Newspaper Page Text
if ^'itfjttr ifr E&fev NV".: v9IQCp^tt3NMNwQL I CITY IN BRIEF Dr. Odal. CMMMURW*. PIMM «*. d^urlar OhImud.aataapath. 4- Fury*n |$~A4vartlash»a*. 4&- 4 I "t $ -si- ••fe Maaimlr limyh A. B. MoCutn»r ol«M «ll paper. Phone 1XT7. ___ Mtte la PMkaift. fekaMt Birtiwt Company. Driak Colfax Wataraad Imp fktot 4T, Tlx BaUay «A Boy*. Wih'i wthw imra seeds ta bulk. fctwiKt Hardware Good Onvut. ehlMiw'i bti^ oHtii W 2S osnta, at adduces. A. H. Walker—Traealaaa «t Hartford Oat to knew Oildaar Bra*, lm'i linwt chain Hon eWttm-Adw tiMUMBt -atnuod Theater' jpiM ligy. czoapt Stiaday at IS, nooo. Briag your lunch. P#r tatarafag aoMBan, Hart Scfaaff nar Mm aprta* waiat dbdaaria. St^aad Theater opens daily. "except Iwter art II, BMB. bring yaw lnneh. Save money ut Mar all wool Bart Pchtaffnwf tt Strand Theater opens daily, except Sunday at 11, noon. Bring your loach. —Advert la am ant. Strand Theater opens daily, eseept Suqday at 12, nooa. Bring your lunch. —Advertlaamaat. All dental Special Sonor* Concert for Women*' Club at 3:00 p. m. Thursday, April Strut)'* Hall. Special Sonora Concert for Womens" Ch«t at l:N p. m. Thanday. April S. Btrub's Hall. Advertisement. Statistics ahoar that chafta atore mer chandising means the greatest saw ing to the oonaumea Gildncr Bros. For Information about Hayes Cali fornia Farina at ChowohUla, aee A. T, Stata, 29 W«t insures fresh paint. Let us tell you why, Schmidt Hardware Compa ny. Our assortment of cardan toots will please yon. atop in now and pick out what you need. 8clwnWt Hardware Company. For sale—Viro fine fall rind lots im Second and Third wards. Cheap If soM soon. Will trade In on good houaa. .Write K-l*. Can green tMi A wood lawn rake la Inst the thing for gathering gp leaves and rofebiah. They are wide, durable and light. Schmidt Hard war* Company, Got your acrsen* out yetT A coat of Sapolin screen paint will brighten then well as add to their yean of life. ijardwars Ooanpaay. -J Look over the Brarlst atoek of wall paper before baying. This stock ataat be sold. We have plenty paper hangers to do your work.—Advertisement. A cordial Invitation la extended to every soldier to Inspect oar new spring Har{ Schaffner Kara a^tts they are alt wool, which spells economy. Gild ner Bros. Put a wire door mat In front of your doors, ft will' aave carrying the xxrud into die house. Two sizes, 12x18 inch at W cents, 12x24 Inch at 50 cents. Schmidt Hardware Company, Carl S. Heltaho, who went to Ot tumwa to live late in the winter, spent Monday 'Here, coming- hack to pack the household goods for ship ment to Ottomwa, where he returned today. Mr*, Heitshu, who has been visiting friends here for a short time, will remain In,the city for a few days longer. Mrs. T. P. Low, of Green Mountain, lias .received word of the death Man* -t. day of her nephew, Stanley Buchaa, ,s the 12«year-old son of Mr. and (Mrs. M. A. Buchaa, of Palo Alto, Calif., for merly well known residents of this and Grundy county. The boy was stricken two weeks ago with what proved to be sleeping sickness and in fantile paralysis, which haffled all medical skill brought to his assistance. The boy visited relatives here last Oc tobejr.when, In company with his moth- :er, 4 he was on his way to New York, and also spent a short time here on the jreturn trip. The "Oh, Girl" compacy which will be the next attraction at the Odeon, Wednesday night, has set a pace whicn ,few burlesque shows on the Columbia circuit are finding It possible to fol low. With the best of comedians, an .4,excrutlatingly funny book, a chorus oi '"superior beauty and talent, wardrobe and scenic beauty of a high standard, ,a number of startling sensations In the way of surprise specialties and innova tions, "Oh, Girl'.' has "been rigged up to "meet the most exacting requirements of a burlesque following which grows more and more critical from year to 'year. Odeon. The O. V3t •r MM. AAV MLLt HOM«, J. •. Meyere, ef Whltten. Bays Proper %f and Mawao Hw. BUaaUeth JC. Oa/. l«l West, Chunk street, Monday oid' her rwri Iteoe propM'ty to J. a Man suit* at GUdaer's. —*dverti,tim*n1» olTicea win be dwtd "Wed nesday afternoon awmnmwiltg April 2 to Oct. Ir-^wttaneDt Main.—.Advertisement. Bradley-Vroaznnfe paint baaa and of Chapter BB P. K. met Monday afternoon at 1m B. 3Jr«r«. fw years. the home of Mm B. W Martin, M»« West State street, and after transacting' routine buatnaaa enjoyed a paper on Herbert Hoover, by Mrs. Ella McKlm a paper on "What Being Done for the Blind Soldiers," by Miss Mary Miller and a reading by Mrs. B. C. WhitohUL Dur ing the business session this members choaa Mm. WhitehUl as delegate to attend the atate convention, to- be held {n Sioox City la May, and the Ra tional convention to be held In Den- life *r—. TV tir ver Auvvwuer* juip« ris waa ohoaen alternate. 'M Tha Toung Married Faopla's Sun day school class of tha Green Moun tain church held a social Monday ev ening at tha homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen, ono and one-half mllea northiweot ot tha oity, and enjoyed 'various games. During the buslncsa ^aession the members elected Mr. Jen sen president of tha class for the ensu ing year Mm Bdjth Nichols, secre tary and tnaaurei? and Mrs. 'John 'Hatnes and Mrs. Vernon Stubbs, members of the social conrnilttee. At tha dloae of the evening refreshments were served by Mrs. Jei)sen. .The •May nleetlng of the.class will ha held Mts, VeinM, 4 m* 'H1' vf Whittett. who. «ith his win and «laus» tar. expect ta ouate, hens cHhar Wed nesday «r Ttiaiaday to make thetr home. Mn CUy sold th- property for 14,609, and later expects either to ltf» or built a smsUlar home. Former Uooomli Man Dead. Bennett A. Armatronc, earlier yearn a truein«ss man af L.U «esnb, and wall known in the northern part of the county, yia ta within two Mm satta.— mmU Thaalar qMU daily, #ceept 'Suoday at IX mob. Briag jrour lunch. dead at home in Searing. Advwtlatmaat. his Me died Friday of hardening of the a long period ntgltt arteriea, follown* oC aivkneas. He hnd. however, feoqa »tik to be up and about dan* of his death. The Trl-Comnty Nw«. of a^arin*. pr!r.t«d the fsllowtas rcgardtne h!» death Bennett A- Armstrong was born in Jo Daviess county. Illinois. April M, Hit. Hia father died whan Bennett waa 14 months old and his mother was afterward married to John Adams. A little later tha family moved to Ohio, and in lt&» tho| came to Hardin county, In 1M1 he volunteered' to serve h|s country and spent three years in the service, being: in the Twelfth Iowa In fantry and the KJghth Iowa cavalry. Retornlng frvm tKe army he attended achool at the oM Albion Seminary nnd than cngag«4 Ut teaching and farming for March 7, 1M4, he was united In mar riage with Malvina Ha worth. To this union was bocn six children, two dying in infancy. One son. Dr. Frank Arm stroag, died at Hstherville, In 191*. The remafalng children are Jesse L» Arm Strung and Mr*. Leona Perry, of Zear ins. and Jlrs. Nettie DeLano, of Omaha. In 1*70 he movwd to Lsacotnfe. where he fngaged in Easiness for sixteen years. In 18S6 he came to Zearing. whew, tmtil a'abort time a*o. he con ducted a general merchandise store. MICK MASONS WALK tint^r C0II09S OUT. Whan Contractors Refuse $1 an Hour Wage dricklaysrs Quit. Special to Times-Republican. Sioux City, April I.—Contractor* foiling to m#it their demands for $1 an hour, Siou^ City brie: masons went on strike this morning. Contractor® claim to be abiding by an agreement with the bricklayers of the state in Dos Moines recently when 874 cents an hour was the wage established by it. It is feared other building trades union meiy wiU go out in sympathy tho none have 4on« so yet.' Boys Naughty. Special to Tlmee-Repuhlican. Sioux City, April 1.—Seventy-five man studeata at MorningsIde College laat night desrigarded collage rul^s forbidding them witnessing games of basket-ball played by girl teams. A number of them, dreaaod in feminine attire, gained entrance early. Later tha guards %t the doors were over powered. big shakeup la under way at tha college today. Claire Menecean, the seventeen year old star in "Pollyanna" Odeon, Sunday, April 6. He Quit GAINED OVKR 30 POUNDS. "I smoked cigarettes ever* eWce a boy. From six, to eight sacksVof to bacco I used wesicly/' states Mi\ S. H. Ferguson. "Cigarettes wars .doing me great harm, I became sb ajHig... nervous that I couldn't sleep until sntoked. Bach mornir.g I had ah awful taste in my vutu "Several tlmea I triad to quit by wilt power, but It just seemed that I wojld go wild, If I couldn't hava cigarettes. "I had almost given up hopa of ever quitting until ono day I sent for a free book by Mr. Wood* that told ma what to do.' After learning the Way, I quit easily in I days and haven't touched a cigareits in /wti. 2 have gained over SO pounds and cannot praise the method too highly. I say to every, cig arette smoker—If you can't quit with out help get this book," so says Mr. Ferguson, of Crumps Park. The foregoing remarks are like those of many other man who have been freed from the habit Of smoktng cig arettes, pipe or clgan or who have been chewing tobacco o'r dipping snuff 0XC698iT6ly Get this book. It Is free yon. -Cut .this out and postpaid to ahow others. Write At dnde to Kdward J. Woods, XA-4U, IftUMK Maw TMk K. Wssi Paid Parmer* by Manhat* Tha follewMg prices ans quatod by llnrshalKown dfani for the differeat varieties of farmers" provisions, grain |nl iii^*i|t| The Bnrtaln 4h» Htore Urncery quotes foiloMlng prices: *»mm K«««—85. ht»ur and Feed Comnany Mill iwr the foiiowlnx prioea at Its place of itHsuiess ta this city. sub)ect 'n market ohaA^ea Oats—SS. Ciirn—1.2. an old resi dent and uinruhant of Seaiinc. but Tbo in foliaw4ng market quotatloae ar* furnished hv H. Willard Son St Co,: No. 1 hides—13/ Vo. 2 hldos—12. ilorse hides, large —17.' Horse hides, small—84. Hoes wax--SSO8&. Horse Still a Going Conoern, Horaee are hardb' maintaining their numhar en farma in this countrv. in consequence of the autotruck, the mil! the -icccSn ef !'v W'ir. A YOfBS-RlPUnJCAtt, MA*SHALL*OTN, and Tot Mmm —fy"om a Fortunate Special Purchase 300 Modish Spring Suits placed, on sale Wednesday morning at A special purchase from our New York office, Jay & Co., 404 Fourth Avenue. At least twenty-five different styles to se lect from in suits selling at $25.00. —Boxed models —Semi-fitted styles —Suits with silk resteer —Blouse effects —Silk lined throughout —Handsomely trimmed with silk braid and 'buttons —Novel styles in collars and cuffs —Materials of fine Mannish serge and wool poplin. Suits, which would sell regularly at $35.00 and $39.00, on sale Wednesday morning at $25 75 suits will be ready for sale Wednesday morning priced at $18.75 —Semi-fitted onodels '—Box coat effects •—Trimmed with rows of silk braid and buttons —Jackets in pleated skirt model •—Half lined —^Materials of good quality Mannish serge. —MisRes, also ladies sizes. Suits worth $25.09- on sale Wednesday toorning at $18.75. —Displaying the "Most Beautiful CI XCW «JK1IU5 1 ror oprmg Mallinson's Fan4i-si giilk skirts $25.00 Mallinson's Dew Kist ailk skirts $25.00 Mallinson's Roshonara silk skirts.... $25.00 Baroneette satin skirts .... $14.00 to $19.00 In white and roserfasfiions latest whim and favored mode of silks lustrous and rich to the highest degree. an naalty as waf in the oauattr n#w aa a y«w avs. ac cording ta the bureau af crop aOtl matas ot tha United mates dopartmoat •f a«ricuMur«, »arttwi w^ra. there are now oao-thlnl of a milltoa more than at the beirianlng of th«' war. It waa ex parted that the war would stampede the horse market in this vountry and would send prices high enough to nd the farma of a laive number af much needed work animal*, but there waa no nttrh short as «w expected. From 1810 to IVla horsrn un fxrins liuretise*! it 11trie eaeh wir, nsniat^1 over 1 i»ar cent, anil sin-*" ll»|j the Increase ef four yeors ha* uppare'ntly been over 100.000. TI.e total, aiccordlna to the estimate, Ui '.1.534.000 horses. The export# of hones dtMing the wsr to Dec. il. Ill*, have t«en smxm IN THE HEART .y, vv/ v, •&&! that dspai tmsnt actual sU»fhti- more than l.tflft.iKW at the prewar rate the iiumuil oxtmrts would ha^ been about 140,XM. As fnr as covered by domestic exports, the war made an extra demand on farmers for almost WMjOOO horse*, To this must be add*^ the extra denuind Of the t'utted ftntee government. I\v Jan. II, 1#I9. the war department had ehlpped oversene nenr iv horyep. .ir.ii of. N/%^' ^rAvf9f»7" tmi «Ma oaantry aearty 14VOOO 'bonus. The apparaat %wn of antra demand on the ftr man of. tho CnUed IMatos by this rawnury and the allies aeoount for honea of the war make a total of about l.tno.ovo lioisin lA rxporta and In the aer%'li-«* of the war department Th" nwmliar Is greater Uv tbi nomial exporui, and hence about 1. ftifl.Odh h«r«es are Indicated the horse wntrlbutkm of the farm* to the war. not Including private purchaaes and the'Vnlted Elates government «nt side of the war department. h^in1rn«timr tn- 'Vir )rrr»'" iteji1»r« I Grain Man Cansures Hsov4e, Special to Times-RepubU'-an. !»1ou* ^lty, April 1.—In an address before the Western drain Dealers' .V» xoclatlon here loda.v, U-M rge A. Welle secretary, .of l)ee .Moines, chanced the, food adniii^tntton lad far over stepped Its auinorny in the m-itter of price re|tu1MI*n. iloldlnr that it tia* mholly done .-may with 11««- regulation supply an.l demand iinil lnu« w| n| fictitious valu"a thdt have niaile life THE PROFIT-SHARING STORK- MODISH Presented in the Spring Exposition Every Day This Week no former revue have we shown an assortment so wonderful in Spring apparel Suits, capes, dolmans and dresses lead in this display of beautiful and entrancing Spring modes. Ranging in price from $50 to $85, are shown a select collection of gar ments which is the topic of conversation among all the best dressed women of Marshalltown and vicinity for their attractiveness and low price. Spring Toggery For "Small Folks" —Sister and Brother the Children*» Store—in the Annex Capes and Coats For Girls New effects in fine serge capes, mostly navy, trimmed with buttons and novel fastenings, at $19.00 to $25,00. Serge coats, sizes 6 to 14, belted styles with col lars of contrasting material, $7.50. Suits For the "Little Tots" Little boys Easter toggery has not been for gotten in/this great storte. Suits of serge, cashmere, wool mixtures and novelty cloths, in Norfolk styles, also sailor suits of all wool serge—apparel which will please both the wearer and mother, $3.98 to $10.00. JUVENILE SPRING COATS—In Shepherd checks, cashmere, serge, khaki cloth and novelty mixtures, pinch back, Norfolk and box styles. —In the Children's Store— Milady May Choose Her Easter Chapeaux Prom our most varied and unusual assort ments. A hat either sweeping as to brim or a snug fitted turban, also strictly tailored ef fects. Quaint flowers and smart feather trim mings give an added touch of style and fin ish to shapes, which are exceedingly modish. ?K- .:u-«wY'- -^'V. 4 w: '"-V MARY PlCI^POIU mtrap! kTidd.Ji.' .AADIt3Mfrn*M, II STRAND THEATFR Next Su?wl»v *nH Monday. 1 —They Lead the Modes For Spring. Suits of navy blue Capes and Dolmans Modish Spring Frocks Navy Mannish serge suits, diamond effect in braid trimming on back panel and bottom of skirt—$85.00. Silver tone box coat model, Bernard model—$50.00. Navy Tricotine suit—bottom of jacket broidcred in black and henna, silk vest to harmonize—$85.00. Navy suit in a Worth model, blouse effect with silk tricolette vest of robin's blue, coat and skirt each trimmed with 6 rows of silk braiding—$85.00. Navy suits of fine Mannish serge, semi fitted model, trimmed with tabs at the back and rows of buttons—$60.00. Rooky suit in a Hickson model, panel on black of coat heavily embi-oidered, embroid ered tricolette vest—$85.00. Smart Dolmans and New Capes Silvertone dolman, in yoke effect, trim med with buttons, fancy pussy willow taffeta lined—$50.00. Crystal cloth dolman, trimmed with large buttons—$85.00. Tricotino dolman in ligtyt tan, tucked ef fect— $60.00. Navy mannish serge capes, trimmed with five 2 inch tucks—$50.00. Afternoon dresses in fine satin*, taffetas, georgettes, crepe meteors—$50.00 to $85*00. Dolman Coats Special at $29 These are of fine quality velour, Wned throughout with fancy silk, all wanted col ors, such as taupe, Joffre blue, reindeer. Navy Blue. Serge Capes at $10.00 Full sweep and good length, braid trim med and of all wool sergg. Dolmans and Capes $ 18.7 5-$2 5 Of serge, poplin and velour yoke effects, tuck and braid trimmed. IM THE HEART 0(^J^RSHALLIOVV^. •rt It GOODBY, IHOUBUS fset tad naiks, weatassa oaosea, a im W*» nw» Mas ti saWa aat "MMi a These gspenl aya^daass af Madder lisaii an wall the rtsisdy. Nert Mm yaa a MM 1( M| ta Iks baek ar an irMMMftilsai- lewer iM« eart reWsf Oil Capsnles. ed.r far dre$r™5 faan. it dssa tla «M. Phias ana troablas eaaisfc a«l wew lift end health wfn tu» aa jMa nsttms Wfw VHk WW TP^IVVVh TWII to jour aaaal »|gai, cmttumk «MM "SSto-JBWPVSi.. ars imported (ros» tha lsl)a«i at HaarlsM, nilsad fo net aubstitata la sssltd bai sales in ira rles eept three slxsa 'C' trft- jt *. rl