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•mMOMMO ur PATH BR AT MOMS [At tho CMeen Theater Tuesday Iv»* ning April S. SHo "J'^athet' will always U» the Mu dnplt* -what environment his larqator, George MnManus. chooaes to [place him In, the fact remains that a 1 Cban«a of acme bound to make any Itbtac ha says or does doubly interest I in*. W* refer to tha dear. lovable land alwaya welcome old Irishman In "Brin^ta* Up Father," tha comics which have aat tha whole world a laughlnc thaaa many and merry yearn. Manager Gus (Hill first a&w the suo aa of placing tha highly humorous [cartoon* upon tha «ta*e. This was about at* yaara ago and ever since I then "father" haa been tha hero of I auoh enjoyable and hilarious oori Icoetlons as "Father Abroad." "In Poltttaa,* eta. Tha present attrac tion. •which comes to the Odeon Tues day emUn* 1* entitled "Brl rutins Up I Father At Home." And we have Mr. Htir» •word for It that tt la the bent of LOVE Yto tha aartea. Tha Ma ta patterened on new llnea, runala# the gamut of Ideas aura to be acclaimed original, divert Ine and thoroughly modern. in fact. an offnrlng while combining Ingredients sure to make an audience alt up and take notice, also contain* materia! 1entlnel to find favor with any audience under any clrcumstant en. »detin. Anothar Plea For Knitters. •Will you help th« Ked * knit ting the yarn Into atot-kiiiKK, Mw.-atcis and scurfs for thu i-« 1 !«••«•»IV. »rk has been xoin* tn i-i Hlnaly unl all nf the yarn ha* nut been taken out ot. The Marshall omit li.tpli h.i* always linisht I ejitii i':ot.» time and Is very anxious up u» record. Knitter* wh" nt:»sannetit! for the soldier* isho i'.'I help in this work. The yarn i'jii .il the Red Cross rootnw In tin rai un afternoon from until lock 'in and get yarn for at least one of t!ie«e| articles. Mrs. A 1-' Halrh liiainn.m of general supply committee AT THE— CASINO Three Days, Starting Wednesday, April 9 The Same Picture that is Now Playing the Cities to Capacity Houses. POSITIVELY THE (i REATES ENTERTAINMENT OF ALL TIMES Allan Holubar's Sunpr-PmdiH'tion Featuring DOROTHY PHILLIPS It is the only drama that has ever sounded the depths of a woman's love, mother love, wife love, sweetheart love. Symphony Orchestra Augmented For this specially arranged score—the work of New York's most brilliant composer. TONITE-WARREN TRIUMPHANT MILITANT MATERNAL SWEETHEART AND WIFE LOVE A S IN O S S OU HAVE the lean face of a God, John, but the full-favored body of a man! Harken my words, how they falter on my lips—Yea, as though my mouth were full of pur ple grapes and the wine thereof spilled over. Thus did Salome seek to woo the stern Crier of the Wilderness in the monumental spectacle, that tensest drama of "woman scorned" ever conceived. SALOME WITH 5 Months in the Making! More than a Million spent on it! 5000 Performers. An Arkful of Animals. Science Outwits Nature with Marvelous Mechanical Effects 10-Fiece 0rchestra-10 PRICES: Sunday ShowContinuous—2—11P.M. CONDEMN UNO' TO WIN ROM STRIP TWENTY-SIX FBET WIDE, TWO AND ONE-HALF MILES LONG AFFECTED. LEGRAND TOWNSHIP ROAD TO BE IMPROVED Highway Running South From La- Grand to Be Made Sixty-six Feet Wide—Present Width Forty Feel- Small Tracts Elsewhere Condemned to Improve Highway System. In order to widen the highway from UeQrand' to Oilman the board of supervisors la preparing to condemn a strip of land twenty-six feet wide, along the present highway, for a dls tame of two and one-half miles. The purpose of tile board lit to widen the road from forty to sixty-six feet, the width of the ruiul south of the aouth ern point of the strip to be eontlemned. The rmttl now iM conaitlered tt*) nar now ainl the improvement in a part of the program of rixnt work for the suw mer, which is to preatly Improve this I li.ghwav of the eastern part of the county. The widening of the road is on the recommendation of the county engi neer. The road to be widened extends from the Northwestern railroad cross ing south of LeGrand directly south for distance of two and one-half lea. Other road improvements con templated in LeGrand township in eludes the propoaed elimination of the dangerous Northwestern crossing west of the town, with a new roadway run ning along the« south side of the tracks, anl the elimination of other bad rail road crossings by the condemnation of •rami land, the where ci 11 fields obstruct vipw of travelers along the high- COLONIAL TODAY. "The Ore Plunderers" A Western Drama With MARIAN SALS The Girl From Frisco I "THE STARTER" One of Montgomery Flagg's "GIRLS YOU KNOW" I SUNDAY ELLA HALL A Blue Bird Star in "THE CHARMER" NDAY TUESDAY Sunshine Coraedy. Pathe News and Mutt and Jeff TIMES-KEPUBUCAN, MAttflH AU.TOWIf, IOWA, AfrBUpJ^lMf way, and by rouodtof o«rt*la oornew to atooMaa tha nMm «C traval. Will tllmliwto OraMing. •Thara now aeama llttie doubt that tha orthweatern croaain# at LeUraod will be eliminated, tha railroad com talaalon having under consideration the amount of damagaa resulting by tha proposed ohanga. A small wedge ahapad atrip of land naar thla croaalng already lias been condemned and will be kept free from high foliage which would obatruct the view of travelers. To make the highway* mure secure for travel the Hpencer uornty. the northeaal corner of the eoutheaat quarter of section «, LeUrand town ship, haa been condamned, and the Thompson corner, Just east of the Northwestern tracks haa been con demned. T6 round the corner, for the purpose of shortening the roadway, the board has condemned the Bremer corner, the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 12. and for the purpose of the new road along the railroad a small strip of luDd oti the C. T. Keen farm, southwest of LeOfand, has been con demned. OBITUARY. Eaat. Miss Nina Henrietta Hast, youngest rhild of Henry M. East, 303 South First street, died at 7 o'clock FYI lay evening at Oakdale of tuberculosis of the Iuiika and howela with which she had been ill a year. Her body will he brouglit here this evening and fn ner.t! «i rvices will be held at 11 o'clock Monday morninv from the Krlends church. Hurlul will be in Riverside. Miss Kast whs born Jan. 12 1900, In this '.ty. and hud always mA.le her home here until xoing to Oakdale. Her mother died here four years a«o. Beside her father she leaves live brothers and a slater. They are l^evitt, of Kansas City: FVed. of Seattle. Wash.: Benjamin, of Albion: t'larence and Bdward, of thia city, and Ionian, of Des Moines. Whaley. 3-year-old son of lavid two miles southeast of Kenneth, the Whaley, IIvlnp Albion, died a this forenoon, for appendicitis Oct. 10. 101". be held at 30 the residence. Timber Treek St. Thomas hospital following an operation ». The child w.xe born Funeral services will .Monday afternoon from Burial will be l.i tii cemetery. Book Accounts. Bad accounts have caused more fail ures among retailers than all other causes put together. Good book accounts are all right, if judiciously handled, but the accounts should be paid every month or better yet every week. For twenty years we hRv» ooogbt the credit trade, and still cling to the idea that a good book account is the best way to handle, retail grocery trade. Over three hundred charges were en tered last Saturday and we wonder why. For th? best written reason we will pay $3: second best reason J2: third best reason II. Now get bucy. Ad dress Reynolds & Sheldon. 1W West Main street. Clover. We are all sold out of medium red clover and alsike, but have plenty of white blossom sweet clover and alfalfa. In calling or phoning for sweet jolover ask for "Bolt." Any of our customers that wish to Innoculate their clover seed or alfalfa seed before sowing will receive same free as long as it lasts by calling at the store. Marshall Implement Company. Notice. New location, having sold my inter est in former location to Hinecker & Larson, I am now located over Henry Pappe's store, No. 6 Blast Main street, and have some of the best Iowa, Minn esota and South Dakota lands for sale and exchange: will appreciate a share of your patronage. I. L. NegVy, Marshall town. Iowa. Office phone 1473. The Bev-. K. B. Davidson, pastor of the Baptist Temple will conduct a series of meetings beginning Sunday morning and continuing until the fol lowing Sunday nitfht. Meetings will be held every night next week at 7:+5 with a special sermon each night and •special music. The public is urged, to take advantage of these special Len ten services and every member of the temple should plan to give every night to this work. The special program for Sunday will be: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.. morning worshinp at 11 a. m. with sermon on "The Supreme Offer ing to Christ," Ijord's supper at 12:15 p. m., B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. and evening service at 7:30 p. m. with ser mon on "What Should We Do With Jesus?" Make the Temple your church home. Try our welcome. Committee. Mrs. M. Freestone went this morn ing to Des Moines to visit her sbn. The Odeon BUSBY BROS. Managers LAST TIME 8: 1^—TON IOHT—8:15 For the Popular Favorites ino 171a1"0 n* Vncd iTJ.li90 iwl Jurv www And Her Company In A Four Act Comedy Drama 'The Korn Kob Kuttups' Do Your Shopping Early and Don't Miss This Play 4—VAUDEVILLE ACTS—4 PTlces 10c, 20c and 30c. Seats Now Selling. THURSDAY Watch for the big A™L Noonday Parade Prices 50c, 76c, fl and |1.50 -v. Heats Wednesday 10 a. m. LOCAL COMMENT Marshall oouuty has Anally contrib uteu 14 cents per capita to tha slarvinc woman and children of Ar menia who w«A» the vidians of horrible atrocltlca by the -Moslems becauae tha Armerlana ware christian people, Onu person gave S50 so at looat 350 must have refused to give anything. How over, |4,7t»5 for this fund from Mar ahli county is that muvh better than nothing. It may save the lives of 100 persona and that would be a tlrst pave sensation for lh" newspapers if Mar shall county had savod that many from one building. Announcement that the packing house \ti soon to begin buying hogs la good news for thla part of tho state. The .Roberts brothers who have bought this plant are the most potential as ret Marahalltovvn has acquired In many a year. They may som* day rival the Western Urocer Company group In their value to this community. lieut enant Roberts, recently out of the ar my service, told the tdltbr of the T.-R. in Chicago that it was their in tention to make Marshalltown head quarters for their company if their expectation!) were fulflllc^l. They have a model packing plant In Chicago ad Joining the _llj Armour plant. They naw employ 4.10 men, have a fine busi ness established, are well rated finan cially and should grow but they can't expand their plant In Chicago because Armour owns on two Wdes of them and will not sell at any price. They have sought an outlet at Marshalltown. I^abor get worse Instead of better in a city like Chicago and there is a tendency on the part of indus tries to scatter out away from the congested centers. Marshalltown may some day have a tremendous paioklng industry here with several thousand of its people dependant upon the packing house pav roll tor support. An Increase In salaries for mayor and councilmen may save the commis sion form of city government If It at tracts candidates of greater business capacity but up to date the commis sion plan has not met with the expec tations" of its friends. Altho the law requires only cne meeting per month and. men of executive experience could Herform the duties of city councilman without abandoning their private busi ness the belief has been that a man must have nothing else to do or must be willing to pass up a less lucrative job if he serves two years In city of fice. In the future more responsibility should be placed on a 12,400 mayor with two councilmen of trained busi ness experience to advise and counsel with him. If Ford finally lands with Bell these two men can give the coun oilman's function of a commission gov ornment a fair irial. Unless the sys tem changes :n Its results the people will change the system. Men w-ho are approached this week for the larger, contributions to the an nual support funds for both "Y" insti tutions may honestly feel that these '^begging drives" are really coming too often for their personal comfort but they forget the surprise that came to them when they were searching for contributions to be deducted from their Income ta*.% They discovered then that a year's total contributions were not nearly so large as they had supposed when the committees were calling on them. One prominent citi zen who always volunteers to Join the first class of contributors In* every public money raising campaign has Sunday ADULTS 25c upon rsquaat sh#wti ht« books to tfc* T.-R, Thla man Is always Includsd In the 1100 claa* if thera Is ona or in tha 1500 class If that Is the top notohar and yet he dues not belonj to big bustnert. He la rosraly a prominent merchant and his contribution* to all charities hav« averaced only 6 per cent of hla Ineonis during tho past few years. He remained that he was far from an old fashioned tlther and yet he has always been counted among the leaders In public cawpalffns. If every man would compile his full year's contributions before grouching when a committee, comas around he would be \shamed of some of the things he has said. The sale of S30 acr&s of land ad- STRAND HE & A Treasure Looking For Treasure I TONIGHT, Phon and Thrill Day L"~2. QUAW AaAftTCliAFT lector* HE You wouldn't think Mary Pickford could carry a case of blast-it-up that size. Neither did her grandfather, Angus MacTavish,. but you see she is playing the role of a Scotch lassie in this picture, and you can't beat the Scotch when it comes to treasure-hunting! CONTINUOUS SUNDAY FROM 2 P. M. to 11 P. M. Jolnlng th« cfty |IU Mrs «u«. gtsts that tha time is ripe for When you fall in love "with an Indian girl, she does not stand aside when you fight. No siree, she comes of a terrible ancestry, and the chances are she'll kill the other fellow before you can—as she does in this thrilling picture. JC88E L.CABK.V^/*w«*yTW CECIL B.DEMILLE'S PRODUCTION S N mom subdivisions of t*rm land Into twenty and forty acre tracts pear Marshall town Tha Marshalltown Club should Co after a condfcnood milk factory 'or this city. Wo could Just as well de velop a continuous surburtoan popular tlon of several miles out in every di rection especially along ,tho main road* that are soon to he paved. AMUetMENT*. At tho Odeon. "An Imp f»f,Hatun." a comedy drama, was the offering of the Flora De Vosa company at the Odoon Friday night. The play pleased the large audience that attended*- The company closes Its engagement tonight. --i-'Ji TO-NIGHT Phon and Thrill Day AM 'TATTY" ARBUCKLE IN A two reel Comedy "LOVE' -nr ALSO MUTT 'and JEFF 1. War Tax Included I E N 99 Monday tyA£K SENNETT COMEDY ff UfasL Han fvaau uay Featuring "Teddy" the Dog -"THE SQUAW MAN.* Also FATTY AR BUCKLE AND MUTT AND JEFF