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ji** 4 $ s** & 1 *'n' ft ssi & &V te i« ft&Ki ST. PAUZ. BUDCHBTARIAN. We are having beautiful weather up re.jrt present. Some days are just fie. Spring. ivitation are out for the wedding of liiss Cornelia Gordon and Mr. Walter B. Smith of Cleveland, Ohio, the happy event to take place Tuesday evening, Deo. 17, at Pilgrim Baptist Church, fol lowed by a reception at the home of the bride. Mrs. Lottie Shannon passed away last week, having been a victim of the flu. Slie was buried from the undertaker's. She leavges a husband and two small children. Mrs. Zora Johnson, who has been a long and patient sufferer if a complica tion of diseases, died at her home Mon day morning and was buried Wednes day- Mis. John Lewis entertained a few friends Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Lewis' birthday. The affair was a nrprue and enjoyed by all. Progres sive whist was the main feature of the evening's entertainment. Mr. Geo. Duckett is home and con fined to his bed by severe illness. He is some better at this writing. A very largely attended and enthusi astic meeting of the ez-board of the State Federation of Women 'a Clubs was held at the residence of Mrs. Mattie Wade Hicks, 953 Hondo St., Friday afternoon. The ladies arranged to hold their midwinter meeting in February as usual. Other important matters were taken up at this meeting. Several pf our people had the flu in a mild form. Bev. J. C. Andersen, the new pastor at St. James A. M. E. Church, and for mer pastor of Quinn Chapel, Chicago, after arriving in our city to take up his work, immediately launched a $3,000.00 rally and in one month's time has raised cash of that amount over $2,200.00, with the other $800.00 on the way. In fact, he expects to go over the top. Bev. An derson has paid off all the indebtedness ef St. James, and she is now free from {SATISFYING -RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has tht punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth-giving, congestion* scattering circulation-stimulating rem edy penetrates without rubbing right to the aching spot and brings quick relief, fumy, cleanly. A wonderful help for external pains, sprains, strains, stiff* aacss, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today—costs little* means much. Ask your druggist for it kf name. Keep it handy for the whole family.<p></p>Sloan's *.1 The big bottle is economy. Kills Pain 30c—60c—$1.20 SOFT.LONG.SILKY using Hwrolln Pomtds HtlrJDres^ntf, which Is delightfully perfumed and really th» best preparation mads foi producing beautiful, soft, «iltar, straight, long fluffy half—Just the kind you want Herolln feeds tho scalp and makes nappy, short, stubborn hair so Mrt.lorvfir«.nd lus trous that you can easily handlo ltana out It to! up In any style. It Is your natural right to hate fine, wveljr hair, and Herolin oners you a chance. TnUe lt^but aou Do fooled Into getting anything else than HEROLIN It makes short hair *row lone and beauti ful, stops Itching scalp and daidruff. Herolln Med. Co., Atlanta, Ga. /iruifc Ba your own man or woman. AutHla we mato you a liberal offer- ft«t show you how to malw ittQPgJjjj Our Gift My M«tiat you wtek an (Mr* to MM Christmas Neckwear No man hu too many ties. Select "him" one from Fran kel's splendid assortment and you'll be sure to please him. The newest colorings the best quality, at 50c to $5 all encumbrances, which speaks well for the Bev. St. James expects to com mence building a new edifice next spring. We are all well pleased with Bev. Anderson. A financial rally is on foot for the Crispus Attuek Orphanage and Old Folks Home. $1,000 is the amount to be raised between St. Paul and Minneapo lis, as this is a home for the colored peo ple of the Twin Cities. Of course they are succeeding in their efforts. St. Paul and Minneapolis generally get just what they go after. Minnesota is to have a Colored Na tional Home Guard unit. KEYTE8VXLLE, MO. (Special to Bystander.) Mr. Editor: Your many subscribers at this place will no doubt like to read this little saying of some of them. There were two splendid programs rendered at both churches Thanksgiving and a neat sum raised to benefit the churches, A. M. E. and Baptist. It snowed, but this did not stop Bev. Bhodes to come and spend half the day with us, and returned to his church at Salisbury the other half. Thus we real ize we have a brave pastor, a Baptist for true. His volunteer committee did not shirk the work he left them. They realized that God never leaves nor for sakes those that put their trust in Him. Committee: Mesdames C. Duncan, F. Herrold, P. Smith, T. Scroggins. We all united and praised God from whom all blessings flow. The family of Mrs. Isabella Moorman held a reunion to cheer her, who is para lyzed, but not entirely helpless. All were present. Mrs. Earnest Christopher is visiting her mother at Dalton, Mo., Mrs. Fannie Shepherd. Mrs. S. A. Pettigrew is the guest of Mrs. Carrie Duncan. Miss Jackson and Mrs. Buth Flenoy are making good in our public school. Some of our boys have returned from the camp. We welcome them home to stay. Miss Mary Ford spent Thanksgiving at home. While here she ente'rtained the Dunbar Club, of which she is a mem ber. After a lengthy series of enjoy ment alio served a six o'clock three course dinner. Goose and all the good gravy the favored menu. Mrs. S. T. Pettigrew the honored guest. Members present: Mesdames E. Bedding, F. Flenoy, A. and M. Christopher, Bev. and Mrs. Wilkins, Misses Julia Moorman and Lottie Ewing. Associated by the officers of the Bed Cross: Mesdames D. Boone, C. Duncan and F. Herold. Mrs. Sallie Jones and Mrs. Chollette Allen are very sick at their homes. Mr. Sam Bolden and wife are sick. The flu is raging in town, but we are trusting in the Lord and according to His word we will understand it better by and by. OTTT7MWA BRIEFS. Last Week. Saturday last Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Sr., was called to Minneapolis by the illness of her daughter and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Addie Elliot was hostess to a dinner on last Sunday, Dec. 8th, in honor of Bev. E. B. Edwards and fam ily. A meeting of the N. A. A. C. P. was called by the president, Mr. N, S. Page, at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Downey, for Thursday. Mrs. Etnas King and Mrs. Henrietta Horn are the first people of the race here to have received Christmas gifts from overseas. Mrs. King's son, Cor poral Julius King, has sent his mother a beautiful throw of white silk shally, trimmed with a wonderful profusion of silk braid. Mrs. Horn, his grandmother, received a beautiful grey throw. Both were hand made. The Blind Boone company left on Monday morning for Centerville, Iowa, after' a pleasant and profitable stay in Ottumwa as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Davis. The concert given by them at the Mt. Zion A. M. E. church was a splendid one, unexcelled for qual ity and succcss to the church. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. The intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly al layed by Chamberlain's Salve. Please pay your subscription. 181 BYSTANVR RED CROSS IS LIKE A SHIP OF BESCDE Always Travels in Troubled Waters and Answers (Every Cry of Distress. REST OF WORLB IS TOO BUSY Christmas Roll Call Gives Every One Chance to Take Part in Rebuilding Our Broken World. The American Red Cross is perhaps like nothing so much as a stanch and loyal ship In a storm. It goes Its way with senses tuned to catch any cry for help. And when that cry comes, it drives Instantly and withont fear straight to the place of distress, in flood and fire and disaster, just as the ship braves the perils of tumbling seas and hazardous rescue work. And, again, like the ship. It STANDS BY till those endangered are helped to safety. Meanwhile the rest of the world, busy with its own problems, hurries home during these times of storm and stress, and draws down the blinds. At least that is the way it has been In the past. But now comes the Christ mas Roll Call. And it Is a privilege, not a pest. It has no preferences. It plays no favorites. It makes no ex* ceptlons. It summons every man, woman and child in the country. It holds out to each one the blessed op portunity to ride on every Red Cross tihlp of mercy, to speed with every Red Cross train of relief that encir cles the earth on their errands ol mercy. The only way for anyone to esoape the possibility of some time having to accept CHARITY from the Red Cross 1$ to become ONE with the Red Cross. Tor terrible calamity may come to ut all. The money wealth of the Belgian: was as nothing when they were strlppec of clothing, and food. And that feel ing of oneness with the organization that our men on the other side hav had during the war was not merely great, but was the GREATEST, factoi In enabling the Red Cross to give the efficient aid that it did. Let us remember what Mrs. Mar garet Laing, canteen worker In France told about our boys who came out ol the hospitals without money: "Sometimes they would be able tt make up a few cents between them,' she said, "and sometimes they did no1 have anything. They would hang be hind those who could pay. And thej would look at the food so wistfull] that it made one fight back the tears The only way we could get them tc take what they needed and craved wai by saying: 'You know, boys, this wa« all paid for by your own people at home/ Then immediately their attl tude would change and they would say: 'Why, yes, my mother' or 'my sis ter gives to the Red Cross.' And thei how they would pitch in." We are proud, we Americans. W do not want something for nothing And here is our glorious opportunity to take the rest of our ""nation by tin hand, and with all pride and dignity In sure ourselves of our own help in tlnn of. adversity. This Christmas Roll Call gives every one a chance to be a "Dollar Man.' And most of us can be one right a| home. For by joining the Red Crost now and paying the dollar we becomi as actively engaged In the great worl as if we were giving all of our timt to it. We are merely making our dol lar substitute for those of us who an too busy to give all of our time to th Red Cross. Some of the great achievements ol the Red Cross have been told over an4 over, until the facts may seem old you. But on this occasion they ar worth telling again. We should no{ forget, for Instance, how the womes of this nation, like our first Colonial mothers, turned suddenly into greai manufacturers and made garments an! supplies worth $50,0Q0,000 last year Nor let us forget how $111,000,000 wai sent Into the devastated countries dur lng the time while men and women, giving their time for nothing, wenl with those dollars to see that thes were used in the way they were mosl needed. And the American Red Crosi sent medicines and anesthetics to th hospitals of France when they wen almost unobtainable, so that our boyi and their allies might' have some re lief from the torment of their wounds and a chance at ultimate recovery. There are so many things to tell that It Is Impossible to spread th« whole story in this limited space. Bal each worker will know. For the let ters that have come from the boys In the camps "over Jiere" and from the fields "over there" have been full ol the reasons. Ask the mother of any boy who was Imprisoned behind the cruel lines where food was scarce even for tho enemy army, but who got hia 20 pounds of biscuits, pork and beans, cocoa and other good, wholesome things, every week. The roofs are at hand everywhere. The reasons are manifest. Everyone should become a member of the widest, best and holiest crusade the world has ever known. Membership In the Red Cross should be more universal than taxes as universal as the public school, public opinion, or our own pub* lie government ,4 /-j, HUNTJTVTLLB, MO. (Special to Bystander.) Amidst the pleasant things of this life also comes death and sorrow. The funeral of Mary Ray Taylor, the wife of Jesse Taylor, was largely attended Thursday at the A. M. E. Church. The life of no one was more beautifully por trayed than hers, as a young Christian woman, wife, and mother, by her pastor, Rev. Harris, assisted by Bev. G. D. Saunders. The flu epidemic is bad in our town. No fatal cases among our people as yet. Miss Annie Henderson has returned home after a four months' stay at the Barnard Hospital in 8t. Louis, Mo., very much improved. We are glad to have Miss Annie home and well once more. nTss*Cvdia Tatufh of Dalton, Mo., ac companie'd Mrs. S. T. Pettigrew home as her week end guest. Miss Oletha Davis is making her home with her aunt, Mrs. G. D. Saunders. She is a charming little miss and we wel come her in our young girls society. Some of our soldier boys have re turned home from camp, they say to stay, which is another sign of a little more peace on earth. Bev. G. D. Saunders took advantage of the "ban" being off last Sunday and asked his church to rally. They had been barred from having any serv ices for nearly two months. Bev. Down ey of Moberly, Mo., preached, as usual, a soul stirring sermon for Rev. Saunders at 2 p. m. The pastor continued his services and rally. The total church collections were $370.00. All sang Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." Few Escape. There are few indeed who escape hav ing at least one cold during the winter months, aad they are fortunate who have but one and get throagh with it quickly and without any serious conse quences. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and observe the directions with eaeh bottle, and you are likely to be one of the fortunate ones. The worth and merit of this remedy has been fully proven. There are many families who have always used it for years when troubled with a cough or cold, and with the very best results. STATUTORY NOTICE OF INCOR PORATION OP THE BANKERS RESERVE FINANCE CORPORA TION, OF DES MOINES, IOWA. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given of the organi zation of a corporation for pecuniary profit under the provisions of Chapter. 1, Title IX, of the Code of Iowa, and acts amendatory thereof and supplemen tal thereto, as follows: The name of this corporation is the BANKERS RESERVE FINANCE COR PORATION, and its principal place of business is at Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa its Articles of Incorporation are of record in the office of the recorder of deeds of Polk County, Iowri, and also in the office of Secretary of the State of Iowa, and a certificate of incorporation has been duly issued pursuant to law. The object and purpose of this cor poration shall be the handling of securi ties of every kind and description, and especially securities in which banks, trust companies and insurance com panies may lawfully invest it shall have the right to purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, handle, sell and otherwise dispose of all forms of negotiable paper or other securities of every class or character to deal in warehouse receipts, bills of lading, patents, trade marks, and copyrights to borrow, or raise money, by the issuing and selling of bonds, bills of exchange, notes, certifi cates and other commercial paper or corporate obligations, and to secure the payment thereof by mortgages, deeds of trust or otherwise to act as bailee of money, securities or other things of value, and to provide safety deposit boxes for its customers to act as fiscal or financial agents, and as holding com pany for others to purchase, or other wise acquire, hold, develop, deal in, manage, operate, develop, sell and other wise dispose of real estate and real es tate interest to guarantee and defend the title to real estate to act as real es tate or insurance agents to promote Christmas purchases Phone Wai. 5300 A discount of 5 per cent for cash on all Coats Actual $20, $25 and $30 Values. Call the attention of the Men of the Household to this Sale and get your Xmas money now to buy one of these Coats. 15 More than 25 different styles, many With Fur Collars and Borders, others with Collars of Plush or soft matirials. Broadcloths, Velours, Kerseys Chamois cloth, Colored Plush es, and Mixed Materials. and give financial aid to corporate en terprises of every kind and character to investigate the credit, financial solv ency and sufficiency of borrowers. (See Article III of the Charter.) The amount of Capital Stock of this corporation is One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, divided into nine teen hundred (1900) shares of Common stock of the part value of Fifty ($50) Dollars each, and one hundred (100), shares of Founder's stock of the par value of Fifty ($50) Dollars each. No stock shall be sold for less than 100% of its par value, and no certificate shall be issued for such stock until the cor poration has received payment thereof in cash, or property and before any such stock is issued for anything other than cash, authority for such exchange must be secured from the Executive Council fcf the State of Iowa, as fey law provided. This corporation commenced business on the 24th day of October, 1918, and shall continue for a period of twenty years thereafter unless sooner dissolved by a majority of the holders of the Founder's stock issued and outstand ing provided, however, that the cor porate period of this corporation may be extended for the time and in the man ner, as provided by law. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of nine members, elected by and from the stockholders, which shall be held on the third Tuesday of October, 1919, at o'clock P. M., at the office of the company in Des Moines, Iowa. The Common shareholders are entitled to elect four directors, and the holders of the Founder's stock shall be entitled to elect five members, or one more member than the number elected by the holders of the Common shares. An Executive Committee, consisting 'of three members, elected by and from the directors, shall be vested with all the powers of the Board of Directors, and enjoy all of the rights and privi leges of the Board when the same is not in session, and when a meeting of Founder's stockholders is not being held. A USEFUL GIFT FOR "HER" This is to be a Christmas of sensible and practical giving, therefore we suggest a gift she'll surley appreciate— A GENERAL ELECTRIC IRON Buy it for Her Today, Priced at $5.00 ENMmiari 720-722 WALNUT ST. JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS BUYERS! 2 Great Mid-Season Specials Trimmed Hats An Elegant Lot of the latest Trimmed Hats Values to $10 SPECIAL While They Last $ 195 Lyons Silk Velvets in Black and Colors, Large Shapes, Small Close •Fitting Turbans Side Rolls, Sailors, Etc Fashion's Latest Trims. An Advisory Board, consisting of n«t less than fifteen nor more than twenty five members, shall be appointed by tha Board of Directors from the stockhold ers, and shall meet with the Board Directors or Executive Committee in aa advisory capacity. The Board of Directors shall elect from their own number the three mem bers of the Executive Committee, chairman, a president, a viee presidemt, a secretary, and a treasurer and also from the stockholders, the members of the Advisory Board and also such other officers, representatives and employees as the Board may deem necessary. Until formal action is taken by the Board of Directors, the Board of Diree tors shall consist of J. G. Tharp, B. T. Rhine, and H. L. Johnson and J. G. Tharp shall be president and treasurer, and B. T. Rhine shall be vice president and secretary. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation may at a»J time subject itself shall not exceed two thirds of its paid-up and outstanding Capital Stock. The private property of stockholders is exempt from corporate debts and lia bilities, except for the unpaid Capital Stock. Dated this 23rd day of November, 1918, at Des Moines, Iowa. BANKERS BESEBYE FINANCE COBPOBATION. By J. G. THABP, President & Treasurer. B. T. RHINE, Vice President & Secretary. SAMPSON & DILLON, Attorneys. For That Dull Feeling After Eating "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets' for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tab lets I have ever used. My trouble a heavy dull feeling after eating. David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. They also regulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but coat no more.