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Mrs Alex Wais returned home
from a visit In Indiana Dr Simpson
Elkin who has been visiting relatives
In Lancaster und Lexington has return
cd to Atlanta la
The examination of white teachers
will beheld In the office of County
Supt E L Walker in Lancaster
May 19th and 20th Examination of
colored teachers will bo held Phu 2Gth
and 27th of May
Referring to the criticism of II L
Shannon secretary of the State Hoard
Ii of Embalmer in referencd to nn Item
In our letter of May 2nd we bog to re
I fer Mr Shannon to the Embalmors
Monthly for tho month of April 1005
page 128 which reads as follows
The names In tho following lint are
those of embalmers who have been II
censed by tho State Board of Health I
or tho Hoard of Embalmers and who
Imvo given evidence of their qualifica 1
tlons to properly prepare bodies for
shipment under the stringent rules gov I
erning the transportation of bodies doad I
t of infectious dUonses Presumably the I
the embalmers named fare the most com I
potent and reputable in thoir respective
communities Only licensed embalm I
t ers will bo admitted to thta flat
The list for Kentucky includes the I
following names Franklin J III
Dashwood Loutevilto Charles II Bo I
den 529 Second Street Lancaster J
j A Beaxloy Wo quote this simply to
1 show our information
I Capt Wm Herndon and lion It III
I Tomlinson attended court at Danvillo
4 Thursday and Satunlay They are on I
gaged In the case of Woslgor vs Mc 1
1 Donald Judge Hell has decided that
fthla suit must bo tried In the Garr rd
court Mill Martha Tlllot was strick
en with paralysis Sunday afternoon
Her entire right aide was olTCted ami
although she b somewhat tatter at this
writing she remains In a very critical i
condition New has been received horo
of tho marriage of Miss Mary D Yan
tte youngest daughter of W A Yan
t tts to J K Meteor at IaragouW Ark
Mr It E Hughes of Loutavltle spent
Sunday with relatives hON Miss Irene
Romans has roturnod to Madison Insti
tute at Richmond after a short stay
with her parents Mr and Mrs J C
Thompson and Mr and Mrs R L Jen
K nings left Monday for their future
homo nt Ixw Angeles Cal Mtes Pearl
Bcttis of Lexington has been with her
mother Mrs Ellen Bettis for a few
lays Mrs Fisher Gaines who has
been the guest of Mrs J C Hemphlll
has returned to her home in Danville
Mrs George D White of Richmond is
with relates here
Bost for Women and Chlldron
On account of IU mild action and
ploatant taste Orlno Laxative Fruit
aS rep l especially recommended for
women and children It does not naus
cato or gripe like plea and ordinary
cathartic Orlno Laxative Fruit Syr
up aids digestion and stimulate the
liver and bowels without Irritating
them Remember the name Orlno and
1rofueesubstltutrs G L Penny
r I JhSSfia Phi City tits
Harrodsburg Kentucky
lt 11 l Irnf lwnrold ivrnnl fld In Otli heat
4ivwr lMlinlf mil hick ulnof 8 with iw
prti iNitr limn saei ChlllUlllolIhow horn
et Kintiuky and Icndlmt Irr of lil lirlii
t road hors1tul tram M to limiin n living
L coltntMliSRiiatl alit PI thlli or JltWtlii Ml i
Non 1 claim It M to the Isar Interest of HIPOWII
urn of limnnot MiTCvrnud iidlolnlna mini
lion to t > rv < tl to I tool I IA nfIst lim < MtlM > lit l >
not for 1111 Mpwt to kwii lihn nml liniil
mad liu mil his iinMluniiinil It Mvtry imtiir
til Unit 1 will work fortni > will of nil nlnroltii
at hliih iirlctn no nnittir to whoiii they Is
limit Jml llftwuw his Colts hnv a npiitii
tloiiand hnvt sold for hlKher prlts each
teItl Yt Ilinn thowof any Inllloiilii Mertvr
or lpdnlOq Olllltlo end HHTIIUW his culll
hove tnkU main ip > tiiliiiii Stern the e of
any itnlllon In Men r or iiiljolnlng conn
DM 4ih lleojiuw hi has II ln > ttcr niiinl ns
nriiciliorc liiivtnu Vii III nut of 11 nif < >
1 and it iMlter rtford an a Miow horse hnvln 1
I wnll M out ul iHnhnwu tlmnany ntiiUlon In
1 Mercer or adlolnlnxcoiintleit At h HOCHIIM
Jtotl i ref H llulllllllt bursa ulrid hy a bans
with H meant of tIS < O K 1 May who bus
IJlvlthi H roltn with ivconln Ixtter limit SiW
and with a ilnm < Uiily Hurt Hint tViry lIlt
she hint tiMik n utiindnrd record and wits a
l winner MUil whow urnndilum iHoirmic > IWII
the anNile t linxid man In the world linv
In is II In the lint and who > ulre C KCInyi
out for iliiii anil wlio < u > diiin M > ld for Jl Iii i
who < dumI lroiUiHl Wllkeai oho for s71
n1 for II half Intcnnt and who himself ilted
Ion iiolil III tlinw rIt ruold for ium mill nt
llyiHMoldforflSi nut that Mil liliiixclf
Iroilllrnit to wll for over IINOIIII UK
high n H Kjiitnml teanu from f lnt Urttnn
In Hereir or niljnlnlim comitlm ntliNtiit
threuof lied IeafeolU worn > vor trnlnml
for iHiil nml tlioy nil took rtconln Tlhlll1t
onnot Iliil IienfM rolls win vvir nioiHl mid
lie tiirU < III II III It putt wlnnlim llrnt In
oiiu mill tiTOiid In nil tin other its haws
liy tht Vfiir iMjok Onto Bhowttl nillcx In Slfl
Mini would IIIIVK IMVIIII KKimtilloiiiil liornnlinil
ho lived Mt hiItedfevdbns1rcdu + on + liluh
CIR lil liirlced teams llmii liny Mnllloii
In Kf ntucky In the Illut two yeiirii nth I
CIIIIIIow rIIl olTrll III 111 JIJU for II
dull onorloo IsoI
11nlVt Ntonorloo llyo
111 I now Imvo Non < of tliow hold llvo
years old iiiid inott of thvin under tlirco
enrs old
JCNowYwiy If you want trotter tail JIII
In bred to set tlieinim huts slrtt III oiii of thud
I urttutput Hire ot vxtrvme spied and huts lain
urent priiduwr and he hy ono of llin
It worlds Kreiitent dress of 11 t Itiil Wllke
nml hi dnz diini the urcutoKt laud hairs
In the world If yolt want n how lioryo tin
hiMiiro veil hi > can mt tliciu of Ihs hlKhent
qu0layuthre eur oldnuttobphtmehuw
J1IIUIIIIIYII the luHllt In tlJllllnr and
swt + rpblk1snnil w Iltnblg2Iout 01 II shows
miiiintliliiK t enlist only by the world
finnoiiimyiwyauwnil you wnnt n hllol
horM li can m t thorn that will nell for
MutliiIhllleuwiint to
I hSVliliMl ilollnw nmj hl tllllOH urti jur to
hit grout brood nmrov If thesoaro not facts
why lIot7
I also have niloo < 1 muok Jack to stand nt
WtolnsurenllvUt ยต cullit
t n 11 OODDAUD
William Gllllspie aged Go is dead In
WayneMason I
Mason Lovell little son of L W
Bethurum died at Mt Vernon
R R West of Louisville employed
by the Government at Panama is ill
with the yellow fever
William Green a carriage trimmer
committed suicide at Harrodsburg by
HerdaPrewitt daughter of E A
Prewitt of Casey was badly burned
while fighting forest jlrcs
The boiler of Hill Bros saw mill in
Washington county exploded killing
John Matherty and badly injuring Rand
As the alleged result of n quarrel
over 50 cents John VIckory was shot
and filled by Henry Hunch at Williams I
Addressing our exchanges and es
pecially those who are In the habit of
looking upon the mountains as a sec
tion of doubtful morality we present
a collection of county ofllchils who arc
totally exempt from the ordinary vices
drinking liquors chewing and smoking
tobacco and the use of profanity The
county judge circuit clerk county
clerk county attorney superintendent
of Khootc sheriff and treasurer of Pu
lukl are not addicted to any of these
view We would like to know If thore
Is another set oj principal offices of an
other county In the State so entirely
free from those common vices TSom
erset Journal Good record Hror Camp
bell of those mentioned but toll us
about those omitted
Stafford of Casey county was arrested
here on the charge of Insanity He was
accompanied by his wife and the two
had coma across the country in a bug
gy Stafford had several grips in tho
buggy and claimed to bo a physician of
remarkable ability It Is sold thai he
was at one time a prominent doctor in
Case county but that his mind bo
came unbalanced and ho was sent to
the asylum He was paroled a short
Unw ago and returned home Recently
hU home was destroyed by fire and
since then he and his wife have been
living with their children at different
places in the State Stafford was taken
to the lakeland Asylum His wife
went on to Franklin county to live with
some of her married children Har
rodsburg Democrat
A dispatch from Tsingtau Shantung
peninsula China says that 25 Russian
warships have been sighted off Vanfong
The news from Manchuria indicates
that another land battle of importance
may be fought soon ns Field Marshal
Oyama is apparently getting ready to
assume offensive operations on an ex
tensive scale The rumors of the ap
preaching return of Gen Kuropatkin
from the front seem to be definitely
confirmed and it is said that Gen
Zaroubaicfl of the Fourth East Si
berian Corps > will be his successor
Failing health is tho reason assigned
for Kuropatkins return to St Peters
burg Four Russian torpedo boat de
stroyers seized and burned n small sail
ing vessel westward of Hokkaido
Pirating Foleys Honey and Tar
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar us n throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Hon
ey and Tor many imitations are offer
ed for tho genuine The u worthless
Imitations havo similar sounding
naniis Howaro of them rite genuine
Foley m Honey and Tar Is In n yellow
package Ask for It and refuse any
substitute It Is the bent remedy for
coughs and colds G L Penny
IInsurance Commissioner Folkor
Tennessee who is on his way home
from tho conference of commissioners
in the Equitable case believes that the
investigation being made by tho New
York Insurance Department will reveal
the real condition of affairs and that
the policyholders will be benefited by
it President Alexander holds that the
surplus belongs to the policyholders
nnd not the stockholders Vice Presi
dent Hyde says the question Is one for
the courts to determine
Wur Against Consumption
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravages of consumption the white
plague that claims so many victims
each year Foloys Honey and Tar
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
you are in no danger of consumption
Do not risk your health by taking
some unknown preparation when Fo
leys Honey and Tar is safe and cer
taro in results Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and Insist upon having It Q
L Penny
A hundred Russians are reported to
have been killed during an attempt by
Persians to move the Italjoswara fron
tier post into Russian territory The
Shah has recalled tho Governor of Ar
debit according to Russian reports
Eighty prisoners escaped from the
jail at Decatur III
Cerebro spinal meningitis ils said to
be waning in New York
Clinton Haycroft the oldest attorney
of the Elizabethtown bar is dead
Several persons were killed by light
ning during a storm on the lower pen
insula of Michigan
Prof Edward H Boone of Paris
widely known as a hypnotist died at I
Lexington of heart failure
Charles T Stuart City Judge ofI
Bardatown was found dead In his room
Ho had been an invalid for years
Bad faith Is charged against France
by the Japanese press owing to the I
presence of the Russian fleet in French I
waters t
Another milliondollar endowment is 4
to be given by the McCormick family
of Chicago to McCormick Theological
Seminary There were 300S2 rural free delivery I
routes in operation In the United States I
May 1 and petitions for 1703 more
were pending 4
Cossacks fired into a crowd of people
at the Church of tho Holy Crow InI
Lodz Russian Poland and seven per
sons were killed
At a special meeting of the stockholders I
holder of the Union Pacific Railroad 1
Co tho proposition to issue 100000
000 of preferred stock WM approved by I
unanimous vote
A tornado passed over Central Okln
homa and part of Indian Territory fol I
lowed by excessive rain and hail A
number of people wore killedand more I
than 100 injurlC1I
Rev Dr W G Suthorltn pastor orI
the Inrk Christian church of New Al
bany Ind is under arrest on a charge I
of murdering his wife who was sup I
posed to have committed suicide
Tho Work of constructing tho tunnel
through Lookout Mountain will soon
begin All the noccwary deeds to the
right of way for approaches have boon
signed and other premllnariee arranged
Isaac N Parry the bank president I
who has been on trial charged with
burning the Chicago Car and Locomo
tive Gos plant nt Heguwisch III in
order to get the Insurance money was
Safeblowers dynamited n safe andI
blew out the rear wall of n store at
Alexandria Ky There was 1300 in
currency in the safe part of which was
taken and the remainder was blown to
shreds by the explosion
The Federal grand jury in New York
is investigating the Tobacco Trust
Knowledge of the investigation became
public when n witness who had refused
to answer questions was brought before
Judge Lacombe This witness Edun
F Hale secretary of ohe of the subsi
dary concerns of the American Tobacco
Company was ordered to answer the
The grand jury at Pekin 111 has re
turned indictments against officials of
the Standard Oil Company on the
charge of having procured one of their
secret service agents to swear he
owned a horse and wagon when it
really belonged to the Standard The
Standards alleged purpose was to
break up n competing oil peddlers bus
iness and was successful
Tho investigation by the Federal
grand jury in New York into tho opera
tions of the tobacco trust is a part of
the work of the Department of Justice
started months ago with the purpose
of procuring evidence for future use
The inquiry was ordered on complaint
of tho Kentucky nnd Tennessee Plant
ers Association and has been going on
in Tennessee as well as New York
Mrs J W Gray said to bo the wid
ow of a Chicago broker and believed to
be wealthy committed suicide in her
room lit the Hotel Imperial in New
York by shooting She left some let
ters which it appeared that disappoint
ment in love was the cause of tho deed
The man to whom the letters were ad
dressed was said to be marrried Mrs
Gray left n sister and niece in New
President Milton Ih Smith of the
Louisville and Nashville railroad ap
peared before the Alabama Railroad
Commission at Montgomery and was
given a hearing on the proposed
revision of freight rates Mr Smith
denied that the Louisville and Nashville
had 29000000 in its treasury when it
was acquired by the Atlantic Coast
Line He also made the statement
that it is now impossible for speculators
to tamper with more than a minorityof
the roads stock
Let Everybody Work
And tho world would be tnpro happy
and contented Just consider How
much pain and trouble results In your
body when your liver or stomach stop
working Happily you can soon set
them to work again cure your pains
and restore yourself to health and con
tentment with Dr Caldwolls laxa
tive Syrup Pepsin Try It Sold byj
G TJ Penny at GOo and 1 Money
hack If it falls
l y
Wm Dodd sold to McAlister of Lex
ington a harness horse for 250
Rev Shouse of Somerset preached
at the Baptist church Sunday to a good
Henry McKee of Quincy Ky aged
father df Mrs V B Morse died last
week ofparalysis
Miss Maud Vanarsdall has gone to
Harrodsburg to accept a position in tho
circuit clerks office
J K Helm Sr and Miss Florence
Owsley both of Moreland will be mar
red at the brides home May 17th by
Rev W G Montgomery
A nice little 104acro farm on the pike
good neighborhood nice improvements
for sale cheap possession given at
once Hustonville Real Estate Agen
In the graded school flection here
Saturday Dr J C Barker and J H
McHafgue were elected trustees over
George D Robinson nnd H C Baugh
For the display of his divinely en
dowed accomplishments of a rare order
Rnlph Blngham Is entitled to and should
have a full house tonight Reserved
seats at Yowolls
Frank II Wost E W Cook Walter
C Trainor and J Beechor Adams com
posing the Central Kentucky Quartette
of Danville will render an interesting
program in connection with Rev W
L Dorgans sermon at the Baptist
church here next Sunday 14th at 330
The work of moving the telephone
exchange into its new quarters opposite
the Hotel Wcatherford is delayed on
account of Manager Wray of the Stan
ford Exchange failing to set his poles
or lot parties here do the work cheap
er than he can have it done and just as
well The monthly rent now L double
the former price our exchange has been
paying and Mr Wrny will be expected
to pay the excess
The earthly remains of James B Mc
Kinney were laid to rest Sunday in our
cemetery beside his wife and daughter
Lucy both of whom preceded him to
the grave only a few weeks A short
but impressive sermon was rendered
by Rev Dr Green of Danville in theI
presence of a large congregation of
sorrowing friends and relatives
We see through the dimness of tears as
they rise
The crucified Savior of men
Who speaks as He bends from His
throne in the skies
Saying Jennie youll meet them
The Emperor of Japan will give 5
000 to the Japanese branch of the Y
1t C A
The Welsh Congregational church at
Kingston Pa was partly wrecked by
a dynamite explosion causing a loss of
Rev Thomas Treadwell Eaton has
completed 24 years of service as pastor
of the Walnut Street Baptist church
Louisville During this tcrn the mem
bership as shown on the rolls of the
church and the various churches it has
founded has grown from 531 to more
than 5000 and the pastor has been one
of the most potent forces in the local
Watch for It
It will pay you to watch for tho very
first symptom of Indigestion or liver
trouble and to prevent thotrouble from
gaining headway by quickly taking
Dr Caldwells laxative Syrup Pep
sin Nothing Is more weakening to
the system than chronic dyspepsia and
all Its complications Nothing will
cure It so quickly pleasantly and sure
ly as Syrup Pepsin Sold by G L
Penny at 50c and 1 Money buck If
it falls
p 0S
Lend me your umbrella dear Its
raining and Ive got to go to the vestry
meeting again tonight
But John why dont you take the
one youve been carrying for the past
What to the vestry meeting Why
thats where I got ItPittsburg
An L N passenger train bound
for Louisville from Cincinnati left the
track on a curve at Sulphur killing the
engineer John G Buxe of Louisville
and injuring eight others The engine
and mail car and baggage car were
piled In a heap 30 feet from the track
which was torn up for 100 yards Only
three passengers were injured
The longest novel which has ever
been published is the Story of the
Eight Dogs It is written in Japan
ese and is published in 10G volumes
Tho novel contains several hundred
characters not counting the dogs and
they are all dead by tho time the last I
chapter Is reached
Chicago street railway employes have
contributed nearly 10000 to the team
sters strike fund
Ai Invitation For Everybody I
To come to the New Store and buy
YQur Spring Dry Goods Clothing
Shoes Hats and Caps Ladies and
Genii Furnishings
HighGrade Goods at Low Prices I
Next Door to Lincoln County Nat Bank
We Sell
Nothing In more utnvIiolcHome mid dangerous to hrnltli built the chfnii
nd < l vlnvRiir fivquently ollervU for > uli > l > ut you should know that IIKI2 7
VISKiAtt comply with the nure foo J litw1 of ryMtnte ill the Union
unit v ry country In the world They are not only strictly and iilwolutely
put whoU oine and ail tint they are > roxTly IIKIH smooth and Uf llciite
In Iluvor and iironm Jfiliu hurt elder vlmKitr from lint jiro slu1g of hp
I > 1 h JIiliu white pickling h lIltllr dlstllk d from grain Ihtins purr limit
vlnegiir brewed from limited luirlvy
LaPorte Vehicles I
Honest Work Attractive Styles
Over 800 of these pleasure vehicles have been sold in Lincoln
county which is of itself evidence of their merits ho follow
lug list representative citizens who are using LaPortc Vehicles
is made up from memory there are Hir others Jo nilof
whom we refer ns to evidence of the worth of this work
Preston Deck M S Baughman E P Woods
Hon I S Owsley Sr has II Baughman Robert Woods
I C McClaryno S Baughman James Woods
lion M C Saufley T D Newland J N Menefee
J H Paxton Col T P Hill Sam W Menefee
Hon U C WarrenW Brooks S J Embry Sr
Rowan Saut1eyack Deader E T Pence
John Deck Wm Underwood E C Walton
J H Beazley Livery Luther Underwood C V Gentry v
J H Boone SCo Livery Grit Eubanks W C Shanks
J M Druce Livery Robert Sims W W Withers
L R Hughes T K VanArsdale j C Hays
W P hesj ohn Dingaman James Lynn
I S hooker Batik Presdt James Hays udge J P Bailey
John Lynn J C DalleyW R Denham
Dr W B ODannon Thos Dudderar A C Carman
Andrew Gooch Porter Robinson C Vanoy
Cicero Reynolds Sidney Dunbar H J Darst
J F Holdam
Full carload of these popular vehicles re
cently received by E T Pence Co Agents
for Lincoln County
To popularize their new business in HOW buildings with New Stocks and
New Lines being added
TG Weatherford Co
Asks you to call and you will be convinced that they can
feather your licstum y
We Are Showing From Thet
Best manufacturers in tho country n line and well selected 1
line of Ladies High Shoes and Oxfords Every lady Tin
Crab Orchard and vicinity is invited to call and sec our
stock and be convinced that you do not have to leave tho
East End to dress the feet in an uptodate style
W E Perkins
Crab Orchard
q ijJ