Till! OHAS SWETLAND, Publisher. MIMM TOL. 1. «Sh TJ1E ADVERTISER." J*HyBLi^iicn FIYSTC!AX [J AT TIPTON, IOWA ITEHY rrotld«»c®» SiK RU.ll MOR3I.VU. i *u8* U"tU te i'osr paid. Of ev.-ry -or*«J i.t «xerii!-."l at t!il- on«. business Cards. vrn. u. T1T1111.1,, A rrORN 1.V A 1 I.AW and Sclnitor i i Chancery. Tlptan, Cedar county, laws. S. A. BISSKlt.. WKLJ.S sriCtR. i HI8SEI.L it. MMTI It, ATTORN'1 l.S A 1' I. 'V* ar Solicitvrs in Chanceiy. 1 ipior, C.dir county lo.va H. PI ITT^ A FTORNI V AT 1. A W. O.Tiee ia the Ou«r JJ- House, Tip'on, Iowa. nl JOIIV Jitn}:n, TORXEV AT LAVV* VtKct w tl« Cour Hou c, Tipton. Ijw». A. 1\ BROWX, A TTORNKY A'J' f.AW, Solicitor in Chance ry an.l Notary TuMio. Hoohe»t£r, Iowa I'. EDM' IIIDK, Etq. AI(oru«*yr ami t'o'ifisei.ir at Law, Roches- ti'.-, .. Cjiiiiiy, l"W:i. Witt **A( Tu IM ALL Till: I Jllii AKD SURUEON, i. ». MERCH B, at a 1.! months Clubs of to, to one address, RATKS Of ADVERTISING. MKRIOE COVCTS. IIOIIT. H. I.OV«,, SI I CMC OF THE I'KACLand Notary Pub Tipton, Iowa. nl REFOLDS fe Tt RSEIt, PHYSlclW.S AN!) Si'KCF.ON •. C)ffict ©ae door cast of Temperance II ,?e. Tip Iowa. ni c. L. €11A limns. Office a the I»rug Store of Chambers & Sen, 1 ipton f»\ R(!i:s I PHYSICIAN irl St'RCJF.ON, JJOLECTIOJ. ^Ot.ECTlC PHYSICIAN Office oppoMiie the 1! H^tel, Tiptoti,j l"^a. i,i :i Office oppose the l! -'h H^tel, Tiptoti. I BII. M. «Rl!i PnYSlcrxN AMI SlRGt!(r, Rochester,1 Cedar county, towa, nl W. A. l'lATT, PlfYSICIW AND SCRGLoN 1 Cedar coi.nty, i nv.i. MtRll'lT v 7 a & kr*I.KRS IN DRY ooi)S. Jrocene,, lItrn'!:,i,:1'Vii *11.11# ifrjlf* 1 *a" letucco, 1 1 uits. 4w.-., lijjloii, Iowa, EAl.ER EN !)R\^ mHl*c*kery, Gre-i GROCER,t--D-a!.-,-| 1 i i i n a i e i u o w a n t'K lkj.tOll I0VI*A» QATlDLl iJMak-r. 1" w* 1 mother, with swept pious face, v ,. Yearns towards her children (rom her seat, subscribers, I year, in advance, *1,50 i Gl™* one* L»S*»otlier an embrace, Ji.OO' Take* this upon her knees. that 011 her feet, 1,25, And Fir sixteen line?, or lei.«, one insertion, $ i .001 jo thin a look and to that a wont dispenses 1" P«trol, $3T A liberal discount laid* to lho« who1 P"videace,.for as, hi?!,,infinite, advertise by the year. i Make* ouf necessities JIi watchful tank, a'vrriiseiaents ordered to be iaser* Heaikc i to all our prayer*, helps ail ourwantso (M without specifying the number ot insert} And even if it deuie* whatseenw our right, 0U,, "#$! A"1'w'iell.r stern of smiline, love. IhmaUll 'xar^ "I .he Ei,herd,Bie» &T All letters addre.wd to the Editor must! °f "C,a*todrn* a.. I rom the Pittsbuich Gaietle. 335 Tbe Lad*** *cw Cestaiae. All hail! ye few, with courage true, Who've dared to don that fashion, V hich gives a grace to woman's race, And claims the warmet passion. No more you'll *»nd through snow or mud. V/tnlst wintry winds are blowing— Your tiailiiigskirt, with mud begirt, 1 Oi'r sh tme or blushes showing. In modest pride away you'll ride, Where nature's brightly smiling, A^d there may rove with those youlaie, Each care of life beguiling. V. itb gipsy hat—O think of that— And hair in riiigk-ts llowin#: With fold hound waist—so uuat so chaste, An an^el giace bostowing. V- ilh buskins neat upon your feet. Ami Graceful as a H"be, V'»ur panties wide, and neatly tied— 0, where's the man won't lovt ye N"'» more thse ills—with doctors' bills. Which now so oft annoy us, Jv all inar your joy, or life destroy— O, now, won't that be joyous? I is unique dress—all must c^nfsi Wi.l win us—nay, bewitch lUt linlieulair do havn care YjU doft't MISTAKE THE «RE*lM«S i I? pit awav, for aye and aye, Lon^skiit* and stays—'.is yoar duty— 1 ve nature play, an.l sur» you may Have husbands, wealth and bea-itv. Fi ll lV.-DKH. i s la«'1 :Un il iC MliHCIIAN'i' c. D, |Mt I#, abstat-i^d from any infraction of its terms, S ,!1SC Sitoesrilel afsficV°'RVfn.Mr^.wa! unfortuaate HA V S wasa v 1 yaasax rank w.u» w.us taken prisoner, ii'1 in while from actions, looks,complaints, pre-j lorty of the most distinguished ciiimis jof 'twould have us ask, and in dcR'ill»' r"" neatly a 1 p.001,1.) |»Ve half a mind to tumble down in prose, but rhyme is now in fashion—«o here pots. bvno.*. r'd SURGEON,' «UL jajgive five dollars towards an appropri- Iarl4rat« ©f tlte Revo!alien. ,nc'» •JtrERCH ANT- -D.-J.-i:,: 1).} Go-,Js.Gi-o- and distinction in th» cause of his country, Tiptin,. A A« «314 JLsl'j 1 1 Deader n» !»y T- tU. ii u In the year 1780, when South Carolina know how this little fallow. was almost overru»i by the British tro ps will seep out of it:—Press. and American toriea and the stiff?v of w'ant HUivr & BiGLEl'i the struggle had served with gallantry, i bath jn Si)mh wcre Carolina and the sieg» of i^llc or| uri |f ERCUA.N r—Dealer in i)rv l«. C.r©.' retahation. W hen broug.it out for exe- tormentor kissed him and said, "Pa, I iiJL ceite-, c,.ck.-i}. Aic. Cviliir uif^, Ce- cution. Maj. Wigg stood at the foot of am so cold," and diet'. It appeared in '..!r riiull, cwluct of Andre. i low?. nl the glorious promise of one of th" fi.iest KOBT. Iff* 4DANSI, men South Carolina overproduced—nip- kJP* jtuman monster, If ever there Tipton,!iirri -v,l,,'ricaa wrieu ami uie sait-iy 01 A beautiful, fair haired, blue eyed boy i:l i Ciiarleston was seriously menaced, Gov. about nine years of age, was taken from j*ll» 0 AN 1 Dt^ler in Diy Goods fir their property was to ex nipt ir.en !i task asiijjned iiiifi, by procuriiiifa bundle ainiab. ceries Crockery, ^c. Pochestt r, Iowa. -0 1 his rank which the British made prisoner-' tell a lie the woman urging him ail the ICERCHAN l-i.i ah i in «.-:.eral M. i-.:h 1: Under the capitulation of Charleston, the lime u do ins duty. The poor little he- i l'» c,uoli rd pn.-Mnt r, and was the selected victim of threw his arms around the neck of his I Is fallow*, and indicated a grief he '.mce, upon the trial of this man andjiast .I«MX WfiAYF-H. 'd not conceal, and an indignation he ,,aa for murder, that the child did tell ionce bALEfi 1.\ PiioVISfOXS. Nnts. Cifwrs. cenes. Hu ware, &c. pi.tnei r, I"Wa. i tended to receive his remains. Huvnc have pass-: until mothers cease to instil TrilOii l^wTilXlTll.tSS^ an»l hime-df, bososns frien is, had married christian precepts into thcmi.ids of their i "a ',!i in c.r-r-ri.^. Pr. visions,' sisters. Ilayne's execution created a offspring. The man and woman. whoiIUJ'^e"' i Q. T. I OI rft!Iff lina, l«ut throughout ali the continent —a penitentiary at Waupun, to which they V w e o o a v L.XCKSM 'TII—All orders promptly attend- pgd in the bud. v )kinff two fools together, with plenty ITST»\|»4 1 immediately a iter thie feieod thiraty.of money or lan I, to justify the folly.— TiPLI \n'\T:-.s TIU NK* and Valis p*1*4'141'0"' Gen. Greene openly announc-1 Hearts, and braiii*. and wort}i have gone ed that the first British officer of Ilayne's out of date. TSCTN WITKOCT rtu—ut TM mn MinmwiS t* aa-5*Ym^ aaa retaliation for the execution or Hayne, «|t fact that in reply they addressed a letter |fhe ft.uUires him not for one instant to pause in exe- (ety ,tl«it they could not reader a more signal jjoys •service in the cause of their country. |ty, llarriUtKAMtbrr Martyr «f ate monument to murk his rem ing place. v)llt iu the infernal regions, we should like to jml)0rtanl j,, 1 Rutledge, WHO excro'sed as commander-1 the orphan asylum in Milwaukee and TOITY miles an houi, inakiiig 1. earth metBber sfanmtion (^se children were installed in their new, ™]f and waman ry innKnv i rM iT i -r Savannah in Georgia. The prisoners insisted that the boy should be whipped ^|0,r pwol? ftn«f undtr until lie loniVssril tia» fuls(*ho:)de The war*, Crockesy, &.e. Ti,»i '-n, lo»» 1 the article of capitulation, while they man, poor, weak bigot impelled by a Rooking sto\ huge steam pijM'g sing-, re'igioiK duty, proceed -d to the injury or confiscation of rods, stripped the child naked and -us- .steel, hreat ,liVt W)nnr#« p.,lir Ii?1, u 1... -1 out. could not suppress. Poor Iiayne met: the truth, and suffered death by slow 1 his fate with the heroism which marked torture rather than tell a lie. The ape Major Wigg at-jof heroism and of martydoia will not'Pr'a':*,"1S s e n s a i o n n o o n y i n S o u a o i n u k e i s a n e i a e n o w i n e i e n s a n w s e n e n e o e n y e a s MARRIED -T.?S^S*.".,wSg .» TUTO.Y, IOWA, SATURDAY. JAN. 7, 1851. jpay the forfeit of bis life. No sooner the manners of our mildivn. l'ut was this annunciation made, than Col. iRt.nac on Puik Home, au 1 distinctly notified them subjects, or on the perpetration of any!ovnrfrea cf fco#J Qiiewrt* a niattcr of mimd |m]i v MllDt,n Balfour, who commanded the British tV»r-,rfro8t will do more to gather around onetu.v.1, ces in oecupatum of Charleston ordered jftfm prison ship alo.p-o{«war |u,art. |l(, outpourings of benevolence. ie ,vrit, an? iun tliat they were hostages, and that ai easr Sd^rtments" and professions of life we of the execution of one of hi* Man-sty's !prvl acts of barbarity towards the Loyalists of |agrw^le n 1 liging ,• South Ciroiijui, they would swing,— imanilors So ,v cutmga jurt act of retaliation for the,tk)na, ^jes of society murder of ilayne, as they were prepar- jed to meet their faie, and only regretted |syt apprehending that the Pack Hou»e would 'highest end 1 bc tt! |rnv,.(1 as hostages. pupils of our schools be required to ob« favors serve them to their tear!, [other occasions. Many Ira 'i, The Madison Democrat publishes the 1 follo-.vijjg horrible occurrence, which will' cause every reader to shudder. No pun- are gTt.at(»r was a jmartjr to trutn, we think this little buy jt jritates, it l»ecomfS a great thing was he. As puor as we are, we would influence. So infrinirometit Igive five dollars towards an appropri- |0f good breeding may ho in its 1 ate. monument to murk his resting place, but it oft. n beroi I If there is on- place hotter than another i dust is a small thing, yet 111 the ey 0 friction an(] sof IIOTANIC PHYSICIAN. Reduce In T«j»-1 in-ddef dictatorial power, issued a proe-1 adopted fey a re-'p-x-table farmer of Mar-!ffroa11 beneath its giant trta i u.,1 th v, paper. 111 Oiiio, ha^ gone on in expectation of JL!r' I'll lamation railing 011 her citarens to rally ^nte, a jwofessor of religion and a I ^avens themselves reverberate with its! holding said cutifereuce. riUK^TO *, (TLBURTMOX^ to the defence of their metropolis. At she indignantly denied the sto-'in in« a rtra'n mi rh 1 out' C'OIV IBVCRTIKER. and a kind obliging ad- antj^Hearing min 4 HmJ I* ^P^»~" «f »•'jTfce mmm, .- wW.-h r.fVr ,r-TW 1 fruit of the .'iatmn •,$ mind and'-:-' -iflmirat .anf j,urjtv. ln ,.f Khor ni« ... ar This produced gr*at excitement nor*vvj(hajj ,n( -iVy ,, was the deep sympathy lelt lor the pris-1 intrinsic vahn, nnd every wli» oners any degree di.n:n.shed by thejWl, i jKisspc. Rrt ro nr U1 g!anrf 0f good .nanners, ,u to Gen (jfeene, then commander in-chit jde^jtv to have practiced in our schools, jf7» moderation, prudence, 1 in South Carolina, earnestly suliciting|an1 8ueh as in Wf.„ oH..rM aIV Uvnii{ t0 oVlgen eiia .. ctineiits v any •.! at de( ja Kvpry pr *ivilrges and henefi is moraIIy In the then state of public feeling in rules. :v i t,, :i South Carolina, Col. Balfour, probably ,n tenant hound to oW u 1 1 be carried by a night attack and the igood mora! t, prisoners rescued, ordered her round tojcial laws. No person -ir New V irk. On hrr voyage, when otFjihe clown in well orde: I Cape Fear, the prisoners rose and by an he unkind and offensiv ting at deii actof of valor unsurpassed in naval an- jan^e the laws made 101 "onvenionce iKib, captured the Pu-k Hon*", and car- and comfort by rommoi* t:u«seiit. The ried her into Beaufort, North Carolina, leading features of good manners i» a by which in regaining their liberty, they scrupulous observance oi the the rules terminated tle-n- cl.aracu-r and rv v. jt|jat reirulate social intercourse. Let the 8 tra'tingly a,$,{ ishnient is severe enough for such an in- .. jn t^eir intju. aiKj o,hi oth ing germs of wi from one \vt n thin the ^mh tQ ayail rules small 1 tL it fL jrritation whiidi \H\ i,.terenurse. Private Cluuacter ef a Utsn^ln. People who may see a locomotive tear- UP au^ ^owa l^10 rate u' i n v o a i o n o u s a n s o e s o n s i i u e o e U i a n e o y w a s a s o e a y i n a n u i e n i n a K a i o n i n e A i u a n y ir.vrwript says, sererai ,tl«rown_ another obstruction in the way rushed to the rescue. But, after a gal-1adopted in the same family. Soon after almost from propriety—p»«op!e who bank bills disappeared very misterion.-dy «'Yon id this friendly meeting. The coun- see il ia IJ i|iecn^.Ware.lUid-*»re, sw-| comp dled a capitulation. Among the.^oaie, the boy discovered crimnal con-!u5oa winentiy social virtu, s it is -Mr. Lainpicy ui N rthainton, N. II.. he jr.''SoluMori lavor ol such conference. prisoners was Major Wigg, a distinguish-j duct on the part of his new mother, endowed with. Tnia is its publii characj having lea his coat hanging upon the bed and appointed the Mayor and Mr. Low *p«o« Iowa'. *nt I ei patriot, who at var.ous times during ^hich he mentioned to tlie little girl, 'ter Its private one ia an other affair.— i»o3t upon rotiring to bed. A morning ry the committee to represent the inter- «a"ds tt,n',ljle »•«»'''. wli0se irou »nJ«r 11 llrt: y aa ft and as dulcet as the P«ru, kettle and if* luti iuu^s' uiueil rt at length released from the torture,|darkening tue neatens with of smoke.—Home Coinpanion volcano ai ht.gr "i'M Upe 'Ihtsi fix her all* T:m i u er. MetiioUism well iuw means, mount of p. a 'han SIMZM The (Mk «f PfMertt. W v lui^ reat the r»»«il frie nds, than strength! Wad* ^^oritv of attainments img. v 1 ms o! Good coptio human character Under all favori and moods v 'otnprt great xhibition of life 0 ,vho!e rreut.' i"1^- e.iiil of DivT'mv iuc~." me oft moral aims and *tr •vatJ«.i 1 as we' mrnts—what cour.-v i. nfruga' peace: What varied illustra v. and bi '. i.' and tii- i »d th^ thougl little book A:, H. ind up .«• rule: conshi 1 pleasurt intercc parti 1." it KM LAtnXS ....... it. w..u countv givea about man I keep 1. good'breed ing may he in its -i small ig4Vl"* licscrii»tji'ls of the Ikiptist perraation. A cotter, »-aring na'iire with itsun- «-*rlo»". It »e«-ms, Uowover, that Erie tm mm it thereby came to the ears ol the Now ami then one 01 tut-se Luge moti.-.ters, or tw«.- aiteruard^ *Irs. Lamprey found a /'"ts i»l that city. On Sunday, however* to t|-e satisfaction of her husband,awl ,a thousand giant'5 power, comes up and! aicely wrapt up in tie .• nee in this committee became so our winJ U(i '.*»•, 1^ ik smokes f.xiwipauj) No is Pi ipors it 1 as sweetly as an i: 1 like a volcano and off it ^roes. •elf n. lien 5 use of to oyerturn the pyramid i. TiE-V-TE, THE (JlIlSESt f.E\rrH. his habits he is silent and reserved lives in close retirement, only showing himself o.-, asionaliy to his immediate fol- inand pr.-jh. hincd, of fir: to etb, I reqt .: i greater a-' .1 \'.ould make v jr,,$t fur ouk it is that ot I' nesa the sincerest afiectioii. Tiuy 1 II To thin- 1 ugh in a 1 !. may i is a ser ... V and time? good's iv 1 1 11 I :'.»r reflection 1 i i' Rev. Samuel do I with Mm." "Mr. Schoolmaster. if N,. and Ft u wue re they n ranee West. Un. i iv, I fit Be VAii.» It Wife. oblige our fri .! feoi. it'll: ditU.i lind it a task of cuiisidt-iahit Here is a sjiecimen of the i»r rpi»w«tod -i 1 thes. li.." .j pap 1 11 from n»nvcumberlane about 9miles iher town pump, oar word for it tiie puss lie tuash run he wants a wife andH rs-by would put many coppers in.—,V. he is a red heed V'. Courier it Enquirer. about-. a deUi't and fin young read We stated yesterday that by an amiet* 1 1 k phiin andjbleagi .1 at all parties interested ia lit to keep {railroa tersat Eri^, were to meet in .a a fustrate dasher confer- .aNew York on Wednesday I i V our laydes wish io him if possible, to some defin- AIt the ladies who feel inclined to re. |lU' p'y the abmre magnificent offer may!w]lich 1 N hei- ('h.» Uieir gods a dozen times, a worn in nev To convert a Sister of Charity to, Uhan llicu-f deposition It tra\ t:rta !, iclosed H-The only thing which T\ '.ry( U.AL councillor, or advisor, carried by eight can do and the only thing which any ene coolies, follows immediately in in# waice! ©Qp tU1'1 $1 80 In Afl-ruiee. jaraiikiaaa a jj it we were ewi utJigwu jarrayed in costly apparel.nnd follow each 1 hanu a'ly in our ciuid-!o?h«»r in smgte file, not as they might on ti„-v stand ^'1 ,''on" NO. 9- 0 w jl0rn },c Js said to po«« Such ant«. and a va3t arry of soldiers, bring golden settings 'np }\e rear of the procession, which is I die', before th«?Mi,j( u^n tju, whole, name of wisdom was ki u among the those gorgeous affairs occasionalfy nations from whom th u ^rldV sages Uxhihitedon the boards of the Lyeeuin.^— have •, iprttng What shfewd p»«t-{.v Quvrttrfif rtrkw. ar« 'hf shore* df the plach! 8»»rpentiue, in is of tl mrelessness or bfoughams, but in com tpertev modious artn«chftirs picked out with Ver* •••'m,n' .million and fold. A lanjar retine of ser* strongly to resem* Erte»*ttfcit 1 k iall «T htr. There are cakes to *eil Uuveen hew and sundown —take your map and we'll u where. Put your finger down he Atlantic coast just wheat: all tha o rom the Eastern world strikes it— i o!JIy Westward along that broad tghfare, swarming with travel and •t until you have reached the la&o on as it aweeps around the 1 crosses the Pennsylvania i look at a speck there, aiul name. That is the spot i are to be had—nay, where had, under penalty of du ll is the Elsinore of the orld—the key of the Key ..i. i the only pass lies in the pur of a ha'peruiy worth of cakes a:ul 'Tisa prescriptive right standing pmik •, Th'^ commerce of the conti nent,* .. ga'.ung elsewhere as it please, on the wing# of the wind, must here halt and pay its farthing tribute. Justice must be done—to the caaes of Bait— though the heavens fall. But why will not his Erie be content with the character of a sturdy beggar? Why need it turn rowdy and scounurell It fears that its occupation is—if not gone—going but this is no excuse.— Charity has not died out of the world ut iiHii yet, and would fcire place a town hat by satisfactory understanding, by ali direct 1 n ii ^he delegation frotn the roads interested i*vo no a few nights w».v from the coat pocket of «"'l of Erie, ou Saturday last, passed a bowels clumber more than oven, in which were 'ion brought d.strust, and a want ot -It never ruii ascend (roil: 1 .. .friits of eonde IiiriruUH'8 can be obviated— general, that the C:ty C«.until was called together on yesterday afternoon, and tho resolution of Saturday rescinded. This is the last piece of Erie non sense, yet. it is a perlcetly natural conse fpience flowing from the events of the Lo *1 only to is.iiie CSMOII tiiOug.. I II 'notes mildi. -n and u •. "xm ol v. 1 and al- i I. .• r- The I thu about the jd. dthfl and I. oii:giy built t|-iat at tEmperor, who*: »lved at hazards a p-il.tnrjuia in- Council timioideied silks, ,just a? 1 confidence in each other v The true cause for the rescinding of Saturday's resolution is to tal want of confidence in the Mayor and .v|,r i t!:CSC very Erie rioters ar- riv0 at ».tdusion that this committee 1 truoitworthy, by the same reasoning I'V iawahiding citizens. The course jj tuese leaders in this very matter of tearing up the railroad track, is what ha* destroy«• I eoofideace with tkeu auitra in crime, il of Erie now have conclit 1 gotiatious muai be held in course for none of the riot listed "out of sight.** W« sound judgment of the Erie trw ur feltewr rail-rippera jur borne on liie shouluers uf sixteen officers {0],j by the tai' of distinction his preaeptor or privy- ckvdund Herald. need do, is duty. land then tomes Tien-te's thirty cU'vot.-d jn the Ujiit'd Sta' s as can sling a two year -Irut no further.— THERE are seventeen Jttidt