Newspaper Page Text
IV k sti A m v r I. i W I J S I rt I 'rf k s , f Semi-Weekly Interior Journl ubllsbed Evory Tuosday and Friday AT a per. yicyr. i:s" vvjck rWhen not so paid $2.60 will be charged." K.b. LOCAL TIME CARD. Train uavea Rowland at 7:00 a. m., r turning 5:10 p. m. LAN. LOCAL TIME CARD. lit ram going North ..ts ,37 pm " " South ijjpb train " South it 31 pm " North.. 3'3'ta ocal Freight North .710 am South.. ...... J 3c pm Tha Utter train alto carry passengers. The above ii calculated on standard time. Absolutely Fure put the soods in their houses at factory Thankine the uubllc for liberal oalronaze. 1 57-y J. CIVIL ENGINEER, ncet. Solar e is about io minutes raster. QUEEN it CRESCENT ROUTE. Trains pass Junction City as follows: South-bound No. r, Limited, 12:25 p. ra ; No, , Blue-Grass Special, arrives 8.40 p. m. No. 5, Q. & C. Special, 12:37 a. m. ; No. 7, Fast Mail, arrives 12:40 p. m., leaves 2:05 p. m. North.bouad No. 2, Q.i C, Special, 3:20 p. ra.; No. 4 leaves at 6 a. ra ; No. 6, Limited, 3:15 a m No. 8, Express, arrives 12:01p.m., leaves 1:15 p; A cream of tarter baking powder. Higest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. ROYAL'.BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., Now York. JLD -A- JL jEv jl I will open on January 16th, 1893, a First-Class Dairy from which 1 can supply any quantity ot ersey milk to the people of Manford and Row. and at the following prices, delivered : Fresh Mil, per gallon o cents Skimmed Milk, pr gallon 10 cents Sutter Milk, per gallon Scents I will make two trips dally. The patronace ol the public is solicited. G. A. l'HV TON. 91-1 yr. Stanford, Ky. ttaUH There came to my place the 14th day ef February a DAY MAKE, 4 or 5 years old, whiteon pattern of left front and lett hind loot, star and snip, about 15)4 hands high Owner can have her by paying fur pasturoge and advertising 103 H.J. DARST, Stanford. Notice to the Traveling Public. .. . .1 have had THE SHELTON HOUSE At Rowland repainted and nicely furnished and have in connection with Hotel one of the best sa loons in the State, open day and night; a nijfht ! )vn Life man meets all trains. In connection with ilouv have also one of the best Mineral wells in the SUU I and for reference to witter, call on Mr. and Mrs G. W. Patrick, Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd In-gram, Erin, Tenn.. A. A. Warren, Stanford, Dr. , I. K. Proctor, C. H. Braum. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hamilton, Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Johnson, New Haven, Jim Cox, Grcensburg. Rates $1 per ' day. J. M. Petrey, clerk. Giie me a call. I o8oiy I. W. CARRIER. Prop. , ask a ' coutlnuonce of same, and remain your nhediunt servant. H. MILIUM, THE 60FFEY HOUSE STANFORD, KY., JOSEPH COFFEY, Pro'r. This Hotel, renovated anil refurnished, is now la my charge and J intend to conduct it so aa to ot only maintain Its high reputation, but to add to its long list o! friends. Special accommodations for commercial trave ers and tine- roouis.for U disploy of samples. Saloon) AndBILLlARD and POOL MOM ...ached A Problem. Mr Ilndrlt. f tvfcri mir Ivihv rnii1it i. :," " ', : ,...""'..;', , mm mora piainiy; iiruwu o uuuy is a month younger, nnd ono can understand almost every word it snys. I wonder why it is? Mrs. Daddy (offended) I'm sure I don't know. (To the baby.) Comcscy tooty mommy itto sweet)'. Docs 'oo wiclccd popper scold 'oo dear ittlo popsy wopsy dodklus? Puck. Order CoiintrriiiHnilrd. Foreman (job ofllce) What are you working at now? Ilov Uunuin' oft somo business cards of a youug woman who wants to do mending for gents and families. Foreman Geo whizzl Didn't you get word not to print 'em? Tho order is countermanded. Quick as tho boss saw that girl's card, ho nihcd off and married her. S. Y. Weekly. He TVm L'p. Tho tooth puller wan right up with the time In youth, styla and cheek, "nave you all the latest appliance?" asked a patient in tho chair, holding on to his jaw. "Oh, yes," replied the artist, "I'm fang de sicclc," and tho tooth flow out ngainst tho window pane and smashed it. Detroit Free Press. A NATL'KAL DKFECT. "Be careful, Mr. Suobly, that is the fifth glass of punch I havo seen you take." "Ah, my dear Miss Winston, you don't know me; I can drink any quantity of liquor and never have a head on me." "Oh no; no one would ever accuse you of that" Truth Unadulterated. Tho Ihiffalo Xews has an old joke witn a slight, variation: INimrod Any good hunting round here? Farmer Yes; oceans of it. Ximrod What kind of game mostly? Farmer Never seed any game. Just plain hunting. A I.eison In Ktiquette. In a kitchen: Mother You shouldn't dip your into the gravy that way, Mary. It's very vulgar. Mary Hut how else can I taste it, mother? You surely don't want me to Foil one of the plates! La Lanternu de Coeorieo. Ilotli .Stilus of ttir family. She I took the present you gave me to my aunt nnd site thought it was lovely. .ISut.she wants to know what we will do with it after wo tire married. He That's very simple, dearest. Tell her I Mhall take it to my uncle. Ills Opinion or tilrls. 'JVachcr Spoil heroine. Littlo Roy "Correct. What ilocs it mean?" "J I forget." "If a little tfirl should Jo something heroic, what would j'ou call htir?" "A freak." Hood Nous. T. ZEEL". HIIjTOIET I A ROWLAND, KY., I Trivvet Havo you hear of the inter- DEALER IN GROCERIES, HARDWARE, i eM,n 9oeiLty VL'nt at '' - Boots and Shoes, Cigars and Tobacco. Ohla I bCUtn. River Salt for tale by the barrel. Will take I Dicer Xo; what Was it? try produce in exchange for goods at market price. ri. (,., 1 llii heariled , ... I im also aaent forth? old Feliable llrodbead To-I lady has mar- kaccos and will Leep a full line of thei8 goods in I rled tho Circassian licitutr stock, and all I ask of tha merchants ot .Mantord i r te and Uowland is to give me their orders and 1 will j Tim Irrar Irene (at tho charity fair) How nicely yon handle the tambourine, Laura! You would make, a capital minstrel. I.aura So would you, dear. You could take tho part of Hones m bo naturally! Chlcapo Tribune. Stanford,- - Kentucky, j ynu'Tetfin She-What did to keep a Offers his professional stmccs to the people of i diary for? tills section, Hal had eight ears' experience In itt ,11,1,,'t l,.,,,(,, .., i,..,, I. T Hnuk " "itln t Infill to keop it. I ...-the business, llefers to the Ursi National Stanford, where he on be. found, tfnn to k'vo it up njjht away. Detroit ! Freo 1'ress. 6 J. H. BAUGHMAN, FIRE AND STORM INSURANCE AGENTi Representing Hartford, of Hartford, Conn.; Manchester, of Manchester, lng.; Pennsylvania Fire, Philadelphia; Ins. Co. of North America. All of which are first-class Companies. I would be pleased louaito nmy friends in this line. Pol. icies promptly issued. Will insureasaiust tornadoes, wind storms aud Untuning. Lightning without additional charge. Office at Firt National Hank, Stanford. Falls Branch Jellico CoalOu., Mtnersand shippers oi the GENUINE Original Jellico Coal. Try it. We are the sole agents for Stanford 'and J Rowland. Utlice corner ot Depot street ana ran- road crossing. HICCINS A WATTS. To h Willi Jtotv. Wild rose tie Mk clift up Wild rowd of Urn. d.irk and gaunu Wild rows the boatinnn Wild ros thatwl'.dcrne haunt. l'uck. .Not .IfrMlil of Hi Dark. Kitty Oil, litfht the gas and turn that lump down; it's tfoiiif,' out. Totn I don't object to that: do von? Kitty Yes, I do-to the .smell! Life. l.urUy Ono Mrs. New Lee Wed You are a failure, John. You've never had any luck. Mr. New Lee Wed Yes, once; I was born single. Jury. . lUni i'is.e. Claribelle Don't you think Charlie Monocle's mind i& very weak? Lsabelle Yes, dear, it can't even wander. l'uck. roptil'ir CrlinliialM, "I beliuvc policemen are u wt of thieves." "So lo I. One of them rubbed us. of otir eoolc tlio otlter day." Life. Mitster anil Slave. Ho I um the sluro of my own She What u bUtpid mttster. Detroit Free Preti. Information for the Hoy, "l'apa, what is a gas-log'." asked Johnny. "Tlie average dialogue," snitt papa. Judge. Drnamy. Youge Women are like dreams. Clare How? Yonge They go by Puck. A California Illsk. Eastern Man Ii that climate of yours all that it is claimed to be? California Man Healthiest climate in the world. "Well, I've heard of a good many people who went there and came back worse than before." "Tho cllmato is all right; but, you see, as quick as their health returns they get interested in tho land boom and buy." "Yes." "Well, after that they worry themselves sick trying to sell." Omaha Dee. Too Liberal. Wlf Here's an advertisement in tho paper that you'd better look into. It says a man is wanted, and ho won't be worked to death, and he'll get paid enough to live on. Husband Says ho won't bo worked to doath, eh? "Yes, and they promiso pay enough to live on." "Huh! Some catch about that" N. Y. Weekly. Won hy Her Tonga. McIIarlem How long did you know j'our wife before you were married to her? Murray Hill Two days. "Wasn't that rather a short acquaintance?" "If you had heard my wifo talk you wouldn't ask such questions. At tho end of those two days I felt as though I had known her for five years." Texan Sifting. Honesty I'nya, .Mm Honesty i.s tho best policv artcr all. Hill How? "Remember that dog I stole?" "Yep." "Well, I tried two hull days to sell 'im, an' no one offered more 'n a dollar. So I went, like a honest man, nn gtir him to th' ole lady what owned Mm. an' she guv me llvo dollars." X. Y. Weekly. Tliej AVariiliis; Taken. Jack Hillings Do you think it right for a fellow to kiss a girl suddenly, without warning? May Cooings Xo; I do not. Jack Hillings Neither do I. Hut how is he going to war her? May Coolngs I don't know of anv better way than to ask some question like yours just now. l'uck. AmiKliig the Children. Mrs. MeShantce (triumphantly) 1 sec ye are takin' in washiu' again, .Mrs. Mcl'roudee. Mrs. Mcl'roudee (whose husband has lost a paying job) Sure it s only to amuse tit' ehilders. They wants th' windles covered wid steam, so they can make pictures on thim. N Y. Weekly. An I tiniest KfTorl. Mrs. Lanouvenu Do you believe that society women are sincere? .Mr. Riches Sometimes they arc. Mrs. Luuouveau When? Mr. Riches They are always sincere when they are trying to match silks at a dry goods counter. Chicago News Record. Not nt tli Ttirntrr. Ihnployor Why are you mi late .- c I'll cffH war tfra, i SfmMvi ,, ills i this morning? Hoy I laid awake so lonj; las' nipht 1 couldn't wake up. "Hump! What kept you awake?" " Iryin' to ruiuemlwr all th things you told me to do to-day." Hood Xews. Tfie (Inly cliniiiv lie Had. Mis. .rcCordle It strikes me that it is awfully tlisarecahlo for you to talk in your Kleep every niht. JlcCordle 1 aree with you. my dear; hut I have to improve my opportunity, you know. l'uck. TiitisK runs. ...fv,...,r ' ' in Miss Tooty frooty -- .Mistah yon reek'n I's gwine wnlz wid it Kern'mnii will htiti(,'in' outen liis clot", dtttuwny'.' .Mister rt:ix:rntropu 'Dewl, Misb Tooty frooty, yo's inVtakcn 'Ixnit tint. Das no 'spender, das malt new fob chain. Tho Hoy at a J)iHUilvniitni;r. Hi Maternal 1'areiit I am horry, Willie to have to do this. It (whack) hurts me a jfreat ileal (wlmek! whack) worsts tlian it hurts yon! Willie (wrifrgliii;? and bliriekiii(f) No it don't! Vott'vo yot aIoveon! CJiicnyo Tribuim. Vuiiltlmr Amtiltloii. "Jobvm is very ninbitious. lie is always Htfurlnjf to do something great in th future." "Yes, Im docs so much in tho f,uture that lie doesn't have time to do in the present." Chicago Xews Ueronl. A Nir Wsy to Measure. l'apa now long is that lull where you coast? Warren About three seconds down and ten minutes up. Harper's Young People. A Unit In tho Mauser. There's ono variety of man Ida fellows should ne'er forKlve; he who says Ufa's) not worth living. And still continue to live. -Puck. JIhIii or Whisky. Bartender (as chiiniiloa annronrh linrl contraries. Going to have somo rain, gentlemen? unorus ro; wnuityj Life. & 77 Lincoln County is the best County in the State; Hustonvillc, Ky., is the best town; The best and cheapest man in the county. I have come to this town (Hustonvillc) and opened this day with a full line of Clothing, Us' Furnishing Ms, Boots, Shoes Hats, &c. JiSEi X2l M DRUGGIST TO TEX LADXXS. I Jin receiving one of the most lines ol MILi.LINKRY ever handled in Stanlord, selected with an especial view to the wants of this trade Miss Nora Welch, of Cincinnati, an rape, rlenced trimmer, Is with me this season and 1 i guarantee everything to In in the latest and moil iipprotcd fashion. The ladirs are invited t call and examine my goods, which I will take pleasure in showing. Gj MISS 1.1CCIK I1KAZLKV. THE RILEY HOUSE F. H. RILEY,' Proprietor, London, - - - Kentucky. I have moved to my new Hotel'iand am better prepared than ever to accommodate the public Good Livery attached and every convenience d , sired. Give me a call. FRANK KILI.Y. -AT- Jesse Thompson's Barber Shop, There are three of tho best There are also excellent Hath K corns run In con nection. Agent for Lexington Steam Laundry. Also a Full Line of Tlmvnrc. COME ONE COME ALL. TO 3 THE 3 N3H 3 FHKCE 3 STOBE. I have some Bargains to show you. I am running Three : Big : Stores In Kentucky and one WHOLESALE STORE in Cincinnati, Ohio. Now, as I buy in quantities 1 am able to sell you goods Cheaper Than Anybody Else in the country. GIVE ME A TRIAL. I can Save you Money. $Tr jnitiT), Hustonvill, Zy. FITE HUSTON VILLE, KY Offers Bargains in all kinds of Goods for 30 days, in order to make room for his Spring Goods My Spring Shoes are daily arriving, and far excel anything ever shown in Hustonvillc in quality, workmanship and style. I have some Shoes and Hoots left over, which I will close out very low Ladies' Pebble Buttons 75c; Kid Buttons 95c; Men's Congress and Lace Shoes $1.40, worth $2; Heavy Boots Si. 25, Si. 50 and 2, worth double the money. A nice line of dark Calico at 5c. Blankets and comforts At Almost HALF PRICE. Arbuckle's Coffee 25c; Fire Proof Oil 15c gallon and a great number of Bargains too numerous to mention in all kinds of goods. Terms 30 days to responsible parties. PMW80 FliOWS We now have A COMPLETE LINE Of Oliver Chilled Plows, Bucher & Giobs' Imperial Plows in steel and chilled and Malta Double Shovels. Wo Do PE!Mi(D(Kr&9 Crab Orchard, Ky. PENNY AND JEWELER And The LargcstJStock to select from. Prices alwas as Lowjas the low est. Mr. Thos. Dalton has charge of Jewelry Department. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. Engraving Beautifully and ArtlnticaUv Done. Old Gold and Silver takenjin exchange for goods. Thanking my friends and the public generally for their liberal patronage in the past year, I hope to merit a continuance by polite at . .: i,nnrf nA.. .t Mr nr..c a mrvxTv i l(.iiliuii, iiuiiui jjuun iiiiu nm j i. i, l ...i.. i. C. D. FOWIXI,, in- General -:- ItlercliamllHC, And Country 1'roduce, lias cj. elicit tils stotk ol rooiIs and Is teat! servr the pLopleof Manford and vicinity idy t(. He is fillrrinj; unheard of llurgalnt mid all uho want good yrxHls at tho lowrii po.sitilH pricis should call on him on lxt;an Atonic iW. O. HTJTCHI1TGS, , r STKAUU, JK. i"--1. - Livery land Feed Stable. dTANKORD, KF.S'TrCKY. Having purcuaird of A. T. Nunnelley his liv ery business I can le (ound at hisidd stand ready to wait on tlie puiill'. st any tune nay or iiini 1 Nothme but FIRST-CLASS : TURNOUTS shall leave my stable and my prices will be at low as the lowest. Don't forset ray Stanford and Rowland 'bus line. T. r CLAKKI , STRATXB&CO., ...PRACri(.AL... Plumbers and Steam Fitters. I Dealers in all kinds of Iron and ilrass Goods lor I steam and water. Sanitary Goods of all kinds. All I work guaranteed against, defective material and j wtsrkmauship. 37 DR. W. B. PENNF Dentist. Office South side Main meet, in office reeeu Dr. L. r. Huffman, Strnfoid, Ky. THE ADVOCATE Comes to you every other day In the year for only $U. Thr cheapest and'beit paper in Kentucky. 50c sets it tliren months. Address Tin AmoCATK, Danville, Ky. fflHtu A. S. PRICE, SUKOEON DENTIST. Office over McKoherts Drue Owsley Iluildlng. Stanford. ct Store In ths ne 3DE2STTO." For the painless extraction 'of teeth and other minor surgery. 1 have toted its virtue sufficiently to know R. C. MOItGAN, D. I). S. ZUC2TT. House and 6 or 8 Acres of Land. I will rent nrivatelr mv House and Let Stanford on the Usnvllle pike. March in. MRS l'otsesslon FANNIK DUNN. blanlord, Ky. XTEW I have built and fitte.1 up a new and handsom ROWLAND, adding new scenery, ai cesiories, and instruments and erthlnj pertain Itif to a (JsMtrjr. With many years esperlcncc I am enabled to do good work at low prices Cabinet I'hotos finisher ki the Utest uni fnt style at $ jo pr dorrn t ards $i doien; jc doien Thanking the public (or patt favois, lam respectfully, i I'RANK COUDIEIl Commercial Hotel, Mc KINNEY, KY. I have bought above mentioned Hotel at Mr. Kinney and hae .iltachtd a Bar and Fool Room. Have rtpaiied and refurnished the Hotel and am belter than ever Prepared to Accommodato the Public. s'liecul attention to Commercial Men. 1 W C It r.l'N. Proprietor JOK I ARSON, Man.jer DR. JOS. HAAS Hog & Poultry Remedy -! I ! Ucod Successfully Fifteen Years. Will arreit dlicsse, preien's disease, eirtls wcrmi.stop rough, Incrrast the flesh and hasten msturity Ji st and jo cents per pscLage; can Ji o 'I he largrtt packages ara the cheapest. Korssleby A R PKNNV. stanlord, Ky JAMW YKAGKR. TIIOMAH YKAGEK VEAGKR Sc YEAGER, Umi fS9 AND SALE STASU, STANFOnD, KY. We are In our new stable In the Oier Hou. Illock and arc well supplied with NEW RIGS AND HORSES Have been nurcha.ed and ruxhinf but turnouts will leave the stable. ii Give them a Call. Farmers Bank&Trnst Co or stankok.:kv., Is now lully otrsnlrcd and ready ler business witk Paid up Capital of - - $200,000. Surplus, . 000. SUCCKSSOK to Til K LINCOLN NATIONAL . . DANK OK STANFORD, Now clisinc upl with the nme assets and under h same management. Ily provisions of its chiller, dipoiitota are as 'u"r protected as aie depositors In National Hanks, its sharchnIJti hem Kl.l ui.i...n. lubletotbe cstcntbt the amouul Of their stock therein at the par value therrol, in addition to the mount invests d in such share.. It mar act as esecutor. administrator, trustee, Ac, as fully u sn individual. To thoic who entrusted their bulsiness to us while rnaagln the Lincoln National Bask el Maatoril, we w here tender our many thanks and trust they will continue to transact their busmtai with us, ottering as a guarantee lor prompt an. lion , to same, our twenty years rsperiMca la osnkingandas libsralarcoiumodations as are cos. intent with sound banking. jiiaicioHs: ; J. Williams, Sit. Vernon; J. M. Hall, Stanlord; J. S. Owsley, Manford; S.J, Embry, Stanford; J. K. Lnu, Slanl.wd; A. W. Carpenter, MlllednevtlU; J. P. Caih, Stanford; William Goocb, Stanford, Ky S. U. Shanks, President. i J-" Owiley, Cashier. si u.i.... .r .. hiiiiiii, i ciicr FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK STANFORD. KY. Capital Stock. Surplus 8200,000 20,500 Attention of the public is invited to the fae thai this is ihn only National Hank in Stanford Under the provision, of the National Hank Act depositors are secured not only by tha caDltal stock, but hv the stockholders liability lor ,0 amount equal to the stock, so that depositors ol this Instituuon are secured by a fund of L00.000 Kive aworn statements of thecondition of the bank are made each yeartoihe United States government and its assets ate examined at stated times by government agents, thus securing additiloaa snd perfect safety to depositors. This institution. ..i,i.k.i...i .. .... Oeposit Hank of Stanford In i8jj, then rergaa Ued as the National Hank ol Stanford in iM and sg.m ryprganlf rd a. the First National Hank ol Stanlord in tSJi, has had practically an uninterrupted istcnce of ,, years. It is better supplied ?ow y.'t ,c11.litl" (ot tiansacting busineu prompt !y and liberally than ever before In its lont and honotable career. Accounts of corporations: " ,u,,,v",ua' "n7ctfuily The Directory ol this Dank it composed ot T, J. Foster, of Stanford; roreitua, Rud, Lincoln county ; J. W. Hayden, Stanford ; J S.H. Baughraan, Lincoln; M.J. Miller, Mt.Veraen; S. T. Harris, Lincoln; J. S. Ilocker, Stanford; G. A. Lackey, Lincoln; T. P. Hill.Suaford. W. G. W.lch, SUafard; OKHCERS:,,,TMe S,M,MJ' ), S. Ilocker, President; John J. Mc Roberts, Cashier; A. A. McKinncy, Atsntant Cashier. t f l