Newspaper Page Text
Ml- "J '! H 1 iVJFtzxtrzxfxniri 'run, nn svni.,t ..... - , nj i i,i.i.0i JMiitffniVyMi Semi-Weekly Interior Journa: Published Every Tuesday and Fr day j! jefU!. YEAU,IX AD"" A.NCK TWhen not so paid $3.50 wi'.i . e K. L. LOCAL TIME CARD. Train naves Rowland at 7.00 a. m , returning " 5,L&N. LOCAL TIME CARD. Mail tram going North ,1234 pm South ...131pm Express train " South ...1 13.1 m ' " North .... .. Local Freight North ...b m South ...51'P m The latter train also curry passengers, The above is calculated on standard time, Solar time is about 20 minutes faster Dr. A. S. PRICE, l! mm Sl'ROEOy DENTIST. Office ;on Mam street, oer . B. Mc Roberts' Drug Store, Stanfard. DR. W. B. PENNY, Dentist. Office South side MaiTstreet, m office recently vacated by Dr. L F Huffman, Stanford, Ky. DR. I- B. COOK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, STANFORD, KY. Office over Mi Roberts' Drugstore Residence, James Ii. Owen property at the junction ot Huston ille and Dans tile pikes. R. C. MORGAN, D. D. S. DENTIST. OtKceon Main street, opposite Portman House, upstairs. Nitrous Oxide . gien for painless """'STANFORD. KENTUCKY. H. FIiEXXTEH, Dealer in lomgn A: Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, f p. 1 .L.trmtM. nnil fllwaukee bottled v -. . r,.i Irffrrum street, bet. rlojtl and Preston. LOUISVILLE, KY. Steam bottled beer, warranted to keep six : months. My jjooils will he round at the 1'iirt man House saloon aim at Ferrill llros'., Rowland loom THE SHELTON HOUSE, J. H fJREER, Proprietor, Rowland, - - Kentucky. First-class accommodations at reasonable rates. Open day and night. Sample room and Rood lis. cry in connection THE RILEY HOUSE, F. B. RILEY.lProprletor, London, - ; Kentucky. I have moved to my new Hotel and am better prtpartd than ever to accommodate the public. Good Livery attached andesery consenicoce O Give me, call. FRAy. RLEV JOTTERS HOtXSE, P. W. GREEN, Proprietor I have recently taken charge 01 this well-known Hotel and intend keeping it at its present hl?h standard. Special attenti jn gi en to the traveling ljblic. First-Class Sample Room In connection Also IPool and Billiard Parlors. O Tr & t CD 1 j C- .S hm O I j I ! 1 I 1 1 fc. A '0)) IQUISVIUE HtwAltUXT iCH.CACTRTMfl TO . O.K.'(A'C405 . ..And. points' u Jl!is3 A ,.And. NHWM Vullni'ali Vestibulcl HufTet SUepers snd Pullman Buffet Chair Cars on all trams throiii; h to Chicago without change. ..,.., . Go via the Monon and jet the Beit for th leat money. Kor information address IAS. BARKER, G P. A.,Chica?o W. G. CRUSH, D. P. A., I.ouisiilli. tlow Thejr Iteineonliereil It. The wife nml daughter of n captain, who is himself a man of education, and I who commands 0110 of the largest shins owned in America, not long siuc'o accompanied him on a trip, during which he visited various Russian ports. Tho mother Is a wonmn of no cultivation, and her daughter unfortunately to have more of her mother in her than of her father. On their return to Amer ica, a lady who- was calling on Mrs. Captain X began to ask about tho different ports which tho ship had visited; but 80011 found that sho could elicit little information. "1 can't say that I noticed much," Mrs. X would reply. "I don't seem to remember much about all those places." "But at least you must remember St. Petersburg," the caller said. "You were there a week, your husband told me." "Oh, yes, I remember St. Petersburg," was the reply. "It was there that Sadie and I finished our silk quilt. We just worked like beavers all the time we were in iort, so that we could begin a new one when wo started for home." Boston Courier. Same Tliliij;. I'm wit y Customer (to waiter) I'd like some crackers and a bowl of milk. Have the I iuiik not. j Waiter (giving the order) One oyster stew! Harpers Bazar. taise and Luther. "Lady" barbers are so much the rage nowadays that I have hit upon a scheme in order to indulge my muse, that I may sing their praises and talk of theso models of propriety who turn a deaf ear to all advances. Here you are: Good mornlne, fairest maiden; (Cat. slutW, sir, or sluimpooj) , With Ioo my heart is Imlen. (A cut and liao for yon?) My heart for you is yp.irnlniR I You'd like 11 shortNh crop.) My brain for you U burning. (It's very thin on tup.) Away from theo I li;li. love; (You're getting very cray.) For tboo I'd Kindly die. love. (You'll lmvo it dyed, you say?) Ah! how will jou relay me)1 (Your whHkers must lw clipped.) With coldness you would slny me? (lies pardou; scissor slipped.) How lon thiw must I liincuNh? (I've Inthcrt'd you enough.) Your treatment nnsuhh. (Tlia nizor's n bit rough.) My heart ami soul are thine, dear: (I'll have to take your noe.) Oh! will ou not bo mine, dear? (Here, boy, just brush those clothes.) I've wealth and I've 11 title; (We Bro allowed no fee.) Whete bhall I find requital? (Pay at the counter, please.) London Herald. Ir-ser lug tli 1'ii.icp. "Which of these two fellers hez got the worst of it?" demanded tho policeman sternly of a bystander who had witnessed the fight. 'One U about as bloody as the other," answered the man, "but the chap witli his hair full of mud is a heap the worst up." And the brave guardian of the public peace &woop'd down like an avenging spirit on tho doomed man with tho muddy hair, and marched him off to tho calaboose. Chicago Tribune. The Doctor of tlix I'liture. (At the telephone) "Are you there:'' "Well, what is it?" "Ls that von, doctor?" "Yes." "I don't feel well." ' "Cough iuto the rtceivor." "Hum! Hum! Hum!" "No immediate danger. Take some chloride lozenges. Keep yourself warm. I'll bo round to see you directly." "Thanks." Cuurrier de la Semaine. Ulvulry ltetw'ii tlin l'liuillles. Jim Webster Has ye heered dat my son 'Rastus tuck a premium at do school 'zamiuatiou? Sam Joluising Jess quit braggiu' about your son 'Rastus take premium. Didn't my pig get de blue ribbon at de county fair? Texas Siftings. Very Little Sometimes. Harry Did you see that fine looking j young woman? Stunning, eh, old boy? j Did see her look back at mo after we'd passed? George Yes. They say it doesn't take much to turn a woman's head. Boston Transcript. A StiKSstlon. Lowestan, '93, walks impudently np, after the rest of the division is seated, and places his hat on the air pump. Professor If you desire a vacuum under that hat, Mr. Lowestan, you had better put it on. Yale Record. Hilt AdTHIltlllJM. Maud No girl could have refused him if ho had proposed to her a3 sweetly as he proposed to me. Mary But you must remember, dear, that he has had a great deal of experience. Muusey's Weekly. An Kmliryo Scientist. Enthusiastic Father Don't you think I ought to mako a scientist of that boy of mine? I suppose you've noticed his way of going to tho bottom of things? Teacher Yes, I've noticed it about his classes. Life. In Jeopardy. Bobbie Look a-here, Uncle George! English ain't no dead lnnguage, be it? Uncle George Not yet, Robbie, but If you had the exclusive handling of It it Boon wouIJ l., Boston Courier, A Justice I.ovliig Uooator. An incident which caused much amusement and set everybody talkiug occurred in tho court room on a recent afternoon. John Williams, who had been charged ou several indictments for burglary, felonious entry, larceny, etc., but was decided not guilty ou all but three indictments, pleaded guilty on tho indictment for larceny. During tho day j a rooster was offered in testimony, it I being claimed that tho prisoner had 1 stolen the bird. 1 Now this rooster, like any other sen sible bird, kept Us mouth shut and behaved very nicely indeed during the trial. But when Judge Bittenger called tho prisoner up and passed sentence upon him tho rooster could contain himself no longer, and from within his basket prison there came a crow of delight and exultation. Tho effect was rather startling as well as amusing. Tho crowd chuckled with suppressed merriment, and oven tho stern judge was noticed to relax his countenance a little. Tho merriment at length subsided and the rooster was voted a dandy. But that historic bird had not yet fully demonstrated his appreciation of the circumstances to his own satisfaction. Williams was afterward called up to receive sentence on another indictment, and tho unsuspecting peoplo were again almost electrified by hearing another hearty crow from the rooster. That bird was evidently glad that the prisoner was sentenced and wanted it understood too. York (Pa.) Daily. A I.onc; I. Inn of Doctors. The numerous friends of Dr. Irving S. Haynes in this region will bo glad to know that his name appears in the cial announcement of the spring session of tho medical department of tho Uni- versity of New York as demonstrator of anatom'y, and he is engaged to de- liver one lecture each week (luring the spring course. Dr. Haynes comes right fully by ins aptitude tor the medical profession. His father. Dr. Samuel Haynes, of Saranao, needs no introduction to the people of this section, having established a good medical reputation many years ago; his uncle, Dr. Thomas S. Haynes, of Lacdlle, has long been engaged in the practice of medicine, standing in tho front ranks of his profession in tho province of Quebec; his grandfather, tho late Dr. Thomas Haynes, practiced medicine successfully in Swanton and West ford, Vt., for over forty years, and his great-great-grandfather, Dr. Thomas Haynes, of Bennington, was with General Amherst's army at the reduction of Fort Ticonderoga 111 the colonial French war of 17o8, and a synopsis memorandum of that war by "Dr. Thomas Haynes, Sen.," is now in the possession of Dr. Samuel Ilaynes, of Saranac. Plattsburg Republican. A Living liyiiitiiio. A correspondent in New London, Conn., sends out this remarkable story: George Rood, of Westerly, R. I., was struck by lightning, and after recovering consciousness it was found that his body was full of electricity. He is now able to sit up, but his body is so highly charged with electric fluid that when he puts his hands within a certain distance of each other sparks will jump from one to the other with a loud, crackling noKe, and when tho hands touch they can bo separated only by tho most violent rubbing. His feet are in the same, condition, and he has to bo careful to keep them apart. A jierson touching him receives n blight ehock, and if ho touches a watch ho magnetizes it completely. Many people visit him to witness tho curious manifestation of electricit j 's wonderful nnwir CARRIAGE FAINTING. Humi; secured (lie sen ices u( a U.s painter, I um tiiw prepared t do all 1 ( Repairing and Repainting Of carriage ai.d :iugi;ies. dive me a call w WM DAUt.HKRTS UM T5 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Ai.,1- OF SPECWL INTEREST Shippers of IJvc Stock. Ollkeof the Cincinnati 1'iuon .ml Co CINCINNATI, MAY 11. 11 At a myelin? 01 I hi' Ilojnl of Director held this day, the folliming resolution was unaiiimoixly adoptud: That on and after Monday, May 18, 1891, there will be no charge made for yardage and weighing on any live stock sold at these yards. Ily order of the lioanl. W J. MPPINCOTT, President John b. lastlbman. A. G.I AM, HAM, ROYAL Insurance Company, OF LIVERPOOL. BAR13EE&CASTLEMAN MANAGERS, Commerce Building, Louisville. Ajents throughout the South. "W. A. TKIBBLE, Local A?ont, SrTANICM.r Y. POWDER , ' Absolutely Puro A cream of tartar 1 tk r, poivl r II h' st uf all in icasrmm; laust I I Oowrn ' mei t Food Uiott j FOR SAL.22I Lot on Main Street in Stanford Containir; i orm.easv T R W A I. rON", Stanlnrd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STANFORD. KV ( Capital Stock 3200,000 1 Surplus 16,500 AttentKin of the public is insited to the fact thai this is tho only National Hank in Stanford Onder the prosuions of the National llank Act. drpusitor are secured not only by the capita! ito. k. but bv the stuckholders' liiMlil lor an an ulit equal to the stock, so that depositors uf this institution are secured b a fund of $400,000. Kie nworn stjtfments of thf condition of the bank are made each year to the L' lilted Stales and its assets are examined at stated times t.T Roverumeut agents, thus securing additttonal and perfect safety to depositors This institution, originally established as the Deposit Hank of Stanford in i8$i, theo wed as the National llank ol Stanford ill !$ and ajain at the First National Hank of Stanlnrd in iSi, has had practically all uninterrupted existenceof -,15 car It is better supplied now nh taciluiei for tramactint busines prompt I) and liberally than cser before in its loti; and honorable areer Artount of corpratlefls, firms and indisiduals respectfully I he Directory of this Hank is composed ot T I Foster, of Stanford; tores :us KohI, l.tucoln county : j vt . nayaen, sumiora; S. II llaushman, Lincoln.-M 1 Miller, Mt Vernon: S 1 Ham .Incoin: j. S Mocker Staafard; J j t! A. I.ackev, P. Hill, Stanford; W. G. Wekh, SUnfotd. W P. Tat. Stanford. OtFIlrKS JS It . Ver, Pr-si j, nt J hi J M Ui Cas e- A A Ai. Ci'l er jr TAR 01 D THE GKKAT IIOU KIIOLD Itr.Mi:r)Y FOI PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA. WOUNDS, BURNS, SORES, CROUP, BRONCHITIS, 4c. PRICE DO CENTS. Send three stamps for free rasmla box ami book. TARDSOAP ABSOLUTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TOILET, BATH, AND NURSERY PURPOSES. ? TAE-OID CO., Chicago, HI, lorsa'et'yA K. Piimy a d V. I. P i rne, Stanf rd - JOSS. ""3jC ln2S.'tV -XV- p CREAM ?1 Roller Extract, jjm 1 r CREAM Extract IS OUR BEST FLOUR, BUT EITHER GOLD MEDAL, IDOL-KING o SILVER MOON IS A GOOD FLOUR FOR 1 THE MONEY Ilasine removed my Rarber Shop lo the Com mercial Hotel, 1 am prbpared to accommodate ladies a well as geutlemen in anytliiDg they may wish lo my line. Children also waited on. Call rtnie. JESSK THOMPSON, InCommercial Ilutel, Bastin's Saw Mill. I have finished my new Saw Mill on the Somerset pike, 7 miles I rum Stanford and air prepared tofuinish anvkind of l.t'MIIKR, SHINGLES. Ai , at I.OWESI TRICKS I will sell the Itim berat the mill or deliser, to suit purchasers. Gise me a trial Postotticc?, MAYWOOD, KY. I will deltser sawed chestnut shingles ai Sun. I ford or Ittmliind it - jj per M A B 1IASTIN I Farm For Sals. I I desire to s.ll my latin ot a'.iiut i to a. res, situ- fated .ihoin i', mile, nort'i of Mmhi.l oil tni Hush llrarih pise, ppo.iti. the Id h 'Iherr are iibotit 50 M res in "u It an r" ; the balancr of the farm well set in timHh (od dwelling ((four rooms m ml kiuhvn and a spleiidul new turn; is well ltrrt indfiiued l'oM'lon cin he cisen immediately. I'r pirii(.tiUrs, sv J. P. Uaifey, Staiifor I, nr write the nndersicned SI Cinnnnail, (hl... K WITMKKS. mz: mmmi wi, Curis nits. Iiruiscs, olJ rr skill due ties, cortii, liiinions, piles, listula ratifies halter burns, iie poison and bruise- Whereser It has been used it has given .nderfnl satufjc lion and its prorensity tor retnoMiu nrene is remarkable. Sinner iu tcstiuioliia sill ,e e ured and u ill appear 111 this spate at 1 later date Made and Mld by J II HIt.'.INs SMifird.Ky. For Salo I Twenty llitilditi I.ot.s In ihe Orporate lif lis 1 ( II t MAKsT KnUtid. I. JI. IllUCK, UVBT, SALE AND ?2SD S7A3LS, STANFiKD.s. SPETIM. AlIKNr"V COMMERCIAL travelers Mars and piul xulii and soltf Onlvlirsw as nur..ai4il c .. lot .ei m lisn Farmers Bank& Trust Co. 1F STANFORD. Vn . It now fully oranued and realy lit business with Paid up Capital of - - S200.000. Surplus, . - - - - 15,000. SLCCF.SSOU t FHK LINCOLN NATIONAL HANK OK S1AMORD. (Now clom; up) ith the same assets and under the same management Ily prnsmons of Its chaiter, ilepotitois are at fully prole, ted ai aie dKMitrrs in National Banks, us snarcnomeis ren neio inaivsauaiiT liahte to the extent ot the amount of their .loci therein at the par aluc thcreot, m addition to the amount invested in snen shares It may act as executor, adntinwlrator, trustee, ,Vc, fully as an individual To tNM mho enlrnsted their bnlvtnrss to us while inoajiBir the Lincstln National Haak ol Stanford, w c we hero tender osir minv thanks ami trust they will contlnne to tranauct their business with us, ofierin as a liuansoloc for prompt attention to line, (Mil twtnts years' esperienre in ) ankinc and as liberal nciomnsodaUoiit as air with sound bankisvf lHk.TOK J J Williams, Mt Vernon, J. M Hail, Stanlord; J. S. Ows'sjy, taal'sMd j S J. Kmbry, Staaferd ,J .,, . ,7.. J U I.) nn, Stanford; A. W. Carpenter, MilledsVU; J. K. HaMi(knvsn, Hustons il.e, J F. Cash. Stanford, William tj ..(, Stanford, Ky S II Shanks. President J !'.. os ei..Ca.hier .W M Fright. J II Ha ih 'i O-.i rai It ,k Kccpe wrr ftV ,,j T Wi JxSilA S4 tif ;" ilVSI'flIV''''A fliMmM) E. II. FARMER, 'TONSORIAL ARTIST, SiANrORO, KENI't'CKY. II is a first il is Harber Shop on Mam street, op-I r, it Porllilai Huuk and Invites a iliare of your iniron.xc Pr nipt atlrntiiin tooutside all and r.j attrrti n 10 and childrer Work i in t'.e 1 Hit style with neatness ai.d . I. 13 6m G ANTER' CHOLERA MAGIC CURE! s Tlitmsands of dollars worth of chick-cm am hy Cholera every year. It is moro fatal to them than all other coinhined. Hut the discovery of u liquid rcinetly that I f ile.stroys tho Microbes has been itiaile. Half of tho yoiuij" chickens are killed by Microbes befoio they art) fryers. A 50-cent lxttle is enough for 100 thickens. It is guaranteed. If, after using two thirds of a bottle, you am not satisfied with it as a euro for Cholera, return it to tho druggist from whom you purchased it, and he will refund your niouey. For 1 ale by V. II, McRobcrM, druggist, Star lord, ' TOTEX.!. BORXISTG I am vsell prepired to bore wells and will do t' v work in a xood manner and promptly At One Dollar a Foot. Call 11 or ..lJttSs ine at htanlord, Kentu ki mi t. r sM'iii Kentucky Centra! R.R. "JUl'IO CJKVHS UOl'TH.. Tho Shortt'Ht und Qulckont Iti uto frc i -, Cuntrnl Kontucky to nil polntu Nort Runt, Went and Frj Iainu between LexinRton und Clue, TIIKOl'tilllK INriN'CINA II TO Mil) DI.lXHlKOl (.II and JH I It SCIIKDL'I.K IN KFFKCT MA 1 ,i,,i I O p i oS p -n p m U' pb P m 6 1 p m p m ii p m . p n ' a m '"1 1 n I " S i -a it a in t In , a m ; A I ; no a m I j jo a m J jio i i sn !n i' p m (TLs, am I 1 p m 15 a m , 11 p m - 4; m im i n im tin 11 1 (y 4 MlFi I5IIP'HP 1 1 in i Hii 1 i i in j j p '; ' I J ) ns to 11 1 m I jj p -1 I " p mile 55 a in, ( 411 tu ' Na I. No. South-Hound. y. Sum. Daily I , ClticiHHJti ... 8 in a mi 8 on p m Cosiaiiton.. . S 18 a m' 8 ol p m Falmouth.. 9 45 am 9 it Arr Paris 11 1$ a m l ) Air I.sii;ten . . u 10 Paris 11 i) Arr Winchester.. 11 in p m Arr Itichmond. 1 JS p m . Arr Lancaster... . 4 4 J P ni Arr Stanford., ' 10 p ml..... Kiihntotid .. ' JS l'""j -." Arr I.ivitvtofi . 1 15 p m' Middleshoro 7, 15 P m I No. . No, j. xo. Lse Middlestoro j si a m f I I.ivsMfston. Arr RiLhiHod.. Stanford .. . Lancaster Arr Kichtnoad. Kirbsaofld. Arr Winchester Arr Paris . . . 1 L.itn:tofi , Paris . , l. t aimoutfc .. 1 .... s . . v,iiiiii ... . ... Art Cincinnati On theMarsstlle Pranch, No 10. leaves Paris a 7 'J. a m and No. t, it 6 il p m, arriving at Mayssslie at is n, a m, and 8 ,,, p m N) leaves MayssiUe at 3 o m, arriving at Pans a" 740, am. No 11 leases Mittville at 1 jo aa ! arrives at Paris at 4 10, p m These trains are dally eacept unda). So 1, dally In all points escept Howland Dis ion. sshich isdail) escept hunday. No 1 runs daily Irons I.esitijion to Liii' innat' No. runs rlil N s runs daily frm all stations eice t Knwland Dnieion, which is daily escept "und . No 1 dail) escept Sundat No 4 dally betwm Cmcionati andteim;' No 41 Palis and Arcommodalici I I) Least t.esmicton ii 00 a m Amirs Pat 10 IS a in No S Falmout'f AionsnseMlaison; leases In r nitiij 10 p m ArnsM Falnsuutb j oj p m .i y r siept Sundnv, No. 1 I.esrs Falmouth 6 una m. Arntes , tinnaii t 55 a m dil except Sunday No. t and A make Of mentions at WnuKestrr'' polms on the N. N X M V K'y. K. D No. carries it mujfh cars Irons Cm. mrs! ) MtddUsbnfonah and Curnbef Und la and a rermcaiaie siaii.n ana runs clans W. Ml'NSON.Trav Pas . fincmnat k KNOT I C P AI.M'lKK,, Tratfi Mjna,er. t.en Pan A, t.rrci il to r In utiire, Kj F II MDKsK, 1 Pass c'r Asi litf , C an er ! t miurr. e I .ulding C in..r . n iMeSP m MnW. .asMasm. M ,s.i"i diriL" 1 r.e t r. in Ce traj I 0 ' H.t for '"t I " . M11 P011 1 Chuaji r, Cleveland. B i 3. Indina!ls and the West, Canada, New I.hkUi I, New York, Iloston, - i.njt 'n Haitiitu re. Phi a ! j i.i 1 tr.i t e to M ,rr Sbur i F'yisfri Kv Ki .' 111 ml, J IIK.IMA Shortr.t a i.'ni .est line lo S, liJ Irnns, h fati car, inokiii; , ars a d con he. Iboidoir Mcepcr tl n i.ijh wi" our ihi'ge mj (. Ii.ltan nsa, HirmniKl , Mrr ' Ian making iliret t tonne 11 naenieitet iKi 1. ville, A.hesihe, I T'u hi org and point 1 in 'UAlRDILICAVki At CI ill. moor a for Atlanta. Columbus. Um '' tin, C'ti jrlest .ii, Augusta, Muion, asanni, Kriinsuuk, Lake Cil) , Thoitiast ille and I I.OItl DA points Iheonls line rimnintr solid trains with choi Pullman (touitniror Palace Slevpintr Car lo Ja b. sonsillo without 1 banjo lor au .lasol pisiei crsor lii(ae 'el a aul Mo,t(iriery, If utitssille, Dei It r, Fl rrn e Memphis .mil A It K VN'SAS poirts S and ijui li Aiinistcn. Selina, M. bile Pucrt conne imns nude at Nl.Vs itlinnl "mi ibus tr.mfer for (n!eit a lI'Mtsion, Austin, TEXAS, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. The only through line to lacksnn and ! ksbur, Mist. ifrfseKrt La., makiu Ultra ronnerttonl without oiniuluis transfer lor Dallas Fort Worth, Austin, San Anlonia, Kl Paso and poiuttin TEXAS, ARIZONA.MEXICO.CAUFORNIA. For tli rough rate, correct county maps and lull inlormation call on Junction Cite, Ky oraddre KHANK V. WOOLLEY, Trav Pass Ai;t., Lexington, Kv. C.C, h.RVKY D. V.. EDWARDS. Yice Preident, 0. P. ,V T A., Cincinnati, O . ..IF YOU ARE GOING KTORTH or WEST, THE Louiviuc 4 Nahviiic R. H. Is the line for you, as it Double Dally Trains Make close connections at LOUISVILLE And OINOIN A.TI For all points. ' ' THROUGH TICKETS SOLD. HAGUAOE CHECKKD THROUGH. . For any information- enquire of J A. CARPENTEH, Agent, Or Stanford, Ky. W. W. PENN, Trav. Pass. Agent, ' Junction dty, K Twenty miles the Shortest to