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V 1-. If, f 8 I if I fn-"-- Semi-Weekly Interior Journal Stanford, Ky., - March 14, lfi9," W. F WALTON. SIX : PAGES. Nearly evory man who held ofllce under Mr. Cleveland's last administration ia with whetted appetite calling for more pie under this, but the president Faid to Congiessman Springer the other day that he did not intend to reappoint any of the old guard except where extraordinary circumstances might cause a departure from the rule. This is calculated to throw a damper over the- patriotic citizens so anxious to serve their country, and create for the president a bad feeling "in their midst." Mr. Olevo land belieyes, like many of thoso who have never tasted of the crumbs that fall from the official table, that when there there is not enough pie to go all around , it should be divided among as many as possible. The men who had their in ning before can afford to take an outing now and see the other fellows enjoy themselves. P. M. General Biesoll also puts a fly in the dumpling by that he will only in exceptional cases appoint merchants to postofllces. Only those who promise to devote their entire time the servico will be appointed and no office will go to help draw trade to a store. This is going to be a thoroughly business administration, divorced entirely from the "demoralizing madness for spoils." It will no doubt be the best for the country, but it is not likely to to prove profitable to the party. A couple of Philadelphia inventors claim to have discovered a method by which oysters can bo shipped in the shell to any point, no matter how remote, and still bo as fresh and delicious as when they left their home in the sea. No chemical preparation is used. It is well known that when an oyster uets sick at the Btomach, as he generally will when he takes a long ride on the train, he opens his mouth and the liquid inside his shell runs out. Then he begins to pine and decay, just because, like a great many people, ho didn't keep his mouth shut. In order to pro vunt this suicide, a small lead clamp is put on the shell nnd the thing is done. Tho oyster is thus prevented from any protest whatover, nndoja consequence he is kept sound and nice. A company with a million dollars capital has taken hold of tho idea and we shall see what wo shall see. Tub Legislative Committee on capital location is preparing for a Biege of wining and dining. It has selected Louisville, Lexinuton, Frankfort, Danville and Bowling Green as possible sites and will go to Lexington to-day to see what inducements can be offered by tho enterprising citizens there. Of course a big dinner with champagne embellishments will be one of them. The other towns will do likewise. The committee will wax strong and grow fat on the fulluess of the land. The other towns will have lost their time and money and Frank- fort will contiuuo to be the capital of Kentucky. It was ever thus, even since the time when the mind of man runneth not to tho contrary. Miss Sallie Rkiim, a love lorn Louisville school teacher, gave a negress, who claimed to have the power of "making matches," $35 for her assistance in securing a reciprocation of her affection for a man whom she "loved not wisely but too well." The charm failed to work, and now the poor woman, a wiser if not a happier one, is suing for the return of her hard earned money on the ground that it was obtained under falBe pretense. The court will likely, however, decide that when a fool and her money are eo soon parted, they had as well continue to be divorced. A Tennessee solon is the last to reach after fame by introducing a bill to prohibit thp manufacture, sale or use of crinoline in that State. This business has ceased to be funny. Why don't some of tho humorists cause a law to be enacted prohibiting tho use of Mother Hubbard's? It would bo just as smart and more reasonable. The latter takes all of the beauty out of the female form divine. Hoop skirts can be made to add to the symmetry of some whose forms are not ho divinely divine. Impeachment proceedings have been instituted in the Tennessee legislature against Judge Du Bose, of tho Memphis criminal court. Thero are 40 or 50 criminal specifications in tho 12 counts against him. He is charged with all manner of corrupt practices and finally with appointing unfit persons to tho oilice of attorney general, notably J. Wesley Durham, "a notorious crap shooter." The charges have produced quite a tion and they will bo thoroughly lated. - The mania for tall buildings having run into madness at Chicago, the city council has ordained that none shall be built hereafter over 10 stories high or 1150 feet. This is sad. The average ouly chance to get near heaven was in being elevated to the top of an IS or 24 story building and that has been rudely taken from him. " No editors need npply, for Cleveland , Near Rolling Fork, Miss., n mob of himslf hath paid it, that is ho is credited nroes took Leo Walton, n black such a remark. Furthermore ho derer, from n constable and hanged him. is alleged to have said that ho is J James W. Hyntt, ex-Treasurer of tho cd that so many editors are applicants j United States, died at Norwalk, Conn, for office, when ho remembers how they Ho nns appointed Treasurer by President charged Harrison with attempting to Cleveland in 1S87. subsidize tho press when he appointed ' Among tho now diseases aro listed ' Whitclaw Held, John C. Now and other type-writers' backache, telephone ear- distinguished journalists-to high official ache, lockjaw and cigar-position. Ho doesn't want such a charge insinity. A crinoline laid at his door, so like Ctesar's wifo he crazo is threatened also. is going to live above suspicion. Then Thieves entered the room of Mr. nnd again he doesn't like the idea that the Mrs. G. II. Morris at Columbus, Ohio, editor of every little village pper should .and after chloroforming tho occupants think that the is his by right, e titer divine or political, nud there is to be many disappointments. We are in position to Binile at the rage that this announcement will create among thoso of the fraternity who would like to Bervo their country in official position, for we said long ago we preferred to dwell in the tents of wickedness rather than be a door-keeper under the government. Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed. Selah! Ever since we suggested that the cit zens of Newport presented Editor Laurie J. Blakelv with that gold-headed cane more because his faltering Bteps and tottering form needed support than for the cus. It was a pretty wise man, albeit he W4S somewhat profane, who remarked in effect that matters may run on in a bad way uncorrected, but when they get too d n bad, they correct themselves. The latter is perhaps the only hope we can rely on for the correction of an evil that has tious. grown into gigintic Tiieke are 19 applicants for collector in this district, and Gov. MeCrtary, is laying wake o'nfchts trying to decide whom he will recconimend. Uneasy lies the head of nearly every democratic Congressman now. If he make' n mis take it may coat him his seat and he has to proceed most cautiously. It is much easier to bo a Congressman under an adverse administration. J. E. Stone, gf Gurnee, Ala., gets a small fortune by being agoodguesser. In tho Courier-Journal guessing contest he came within IS of the total vote cast at the late presidential election and rakes in prize offered by that paper of $10,000. The next meeting of the Kentucky Press Association will be held in Louis ville in June. An excursion to the World's Fair is on the programe. NEWSY NOTES. The assessment of Madison amounts to $9,012,040, an increase of $SOO,190. Sixty-four of tho U. S. Senators are lawyers, one h preacher, one a doctor, and one a journalist. Mrs. Edgar Woods and four children wero drowned while attempting to cross Cedar Creek near Rome, Ga. Tho MiddleBboro Furnituro Co. as signed, with liabilities of 530,000 and nominal assets in excess of that amount. Col. Charles E. Taylor, a telegraph operator for 41 years and for a long time manager of the Frankfort office, is dead. A hand-car crashed into the rear end of a freight train near Pittsburg, Pa., injuring six laborers, three of whom will die. Although she was declared insane, tho grand jury at Atlanta has indicted Julia Force for the of her two sisters. Eleven Cincinnati banks made up a purse ol 600,000 in gold, to be sent on to Washington for the relief of tho Nation al Treasury. Fifty Kentucky families passed thro' St. Louis Friday on tho way to Oklaho ma to take their chances in staking claims in the Cherokee strip. Ex-Mayor Horace January of Mays-ville, recently Grand Comniauder of Kuights Templar, died last week aged .10. He had been totally blind since 1S83. Tho Washiugtan Legislature has adjourned sine die without electing a Unit ed States Senator. Gov. MtGray will appoint ex-Senator John B. Allen, whoso expired March 4th. -August Niemann, a Louisville la-bore, went home and found a fellow employe in the housa with hia wife. He attempted to put him out but the intruder was the butter man and Niemann got a fearful flogging. Mrs. Rhodes Thompson, a wealthy and dashing widow living near Lexington, ha3 eloped with Town Marshal J. S. Woolems, of Georgetown. Wooliims leaves a wife and three small children behind. Their whereabouts are unknown. took a package containing SI, 1(50 which was lying between them. At Brazil, Iud., Jasper Price, n wealthy farmer, was terribly beaten and then tied to his bed post by masked robbers who ransacked his houso and took away $'.'30, Price is in a critical condition. William Dalton, tho last of the famous Dalton gang, was convicted of murder in the Becond degree at Independence, Kan., for hispart in the Coffey-ville battle last fall and given a life Dispatch. A movement is on foot among the students of Georgetown Collego to have a $-'00 portrait of tho late Dr. It. painted. Those who have graduated from the college will also bo aBked to anegeu consideration ot nis great public i to the fund. services, which wo all admit are Fire n lho ceuter Qf Boston's of any token of recognition, he has Lflnt5,f( district Friday destroyed over a with malace aforethought referred to us on sundry occasions as "old man Walton." We do not mind bo much for those in their nonage to call us old.for in point of fact, we are not as young as we used to be, but we draw the line nt nonagenarians, who aro revelling in a fresh crop of great-great-grand-children and if the fossiliferoua antediluvian on the raging Licking doesn't let up we shall 8oo that he is immersed in its billows, taking care that sinkers be attached to his coat tails so that he will never rise apain. Verb, sat Bap. When that stalwart organ of the G. A. R , the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette, raises a protest, bo it never so slight, against the scandalous pension raid, things may be said to have come to a fo square ol fino now buildincs and caused a loss of about $4,500,000. Two lives wero lost and at least 30 people were injured during the progress of the fire. The Mexican mission was raised a few vears aiK) to a mlssson of the first-class, and bo Mr. Gray's salary will bo $17,500 a year, and he will have no such expenses as the other first-class MiuisterB nt European capitals have to eubmit to. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington states that both Secretary nnd Secretary Morton have plainly indicated their purpose of the efficient employes in the two departments, without regard to politics. The Board ot Lady Managers of the World's Fair are laying plans for the distribution of the 40,000 cent souvenir coius, tho ieauo of which was authorized by Congress some time ago in honor of the women of thin coun try. The committee, of the Tennessee Legislature appointed to investigate the condition of nflairs among the convicts at Coal Creek, report that thoy aro in a deseaaed and filthy condition anil many of them are so poorly fed they arestarving to death. Tho department of Agriculture estimates the quanttv of last year's wheat cropbtill ou hand at 135,000,000 bushels, or 20 2 per cent, of tho total production, the smallest percentage lu ten years. The corn on hand is estimated at bushels, or 3S.5 per cent, of the crop. The man who was spotted nt Marshall, Texas, as J. C. Anderson, the dcier ol J. B. Hucker, ol bomerset, avo the officers the slip, ami is still at large. He is said to have answered the detcrij. tion exactly, except for having shaved off his mustache. Ho went by tho name of J. C. Kucker. At Rome, Ga., Sherman Arp, a condemnd to be hung, sold his body to the highest bidder. A young physician was the purchaser at eight cents per pound. Arp weighed 150 pounds, tho doctor's bargain cost him S12.4S; which 1ib spent for good things to eat and drink. CHURCH AFFAIRS. Rev. P. T. Hale, Baptist, closed a meeting at Memphis with 82 additions. A new Presbyterian church and parsonage, costing $52,000, will be erected at Henderson. Rev. A. V. Sizemore will preach at Logans Creek church next Sunday afternoon at 15 o'clock. Rev. J. H. Julian is improving and will be able to preach next Sunday at his church in McKinney. Rev. Carter Helm Jones, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Knoxville, Tenn., has resigned to take charge ot the McForrill Memorial Baptist Church of Louisville May 1st There will bo no services at the .Methodist church here next Sunday. The third quarterly meeting for the chanie will be held at McKendreo by Uev. II. P. Walker, beginning next Saturday. A number of promineut horsemen are writing lbngthy editoiials on tho su perabundance of stallions in the country. Thoy all suggest the U8e of the knife. A good gelding is by far better than a rate stud-horse. J. A. Calvert, who married Mies Ida Pickard, of Caldwell courjty, was evidently not much pleased with married life. They spliced and attended the iu auguration, but when they got to Louia- ville on their return, Uuiveri excuseu himself for a few moments. Ho did no return and his wife found a note stating that he had left her. He took along $5 of his wife's mony. The following stallons wero on exhibition yesterday notwithstanding horse show day is a mouth off. The Silver King 713, owned by T. L. and J.S. Baughmau of Boyle; Gambonita, record 2:24, Wm. Rue & Son, Boyle; Silve' Tip, Beaaley Bros, and Hays; Dillard Denmark, Jebte Cook, Lincoln, M. S. Baughman and Barnes the handsome C. F. Clay of G. A. Lackey. t 3. Immense Mne of Clothing, SHOES and HA TS. Our buyer left for New York and will .send An : ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Pries as usual will be LOWER THAN ANY ONE Else can q vote. We will offer for this week 50 pieces fine fancy Calico at 5c a yard. 25 pieces Jin e fancy Dress Ginghams at 7 Have just received and placed on sale 50 Men's fine Spring Suits. It will pay yon to look at them Mothers, Now is Your Chance to Pick Your boy a new Suit. All new shades and a special strictly all-wool Suit light color at $5. Don't forget us. THE LOUISVILLE STORE. Iteal CIvr. Mr. St. GnwgoXobranes Uaw, Chaw-Iv, denh boy! Glad to bee you hanged if I ain't I "Thanks, awfully, old fel. What time fs it, George? I've mi invitation to dinner nt 7, and mo watch isn't Koinir." "Why, Chawley, wasn't your watch "Ha, ha, hn! Deuced if that isn't clevah, Gnwge! Un, ha, hn! That'll do to tell at tho club or after dinnuh. It's mighty clevah, old boy." "Thanks Chnwley; fellah rawther enjoys getting off something clevah once in awhile. Ta, In!" "So long, yon clevah dop. you!" "iiaw, tlmnlrs." Exchange. Ami lit- Put it Thrro. For Sal I Few More Building lots In the corporate limits of KowUntl. 11 I. DAKST. Rowland BANK John 11. Cattleman, fe THE JEWELER, Articles to Suit the Most Fastidi ous. A complete line of Watches, Clocks Jewelry Anil SILVERWARE. Complicated Watch Repairs and Artistic Engraving a Specialty. UAH jjoodi told encnveil tree of charge ttB'Vour patronage rcipcctfullyi'illcited. A. C LnnhAib ROYAL Insurance Company, OF LIVERPOOL. BARBEE&CASTLEMAfl MANAGERS, Commerce Building-, Louisville Agents throughout the South. W. A. TRIBBLE, Local Agent, STANFORD, KY I And ask & Van. Have Purchased W. H. Higgins, a mi njfflim u n n s y !! - UP.jlr C J.- Bortio Aw, Miss Ethel, thcah is one thing I liko about you. Ethel What is that, Mr. Softlcigh? Bertie My awm, dealt. Truth. Ills entire interest in the GROCERY And- mrs mm v. of MDWJLEE j vvFV, IttiVMM, WV.p a continuance of the patronage extended the firm of Ui.'mns lArsdale. nnd will make it to the interest of others to trade with me. lhc books and accounts have been transferred to me and I continue the latter with all who desire. will rCIothmg, Hoots and Shoes will be sold regardless of cost to close out stock. M'KINNEY BRO'S Have just received a new barrel each of Open Kettle. M. n ses, Sorghum and Caramel Syrup; also pure Maple Syrup, Buckwheat aim unuiaui riour in Dink-, isuckwhcat Mour, Hams dcrs, Side Meat, Breakfast Bacon, Broiling Beef, Canned Roast anu snipped neei, iMacKercl and Tics' l'cct m barrel I Corn Tvmnn'c ,: cd and Cucumber Pickles in barrel. Queen Garc Plums. R1 ru...,'.'. Blackberries, Sweet Potatoes, French Peas, Van Houten's Cocoa. WE KEEP THE BEST BRANDS Of Teas and Coffees. We will have a lull stock of Seed Potatoes and Garden Seeds, the best varieties. Have already bought and will' be able to give you some low prices. McKINNEY BROS. BUY THF CELKHRATKD VULCAN Chilled Plow. Every One Warranted. Olive Points, three for St. W. H. WEAREN & CO. H.6.R0PLEY, Is keceiying His F AILIO WINT3BB (BOOBS Goods Warranted and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Give me call,