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K. R.LAT P»r WfVf^ UlMlf Rued. Trunks, MM* tint* and v-i v, s2 IPf K-- CA 'funetioha, E THEN El ENGLAND Trade it Headquarters—It's Safe Demonstration Thursday, Friday* Saturday .April 10* 11 and 12 Miss Laura Junkin will be at our store and demonstrate the superior points of the. REDUCING SUPPORTING SELF ADJUSTING CORSET The cotset combines the best points of the foremost makes of lace front and lace back corsets. It Will Reduce 2 to 4 Inches More than any other make of corset It. is designed upon principles anatomically and phy siologically correct, moldinff the figure into lines of sym metry and beauty and, giving the body necessary support for health awi*vigar mMuwmmaamm* lard Iras. ftwtfy Misses' tn Clttt/m'i CO without constriction of any of its We solicit yodr inspection whether or not you wish to purchase* WeSsJI a Splendid Assortment of hiarinello Toilet Articles EXAMINE OUR STOCK' OF THIS LINE. |f fmu oant find what ym i- Want Eliwhwi Try Our Store. S»I* Agar Pattern*—' Ur' The Geo. HcCord Grocery 121 West Main St. Phone 284-283 We have to offer for your Saturday Purchases the following Fresh Vegetables GREEN ONIONS HEAD LETTUCE SPINACH RHUBARB NEW TOMATOES GREEN PEPPERS NEW TURNIPS PARSNIPS .-r- A|eney far Buttarwlsk The baat paper p*l torna published. RADJSHES LEAP LETTUCE FRESH ASPARAGUS CUCUa&ERS CELERY NEW CARROTS NEW CABBAGE RUTABAGAS George McCord's two day special sake of National Biscuit Company's products. All package cookies and crackers 20 per cent discount. All fresh new goods today* Order by phone or call at store Sat urday. OUR OWN DELIVERY SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY 8-10, 2-4. Iflft TELEPHONE YOUR SUNDAY WANTS. PRONE 283-284 The T.-R.. Want Ads ffinieHUmiUiflDL Wm- iM Millinery In Wtmw'i CITY IN BRIEF Bun* wa tehee In. Hodges. Cora Will lama Choate. physlelan. Dr. Uraham. osteopath. Masonic tempi* Burgess Plumbing and Heating Com pany. I'hona 1I4S. w. T. ScottTPenn Mutual Lit* In surance. low's Bavins* Bank building. Wanted—Oood baled timothy and clover hay. Cook Bros. Grain Com papy. Thr home of William Burr. ISM Summit street, wan qtiaraatlnad today for smallpox. Tomorrow, April 10, la the Mat day for payment of accounts i«?nd**r*d April 1. E. R. Lay. The aid society of "the Methodlsi church will meet at 2:30 Thursday af ternoon at the church. The Paat Noble Grands' Association of Marshall county will meet Friday afternoon In Odd "Fellows' hall. Read our special ooraet announce ment 'and plan to take advantage of the demonstration. E. R. Lay. For Information about Hayes Cali fornia FVrms at Chowchllla, see A. T. Stata, 29 Want Main.—Advertisement. Mrs. B. V., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Calne JJelson, will return to her home in Minneapolis tonight. Lawns sadded, and spwlfd, nursery stock planted. All kinds of yard im provement- Dan Olsen. 611 Kast Main. Phone 148*. Market aafe in Majshalltown, Satur day, April J9. Phone us what you will have for Uils eale. Plumb, Munro, Mason & Shoemaker. Have yon tried the Cut Rate Clean ers and pressers Save monoy by leaving: y«or order. Phone red 1472. We call and deliver. H. C. Sparks. Mrs. L. R. Norton went to JeS Moines this morning' to visit her cousin. Mrs. H. M. Harwood. Mrs. Harwood wa-s formerly Miss Bess Fleming-, a teacher in the high school. .Mis* Esther Gustafson returned this morning from State Center where she has been attending the wedding of her cousin, Arthur Veren and Miss Mabel Funke that took place Tuesday even ing. The Triangle Club met with Miss Marion Reese, 516 North .Second street, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Margaret Barnum led the lesson. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Reese, assisted by Mrs. Mary Thornton. R. H. Aiston, of Chicago, regional director of railroads of the northwest section, and W. L. Parks, of Chicago, general manager of the Chicago Great Western railroad passed thru the city over the Chicago Great Western this morning. I offer for sale my modern eight room house at 802 West Main street, lot 60x120. This house has furnace, hot and cold water, cistern, new bath room fixtures and has just been newly decorated Inside fine fruit trees. See me at once. R. E. Apgar. The members of the Court of Honor Circle enjoyed a social meeting Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Etta Crabtree, 708 East Main street, and spent the time with their fancy work. At the close of the afternoon the hostess served refreshments as sisted by her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Byrd. ______ The Covenant Daughters of the Con gregational church enjoyed their regu lar meeting Tuesday evening at the church. Supper was served at 6:30 by a division of the aid society of which Mrs. F. S. Jerome Is chairman. After the business session Mrs. Harry E. Harned, of Cedar Rapids, addressed the members. The funeral of Mr. John E. Lindgren, wno died at Boxholm, was held at the' Wilbur parlors at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Rev. A. J. An ders conducted the service and burial was in Riverside. The pallbearers were Charles Selelne, Matt Peterson, C. A. iNoid, A. J. Amblad, P. E. Wan berg, and Charles -Nelson. A pleasant' meeting1 was enjoyed Tuesday afternoon by the members of the Pansy Club, who were entertained at the home of Mrs. E. G. Flatley, 409 East Linn strsot. Following the busi ness session the members pieced quilts and later the hostess served refresh ments asslstXby Mrs. Walter Newman, of Waterloo, who was a guest from out of the city. Private R. J. Blanke, who served in the aviation section and was overseas for a year and a half, is in the city visiting with friends. He was recent ly discharged at Camp Grant. Blanke was formerly employed by the C. A. IHmham Company, In this city, but was transferred to Davenport and was there when he enlisted in the aviation section. He is being entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Seberg. Charles R. Blodgett, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Blodgett, 309 Bromley street, came home Tuesday from Camp Dodge where he was mustered out of the ser iMosd&j'# Blodgett enlisted in M?.y 1917 and has beertln France for a year with Company C, 346th battalion 'of the tank corps. He drove a light tank of the Renault pattern lu "both thd St. Mlhiel drive and the Argonne offensive and "was gassed Oct. 4. He was con fined to a hospital for a month suffer ing from effects of the gas. A grip Ailed with clothing and the owner's wardrobe, stolen from the lotby of the Casino theater Monday evening, where it was left by QB. I* Trowbridge, while attending the show was found today by Will iMlHer, in lavatory over the Home St Gelvin store. The grip apparently had tiaea abandoned when the thief found there was nothing (but clothing inside. It was turned over to the policy. Trow bridge found none of his personal be? longings had been stolen. In honor of Mrs. tiucattla Center, widow of Dr. H. H. Center, who Is to go soon to Evanaton, 111., to make her home, the members of Marshalltown Chapter, D. A. R., held a covered dfph luncheon Tuesday at the home of tMrs. W. E. Sanders, 210 North Third street. The afternoon hours were enjoyed So cially and the members presented, Mrs. Center with a lace collar. Mrs. P. A. Cunningham, of Burns, Wyo. Mrs. .Dwlght Butts, of Omaha and Mrs. W. M. Achenbach, of Gladbroolc, we*e gdWts from out of the city .v, THaW-MWBUCANi MAttHALUTOWlf, IOWA, ,...i- O. B. TutU*. Jew«t«r Mi optieia*. Dr.BaUar*. —fopaih. t| WwtMfela. Drink Colfax Water and keep well. Phone 47, The Bailey Boya, Tomorrow, April 14, la the last day for payment rf account* rendered April 1. K. K. Uuy. Mb. J. A. MoNabb, of Ht. Anthony, went to Des Moinea this inornln* to vlult her «ou. H. Mi-Nubb. The "Kilo Kard kl'ib" will mwt Thuraday afternoon with Mrn. J. T. Watt 405 Weat Nevada alrevt. Read our upocwl oor»«t annouuoe mcnt and plan to take advantage of the demonstration. K. K. I*y. The Fimt irnlted Evpnuelical aid so ciety will meet Thuraday 'qfternoon In the lecture room of the nlurih. H. W. Shove ft Bon. district man agers the -Mutual Life Insurance com pany of New York. Maaonlc Temple. The regular meeting of the Ladies Guild of St. Paul's church will be h»td with Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence and Mrs. Mary Kidder at the Lawrence home. 811 West Main street, Thursday afternoon. Be at Hart'anii FYiday 8:30 p. m.# and learn how to make more, out of farm poultry. A steroptican lecture will he given under the auspices of the Marietta township farmer association. Admission free. Committee. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Talbot Lennox, 109 North First avenue, when the members dis posed ©f-'routine business and then sewed fdr the base hospital at Camp Dodge. Fire on an electric light pole in the rear of the" Congregational church this morning led residents of the neighbor hood to helieve there was a blase in one of the rear gables of the church. Ttye department was called, at 6:45 o'clock, and the blaze on the light pole was extinguished. Funeral services for Mrs. Gertrude Spores were held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the Henry Hitsman home, 713 South Third street, in charge of Rev. B. F. Martin. The pallbearers were John Weber, Jr.. Stanley Hail, Earl Thomas and William Heckle. Burial was in Riverside. COOLEOGE RECOVERS MEMORY. Cooledge was taken olT a Chicago Great Western train at Waterloo The aid socv^ty of tint Kllm L.ut!i-| eran church will be entertained Thurn-j *i. day afternoon at the ehuich by Mrs. Aiiiand. MhV Buy your wheat bran, shorts, wheat, screenings nn«l Hour at the mill. Sruth Flrat a. enue. Mars\ialltown Mill inx Company. Wanted—To buy. a flve or six mom mouern houw, well located. State price, location anil full particulars. K care thla office. The F. W. Wool worth store will be closed all day Thursday on account of 1 the death of Mr. Wool worth, president of the company.—Advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Kulsen and daughters went to St. Anthony this morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. G. Watland that wan held this after noon. 1 Rev. Jan. A. 1-owry. of lies Moines, will conduct a mid-week service this evening at Westminister Chapel, cor ner Ninth avenue and Hromley street. Committee. St. Margaret's Mission will sell cake, pie, cookies, bread, beans, nut bread, salad dressing and candy beginning at 10 o'clock Saturday morning at the Marshall Electric Company. Com mittee. St. Elizabeth's society of St. Mary's church will hold an all-day sew Thursday at the home ot' Mrs. M. Costello, 607 East JUinn street. A busi ness meeting will be held in the af ternoon. T. A scene from "Odds and Ends' the chummj MACEY AND BROWN MORES OFFICE SUPPLIES Left Marshalltown Soldier Says He Hospital to Come Home. According to news received by the T.-R. from Waterloo, Byron Cooledge. a Camp Dodge soldier and the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. C. W. Cooledge. 605Vi West Boone street, city, who is at the Presbyterian hospital at Waterloo has recovered his memory. He recalls now that he left the base hospital5 at Camp Dodge to come to his home in thi? city but that he lost his way while en route. early last'iSaturday morning. 'Ho cooild not give his name,and could"not give any satisfactory information regardlns himself. He was first taken to the police station tout laterwae renftved to the Presbyterian hospital where the Red Cross chaptcr became interested ill his case. The investigation the Red Cross started established Cooledge's identity, and hie parents and the base hdspital at Camp Dodge were com municated with. Cooledge is still suffering with a fractured leg. an in Jury he sustained here last fall, but it was said at Waterloo that his leg was still In the cast and was uninjured. For the Children. Too muuch care cannot be exercised In selecting a cough medicine for chil dren. Tt should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful drug and most ef fectual in curing their coughs and colds. Long experience has shown that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets tucne uifiuitiCuo. It a lavoriie with many mothers.—Advertisement. MY TIRED FEET ACHED FOR MTIZ?' LET YOUR SORE, SWOLLEN, ACH ING FEET SPREAD OUT IN A BATH OF "TIZ". Just take your shoes off and then put those weary, shoe-crinkled, achinp, burning, corn-pestered, bunion-tortur ed feet of yours in a "Tir" bath. Tour toes will wriggle with joy they'll look ifp at you and almost talk and then they'll take another dive in that "Tls" bath. "When your feet feel-like lamps of lead—all tired out—Just try "Tiz." It's grand—It's glorious. Your feot will dance with joy also you will find all pain gone from corns, callouses and bunions. There's nothing like "Tlx". It's the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and cause foot torture. Get a 25 cent box of "Tiz" at any drug' or department Btore—lon't wait. Ah! how glad your feet get: how com fortable your shflips feel. You can wear shoes a Lf von daairo. IJfc.sitesmallur '^7^ 'i Bloom at th»* Odoon Tbeatcr, Sunday pvpninjf. osmmmnxam: SEEGER Refrigerators exactly as represented. everything else has failed, there is a message of hope for you in Chiropractic. This pic ture tells its story. Cases such as this happen frequent ly in our practice. Don't give up—give Chiropractic a trial. Office Phone 670 wwmmm musical revue with sented we will refund the purchase price. The scientific air circulation (the original siphon system) saves you half the ice bill. (Exclusive Agents) PRICES SAME AS TWO YEARS AGO, FROM $18.00 to RYDER FURNITURE and CARPET COMPANY FIVE FLOORS OF QUALITY FURNITURE KG8S8S8C8£S08C8®S!SSHS)8C8SGG8tSG838G8G8G808G8C8G8G8C8C8G838S3B3B3BESSC 111 a*irth TanUt i*ftfrK+t+i+:+:+:+ Contractor ChiroprzdkMMdf Get the Idea Do you believe in electricity? Do you believe in its power to make the street car run? If you do, we can in a lew moments' talk convince you of the power of Mental Impulses, or human electricity, in the body. Man does not vun the street car. He simple turns on the current. Man cannot run your physical being, but he can turn on the human electrical curretit—That's what wc do. If you don't believe in this human electrical current or nervous energy, then how do you account* for the fact that the paralytic cannot raise the paralyzed arm? Why is he paralyzed? What is lacking that was there before? There is nothing lacking, except the human electrical current or mental impulse. The proof of this lies in the fact that these patients come to us and, without the use of drugs or instruments, massage or vibrator, but with only the two hands, we adjust the vertebrae of the spine, remov ing the pressure from the nerves, thus releasing this current so that it can flow freely to the paralyzed arm and the patient gets well. This is equally true of every organ in your body. Health Follows •Health follows Chiropractic adjustments. All we ask is a chance to prove our claim that our adjustments will eventuate health in most cases where other methods have afforded no relief. Consultation and spinal analysis free. SCHWIETERT & BLEAN DOCTORS OF'CHIROPRACTIC THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH. Jv\ Residence Green 1057 Over 214 East Main St., Marshalltown. la. 1 and Build# —No job too big -Hot* too matt Catimataa CkaartuUy Funilsharf ..VN H. BENNY Sifna and Show Lo—tad at Jana OW Hand OVIH tS «A»T MAIN RBAD THE T.-R. WANT ADS SEEGER —the Siphon Refrigerator CSSSSSESBXSSSED are guaranteed to be If found not as repre ALL 8TCKL OFFICE FURNUTURE