l L I d a THE INTERIOR JOURNAL n I VOL XXXIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY JULY 21 1905 u NO 40 I THE CRAB ORCHARD FAIR The Fourth Annual Exhibition A Glittering Success Lots of Stock Exciting Races Sweetcstt > f and Pret i ty Girls Galore The Crab Orchard Fair Racine An Boclalion begun Wednesday under pro pitious circumstances The crowd was up to thu average the show and race stock was numerous and the best In the land while the weather although hot was us good as could have becij expect ed A big crowd was present yeslcr day and n reconl breaking one Is ex peeled today Following to tho list of V awards of Wednesday and yesterday j FIRST DAY 1 nest Jack 1 year old and under 2 10 00 Didnt mi l Host Jack 2 years old anti under 8 antiunder10 1000 L G Hubble rremium and certlfl Ate 3 Best Jack any age 10 00 1 G Hubble imiiium It L Hub i ble certificate I MK II II nilONAtGH The efficient president who has work ed hart and long for the sue IIUCI cess of the Fair j 4 Best suckling colt either sex by > Preston 15 00 J C Bailey premium and certificnle G Best mare and coHeithersex 10 00 W A Tribble premium J C Hal ley certificate i G Best ludy rider J10 00 Mrs T A Uolse premium and cer tificate 7 Best saddle colt marc or gelding 2 years old and under 3 10 00 t C T Sandidge premium IL S SJcudder certificate S Best harness colt marc or gelding 2 years old and under 3 f 10 00 Robert Walker premium Ifc S I Scudder certificate 9 Best saddle mare or gelding it years old and under 4 20fO Bledsoo Bailey premium and certifi cate V lOHettt roaster mare Reldintfbpecd style and durability consider 61red 2COO C P Cecil premium Bonta East land certificate 11 Best saddle stallion H years ojd and under 4 20 00 C T Sandidgo ii Co premium Mi nor Bcazley certificate RACING rKOfllUM ttHT DAY Running nice for 2 year olds 4b fur f longs UO to 1st 15 to 2nd 10 to 3nl 7BOO Day Hamilton tit Ben Duncan 2nd nnd L K Rogers lId Running nice J mile dash for maiden 8 year olds 50 to fat 15 to 2nd 10 tu 3rd 75 00 II B Reether 1st S A Brown 2nd < 1and C P Cecil 3rd Trotting race mile heats a In C for h 3 00 minute class 7G 00 A1 Giboney 1st C P Cecil 2nd 1 and Robert Walker 3rd Mule race l mllo heats 2 In S 10 00 i A II Stlgall 1st and 3rd C P Ce rf cil 2nd SECOND DAY 12 Best suckling mule colt either BOX 10 no > A U Brown premium E P Wood certificate 13 Beat mule either sex 1 year old v and under 2 1B 00 S T HurriM premium Embry Bros certificate 14 Best mule either sex 2 years old and under 3 1500 Harris Woods premium Robert B Woods certificate 15 Best mare mule 3 years old and over 1500 M B Eubanks premium B F Slavin certificate 16 Beat horse mule any age 10 00 Henry Hester premium and certifi certificate 1GJ Host pair mules 2000 B F Slavin premium Harris Woods certificate 17 Best suckling colt either sex by Chester Jewel JIG 00 Harris Curtis premium Sam J i I Tatem certificate 1 A harness mare rKchlinjC 8 yaare i old and under 4 15 00 S M Owens premium Bonta Kasllnnd certificate 10 lUst saddle mart or gelding any ago 2000 C T Sandidge premium J B Dill Icy certificate 20 Best harness slullion U years old and Under 4 1500 C T Sandldgc premium Ji C Bal ley certificate 21 Best span of harness mares or geldings 25 00 Robert Mitchell premium J C Bai Icy certificate 22 Best rondstur stallion any age 25 to lat 16102nd SlOan AU 00 Robert Walker premium J C Bat loy certificate Bud Jnmoe 8rd iuciN0 rnooiwM Hucomi DAY Running awe 1 mitt dash for 3 year olds and over 7K ° 00 II It Uoelhor Irt U K Rogaw end Fnyotlo Wilkiimm end Pacing race mAe liMtfc 3 In a foe JHiQ inlMtu ebwn 4 76 00 Bonta 1 astlaad1st D S Wilcox 2nd Ben Duncan Snl Tnittlm rnrscjjl h Cdr 8 In K for 225aluu 100 00 A J Gllionoy 1st Blcdsou Bailey 2nd D S Wilcox Unl Running race 5 furlongs dash for plug horses 15 00 A B Bastin 1st W n Wnllin 2nd I l Bailey 3nl Running lace 6 furlongs dash for Shetland or i Shetland ponies 18 j hands high and under 12 CO Didnt fill fillMIL MR W D WALUN Secretary of the Crab Orchard Fair who has the interest of the en terprise at heart RISOLETf The hotels are crowded but they are taking care of thaI crowd remarkably well A B C Dlnwlddlt and Mis Julia Stagg of liustonvlllc spent Wednes day at the fair Miss Sallie McHlruy of Lebanon one of the prettiest girls In Kentucky is at Crab Orchard Springs There are 27 widows in Crab Orchard May be the number will decrease after the bustle of the fair Is over MIlS Marietta Crow of oulsvillo is at Crab Orchard Springs und Is one of the prettiest of Fair visitors here Matt Cohen of Richmond was at the fair Wednesday but did not bring his good string of hursus with him R H Bronaugh Is up and all right I after his severe spell His friends arc glad to see him on his feed Hgnln Chief of Police J G Kiildlo is keep log perfect order lie and hisdeputies are to be jiftjratulnted on tholr good work RING MASTER J P CHANDLER CHANDLERr r t r t f r The music by Saxton Trost Is the i sweetest ever Old Henry knows I how to make music for fairs as well as he does for hops Col J P Chandler is tho boss ring master of this section lie has been engaged for the lIustonlIIo fair next week nt if big VuIKy Srmoh6yI The hops at the Springs each evening are delightful social features The light fantastic is tripped until a late hour to tho sweet strains of Saxtons fine music A little son arrived at the homo of Mr and Mrs W Mason Morris Tues day night lIe came Just in time to as sist his father as treasurer of the Crab Orchard fair Tho fcfflclcnt secretary W D Wai lin is being assisted by genial Vado Perkins William Mason Morris Jr was too busy at homo to assist his fath er In his arduous duties as treasurer Mr D B Carson and handsome daughter Miss Blanche Carson of At lanta came up to the fair Mr Carson hjn done well since he loft Crab Orch ard nnd is now one of the Gate Citys staunchest citizens Miss Zilpah Brooks accompanied them from Atlanta Tho following telegram from Everett Washington was received by the asso ciation Wednesday Success to the best fair the best town in the State or in tho union J C Brooks Joo is an old Crab Orchard boy and his thoughts will turn to his home town jfiariy times tTiinvecKV weopYhir TODAYS PROGRAM 23 Best suckling colt eitherscx 10 00 24 Boat suckling colt either sex by Naboth Jr 12 50 25 Best pony under 14 hands shown in harness 10 00 20 Best combined marc or gelding any age 20 00 27 Best rockaway more or geld Ing 1500 28 Best saddle mare 4 years old and over J20 00 20 Best walking marcorgelding 15 00 3i > Fancy Turnout shown by lady and gentleman 20 00 11 Best harness mare or gelding any age 20 00 32 Roadster double team 25 00 33 Saddle stallion any age io 00 KACING PROGRAM Ttlllnl DAY Running race 5 furlongs for two year olds 7600 Running Frank Fehr Stake 11 miles for 3 year olds and over 100 00 Trotting or pacing freeforall mile heats best 3 in GOO oo 10000 Mule race 1 mile dash 10 00 Gentlemens Roadster race 1 miles dash for buggy horses or mares that have never been trained or raced 25 00 NEWS NOTES Chaplain George W Collier U SA retired is dead at Delaware 0 Dr James Wallace president of Mc Mlislcr College at St Paul Minn has resigned At Watash Minn six persons were burned to death in a fire which destroy ed the depot hotel A petition for a divorce has been filed by Prince Phillip of Saxe Coburg and Gotha against Princess Louise An engineer was killed and two other persons badly hurt in the New York Central railroads at East Rochester N Y i Mrs Caroline Elizabeth Monell aged 90 years a granddaughter of John Adams died nt Fishkill Landing N Y Fortyseven deaths from the heat were reported Tuesday In tho cities of New York Philadelphia Boston Pitts burg and Buffalo That brother of the widow of Herr Krupp was found dead at Buenos Ayrcs under circumstance indicating I that he was m rderedI Ten persons died from the heat in Now York and as many more in Chi cago To make matters worse in New York WX Icemen have gone on a strike It is announced that all of the 502 shares of stock acquired by Thomas F Ryan and carrying with them control of tho Equitable has been made over i to three trustees v Paul de Rouledc tho French political refuge will is stated visit the United States for the purpose of studying our Constitution with a view to advocating n revision of that of France Waller Rodes of the Central Ken tucky Traction Company and Detroit capitalist are In Frankfort seeking to purchase the local street railways as well as the interurban lines Senator William A Clurkof Mon tana Isreported to bo steadily improv ing the wound made In trephining the patients skull In tho operation for nb CCHS of tho brain healing nicely Robert E Duncan who had succes sively held office as County Clerk County Judgo and Prosecuting Attor ney of Hancock county besides serving a term in the Legislature committed suicide at the Confederate Home by opening arteries in both wrists and cut ting his throat IHUSTONVILLE Born to the wife of C W Adams yesterday a ninepound boy Everything Is in readiness for the opening of the best fair over hold In the county Apure whit tiniJleCthelk plJ ies fiyup the creek was killed near Mt Salem last week Miss Pearl Rose of Junction City with heruest Miss Aline Voght of Louisville were guestsof Miss Kath erine Hall Twenty people will be with the Storms aggregation the coming week and par ticipate in the band and orchestra mu sic nnd minstrel work at the opera house on nights of the 2Cth and 27th Popular prices Somo mischievous parties have been putting chewing gum Into the keyholes of locks on tho mail boxes of Route No 1 from here The cnalty is a fine or imprisonment or possibly both so It is host that you heed this warning On account of the high grade of lambs raised in this locality the shipments from here continue to go East and fan cy prices ore being realized by the ship pers Cowan McCormack andLutw Co shlp > ed four double decks this I week Lutes Co flight in Pulaski two double decks of lambs and two of owns Promlncnfhmong the arrivals at Ho tel Wcnthorford this week were lion Pi McUobcrti and J L Totten Stanford Prof Wilson Lexington J E Chilton Louisville II R Hay of Georgetown C H Jewell St Louis Tone Hunn Columbia W S Stone and wife Liberty J H McCrackin I Lexington James Gibony Drfnville PREACHERSVILLE Mrs Jesse Traylor continues to im prove Mrs Rngun is better The Misses Davis gave an elegant jrty In honor of pretty Miss Carrie Givens of Middlcsboro Carl B King and David Luhsford were in attendance and report a most enjoyable time Jesse Fox was very painfully injured by n horse kick on his ankle Besides being badly bruised a blood vessel was broken Prompt surgical attention was secured and his foot is doing nicely The Baptist brethren have at a con siderable expense painted and papered their church and put transparent paper on tho windows This has added great ly to the appearance of both exterior and Interior The work wad done by J F Shaw a skillful workman and one who knows his business JP Rodgers sold a horse to Thomas Bligall for 8750 Silas Anderson en gaged a bunch of shoals to El Woods at Cc Brown Lawson bought 115 lambs of D M Anderson at 404 Charles Rigney bought a threeyear old filly for 95 and a black horse of Abel Bryant for a fancy price Jesse Fox bought a bunch of shoals of Josiah Anderson at 5c Miss Susie Ragan has returned toher home at yilIiamsburg John Cummins has returned from Russell county Va bringing S D Fraley with him JrL Hutchins and wife have returned from Wilmore J H Kennedy and wife of fndianapolis are with relatives here Misses Anna Ashlock and Ida Hollzclnw of Gilberts Creek visited ut D M Andersons AndersonsBent Bent Her Double I knew no one for four weeks when I was sick with i typhoid und kidney trouble writes Mrs Annie Hunter of Plttsburg Pu and when I got better although I had one of the best doctors I could get I was bent double und hud to rest my hnnlls on my knees when I walked Fr4om this terrible uf lllutlon I was rescued by Electric Bit ters which restored my health und strength and now 1lUn walk us straight as ever They are simply wonderful Guaranteed to euro stom ach liver und kidney 11I ordClRat G L Pennys Stanford Lyno Hros Crab Orchard price fiOc L Nathaniel Gibbs IngrahUrn has filed suit in Glasgow against his wife asking the enforcement of an alleged ante nuptial agreement under which he claims 5500 a year Mrs Ingraham claims fraud and charges Ingraham with using insidious devices such as fortune lolling to induce her to divorce her former husband Reginald H Ward and marry him A Surprise Party A pleasant surprise party may be given to your stomach und liver by taking a medicine which will relieve thoh pain and discomfort viz Dr Kings New Life Pills They are a most wonderful remedy utTordlngsuro relied und euro for headache dizziness and constipation 2V at Pennys Drug Store Stanford Lyne IJros Crab OrchulIlI i OrchardFriendWhen FriendWhen are you going to take i your vacation Mr Meektfnr Im taking it now I My wife and daughters are at the sea side 1 i SIGHT IS PRICELESS You can not afford to risk your sight by purchasing glaws from any itincr mil spectacle peddler that passes through your town If you notice n defect JrrTmtrhnrstr cycj nairmnwliatolyrernltern > etcrinary hecattso ho I SPECTACLES PROPERLY FITTED f1 = THE 1 KLENZA BATH will give immediate relief in all cases of TIRED WEAK or INFLAMED EYES no matter from what cause Absolutely harmless perfectly de lightful to use nnd always freshI Hasbcon endorsed by thousands of professional nnd business men Once tried always used Our DR II C W ARNJ5 will be in Stanford on July 27 2H and 29at the St Asaph Hotel Examinations free whether you need or buy glasses or not A call is respectfully solicited M C W ARNZ CO Louisville Ky Great Clearing sale I Thi sale la the beginning of a series of sales which will give the buy ing public of this locality the greatest bargain opportunities they ever had This is not tho Ordinary Sort of Clearing Sale My purchases last Spring were very large the accumulation of Odds and EiuU and broken lots is naturally larger than ever before My unalterable rule is not to carry any goods over from one season to another We inaugurate this great selling event and invite every one within a days ride of mystore to come and join in the greatest of bargain feasts fell your friends and neighbors that Mens SIC Suits arc cut to 1008 812oO Suits to 8808 810 Suits to 8748 87f 0 Suits to 548 > T Suits to 8IUI8 Also Youths and Boys Suits Odd Pants Dry Goods Shoes Hats and Caps Ladies and Gents Furnish ings will go r accordingly I u s SAMROBINSON t Next Door to Lincoln County Nat Bank STANFORD KY Twine Machine Oil Champion Binders f Mowers Rakes and Hay W H HIGGINS STANFORD KY Hot Weather know How about your own eyes Wbuot use tho same precaution as you do in tho case of your horse Our Dr Aruz formerly with T J Howe it Co of Louisville is a graduate of one of the lending Optical Colleges and our work carries the guaranteo of satisfaction or no pay Now is the time that every thing needs water I can put you in a pump that will pump from the bottom of the earth with more ease than any pump made Tin roofing will last longer than any roof and costs very little more See me about any kind of metal work S H ALD RIDGE Phone lit Depot Stt Stanford Ky U r I r