and Ovid, al luding to him, ealla It a ftwor ba ft? the god*. A Reliable Cough MwDdM, have |ina Ofcasobeilalu's Ctwjh jedy to my live children on oeoukm boat number for the past ftftcep rs. It is the only remedy I ooold upon to flare soughs and eoMs aad mp it hae no eqnsi. The children _lt willingly" wiMeo Mrs. C. O. Wt, Vandergetft, Pa.—Advertlse- HOW TO ANSWER sing Where No Address Is Given, bat Key Nam ber Used. I When an advertiser does not use his it is because he does not want lie public to know it so you must Lddress a letter to Times-Republican, jislng the letters he uses. We deliver them to the advertiser promptly. We not give you his name or address. All advertisements for this column aust be-in this office by 12 (noon) for publication that day. WANTED. Wanted—Clean rags, free from but tons and scraps. 6c a pound.. Mar shall Printing Co. Wanted—To invest in good fafrm in Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Phone 804, •Marshalltown, Iowa. Wanted—Ashes and rubbish to haul [and gardens to plow.'Phone white 644. Wanted—To rent, modern Ave or olx •bungalow or cottage close In. £. J. Nordskog, Army Y. M. C. A. Ftort es Moines, Iowa. Wanted—Gardens to plow, ashes and rubbish to haul and general teaming, 'hone Tom Wilson, yellow 1889. Wanted—I want house cleaning and [lawns to clean. Phone 578. Wanted—Trees to transplant. Can Furnish walnut, elm and maple, also [large tree* to trim. Phone green 1446. Wanted—To rent, small house in east part of city. No children. Address |P-29 this office. Wanted—At once, three cookerels, alther White Rock or White Wyan Idotte. Phone green 622, ring one. Wanted—Cistern and cement work, also agent for hollow tile silo. /rite or call F. H. Bur^lck, red 1105. W»nt»d—-To buy, good modern Ave to seven toom house. Have one or two (lots to trade In.' Write K-49 or call freen 530. Wanted—Lace curtains to launder. 1613 North Second street Phone 1043. Wanted—For papering or painting try Harry Martin, all Work guaranteed I to give satisfaction. Phone 1474. PURSEL UNDERTAKING 2' South Cfcnter Street .« *•-4. Phone 468 f1 Itoensea Lady Embaln^er ProinptAmbuUflce Servlag I" 1 I'--y l' tVERftOOV THtNKi I 00JHT TO IT THt 6CVT OF MA«ilE 0NC6 IN AWHILE SO I'LL 0 SEE IF MMANU? WILL DO —. IT TQOAY- Wanted—-To rent, between April 16 and May 14 toy dsslrafcle couple. Ave or six room modern house with car den. Write K-19. Call green 8#0. Wanted—We dust, scout or sise rugs. Marshall Rug Waiks. lit Hast State street. Wanted—Washings to do. Phone yellow 1818. Wanted—To buy setting hens. Phone yellow 1163. Wanted—Everyone to know that the Weot find Market Sale Company will hold thetr nefct sale Wedneeday, April 1. List anything you have for sale. Stewart, Parsons, Manshlp A O'Brien. Wanted—Drayiqg and moving by Ford truck. Jess Edgington. Phone IMS. Wanted—We do house cleaning etc. Call us and arrange for a date. Oos sard and Noson, the house cleaning genius. Call white 38d. Wanted—Don't Junk your old cas ings, we make rellners of them that will double the mileage of your other casings. Come In and see us. The Inner Tire Company, 13 North Center street. Wanted—The Star Motorcyle De livery Company will deliver your packages, handled with care. Phone white 1834. Wanted—All kinds of roofwork, re pairing, painting and repltchlng grav el. Call Teeple. Wanted—Ashes, rubbish, general teaming, gardens manured and plowed, planting any kinds. L4sl your vacant lots now. Phone 1734. Tomllnson. Wanted—Junk of all kinds. Phone red 844. Wanted—General team work. Phone green 1M evenings. Wanted—Ashes and rubbish to baul, Phone for sand. Call 1984. Wanted—Lace curtains and blanket* to launder: 40 cents per pair, bed spreads cents each. 818 West Kerste sUeet. Phone green 1TM. Wanted—Liberty Bonda for cash. If yen find it necessary to sell your Bonds, dont sacrifice them. Write for quotations. Prompt service. P. O. Box 48, Marshalltown, Iowa./ Wartted—To buy rags, magazines and all kinds of jimk. Phone white 1820. Our wagon will call. Wanted—Transfer and express. George l/uclua. Phone green 687. 412 Washington. ,• Wanted—Ashes and rubbish tofhaul. Phone white 844. Wsnted—Second hand stoves also furniture. Phone white 1142 or green 14«7. Wanted—Bveryone to know that the services of the visiting nurse employed by the Visiting NnrseB' Association are to be had at what patients are able and willing to pay, or without pay by those in straitened circumstances. Telephone Clara Brit ft, 201 West Main street' Phone yellow 1115. tar ftsle—'We buy and sell new and second hand furniture, stoves, tools, men's clothing, shoes and goods of all kinds. C.. B. Emerson, new and sec ond hand store, 401 South Third ave nue, phone green 1194, Wanted—Ashea and ruobish to haul gardens to plow. Jess Sims, fhone green 1134. HELP WANTED—MALE. Wanted—'Married man with small family on farm. Warren Nichols, Mi nerva,. Iowa. Wanted—Experienced billing clerk. Western Grocer (Mills. Wanted—Single man to work on term immediately. George W. Lane, Newburg, Iowa. Wanted—Young raq.n who can oper ate a typewriter to accept a good Po sition in office of wholesale firm, good chance to learn business. Address A-31 care T.-R Wanted —Six carpenters at once. John Jacobson, contractor. Wanted—Six young men to grade eggs. Call 213 Market street, Mar sballtown Produce Company. VVanUd Hoy to !??rn *Hntlns- trade, one who has had previous experience desired. Times-Republican,! Wanted—Married man for farJn work must be experienced. To live In separate house on farm. Apply at once stating wages, toyoeorge Clawson,' route 1, Acfcley,. Iowa. Wsntfd—Men. Fbr Nvojrk in tile plant at good wages. Apply at* once. ISldora Pipe A Tile 'Co., £ldora, Iowa. Wanted-—Rugs cleaned by my Won der clekner 'vill itaake them look like new\ East Manufacturing Company, 104 North First avenue: Wanted—Young men,' 13 and over, needed for Railway Mall and Postof fice clerk-carriers, $&2 month. For free particulars and sample examina tion questions, write J. A. Leonard^ (formsr Civil Service Bgaminer) 744 Equltalsle Building/ Washington. BRINGING UP FATHER 4 Wanted—Two en^rgetio youpg men or young wonien to sell canned goods to the consumer for us, to be delivered toy the retailer. Apply in per son. IMts, Fletcher Company. HELP WANftOM^EMAL^. Wanted—ChanibSF Ho^el. maids. Piigdm WantsdmPxptoeheeg^biUtng olsrk. Ji' WANTED— FOUND— LOST— 'Wanted—Experienced chambermaid. Apply Hotel Evans. Wanted—Middle aged woman for general housework. Phone red 1684. Wanted—Girl who can' do general house-work and assist taking care of baby, permanent position to right party. Mrs. Henry M. Hellerud phone 471 1. SITUATION WANTED. Wanted—Position as housekeeper with boy of 13 on farm preferred. Mar garet Meyers, 1M7 High street, Des Moines, Iowa. Phone Walnut 4987. I~OR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. For Sale—Maxwell, Ave passenger and Chevrolet four, nifty car In good condition. Hewitt's Garage. Phone 393. For Sale—Me-tz touring car, electric lights, starter, generator, good tires. Cheap if taken soon. Phone White 956. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale—On account of stcknese will sell well established grocery, with store building an-d residence combined. Good trade, low expense, good neigh borhood. eight blocks North state capitol, five blocks to east high school. H. W. Smith 1258 East Twelfth street, Des Moines, Iowa. For Sale—Early Ohio seed potatoes. Phone 28 on 28. J. W. Malory'. Route 8. For Sale—Motorcycle in good run ning condition, cheap if taken at once. Call evenings, phone white 1434. For Sale—Storage tanks for gaso lene or kerosene, 30 to 120 gallon slses. 7)l West Church street. Phone white £872. For Sale-VElglish bull dog ten months old. Phone 27 on 28v For Sale—Five. bushel timothy seed —recleaned, hew crop, home grown at 35. No quack grass or Canada thistles in neighborhood. Also Iowa 103 oats. Fred Brook, Green Moun tain, la. For Sale—iPeter Schuttler one horse^ wagon, good as new. John Phelps, Hlll crest addition. For Sale—Roll top desk, a good'one priced to sell. Also good origan. Phone white 286. 209 West Main street'. For Sale—Chunk wood, phone white 18S1. For Sale—Sliver Mine seed corn, early pickked, rack dried, 34.50 per bushel. Satsifaction guaranteed. (3. A. Blum, Rockwell. Iowa. For Sale Cheap, electric ranrte, sanitary couch, side board, dreBser, two commodes, combination writing desk and book case, plate rack, vacuum sweeper and rug, all In good condition. Phone 1145 or call at 406 Park street. For Sale—One hundred pounds home grown clover seed, free from weed seeds. Bash Elliott. Phone red 677 ring ono. For Sale—Two large rockers, two center tables, small library table, music rack, cot, gas range, and hall tree. Call,mornings Monday or Tues day. 204 North Third avenue. Phone yellow 1567. For Sale—600 bushels good white potatoes at $1 per bushel. H. P. *Hen nlngsen, Beaman, Iowa. For Sale—Timothy seed, homo grown, new crop, recleaned sample at county agent's office, $5:50 per bushel. A. S. Beary, Albion, Iowa. For Sale—Good second hand lumber 2x4, 2xfi and Bx8. *, 10 and 20 feet long, Sheeting etc. Windows, doors and frames also tilting and drafting table with bath pam' printing frame and office fixtures. 208 North First avenue, Fdr Sale—Wiaxed oak round dining room table, tall bookcase with desk and three, drawers below. Phone white 1121. ror Sato—Complete line o? "'"vor and timothy seed. See us and save money on your seed. Bowles, Billings, Kessler Grain Company. Fer Sale—Seed potatoes about 300 bushels the Carman, as good a potato to yield as there Is on the market: first here first served price $2 a bush si. J. E. Klrth, Traer, Iowa. LIVE 8TOCK, HORSES, ETC. For Sale—Registered Shorthorn tiulls of serviceable age. Good ones. W, C. Gurnsey, Conrad, Iowa. Route 2, Market Sals in Marshalltown Satur day, April 6. At this sale we will sell everything 120 head of cattle now listed. Bring anything you hav€ for Bate. ,Plumb, Munro.i Mason & Shoe maker. For Sale—Four year old herd bull, Prince Rupert- breading, good enough for any pure bred herd. Also three •yearling bulls. Wleford Ruppenk'omp. •Garwiri, Iowa. Ror Sale—Six registered Duroc sows to farrow from March 27 to April 1. L. I. Harding four miles south on Center street-, one fourth mile west. For Sale Serviceable shorthorn bulistfron* t# two ywws old, Ai .*»: ^ah, aitau». low* ~y'*i-- -y' riMSS-KEfUBLICAN. 1UBWAIA10WN, IOWA, MAKCrf SI 1919 McMANO* -WORKft I WANT TO tEE HIM* 7* WHAOOA MEArS- WOftK? YOU'LL FINO HIM I* HI* OFFICE For Sale—All kinds of cattle, includ ing milch cows and younjr cattle for your pasture. If you have other cattle which you want to turn In we will ac cept tfaem as part payment, and If you need time on the cattle. we can help you arrange that matter. Phone or write Plumb A Munro, Marshalltown, Iowa. For Sale—At public auction, forty head of Immune Poland China spring glltst at West End Feed Barn, Mar shalltown, Iowa, March 22. Write for catalog. F. G. Paul. Marshalltown. Iowa. POULTRY. For Sale—Baby chicks, 15 cents each. Delivered Wednesday. Mrs. Whaley. Phone 61 on 16. EGG8 FOR HATCHING. For Sale—Eggs for hatching from pure bred Barred Roclw, |1 for IS 86 for 100. Mrs. Mary M. Evans, Madrid, Iowa. Route 2. For Sale—Single comb White Leg horn eggs for hatching, from good laying stock, 31.25 for fifteen or $7 per hundred. Mrs. Elmer Pringle. Greene, Iowa. For Sale—Rhode Island red eggs for hatching. 36. per 100 Krank Wondt, Green Mountain, Iowa. For Sale—Freah cow, live bred sows, cheap wafon. good disc, new 14-inch walking plow. Phone yellow 1111. Fer Sale—Barron strain, farm range single comb white Leghorns exclusive ly. Egg orders filled at 35 per 100 dur ing April. Mrs. H. L. M. Bruner, "Elm law^ Farm." route 1, Toledo, Iowa. For Ssle—White Plymouth Ttock eg3». Fishel strain. 11,50 setting 84.50 perTT0fl. Monte Miner, iMotftbur, Iowa. For Sale—«Pure bred Buff Orphlng ton eggs $1.50 per fifteen $7 per 100. Mrs. A. Fred Lan#esen, ^Alden, Iowa. For 8«le—.Pure bred Black Langahan eggs. |3 per 15. 38 per 100. T. L. Floden, Zearing. Iowa. POP Sale—Eggs for hatching. Rose Comb Rhode Island Red, dark even color, big boied, farm range, 37 per 100 31.50 for fifteen. Mrs. E. J. Had ley. 1216 Elm street, Grlnneil, Iowa. For 8ale—Rose comb Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. 35 per hundred. Mrs. Ilo Ankrum, demons, Iowa, phone 81 on 3. Marshalltown. For Sale—'Eggs for hatching from pure bred Barred Rocks, large size, heavy layers, $1:50 for fifteen. 37 per 100. Mrs. W. W. Arney, Albion, Iowa. For Sals—Single comb rod eggs from extra good layers and prize winning strains. Large size pullets weighing from seven eight pounds. W. A. Rice. Marshalltown, Iowa. For Sals—White Wyandotte setting eggs. 31.00 setting. Rambousek's Rab bltry and Poultry yard. 304 North Sixth avenue. For 8ale—S. C. Buff Orphington eggs for hatching from prize winning strains* Pen No. 1 $5 per 15 pen No. 2 $7 per 100 pen No. 3 $5 per 100. E. C. Pyles, Marshalltown, Iowa. Route 2. For Sale—Eggs for hatching, White Wyandottes, good winter layers, fif teen eggs to a setting, price $1. $5 per 100. G. S. Riddlebarger, 608 Woodbury street. PUBLIC AUCTION! For Sale—At public auotion, forty head of immune Poland China spring gilts at West End Feed Barn, Mar shalltown, Iowa, March SrVv 22. Write for oatalog. F. G. Paul, Marshalltown, Iowa. As I am breaking up housekeeping, I will sell my household furnituro on promises, 10i2 West Webster strept, Marshalltown, Iowa, Monday, March 31. 1919, beginning at two o'clock, as follows —Beds, springs, mattress, 6x9 tapestry rug, small rugs, nine pairs drape curtains, four rockers, five din ers, kitchen chairs, round dining tabic, ladles writing desk, dressers, clock, kitchen cabinet. Ice box, gas stove, gas plate, large reliable high oven gas range, brlssels sweeper, two good trunks, two new p&irs of ladles, size 5, shoes, pedestal, porch swing, center table, floor .polisher, silt case, clothes basket, Ironing board, ourtaln stretch ers. vacuum sweeper, lawn hose, lawn mower, boiler, tubs, garden tools, dishes.' cfoklng utensils, and many other artiales, terms cash. Mrs. D. Neblett, owner. See these goods morn ing of sale. Col, Kendall, Auct. Phone 1573. FOR SALE—CITY PROPERTY. Fori 8al«—Modern residence, North Second avenue. Address T-^, this of fice. For Sals—Ne^v small bungalow. Phone white ii4». For Sale—By owner, modern 7 room house. 1Q8 North Ninth street For 8ale—Full lot," houso and barn house newly painted and papered, modern furnace/ gas for e(ooking, hot and cold water up and down stairs toilet and bath,electric lights: close ip lvtgb Whftpl. Ad3r?58. .Lotffv.lBW XTZL or call at ,12 South First avenue. toilet and bath,^electric lights: close ip lvtgb Mhftpl. Ad3r?58. .Lotffv.lBO* or call at ,12 tiouth Fint avfnus, Bf w». mVtWS Classified Advertisements One Cent Per Word For Each Insertion No Ad Received For Legs Than 15 Cento For 8ale—Modern six room cottage with lot 51x118 and temporary garage or can be iold with small lot. 8od cheap if taken at once. Call on A. lackey. 7 I^ackey Terrace Fer Sale-^New five loom cottage. 12 North Fourteenth street. John Ja cobson. For Sale—On easy terms, house at 303 North Ninth street, Priced for quick sale. A. H. E. Matthews. For Sale—My home In Hlllerest addition, three room house, concrete cave, coal house, barn and poultry house with park. Place Is woven wire fenced and set to fruit. Nice blue grass lawn. House Is newly papered and floors varnished. WUI take 8800 cash If sold soon. Vira Phelps. 90d Unkle avenue. Fer Sale—Two fine full-slaed lots In Second and Third wards. Cheap If taken soon. Will trade In on good resi dence. Write K-19. Call green &30. For Ssle—Six room house In good repair, price reasonable. Inquire at 206 North Sixth street For Sale—Do you want to sell your city property. See Fred W. Pari. We have the buyers. But do rot expect us to sell a 33,000 residence for $4,000. if property Is priced right wu can stll It. Fred W. Carl. Fer Sale—My completely modern 'Seven room house at 1212 West Main street. Call yellow 857 after six p. no. For Sals—Six room all modern, nice lot, paved street, one block of street car line, No. 511 West Boone street. Price $2,500 terms given. A good buy for some one. Why pay rent. Fred W. Carl. For Sale—Eight room house, strict ly modern, garage, close In on paved street, price very reasonable. See E. R. Kuhl, 24 East Main street. For Sals—House and lot 223 Player street $500, Address G. F. Anderson, Oregon City, Oregon. For Eels—-Six room modern house on paved street n*ar high school two and one-half blocks from Main street: close In, $3,600. See Finney the land man. Phone 172 or 895. PUBLIC AUCTION. Public Auotion—As we are selling our home next Wednesday at suction we will sell all our household furnishings on premises, 802 East Boone street. Wednesday, April I, 1919. beginning at 2 o'clock sharp, as follows: Twelve foot^square dining table, leather seat diners, fine sideboard, library table, writing, desk, hall' tree with mirror. Singer sewing machine, good oak rock ers, two leather seat rockers, dressers, commodes, two Iron beds, springs, mat tresses, music rack, good refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, good combination coal and gas ranije, pillows, automobile seat, trunk, punch bowl, electric Iron, typewriter table, silk cyirtalns, three comforters, two pair of blankets, sofa pillows, three new lar.n quilt tops. Ironing board, clothes basket, clothes rack, 9x13 rug, grass rug, small rugs, lace curtains, stands, two-hole oil stove, carpenter tools, garden tools, ten dozen fruit Jars, step ladder, tool case, scale, sausage grinder, knife grinder, waffle Iron, lamps, forty quarts canned plums and tomatoes, brand new Oliver type writer, fine piano, Vltae-Nola and seventeen records. Here is a good lot of goods. Don't miss it. Terms, cash. Mr. Dexter, owner. Col. Kendall, auc tioneer, phone 1573. Pirbllo Auction—As am breaking up housekeeping I will sell my house| hold furniture at premises, 709 East Main street, Marshalltown, Iowa, on Thursday, Apvll 3, 1919, at 2 p. m., tlio following: Good 9x12 Armlnster rug, eight oxlO-G rugs, two pairs of blank ets, round dining table, buffett, high chair, steel ^ot, ladies' writing desk, Morris chair, good Majectlc range with reservoir and warming closet, hero is a good one, drop lenf tabled, kitchen stools, single harness, tubs, boiler, dishes, cooking utensils, one standard bred trotting mare, aim many oiin articles. Terms, cash. Mrs. E3. Smith, owner. Col. Kendall auctioneer, phone 1572. Publio Auotion—Gplng to Washing ton, we will soli all bur household fur nishings on premises, B*"West Nevada street, Marshalltown. Tuesday, April 1, 1919, beginning at 3 o'clock, as fol lows: Buffett, round dining table, four lMithef seat diners, couch, library table,^rockers, stands, pedestal, com modes, bed room suite, princess dressor, large gilt mirror, small mirror, glass door cupboard, cabinet, picture*, white enamel bed. springs, mattress, one half bed, springs, mattress, good 9x12 Ax mlnster rug, kitchen table, kitchen chairs, kitchen stools, Singer sowing machine, good gas range vacuum sweeper, electric globes, small electric fan, child's desk and chair, floor pol isher, dust mops, washer, wringer, tubs, Z"" Plate, scales, bicycle, coffee perculator, good lawn mower, step lad der. linseed oil, tools, vice, waffle Iron, Ironing board, dishes, cooking utensils, etc. Here is a good lot of goods. Ev erybody come.' This is no April fool's sale but a real sale. Terms, cash. L. T. Scott, owner. Col. Kendall, auc tioneer, phone 1573. PuWie Auotion—We will sell the fol lowing, naw gooda at the furniture ma«ik sale 709 East Main street, Thursday, April 3rd, at two o'clock. Fine new fumed oak bet room suite consisting of bed, springs and mattress, fin# dresser, pedestal, new genvtne Spanish leather upholstered reclining morris chair, pillows, comforters, 2 pairs blankets, also 12 fine large pure bred barred rook heae. and one cockerel. These are fine hens and good layers, terms cash. J. P. Llbby, owner. Plwae yellow 866. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. Real Estate Auotion—As we are go ing to California, we will sell our home on premises, 802 least Boone street, Marshalltown, Ipwa. Wednesday, April 2, at 10 a. m. Here la a good borne located on the corner of Boone street and Eighth avenue, consisting of eight rooms vlth good furnace, city water, electricity, gas pipe In house, sewer, toilet, sidewalk both ways, fine shade trees, lot Is 60x120 feet, plenty of room to build house on rear of lot with west face. Easy terms, small cash payment, alance monthly In stallments. Here Is your opportuni ty to buy a good home or Investment near the manufactures, schools, church, Please' look this property over and be at this sale as It will undoubt edly be sold under its cash value. A property that never stands Idle. Don't overlook the day and hour, Wednesday, April 2. 10 a. m. Mr. Dexter, owner. I Col. Kendall, auctioneer, phone 157z. IOWA LANDS. For Ssle—A choice 330 acre farm, located two miles from town. It's a No. corn and cattle farm, price 8140 per acre, terms reasonable 240 acres at 3115 per acre, a 200-acre farm for 3150 per acre. A l*0-sicre farm. 3140 per acre. Other farms from 3W to $300 per acre, lay® level to gently rolling, good rich soil and well located. Reler son & Oleson, LeRoy, Minn. For Sale—280 acres Improved Win nebago county, 3145 per acre. Keenan Land Company. For Sale—Marshall county farms, thirty-six acres, good Improvements, close to good town .eighty acres good Improvements close to a good town 320 acres fair Improvements close'to a Kood town, 160 acres fair improvements three miles from good town, also city property. Glmre ft Rinden. For Ssls—$70 to 3150 per acre for best lowa farms. I^rge list sent on request. Spaulding & O'Donnell. Blma, Iowa. WISCONSIN LAND. Landology—A ningaJrtne giving the facts in recard to the land situation. Three month*' subscription free. If for a home or as an Investment yon are thinking of buying good fnrm lands simply write mo a letter and say. "Mail me T^ndology and all particulars, I free." Address Editor. Lrfindology. Rkid I more Tnnrt Company.. 160 Skldmore building, Marinette. Wis. NEW YORK LANDS. For Sale—To settle estate, $18,000 buys 40 ncres, four miles from town, .1,700 population, 175 acres tilled, 176 acres valuables timber, balance good pasture, good buildings, fourteen room house, barns 44*112. 24x50, running water, gas lights, three tennant hous es, cheese factory, stlo. granary, etc. Including hay, straw, grain, forty-four head cattle, Mve homes, four hogs. 50 hens, sugar tools, farming equlp inent. Easy terms. Free list. Ellis Bros.. Sprlngville, N. T. MONTANA LAND. For~8ale—-1 K1ve sections unimproved land per cent good farm land. Price 110 pei- no're. For particulars address A! Dance, Three Forks, Mont. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. I For Ssle—A few line improved farms in the corn belt of eastern South Dakota. Keenan T/and Company. For Sale—Cheap choice Improved qunrter section three miles Parker, S. D., level, black, very productive land I six room house, large bam, grove, (other outbuildings. Price $27,000 I terms $2,000 down, $,000 March 1. 1920 balance easy. A snap, it will I pay to Investigate, Hodney Hill, Parker. S. D. For 8ale or Exofisnge—Cheap west ern South Dakota land. Keenan Land Company. TEXAS LAND. Thirty dollars the round trip to the Rio Grande 'Valley, and return, this In cluding all meals and berth and any side trips thnt the company may sss (It to give, we leave Marshalltown April 4. For further Information, write or phone 434, room 2 Woodbury build ing. W. E. Nlcholaon, Marshalltown, Iowa. MINNESOTA LAND. For 8al«—380 acres, six miles from town, fine bulldltigs, $68 an acre 180 acres one mile from town all In crops, $60 an acre eighty acres fins Improve ments, $75 an acre. These are the cheapest and best farms in the atatii. Buy now and get in pn another big wheat crop. D. M. Fuloner, HrecJcev ridg% Miap. .. ... .. .« 'V'. wo IN THERE:! FOR BALE- TO RENT- TO EXCHANGE--: Far Sal*—189 acres otflMlM WW •alley land, two and a half atlas from town. ctnRt, and school I With drat class set of boIIdines, flowing well, all under enltlvatlon. If you waat some thing good, here It Is. $8$ per acre. Writs or see us. Walter B. Bohaa Land Company, over 33 ®ast Mala street. Marshalftown. Iowa. For Sale—r*0 sores tn Minnesota. IL3 per acre 11 once. There Is a drainage ditch oa die west line, ditch tax Is paid. Will take half In bonds, balance In caah, a* tn prorements. Address Mok B. Wsgtir, West Bend, lowa. TO RENT, To Rant-Yery desirable hillftn a cated corner ontir and Mala streets. Inquire flower's Market ft Chueery, phone 314. To Rent-Deslr«Me sleeping room, eloee tn, farnlahed. all modem. Pkcfee red lilt Te Rent—Ugtrt hoosekeeptng 205 West Orant street. Tellow tH. To Wont Modem bosise, ft Orant. J. S. Newell. OM Dnig Company, phono yellow 4fti To Rent—FTve room bMN. ettjf wM*r and Hghta. ftoia WWto IN. T* Refit Fo«r State. Phone ytllow IIS. To 'Rent—Isange fumtsned room, nut table for two gentlemen. 8 Blast Great. To Rent—Oae ofBoe famished rooms for light inn. Phone IN. To Ren*—One tng room to mtddo North girt «fea To Rent—line Tight honsehilitng and separate eetni Phone red 1M. To Rent North Tenth snr« 1385. Te Rent—Two houeekeeiptng roooM. avemie. Te Rent—Sleeping room modsra. Phone green 1182. To Rent—ITnfurnlstysd light, house-* keeping rooms. Phone white 7il, To Rent -Building, April 1. Csmaat floor, 20,000 feet floor space. Three tracks at both ends. The Batley Boys and Their pop. To Rent—Fhre-room house, south sllr. I. S. Finkle. Phone 1©»4. To Rent—Good rooms at the •. M. C. A., prices right. Why not rOoa up town 7 LOST. Lost—Automobile crank, near high school on Second avenue. Return to Fred Pepper meat market. Reward. Lost—Small brown pocketbook con taining five thrift stnmpq. on First be tween Main and State. Finder return to 107^4 North Second street and re ceive reward. FOUND. Found—Anto chain Phone 1517. MONEY TO LOAfe! Money to Loan upon farm and nmoertv. G. W. Lsiwrence a On ny. First National Bank baSMRng RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED. Wanted—Old razor blades sharpened made to cat as good as new. Leave at Old Reliable Drug Company. MISCELLANEOUS. W. M. Daddls, professional piano tuner. Address Marshall tow*, phone 1399. Are You going to buy land? 1 •i 'i "*-v HI Xartk Third For Rent or Sale Nice Are room house with two large adjoining lata Car garden rent cheap to right party. Call on C. E. Emerson, 401 Booth Third avenue, new and second hand stora. Phone green 1194. A near port office. KODAK FINISH INOS. We develop and print year pictures ana mail tiiom to ou proanpt. ly. Send for prices aad how to gat free enlargement from one OC yon? bent films. Bowens Kodakery, Mar* shalltown, lowa. A 1 -4- ft wo ij first get a copy of our journal. It has lands, city property and stocks «f goods3 uvofllsvd in It from nearly ersry state so you can find Just what yoa want in Us columns. Established 33 and reaches 78,000 readers each Bend 25 cents for one year's aubaarip^ tlon. Farm Traer. Iowa, A Real Delate JoinmL^I Southwest l«wi U, a fsrtUa Ss!' is?'" the man with anything to sell that has merit. Seventy-five thousand people la southwest lowa read the daily Non pareil. it is the great waat aA medium of this section. It is known Cartas* wide as a producer of reealta. If yan have land or anything olaa to tr trade, get in toaoh with Iowa thru the Noajartal Bmn»swa»