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Semi-weekly interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1881-1905, March 17, 1893, Image 5

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Semi-Weekly Interior Journal'
f Stanford, Ky., Maiicii 17, l&KJ
Mils. W. G. Hankt is very ill.
Mn. A. 0. Hukkmas continues very
William Clovu of Cnupy, whh in town
I). B Oamimikll went to Springfield
J. S. Oalvkiit, of Junction City, was
liero Wedneadiiy.
W. T. Mekimkk. of Owonsboro, In
copyist at Rowland.
Samuxi. Waki, Kq., of Livingston,
wan hero thin week.
Mas. Joieimi Cofpky attended tho
funeral of Mr. Frank Fox at Danville.
Mn. Talton Kmiiiiy, of Ixmisville, hn8
been visiting hit) brother-in-law, Mr. T.
J. Foster.
Mu. O. II. of Now Carlisle,
Ind., is hero trying to establish an order
of Maccabees.
Mu. Aliibkt IIommbi. nnd wife, of
Dsnvlllc, were registered nt tho Colley
IIousu this week.
Mink Host, 1'. W. Oreon is down with
with tho measles. Ho should hnvo hud
them when lit wbh smaller.
Mn. J. A. CiiAKT, of IouUvillf, was up
to ceo his partner, Judjco J. V. Alcorn,
this week on lenl business.
Mn. ani Mus. GkoikikC. Kkllkh, Jii.,
sroutMr.J. K. Karris' nfter a lengthy
visit to Danville and Harrodbur;.
Mm. F. J. who is making
Lexington his home this winter, is heiei
tl.o uest of Mr. J. S. limjlies and fami
Miss I.iccik Bkazlkv will leave tomorrow
for Cincinnati, where she will
buy an unusually larps stock of millinery.
Mns. I C. Walton Have
Mn. and .Hurt, tt w. .......-
v runted lliu Capt. Gaines Craig houso on
' Hustonvillo Avenue and will go u
Ouu correspondent at Mt. Voinon, Mr.
James Maret. ha taken such a hiie,u
contract for ballast that it made him too
sick to writo yesterday.
Mlis Maii Mi'.mh has norm to attend
tho celebration of St. Patrick's day at Si.
Mary's, and also to visit her brother
who is ntlendiiiK school there.
Mn. ani Mits. W. A. Slaym mjbk and
aro now coiily domiciled in
their now homo on upper Main btreet
and ready to receive their friends.
Miss Minnie Uun.r.v and Mis-i Zada
Hupley, ol Boyle, who ha been vMtiiiir
her, left ywlerdav to upend eomo time
with Mrs. K. It. IIouHkiii, in Marlon.
Mn. V. V. Jackson and his handsome
wife aro hoarding at Mrs. Kannie ItiiiU'.
Mr. Jackson la Uw l". J.
H. Mclean Medicine Co., of St.
Si-it. (.J. C. Wkiwtkk, of tho Crab Diehard
Keoly Cure, and Mr.Ons HoMman
wore here yesterday nnd contracted for a
large amount of printluK for tin institution.
Mns. W. P. Uii:.NS delightfully enter-tallied
n of iter Udy Mends at
her splendid country home Wednesday
afternoon in honor of Mim Sue McDowell,
of Frankfort.
Mu. II. C. l'mmio, who lus acceptably
filled a clerkship for Hughes & Tato and
made many friends here by his gentlemanly
deportment, will leave for Glasgow
to-day, where ho has been ottered a
more remunerative situation.
Tuesday's Courier-Journal contains a
good likeness of London's mayor, Mr. J.
T. Williams. About the only thing that
can be brought up against this clever
gentleman is that politically Bpcaklnis he
is on the wrong sido of the fence.
Gold spectaclo $5 IX) at Danks the
Gaiidkn needs of all kin Is at W. II.
Wearen ft Co's.
A Nich Boom to lontou ground floor.
Private entrance. Call at this ottice.
i, . , -
Foil Hknt. The house in which 1
live. Terms reasonable. P. P.
Mn. W. S. Wahkwn will soon open a
store on the street leading to the water
j workH.
Ik'Y your seed Irish potatoes of W. II.
Vi.iri.ii .fc Co.. mid net the best at tho
lowest price. .
Hail, gentle spring! Imt gentlo ppring
do not, wo pray thee, hail, you
mike it hot.
Tins is St. Patrick's Day in the morning
n day very near to the heart of
patriotic son of Krin.
A kink business tat a goou huuim m
Stanford can bo had reaponably by application
to the editor at this ottice.
Mn. J. P. Jonkb is Improving his lot
by fencing nnd terracing and during tho
spring will build a two-story addition to
hiB house.
tho old linn
indebted to
All persons
of B. K. A W. II. Wearen must call and
to close our
settle. We are compelled
old accounts. ..,
Wanted. Situation by an a practical
all-round priuter, strictly Bober and reliable;
competent to take full coutrol of
oilice Best of references given. Address
W. M. M., care of lock box LM,
Bardatown, Ky.
,Zm' m"m'"K "'"'"
2s kv nru! untiii jrlorlnH. Sev
& Son
NoiiTitKit.v Reed potatoes, onion sets,
garden and (lower seed at McKinnoy
Klboant stock ginghams, perca's, Ac.
Coino early whilu our ussortinunt is complete.
Severance k Son.
. m
Tiik participants in the Lancaster St.
fight reported in our last Friday's issue
were each fined $5 in tho police court
Mn. J. B. Paxton h.s purchsscd of
Sino & Menefee tho Capt. Vest properly
for about $1,000. This property adjoins
Mr. Q. B. Cooper.
Mjis. Foiikstl's Hkid presented her husband
with a lino girl tho ilrst of the
week. Sho has been named Kato for
the mother who is doing very well indeed.
I am receiving my Spring and Summer
suitings now and invite the people hereabouts
to call and see the handsomest
linu of goods over brought to Stanford.
Call early and get first choice. 11. C.
Ki.loa.nt lines of spring and summer
fabrics for men's made-to-order clothing
suits from Browning, Kim: it Co.,
New York, Jacob Reed's Sons, Philadelphia,
ami The Royal Tailors, Chicago,
on sale by John II. Craig fc Son, at pop
ular prices. A perfect fit guaranteed.
Tub young people will celebrate St.
Patrick's day by giving a hop at Walton's
Opera Houso to-night. The Danville
orchestra will furnish the music.
The "wearing of the green" will bo observed
with ribbon by the ladies and
neckties of that color by the gentlemen.
Music will begin promptly at 8 o'clock .
Ouit contemporary, tho D.invillo Advocate,
evidently wants to impress its religious
items on its readers. A couple
of the said items appeared twice each in
its Tuesday's verbatim et literatim.
But then n "try-weekly" is a pretty
big thing for a town liko Danville,
and it is no doubt hard to fill up sometimes.
MiNhTiin.s. Cooper A- Doneghy'a col
ored minstrels played at the hall in Max
villa Tuesday night to a fairly good audience.
The performance wiih
t by our colored reporter as being vory
good. They gave a very creditable .street
parade better than some of the white
companies do. Tho proprielots hail from
It be a mistake about Joe
being a delivery driver in Omaha.
The follow iug to the Cincinnati
from Paris goes to prove that ho
is home where hid in the blue-grass pastures
of Bourhotr "A shower of live
(Nlies fell at Millersbtirg during a storm
Saturday afternoon. A large number of
uifasuring fiomone to three Inches
were picked up by the citizens."
Tiik meictiry took a tumble of ,r0 degrees
In-1 hours and Wednesday would
have been considered by the inhabitant
o( the North Pole as a kind of an avcragt
day. The wind blew, the snow flew and
it was altogether n mot disagreeable
day. Yesterday tho thermometer registered
below 'J0 but it moderated some
during the day and tho predictions now
are that we shall have a light rain witli a
clear up and warmer by this afternoon.
Wb frequently get letters from subscribers
asking the date to which their
papers aro paid, and it is with pleasure
that their letters are answered, but if
they will look at the little slip on which
their names ore printed, they can easily
pee for themselves. For instance if it
reads 17,,r,l't instead of writing to ascertain
when jour paper is "out," just enclose
a two-dollar William or a check
for that amount and your letter will be
equally as much appreciated. This is
not a dun, however
To tiik Pkn. Deputy Sherill'Sam Menefee,
Jailer Sam M. Owens ami Mr. B.
(.. Alford took to Frankfort Wednesday
morning the five persons convicted at
tho recent term of court. There was a
general weeping and wailing among the
colored brothers and sisters, but Mr.
Saunders maintained his usual stolid
and Bob Hansford
took tho situation worse than any of
ttiem. He was so earnest in his
innocence that ho convinced the
guards ho was a persecuted man. The
prison is nowin a very demoralized condition.
No'vvork is going on and the
lessees have ', practically nlundoned operations
iiij.viowj of the expiration of
their lease in L'O days and for which, by
the way, there are no bidders bo far.
Mr. Saunders being an unusually tall
man, no Bint could ho found to lit him
and tho pantaloons given him only
roachod midway between the Hiikleeaud
knees. The clipping oil' of his hair
and beard changed his looks almost entirely.
The weather was very cold and
tho clothlcg being light, Mr. Saunders
suffered considerably till Hon. D. B.
found.out his condition and supplied
himlwith a suit of tho warmest underwear
hefcould obtain. We feel very
sorry for Mr.JSaunilors, for wo havo always
liked him. He appears to bo such
mild mannered, well behaved man
that it is n wonder ho ever got into
trouble, especially of tho kind that has
brought him to his present deplorable
Lost. Sp''ctncles in un old-fashioned
tin case. Finder will bo suitably rewarded
upon return to thlsollice.
Dauuiitkiim Collmui, Ilarrodsburg,
win sold under decree of rourt Wednesday
and was bought by Mrn.
and Mrs. J. T. D.ilton for f.'O.OOO.
Tiik supervisors raised the tax-lists
about 50,000 and have notified those interested
to appear here next Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday to show cause
if any they have, why they should not
pay more taxes.
CiiAiu.iK Stewaut, tho colored paintor,
was placed in jail Tuesday for drunken
and disorderly conduct and raising Cain
generally at his homo in Maxyillo. He
wbs tried before Judge Carson, Wednes
day and was fined 10.
Wk have a beautiful line of samples of
casimeres, from the celebrated tailor,
Ficd Kauffinan, for whom wetakemeas
ures and havo suits made to order for
our cuMtormors when wo can not suit
them out of our splendid stock of tailor
mndo clothing. Hughes & Tate.
The Stanford Roller Mills aro running
15 hours a day and then are not ahlo to
fill all their orders. A great deal of money
has been lost on the concern, but
since its ownership has been reduced to
two it hss become paying property. Before
that overy mau seemed to pull in a
difiercut direction fro.n tho other.
A ciiAMiK in the schedule of the Cincinnati
Southern makes trains pass Junction
City as follows: For the South at
l'.'.'-'T a. m., l'J:2T v. m. and 12:-KJ i m.
Tho Blue-Grass Special arrivis at tho old
time, S. 10 p. m. Going North Tho
Special leaves at U a. m., No. 0, at
:i:l') a. m., No. 8, at M2 v. i. and No. '2,
:5:L'0 i M.
Col. D G. Slauuiitkk announces in
flaming bills that he has decided not to
be mi applicant for tho Crab Orchard
and withdraws from the fight
in favor of Mrs. I)ii Pettus. Mr. Slaughter's
reason stated is that ho thinks the
ottico should be kept by a person who
can and will devote his entire attention
to tho business, and of courso 'e could
Wiiilk Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Stngg were
taking a rathnr late supper at tho Myers
Houso Wednesday night, a very bold
Btieak thief stole her cloak, n nice fur-lined
one of light material. The thief
may need it this cold weather worse
than Mrs. Stagg, but she preferred to
have a say in its disposal and will give
a reward for its returnj and the conviction
of the scamp
Tiik Blue Grass Declamatory Contest,
inaugurated by Prof. Bell, of the.
Graded School, will be held in
that city next June and it is the intention
to make it tho beginning of a permanent
oratorical association of blue-grass
county schooln. Prof. O. H. Holmes
tells us that the Public Park Academy
hero will bo represented by an orator to
bo chosen by a primary contest to be
held on the :tlst.
Wk have learned from Tollable source
that tho charges of shot) lifting in Louis
ville, made by certain newspapers against
a lady of New Albany, Ind., are of the
most exaggerated nature. In fact there
was hardly the slightest grounds for the
reports ami suits will he instituted against
the newspapers that published them.
TJih iiianaeer of the store lias written a
can! saying that the whole nutter originated
by mistake or carelessness and re
gretting the publicity.
Tho meetiuK at the Frankfort
church closed Sunday niht with
ilfty additions. Twenty united with the
church .Sunday. lr. Holing, of Winchester,
did the preaching.
It is said that tho pronoun "its" appears
in the Bible but onco. Search tho
script 11 1 en, tell us where it can bo found
and receive a copy of this paper ono
Tear free. It must bo dono without the
aid of concordance or provioua knowledge.
Mrs. Worley, nnd Indiauapolis woman
who has for a long tinio been ill,
claim to have Been a beautiful vision in
which heaven was opened unto her and
uliH saw tho Lord and tho angels. . She
talked with Judas Isearioirwho told her'
that this whs a very wicked world and
that it would soon come to an end.
Sneakim: of his lecture in Cincin
nati on "Grit, Get, Go," the Newport
Journal says of Ifev. G. W. l'errymau:
"Tho speaker was logical and eloquent.
HU folk-lore stories wero very happily
tol I ami wero made doubly valuablo by
their rich setting in choice rbotorio and
high and noblo thought. Tho lecturer
evinced a close study of human nature
and n broad nnd high concept ion of human
life." kiwaii
There aro 01 trotting yearlings at Palo
John Hill sold to Johnson, of Boyle,
five fat heifers at W cents.
Eor Sau:. A good saddle Btallion,
cheap. M. S. Baughtuan. "
D. X. Prewitt bought in this county
a bunch of butcher cattle at 3 to 2 cts.
Wool. I want to buy 100,000 lbs
or more of wool. Will pay highest market
price. A. T. Xunnelley.
William Burton had a fino brood
mare to die this week. She was heavy
in foal to James P. Crow'B Belmont Chief
. J J,. V -
MSUAjL.. ,.4tf . l '
, r. i.-Li-
Wils Dunn sold to Hd Pendleton a
buy gelding for MOO. 11. G. Fox t Co.
sold tofttimti psrty two harness horses
for SttoO. Advocate.
Fon Sale. 2'0 ewes with lambs by
their side and 500 TcmiPFseo ewes.
a specialty. G. A. Swinobroad,
Hubble, Ky.
William Moroland sold to T. S.
a bunch of feeders nt SI. 12, and
bought of various partiea.in this county
a car-load of hogs at 0 to Oj cents.
T. J. Smith, assignee of Dr. Giles
Harris, sold at auction, 14 jacks at an
average of $1-10 50. The jacks were small
but in fino shape. Richmond Climax.
Tho higheBt price paid for cattle in
tho Chicago market last year from March
to June, inclusive, was S3 15 SI per
hundred below tho highest price paid so
far this ear.
A. K. Hundley eold a yearling jack
to J. O. Hollaway, Hutchison, Kan., for
S200. W. K. .McAfee sold to Anderson
& Spillman about 100 barrels of corn at
S2.J0, delivered.
Richard Croker, tho Tammany cheif
tain, has purchased a half-interest in
the thoroughbred stock of tho noted
Hello Meade Stud. The price given out is
S250.000, but this is probably more than
was really paid.
Our stallion, Naboth, will make only
a very short season nnd then he will
ho put back in training. He will he allowed
to serve only 25 mares and if you
want a season to him you had better
speak at once. J. K. & M. S.
The Kentucky breeders nt the meeting
with the World's Fair Commissioners
at Lexington adopted a resolution
requesting that the money at tho dispo
sal of the Commission for the purpose of
a live stoeK exnimt oo appiieu as premiums
and not in paying the expenses
of animals to and from the fair.
I will stand my Jact., Hanger, the present season
at my place i'H miloa west of Ilustonville, on the
llradfordswlle pike,
At $8 to Insure a Living Colt.
I.ien retained on colt till season is paid.
Rancr li i$ hands hi;h, black with white
points, llred and raised by W. 11. Carpenter, of
Newmiddletnn, Tenn., and Is registered in tho
Ilreeders' Astoriation ot Nashville, Term. Hels
a finu perfurmer and sure foal getter.
5 Hmtonville, Ky.
Carriage Painting & Trimming
I am again reapy lo do all kind of Carriago
Palntmc nnd Trimming Can be found at Uauh
crty'5 hop, ready to servo thu public promptly
and well,
4 JOHN It. DeXAKDI. Stanford.
Hales Wei! For Sale
W will noil or ront this well Uncivil resort, three
miles koulh ol hUnford, Thre aro 70 acres of
Land, a Hotel tlmlding and ho Cottages, besides
a good stable and other outhouses. The water is
the best in this section, as oery one who ha visited
it can attest. Will give immediate possession.
4 Hubble, Xy.
2Tw Millinery-
Mary Davieis Duddrrar will 01 en up about
March 30th one of
The rllanclsoiuest: JLiiics
Of Millinery ever shown in Stanford.
Everything : Strictly : New.
All the latest Xotelties of thf eaon It will
be eutirely under tho control of ray mother, Mn.
Kate Dudderar 'I hanking; her customers for past
favors, I solicit same and hope to havo as many
moronew ones call and esan me my stock before
buvinc. You nil know her work as a milliner.
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
below the knee, and waacured sound and welt
with to and a half bottles of S9g
Otherblood medicmeshad failed EaaBflD
to do roe any ood. "J. c
I wn troubled from childhood with ntt
prnv cnKoof Tetter, nnd thrpo bottle ol
I iMA.l tna iiiirmntifitltlV.
-"; rW
raSM VVALlUAl K ,'t
Our boolt on Wood am! Skin "''""" ""
fne. Swift SrEcmu Co.. Atlauta.ua.
Articles to Suit the Most Fastidious.
A complete line of
Complicated Watch Repairs and
Artistic Engraving a Specialty.
All goods told engraved tree of charge.
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
If you would see it in all its beauty come to our store. If you
would adorn the body like spring roses come and buy some of our
LY r
JCki Mil
Every thing new, every thing the latest, everything the most desirable
both for young and old. Never was there such a line of Clothing,
White and Negligee Shirts, gent's ties, underwear and hosiery, boots
and shoes in our city. Every department crowded with beautiful new
goods and at popular prices. Beautiful satteens, pine-apple Cloths,
Canton Cloth, Pongees, zephyr ginghams, and every thing in new
wash fabaics. Our woolen dress goods department is bristling with all
the new importations and at prices that defy competition. Our white
goods, embroideries, laces, lace curtains, handkerchiefs, hosiery, ribbons,
gloves, and every ccpartment of notions and white goods is now
complete, and our Shoe Department, both for ladies and gents cannot
be seen without prompting you to buy. Come and sec us.
Stanford Female College.
J. M. HUBBARD, A. M., President.
Spring Session Tuesday, January 24U1, 1893.
Full corpi of Contervatory anl Normal School teachers, Superior courses in Literature, Music
Art Kxcclirnt hoarding department. Catalogues and circulars furnished on application.
Main Street, Stanford, Ky., dealer in
Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys, Carriages,
Buck Boards,
Spring Wagons, Carts of all styles and grades, Old Hickory Wagons,
Imperial Plows, McCormick Harvesting Machines, Tiger Harrows
and Hay Rakes, Corn Planters, Corn Drills, Land Rollers, Wheat
Drills, Threshing Machines, Engines, Saw Mills, Buggy and Wagon
Harness, Saddles, Fields, Baled Hay, &c.
The Cash Bargain Store
-Is offering-
CSAL inducements
In every Department.
It will Pay you to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as
they must be sold.
Proprietors of The
Stanford Lumber Yard,
Our facilities for giving the greatest values for the least outlay, are
We Carry a Full ILixio of Builders' Supplies.
rr JTi JT -Vr
mM JOI m: II I
uhtlmj u?s Jmm is. vm
We must have room for our
THXf 3)a
We desire to call the attention of gardeners and farmers to our large
and splendidly assorted line ol
In both bulk and package.
Genuine N. Y. Early Rose Seed Irish
At the lowest -possible prices. Garden Implements of all kinds on
hands and at very low prices.
Pi. zmvcnvcEiR,
Dealer In
Faney Groceries, Fruits
Baker's Bread Always on Hand.

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