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Semi-weekly interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1881-1905, September 30, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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f ? n: - v 7
Semi-Weekly Interior Journal.
Altho' we would like to, we can
II' re - m ey in our :pth
'T !
-Mr. A. H. Hatln has bought of Mr.
Porter Robinson his cottage near the
depot for S.X)
of i reation dolging these feminine
whose el for the good ennee
was not to be repulsed.
-The most embarrassing thing in the
w.irll for a voting man when "a
is to have the lamp suddenly go
out in darkness, just before he's ready to
depart. If his girl isn't a mighty sweet
one he's dead sure to slink away, wish
!... 1... I....I n.i'ur "tuatml" liinwelf .
them out to their country homo anil
regaled them with a feast of dnintie
u .!. nu fi.w umliliiiL'.s can boast of Mn
Ail the contcstnntH acquitted theinsolvis is little comfort to fanners in cattle mid
attend mo repuniicau "'""' "l tlon 'Tim l)ir..i.inr' Vklt . tl.m In. Ion hold to Combat k All.-n 10 H.onnintr
London the Mth, but here sour say n diwi , on ,0 f,,,,, lnor,.niI(i w,l0IMi. tntllu at S; the lattei Arm sold to Dave
the candidates and the result:
ed with "George Washington's Little Allen a pair of -i-year-old man mules for
ja,iKe tinier u -old war hWk, viwikUM nntl.uoti. wIc eomj(lott.iy psiedthe S300niM bought a go
DtiJ.iw t.1. .. ootM Moody liie. Hut the witty reply which he Mr. Allen for $).
.n mli r .1 tes muiv, tenor. "Tweonklf, tweenkli little Ptnr'"
II ,k. on hi. ,,. WW-.W t.ptrt fci to.t
ft con.nM 8Wro Jlni, Mmilir f,ao
follow his old trade, detecting for the
L. it X. He is as much in love with the
mountains as the burly-framed, big
mi and' made up the lest of ' n" mountaineers are witk him. ami
the time until II o'clock and the boys
departed, loading their fair hostesses
with thank for the evening's delights.
-Ren Moore and Charley Collins, two
pupils of W. J. Kdiiiiblon's school, aged
10 and 1 1 respectively, fell out over a
game of marbles at playtime Thursday
and Collins plunged a knife into Moore
somewhere about the small of the back,
uiflii tun' n daneerous if not a fatal
all his chat was of the prosperous future
which awaits that heaven-favored
The C. V. triin will never he run
by a better puot nor one mote popular
with the traveling public. The captain
will make his headquarters at Louisville.
Rom, to the wifu of Mr. G. C. Lyon,
I a .
wound. Collins was cut twice in tlio a u.iugmer.
hand. Mr. Kdmiston was at dinner and Rilly Weatheiford is bote on a fin
i ,ti.i,,.. nf tl.e debt n..: his io. lough. There is always a hearty greet
tun to the school-house Collins has K !' tar Hilly,
mt been arrested. Misa Lulie, daughter of Cieo. Rille,
-W. A. Hrooks was in town Sunday sr., has luul a long struggle with typhoid
Mr Charley Douglas, of Danville, was fever, but bids fair to recover,
iiptoseohissistei, Mrs. II. H. Karris,! Mr. J. W. Alcorn, wife and mother
Tuesday. Mrs. R.IL Rotter, of visited Ilustonville last week. Jim is
ter, who has been the guosl uf Mrs. C. the West Knder's icfuge when there's
A. Redd, Jr., for the past two weeks, has j ' uncertainty about ownership; legali
r .'turned home. Mr. John Anderson, ty or even justice.
darr.ird county's brainy young
tendent of common schools, took m tin
A partial solution of the strike by
stave-haulers is found in the liberal
reading match" at College I lull l'rnlay 'sprenu oi iresn meiai on me sieepcsi
niglit. Mr. A. R. Kloia, of jl'ineville, ' turnpike grades, making a half loadeven
stopped over hero Friday to see his best a severe tax on the jaded teams.
irl Miss Mabel Graves, of Missouri, is The outlook for line fall sport has
tit the Harris House. Dr. Ii. U. Redd, not beou better since the '(JO's. Hird-after
a ple.is.uU 'summer's sojourn with hunters cau rejoice in a general report of
friends and relatives in this and adjoin- the greatest plentifulncss of partridges;
tng counties, has returned to his home and rabbiis aro thicker here than
Montana. Mrs. George Debotd, who jHsh sparrows, which nuisances have be-i..i
ivin.' iliunrerotwlv ill. is eome annoying.
Iltin Hi... .---J- n w
lcscing. Miss Reauregard Smart has
gone to Louisville to take a position in a
millinery establishment.
Uni'iiio and delightfully entertain-
i..,i....i wits, the "reading inutuh" at
The veteran merchant, J. R.Green,
linds it necessary to enlarge his
I inodations for his increasing business
Accommodation is the most appropriate
adjective to use in any co.uiectioti with
llll, . . ., ....,. (.,. ,. ( 1.1. .... ..!.,,
Colle-e Hall Fridav night, anil tlio ."'- 'i U"K "' "ia bihii
ures is to accommodate friend or ac
by tilling the
showe I Us appreciation ,
house with a fair-minded, intelligent an iiuaintntice, no matter what the
The contest opened with 12 , nience to hun.
Untie -Saturday inorning s breeze from the
entries on the boards, young
who north stiilened up till at I o clock in the
and four voting gentlemen,
sented iu'thoir selected pieces every afternoon it felt like an embryonic lli
good cotton mule of
work; goi oil on some lellow in the audience iowik uoocn, wiio wnssnui it v
Ihv tieiof I'lita.vi't Vmt rvr Trsfcle v,., tio crowning glory of the evening. by all otllcet, survives, with e:
onfUletxc, Ash arose to render "Oeorgu's Little ' lt prospects of recovery. It l eel
NC" S .m .' -! ""'t" somKMly in the ur of the that r Ixdl or two penetrated the s,
the of the abdomen, opposite
points of entry. A direct passage with
1, s'i'!,Ad!m wiik twain prrfHlou. in m would Inve mad n Dan l:ice 1 l tnHTntinir intiitiiH.s uonli! soimii an
"" 0t proud, he numbed the stanxa for thej impossibility. Unwise is a purnletothe
,, .) tnnEuc fii.i. tlwi Min hmM , follow "low I wonder what you are," surgeons, Still iilh, hi mind clem
m.Khiykot oinpluwMiig tbe"vou" so pointedly us from the n o nent of bin wound,
r . - l . m .b .asm Vtfttir rninioB mdv w wwi
iiip m i' 1 ii " rm mT "" -----
to IfMvn the imprixwion on tint tite and gil and a cheerful
u ht John "IUn that the fellow was n lMKby and an i Ufinpermntsnt jiroimse a rapid
haw. I)ud and prolongel lunghter Ihe Little Itwl Hog, wlucli has Iweti
greeted this sully nttd even body went of hue years a pet diversion with the I.
awav weariin: a visible triin. The inter-! J., is, it swuis, in u fail way to ho
sperslou of music by the C. . string
-Mrs. W. T. Stephenson will bn,l was a .lecided fentiire of the enter-
sent the Crub Orclmnl W. C. T. lT. in tninment. The match reilects consider-
the State convention at Richmond. mImV honor on l'rof Smith, ami another
-There will be an oyster supper niniitmtion of his skillful training will
urdav night at Uohnes' school-house for ,, aUbrdod when the 'Juvcitihw" have
the beneflt of the Sunday-school at that .j,, ,wrfonnce, which Is piouiiscil
)"l" soul time next month.
ii ii- i .... i..,iiiv nn. .
R. II. Hronmih Iwught this weekof
ii and m s are ufl.m.
in s
, . .,
1 i u
. ... , . ,i, i... (icorgM W . Spatigler two '2 vearold he
the homo-
of the tmhttnus now regaling l"
, , . , , .
. and of others hunch of
, '. . ,. era at :c, a steoi
loing. country folks
jovous calves 10 liend. .Mesars. Joe and
,, ... i .,., ii.. ..tie per
returneil from the cit
-I have just .....,..' , . ,. . ,
,..... r f..ii ,..l .nil. Rotwrt McA lister receive Ihursday of
Willi u urn iiurw "
hiiery goods and will make a display of
tlicm aturday and Monday, Oct. I andii.
W.th thanks for imst liberal patronage I
t ir lially invite the ladies to coma and
Mrs J. II.
examine mv new stock.
a: tints panic In this locality 15
ug mules, for wincli they paid prices
ranging trom ?0 to $75 per head.
I K. Wells returneil from CIV
county Wedtiesdaj with a line drove
of uiuuntHiu cattle, numbering 5U odd
-I til a ..
,'ua"' w, w ory l l
C.T. I's. were out in full
lh The M.u.re is not only a
r.aoNiturduyeven.ngand pamdetl the
. , . , ., ... .i....... judge of pr.ttv women and raie old
streets with cornet, sackhitt, jisniterji'
.... , ,
Wonrlioii, but is one of the shrevxdest of
... n i.. i..,ir t..'
in all In their .mv to
and ut, culling upon waj . ....
' ..i
. ......! if there s auvthing in ratt e-
ino . - , .,
ign . . ... .
' '" D "" ' lv '""'
It was amiibing to see ihe lords , , , , ; .
I wei uunum, hmhuiv iiurninii cilixen oi
, Rockcitstle, loiight this week of the
widow Albright her fnrtn of 00 acres for
.... . .. ..- w iai..i. Warner, ex romlnctoi of the C. V.
llll'i lier irerviur. . v nv.v.
that -but but the chuso wo assign above
was all that kept us from it.
-The band boys are not often in "the
Bwnn,"but when they ate they are in
o.ir head and ems Ihursday night
.' I0and of Reuben Reynolds his farm
of HJO acres for $."Ui). These lands lie
contiguous to Hue Lick, and Mr. Rowers
will shortly take up his abode among
the people of that excellent
W met recently Cajit. Charles M.
senger train, with whom we were associated
in the iUys when a railroad was a
thine of wouilei to the natives along the
I'pper Cumberland. The captain no
longer wears the railroad brass-buttoned
Misses Jennie and Hattle Collier invited. '""". .' pven up his run to
gated to the column of minor pntagiaphs
br the Rig Itetl Hog, in controversy
a promhunt fri'iieuter of Rowland
ami a citixen of Stanford. It is n
uoteworthv coincidence tlttit immediate
ly after th settlHiuentof a lawsuit which
originated in the Middle Ages about it
calf, that the disputed ownership of n
hog protniees u erpetiiatIon of the
on this side the ovem.. The probability
of another Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce
is not h bleak prospect to attorneys who
suspect that the revision will curtail litigation.
The Joe Rage farm of 00 itcrva was
old Saturday at executor's wile for
jier acre. A. M. Frye is the
This addition to Mr. Frye's furm extends
his laud ft out the Liberty to the
Middleburg pike. .Similes of
Laud within it mile and lesa of
Ilustonville selling for $30 nu acre, and
the belief general that half the farms in
Lincoln are privately on the market.
Strange that the farmeis will not see
their heuctl's (!) in a high tariU'mid succeed
betlei on. a wind diet. We may not
live to see the day of the "good time
coming, out the .Millennium is approaching
and as old Johnny Caldwell
was wont to cheer his slaves, "II urnili!
boys, you'll be free when you die."
That the family rockuway hoise.
which it is thought superfluous to hitch,
or even rig out with the beat harness,
only Hwaits the opportunity to play smash
generally, is as nearly axiomatic as that
the sleepy but trusty 01 mule courts
reikless familial ity for 'JO years that he
tuny catch you in a position that his kick
assures a through ticket to kingdom
come. Capt. Joe HuH'inau is the
now, in the deiuornlixatiou of his old
rottii buggy horse, through the carelessness
of his otherwise rusty friend, Win.
Reid, Sr. Mr. Iteid, as chaperon to a
couple of young llshermeii, had the loan
of old Roan and a spring wagon for a trip
to Green river and when elated bv their
pheiiomiual catch they embarked for
home in uniiMinl glee, old Roan had
found his chance. Mr. R. as champion
of the catch, had patronizingly entrusted
the lines to Henry C.unnitz whilst he occupied
the rear seat with Will Mocker.
Roan's llrst lunge spilt the rear passengers
promiscuously over the tail-gate,
and the seat crushed upon the eprawlers,
addling Will momentarily and wounding
Mr. l.eid's reel hand so severely that he
w ill need a friend to do his jerking for
him next time he goes fishing. Mr. C.
heroically hung onto the steering apparatus
and succeeded in piloting tho old
reprobate into a fence comer without
fui ther damage. It is uniinpeachably
established that the inevitable jug was
not loaded with bait and Roan's
was not a result of his having
monkied with the traps in the wagon;
only nu outburst of that pure cus9cduess
w Inch was of 20 years' latency.
Twenty-Seventh Annual Tour of the Famous
Forepaugh Show,
Judging from the newspaper reports
that precede its coining, the Forepaugh
Show under tho proprietorship of Mr.
James E. Cooper will have many sensational
and unique attractions to unfold
for the edification ami delight of people
hereabouts, at Lexington, Friday, Oct. I!,
Danville, Saturday, Oct. -i. Adam Forepaugh,
Jr.'s, bareback act, the
feats of his lighting, dancing and clow n
elephants ami the amusing performances
of his eijuine prodigies "Rlondin," the
high-rope walker, and "Eclipse," the
trapezist are among the pronounced
hits of tho atenic portion of the
Tho hippodrome races are
.. 1 .... .., 1.. 1.1 1. if . ....... ..p. ...... 1 ... . I, . N.1111 if. i.(isvi.HM 1. 1 1 1 11.. ni irriiii. nii nun. r.i
eicsof literature, from tlio grave mm '. "" "."v ."...... .. ...-.. ...- , -
.orlnnt down to the most comical and out Irost, though wondrously liko the the race track, scenes at Saratoga and
uu i i"
SCnoua ....... i.ili it 1. -n... j, , ...:ii.
...... v. .. . . . ,
iiiiiicrous l rui. uuuu ww.,w.
Lp.1 ;,. tin absence of Stinlru Chappell, ' tho free.o of such seventy as to ruin the, novelties throughout, but probably tl
..... Ji..i ....... Dr. J. I). I'cttus borghiun crop early in October. most striking innovation is the
im 1, 1 n.iU aited as nidges. Mr. James II. Taylor has taken the tiou of the original "Wild West"
. ..' .'..' ..f..n.. i... road in the interest of the Ilustonville suDplemeuted with the equestrian d
i""1 Holler Mill. Origg's acknowledged as of "Custer's List fi Battle" and tl
it'iii u vuvii -. ., .
. . . . . . . , m stt 1 ( tit
f victory to Carpenter fjtuart, whose penonty iw a Hour-maker, ".Mouutain .ueaaow .nissaere, lnwincti
'-.".- "J "'"'D " 'p -" -
selection. "The Uulloless Witness," oy
itihnnnv rendition was made as funny -sophistry, if necessary-will The street parade of tho combined tore-could
he. Andrew Buchanan, with , tato nu early enlargement of the just-1 paugh and "Wild West" shows is pro-
"r a Boy in the Morning," came compioicu elevator, nun uie pim.ug on
econd best; Mba Eva Steger, with "The . of an ellicient night-shift
third, and Miss Alice -Tho circumamhieut is resonant with
Moore with "Home to Mother," fourth, tho wail of tho orphan mule colt. There
. . ti r ti. v.wii.pwnn nf i;.n. Miiiuiiv 01 11 vear imo. which nreceiicii iuhk sumucu, mu ouw.. .ccuia
nouueed the grandest processional dis
play overseen iu any American city,
l.ailroad company will sell tickets at reduced
rates to audfroinall stations.
t splendidly mid Mr. W,r1 ,1 in par- hogs ami melody in only the bleat of the , The Interior Journals Beat the Lannaste
, titular. So well received was his lamb arid may of the hybrid. J. Clean Out of Sinht
TiiKin Fibrillins Ci.im'kh.
When the
Intkiiiok Jorux.i.s went to Lancaster
Wednesday and were defeated by that
club, not only the base bnll players of
that nine, but most of the town people
went wild over their success and a feel-in;;
of conceit evidently penetrated their
very bonis. In fact they fotgot that they
were meiely amateur players, ami not
manager of the I. J's casunllv icinaiked
that they could not bent his team avnin,
filthy lucre was shoved at him and hu
was forced to either put tij or shut up.
Arrangements were made thennnd there
for another game, which was to he for
$100 side, and Friday afternoon w,i3
set foi thellate. The uuderetauding whs
that each club should play the same nino
that thev played in the game previous,
but on account of the sickness of Critch-
low and the inabilitv of Rurtoii to leave
clared the bets were oil". Manager Penny
also explained to them that the sub
stittites were no better than Critchlow
anil Rurtoii and olieicd to let them be
bet on their own existence. It was finally
agreed that the winning club should be
entitled to the gate receipts and the game
wa then called and the Latieasters suffered
the severest defent that any poor
bie ball club ever heard of in these
parts. The home team went to bat and
made V, runs; the I. J's then scored 0;
the Liuioibteis made nothing in the 'Jd,
FAEM FOR SALE. First-Class Farm For Sale.
We offer for sale 1 manly on farm known a ' w'n ""Pr)ed. containing 140 acres, on Huston-
.1 . . a villeand McKinr.e a n. . in nliitlwl nrl?h.
the nil ( a mle from Huston
Mllr, on th- I.ihertv fike, m ttamii,.; 41 aires,
(CikkI dwelling of f r n"ci I well water, d Call
011 it us at Htntiniliu, Ky
Tuesday, Sept. 30th, 1890
At in . m.. on the mimure tarai, midway, on the
Stanford and Danville rikc. I Mill slII .ill mv
VerygOodoiiesatth.lt, Ulld When the lCcmehold and Kitchen Furniture. mrludiriB
Stove. M.vral caty Chair. IWsditeads, Ileaity
itminovan urjfan, singer aewiaj .taeniae,
flaky liurcy, Pok, Hook- Caici, Ettemion
T..hl. and nnny other atticlf..
Conaoldatnl Statutes and Cod- of I'ractko (latest
!o a large uuantit) of F.itm Implement, Inclu
ding Liner I re, two 2 horn u asont. ie I
A Blue-Grass Farm
Wn1 I i(f t.
diii. in a
borlwod For further rattirular call en the
oraddreat Hutomi)l
Lot on Main Street in
Cortaining t i-i Atrci
rerm. ev T R WALTON, Stanford.
Por Salo I
Twenty 23uildiii Lots
In ihe corporate I nuts 't Rowland
H .1 HAUST, Rowland,
jo. 1 saaaian, c , .c. ;
The vrandlybrcd btooded atallnn.
on of tin- wreat ..d finett if breeder.
Ill ci.lt are very fine and rmamble their
ire. lie i by Imp lliilct itt dam Nellie Vi-ley
(crandam ol Ilincite) l.y Bob Johr.aon, 2nd
ilamMin Churchill Ly AlexanoVr Churchill;
jid dam Lj Iiu Margrave Igrandan of King
AifonoJ; th dam Mmlutov, by Cherokee, iU
1 ne uraeri?neu mil rnt tor tne year Hot, oil
reawmable term her Farm ol iy Acre. tH mile
Iruui M.llcd;.ille K) lie renter can have the
prillv.'e f tint Ful' AppU to
I)anille, Ky
ins business, couple of or substitutes s?, mm" i Kouss and Lot at Crab Orchard For Sils.
were put in. This Manager Penny told Kior topuy m,h. Co.. three to calve tin i
the gentlemen who w ere seemingly ft" tl??1 "" A Hou. and Lot. cnTutmof ,w Acre,,
ioi.c ir. ni .. (1...! ;.. I..,. .. ,n n. .1... T. .k r'llABi in it liv.l.l.. tun at cra urcn.irl N , aim
known is the su
.v, w .ui iuui ' "" """ "l '"-
,.,. V" r .- -ii-i. ...-.!-... .... , vii.tnrunertv. mi lll,.rL Irnm llcnnl Tlio 1. .,....
mention of the substituted players de
, , , , I contain ijc spncious rooms, one lattice porch, one
At the ame time and place
open pi.rth and portico wtihall neceiry out-
.... bmldtnc Call oner addie D 15. Cdmittou,
----- --- r.nn,
VLL OFFER FOR SALE MY FARM. I Orchard, K., or me ..te.newlle. Ky
Knon a the Gwr;t Rhh,.i plie, near Mil- . ,
ledacMi.e adjoining C I Samtidgv. connimng . B-
about j Acre I imprr u icnU , !Pai?VL Q5? Salfl.
Ilu.lr nivn im1i.ua na t.i llwip i.lnvi.. 1, 1iit molly III zra , CHAb K llfcl.I . 1
...w.. .. .. j....u ...- ., ....... ,'.... i"M .'-v - -
the heretofore sportive men had so will-o
I that they could hardlv be iuduced to
I deireto sell my farm of alout no acres situ
ated aluut i mile north of Stanford on the
Huh Ilrancli DiVe. ontxisite the old church '1 here
rijVLIC. are about 50 acres In hi-at and rje; the balance
. I of the farm uell set in timothy Genii iweMinr
H ut firu m;, 1 i I
Wednesday, Oct. i,
v'l r t 1 sale en ' fcnlr rooms and kitrhen and a splendid new
barn: Is well watered and fenced. I'ofK'ssjon can
I be gien immediately. For particulars, seu J. P.
In ore nt mure tracts my farm in I tnroln Co , '
uiuatcd near the Dantille A Husto'uillc turn-I
pike J rmi.sfnm Shelby Lit), and containing I
About 300 Acres. j
I can y without hMit.iiin that this i natural
.onn I lUiiey, Stanford, or write the nndcrtuned at
Z90, j Cincinnati, Ohio. E. WIT HERS.
I wish to sell pmatel) tny residence and
The houie has live rooms. ture room, pan-
trj, trcnt trandah. I.ck porch latticed, irood
bllt Scored 1 111 the oil IliniUg, ailtl right lyoneot tne lwt Scdie of land in the county, 'cellar with uitnlouson ?ouih side; ou
hero thev died, for with nil their hard and h.Mi.5 been for years, i. in con-1 H ne, ."""'V"?. stable.
lilt ion to produce the ncawet 01 cere. 1 crops.
plavillg tllCV COIlld not make another while it capacity is unurpsed
.. . , i o 1 and generally known a such in the neighbor-
11111. hood, 'mere are but 10 .un now utiilur culti
be'iuence was there was uo grumbling
One of the features of the game was Unison's
putting : mcu out on 1st without
.... ...utct ,...,! i...rttli.kr tint i.nDil
thev remember that he who laughs iast
laughs bent.
The county cooperation of the
Christian churches will meet at Kush
tucks, bj the corporate nameofthe Stanford
, l.mran's Creek 1'unu.ike Road Company
over a fallen foe, hut to the Lancaster . The to be conduc ed i the buiidms,
, , . , .... 1 t. maintaining and for pront a Macada-
Clltb we WOUld 6UggeSt that hereafter 1 miitd turnpike road in Lincoln county, befinniDR
at a pomton Jl.nn street tn Stantnrd, Sy., at an
alle) leauinc mercirom souinwaru oeiwccu 111c
premiseof.Mr. Mollie lljcrs' heirs and John M
Hail and tunninj; thence southward o.cr said
alle to the St Ainli llrauch, thence oatv ardly
by the premi.es of D W Vandneur, Hughes A.
I'cstun, A L. Halt's heir-, s H llaughman, J.
H 'Shanks' heirs ami K T 1'encc to a point near
T ..., ... Pm.L nml n .nll cteek emiitvtmr in
dollars which hall be paid at such time and in
such amounts and upon such terms as the Hoard
ot Directors shull prescribe I) lit the corporation
m.iv orzanuc and beein business whenever three
I v....LUt..1 hundred dollars of the camtal stock
The meeting at Killgsville authorued by these article shall base been sub-
ed by Elds. J. L. Allen and J. Ci.
I ;,. scribed, inc capital siocs. snau i.c uiwucu into
I-l ....... nf fittv ,l,.ll..rfi each nnd rich ahare shull
enen. coal
home, corn dairy There art' two
sood citetns, one at house, the other at the
Ihereisan ot liuit, including
raipbcrrics, strawhernes. Kioebirrip. currants.
the balance all let m timothy grape", cherry, plum, damson, pear and apple
tin the :M 1 ill the 1th (i in the 3th and ration,
.t HI lilt ..!, I 111 till, till, O in lilt OUl HUH tJ u vfU waered b cru and er trees Also some nice Jersey Cows ami heifers
0 ill thedtll. At this juncture of the failing iprmsi. The fencing ha. all hn re set bre.1 to repistered hull. One harnei hore, one
, . , 1 1 11 ' within the tS month indcer lield and pas- combined horse, both gei tie ami can be dr en by
the l)0VS WllO hntl CrOWl'llSO lOUllly chiM. One huggs and
game turchasHater in it Thedmllni i a modern 1 woman or phaeton
W'thirlno frame of 8 vnth hall, ANo 8v acre-, of pasture Uml, which will be
Riiin.niir nf WiHlnesdav ' two tary r.Kin. t"0.
Sitae OUT ViaieriOOOI
UeillieSUaj, glLW , Wi,h.rot'rf front ,nd 'rche, and tsw.nice, I ' one piece or d.sided into lot to suit
nt heart ami threw Up the sponge, ' dry cellar roows There arc two lar;e cisterns j 1 hwe wish.ng to buy a lot cheap will
.table and shed roo. for head of stock, stock '"a' KOlJmopportiin.t
. . 50
the gallic Standing LS to 1. It IS HO tell- ,tat whcat hin. toel shop, poultry hou.e. tlower I 57-"" J G CARPE.N TLR, Stanford.
illg what the Score WOllld have been had pit. tcorncnb, carrm.c shedi.meat houe tuo
good orchards and every ant'ot una1 fruit, . ,
not thev given up the ranie, as our bovs tenant home .f 5 or 6 room Public school cie 1 xiw wfesiJj Jb Wiru irv JliJN JT
I5,'..pn,. .....,,.. il... lif.. m,r nf by. a.id churches aad mill of acce
,.v. ...... ...... j........,. ...w ...- w.. -. , t tne same time 1 in auo sen an 01 n ick,
their "crack" pitcher, Ki Coleman; the censming of 1 and cattle, milk c
1 , , and butcher stun; alo my entire
catcher was broken down and two of the
Di'.inni; to ijuit the dru; business jt Huston-
basemen Were worn OUt. Kauisey ailtl Thirty head, from azed auunals down to suck. 1 Chemicals for sak Mj .took is complete 111 e try
I' i,r ,,,.,,, iKltten ami llld ,,...,,1 1 , lins. They are "daliN" and no mistake One , particular and the businos is a paing one in
hlllbry were Otir good pJr ,ork mnJs , Mdlr gMin, , .jearoId W ill aNo rent the entire house my store
work the former allowing OIllv four base ' mare by Second Jeise! ; 7 yearllnc stud ,j located in The house coniatna 4 cood upstairs
, , . ' . . cAu by Hamlet; 4 choice brood mares with colts I ,0oms 52-am G A WASH, Hustons die
IlllS anil tlie inner supporting nun 1111 ' by llasli'ortt ami imp 1 onoon, 2 scxhi mine con, 1
head or stock ho. all the crops
...irnl.l.. UMI U'..nr..ii iiinnirml 13
nn i.v.
tuirnul. ill earen uinpireit an o-( anj3 ot a plunder
ceed llL' V satisfactory ame and the Cuti- term lioerai una iniue known on uay 01 saie
. o
Cpt T D F.ngitsli, Auctioneer
:,-,-!: m m at a mm,
., V ' 1 1 ... .1. c 1'lie StailfOI'd & LOOfail'S CreGk 'is superb. There nre all of the neceary ii
throwmgof Olir boys, not tO Speak b Turnpike Co. proseinents.inclu.tlnf a frame divelling oi H
'J baggers and several that were
madeofl'of Pitcher Coleman. Our club
is tinder obligations to that clever
Articles of Incorporation.
Ve,theunderigie.l, K 1 IVnce. D V.
S II llaoshman, J F Peyton, J S
H.K.hM u II Miller. I. S. Owslev and lohn M
tlotnnn Wnndfordtt. Dntilan. for It nit. hereby associate ouricUes " together and
. ,, . i .. I b. come incorporated pursuant to the provisions
Bies received, as well as to Several Other of Chapter J6 of the General statutes of Ken.
rn.,..otsop ,.,il. ,.,, V'.. ..vop ,..
I....1C..C . .llllVUIVtli ' V- ..v.l v . vr ,
On account of continued bad health. I dcire to
sell pm.itcly my farm ol iJjAcr.sof
I !an I at a bargain, in a line si ite ot fertilitj Would
sell 100 acres with improvements Location one
mile toiim ot Mnmorci, anu inc laying 01 trie farm
Farm For Sals.
rooms and hall, a large basement barn, and all
ouiidings new Fur further information, apply to
48 un UOUT. McALISTEK, Stanturd
1 will sell to ths high. t bidder, on the premises,
On Saturday, Oct. .1, 1890,
My Farm of Sj Acres, situitcd on the Lancaster
and Stanford pike, iv miles east of fetirford It
has on It a uod house of S rooms, compazines
new and built on modern stjle, ard all necessary
outbtiildinss are comparatively new Has a coed
urdhard and is supplnd with stock
water and a cistern at the doer I'ersons deirou
of buying .1 desirable and well located place wi't
ron i o ucins present, as tne iana win positively
C e sold Will .ell at the line tune some personal-
"". ' ..- ----- v.--:." ------ C " ... 1. ..., , . r .- ,
thereto in front of E T Pence's house
tncrce np n,u.na. i.mic, nurses nogs, iarmiii(; impic
llpn.,nl. nl.nrnl. novfSnl .p.lnv mnrnino lit ' Loeau's Cteek b the piemisesuf S H Shanks menu, t irli and lu
,,,....v , ......... ... ............ . w , I J i)axe Collier loan intersection wuh the Stan- 57"
9 oO. ford and Crab Orchard turpike near the
Mrs. Pokie T. Courts united with lUX' "" '""--""
the Presbyterian church Sunduy by let
ter and her daughter, Miss Edna, by
Tlie A. M. E. Conference is in session
at Lexington. Rev. D. W. Ellison,
pastor heie, is a member of the committee
on education.
i The principal place of business shall
ford, Lincoln count), Ky
. 1 he corporation shall commence on
das of July, iSoo, and and terminate on the uth
Jaj of July, 1940, unless sooner terminated b) a
sote ol two-thirds of the stock outstanding
Fhe authoriicd capital stock 11 six thousand
J W. AD VMS, Stanford Ky
to one sole, either in person
ingston had resulted in 10 additions to rte th. w depone crjoj
yesterday and 111 an increased interest. inc held by thestockhoider
p. rr . 1 is 1 i 6 Ihe alfairs ofth.s corporation shall be man-
Dm. Hunter and Evans and Brc. a(,0eJbva lioard of f.stdirectors. elected from the
Joe Hopper are conducting a meeting in stockholder, out of which Uircctor shall
'i , , .. . , 1 ejected as President by .tid Hoard; and uch Di
Mercer, with 28 additions to last report
Kev. Mr. Campbell, of the Christian
rectors shill he elected on tne tirst aatur.uy in
June of each year und shall serve tor one ear
tlCXl nCCCCtlll4 umi viwumm .itiu uiuk tiicif
Church, had had -10 ill his meeting nt cessors are elected 11ml qualified Said Iknrd shall
, ' " . also elect a clerk and treasurer but no member of
kOrillsllVIlie. I Mill Hoard sllu e eiecieu treasurer .-.o pets.ui
' hal ,)c lisblc to an ollice in this c rporation
Tin. elflMViinn wlin hU 01V.
1110 CiergJIliail WHO leaus HIS tai.- who,hallnot be a stockholder therein.
illg toeilter the political field, Or who at-! 7. The lushest amount ..findebt.sln.vs to which
" . i-i this corporation may at any n.ne subject itself
lempis to nei 1119 nunc:
sorting with the political Devil is un-
Miss Uettie. daughter of Hon. S. Fry
Mrs Annie Hall has brought suit
for divorce from her husband at
ou the ground that he grits his
teeth while sleeping so that her nerves
have been ruined.
Bowling Green ia to have free delivery
of Its mails.
.hn nnt evceod seven hundtcd dollars,
g. Tlie privite propertv ol the members of this
corporation snail oe txempi ircm 111c ucuts 01 me
worthy of his pulpit and unfit to bo a , corporation
" . I Ftrsoii. beside
. o . 1.1 ' 0.
law-maker. Covington Comnionwealth. ud, may become
Eld Zaek Sweeney and wife nre liero
from Colunihus, Intl., on a visit to Eld.
John S. Sweeney. Eld. Z.ich is minister
to Turkey, and is one of the most popular
ministers of the Christlaji church.
Paris News. He says ho did not come
home to run for Congress
the corporators herein
of this corporation
bv sul scribing and p t in for shares of stock, or
by purchasing and Having snares 01 stork trans
r' ' .1 .nih.m en the books of tho Cemnanv. after
beinz sub.cribod and paid for bv other.. I
to. No member of the Hoard of Directors of tbn
corporation, except the I'rcsideut, shall receive
,nv comrenation, directly oi nulire tly, fur
his service .is Dirortur. The l'reldeit atl'l
ether officers (exctpt Dim tors) and serv.'tits.i ill
employee of tin corporatn.n shall receive u h
cointwasatiiHi as shall be lived bv the rcsulut on
of the Hoard of Directors mid the b) -laws
11 This corporation shall have all the p"-Teri
ami privileges allowed t corporation cf its nat ne
and tor it purposes under Chapter 56, l.tle It
corporatttlCompaniesiaiid No. .10 Title Tumi . e
llfJVf J11U I I till I. IUMU1WI HH'SJVH1..I !...-.
I,iwre..ce.nnd Mr. Lucien M. Adkins, loKenyan.uisubve
both Of Louisville, Will Uiarry 011 the plrmcnUUhpretoaiiditJiaH be abjoct to int In
I lillitK anil tilcnarj;c an itit umus i'io itucu
sti.1 Statutes of Corporation of it. nature and its
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscrib
ed our respectisu tur.ies.thi wtlt das of Jul,
E. T. I'KSL'b,
S. H. IIAUnil!
E. II. BURNSIDE, Proprietor
No Hotel in Kentucky has a better reputation,
and its proprietor is determined that
shall be maintained
He has recently ai' Jed to its appointments
Pool and BillinrcljParlors
A First-Class Livory Stable
Toaccommoda'e the demands of his increased
transient patronacc. Ilcst Turnouts furnished
Commercial I'ravclers and others.
1 his notice forewarns hunters, fishermen and
other not to trespass on our lands without per
mission, as all such will be prose. utcd to the full-est
extent of the law- Signed
Are still in the business and ready to do anything
iu the Undertaking line. We have a full
stock of Cases and Caskets of all kinds and Kobe
of every description. Our hearse, which is nearly
new can be obtained on short notice Mr, J. B.
Green has charge ot cur business and will xhew
our coods to any one needing anything 1- onr

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