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V 'A v i£*.i if 5 'p I K 'T ll% t- K v a :S Hoy. J. W. PARKER, OF THE COUNCIL.—We re gret to see that a correspondent of the Bloomington Herald, attempts, by inuendo, to cast suspicion upon the political integrity of the Hon. J. W. PAUKKR, of the Council. The writer of the communication (who is certainly a gentleman of intelligence, and, we doubt not, quite sincere in his own political senti ments) evidently wrote under excitement and a great misapprehension of facts. A truer friend to the cause of democracy holds not a seat in our legislative halls, than JONATHAN W. PARKER—noris there one more laborious or zealous in behalf of the general interests of the Territory or the particular interests of his con stituents and friends. And the worthy editors of the rsUoim'rigton Herald may rest perfectly assured that Mr. Parker ever has been and is now their friend, personally and politically, and disposed to bestow upon them every favor in his power. How a doubt should exist to the contrary is to him, as it is to all others, a matter of much surprise.—Territorial Gaz. 03* AS for ourselves, we have never doubted the Democracy of Mr. Parker. We have not the vanity to suppose that we are the pets of the Democracy of Iowa, and did not look upon his opposition to the resolution proposing to give this establishment the printing of the laws as ail indication of an abandon ment of his principles. Our correspondents do not always speak our sentiments, and yet it does not fol low that we should, in publishing their communica tions, accompany them with a disclaimer. In our last, our correspondents from that city did not take the same view on some subjects, yet wc withheld While wo are proud to number Mr. P. long the staunchest democrats of the day, from the relation which we have ever held towards each other, and die attachment on our part sincere, we must confess that we were unable to find a cause for the courae he pursued—it was to us unexpected. We should be sorry to do him the least injustice, even by a slight insinuation from a correspondent, and hope if any has been done, our disclaimer may repair it. EWe learn from Burlington, that the Council has, by a unanimous vote, authorized us to print its journal at th^resent session, at the price heretofore paid for such work. Very good decision, in our opinion, and we believe their constituents will agree with us. And the whigs voted for us too, or at least did not us. Well, we would give them a little if they had not taken advantage of Mr. [absence, and tried to defeat the object of To what kind whig we are indebted Ift Mpbrt, we know not, but here's our °f this Territory, fca»e aft afcng out against raising the party question, it we have no interest in the presidential |06auae forsooth, we have no vote. Do you now, gentlemen You have the nt on your side now, and question. We hope to hear tales from you now. u --SSBHS55 iDw. 11, 1840. rial, the people have been (Mficw with suspicion, *ny pemon found rother name than that which came poor man** inhcritanoe,from his parents. In aach acaae, without other testimony, they charge the mdlfMoai (in their minds) with being guilty of some crime which rendered him odious in the sight of die community, if not subject to a severe penalty under the laws. By the sam^coursc of reasoning, the self styled Whig party of the present day are doubly guilty. At each successive Presidential election they have assumed a'new name having looked back at their past coarse they found that it was too much disgraced to render another contest under it at all prudent. In 1832, we find them under the name of National Republicans, shouting at the defeat of the Democratic Republican party, and in '36, they claim ed to be the genuine Whig party of '76 but they could not gull the people into a belief of their fabri cated stories, and have sought to steal the time-hon ored name of Democratic Republicans, under which the genuine Republicans have made battle against them since the days of Jefferson. While some have attempted to steal it by peace-meals, calling elves Dcmotytfic Him isun Whig9, others, among which is the Western Virginia Times, pub lished at Wheeling, have the bold impudence to dub their candidates the Democratic Republican Ticket. Now these facts prove something. They show con clusively that that party are themselves aware that their course has been unjust, and seek to avoid the odium which should be cast upon them by changing their name, and also that the Democratic Republican Patty, (sometimes called Democratic only, for brevi ty,) have honored their name, by a straight forward and consistent defence of the same principles they at first profess^. Comment-on such testimony is un necessary. (£jT Neighbor Logan of the Iowa Sun. in acknow ledging the defeat of Mr. Van Buren, and the election of the cider barrel, says it now becomes the duty of the Democratic party to cast their eyes around to find a successor, and expresses a preference for Gen. Scott, as most likely to run well. With due respect to the opinions of friend Logan, we beg leave to differ with him, and that widely too. Gen. Scott won more gloiy at Lundy's Lane, ten times over, than Gen. Harrison did in all his victories, (when his defeats are deducted,) yet we should feel sorry to see his uan£ seriously recommended. We shall not attempt to discus^ his merits, but admitting that they are ten times greater than his friends assert them to be, still we would prefer another. Mr. Van Buren will have served fouryears on the 4th of March next—served us .faithfully. never swerving, with honor to himself and Ikdvantage to his country. Without doing an act for which IW apu condemn him, is it fair to throw him %side atl(l take up another, after we arc sure the higs have again got where they can use themselves up As for Van Bureri's claims, the country owes him nothing—he has done but his d'ify, and that he owes to his country without rew?ti but he is our he ground of g«(pediency. Must we ^knowledge that he has erred in advocating princi ples we hold dear 1 No. It will not do to fall into their footsteps, and select a hero, because they have •ucceeded with a mock hero for a tool. Let us take up the came man and show them that we ask no military titles to give us strength—that principles are what wc are contending for, and that it is upon the intelligence of the people^we rely, and not upon a blind attachment to a title. Martin Van Buren i3 our first, second and last clioicc. ,rt "-'3:,' V-4t The qttaatton —to who ahall be employed to print tile Inn is yet undecided. We understand there is a disposition on the part of some of the Demo cratic members to give it to no press out of the city of Burlington, and as the whigs are determined to "stick to tile Hawkeye, we presume the contest will by between the Gazette and the Hawkeye. By what course of reasoning any Democratic member ha» come to this determination, we know not. Do they suppose that becausc the seat of gov ernment is temporarily located there, necessarily ex pending a large sum of meney in that place, its citisens must have a preference over others, because of their locality 1 Or do they suppose no others ca pable of doing the work properly If such be their ideas, we must insist that they are based upon false premises. There are other establishment than tbose in Burlington, that can do the work in a manner that will bear the closest inspection, in every respect, and we are not too modest to acknowledge that it could be so done at this office. Burlington has cer tainly no cause to complain that she has not received a full share of public patronage, for much has been expended there. We do not wish to be understood as wishing to prejudice the claims of our neighbor of the Gasette. We have no doubt they are capable of doing the work well, and with despatch, and if they are the choice of the Democracy, over other establishments, because of their devotion to the cause, we should feel no dissatisfaction in seeing them selected—we are for the cause and not for ourselves alone. Towards the Hawkeye, we confess we have no such kind feeling, and we are proud of the abundant evidence wc have that the feeling is reciprocal, and therefore cannot wish to see the job given to it. No sooner had the Democratic members shown a pre ference for the supporters of their principles, than it commenced a series of wanton attacks upon them, without cause. So far has it carried its menacing threats, that the Legislature cannot give the con tract to it, without acknowledging thereby, that they arc driven to that course, through fear of the influ ence of the Hawkeye. We have a majority in both branches, and shall it be said that the Democratic Legislature of Iowa dare not refuse to give their de criers hush-money 1 We cannot believe that the Democtacy are to lie thus driven into measures, but that they will stand firm to the last When flushed with victory there is less honor to be gained by an adherence to principles than in trying times—those that forsake us in these times, never Were with us in principle—only for expediency. Let the democrats of every county be on their guard and take care of themselves—especially in those counties where the democratic majority is ascertain ed to be small—such as Lee, Washington, Muscatine and Johnson. A desperate eflbrt will be made by the feds throughout the Territory—but their greatest en ergies will be turned towards the couuties where our majorities are small. It is here that the hottest of the battle will rage. Therefore let our friends look out. Let them rouse up, organize, and prepare themselves for action."—Territorial Gazette. Old Muscatine is wide awake Although our majority at the last election was small, yet it was de cisive, and can be maintained at any day with our present population. The Whigs then made every edge cut, and had the Democracy gene as far as If Dr. Duncan can establish these charges, as we have no doubt he can, the House of Representatives should again show that no certificate of election, based upon fraud, shall be evidence of a title to a seat. The great number of votes then cast, over "the number polled at the Presidential election, is good evidence that foul play was practiced. From the determined character of Dr. D. we have no doubt that he will investigate the matter so as to convict the perpetrators of the crime, that they s^Pf receive the punishment they merit (Cy Messrs. J. & J. Harper, extensive publishers in New York mightdo well to send to Iowa forproof readers for their establishment Between Cedar and Muscatine counties, we think they can find son^ excellent ones, and chaste, classic scholars at that They found two or three typographical errors in week's Herald! They certainly can't want any ter recommendation—if they do we will send a paper published spontaneously at—Iowa City. If they are wanted before the opening of the 5th of Match next, our Whig envelope and frank them one. MWifci they did to shove in challenged votes, the majority would have been greatly increased. We are proud to sea the Demociats of Muscatine, instead of despairing at our late defeat in the States and becoming lukewarm, strengthened in their attachment to the party, and buckling on their armor for another campaign, with renewed energy. We hope to see our friends of the other counties do likewise. The triumph will be weD worth all the toil it can cost. To our friends of the Gazette, we would urge the necessity of active exertions in Des Moines. She has the strength of all the Whig counties put togeth er, and yet the Whigs have carried the county for some of the larger offices by very small majorities. Let us not be contented with barely holding our own, but let us take the Whig camp. In doing this is where the glory lies. Let the Democrats commence their work with the saire zeal that characterizes the Whigs, and the result vill show a triumph that will silence the oft repeated assertion that the Territory belongs to the Whigs. QCj'The Hon. Alexander Duncan, Rc'preai'ntative in Congress from the 1st district in Ohio, has noti fied Nathaniel G. Pendleton, (his competitor at the late election.) that he shall contest his right to a seat in the next congress, for various reasons, specified in his letter of notification, duly served. Dr. D. alledges that Pendleton received votes from persons who had not the legal right to vote being residents of other States and of other districts in that State, and that votes were obtained for him through fraud and corruption, by giving and promising meat, drink, money and other rewards. He further charges that persons voted for him (Pendleton) twice—that in the 2d ward in the city of Cincinnati and other pre cincts. tickets were introduced into the ballot-boxes and counted, for which there were no names on the poll-books, and that at the said precinct or ward, the judges of the election refused to ask persons offering to vote, such questions as were proper to prevent il legal voting, when challenged, all of which are in violation of the constitution of that State, and the laws thereof regulating elections. :'f" T" 'aftl ."*"*• T*- (XJ*EMCTION F*ACD8.—The space in our pa per usually devoted to political matters, has been so crowded for two weeks past, that we have been una ble to publish a full account of the frauds which have lately been brought to light in New York and Philadelphia. The entire exposition would fill our sheet for six weeks, so we have copied an article from the Globe, and one from Bennett's Herald, em bodying the principal facts with appropriate com ments thereon, in a small space, and ask our readers to give them a perusal, and then say whether an hon est political party can sanction such crime! Since the disclo ures have been made, the whig journals giggle over it as "a hoax—a capita! joke," &c. To them it is a capital joke, for by the frauds they have placed their co-workers in lucrative offices, while they were in the minority, in warmly contested elections. The Democracy have not been vigilant and watchful, or the gang had been found out and broken up in time to have saved the two States from the disgrace of being swayed by dollars and cents, to the building up of a party composed of the fag ends of every faction that has sprung up in our land. Does it 6trike any one with surprise that they can chuckle over such disclosures with impunity It need not To carry their point without any regard to the means used, was what they set out for, and they know that the character of the party has ever been so low that no underhanded measures would fail to receive the sanction of the party. With but few exceptions^ the whig journals approve of the frauds, endeavoring to treat the investigation as an unimportant matter, got up by the Democracy to make political capital for the Presidential election, and endeavor to keep public attention from their own sins by charging Democrats of high standing, with offering bribes for testimony that would impli cate the leaders of their party. Such subterfuges will be found unavailing—the stain is fastened upon them and cannot be wiped away or concealed from public view. Let the Democracy throw it at them upon all oc casions—the crime is a damning one, and he who is guilty of participation in it, is a traitor to his coun try, and deserves a rank as far below a menial slave as is the name of Arnold below that of Washington. FASHION.—" Fashion rules the world is an old saying, the truth of which every days experience goes to prove, and that a man might as well be out of the world as out of the fashion," is another, which it would be difficult to disprove to the satis faction of thousands whose agency in keeping this world of ours in its proper track, is indispensable.— Our forefathers, plain and honest old souls, set us good examples, but the love of change and variety has led us astray, and wc have been so long wander ing that we have got lost in the fog, and heaven on ly knows whether we shall ever regain the path from whence we strayed. In the days of the patriots, honor and distinction were acquired only by a faithful discharge of duty towards our common country. It was in these days that our present form of gpvernment was conceived and established at a cost with which all are familiar. In forming our government, offices were created for the mutual benefit of the whole, without any de sire to provide good situations for worthy men.— Violations of public duty were- for sometime un known, and when first discovered, brought disgrace upon the rccreant. But these days were not lasting. Public officers yielded to temptation, and to make good their earthly fortunes, appropriated part of the funds of the nation to their own benefit, and about this time, fashion had taught a great number to rev erence wealth above honor, and hence the tcinpta-. tion increased as the penalty softened down bv the encroachments of that austere ruler. The first instance of the triumph of the influence of wealth over moral honesty, which we shall men tion, is one which we would willingly pass, but for the cffect it may have had in producing a state of morals discreditable to us as a people. We allude to the misapplication of funds by old John Adams, when President of the United States, as shown by the books of the proper Department at Washington and other indisputable testimony. The sum mis applied was small, yet it was appropriated for a spe cific purpose, and applied to his own private use, tor which he never accounted to the government. Recollections of his patriotism and noble stand ta ken during the gloomy period when the Declaration of Independence was maturing, caused less to be said about it than would have been, had a man less famed in revolutionary times, been the aggressor.— This fact, so startling to his co-patiiots, was not pass ed and forgotten by the younger aspiring scions then looking forward to the time when they were to come upon the stage of action. They beheld a patriot of the revolution, forgetting the duty he owed to his country and the dangers of a bad example, appro priating the people's money to his own use, and up on looking around, they found a large political party ready to smother, if not approve, this demoralizing act. How natural, then, did the reflection spring up in the minds of thousands, that if it was no crime for John Adams, President of the UniU-^tates, to rob the people, it was much more excusable in them, of whom the nation, not knowing, expected but lit tle 1 This example had its effect, and has continu ed growing until the nation has been aroused to its dangerous tendency. Side by side with this evil has the influence of wealth grown, till honor lost in acquiring wtrij&b, if lost it can be, leave? not a sting behind. WtMlth is so much reverenced, that its possessor has little to fear from what the honest may say cf the manner in which it was obtained. Instance the case of Little berry Hawkins, Receiver of Public Money, in Ar kansas, which we shall give as the first of the large DEFAULTERS, (so called as less offensive to fashion, than ROBBERS, the proper title). Ho had in his hands a large amount of public funds, and giving to his securities the amount for which they were bound, pocketed the balance, and as is the fashion in such cas&, told the government to whistle for its n: fcins understood the fashions of the1 his wealth would enable him to among his fellow men, and be* what the world might in his little circle. Af nce in his wealthy at the fashion of the he was considered an unnoticed, and was ter hfe, which times. He est iliarly im. :& ,^- •fc' cd* now) «nee he fata made fonself wealthy by robbing the people, he is hailed as MIBTXH Hawkins. The case of Mister Hawkins is not a solitary one. Indeed they have become so numerous that they are spoken of as matters of course in community, and passed off as if there was no breach of trust—no vi olations of those principles of honor so essential to the well being of society, and the recreant admitted to the society of honorable men,as though he had always acted uprightly. During the great panic, so many merchants failed that it became so fashionable that hundreds thought it disreputable to meet their dues, and failed, full handed, to save their credit, or rather their reputation as fashionable business men. Merchants, banks and loafers, all yielded to the influence of fashion, and suspended, without the fear of censure from a fash ionable world, deranging the affairs of our whole country. There are other influences which fashion possess es, that are doing their works of destruction among us, and yet the trivial circumstances from whenee they derived their origin, would scarce be suspected of being the causa of the dan jer they have wrought. We shall notice but one at present, lest we extend the length of our article to such jan rt?ent as will prove tiresome to the reader. After the winding up of the last war, by the glo rious victory at New Orleans, as the militia were re turning to their homes in a bad condition, a poor sol ditr who had lost his horse, and was travelling on foot, becamc lame and gave out. Gen. Jackson came riding along, and found him seated on a log by the roadside, and enquired as to the cause of his delay, which was no sooner told than the old soldier dis mounted and bid the lame man take his horse and proeeed on his journey. When he had overtaken his mess and told his story, they were surprised and expressed fears that their old commander would give ott, one remarked that he was "tough as old hicko ry." When it was found that Gen. Jackson was a ble to keep on his way, the whole army united in calling him Old Hickory, and from them it spread to the nation. When his name was brought before the country as a candidate for the Presidency, the cognomen was applied1 to him, and the hickory bush and broom adopted by the Democratic party, as em blems representing their choice. His triumphant victory led his defamers to believe there was magic in a hero, magic in the cognomen, and magic in the emblem. To apply this supposed magic to their own u^e, they brought out a candidate whom we need not describe—all that it is necessary to say is they fitted all to him. With our example before them, they, by a slight circumstance obtained a few emblems of their can didate, a barrel of hard cider, a log cabin and a 'coon skin. Duiing the late contest for the Presi dency, scenes that would have disgraced the inhabit ants of Botany Bay, were daily witnessed in our principal cities—members of churches whkh pro. hi bit drunk ness and rioting, were seen staggering and groaning with exhausted lungs, around a bar rel of hard cider made of brandy and water—young ladies and old matrons, in the excitement, forgot that by the reverence paid by man to their sex, they held a station above the rabble, were seen attending diunken revelries—and school-boys have been ta ken home at midnight in a state of intoxication! When politicians arc reproved for such a course, they reply that we shouted for Old Hickory, raised hi hory poles and used hickory brooms. When the females were ridiculed for their participation, they become snappish, and say they claim the right from precedent!—that our mothers in the revolution waved their handkerchiefs on the approach of heroes, and employed themselves in runing bullets during the revolutionaiy war. True, they did participate in that struggle, but it was a holy, patriotic struggle for deliverance from the yoke of tyranny, and not a political struggle for power, to be wielded by a nest of federal whigs, whom the people in their sober senses had twice decided against. There's the dif ference. How much better if they would follow their examples at the spinning wheel! Frauds at elections, unknown in early times,have become so fashionable, that it is now a common say ing that' all's fair in politics.' For a year or two pest, they have been fust increasing, and have now reached an alarming extent, and if not now check ed, will cause this happy Union's sun to set before many more seasons shall roll round. We admonish our countrymen, as they love life, liberty and happiness, to commence a work of refor mation. The times are growing evil, and each er ror is made an excuse for thousands in those that follow us. How evil then is the tendency of a bad example! Let the press speak in tones of thunder the prevailing fashions, threatening the over throw of every system of morals, and let every in dividual, however humble, reflect that they possess an influence which must be felt, and casting their eyes around and beholding the evil times we are in, and set themselves to work, and all will soon IN ir stored. Without it we have little to hope for. The Galena Democrat of the 28th ult says:— sleighing was never better in our neighborhood, we are informed, than at this time. In the country, the snow is several inches deep and solid, and the roads and prairies as smooth as a barn floor." We can but envy our old friends of the mines their merry sleigh rides. They do the thing up nicely. In our more southern regions we have had no pleasures of the kind thus far. The slight snows which have fallen, soon disappeared, leaving us a thin coat of mud to paddle through, while oar northern neighbors have fine sleighing. Let MUthenK» corpeoujr cold win ters as they to ari between See prospectus la mother column. E. E. Fay, Esq. will receive subscriptions and forward tlie funds. CC/'The weather has been quite moderate for a few days past, and the river is nearly clear of running icc. *7 3fr* c*n De- Judge «*w mMm •iAn MESSRS. EDITORS—AS Th-t those gentlemen named will obtain an extension of the time within which they were to have put the ferry aforesaid into operation, cannot for a moment be supposed, without se riously doubting the disposition and interest of our citizens, as well as the good sense of our Legislators. In fact I do not believe they will for a moment think of applying for what they know cannot and will not be granted, un less in open defiance of the unanimous will of our citizens and those of the adjacent country, on either side of the Mississippi. In this state of things what shall be done. It seems to me that one of two courses should be taken Either that ths town, through its corporate authority, should apply for the char ter, or that it should be invested in a stock company care being taken that the shares be of the proper size, and covjined to the citizens of Ike town. That the ferry privilege will in a few years become valuable, no one will pretend to doubt. The interest and growth of the town material ly depends upon our securing the immediate operation of a ferry at this place. Let us then take the subject at once under considciation, and effect such means as shall sccure this im portant interest to ourselves,eithercorporately or collectively, and no longer suffer the whole town and its interest to be absorbed or kept in check by those who either have not the means or desposition to advance them. It will be recollected, that in a previous number, I stated that the Committee on the Library reported to the Council a Joint Reso lution, making an appropriation to procure a number of works which the Library does not now contain, and the want of which is seri ously felt. After mentioning that the Council, whose members are gentlemen of education, literary attainments, and withal, men of taste in such matters, had passed the resolution without opposition, I gave as my opinion, that il would pass the House of Representatives with like facility. In this, however, I was unexpectedly deceived, as the Resolution did not meet with even a charitable reception, hut met an inglorious and untimely death. To the. catalogue of useful and needed works which the Resolution contained, was added, by some cf the mnre scientific and literary gen tlemen of the House, the "Picayune," "Rob inson Crusoe," "Tom Thumb," "Comic Al manac," and several others which 1 will not name, least I offend the good taste of your readers—when the Resolution was suffered by a few worthy friends to die even a disgraceful death rather than live a more disgraceful life. For the honor and reputation which it be comes us to stamp upon our flourishing Terri tory, I regret that such a record should have to be made, but if the "Gothic age" is to be revived, it is well that ths people should be apprised of the fact. On Friday evening last, the third lecture of the course was delivered before the "Society for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge," by Gen. Learned, of this city, upon Agriculture, as the advertisement said. At the time the an nouncement was made, many of the friends of the Society, which is intended (or at least it was so supposed) to benefit the people, not a parly was afraid, and the result has confirm ed their fears, that the lecturer, who is a gen tleman of acknowledged abilities, and a warm and active partisan, would take occasion to in troduce his party predilections into his dis course. At a period when, and in a place where par ty excitement is raging almost to open vio lence, such a course should be reprobated, as tending to destroy the object which the worthy founders of the Society had in view from its organization. The Council have disposed of their Jour nals, and by a unanimous vote gave il to the publisher of the Bloomington Herald. The House of Representees (as you are aware) disposed of theirs to the publisher of the Du Buque News. The Laws yet remain to let out, and as there is a determination not to send thern out of this city, the contest will t»e between the two papers of this place. And as Yours, iStc. APOSITE. LETTER NO. IF* NATIONAL HOTEL, Burlington, December 7,1840. Capitol at Frrttm City—Penitentiary at Fort Madison—Bloomington Ferry. MESSRS. EDITORS—Joint Resolutions have passed both branches of the Legislative As sembly, appointing Committees, to consist of three each, two to be selected by the House and one by the Council, to proceed to Iowa and Fort Madison, and to examine into progress of the Capitol and Penitentiary, 'all matters connected therewith, with pow send for persons and papers, take testi ly, fee. ere has been several rumors abroad here, |ch may have possibly reached you section the Territory. From the first commencement of the session there has existed a disposition on the part of many members of each of the two branches of the Legislative Assembly, to hold the next session of the Legislature at Iowa Cily, to prevent which, the opponents of the measure propose a Committee of Investigation to ex amine into the conduct of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings, and th^progress of the works under hie charge. ribwii For the Herald. FBftRY. the period approach es which determines the forfeiture of the ferry privilege granted to Warfield & Williams, by the first Legislature of Iowa, it behoves the citizens of our town to take the subject into consideration, and devise such plans ad will be productive of the most good to the town and the citizens at large. H. J. P. T. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. LKTTER'NO. 11. NATIONAL HOTEL, Burlington,'? December 5th, 1840. y Library-—Public Lectures—Journal of the Council. MESSRS. EDITORS—The revolving of another week, while it reminds me of my duty to the Herald, affords but little, that are fit subjects lor reflection or communication. The Gazette of to-day contains a chapter on "Quarrels," from which we learn, that to quarrel is "one of the most easy and common, as well as foolish things in the world." So easy and common has it become, that even you have suffered yourselves to get into a quarrel about what] Why "chaste and appropriate language and with whom] those whose opinions should be acknowledged and received as (he Standard on all such topies. But lest "apposite illustrations and neatly turned peri ods" be in the way of your victory,.it might be well that your^elvfts alono should manage the controversy. lion of the Director of the been circulated, at his request, iHfc» CtMttif? tee was got up to examine hi proceedings. As the Reports of both of th Keen received, accepted, referred to Committees and their reports thereon? ing of, the doings of said officers accepted—the friends of those tfentleoMp averse to the proceedings, till the fl aforesaid, who being above the 8U*pfo&j»< wrong act, declared that for their own cation, they desired that such might be appointed. And as members gislativo bodies are fond of such Comtnit as it gives them a play spell or recreation more confining duties, and at the same desirous to have a full exposition of the ceedings in each case, the Resolutions received their support. The Ccmmitte have not yet been appointed Ml read? In t|ie House of Representatives, Mr. Iset presented the petition of C. H. Warfield at* J. Williams fur an extension of the time with in which they were to put into operation a horse or steam ferry boat at the town of Bloom ington. The petition was referred to the Committee i on Incorporations—there to die a natural death. In the Council, Mr. Hastings gave notice, that on a future day he would introduce "A Bill to grant to the Corporation of Blooming ton the Ferry privilege across the Mississippi River, opposite said town." Yours, &c. APOSITE. From the GMto ItlSTORY OF THE WAR. V"± The battle being over, and the smoke cJ&Ar ed away, the wounded taken care of, and t#r interment of the killed postponed until aitff the fourth of March, now is the time to i«vj«w the field of action, and carefully to collect.^or present use or future history, all the impottant facts connected with this extraordinary 'Ejec tion, w'hich cannot fail to form an imptwfsnt epc ch in our political annals. What^radstoi* cr give to this contest a character different hpm: any which has preceded it, is the first in in our history in which the MONEYED in its various forms and ramifications, a*db* its numerous applications—in oppressed, se duction, and direct corruption, has triffipled over the popular will in the election oyPfO|i dent. This power is the the only enemy thnt is, or can be, dangerous to our^opular jn#tftu tions and public liberty andifcis is thqr first instance in which its agency has (Teen*exeTTec? over the whole Union, and with a successful result. This election discloses the real dan ger to the Republic, and the popular princi ples on which it is based. To understand the subtle workings of this "root of all evil" in politics, it is virtually important that measures be immediately adopted in all the States to ascertain the various ways and means in which money has been employed to influence, and control public opinion: whether by op4 pressien or coercion by hiring and organizing!'.* bands dT depraved wretches to perpetrate^ frauds on the ballot boxes in the publication of the im and pamph have caused termess in importing "pipe layers" from jn® State to another, or from county to county, in the same Stati* in paying travelling agents, orators and song^singers to delude the people in the erection of iog-cabins as rendezvous to draw together the worihless and the vicious, to debauch them with hard-cider, them for political action and lastly, in tb various ways of direct and indirect briber and corruption in the purchase of to. Let every single case of fraud upqji the bal lot box, every purchased vote, and the instru ment by which it was bought, be ascertained as far as may be practicable, and every illegal i vote polled, and evidence be taken of the facts. Now is the time, when these subjects are fresh in the minds of the people, to attend to this! matter in every State. We call on the Dem-5"' oeratic press of the country to co-operate in| this undertaking, and upon our political friends individually and collectively, every where, top lend their assistance. Let the depth of the in iquities and corruptions which have been per-j petrated, be explored to the bottojp, and all be brought forth to the light of day^ Wheroi it can be done, facts should be verifiW by affi davits. The mass of testimony can be sent to the Democratic members of Congress of the different States, and it can then be decided here what disposition to make of the matter. It should, in some cheap form, be published, so that it can be put in the hands of every bon est man in the United States, of whatever par ty, who loves liberty and venerates our unions. These abominable frauds and crime* strike at the very foundation of our in£titu» tions, and we must learn the depth and h**?*®! ply a remedy for speedily too, no te but the bare '/ike the decay- of the evil, to enable us io aj if that cannot be done,li' Ml thing will remain to the pi* forms of the Republic, whit ing walls of a once gorged serve only as mouldering ni| departed liberties. These standing imposition upon oi world for whilst we claim to beTree^ be the slaves of corruption. Our Governs will be the most profligate and corrupt intp^Jf,'^^ world and following the example of eiber^ Republics, the people becoming disgusted js edifice, will tents of our tWill be a Mid with the vile instruments of fraud and corruption* will first seek relief in revolution, and, per*. haps, end their career in despotism. $• That these sad forebodings, drawn frQmtW^ history of other Republics, may not prove prophecy as to our own, it is our fervent prayer to heaven, that the people may arouse them selves, before it is too late, to the danger thai threatens their liberties. From the New York [Whig] THE ORE NTWORTH PAPERS TOUNDING DISCLOSURES MORALS OF POLITICS. At last the "Glentworth Papers" are these mysterious evidences of political are now spread before the world. Read and shudder, ajl ye pious moralists street! In the investigation before the R« yesterday, a full report of which is a another part of this paper, our readel find a correct transcript of these damn| dences of fraud and villainy of "his spectable members of society." All tl ges made by Stevenson are made out] fullest extent. The letter of Glentwol self, written to one of the Wall stwetl Glentworth's associate, and addresse "appointing power," through (it saidl^firl Wetmore, JS the ven in a masterpiece of eloquent con* position. Severity, recklessness and auda* cious effrontery run through it in equal propov tions. Mr. Glentworth boldly avows his and charges the Governor: knowledge reports injurious to the reputa-jam guilty, you are jffipty ^v •t- W ty of tbese fraads, t? V