Newspaper Page Text
1^. I i*. bC'' IvM' Bvifc W P*":, Odorlees dry cManlng. Meeker Laundry Compasy. CotUge ObMN Ud OfHB, IS «bVi. Aokson Dairy Company. Mrs. A. A, Goalby, of Boon*, ta here for a visit of a few days witb Kn. ,C. C. Dollarhlde. fit Margarefa iM lesion will Mil can dy and aalted peanut* at tha Strand Tuesday afternoon and eveniilf. Tha Royal Neighbors' Aid Sosiety will meat Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Julia Burnt, 80ft West Church street The Tuesday Musical Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr*. C. A. Myers, 1111 Weat Main street. The montlily mealing of the -Past Noble Grands' Association of MargiaH County was held Mliy afternoon In Odd Felloes hall, with Mra. W. J. Loins as hostess. During the tousl BMI session the member* pliuned to (We an old-fashioned party soon. Mm. Edward Barlow and Mrs. Charles Wil liams* assisted Mi* Lelna In aervtng rsfreatonenUa lira T. Adland was hostem at the K?£ meeting of the aid society of the OBlIm r* fc Ik? Isitheran church, held T&uraday after- noon In the church parlors. FoHodrlnff the business and devotional hour the members enjoyed the time socially and later the'hostess served reteahmsnta. She was assisted by Mrs. T. Daniel aon, Mra. C. B. Johnson. Mrs. N. Tweed, Mlas Bertha Johnaon and Miss Leora Sheldahl. Mrs. W. F. Betel and Mlseea Anna Brown and Dorothy Jeneen were host esses Friday evening at the regular meeting of St. Margaret's Mission which was held at the Bat el home, 6 North Seventh street. Following .the business session a guessing contest was enjoyed In Which the prises were won by Mrs. W. L. Jonas and Mar garet. EStel. The hostess served re freshments. In (honor of Mrs. O. C. Centner, of Lake Bluff, mi., entertained twenty of Mrs. Centner's friends Saturday afternoon at her home, 209 North Fifth street. The gams of bridge pleasantly occupied the afternon, the prises being won 'by Mrs. Dentzer, Mrs. Charles OS. Dart ing and Mrs. W. F. Hamilton. At the close of the afternon the hostess served a two-course hmch assisted by Mrs. B. K. McConnell. "Mrs. H. \C. Mueller, 1008 West Main street, entertained twelve little girls at luncheon Saturday, complimentary to the 13th birthday anniversary of her daughter, Bather Lucille. Dec orations, carrying out the Dutch idea, were used on the table in a color scheme of blue and gold, bouquets of .violets and birds being used. The luncheon was served by Dorothy Mueller and Jeanette Laurence dressed In Dutch costumes and wearin# wood eq» shoes. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed with games and muslo^ No Qreat Aot of Heroiem Required. If some great apt of heroism was ne cessary to protect a child from croup, no mother would hesitate to protect her offspring, but when It is only neces sary to keep at hand a bottle of Cham ber lahtfft Cough Remedy and give it as soon |ui the first indication Of ^roup appears, there are many, who neglect it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is within the reach of all and Is prompt and ef fectual.—Advertisement. All advertisements for this oolumn must be in this office by 12 (noon) for publication that day. WANTED. .r I CITY IN BRIEF I 4 4 8 8 I Oora W11 llama Cfcoato. physlotaa. Mrs. John W. Wallace HOW TO ANSWER Advertising: Where No Address iYt: Is Given, but Key Nam-* ber Used. I- V- iyAv When an advertiser does not use his name it Is because he does not want the public to know It so you miifct address a letter to Times-Republican, using the letters he uses. We deliver them to the advertiser promptly. We can not give you his name or address. Wanted—'Ashes and rubbish to haul and gardens to pi ow.^ Phone white 44. Wanted"—laace curtains to launder. 613 'North Second street. Phone 1443. Wanted—Clean, rags, free from but tons and scraps.' to a pound. Mar shall Printing Co. Wanted—Cistern and cement work. Am also agent for^ hollow tile silo. Write or call F. H. Burdlck, red 1105. Wanted—Gardens to plow, ashes and rubbish to haul and general teaming. Phone Tom WUson, yellow 1889. Wanted—Washing and Ironing to do at home. Wagon will call. Phone 1849. Wanted—Corona typewriter in first class- condition. Address £-12 care this paper. Wanted—Setting hens. Phone 214. Wanted—National cash registers of every description for cash. Exchanges Ynade. Jac Lederer, Ino„ 644 West Madison* street, Chicago, 111., phone Monroe 2496. Wanted—Paper cleaning and palnt tag of'all kinds satisfaction gnaran teed phone grefn 716. Wanted—The Star Motorcycle De livery Company will deliver your pack ages with cafe. Remember, we call anywhere, any time. Phone white 1834. Wanted—We dust, scour or slse rugs. Marshall Rug Warks, ill Bast State street. Wsnted—'Money to loan for clients on city property. Frank W. Haradon. Wanted—To buy all kinds of fur niture. If ^ou are going to leave the city and want to dispose «of all your furniture and live stock, we will buy everything you have and pay you cash so that you need not have the expense of a sale. Or If you want to ,we will store your furniture at our' sale barn and sell It for ybu at oui sale. If you have anything for sale, remember we will buy itv iPhone -red 1449 or 896, numb it Munfo. Wanted—AH IcinldS of roofwork, re pairing, painting and rapltching grav el. Cjall Taaple. .• Wanted—Praying and moving by Ford* truck. 1166. Jess jBdgliigton. Phone -Wanted—Transfer and Oeof«o Lwolus, Monogreen Waajusgta* if atRsa tHt OOTCHCR- S WCtU «HO AtrtXOOCUA*? trrcAK- e——• Wanted—Don't 'Junk yo^f old caa lngs,, we make reliners of them that will double the mileage of your other casings. Come In and see ys. The Inner Tire Company, 13 North Center street. Wanted^Good two row cultivator. S3A Meade, green W rinc 2. Wsnted—Everyone to know that the West Hind Market Sals Company will hold their next sals Wednesday, April 16. List anything you have for sale. Stewart, Parsons, Manshlp 4k O'Brien. Wanted—Ashee, rubbish. general teaming, gardens manured and plowed, planting any kinds. List your vacant lota now. Phone 1784. Tomllnson. Wanted—Genenl team work. Phone green 784 evenings. Wsnted—Ashes and rubbish to haul. Phone for sand. Call 1984. Wanted—Laoe curtains and blankets to launder 40 cents per pair, bed spreads 16 cents each. 812 West Nevada street. Phone green 1709. Wanted—liberty Bonds for cash. If you find It neceaaary to sell tyour Bonds, don't sacrifice them. Write for quotations. Prompt aervlce. P. O. Box 48, Marshalltown, lowa. Wanted—Junk of all kinds, white 18M. Wanted—Painting aad papering phone 880, WVlfon Motel, Alexander. Wanted—Young man bookkeeper and q^enographer to accept a good po sition in offipe of wholesale firm, good dhanos to learn business. Address A-81 care T.-R. Wanted—Experienced* tube repair and service man at once. Standard Vulcanising Company.' Wanted—Boy to learn printing trade, one who has had previous experience desired. Tlmes-Rep'ublloan, Wanted—Shoe repairer at 6noe, good wages, steityjy work, hne working con ditions, give reference first letter. Ad dress A-7, care T.-R. Wanted—First class mechanic at once, good poeitloh for right man. In dependent Motor Company, (Melbourne. Iowa. Wanted—Government Clerk examin ations April 28, May 17. Hundreds clerks needed, 192 month. Young men, 18 and over, desiring government po sitions, departmental, railway mail, postofflce, write for free particulars. J. C. Leonard (former ciyil service ex aminer.) 744 Equitable building, Wash ington. HELP WANTED—PEMALB. Wanted—Dining room girl. Cafe. TOOBB-REPUBIJCAN, BRINGING UP FATHER I OSEOTO EAVRN THAT NUCH MONE( WEEK- WANTED— FOUND LOST— Phone Wanted—-Everyone to know that the services of the visiting nurse employed by the Visiting Nurses' Association arc to be had at what patients are able and willing to pay, or without pay by those in straitened circumstances. Telephone Clara Brltt, 201 West Main street. Phone yellow 1115. HELP WANTED—MALE. Wanted—Experienced cylinder press feeder. Marshall Printing Company. Wanted—Toung man to work Sat urday. Levin's Shoe Dept. Wanted—Men for woifc in cement mill steady employment high wages. Northwestern Mates Portland Cement Company, Mason City, Iowa: Wanted—Former employees of F. Brody 4b Son Co., pleas* call Monday and.Tuesday for positions, apply man ager's office. George'E. Ankele, oare of F. Brody A Sons, Dea Qfolnes, Iowa. Wanted—Engineer, alngle, middle aged man, competent, and of good Montis. Steady Job good wages. Fine opening for a man of ability. Write Lock Drawer C, Eldora, Iowa. Wanted—Plumber, oonjpetent, moral, middle aged, single man for steady Job. Good wages. A fine opening for a man of ability and good habits. Write Lock* Drawer C, Eldora, Iowa. Wsnted Men, inexperienced, to qualify for brakemen, foremen, 1150 to 4M0 monthly write, send stamp. (Railway Association, care Tlmes-Re publlcan. ,' SITUATION WANTED. Wanted—Position can give references, this office. Wanted—Wc hive a man who wants to trade a 1918 Ford touring body for 1918 roadster body. Rude Auto Com pany. For Sale—Ford touring car and Paige six. Phone 398. Hewitt's garage. For Sale—-Or will trade for Ford roadster or truck, my six cylinder touring car in fine condition. Write F-12 care this office. For Sale—1918 Oldemoblle eight, run 1,500 miles, as good as new, 81,400 three 1918 Buick four cylinders in fine ahape, 8700 each 1917 Empire six, 8700, new tires 1017 Dodge roadster, wire wheels, 8750 1916 Dodge roadster, 86&0: 1916 Oldsmoblle eight, 8760 1916 Oldamobile four, 8700 1916 Oldsmoblle roadster, 500 1917 Allen roadster, 8500 1917 Crowelkert four-passenger, 8600 1917 Overland model 76, 8350 1917 Oakland six, new motor, car as good as new, 8800 1917 Maxwell in first class Shape, 19)50 two Studebak ers 26 in good running order, $100 each two Fords, $125, $160—both bar- gains. 4 open territory, experience unnecessary goo4V opportunity. Cafi 18 South First FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS.» For Ssle—Or trade, seyen of the Kling style pool tables, one, 'billiard table, all regulation size, practically new, a new two-drawer cash register, three barber chairs and stock. See E. R. Kuhl, proprietor, 24 East Main street. Marshalltown, Iowa. .For 8ale—Good gas ranee, yellow 914. For Strub'n Wanted—Chamber malde. Hotel. Pilgrim Wanted—Competent gtrl tor house work, wagea aatlafactory. C. C. Storck, Sheffield, Iowa. Wanted—Girl or' wothan for house work oh farm. Mrs., J. B. Curtis, phone Wanted—A good girl to work on farm, pay .the best wages, good place to work. Address S-ll) care this office. Wanted—Sxpsrienoed Pilgrim Hotel. Wanted—Saleslady, experienced in trimmings, embVoJdery and ribbons. To the right person adapted to these lines, who will .prove her ability, we will pay geM salary. Apply In person. Leyln's Dry good«,APapt. Wanted—L«.dy for kitchen work/in restaurant. Good wages. Write K-14, osfe T.-R. Wanted—Bihdery girls. .Experience preferred. Marahall 'printing Company. Wanted—G4rl for general housework. Mrs. L. C. AMbotf, 611 Bfst Church stteet. Wanted ChfUnbermatd. Hotel. express. iNr MM TWO OOLtM^% WOUTH or POTM"OC^ AND FIVE. OOLLA\RS WORTH OF4.ETVOCE- as meatcutter Address L-7 care Wanted—Work by good practical nurae, located at 208 East Linn street. Phone yellow MR. POR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. For 8ale—Paige car phone 380. For 8al^—Five passenger fjtude baker car. Mrs. Belie Crawford. In quire at G. W. Darling Company. For Sale—1916 Ford, A-l condition model 79 Overland, good condition triple six sixty, 1916, A-l condition E. M. F„ good shape prices rigl^t. Call at 802 South First avenue. Phone Salq—Slightly used Emerson Inquire Tuffree Muslo' Houae. piano. For Sale—Eight tons fine timothy hay at $20 per ton, twenty tons gpod bright clover hay at $18 per ton. Wayne A. Robinson, phone yellow 1246. For Sala—Sentator Dunlap straw berry plants $1 per 100, by parcel post. Two year grape vines $2.40 a .dozen. J. T. Molloy & Son, Albion, Iowa. For Sale—A limited quantity of Early Ohio seed potatoes, $1.60 de livered. George H. Smith, phone 27 on 19 B. For Sale—Seed corn, horse, wagon and double harness. Phone yellow 1286. For Sale—160 egg hot water incuba tor, three atedl stanchions. Phone green 884. 1409 West Linn street. For Sals—'Body Brussels rug, re refrlperator and mahogany music cabinet, call mornings, 303 Jerome street. For Sala—'Storage tanks for gaso lene or kerosene, thirty, forty, and six ty gallon. 7ft West Church street, phons white 1872. For Sala.—Fine piano, last call must be sold by Wednesday. 305 South Center street. For Sals—Gas Second avenue. waitress at LIVE STOCK, HORSE8, ETC. For Sal#—A good registered Short horn bull fifteen months old .at a bar gain. Phone 626 on 11.. J. C. Bally Marshalltown, Iowa. For Sala—Forty head of good ewes Vith lamba by their aide. Will sell' you any amount you want. Phone* Charles Mead, 64 on 18, Marshalltown, ctty' For Sale—Rhode Island Red egg« for hatching, 75 cents per setting. S. F. Milihiser, yellow 947. For I Sale—(Fine oak bed davenport, 100. Mrs. W. W. Arney, Albion, Iowa. table, chairs, and pedestal. Grant. Phone 738. 3 West: stovo. 214 South- For Sale—At a b&jrgaln, 1,000 feet new manlla rope 30 cents a pound tor hay fork, four Ice boxes good ks new, pne set alngle harness, two Ice cream free*era,- two typewriters, one cash register, seven gas rangea, four coal ranges, one electric piano, one set din ing1 room chairs, one buffet, ohlna closet, two writing desjc^, one baby cab, four sewing machines, three washing For machlnea, trunks, spit cases, bags clo- each, thing, hardware, furniture, shoes, nails, rugs, notions and other article* too numerous to mention. We buy aftd sell, phone green, 1194. C. E. Emer son, new and second-hand store, 401 South Third avenue. For 8ale—Onion sets 10 centa quart, 18 per bushel, Ave bushel for $14. Rey nolds *'Sheldon, 109 West Main street. Far 8a|s—Chunk wood Phone yellow 1265. Stoddart Wanftatf—Mid^Wed wMri general housaw^rk. Phone red $2.75 oord. For Sala—Seed potatoes about $00 buahela: the Cirman. good a potato to yield as there is on ths market first here flrst rervctt: ortee 88 a bush- E. Klrth, Traer, lows. For 8ale—Pure bred Black Langshan eggs. $2 per Floden, Zearing, 15-lowa. j, 8 per 100. For Sale—White Plymouth Rock eggs. Fishel strain, $1.60 setting $4.50 per, 100. ilonte Miller, Montour, Iowa. For 8ale—Barron strain, farm range single comb white Leghorns exclusive ly. Egg orders filled at $6 per 100 dur ing April. Mrs. H. T*'M. Bruner, "Elm lawn Farm." route 1. Toledo, Iowa. For Sale—White Wyandotte eggs. $5 per 100. My flock has size and qual ity. Fred B. Meier, Haverhill, Iova. For Sale—White Wyandotte eggs for hatching $5 per 100. Mrs. Carl Bat schelet, (.'lemons, Iowa. For Sale—'Eggs for hatching from our flock of fancy White Plymouth Rock $5 per hundred. $1.25 setting. Mrs. W. A. McNeilus, Brlstow, Iowa, For Sale—Best eggs per 15 $3: to M. P. & R. Assofclatlon members $2 to Junior Club members $1 with special raising agreement Utility eggs half I W I A W \i mr&AnaM*>4m wwe r* For Sale—Two Hereford bull calves. I For Sole—By owner, modern 7 room A. K. Schultz, -ft mil^s southeast of house. 108 North Ninth street. RO on account of room and time to take care of him. N. W. Gilliland, Esthervllle, Iowa, route 4: EGOS FOR HATCHING. For Sale—Eggs for hatohlng from pure bred Barred Rocks, $1 for 16: 86 for 100. Mra. Mary M. Evans, Madrid, Ipwa. Route 2. For Sale—Single comb. White Leg horn eggs for hatching, from good laying stock, $1.25 for fifteen or $7 per We buy and sell and exchange 1 hundred. Mrs. Elmer Pringle, Greene, used cars. Auto Salvage and Exchange Company, Marshalltown, Iowa phone 1466. SALESMEN WANTED. collector, Wanted—'Salesman and erience ?a)l 18 avenue. Joe Angelsburg. man».ger. Iowa. For Sale—Rose Comb horn egga, $5 per 100. Iowa Falls, lowa. Brown Leg Ellis Fuller. For Sale—ftose*comb Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, $5 per hundred. Mrs. Ilo Ankrum, Clemons, lowa, phone 81 on 3. Marshalltown. For Sale—White Pekin duck eggs, 75 cents per setting. Phone 261 on 25 B. For Sale—Rose Comb Wyandotte setting eggs. Fine winter layers, SI per 15. G. S/Ytlddlebarger, 808 Wood bury' street. For Sale—^White Orpinton eggs hatching $1.25 setting "or $6.00 per hundred. Charles Weitzell, Gladbrook. Ia. C. For Sale—Eggs for hatching from pure bred Barred Rooks, large size, heavy layers, $1.50 for fifteen. $7 per For" Sale—Eggs for patching, Ro»e Comb Rhode Inland Red, dark even color, big boned, farm range, $7 per 100 $1.50 for fifteen. Mrs. E. J. Had ley, 1216 Blih street, Qrlnnell, Iowa. POULTRY. For 8ale—Six Barred Rock Phone 1984. pullets. For Sale Baby chicks, $20 per hun dred. Phone 1986 or call at 410- North Seoond avenue. Sale—Baby chicks. Phone red 1105, 15 ~w WELL-XOU INJECT- VWX *RC MOO LOOKING Classified Advertisements One Cent Per Word For Each Insertion No Ad Received For Less Than 15 Cents clothes hamper, large clock, picture,' electric iron good wawlnut book caae, ladies writing deak. cupboards, floor brushes, dust mop, lamps, refrigerator, good 8lnger sewing machine, hall tree, mahogany stand, lace curtains, fur rofoe Kitchen cabinet, canned fruits, KAR atove, tools, garden hose, nails, rociterB( arm chairs, booka, dishes, r00kin^ utenslta and many'other art- icies. Terms cash. Mrs. Dr. Center, For Sale—Remember die date of tlje owner, CoL Kendall. Auctioneer, phone market sale In* Marshalltown is Sat- 1572. Plumb, Munro, Ma urday, April 19. son & Shoemaker. FOR SALE—CITY PROPERTY. I For Sals—Six room house In good For Sal»—High grade Guernsey male repair. 611 North Center street: calf six weeks old. Its dam is a 400- located in cemetery grounds. Inquire (of S. W. Rubee, cemetery office. pound B. F. cow. Call 162 on 13. For Sale—Still have for sale three For Sals—Residence 802 East Boone recorded Duroc sows with pigs by side. street esay terms. C. 8. Johnson. L. I. Harding, four miles south, ohe- 1 fourth mile west on Center street phone 16 on 26. For Sala or Exchange—One thoroughbred French draft stallion, foaled April 25, 1916 black with star tnforenead and snip on nose. Onod bone, the making of a ton horse, will exchange for younB stuff, colts or cattle. I must let him For 8aI•—Eight room modern house 'four blocks- from Main street, beat I location, cheap for quick sale. Phone green 77R. For Sals—Four room house on An son street, lot 60x180. a good cheap home for some railroad man. Price $1,150. Own-a home. Frank Pierce. For Sals—.411 East Main street and 106 South Fifth avenue, to settle estate of Ellen E." Powell. Frank M. Hara don. executor. For Sals or Rant—House at 410 N"orth Seventeenth slr^pt. Inquire nt L'07 North First avenue. For Sale-—Modern siiT room cottage with lot 51x118 and temporary garage or can be sold with small lot. Sold cheap It' taken at once-. Call on A. Lackey. 7 Lackey Terrace. For 8sle—Six room house, line cellar, burn anil ^ttrage in St. Anthony, phone yellow 1790, Marshalltown. %wa. For Sale—We have ritv property for sale which we can sell you on monthly payment plan. Would take as part payment vacant lots or livestock. Ifi you have a cheap city property for1 for sale, we would, buy it of you. We al^o1 have farms for sale of all sizes and would buy a farm or two ourselvea at the right price. If interested, In either buying or selling real estate of any kind aee Plumb Brothers, over Spur geon's store. For 8als—Modern residence. Phone T. L. evenings. Edna R. Cross. of Marshalltown. aU high ground, a real home, price $3fo0 per acre. gooJ terms see md right away on this snap. SPECIAL Fifty, acres located Just outside tho corporation of Marshalltown with $10, 000 worth of improvements, everything Is modern and homelike, the land is all tiyable and fenced ^and cross fenced with woven wire, good terms. "We don't and won't misrepresent." See ^Walter B. Bohen Land Company, over 22 and 24 East Main street phone 374 or 310 green. 1 PUBLIC AUCTION. Publio Auction—On account of breaking up housekeeping I will aell all my household furnishings on prem ises 201 North Fifth yreet, Marshall town, Wednesday, April 16, beginning, at 2 o'clock, as follows: Blrdseye maple uniiflrA nnat hnrl. anrlnam mattr«UM square post bed,x springs, mattresses, cotton pad, pillow, dreasers, commodes, home made rugs, good Ingrain car pets, dictionary stand, twenty "yards good linoleums, good, rollt top desk, round dining table, chairs, square table, chairs, sqquare table, ironing board, nreleas cooker, stands, cot, wr"* or and For 8«l e—240 acres of splendid far ming land, only four and a half miles acres valuable timber, balance good from town. nn« mil# from consoll- pasture, good ^»1!4!nsa. fourteen room dated school. Land lavs gently roll- house, barna 44x118, 24x50, running ing in high state of cultivation. One1 water, gas lights, three tennant houa of the bast equipped farms for feed- eS. cheese factory, silo, granary, etc. cents ing cattle In that vicinity. Plenty of including hay, straw, grain, forty-four water, four silos, capacity about S50 head cattle, Ave horses, four hogs. tone. Have two aets Improvements on' so hens, sugar tools, farming equip I this farm, could be divided, In eighty! ment. Easf terms. Free list. Bllla ____ and ISO-acre. A1.} fenccd and cross- Bros.. SprlngvlHe, N. T. fenced woven wire. I own and' operate thla farm.' Can give good terms, and possession March 1. 1920. 15 you want a really good iarm in a splendid neigh borhood, close to church and school, come njnd see me for price terms. B. R. Rarsons, Room J, Woodbury building, phone yellow 1880, Marshalltown. For Sale—Marshall county farms 120 a6res five miles north of Marshall town 136 acr.'s six miles from Albloni 160 seres two milea- from loading sta tion At$ a tore 120 aoraa three miles t' t". DON'T XOU THINK »T WOULD Q5 RETTEK IFNtiO from Lamoille 240 acres two miles from town: 237 acres Ave miles from Marshalltown: 140 acres In Tama county 240 acres in Jaspar county. We have personally Inapectsd the above farms. They ere all in a high etate of cultivation and well Improved you will have to ses them to appreciate them. Five to ten thouaand dollars will handle any of these farma and th« rest In terma. We handle the beat land In CSnada. Watoh our adda for Canada landa. Hineoker A Larson, over Colonial Theater. 11 West Mala street, Marshalltown. Iowa. For Sale—Eighty acre farm In Fay ette county, well Improved close to town, school, ruraf route, telephone, the best corn land, good neighborhood, running water, buy Of owner. Louis Scharnweber, Sumner. Iowa For Sale—180 acres Improved Win nebago county, 8145 par acre. Keenan Land Company. For Sale—240 ac^gs of perfect lay !n« land located in a good neighbor hood. This farm-has 810,000 worth of improvements and in good repair. Con solidated school two miles from farm, wagon passes the huase. Fences ar« good. This farm In a high stats of cultivation whirh will be proven on I inspection. We have farms listed In For Sale or Rent—All modern house Marshall and adjolnglng counties on South Fifth avenue. Tuttle, jewel- I worth the money. See Walter B. Bohen j-r. Land Company over 'it and 84 East I Fore Sals or Rent rents at $5 will sell on $10 monthly payments. Call or write. J. N. Stev eson. Main street. -Small house WISCONSIN LAND. For Sala—If you want to aell oi* ex change your property, write me. John J. Black, lowa street, Chippewa Falls. Wis. For Sale—Eighty acres Ave miles from county seat, good road. In the z~: 71 .... ml potato, clover and lake "region, Vilas For Sale—Eqquity in building lots Icounty. .... .on 1 Wisconsin house, .barn, four in good location, 60x 80, close in, fori .. acre* partly cleared: including Ford car must be in good condition. Inquire at 306 South Sixth street oi phone yellow 1137. payments $150 each. Also unimproved forty's and eighty's of our choice cut over hardwood land, $'J0 an ncre. For Eale—Six room modern house on paved street near high school two and one-half blocks from Main streeK close in, $3,600. gee Finney the land man. Phone 172 or 836. For Sajj»—Good Silver Ijaced Wyan dotte eggs. 75 cents per sutting. Phone Union. Carrie Butler, New 1 Provi dence. For 8alSr— New five loom cottage. 12 North Fourteonth street. John Ja cobson. IOWA LANDS. For Sals—100 acres located one mile from city limits, all high ground and in a good state of cultivation. We be lieve that this little farm will rise In value fast good terms. Eighty acres these prices. iSame terms. What variety located one-half mile from corporation do you want? Phone or write Lounsberry or O. E. Wicklund and twl.,V(l ohlchenl, $1.800\ |S00 BT OBORGB NcHANUS NO* I COOLOHT DEAR TO HOW UTTLC KT rom THE NONKY- cow. Price cash, balance ten annual Terms $100 a forty cash and $100 a year. Write us. G. F. Han born. BOX Peoples Gas building, Chicago, III. CALIFORNIA LAND. For Sale—if you want a special bar gain In 1.200 acrea of th« choicest sub division land adjoining Hncrainento, California, write us. Circumstances compel us to sell at a sacrifice. You can m»re than double your niuiiey in a year. We are willing to take haif of price in stock in corporation formed to purchase this land. Interurban Com pany, 16G4 McKnight Building. Minne apolis, Minn. MINNESOTA LAND. For 8ale—Brown county farm. One hundred ailll tiixiy oCTco, §uim null ifii buildings. A bargain If you want a good farm. Coine and see the farm. William Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye., Minn. For Sala—Buy farm In Minnesota now, of farmer, big bnrgjUo, equipment if wanted, easy term*, bi Independent. Address Jim Wilson, route 1, Con stance, Minn. NEW YORK LANDS. For Sale—To aettle estate, $16,000 buys 403 acres, four miles from town, 8,700 population, 175 acres tilled, 176 COLORADO LANDS. For Sale or Exchange—Colorado land, will exchange for good lowa or South Dakota land, also some Perch aron stallions, extra good ones. Write E. S. Orouse, Lisoomb, Iowa, MONTANA* LAND. For Sale—Montana farnj landa at prleea ranging from 8 to $80. Land, that produced good crops last year. Address Bay mTm 1 w. FOR SALE— TO RENT TO EXCHANGE- ILLINOIS LAND. Far Sals—110-aors atock and grate farm live stock and Implagiants. 40 acres growing wheat: good build ing, good land 4 mil* to so host. 6 miles town. Kor particulars writ* Chaa. Austin, Ava, Illinois. TO MNT. To Ran*—Thirty two aero farm. miles from Marshalltown. C. 8. John ston. To Rsnt—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 101 Wast Main street. To Rent—Modern furntehsd house keeping apartment. 841 South Fourth avenue. To Rent—.Sleeping room in mvdsra home. Phono whits J319. To Rant—Five room 'house, oltjr. gas and light. 205 North Twelfth street. Phone white 696. hfruae- Te Rent—Rooms for light keeping. 308 Eaat Church atrast To Rent—Thirty acres, five miles out. well improved, twenty-ftvs arras work grnnnd. balanoe pasture. Ses Whitehead A Bdwards. To Rent—Unfurnlehed light house keeping rooms, close in. newly papered, no children. Phone whits 914. To Rent—Nice sleeping room, class in. on Msln street. P^tone i486. To Rent—Five unfnrnlshsd Phone white 766. For 8ala—A one hundred acra farm. five miles from Marshalltown. Good buildings, located on a good road, close to school, priced to soil with easy To Rant—Furntshad rooms for tigtrt terms. If you are looking for a smsll! housekeeping. 810 South Fifth arson*, term. It will pay you to ses this. Albert1 Odett. For Sals—870 to 8150 per acre for best Iowa farma. Largs list sent on request. Spauldlng A O'Donnall, El ma, Iowa. 80UTH DAKOTA LANDS. For Sale or Exchange—Cheap west ern South Dakota land. KScnan Land Company. For Sale—A few flne Improved farms In the corn belt of eastern South Dakota. Keenan Land Company. For Sale—200 acres of ^highly Im proved, good buildings, near town and school In lAke county eastern South Dakota, price $130 per acre, owner. C. B. Oilman, Wentworth, Houth Dakota. To Rent—Modern aeven room how as, 6 East Grant atreet. J. S. Newell. Old Reliable Drug Company. To Rent—Two modern fun IS hod rooms for light housekeeping: laaadry accommodations. &11 Bast US street phone 66. To Rant or 8ell—Well located, good eight-room house, barn, chicken house, with I4 acrsa truck garden: alao pas tures of 10. to. 40 and 80 aores. Write Henry Hendrlokson. Albion, phone in care of X. H. Nelson. To Rent-BuiWIng. April 1. Cemtac floor, 20.000 feet floor spsce. Three tracks nt bath ends. The Bailey Boya ind Their pop. ~To side. Rent—Five-room houaa, aooth 1. ri. FInkle. Pbons 1064. To Rent—Good rooms at tha T. M. C. A., prices right. Why not room up town? LOST. Lost—Large garnet pin between Methodist church and 401 Eaat State street Sunday. Finder notify Mra. Emmet Waters. Reward. Lost—La«iy'« plush purse contaln ln* watch, keys, and $2.30. Phone 36 on 6. FOUND. Found—Crown bicycle. Owner may recover by calling at Jail and paying for this advertisement. 8TOLEN. 8tolen—Party seen taking glrla bicy cle from porch at 9 West Webster street return same and no queetiona Will be asked. TO TRA DIT To Trade—' hotel, will consider up to one hundred acre Mar shall county farm If price and terms are right. R. S. Warren, Clemons, lowa. KODAK FINI8HINQ*. We develop and print your kodak pictures and mall them to you prompt ly. Send for pricea and how to get free enlargement from one Of your best Alms. Boweas Kodakery, Mar shulltown. Iowa. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Lean upon farm aad city property. G. W. Lawrence A Compa ny. First National Bank build!nf. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED. Wanted—Old rasor blades sharpened made to cut as good as new. Leave at Old Reliable Drug Company. MISCELLANEOUS. Are You going to buy land? If ao flrtt got a copy of our Journal. It has landa, city property and atoeka of goods advertlaed in it from nearly every state so you can And lust what you want in Ita columns. Establlahad SI years and reaches 7S.808 readers each liWia. Sand cents tor ons year's sabterl** tion. Farm A Real Bstats Journal, Traer, Iowa. Sowthweet lews ia a fertile ftetd for the man with anything to son that has merit Seventy-Ave thouaand people In aouthwest Iowa read the telly Nm* pareil. it is tha graat want aadiusa of this section, it ts known Car and wide aa a producer of remits. If yo«« have landSar anythla* eloe te'fia or trade, get In touch with aotithweat lowa thru tho Noofuiil, Oeaaett J-! rooms. V* '1 'ti JfP*