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Semi-weekly interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1881-1905, March 14, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Semi-Weekly Interior Journal.
vol. XXI. STANFORD, KY., TUESDAY MARCH 14. 1893. NO. 4
John l'itmnn lull i'lmratlny nlht to
HL't'lc hia forttinu in tho
W. II. Catching has returned from
Wellington nud John l'enil lm.s taken
liin nin down.
MifH Montigriof wns at llio opera
house Friday nilit with otereoiillean
views and lecture. .Small attendance.
Mrs. Salllo Lenvell and little daughter,
Wtdio Lee, of DryantBvills, come to
london Saturday nnd will visit relativca
here tills week.
In the caws against Albert Yoii for
retailing liquor brought up More County
Judge Harnett last Monday, convic
tion was made in 3 nut of 17, Judgo W.
L. Brown defending.
John Cheater, one of the twlnn of
Dan lvell, died Friday and wan hurled
Saturday. The little one wan a namo
sake of tho writer, who rereti the death
of tlif only one named after him, m no
other hut tho parents can.
Tho Drodhead band Iihh an
to play nt tho Jackson opera
house to-night, Monday. Your corres
pondent has been favored with
for which lie is glut! to thank
It. M. JackBon. tho owner of the opera
Col. Frank It. Uiley has almost given
up his application for the United Stated
marshalshlp of Kentucky, having returned
from Washington City to-day
without presenting his application. lie
nay he was under more obligations to
Cougreasman J. II. McCrcary than any
ne else in Washington. He also said
that Gov. McCrcary kept open house
for all Kentuckians and every one from
this State was received cordially at any
and all times.
It to underatood Mr. W. II. Hay-ward,
our accommodating depot agent,
and Miss Annie Ferrill will ho married
tills week. Mr. J. I). Coxott, formerlyof
Junction City, Ih holding.down the ollice
and tho liceuso has already been issued.
Mr. I-M Melvin and Mis Amanda
Moore will also be married before
vour naner conies out, if all signs and
reports don't fail May the good lord
bleaa and prosper them, is tho wish of
youra truly.
Tho Louisvillo Times had hurtful
headlinea a few day ago, in which it
mentioned the tho self-appointed ring of
"original Cleveland nun," who propose
to dispenr o the democratic patronage of
the State. Tho partioi who have been
atdected, or who have selected themselves
to do that work, for the I lth congressional
district, were not Cleveland
Mien before his nomination by a
flight, and the men they are
for ollice in this district are being selected
by them without any regard or consideration
of tho democratic county committees,
who have done good work. The
reason I mention tho nbovo is because I
am chairman of Laurel county for tin
domocracyand ttio result of the last
election will show for itself whether or
not my duty was done as compared with
the work of my predecessors, and I
think that the committeemen of every
county who have done worn for their
party and have managed to assist in it
ahould bo considered in everything pertaining
to tho advancement of our party,
if the members of tho couunltea have
done their duty.
The'Galloway bill, apportioning tho
State into Boven Appellate Court districts,
paused the Senate.
Tho Senate passed the House bill
ta prohibit harboring on Sunday and tho
signature of the governor is all it needs
to make it a law.
Under the Galloway bill Lincoln
county is put in with tho following in
tho 5th Appellate District: Henry,
Trimble, Carroll, Gallatin, Owen, Scott,
Franklin, Bourbon, Fayetto, Woodford,
Garrard, Boylo, Jessamine, Madison,
Mercer, Rockcastle, Clay, Jackson, Laurel,
Owsley and Knox.
Let us euppose that there is a highway
between New York and Chicago on
which a line of coaches is running. Now
a coach leayes every morning nud it
takes 24 days to make the journuy.
After tho line has been established for
some time suppose you take a coach from
New York some morning for a rido to
Chicago, how many coaches would you
pass before reaching your journey's end ?
Can you answer Wl
The regard of women is generally
much influenced by the estimation which
an individual mantaina in the opinion
of men. Scott.
'Tis beauty that doth oft make women
T(- virtu that doth make them most
'Tis modesty that makes them seem
divine. Shakespeare.
When Baby waa nick, we gav her Caatoria.
When aha waa a Child, ah. cried for Caatorla.
When ahe becama Misa, aha clung to Caatoria,
When ahe had Children, she gwthem CaatorU.
Lovnur & Iliimmulntoiio, furniture
dealers, wil next week move into tho i
room nn Main Street recently occupied"
by the Danville Democrat. I
K. II. Fox, photographer, is making
hnndsomo pictures of th'e I). fc D. Institute
buildings for Superintendent Argo,
to be sent to tho World's Fair.
'Squire Walker Iihh moved into Zack
Hughes' house, just Knot of Centre College,
and Mr. Hughes has occupied the
house Mr. Walker has been living in on
Main Street.
Mr. M. J. Farris received a telegram
Monday from his agent at Fort Worth,
Texas, informing him that his agent had
sold 1,000 cattle for him. Mr. Farris left
on the noon train to confirm tho sale.
Mr. F. .Ouiit has sold to J. T.
Mock his quarter interest in tho Mock
farm, stock, Ac, for close to 9,000. Mr.
Oflut will prooably go back to Simpson
county, his former home.
)-M Rowland has A banjo, a very tine
instrument, with a silver plate on it, on
which is tho following inscription: "Presented
to his Royal Highness, tiio 1'rince
of Wales, by James llohcc, tho World's
Champion Haujoist."
Mrs. Allen K. Collins, formerly of
Danville, died at home in Sherman,
on the ltd iiint. Her husband, two
sons and a daughter survive her. Mrs
Collins was a good woin.tu nnd is kindly
remembered by many Danville friends,
ltefore hermarriagu she was Miss Lewis,
of Fayette county.
The following was taken from the
Kentucky Haptist of last week. "Dan-
vi le. l'astor J. W. Lynch baptized a
young man last Thursday evening who
gives promise of great iiseliilneh.s to our
church. We are sure that wo havu the
finest preacher in Kentucky, and ho is
doing good work for us."
About 10J o'clock Monday morning
Mr. Frank For went into an outhouse
on the premises of of hia brother, Mr.
Monte Fox, and cut hia throat from ear
to ear with a razor, severing the wind
pipe. Drs. Hunlapand Meyer gave him
prompt attention and at VI o'clock lie
was yet alive. Mr. Fox has. been in bad
health for a year or moru nnd it is
thought Ids mind became somewhat affected.
Later: Mr. Fox died a few minutes
after noon.
Mr. Albert Kdwnrd Little, of Klma,
Canada West, is visiting hia uncle, Mr.
George Lawrence. Mr. Addison Craft,
of Holly Snnnus. Miss., an old Centre
College man, was in town Thursday,
Miss Sal lie. Worrell Iiuh returned from a
visit to Chicago. As agent for tho Cincinnati
Southern Railroad, George I)
Uatterton, express ngunt of Danville,
will sell tickets to nearly any spot in the
I'nlted Nates. Mr. H. II. Perkins und
family will soon remove t." Middleshoro.
It was only baby he died lo-day,
Only a bativ hat paitrd aw.tr,
Leavlug In hearth and home for aye.
"Only," they whisper!, but did they know,
Aught of the illcnt killing woe,
That surged through the mother' heart i Ah no!
Only a taby, whose mil white hands,
Will never be raited to her who atanda
Kowed by her Mailer's Hern commands.
Only a baby whose Utile feet,
Will never on earth make mutlc tweet:
They have wandered away to a golden street.
Only a baby whotc Hutting head,
Will hencelorth retton a narrow btd,
Far dawn in the home of theiilent dead.
Who hath tought a calm and beautiful rest,
Leaving lit tender and coiy neat,
l'or a place lett warm than a mother'a breait.
Only a baby, tiny and fair,
With the gulden glint on itt yellow hair.
Sleeping to calmly and peacetully there.
Only a baby, hut ahe who ha pressed,
The wee, cold form lo her aching brrait,
Knoweth the meaning of thoee wordabeit.
Printed in affectionate remembrance of a loving
wife, from her own telcttiont.
Put To Flight.
All the pecular troubles that betel a woman.
The only (uaranteed remedy lor (hem it
Favorite 1'rotcrlptlon. for women suffering
from any chronic "female complaint" ur weak-neat;
for women who ate and overworked:
for women cxpectine to become mothers.
and for mothers who are nursing and exhausted;
at the change from girlhooU lo womanhood; and
later, at the critical "change ot life"' It it a medicine
that tafely and certainly builds up strength,
regulates and cures.
II it doesn't, if it even lalls (o ueneht or cure,
ycu have your money baci.
What you are sure of, if you use Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, is either a perfect aua permanent
cure for vour Catarrh, no matter how bad vour
case may bo, or fjooln cath, The proprietors of
the medicine promise ti pay you he money,
they can't euro you.
RhounmtlBin Quickly Cured.
'I hree days ia a very short time in which to cure
bad case ol rheumatism; dui u can ue uone, u
the proper treatment it adopted, as will be seen by
thelollowtni; irom James i.amoen.oi new uruni
wick. 111.: '! was badly atllcted with rheumatisn
in the hips and legs, when I bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Helm. It cured me in three
days. I am all right to-day; and weuld Insist on
every one wholt atllicted with that terrible diteate
to ute Chamberlain's Pain Halm and get well at
once." so cent botUet for sale by W. It. McRoberts,
Druggist, Mamora,
Mother's Recommendation.
We are acquainted with many mothers in Ccn
tervllle who would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy in the houte lor a good many
times its cost, and are recommending it every
day. From perioral experience we can say that
It has broken up bad colds for our children.
Centervilte South Dakota, Citiicn. 50 cent bottles
for sale by W. 1). McRobertt, Druggist, Stanford,
Little Charlie Oain, of firownstown,
W. Va., gothis father's big 44 caliber
f)istol and started to play soldier. The
ittle fellow looked down the barrel for
the ball and "he is up with tho angels
The board of supervisors wero in )
session Thursday, Fridav and Saturday,
II nuy one Iibh found a street lamp j
lighted in Lancaster within tho last two
months ho has certainly kept thu matter
very quiet.
A special train came tip from Rowland
Sunday, bringing tho lumber for
the now building on the old opera house
In tho early part of May a young
business man residing within the corporate
Hmitaof town, will lead to tho hymeneal
altar one of Lancaster's prettiest
and sweetest young ladies. Wo havo
this straight.
Mr. Nelson Iiurdett met with n painful
accident Friday afternoon. Ho was
riding a young horse near tiio K. O. de
pot, when the animal became frightened
at a passing triin and throwing the rider
to the L-round, stepped on his left ankle,
breaking both hones. He was removed
to liis room over Haseldun's storo and
Dr. Kinuaird dressed the wound. Hu ia
resting easy nnd will be able to be out
before n great while.
Mrs. T. K. Hackley, of Danville, is
here visiting friends and relatives. Mr.
Hurt Spencer has returned from thu Louis
villo Commercial College. Mr. Tom Severance,
of Stanford, was here Sunday,
Mr. John T. Haugliman, of Richmond,
was here Saturday and Sunday. Mies
Maud Robinson is ttio guest of Miss
Hcftdo Hurnside. Mr. Homer Baugh
man, of Danville, visited his ncice, Miss
Nannie Sweeney Sunday. Miss Mamie
Henry returned to CrabOrceard Friday.
Miss Maggie Hrightis visiting Miss Lizzie
Thompson. Miss Nannie Evans, of
Junction City, is visiting Mrs. W. B.
Mason. R. II. Hatson ia in the Fast buy
ing spring goods
Crab Orchard has a mattress factory
and tho manager, Mr. E. W Lee, is turning
out some of the nicest mattresea, and
pillows we ever Baw. He has every variety
of material and is supplying the
country with any kind of mattress desired.
So if you are not resting well at
night, ho can show you how a good
sleep can be obtained.
Mr. V. K. Buchanan left Sunday
for .Somerset. Here's wishing him a
prosperous trip, and speedy return.
Henry i'ettus left Sunday for Va., to engage
in business. Hu is a steady, good
boy, and we wish him success in his
new home. Willie .Myers and ins sister
Miss Minnie, of St. Louis, aro visiting
tiieir grandmother Mrs. M. J. Harris.
There was a parlor meeting of tho
W. C. T. T. at Mrs. W. T. Stephenson's
Friday niht. Opening song, "To tho
Work." Scripture reading; prayer. Recitation,
"Social Department of Mothers'
Meeting," with discussion on same; song
''Bringing in tho Sheaves;" recitation,
"A Saddening Keport;" song, "There
are Lonely Hearts to Cherish;"
"The Brain of tho Battle;" song,
"God bo With You;" benediction. The
next meeting will bo with Mrs. W. K.
Buckhanan, Friday night, Match 17th.
Interesting programme and we invito all
to meet with us.
Misses Lizzie Beazley and Maud
I'ettus spent a few days last week in
Lancaster, and Miss Uattie Henry returned
with thorn. Misses Sallio Green and
Bettie Higgins havo roturned from a
pleasant stay in Somerset. They report
that place as growing and wero delighted
with their visit. Little Sammie King,
tells a good joke on them. Mrs. Kittle
Kim: leaves Monday for tho cities, to
purchase a stock of millinery. Our sick
are improving, we aro glad to note, and
hope with fairer weather, nil will bo out.
Mr. J. S. Fish and Birney left for Vin-cines
Ind., Friday where they will join
tho rest of the family and start for Cali
fornia this week.
The president has nominated ox
Gov. Gray, of Indiana, to be Minister to
Mexico; Patrick A. Collins, of Massachusetts,
Consul General at London; Josiah
Quiucy, of Massachusetts, Assistant Secretary
of State, and Robert A. Maxwell,
of New York, First Assistant Postmaster
The iirst postmaster named under
tho new administration was appointed
Friday for Klora, Tenn. The first post
master appointed under President Clevo
land's first administration was in Ten
ncssee, and both wero made through the
influence of Representative James D.
Fifteen years ago William Fritz,
then a comparatively youn man, was
express agent at Hawcsville, and he got
behind some $300 or $400 in his accounts.
Ho suddenly disappeared and "Bill
Fritz's ghost" wsb quite a byword in that
town. ItnowturnB out that he has
been secreted in the attic of his mother's
small house the entire time. lie looks
more like a ghost than a human and the
more credulous believe that ho has been
raised from the dead.
t a
Buolclln'a Arnica Salve.
The beat salve in the world tor cult, bruise
ores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorea, tetter, chap
hands, chilblains, corna and all skin crup
ii.. .. j .A.himiv rum nliaa. or bo
ed. It i snuranteed to ri perfect satisf actios
or money refunded. Price sj centt pir bos.
Prof. M. G. Thompson, who has bo
.creditably conducted Christian College
at this place, is thinking Beriously of
taking charge of Daughters College at
Mrs. America Bailey has a rocking
chair which is over 100 years old. It is
still in n good state of preservation and
is used daily by that aged lady. Sho hna
owned it neatly 50 years.
James Harper is hack from Atlanta,
where hu did fairly well in tho nnild
bufiiK'ss. Ho gained bo much corpulence
in his absence that his immediate
family hardly recognized him.
Mrs. Sam Peacock, who died at Gallatin,,
Tenn., last week, left besides her
nine children, two of Mr. G. F. Pea
cock's, whom alio was raising. Her
deatli was greatly regretted by her many
friends here.
Kd. Owens, of this place, and Miss
Rebecca Cook, of Burgin, were married
Friday. They eloped, but wo were unable
to learn tho particulars. Mr. Ow.
etiB has not reached his majority by a
couple of years.
There is a good deal of talk being
engaged in here in regard to having a
fair. The men are as a general thing in
favor of it, hut the dear women, who
have most of the work to do, nre in for
giving Stanford thu honor.
Mrs. Evan Lyon died Friday from
effects of an operation performed several
days previous. She left besides a husband
six children to feel the fearful blow
of a mother a loss. .Mrs. Lyon was an
excellent lady and her death is greatly
John Aug. Williams, of
will deliver n serious of lectures to
the members of the Masonic lodge at
this place, beginning Friday, 24th, and
continuing till Saturday evening, 25th.
Members of the Masonic lodges in this
section nre cordially invited to be
James Reid, of Grays, is spending a
few days with his homefolks here. Miss
Annie White, of Hubble, is the guest of
Miss Mary Adams. Dr. W. B. Penny
and family, of Stanford, are registered nt
the Weatlierford Hotel. The Dr. is prac
ticing his piofession, dentistry. Mies
Louise Bailey, of Stanford, is visiting
her cousins, Misses Jennie and Anna
Reid. Dr. Fayette Dunlap nnd Harry
B. Hooker, of Danville, were here Sunday.
Mr. J. V. Cook, of Garrard, was
here last week to see his brother, Mr. J.
M. Cook, who ia rapidly improving. Mr.
John Frye, tho aged father of our clover
townsman, Mr. James Frye, is quite ill
of a blood trouble. Mr. Steve Drye,
guagerat Trowbridge's distillery near
Eubauks, spent Sruday with his better-half.
Mrs. Dr. Leo F. Huffman, who is
visiting her numerous relatives here, is
in better health than she has been for
years. Her little daughter, Annie Cook,
is also visiting in Hustonville.
The creek couldaccommodateaROod
sized steamboat this mornimr, and it is
still risinp.
Misses Alice nnd Anes Spears are
visiting Mis. Hawkins. Miss Mollie
Wright, remained in town last night to
attend the candy-pulling.
Mrs. Bruce, Miss Fannie Hopper and
little Miss Lizzie Twidwell Bruce, have
joined Mr. Bruco, at Perryville, and ex
pect to be absent several weeks.
The "Heads 'er Pints Club," better
known as the kids around Hustonville,
had a candy pulling at Mrs. Dinwiddie's,
Friday night, which was enjoyed im
menBcly by all present.
Hustonville is the greatest placo to
keep a secret I ever saw. One mado its
appearance hero several days ago and
though I made a determined race after it
it still eludes my efforts.
A Million Frlendd.
A friend In need ts a friend indeed, and not lets
than one million have found just such a friend in
Ur. King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Couehs and Colds. If you have never used this
Kreat Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you
thatithas wonderful curative powers in all
the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Kach bot
tle Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or mon
ey will be refunded. Trial bottles free at A. K
I'enny 's diug store. I.argo bottle, jocacd Ji.
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our citiiens, that for yean
e have been selling; ur. King's Mv uiscovery
for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life i'llls,
Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve and Klectnc Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as well or
that have given such universal sattilactlon. We
da not hesitate to cuaranteo them every time and
we stand ready to refund the purchase price if
satisfactory results do not follow their use. I nese
remedies have won their great popularity purely
on their merits. A. K. fenny, druggist.
Cholerine In Pennsylvania.
Swlckley. Penn,: We had an epidemic of
cholerine, as our physicians called it, In this
lately and I made a great hit with
Elace Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I sold four doren bottles ol It in one week and
have since sold nearly a gross. This Remedy did
the work and was a big- advertisement for me.
(several persons who had been troubled with
diarrhoea for two or three weeks were cured by a
few doses ot this medicine. I. P. Knapp, Ph. G.,
15 and so cent bottles lor sale by W, U.
Druggist, Stanford, Ky.
Just the Thing.
This is an expression the traveling public generally
use when they find something that is
what they want. This expression applies directly
to the Wisconsin Central Lines, which ia
now admitted by all to be "The Route' from Chi.
cagotoSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland,
all points in the Northwest. Their double
dally train aervtce and fine equipment offers in
ducemeot which can not be surpassed.
This ts the only line running both through Pullman
First.Class and Tourist Sleepers from Chicago
to Pacific Coast Points without change.
Kor full information address your nearest tick
et agent er JameaC. Pond, General Passenger and
Ticket Agent, inicago, m.
Are you open to conviction ? Well, then come and
We arc selling $2.50 Hats for 50c; $1 Hats for 25c, &c. Slippers,
S1.25 goods marked down to 50c, good values.
$16 Suits cut to S7.50 and $9. Boys' knee pants, bright new
50c, 60c, 75c, $1 and Si. 25 per pair. Hoys' suits $i, $1. 25;
S3. 25 and 84.50. Youths' suits $5 to $S. Men's suits, finest of merchant
tailor work, in the very latest fashions and styles, S12 to S26
per suit.
In the very latest styles and shades. Our large stock of Buell,
Douglass Shoes are now in. Come and sec them and get a pair.
Gloves of all kinds and prices. Next Monday, March 13, 1893, we
will sell finest quality Tomatoes 3-lb cans for 9c per can. Lard below
competition. Garden seed, &c. Come one and all. Yours, &c,
It. U. KtNG.
We have opened up a nice line ot
Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Hardware,
We paid spot cash for these goods bought them where we could get
the most for the least money. Hardware was bought in car load lots,
which enables us to make very low prices. Bases of steel nails S2 per
keg, do. wire nails $2. 30, coal oil 10c per gal. with all other goods in
Terms cash or country produce. Give us a call. We will save you
EQk.5 Cotton mnlcs, 2 pr. broke mules and nice saddle horse for sale.
Our store and see the great
Made in the display of our immense stock of
-A- Jr Jj 'X' S
Matting, &c,
invited to.
the new room in the
has been shelved for our large Sho
anywhere. For Gents', Ladies' and
and see us.
& BON.
New Styles,
by recent fire, I have just
The former Carpet Department
stock, which is second to none
New Stock,
H. J.
Having lost nearly all my stock re-opened
at old stand with
And Chemicals, Latest Toilet Articles, School Supplies, Stationery
and everything to be found in a first-class drug store I shall be pleased
to see all my old custmers and as many new ones as will favor me,
Assuring them
Prompt Attention and Lowest Prices.
W. B. lCoKOBiaiTB,
New BlockjOpposite Court House, Stanford, Ky.
. t 1 Jw

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