OCR Interpretation

Semi-weekly interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1881-1905, August 17, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Semi-Weekly Interior Journal
Stanford, Kv., Auousr 17, 1SS8
Kldkk Ha i i.otr is , natural-born
and hnd not the bent of his utiiid
turned to religious mutters, he would
have developed Into u more noted pugilist
than John Sullivan. He is so anxious
for n light that notwithstanding Mr.
Warren's courteous declination to en
gage in a contest against a question iiij
wliii'li tnnmlK hit !h in HVinuathv. that I
lie could not resist the temptation to
give him n few rounds anyway, though
no reference was made to him, or anything
said by Mr. Warren that
demanded an answer. The gentleman
from "Cracker's Neck," however,
indirectly, but no less forcibly, endeavors
to leave the impression that the democratic
candidates have been nominated
on a platform condemning prohibitory
laws, by putting the charge in the shape
of an" interrogatory. We can and do answer
him by saying that no reference to
prohibitory laws is made in our platform,
neither is the defeat of prohibition,
when it is paraded as a party question,
regarded as a democratic victory.
As for ourselves, we liae alwins advocated
the most stringent regulation of
the liquor traffic and whether it is accomplished
by high licence or entire
prohibition we aire very little. There is
not such a difference as Mr. Hallou would
infer in his platform and ours on the tariff
question, either. His hays that "import
duties should be so reduced that no
surplus shall he accumulated in the
treasury and that the burden of taxation
be removed from the necessities of life,"
while ours expresses the same idea in
more elaborate foi m. Hut w o are not
going to take issue with you, or any other
prohibitionist, Hro. Hallou. Op many
of your points we are agreed and the Jn
tkkiok Jouk.vai., like its editor, is always
at your service, sir.
The Kansas City Times contains
.1 cut and a skeUh of the life of
Judge W. P. Campbell, who was
nominated by the democracy of
Kansas for associate justiie of the Supreme
Court. He is a brother of F. J.
Campbell, one of the proprietors of Hock
Castle Springs, and like him is a man
of fine mind, indomitable energy and unlimited
ambition. They hao another
brother, J. P. Campbell, who is a banker
at Clay Centre, Kansas. The Campbells
w ere raised here, are strictly self-made
men and deserve more credit than
any men wo know of. They have by their
own unaided exertions attained highly
honorable positions in life, besides securing
a sufficiency of this world's goods
to put them in comfortable circumstances,
if no more. Lincoln county is proud
of them.
That weak invention of the enemy to
injure Helva Lockwood'schamisfor the
presidency, viz: the charge that she does
not wear a bustle, has been silenced by
the lady herself, who, it is said, quietly
remarked, "Xei'lier docs (Inner nor
Henny, for that matter." Helva is right,
Grover doesn't need such an appendage
and the son of his grandfather would
look even lower and more stumpy with
Cioi)'bles the women! They are always
ahead in every good won I and
work. Statistics show that of the total
church membership they compose more
than two-thirds and in the United States
where the sexes are about evenly divided,
there are 5,000 men in the penitentiary
to 5,000 women. It will bo just
this way in heaven, too, unless we poor
mortals mend our wnys.
The republicans aro going to bend
Blaine out to California with the hope
that his eloquence and magnetism may of
pull through the man Hallison, us the
Chinese call him, but those in a position
to know say it will be love's labor lost.
The people on tho Golden Coast can't
swallow the man who voted to flood the
country with the rifnilffrom Mongolia
Hn.i.v HitECKiNitiDOE is announced for
reelection and we have many $15 in our
inside pocket and elsewhere which say ho
will be his own successor in Congress.
The hemp men and those who oppose
him had as well spend their money in
purchasing ropes to hang themselves as at
trying to keep tho "silver-tongued" fiom I
being reelected.
Mayoii Fiuncis, of St. Louis, will bo
the next governor of Missouri, his nom
ination being practically settled by tho
primaries. He was born in this county
on tho classic waters of Dix Itiver, and
the friends of his youth and young manhood
hae watched his steady upward
career with genuine pride.
Not content with tho big field ho has an
in tho Advocate, Mr. S. G. Hoyle seeks
others to conquer. He has bought nil
interest in the Kentucky Stock Farm at
Lexington for $11,000, it is stated.
A jiKirrixH of the Kxecutive Commit
tee of the State League is called at its
headquarters in Louisville August 28th on
at 1 o'clock. Air. H. C. Warren, of tho
National Association, will attend. of
Tiik official majority of Myers, democratic but
candidate for sheriff in Casey, is
V27. Tho miiio county, it is said, will
give Gen. Wolford -100 to oOO majority. his
Tnuti: have been but two deaths and
n limited number of cases of yellow fever
at Jacksomllle, Florida, but the situation
thl're is harrowing. A panic Iihb
struck the people, who remember the
hoirors of lsT;j. and thev are fleeing in
tenor from the s if lion scourge. It is
.slid that all who can have (led for refuge
and there is danger that those who
lack moans to get away may soon want
for tjie simplest neeessitiesoflife." Hotels,
boarding-houses and restaurants nre
Hanks are out of money. Provisions
cannot get in and nothing sac
telegraphic nicvagos can gjt out. The
whole world has sternly shut its doors
against this Utile sulfering community, j
Hito. Louis is right, we hope, in regard
to "Dr. Hull's' diagnosis of our
case, but we are in a pretty bad snap all
the same and get no better. Carbuncles,
like politics, is h 1, and don't you forget
it. The sympathy expressed by our
kind brethren of the press and others
goes far, howcer, towards helping us
bear tjie ills we have with patience and
christinn fortitude and we are profoundly
thankful to them.
Tiik newspapers of the old world are
continually showing their ignorance of
the now world's affairs, but it was left
for a Florence, Italy, journal to make the
worst break. It remarks with all the
gravity of conscious knowledge: "During
President Hl.iine'K Kuiopean visit Congressman
Cleveland has been in charge
of the White House."
Tiigoernor of Michigan is the
paid flllicial of his rank in the country.
He only gets $1,000 and has to
skirmish around for his board.
for his twople, he has no chance
to steal anything, or being n republican,
he might be able to catch ewn.
Tiik noble old Roman, Hon. A. G.
Thurman, will open the campaign at
Point Huron, Michigan, next Wednesday.
The democracy has a fair show of
earn ing Michigan and Thurinan's speech
is to set the ball moving for the promised
Jerome, a distinguished
New Yorkei.is dead.
The Nova Scotia raft has safely arrived
in New York bay.
Texas democrats renominated Gov.
Kos and Wheeler Wednesday.
The us licit nf Southern Califor
nia uliimiod this venr . l.-0 cirdoads of
J- of tlus l,,nwJ. ha b,'0M
-The convent of the Sacred Heart, at
New York, burned; loss $400,000. The riU,tl'l IKltellt " " far.m " . ,
inmatesesciped. -. ." uivcn up h.sp ace
as night pol.cem.in and hxs again taken
Magollin, which alwavs go.s
olli,r of t,,e work-house.
republican, elected n democratic sheriff
byiimajoritvofr.votes. ' X "". ,' ',- I"
-The "Fair," an establishment in lrkmgton have gone tol'etosky, Mich-
Louisville, which kept everything in the vf . tof to escape their usual attack
mercantile line, has assigned. of "n cvt'r; , . , . ..
-Mis, Lillie Cleveland, a cousin of the 7A:,milu7,ft?tw u ,wtol a" V'"
turbed "fcst.b.,1 ' intl.e westendabout
president, who died in Kansas was a
interred this week nt Frankfort. two )mks ttJ'.. Vnr t"mf "
-There are now pending in Congress ot ?f " "J!'1 tu ,the
work-house; for the disturbance ten. :.b
new pension ...eas.nes, which, if passed,
the Ihe trial took pl.ue
would call for an outlay of ?J,:,00,000,.
000. ruesday.
Fstill county voted to subscribe Miss Mary Hnrk was the ictim of a
$100,000 to the capital stock of the Nich- storm party Wednesday night. The
olasviile, Hichmond, Irvine A Heattyvide "stormers" were MIns Hailey,Coington'i
railroad. Mis, Gaines, I.ouisvilIc; Misses I'ulli.uii,
Jim Jones and Joo Itosenberg, Miss Baker, Misses Yeiser, and Messrs.
liceinen, weio stabbed to death in Louis- Jaines Fisher, John Dunn, George
ville by Chas. Dilgen, whom they were Hum j. Shelby and Howard Marrs.
trying to arrest. Hev. Cieoige O. Harnes continues to
Leading democrats say that the lit- j, reach at the court-house to large con-tie
shaking up they got yeais ago will rogations. Wednesday night belore
the effect of returning Carlisle to jinning his sermon iio referred to an ar-Congress
by (i.500 majority. tide which appealed in the Kentucky
Charles Fleming was stabbed four Advocate of the 14th which did
times by W. S. Duncan, nt I Iopkinsvillo. him the greatest injustice. The nrtiilo
Tho divorced wife of the dead man was jn question said: "Perhaps the most
arrested for complicity in the deed. successful meeting he (Barnes) held at
An Ohio girl nppaiently died and that timeUen jearsago) was in thiscity
was placed in her cotlin, fiom which she w here ho preached twice each day fur
nioso oil hours afterwards. She had been three months, and woundup with about
in a trance, but was perfectly conscious 'confessions' fiom men, womenand
what whs going on. children. Then as now Mr. Barnes was '
dipt. Jack Williams, professional
swimmer, floated on his back from Alton,
III., to St. Louis, ".") miles, with his
hands strapped tohissidenuil legs bound
together, in 8 hours.
A Chicago letterbox was robbed on
Tuesday night. Checks, drafts, money
orders and other negotiable papeis have
been recovered to the amount of $20,-
000, but the thief and money are still
The news comes via Catlettsburg
that tho Hatlields and McCoys have been
it again and in a pitched battle the
Int Holds had suflcred a loss of three
killed and two wounded and the McCoys
but three wounded.
Three otlicera went to Cedar Creek
church, near Greenwood, on tho llith
hint., to ui rest Andy Hamlin, charged
with tho seduttion of a younggirl.
biother organied a possee, rescued
him and shot the olliceis.
A freight train on the Kiie railroad
was wrecked near Shohola, N. Y., and
expiess train, due at the time of the
accident, crashed into tho wreck, an
to flag it having failed. Ono man
was burned to death and several persons
weio fatally injured. Gebhaidtnnd Mrs.
Langtiy lost 1 1 fino horses.
Frank Gallup was caught bea'ting
liiHngedfatherntSlieniiiido.il), la., and
being leinonstrated with by his neighbors
lie killed two and wounded another
them. Then ho attempted to escape,
n shot laid him low.
body was then drugged tlnoiigh the
streets by the infuriated citiens, who
forced Gallop's wife to putu rope about
neck for that purpose.
Hogs aro soiling at 5 cents for feeding
in this county.
Mrs. Mary Cleinmerson and Mrs.
Hrent, of Louisville, are visiting Mrs. W.
O. Sweeney.
Dr. 11." F. Walter, while driving to
dinner Wednesday, fell from his buggy
and dislocated his right shoulder.
Editor M. D. Hughes is sulfeiing
intensely from a seveiecaeof tlmcroup.
His many, friends hope that he may soon
r ,J ' ' - - 1' '" -- ' "
pr "j ' "'
in m
i Hinii i mi t i
itvll"); old common law 12; common law 4..WI.KU, nmlher true wealth t5.Pl 1,770,1.
T,IL worla coasumes annually, uccortlmg
HDneirances '.Y) i
.'.., ','. ', , . .i . i 'o Hnglih authority in thotrade, HlwutlVlO..
Klder I'etkins, of the ( hnstian
ouotous of coffee, und produces a
be relieved.
At Hichmond on Wednesday in tho
trotting nice tho horse Outlaw, by Outcast,
ran into the fence and snagued himself
very badly.
Kb Cooley, w ho has been lixlngin
Kansas, has returned to stand trial in
circuit court for an indictment for
We had quite a lively discussion
here on Tuesday night by some members
of the legal profession. Subject
"Should woman be given the Mine education
as man?"
Yesterday, at the resilience of the
bride's parents, Mr. J. L. Kails was married
to Miss Kinnin Merriman.
ny by llev. Mr. Johnson. All of this
The Garrnrd County Teachers Institute
was held here this week. The exercises
were conducted by l'rof. Smith,
of Columbia, and the County Superintendent,
Mr. .1. T. Haughman.
The tobacco crop of Garrard, which
was thought to be almost a failure some
time ago, now bids fair to be one of the
best ever ruNed, though the acreage is
not more than one-half of last year.
The following is the full docket of
our circuit court, which com cues next
Monday: Appearances 78; common
wealth 87; oldciuitvea'es 1.V5; new colli
church, is holding a revival at Scottsl
Fork church in the Huckeve
, . ... . mi'. ,:i
iiuou, uiiscumiij.
ing manifested and several confessions!
have been made
A good rain is needed badly.
aro cutting tobacco. Mr. .lames A.
Hurnside is in Madison, soliciting shipments
of tobacco to his house in
Corn is selling near Huckeye nt
Jl per barrel in the llcld. Hogs aio ey
scarce in this county.
I)r ' S' MvMltrtry has returned
not connected with any church organization,
consequently nine-tenths of those
who were induced to taketho'flrst step'
followed his example and did not
w ith the churches, but
drifted back to the world." Heplying
to this, Mr. Hames said that he had not
supposed that any one who knew anything
at all about hiin did not know that
lie was a member of the Church of England.
He said that he had always advised
his converts to join churches, and
that the reason ho does not now take
confessions is that his views on
huvu changed, and that in his opinion
all the confession necessary for the
comert to make is to his God alone. He
said that if indeed nine-tenths of his
converts of ten years ago had drifted
back to the world, the explanation could
be found in the unrelenting hostility of
neailyull the clergy of Danville to everything
ho did; that they would not attend
his meetings and treated his converts
with loldness. Mr. Harnes ami
family aro the guests of Mrs. Harnes'
nephew, Dr. J. C. Hogle. Among those
who attendsd tho services Wednesday
night were Mrs. W. G. Welch, Mr. and
Mrs. It. C. Warren, ."Mr. Allen, of Stanford,
and .Miss Anna Huriows, of I'.iiut
Stephen 15, Klkins will run for Congress
in in the .Second Dihtiict o'f West
Virginia against William L. Wilson, the
lirchcnt (lihtinguiHlieil democratic
from that community. This is
by special rciiuent of the lejiiiblic.in
Mr. Maine included.
Tnr. world's annual product of wool Is 600,-000
tons, vulucd at lti00,000,0(0.
Statistics recently published show that
nearly 7,000 American citizens reside In and
ubout Paris.
Tin: expenses of a Presidential election In
this country aro about w hlch, divided
by four, gives ?ft,0U,000 a jear as
whutwepay for lnatntnlnlug freo government.
Doubtless much of this is expended
foolishly, some, perhaps, wrongfully; but
this Yankee Nation all tho sumo gots better
(o eminent at u cheaper into ttiuuuny other
jteoplo in tho world.
" Osu llfty years ago," says Sir Spencer
Wells, "tho average duration of human life
In fifty cnrs the population has Increased
by cixht millions At least two millions of
this Increase may bo put down as tho fruit
of improcd sanitary and medical work, and
of victory over preventable sickness.
The total number of Kuropcnn troons In
English India lu js.su was (II ,015, und tho
nvcrago er thousuud
In tho province oi Hcngul
nicu, uud tho
province of Madras, 11,000, und tho
10.2; province of llombuy, 1 1,000, 'death-rate
13.7. Tho number of nutlvo tiois was
100,010, und tho wan 10 -10 per
Stkikis arc expensUe things, both to tho
employers and employes, as Is shown by tho
MmincUl report of tho Chicago, Burlington
& Qulncy rullroad. Tho rcort cocrstho
lcrlodof the great strike on that road, and
a remarkable decrease in tho curnings, as
compared with thoso of lbS7, Is exhibited.
Tho decrease in gross earnings was f 1,741,-,
4CU, and in net earnings ?l,7IP,073. Tho company
estimates that It lost from $1,500,000 to
12,000,(110 by the sti ike, necessitating a quarterly
dl idend of only ono per cent,
Wit Vihoima thus far hasn't mndo
much noise In tho world, but she's big
enough to, and growing in certain directions.
According to recent statistics she is larger
than Massachusetts Uhodo Ishnd, Connecticut,
Now Jersey and Dchiwaro combined.
Their population Is :V.,OI0; hers,
Gls,M7. Tho value of their property Is ocr
l5,ll'ls,UO,0U0; of hers, tno7,(Ul,U'0. At tho
utr.o ruto per square inilo as tho live other
btatos luiuicd, her population would bo
spondinp quantity estimating tho average
price at WW u ton, this represents u vuluo
of Jamaica coffee Is the finest
butotilv furnishes about 5,000
tons Kast India and Co Ion coffees are of
u very high quUity, but they do not togeth
er produce more thuu 'ii.OOO tous 1 ho Ceylon
crop used to bo more lti.Hrtniil thau'it
is, but lus been reduced in consequence of
ndlscjsQof tho plants. 1 ho average crop
of Juva is from fi0,000 to M).UX) tons, und
that of llraril from !H0,0O;) to 1s0,(xx) tons.
Costu lUcn und tho other Central American
States also exjiort colTce
You will never have a friend If you must
huvo Olio without failing
To UAr. what uo wantls riches, but to
be able to do without it is owcr.
You may boast of jour ancestry, but
your actions demoustruto what jou are.
A man's own good-breeding Is his best security
against other people's ill-manners.
Dmio.MESTY is liko a man with a club
foot often makes good tlmo but Is cuslly
Tunic !s no such thing as ubsoluto to
fcction, and no ono need fear ever becoming
too well informed
Do .not make witticisms at tho expense of
others which you would' not wish to havo
inado upon yourselves
lie rudo to none, rudeness harms not
even the humblest nud jKXircst to w horn it
is directed, but it injures tho exhibitors.
Ke rn treat superiors w ith servility or Inferiors
w ith nrroiraneo. HjkmIi as kindly to
a day laborer as to ono ixxupjing a high
FonTCSE und close
an J tho man who sUigpjrs about in
trying to got under tho roof of tho former
often lands under tho latter
Mantu joung miss who vigorously protests
against runuiug the family sewing
machine, a httlo while. e "n, would propol
herself about uoii a ti . j for hours at a
time without a murmur
A lauoi: promlso without performance is
liko a false lire to u great piece, which discharged!
n good expectation with bad report.
1 will forethlnU what I will promise,
that 1 may promise but what I will do.
SoMcof tho so-called affectations of tho day
have underljing them a sound nriuciplu;
they may bo educational In their tendencies,
and to bo educated, to l:nrroe, Is, as woll
as money gutting, ono of our hobbies today.
Ai.wavs give to elders, visitors
und supciiors. Offer them tho best
scat at tho table, tho best placo by tho tiro
end tho Urst of every thing, Uo farther
than mere form and see that they aro
and Imp!'.
Hr.cu'sK ono is stimulated by alcoholic
drinks bo imagines thut ho is strengthened
ulso, but ho Is really stimulated bcoud his
nntural strength, and unnatural exhaustion
inevitably follows. Just us fur us he has
been elevated beyond his normal condition
docs ho afterward siuk below it, nnd this
alternate clcvution und depression lit very
wearing upon nerves and brain.
A BniriMi vessel Is now surveying u
route between Australia and Canada,
to I.ijing u telegraph cable. The
cablo will bo 7,WK) miles long, und tho work
of luylng it will take three yens.
r A steam life-boat is being tested by tho
Impish Government. Tho boat will bo
llfty feet long, with twelve feet beam, und
is to bo proiielled by u turbine wheel driven
by an eiigiuu of power,
A sti:am whaler recently urrivud at San
I'raucisco with n catch of whales,
the largest on tocotd, Tho yield was some
a,C00 barrels of oil and over 50,000 pounds
of bone, tho whole valued ut $0il,b00.
Tin: skill with which dock luts hoard u
vessel by running nlong her cables has
long becu u terror to ship owners. A protector
has just been invented in tho shnpo
of u big tiu funnel through which tho cubto
rims. Tho big end of tho funnel fnces tho
shore, uud tho ratneau not sui mount It,
Tun new nuvy, when completed, will consist
of ii osscls, ranging fiom tho armored
cruiser Maine, currying 41 1 men, dow n to a
torpedo boat, carri lug I onteors
und IS nion. Thero will bo 5,7611 men ou
board the vessels, GOO oiliccrs and 5,'2&i
sailors and marines.
As English Uluo Book has just been
Issued, which gives the number of vessels
contained in tho navies of tho different
maritime powers of Kuropo as follows:
llattlo ships England, -U); France, 30;
Italy, 21; Germany, III; Russia, 0.
67; Franco, i7 ; Germany,
'JO; KubsIu, 23; Italy, 'Jl. Torpedo vessels
nnd boats England, I7d; HO;
Italy, V'li; KuKkiu, 07, Germany, W.
Agricultural and Mechanical, Scientific, Engineering, Classical, Normal School, Military
Tactics, Commercial and Preparatory Courses of Study.
(ur Kftll Irrm brj;ln Ncplrmbrr VI, ISSS. For I'ntnlnsnr ntul other lii'ormMlnii niMrrm
. JAM KM K. IMTTI5KSON. I'h. .. I.rzlnalan, Kcnliickr.
Flooring, Sidings, Ceiling, Finishing Lumber,
MoKS, Brackets, Scroll Work, Fri....is, Sm.li,
Doors, ItliiulK, Veranda
. .
v -v- - ,-.
Work, Etc.
C. SINK, Superintendent.
Wo aro overstocked and WILL sell them. During
The Prices will be Reduced to within the reach of all. Our entire
stock of Clothing, consisting of light, medium and
heavy weights, will
And in no event will any profit and many lots will be sold
at HALF their actual value. This is a Genuine Cost Sale
and in the Clothing Department only.
No Goods Charged; Cash in Every Instance.
Ten per cent, will be added to all bills charged to any account.
BRUCE & MoEOBERTS, Stanford.
Good and Clean Molasses-, Sugar- and
Tor Sale Cheap. T. R. Walton.
Extracts for Ice Cream
- -
Fruit Jars & Sealing Wax
- -
re I I and,
mallliou.r n 11 4 . 11
If all vc i in'l oM I , ill
ruMsonabte future
ni.l.j in xru, Willi
C rab On liar, I 1'ilr
W A 1. 1 ON
run die lions- ai j
Road Carts and Spring Wagons,
ever had, embracing over
stock cocsists largely of the
very best vehicles made for
before making your selections.
a stock in Stanford.
1 lis if iute,
unnwii iri. Viuk.iuIHi. i..
Surreys, Phaetons, Buckboards,
the best assortment we have
Different styles and prices. Our better
grades, and includes some of the the
trade. Come and see our goods
You will be astonished to see such
Mim f emele
ii'miic m in nil mi i iiiL'iirr cm ration or mnmr
tin 1 1 in-ill. litiiltln, inr jilt v I'oiiipiiuii. triiiu reasonable for dintaget otferea
lli.iiiil.fin). IIkIiIk. uiililn;r iiinl tuition i, l.iinan IK iilini nt nml Muslr fnrisuiOO fm
M,niifiiuii .Siitpuiliri liii.linic Wliliiiiu iiiiii'Ii .smwi. fnrratnloJiioto
Si 5- yjfe'fc'ftKSSr' ? Associate RICHMOND, KY,
I'till Facility. TwcUoIicimrtinontsofSlin , Ifcnltliv rnMon l-i
i'ik lin.rfnf nin r.,
icgl.i... Hciinod anil liofpftablouiniiiiiiiiitt M.fr Vo ? ?,,u,,,
.vow -J) lui
' ' ' " " '
hint Muslim SW, from 20 sfilei. Nuxt f, . ni.., t,, 1 . i . , "f m ,
and I atalugiic. Aj.ply to L. H. ELANTON. D C Lhasce

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