6 Danville illr 6X 66 u an
The great Ostrich Whirlwind will race against a race horse each day G
Splendid Show of Stock People from
ManY Counties Everybody En
joying Himself and as Us
ual Hospitality Reigns
Tho Hustonville Fair may not declare
u biff dividend and probably nonu nt
nil but the promoters of the laudable
enterprise will have the satisfaction of
knowing that they gave the best nnd
cleanest fair held in Central Kentucky
for u longtime Wo congratulate the
officers und directors for their good
Work and the whole West End for the
magnificent manner the fair guests
were cared for Following arc the
awnnb of Wednesday and yesterday
1 Dust Southdown Buck any age
J G Irvine premium Co S Lyon
2 Best Ewe any age 0 S 7 GO
5 J G Irvine premium C S Lyon
> 3 Best Buck Iamb under one year
Pair Blankets 7 60
k C S lyun premium W 1 Hanson
certificate I
4 Best ewe lamb under one year
I J G Irvine promlum C S Lyon
I certificate
o James Plckett Trlbble premium S
G Goodo certificate
6 Best mare colt 10 00
D S Carpenter prom H S Powell
and col 510 00
7 Beat mare
C C Carpenter premium M G
Wclscgcr cert
8 Best saddle gelding any ago flu 00
Dodd Si Bohon premium W S
Drye certificate
9 Best saddle mare any age 515 w
Blcdaoe Bailey premium W S Die
i 10 Best jack under 2 years 10 00
1 J C Held premium and certificate
15 00
11 BesC jack any ago
Logan Hubble premium J 0 Hold
12 Best jennet any ago 1000
1 Didnt fill
13 Beat Shetland pony Ui 00
Allen Edllcn premium Carroll Held
Alien certificate
14 Best boy rider under 10 years on
Shetland pony G 00
Carroll Reid Allen premium Allen
fcxlilon certificate
15 Best boy rider under 14 yrs 7 60
Didnt nil
1C Btst mare and mule colL 10 00
Logan Hubble premium A B Me
Kinney certificate
17 Best brood mare 10 00
James Pickctt Tribble premium Ix >
I pan Hubble certificateI
18 Best mule colt either flux 10 00
A B Brown premium A B Mc
Kinney certificate
19 Best mule colt either sex by E H
Powells jack Season 1900 10 00
E B Powell premium Dink Jar
man certificate
20 Best mare mule colt 10 00
k y
A B McKlnney premium A B
Brown certificate
21 Best horse mule colt i 10 00
VI A Spragins premium Dink Jar
man certificate
22 Best mare mule any age ago con
sidered M 20 00
B F Slavin premium Harris
Woods certificate
t > i 23 Best horse mule any age age con
sidered 51500
John Buster premium Henry lies
f lte Best certificate team of mules owned by same
party s 51500
B F Slavin premium Harris
Woods certificate
25 Best mule colt either sex by Ba
laam season 1906 Ui 00
t Didnt fill
2G Ladles Harnessing King hut trim
med to order 10 00
Mrs M M VanArsdale premium
Mrs M M Sandldge certificate
27 Best double team speed stylo du
rability and soundness considered
AI regardless of sex or ownership
I C James premium Sloan East
land certificate
33 Beat bullcalf underoneyear 10 00
T L Carpenter premium and certl
29 Best bull calf 1 year and I under 2
r L Carpenter premium and ccrti
+ 10 Best bull uny age 1C 00
T L Carpenter premium and certi
31 Best heifer calf under 1 year 7 50
T L Carpenter premium nnd ccrtl
i ficnte
32 Best heifer calf 1 year and under 2
T L Carpenter premium and certi
33 Boat cow nny ago 15 00
T L Carpenter premium nnd certi
34 Best fatted bullock 2 years and
over 2000
W G Cowan premium nnd certifi
35 Best saddle mare or gelding any
ngor 20 00
C T Sandldge premium Dodd d
Bohon certificate
30 Best saddle stallion any age 20 00
Roy Beazley premium Mack Hughes
37 Best New i York saddle marc or
gelding 2J > OC
M G Weisegcr premium Bonta d
Eastlund certificate
3S Best pair mares orgeldlngs 20 00
ft E Goddard premium Bontn d
Eastland certificate
39 Best roadster mare or gelding
Bonta Eastland premium It E
Goddard certificate
40 Handsomest single turnout consid
orations vehicle horse and oc
cupnnUt 16 00
M G Wclstger and Miss Julia Stagg
premium John Buster and Miss Nora
Sheppard certificate
41 Best colt either Hex by Dorsey
GnUldust20 Oa
S G Goode premium and certificate
42 Best mule 1 year old and under 2
either sox 10 00
S T Harris premium Embry Bros
43 Best mule 2 years old and under
3 either sox 10 00
H B Woods premium S T liar
ris certificate
44 Best colt either 8exby Preston
H B Ferrlll premium and certifi
45 Best colt either sl x by Dignity
Dare season of 00 25 00
Smith Powell premium C C Car
I penter certificate
46 Best colt either sex by Gallon 10
I to 1st 6 to 2nd 1500
Leo McGill premium Hall Anderson
47 Best stallion mare or gelding 1
year and under 2 15 00
Mack Hughes prem and cert 00I
48 Best mure 2 years old and under 31
15 00 i
L K Rogers prem Banta East
land cert
40 Best mare tt years old and under 4
MIi 00
Sloan Eastlaml prem II C Engle
man cert
50 nest ware 4 years old and over
20 00
C C Carpenter prem Sloan East
and cert
61 Best gelding 4 years old and over
M G Welsigcr prem It E God
dard cert
62 Best stnjllon or gelding 2 years old
and under 3 11 00
Smith Powell prem It S Scudder
53 Best gelding 3 years old and under
4 15 00
S M Owens prem nnd cert
54 Best stallion 3 years old and under
4A 20 00
C T Sandldge prem Mack Hughes
55 Best stallion 4 yrs and over 20 00
D S Carpenter prem Green Fca
tel cert
56 Best saddle stallion mare or geld
ing 75 00
Mack Hughes prom Roy Uealey
cert C T Bohon 3rd
57 Best stallion mare or gelding
Sloan Eastland prem John Buster
cert L C James 3rd
HJ Hocker of Danville is on
Mr J H Morris of Midway is with
t Paul Drye and wife are up from Leb
anou taking in the fair V
11 1
Rodney Keenon of Harrodsburg is
at the fair
J 0 Bogie of Gnrrnrd was at the
fair yesterday
W J S rove of Bradfordsvillc was
there yesterday
HarryCamnltz and It K Young of
Columbia are nt the fair
Miss Nora Sheppard of Somerset is
with Mrs Sam M Owens
George B Dlnwiddic is over from
Midway nttending the fair
All stores close aL 1 oclock und ev
erybody takes in the fair
Miss Thco Kokondolpher of Nelson
is with Miss Edna Baughman
Mr Henry L Garten nnd Wife of
Bradfordsvillc arc at the fair
Miss Mary Hunter of Winchester
Is with the Misses Cunninghamr
Elbert Harper of Saulsbury Nib
is with his mother at Hustonvillef
Mr Ed Hopper of Covington Is with
his Infighter Miss Camille Hopper
Mrs George L Graham of Lebanon
is with her parents during the fair
Georg W Pulliam of the Somerset
Mountaineer was at the fair yesterday
Misses Clara and Frances Cooper of
Stanford are with Weal End friends
It L Hubble the next State Senator
from this district was n visitor Wed
Mrs Addle Shaw and grandchildren
of Louisville are with friends at Hus
Olympian Springs water pn ice or
rather off of ice can he obtained on the
grounds Misses Stelfa Weddle Delia Mender
and Clyde Waddle of Somerset arc
at the fair
Crawford Bussing and Mr and Mrs
Oscar Vermillion of Somerset are up
to the fair
Mr John B Coffey and wife of Co
lumbia are attcndingtho fair and vis
iting friends at Hustonville
George C Goode wife and two child
ren of Covington are with the old
folks at homo during the fair
Misses Etta Hudson and Belle Wilk
inon of Liberty accompanied Mr Joe
P Wilkinson to tho fair yesterday
No gambling this year The people
who opposed the fair because of too
much sport should give the enter
prise their hearty support this year
Storms Military Band is discoursing
the sweetest of music nnd an abun
dance of It The soprano solos by Mr
Herbert Cox are a feature of the fair
Hats off to President Cowan Secre
tary Owens Assistant Secretary Reid
Treasurer J H Hocker They are tho
best officers over Same to tho direc
The following young people arc with
Miss Mnncie Ware Misses Alma Rice
of Richmond und Stella Weddlc of
Somerset and Mr Charles Rice of
Messrs IL J McKoberts of this
place nnd E G Baugh of Highland
were at Hustonvillo yesterday for their
first time They have lived in Lincoln
all of their lives
The hitchingup ring was the most
enjoyable of Wednesdays program
Mrs M M VnnArsdalo defeated lilrs
M Mi Sandidge but well wager there
isnt another woman in tho county who
can beat her
Misses Florence Spragens has aa her
guests Misses Margaret Rice of Rich
mond Mary Vallandingham of Car
rollton Wallace of Louisville Stella
Taylor of Ashland and Myrtle Dryc
of Bradfordsvillc
58 Best mare 4 years and over 20 00
69 Best marc 2 years old and under 3
10 00
CO Best mare 3 years old and under 4
15 00
61 Best stallion mare or gelding one
year old and Under 2 10 00
62 Best stallion or gelding 4 years old
and over 120 00
03 Best stallion or gelding 3 years old
and under 4 15 00
61 Best stallion or gelding two years
and under 8 15 00
65 Best stallion any ago 25 00
60 Best phaeton pony under 16 hands
r 10 00
67 Best fancy turnout team Consid
erations vehicle team and oc
cupants 15 00
68 Best rockaway marc or gelding
C9 Best Shetland pony either sex to
be driven by boy or girl under
12 years 10 00
70 Fanciest Shetland pony turnout to
be driven by boy and girl under 12
1 yrsAslther single ordouble lOOO
71 Best pair of ponies under 146 hands
high 1250
72 Best stable of horses owned or
handled by one party four or
moro horses16 00
73 Best walking stallion marc or
gelding 20 00
74 Fancy saddle mare or gelding
75 Model stallion mare or gelding re
gardless of age 10 00
70 Best morn or gelding any age
77 Rest stalllonmarc or gelding any
age speed style endurance nnd
I soundness considered 75 00
IMrs J M Cress has beans over 12
inches long and an inch wide
I John Anderson has bought a fine talk
i ing machine and had 50odd visitors the
other day
Emmett lIerndons tobacco was very
badly damaged by the wind and rain
storm of last Friday Nearly an acre I
was overflowed and Is a total loss
James Hutchins of Gilberts Creek
familiarly known as Big Jim was
taken suddenly ill Friday nnd died Sun
day night at 8 oclock He once lived
here and was a hard working man and
o d citizen His remains were laid to
rest in 1reachersvillo cemetery Monday
after short services
The trustees of the Preochcrsville I
school have gotten out of their lethar
gic state and now have off their coats I
sleeves rolled up and arc waiting for I
the word to pitch In Mr Coldiron who
le a preacher has been employed and I
will begin teaching Monday We beI
hove we arc going to have a good
school after all
Miss Edith Cress of Livingston and
Mrs E J Brown and family of Star
ford visited at J M Cress nnd were
also guests of Misses Fannie and Ella
Thompson Misses Olga and Ida Cum
mins nave as their guest Miss Laura
Cummins of Kansas City Kan Hobart
Cress of Monticello visited his uncle
J M Cress W C Cummins nnd wife
visited at Cedar Creek
J H Thompson bought a nice four
yearold gelding from H Osborne at
n fancy price Foley Elmore Holtz
claw bought two carloads of sheep in
the mountains Perry Ballard and J
H Thompson bought 100 sheep in Pu
IBSki at 3 J D Horton sold two cribs
of corn to B D Holtzclaw at 295 J
I H Thompson sold a horse to Richard
I Pettus Jr for 100 and Bold to anoth
er party two sows nnd pigs for 15 J
M Cress bought a good pair of mules
in Rockcnstlo for 230
Dripping Springs
We have a large crowti at Dripping
Springs for nil of July and engagements
made for August and September Peo
ple made well in former times return
to natures blessed restorer of health
the dripping sparkling dashing splash
Ing spring and drink that they may
keep well and live to extreme old age
by sojournl ng here from two to four
weeks every summer No better place
to meet old friends talk over the joys
and successes of the past and make
glowing anticipations of the future
Friends countrymen invalids come
here and drink the cool palatable wa
ter that flows from the mountaifl side
Get and keep health and thereby have
continuous wealth The air is balmy
full of sunshine nnd shade in the right
place at the right time to bo most en
joyable My heavens tho water tastes
so good so purifying to liver kidneys
stomach alimentary canal nervous sys
tem und blood How can you stay away
any longer The table Is loaded with
the best eatables superintended by
Mrs Fisher who excels Seelbnchln the
culinary department The best place
to rest the most quiet and best place
to get well Tho birds sing beautifully
and harmoniously the mountain flowers
a variegated panorama that gives rest
and pleasure to cars and eyes tho
mountain scenery the broad and fertile
valley the giant oaks symetrical and
picturesque sugar trees all say woN
come welcome welcome I Tho charges
arc low and reasonable Mr Fisherhas
a livery accommodation He looks well
feels well but never fat or fatly wellI
When you want a pleasant laxative
that Is easy to takE and certain to act
Chamberlains Stomach and LITer
tablets For sale by Lyno Bros
I CrabOrchardKy Ii
I IooCome
Come to DR W N CRAIGk
Before Aug 7th and have your
Eyes Tested free of Charge
IWill guarantee to fit your eyes correctly with first quality periscopio con 1
I vex or concave spherical Lens Absolutely white crystal In straight tern
pie Aluminoid frame with case for SI Offer good till Aug 7th This
is a noncorosive frame as durable ni gold and well worth twice tho price
My patients have the privilege of coming back at any time and having tho
TEST VERIFIED and that you know is what makes a guarantee worth
The White LilyWasher is something
new Try one and you will wel
come wash days Sold on
trial Try one
To popularize their new business in new buildings with New Stocks and
New Lines being added
I G Weatherford Co
Ask you to call and you will bg convinced that they can
I leather your iiestum
ec Hot Weather c 1
Now is the time that every
thing needs water 1 can put
you in a pump that will pump
from the bottom of the earth
with more ease than any pump
made Tin roofing will last
longer than any roof and costs
very little more See me about
any kind of metal Work
< Phone 118 Depot St Stanford Ky