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Semi-weekly interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1881-1905, June 19, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Semi-Weekly Interior Journal
I'UAttiK 'l'llW I.OKD.
tions in tlie old ranks are more than
made up by new and zealous recruits
ami the woik goes on.
The Franklin "boom" N mom than
equalled by that of Howling
tlie College commencement exercises
thinned our audiences somewhat, the
great citcuit was crowded
most uncomfortably. The dear, people
came, an hour before the time for tin- lie-ginning
to secure seats. It gives usgreat
encouragement in thinking that Unlooked-for
"reaction" is coming, as wo
knew- it would, sooner or later.
W'liat an abounding fiuit year this is!
Kverything loaded here apples, peach-en,
pears, cherries. Hlackbertics beginning
to come in to ieplaco the
and raspberries, going oil'.
Wheat harvest fairly set in. I think
it likely wo may go to Glasgow next. If
wo strike Nicliolasvllle by the iMth our
meeting may needlessly conflict witli
Chautauqua! in Lexington. Many of
the N'ville friends will wish to attend
those, interesting exercises, while yet
not wishing to neglect pur meetings.
.. ... 1 ill... ...!.. .,t(l,l vi, t All
Ever In .Testis,
Tlniiieon hi'lN jiooiIh nt fos.t for
ninli. 'Jt
UffiliT A Co., will iiiou' saw
mill to Itjirlioui
Tlio". l. Uiivw lias lii'i'ii
- ' to tench our school.
Kmu.I.mi (.iiiiiK.s, K, 'lint' HI, IHSS. ! (1. I,. Tlioinpson in cIomIiij.' out liis
IEit IsrKiuoit: .ix yi'iin tiiitl u few of fornihli.
tnonths no we liit'l u A mint vwm killed nt
inj: in How lint; (itveii. Tlie rtiliinu .Nitiinluv ninl a hoy at I'orliin
of our "hoomiti.'" country linn twins
tills town, a otlicix, and -May A tniiitivlri to
population han almost douhlcil since fair houses at the 1'iiilay
They claim l(),(KK) now. and Satunlay nittlits and matinee
Ive.iiitlfiil" indeed is the iew from iw ' day afternoon.
Hill. The eye sweep over as fait -I-'. I,. Thompson Mold $'.iS worth of
a landscape as one could wish to look piods to one man since inserting his
upon. Tin-town, half liiildcn in the "ad," oo.s "at com." Thompson is a
liiH!i of forest trees; all untidlncrs quite' luiMler from Itttshtown.
tint of sight; the gt.tcefitl windings of, Joe I'rewitt, a small lioy, fell from u
ll.irren river lending the. iticlfahlo chat in ' clierry ttee Nitttrduy iiiortiing,
running water alone can give; the ing his ami. The doctors reset it ami
alternation of woodland and cultivated tlie hoy tesitnied his ulierry picking in
land, the well-kept fatius and white j the evening.
farm houses; church spires and public I-'. T. Ki-di has returned from a trip
building cupolas peeping through the to I'ineville and S. K. Kentucky. .Mr.
green, the tout iiMr U cxtiMtc. ' mid Mrs. V. .1. Sparks went up to Im
olnts, otttMde the don Minday. Conductor If.ie, a main
oro r railing, allow one to take in the line veteran, btottght ilown Sunday's
land-cape without the weatiness of i passenger train.
tanding to do it. .M ttioughtfni ad- The citizens of this place held a
tlltlott, for thehenellt of elderly gentle- meeting Thursday night at the
like myself; who to alute ioiie to discuss the tjtie.Minti of water
artistic tates, hut wlnwe legs are apt to works. Committees weie appointed to
My tin whoever put aecitain the probable cost etc. The
the benches there! matter is takinga tangible form and it
If mv readers hae eer an hour to from present indications tlint our
Npare in Howling (ireen, let place will eventually have some
treat themselves to a sight that folks I tiou against lire, as well as hauling
rave over, if they had to go across! ter right into the houses for daily use.
the '"big pond" to sis- it. at home, It is proposed to foice water by
is naturallv, at a discount; and few ic rams from a large spring juM Itelow
ovir know tint it is in existence. On town to hill, an elevation
CcKO. 0. JJ.VIt.NKS I n, Ky.
I plead apologetically that picture
of otllce work and the seiious Illness of
my wife kept me oil' the paper last week.
Mrs. Dr. 1 1. lyes, of Kansas, is here
looking well and apparently enjoying a
return to the scenes of her girlhood.
She soenis to he well pleased witli Kaunas
and claims to have made many watiu
blends during tier sojourn there.
I iinderstanil the closing exercises
of Christian College were very creditable,
hut was unable to be piesent. Neither
could I attend the meeting at the
church on Saturday, but presume you
have been furnished with a report in
The deatli of Mis. Amanda (.livens
removes one of the last survivors of the
noble baud of men and women who
gave character to our portion cf the
county half a century ago and recalls
thrilling memories of an eventful portion
of our history.
Teachers and other candidates for
examination are informed that the law
tlxes tlie tlrst I'ridny in July for the
of the hoard; there can be
nothing done before that date. In the
meantime it would be well for trustees
to settle their ditleteiices and unite their
ell'orts to make their houses habitable.
Our mail by the south-bound lightning
was badly wrecked on
Thursday last. In throwing oil" the
mall at Moreland where this train does
not stop The messenger, with lordly
indiU'erence, dropped it under the
wheels and a large jwrtion of the content'
was ground to powder. I received
something like a half bushel of fragments,
much of which was entirely illegible.
Why does Stanford not keep a good
thellhine, it would be the delight of of lid feet, into a reservoir and then j tnillK '!' "1' l,!l '' l congratulate
tourists; photographed; pipe it (town .Main street and thence to"l'r l" li " " i-- ' '-
revisited. On the Ikurcii it is the various houses. Hydrant arc. to be , fining Prof, l'.ixton, and her profound
ignored, ami even the folks who live at placed at convenient diMances for tire wiwlom in holding on to Mr. Walton-
the foot'of Ucservoir Hill don't seem to purees. but am astounded at her want of fore!
appreciate it much, or know what a gem . , hight in giving up Rev. .Mr. Mollett.
Impure Food. 'This bleaks harmonious band
of U'liutv thev tsess. 1 step up a
hope this little notice will tuin their at-
caution should lie exeicised of the ablest young ministers possessed
tentton to it, and awaken n little home " -,"J l''chase of a new article of food. , by any village (beg pardon, aspiring
where it is s.. well Ma" "ent cases of seriousillncs have young city) in the State.
i ihiii nMHiruii mini iiii. nui rii Tin. m.vi
0(1, -"
At the iiresent writing 1 am in . the us- patent fonls for infants, from untested
rge qi
purities in liorsefoid's powder were composed
of phosphate of soda, lime, etc.,
lint none of the "nntiitious
without which its manufacturers claim
life cannot bo MiMained. The
found in tlie other powders named
wete piincipally alum ami lime.
Flout the teport of tlie Commission it
is evident that tlie Itoy.il Hiking Powder
is of tlie highest degree of strength and
Syrup of Flgi
It Naturo' own true laxative. It Is the
moit easily takon, and tlie most effective
remedy known to Cleanse tbo Systom
when Bilious or Cost! vo; to dispel Headaches,
Colds, and Fovors; to Cure Habitual
Constipation, Indigestion, Files, etc.
Manufactured only by tho California Fig
Syrap Company, San Francisco, Cal.
For sale by A. II. Penny, Stanford.
Why wilt j 011 cough when Shlloh'n Cure ill
gne Immediate relief ! Price 10c, joe and $100,
McKobertt&Stij;.', Stanford, Ky and Cniw Ar
Co., tic Kinney, Ky.
Are oii unde r.ier.il)le by Indlgeition, Coiuti
XOUUng "', ,7""" " .., I pa.lon, Diifl , !.. of Appetite, Vellow Skin!
well, Pndse the l.OUU! Too melting . S,oh., l a positive cure. McKoberM
hot to write at length. ,V bum, Stmfunl, Ky , inJ Crow Co ,
Judge Thurmaii commends himself to
ual "hot watei." The brings "a baking jkiw dew and cheap flavoring ex-' '"' everlasting cotninon sense of the
It always hit". It always will, tract-. The desire for rapid wealth in-! In a speech delivered recently he
If it fails to do this it is not the duec utixcrupuloiis manufacturers to1 "'' "-My friends, it is not my purpose
if 1 read mv ltible aright, and I think j place anything before the public that ! t( say any harsh thing of our iolitical
"u.v eyes are mates " ' will sell at a large protlt, without regard , opponents. That never has been my
The "question is a very simple one an I to its ueftilncs or healtlifuincKs. At M.VU' of Iwking. Kven when I was a
answers, fairly, all the "lot" that is writ- ptesent there is a great raid upon the v,'r.v '""K -! '"''' wiynot a man
ten ami talked about the "disorganizing" baking jniwder market, and so many im-, !,t a". fori,t " time of my first stump
effect of our gospel. Tell me, reader, pure and adulterated articles of this'kind ' fl'wh I was nothing hut a loy even
then I always endeavored to keep a civil
wbenin votir liave been found peddled uliout t),e ,
rv vou ever knew it ditl'erent. So the country that the authorities in several of tongue in my head. I always
thing resolves it-elf into the the States have taken the necessary at- ed the riglit of every man to do bis own
query Is it the "gospel" I pleach or , tiou to expose them. The it-port of the thinking, and if lie would only think
not' In it true or false" If the latter, Ohio State I'otsl Comuiissiou lias shown ' honestly and be as tolerent of me as I
thin disprove it. I needn't say that of that a large number of tin- brands sold was tobiin, theie would be no harsh
all my critic and no one lias hen- are made from alum, phosphates, on words fall from my lips in respect to
ever had the courage to attempt a fair a cheap and adulterated cream of tartar. him; and so in the contests of our own
and s,,uare refutation of it, point by The danger to the public is made Mill party it never has been my habit to
,)011U. . .greater by the unblushing ellrontcry , quarrel witli those who did not think
What if I tind, from that the with which the proprietors of these im- just as I thought.'
dreadful current theology that pun- powders advertise them as perfect, I l.ittle Newton Vaughan, after having
the devil's doings to the I.OHD, is claiming for them all kinds of false and , ,K. ,,;ira,ie f ti,tf j,t sheep lead to him
ing intldels by the shoal'.' Shall! be iuqmssible endorsements. was asked "what he MtpK)sed the Shep-
still about it, lest the words should Mir The otlicial repott of the Ohio State1 lvrt Wi,i,tedwith tliesliee,"Toskinliim
strife'' Is quiet betrayal of Jesus into Food Commission gives tin- names of a ,uu N.j ,iM ,j,i0 ll!4 tjK. ,,eVpected
tin-bands of His foes better than the i number of these impute powders mui i ri.,,v. Another little fellow on being
racket of defending Illin? I think not. tin-amount of impuiity and ineit matter asUi',l "what kind of boys goto heaven?"
And is it better to go on believing what in each a- follows; j instead of giving the regulation
is untrue, than to undergo the pain of Nami. .rcknt. or I , ., , om.h ,, (roHU(, a snijL, hv asWt"r.
changing one's views ami even IMriKITIk., ; i,,,., i),.: bovs."
ing what we have fonneily declared to ,tfrltlu
be our opinions, and let racing our foot- .Mt
- ('J j
steps for manv a weary league? 1 think , semto 4ium ..is t$ mor) t,kai. 111(
not. The "agony of the tie.nendous ex-, - - :J ,.,., , fl()m
ortism is than the evils of Utr ut (j((H l mi n f.,c
nous possession. I ' i.inJ'i. , jt i
Hut in bringing this about, prejudices Hur(i.raN piiphaip y. 4
sometimes ;Uu" '" ."-J
Mirred; fiiend ate
are siiiivn, l'At.iii.a .alum) 40 i3
ted, and, where churcbianity takes pre-, ontpnin alim j4o3
icdeneo of olleiise will in- T(u, nMirjtI ; ,u ,,0W(eiM above-variably
be given. So heie and now ,
m,lltj0ul, Nuu, to Wl,bist o( viuj.
have to regiet that some whooncewould ,lB Ilialtl.w Inon, or leM nut(l. I
have "plucked out their eyes and given )r iiowler lhu 1Hju.llIu ,,,.
them to me," me now rather ready to wm 1Iijri jmil 8cK.llolu. KlHj ,lkh
pluck out mine instead. Hut tlio wero fouM, ,n ,u 1IalltltkIJ Tllt ,lu.
of the I'nited States receive
lonev from cliickeiis and
anv one sotuce,
t that Oanter'h cliicken
euoteiit cure is uauy aiintng to mat
sold and warranted to cuie by
McHobeitsStagt!. 't
If the B nit put more ;
If it bfull . puttim.':
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The lct Bitctn the world lor cut., ImiUcs,
ulcers, .alt rheum, (eerori, letter, chap,
ped II.inJ, chlllil.iln, Loru;;mil .lt skill crop,
tions, .ind initlul) cure pile, or no pay required
It U giiirantecd to nhe perfect
or innncv refunded 1'rjce 25 cenu per box
r or salt by A R 1'enn), Stanford, K)
Is Consumption Incurable ?
Held the following Mr C II Morris, New.
ark, Ark , nay. "Was dmin with Ab.ie.s o(
the Lungs, and frlcmU ind phlclins pronounced
me me an Incurable consumptive llctgan taking
Dr King's New DUcoierv for Consumption,
am inm on m third bottle ami able to ounce the
work on mv farm It U the rinel medicine eier
made'' Jesse Mlddlewart, Decatur, Ohio,
it not been for Ur King New Discovery
for Consumption I would have died of Lung
Troubles. Was given up by doitors. Am now
in the biot nt health" Sample bottle free at
A II I'uinv'i. drugstore
Shiloh't Calarrli Remedy, a positive cure for
Catarrh, Djphlheri.i and Canker-Mouth McKob
erts Jt Stigtf, Stanford, Ky , and Cnw .V: Co.,
McKinney, Ky
The Rev Ceo H. Ihaer, of llourbon, Ind
): "Ihth myself andvtife oe 0111 lives to
Shiloh's Consumption Cure McRobcrts Jt Sukx,
Stanford, K)., and Crovy .-Co., McKinney, Ky
Its Delicacy of Flavor
And tbo efficacy of its action have rendered
tho famous California liquid fruit
remedy, Syrup of Figs, immensely popular.
ItCleansosandTonosup tho clogged
and fevorish Systom, and dispols Head
aches, Colds, and Fevers.
For sale by A. It. l'enny, Stnnfotd.
wmwffiSrcY. w. jo5
These art- the cold water candidates, a
good looking pair, who don't expect to
be elected, but who will be satisfied to
be still in the ring at the cloe of the
tight, even if somewhat disfigured.
The Presbyterians now think their
church will be ready for dedication by
the 1st Sunday in July, due notice of
which will be given.
The African Methodist Church has
a membership in the I'nited .States of
Istl.flJO and they own cliurcb property
to the amount of $.),."0,000.
ltev. John I.. Smith, who was for L'O
years shepheid of the Hock at Providence
cliurcb, preached an excellent
sermon to the Baptist congregation here
Already 1M7 delegates have signified
their intention of attending tlie General
Association of Kentucky Baptists, which
convenesnt F.uiinence and
homes have been secured for them.
Klder J. S.Sweeney, of Paris, has
been offered $'2,000 to go to California to
preach a seiies of sermons. His cliurcb
lias gianted him a si weeks leave of absence
and he will leave for that State
the 1st of July.
The Itev. .Mr. Noel, of Lancaster, is
claiming tlie authorship of tlie remark
for which Sam Jones has had the discredit,
that "a man who swears will
steal." Mr. Noel is laboring under a
strong delusion if lie believes such foolish
expressions as that will add to his
icputation for wisdom or piety. Courier-Journal.
We have too good an opinion
of Mr. Noel to think lie would claim
the authorship of such damnable rot, or
give utterance to it.
Dr. Cottrell seems as much struck
on llro. Parties as lie is on him. The
Franklin Favorite sav lie devoted a sermon
to him, in which he euloaieil the
evangelist and told how helpful and
his ministry had been to him.
The paper also speaks in high terms of
his work in Franklin, but takes issue
witli him in his notion about the
of animals and vegetables-, and
chnraeterie.s it as silly and absurd in tho
extieme. Pro. 15. can propably stand it,
Electric Bitters.
This nincil in licioritii),' sci will kntiun and mi
piinultr .! ni special mention All who
li.ieusiil Klectrlc Hitters sing the same sons of
A purer medicine doe. not exist and It U
guarantied to do all tint is claimed Klictric
llittcM will cure .ill diseases of the I. tier and
will remove I'lmples, llolls, Salt and
other affections caused 1) Impure blood. Will
drlic Malaria from the si stem and preicnt as
well o cure till Malar! it Tficrs Fur cure of
Headache, Constipation and IndlKCtion trv VAcv
trie llit.ers Kntlre satisfaction tfaur inteed or
mone) refunded l'rice 5 l per bottle at
A II IVrniv'si drujf fct'iri
This old and Hotel still maintains
its hih reputation, and Its Proprietor 1. determiu.
ed that it shall be second to no conntrj Hotel in
the State in its Kare. Appointments, or Attention
to his Guests. Basease comes el to and
from depot free of charge Special accommodations
to Commercial Travelers.
lsbiied March and Sept.,
oaob year. It is an
OTU'BU of useful
for all who pur.
chaso the luxuries or tho
necessities of Ufo. We
can olotho you and furnish you with
All tho nooessary and unnecessary
appliances to rido, walk, dance, sleep,
oat, flsh, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and In various aises,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTAIIY, and you oan make afalr
estlmato of the value of the BUYEBS'
QUIDE, whloh will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
Miohlgan Avenue, Chioago, III.
Surreys, Phaetons, Buckboards, Road Carts and Spring Wagons,
the best assortment we have ever had, embracing over
Different styles and prices. Our stock consists largely of the better
grades, and includes some of the very best vehicles made for the
m trade
Come and see our goods before making your selections.
You will be astonished to see such a stock in Stanford.
GEO. . TflTEilRENr,
. 'i
817. im 403pm Soopm
a ct a m lunin ounni
A . 4
.1 1
7 55 a m l.'ve... .Cincinnati .... A'rv
r Williamstovvn .Ivc
1059 am 7 oj pm 10 jj pm ...
11 ,VM' m 7 35 pm 11 05 pm 10 15 a in Lexington...,
11 en n m 8unm IlKnm - Danville....
' 5 10 a mll.'ve. .....Meridian.
1 9 00 a mlL'se Jackson,
, 11 10 a mlL've....Vicksburil
4 20 p in L've.,
8 15 pm Ar v.,
f ' -.Jt." f'l
Extracts for Ice Cream
Fruit Jars & Scaling Wax
r'ifty.nne Acre of Land, mostly in grass, with
m .ill home on i(, 4 miles on Crab Orchard Pike.
Terms easy T R WALTON.
If aboie is not sold I w ill rem the home at a
reasonable figure. T R. WALTON.
Agricultural and Mechanical, Scientific, Engineering, Classical, Normal School, Military
Tactics, Commercial and Preparatory Courses of Study.
Fait tfrru begins Srptrmhrr 14. IJsJs. Knr Catntoaite and other Information aMres
.IA.lli:S K. IMTTKItsllS, I'll. II., I.rxlncton. Kenlnrky.
(Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway.)
IN jj 1 a HOURS.
Through Oars to New Orleans, Louisiana and Florida Twice Daily.
No. 7,
ii bad down.
Trains south.
. No, 3,
I wail).
Daily Ex. un.
! No,
No, 6.
read "UP.
6 40 a in 6 4 pm 1025 a ml 600 p m
5 13 a m
No. 7.
i 10 a 111 ;
j 4I a m 4 15 pm
j 33 a in
115pm 9 10 pm 11 jo a m 11 25 a mi j unction City i i3 a m 310pm
mm ml. I i 01 a m u 10 D m Somerset 1 05 a m 1 50 p m
Ssopmi ,J 5J5m 315pm OakJale 9 55 pm 11 15 am;
1000pm ...' Sloam Ar 710pm 900am:
...l 850am 600 Ar v 6 u p m ,..
...'.. 1 10 pm' Ar'vM....AttaIla.. J 15 pm I
I ' utum 11 10pm L've... Illnninsham 135 1"" 330x101
0 00 p m 1243 am ...Tuscaloosa,. 9 10 a m 1 40 a 111
11 ijpm 4 10a m,Ar'v....Meriill.in L've 4 20 a in 10 30 pm
o jy a11 yjurfoiini i.,k. wiifc.,,.,,.,, . y v. ,. ... j ,- ...,
.... 10 co pint,,
.... 6 15 pm L
,.,. 400pm.
.... 1005 a m ,
,... 6 00 a ml.
No. 4. I No, 8.
Daily, j Daily.
8 30 a in
7 24 a m
5 30 a in
4 22 p m
3 o3 p in
2 40 p m
1 top m
I 00 pm
1105 a in
7 25 a m
4 00 4 in
N, II. Tram No, 9 leaves Oakdale at 5 5, A m, and arrives in Chattanooga at 9w,am, No. 10 leave
Chattanooga at 5 00, 1. M and arrives at Oakdale at 3 2
Mann Boudoir Ilufret Sleeping Carj on alt trains.
JOHN C.OAULT, General Manager, H. COLLIIUAN, Oen'l Frt. i Pass. Agt.
R. CARROLL, C'.enerM Superintendent.
Oeneral Offices, St. Paul lluildlng, West fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ohio,

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